anth exam2

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23. Which of the following is NOT associated with H. erectus?

A. cave painting

33. In 1987, a group of molecular geneticists at the University of California at Berkeley offered support for the idea that modern humans (AMHs) arose fairly recently in Africa, then spread out and colonized the world. The geneticists analyzed genetic markers in placentas donated by 147 women whose ancestors came from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, New Guinea, and Australia. By estimating the number of mutations that had taken place in the mithochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of each of these samples, the researchers concluded that

A. everyone alive today has mtDNA that descends from a woman (dubbed Eve) who lived in sub-Saharan Africa around 200,000 years ago and that her descendants left Africa no more than 135,000 years ago.

42. The Clovis tradition—a sophisticated stone technology based on a sharp point that was fastened to the end of a hunting spear—flourished

A. in the central plains, on their western margins, and in what is now the eastern United States between 12,000 and 11,000 B.P.

47. In South Africa's Blombos Cave, a 100,000-year-old paint factory was recently discovered. This find indicates that

A. modern behavior is much older than anthropologists used to believe. B. artistic behaviors developed before anatomically modern bodies. C. humans made red paint for functional but not symbolic reasons. D. Neandertals created art and had symbolic thought. E. Neandertals used paint in different ways than anatomically modern humans.

13. As this chapter makes clear, there are many issues within hominin evolution that remain open to debate. One of them regards the Kenyanthropus fossil found by Maeve Leakey, who argues that at least two hominin lineages existed as far back as 3.5 million years (the other being A. afarensis). Taxonomic "splitters" tend to agree with her interpretation, while taxonomic "lumpers" disagree. These two interpretations highlight

A. the distinction between those who stress diversity and divergence, and those who focus on similarities across fossil finds.

35. What does the advent of behavioral modernity refer to?

A. when early anatomically modern humans became fully human in behavior (relying on symbolic thought and elaborating cultural creativity) as well as in anatomy

Australopithecus had at least seven species,

B. A. anamensis, A. afarensis, A. africanus, A. garhi, A. robustus, A. boisei, and A. sediba.

21. Which of the following statements describes a key difference between Oldowan and Acheulean tools?

B. Acheulean tools, such as the hand ax, represent a predetermined shape based on a template in the mind of the toolmaker, suggesting a cognitive leap between earlier hominins and H. erectus.

36. Anthropologists have recently recalibrated the radiocarbon dating of Neandertals and AMHs in Europe. What did they find?

B. Modern humans may have been in Europe longer than previously thought—perhaps for 50,000 years—and their time of overlap with the Neandertals was less than previously thought, perhaps no more than 2,000 years in western Europe.

46. Which of the following is true about the peopling of the Pacific?

B. Navigation skills played an important role in the peopling of the Pacific.

44. Which of the following aided the rapid expansion of human populations throughout North America?

B. abundant big-game animals

18. What is the term for the bony protuberance found on top of the skulls of robust australopithecines?

B. sagittal crest

28. Archaic H. sapiens (300,000? to 28,000 B.P.) encompass the earliest members of our species, along with

B. the Neandertals of Europe and the Middle East and their Neandertal-like contemporaries in Africa and Asia.

14. Although we now know that the various species of Australopithecus discussed in this chapter do not form a distinct subfamily within the order Primates,

B. the designation australopithecine has stuck in describing them.

25. What is the most likely explanation of why early Homo left Africa and spread into Eurasia?

B. the pursuit of meat

30. Which of the following cold-weather adaptations predates the appearance of Neandertals?

B. the use of fire

12. All of the following are true about the recent discovery of the world's oldest child, dubbed Lucy's baby, EXCEPT that

D. the fossil suggests that the child died because her brain, which appears to have been larger than an average chimp brain at that age, was too large for her slowly developing skull.

22. Which of the following is a difference between Homo erectus and the australopithecines?

C. Homo erectus's cranial capacity was much larger.

39. What species is associated with the broad-spectrum revolution?

C. anatomically modern humans

27. European fossils and tools have contributed disproportionately to our knowledge and interpretation of early (archaic) H. sapiens. What explains this?

C. the long history of Paleolithic archaeology in Europe relative to other regions in the world

43. Recent research has pushed back the probable date of the first arrival of anatomically modern humans to the Americas to

D. 18,000 years ago.

24. H. erectus is generally associated with which of the following technologies?

D. Acheulean

26. Which of the following sites is NOT included in the probable range of H. erectus?

D. Alaska

16 What was the major hominin group that lived from about 4 to 1 m.y.a.?

D. Australopithecus

19. Which of the following is NOT considered a direct ancestor of anatomically modern humans?

D. Australopithecus boisei

40. Why was the broad-spectrum revolution a significant event in human evolution?

D. It provided new environmental circumstances that made important sociocultural adaptations like the development of plant cultivation more likely.

29. What archaic H. sapiens group has a pronounced brow ridge, stocky build, and massive nasal cavities, characteristics that were adaptations to cold weather?

D. Neandertals

What is so significant about the recent fossil finds of an H. erectus and an H. habilis from Ileret, Kenya, east of Lake Turkana?

D. They negate the conventional view held since 1960 that habilis and erectus evolved one after the other. Instead, they lived side by side in eastern Africa for perhaps half a million years.

31. Which of the following traits does NOT characterize a Neandertal skull?

D. huge molars

10. Based on scientific theories of evolution, humans are not descended from gorillas or chimps. Rather,

D. humans and African apes share a common ancestor.

38. Although the debate on the origin of behavioral modernity continues, archaeological work in many world areas

D. suggests strongly that neither anatomical modernity nor behavioral modernity was a European invention.

37. There is much debate among scientists about when, where, and how anatomically modern humans achieved behavioral modernity. Some researchers suggest that about 50,000 years ago a genetic mutation acted to rewire the human brain, allowing for an advance in language and other related modern behaviors. Others propose

D. that instead of a sudden event in Europe due to a mutation, behavioral modernity resulted from a slow process of cultural accumulation within Africa, where Homo sapiens became fully human long before 40,000 years ago.

17. What is the most important difference between Australopithecus afarensis and the modern apes?

E. Australopithecus afarensis was bipedal.

45. All of the following are true about the peopling of the Americas EXCEPT that

E. The first migration of people into the Americas reached the continent's southwestern coasts from the Pacific islands.

11. Which of the following was a key obstacle that hominins' increase in brain size had to overcome?

E. larger skulls demanding larger birth canals, even though the requirements of upright bipedalism impose limits on the expansion of the human pelvic opening

32. Generations of scientists have debated whether the Neandertals were ancestral to modern Europeans. The current prevailing view, which denies the ancestry, proposes that

E. modern humans evolved in Africa and eventually colonized Europe, displacing the Neandertals there.

41. The Clovis tradition, a sophisticated stone technology based on a sharp point that was fastened to the end of a hunting spear, flourished (widely but briefly) in the central plains and in what is now the eastern United States. Until recently, the Clovis people were considered the first settlers of the Americas. Recent research now suggests, however, that

E. most likely the Americas was settled by several colonists who came at different times, perhaps by different routes, and had different physiques and genetic markers, which continue to be discovered and debated.

34. According to the mtDNA analyses, when did the first modern humans leave Africa?

E. no more than 135,000 years ago

What species coexisted with Homo erectus in Asia?


In terms of numbers and range, what is the most successful living hominoid species?

Homo sapiens

In primate evolution, in which of the following epochs did prosimians dominate?

Oligocene (34-23 m.y.a.

Which of the following is NOT an adaptive trend in anthropoids?

decreased sociality

Which of the following primates is arboreal, active during the day, and has a prehensile tail?

a New World monkey

Which of the following is NOT one of the general primate tendencies discussed in the textbook?

aquatic lifestyle

Which of the following are most closely related to chimpanzees?


Which of the following is shared by all anthropoids?

stereoscopic vision

Which of the following primate traits are believed to have been selected for life in trees?

stereoscopic vision and an opposable thumb

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