ANTH 2237: Quiz #9

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All of the following are TRUE of epilepsy in Hmong culture EXCEPT: A) Its Hmong name, qaug dab peg, can be translated into English as 'the spirit catches you and you fall down'. B) The Hmong believe that epilepsy is caused by eating too much under-cooked pork. C) Hmong epileptics often become shamans, i.e., healers. D) Epilepsy is considered by the Hmong to be a condition that is rather prestigious, and a person exhibiting signs of epilepsy is a person of consequence. E) The Lees, parents of Lia Lee, reflected Hmong attitudes toward epilepsy in their mixture of concern and pride toward Lia's seizures.


All of the following are true of Hmong history as outlined in Fadiman Chapter 2 EXCEPT: A) Around AD 400, the Hmong managed to establish an independent kingdom in the Honan, Hupeh, and Hunan provinces of China. B) The Hmong had a 'colonial' period in the 16th and 17th centuries, in which they attempted to colonize Chinese populations and force them to assimilate to Hmong culture. C) Hmong who submitted to Chinese attempts at pacification were called the 'Cooked Miao,' while those who refused were called the 'Raw Miao'. E) The history of the Hmong shows that they don't like to take orders and that they are rarely persuaded that the customs of other cultures, even those more powerful than their own, are superior. E) The Hmong have traditionally practiced polygamy.


The Hmong notion that "the world is full of things that may not seem to be connected but actually are; that no event occurs in isolation; that you can miss a lot by sticking to the point" is best illustrated by the Hmong story about: A) The two orphans B) Doctors eating brains C) Fish soup D) Feces being excreted E) The Madman's War


What is the name of the class of Hmong spirits that often cause illness, can cause sterility, and can 'catch' a person, causing him or her soul loss? A) Nats B) Ancestor ghosts C) Txiv neeb D) Raw Miao E) Dab


Which of the following is TRUE of traditional Hmong attitudes toward illness and the body, according to Fadiman? A) Hmong have a holistic view of mind/body/soul, i.e., a stomachache can indicate that the entire universe is out of balance. B) Hmong in refugee camps such as Ban Vinai had were greatly pleased to encounter Western medicine and doctors, feeling that for the first time they had access to 'real' health care and healing. C) Hmong believe that the body and soul(s) are separate and unconnected. D) Traditionally, the Hmong had no medical healers in their primitive, non-scientific culture. E) The Hmong traditionally relied on Chinese doctors and medicines to treat illnesses.

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