anth101 exam 4

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what general conclusion could we draw from Bruce Knauft's longitudinal research on Gebusi society?

culture is integrated, such that changes in one area of social life (adoption of monotheistic religion) can have effects in other areas as well (gender roles and senses of time)

what did margaret meads comparative research on 3 societies in Papua New Guinea demonstrate about gender?

gender differences vary across societies and therefore are not innate

the film clip about Muxe, and third gender group in southern mexico, illustrated that:

muxe do not consider themselves to be either men or women

The photo shown here illustrates Loftsdottir's argument "Invisible Color" that developmental programs enact and perpetuate certain racialized identities. Loftsdottir calls this:

structural racism

***what is cyclical time?

- a sense of time in which the past serves as a prophecy for the future - a sense of time in which the past is seen as infinitely repeatable

in the US, men are often assumed to be better drivers than women. Believing this assumption to be true, the CEO of an automobile insurance company decides to charge men lower rates for car insurance than women. This is an example of a gender stereotype leading to gender stratification

1. gender stereotype 2. gender stratification

according to Lang's research on gender and sexuality among native american societies (lesbians, men-women, and 2-spirits), which of the following statements is true?

2-spirit people often have special work roles and ritual roles in native american societies

which statement best illustrates the problem of over-innovation in development?

a development project encourages people to adopt a new technology that will change their lifestyles dramatically without considering simpler, lower cost solutions.

during his last visit to papua new guinea in 2013, knauft found that gebusi people exhibited better nutrition, better health, higher fertility and longer lifespans than they did previously. which of the following factors had contributed to their improved health and well being?

a return to foraging and horticulture, with expanded reliance on highly nutritious sweet potatoes.

as described in "An anthropologist in silicon valley", blomberg's ethnographic studies of organizational culture were commissioned by her employers in order to advance the employers' objectives. her work is an example of:

applied anthropology

in The Gebusi, Knauft describes the work of several anthropologists who were hired by a corporation (ExxonMobile) to map the territories of indigenous peoples in Papua New Guinea in preparation for the construction of a natural gas pipeline through the region. this is an example of:

applied anthropology

what ethical concern does Wood (Anthropology Inc.) discuss regarding the use of ethnographic methods in business and marketing?

businesses do not have to seek approval from institutional review boards, so there is no system in place for protecting their research subjects from potential risks or harms

which of the following statements is true regarding the concepts of disease and illness, as defined by medical anthropologists?

disease is a physiological condition that affects a body's regular functioning.

as discussed in the content modules, Wuqu' Kawoq/Maya health alliance brings together US and maya anthropologists, physicians, and midwives to plan and carry out research projects and implement healthcare programs to serve communities in highland Guatemala. this is an example of:

engaged anthropology

a student contracts a common cold and goes to the doctor. the doctor tells her she has a virus that is causing the runny nose and sore throat she is experiencing. the student tells a friend that she is sick because she forgot to wear her winter coat and scarf when she walked to the grocery store. this illustrates that the doctor and the student have different___

explanatory models of illness

how might paul farmer (On suffering and structural violence) evaluate the short term medical mission trip to Haiti that was documented in the film clip that was shown in the content modules?

he might criticize medical missions for failing to address the material and economic inequalities that made Haitian people more vulnerable to suffering than other populations

Bruce Knauft explains that Gebusi men clear land for their gardens each year by cutting down the trees over top of the crops they have planted. After a single growing season, they move to a new plot. They return to an old plot only after many years, when the land has grown over with grasses and trees. this is an example of:


As described in the content modules, what did Robbie Davis-Floyd's anthropological research on childbirth in the US hospitals reveal about western biomedicine?

in can involve the use of magical rituals and rites of passage

we discussed James Ferguson's anthropological research rural development projects in Lesotho. he found that developmental agents portrayed Lesotho as isolated from international markets and "untouched" by modern development. what term did he use to describe this view of Lesotho?

isolation myth

which of the following statements is true regarding the gender dynamic that knauft observed among the Gebusi when he returned to Papua New Guinea in 1998?

knauft was able to spend more time with Gebusi women than before because they were working in the market at Nomad Station

after documenting more than 3 decades of cultural change among the gebusi, what does Knauft conclude about violence and human societies?

levels and types of violence are strongly shaped by social and cultural influences over time

when Bruce Knauft conducted fieldwork among the Gebusi from 1980-1982, Gebusi sexuality was characterized by:

male-male sexual practices associated with rituals, including spirit seances.

which of the following changes occurred in Gebusi society between Knauft's first visit (1980-1982) and his second visit (1998)?

many gebusi people had moved away from Yibihilu to be closer to Nomad Station, a government outpost

according to Bruce Knauft's account, which of the following statements accurately describes what happened after Dugawe's death in Yibihilu in the early 1980s?

men from the village led a sorcery investigation to find out who had driven Dugawe crazy or killed him

deborah tannen's study of communication styles among men and women in the US showed that men tend to privilege the collection and presentation of information when they talk with one another. what term does Tannen use for this style of communication?

report talk

which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between gender and sex?

sex differences matter in the cultural construction of gender, but they matter in different ways in different societies

During Bruce Knauft's fieldwork from 1980-1982, Gebusi people expressed a preference for what kind of marriage?


prof thomas takes a successful development priject from Kenya and tries to implement it in guatemala w out making any changes, even though the economic and cultural conditions in kenya and guatemala are different. The project is most likely to fail because of what problem?

socioeconomic disconnect

in the content modules we discussed the role of Kallawaya healers in bolivia. one of the illnesses they treat is susto, a culture bound syndrome that is common throughout latin america and is caused by shock or trauma. kallawaya healers may use rituals involving animal sacrifice to call the spirit of the patient back into their body, which is an example of the ______ therapeutic process


in The Gebusi, Bruce Knauft defines bogay sorcery as a type of magic in which a person ties up the feces of their victim, causing a long illness, and then burns the feces, causing the victim's death. This is an example of ____ magic, which relies on the use of ordinary objects for its success rather than working through a specific supernatural being.


the mixing of 2 previously discrete systems, especially the mixing of contemporary beliefs and practices with long standing ones, is called:


which of the following is an example of gender roles?

the assignment of women to childcare and food preparation and men to work outside the home

which of the following statements accurately describes the independence day celebration at Nomad Station that Knauft documented when he returned to Papua New Guinea in 1998?

the gebusi's traditional ways of life were celebrated, mocked, and treated as folklore

what is gender stratification?

the unequal distribution of resources, rights and responsibilities according to gender

as discussed in the content modules, how do the Kabre people of Northern Togo view gender?

they view young children as ambiguously gendered beings who must be taught how to be a man or woman.

David valentine's study of transgender individuals in the US revealed which of the following?

to understand the diverse experiences of gender variant people, it is important to take into account intersections with race, class, and sexuality.

which of the following statements about gender is true?

what men do is often valued more highly than what women do

in "downsizing masculinity", broughton and walton interviewed former employees of a refrigerator factoryy to understand the links between gender and____.


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