Anth101 Quiz 7-13 Finals StudyGuide

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11. Globalization has increased the flow of money, information, and goods. Barriers that inhibit the flow of people are more difficult to overcome. Which of the following is a primary barrier migrants need to overcome?

Border regulation and inspection

12. The Amchi are traditional healers discussed in the text. Their practices have roots in which religion?


14. From reading about childbirth throughout different cultures, what can we infer, based on the text?

Illness and pain are experienced differently by different cultures

7. The use of a voodoo doll would be characteristic of what?

Imitative magic Voodoo dolls are exemplary of imitative magic, in which a replica is used with the hope that actions performed on it will transfer to the real-life person or entity. To "activate" the doll, however, one should have a physical object once close to or belonging to that person, such as nail clippings or hair

2. Religious rituals such as bat mitzvahs or baptisms are used to celebrate a symbolic transition from one stage of life to the next. What do we call these types of ritual?

Rites of passage The characteristics of rites of passage are outlined on p. 579

8. Number our Days is the title given to Myerhoff's ethnography, both book and film. What can we take this to mean?

Old age can be viewed as a privilege Summarized by Dr. Myerhoff's comments at the end.

11. Following the section on religion and revolution in Mexico, how does this example counter the ideas of Karl Marx?

Religion was a source of empowerment for the poor The Catholic Church had been implicated in the Mexican independence movement and in the efforts of the Zapatistas. p. 601 - 602

5. How are shamans described in the text?

Religious practitioners with special abilities to connect humans with supernatural powers or beings See p. 587 for information about shamanism

16. As discussed in lecture, the population increase per year will drop precipitously in our lifetimes. Why will the population stop increasing year-to-year among poorer nations?

Resource scarcity Reference the graphs from the lecture and recall the discussion in class. The world can only support so-high a population density before resources are unavailable to support it.

13. In 1965, the United States passed legislation that changed immigration patterns thereafter. What policy did the United States adopt?

Restrictions on immigration based on quotas by nationality were lifted

1. According to lecture, which of these are among the universal aspects of humor?

Ridicule of the sacred, foreigners, sex, and harm Bonus from the lecture!

8. Income refers to a person's earnings, whereas wealth refers to the value of what the individual owns. Which measurement of money shows more disparity among people?


15. Under what general circumstances do humans evoke magic?

When faced with important but uncertain situations where the result is beyond their control The introduction writes that Malinowski observed this while performing his ethnographic studies.

3. The importance of puppetry in Balinese ritual is demonstrated how?

When, counter to tradition, a female apprentice of a master puppeteer is urged to continue his craft immediately after his death Recall the interview with the young woman learning to puppeteer.

16. Which is NOT an example of applied anthropology?

Which is NOT an example of applied anthropology?

14. Globalization has created unprecedented opportunities for the creation of wealth. Unfortunately, it has also produced...

Widespread poverty

12. What is one way globalization has affected gender roles in contemporary society?

Women are better able to transform the nature of their interaction between the local realm and the global environment Globalization and its effects on communication, migration, and the economy have by-and-large assisted gender parity and enfranchised women

20. What is another term for the "glass ceiling" phenomenon that affects single mothers around the planet, as discussed in class?

the feminization of poverty

4. When a person (or "neophyte") has moved beyond their former role but has not yet entered a new one, they are said to be in...

the liminal stage Slide 20, ppt 12a

3. In Asante Market Women, which is not a contributing factor to women's dominance in the marketplace?

Birth control

12. Visual anthropology seeks to provide visual documentation to aid in cultural understanding or story-telling. Her approach was greatly aided by use of film.

100,000 p. 662 - 663

4. One effect of globalization discussed in the article "When Brothers Share a Wife" is...

A changing economic environment which has diminished the incidence of Tibetan polyandry Changes in the economy make monogamy more feasible than in the past.

17. Which of the following is true?

A disease is a discrete, natural entity; illness is the individual's experience of being unwell

15. Anthropologenia is a small country that was formerly a colony of Great Britain. Many English people migrated there and settled, but they didn't drive out or kill off the local natives for the most part. Nowadays, the population is diverse and the culture takes from both native and English influences. With a postcolonial studies perspective, what type of society is this?

A mixed postcolony See the lecture slide on postcolonial studies for definitions of three types of postcolonial societies.

19. What item did director Jenny Cool use to remind her consultant of what the Antelope Valley was like when she had first moved there?

A postcard

13. How do anthropologists define caste?

A religious, cultural, and political system that serves to organize economic exploitation

4. According to David McCurdy, what is a "microculture"?

A small, discrete subset within a larger cultural group "Using Anthropology" describes the warehouse employee experience as a microculture within the company, meaning that it is subject to study by ethnography as any culture is.

11. Earlier in social science, poverty was viewed as a pathological aspect of society, as though it's a symptom of a dysfunctional culture. Now, so we may better understand its causes and address its implications, we examine poverty as . . .

A structural economic problem in stratified societies

17. Todd was chatting with Bri in the dugout and pointed out that a no-hitter was in progress. She then became nervous about the continued success of the pitcher, so she flipped her lucky ball cap backward. What is described here?

A taboo and a fetish See the subsections of the article-- ritual, taboo, and fetish. Todd breaks a taboo, and Bri fixates on her fetish to try to compensate for his mistake.

12. Which of these least meets the qualification for "symbol," as defined in the text?

A water fountain The text defines symbols broadly, as anything serving as a representation of something else. This doesn't require a religious connotation. Certainly a country's flag or the flashy name brand on a handbag are representative of something bigger. Any generic water fountain isn't particularly symbolic without any sort of context.

21. The author notes that Western women entering the workforce and the migrant women they employ share WHAT in common?


4. In the film, art is said to be an integral and ubiquitous part of the Balinese culture depicted. Which art form is not represented?

All of these are depicted in the film. The Balinese in the film translate poetry and theatrical performance from ancient texts. They keep a form of puppetry alive to tell stories, and music is common through all performances.

17. Today, most jobs in anthropology are in . . .

Applied anthropology

14. How do anthropologists define the term "refugee"?

As a peson who has been forced to move beyond their national borders due to natural disaster, persecution, or violence

9. Barbara Myerhoff studies old Jewish folks because she thinks . . .

Autoethnography, or the study of one's own people, has a special validity She enjoyed her work with the Huichol Indians, but notes that there's something to representing your own people.

16. In the movie Home Economics, the home lives of two different women are featured. One describes a fairly elaborate bartering / trading scheme she and her neighbors have developed. What is their trading pattern an example of? How can we predict their interpersonal relationships to be?

Balanced reciprocity / friendly The group practiced balanced reciprocity. When her cable went down, her neighbor fixed it. She baked or babysat in return for her neighbor's help. If the group were tighter, like a few close friends, it would probably follow general reciprocity, wherein tasks are not "paid' for in immediately returned favors.

6. Some members of the community are upset after the Sabbath because they think . . .

Certain members only attend to receive donations This is discussed in the scene directly after the service as the folks are leaving the community center.

10. The greater Los Angeles area has one of the largest populations of Armenians outside of the country itself. However, there aren't many Armenians spread out across the rest of the United States. What could account for their concentration in one area of the United States?

Chain migration

8. Rites of intensification can have a similar function as...

Communitas Review ppt 12a slide 21 and the textbook's definition of communitas

10. How is the anthropological approach to art unique? It considers . . .

Community and context p. 665

5. How did Weber's work extend beyond the ideas of Karl Marx? He supplemented Marx's work by . . .

Considering the role of power and prestige in the stratification of wealth

17. The four patterns of migration described in the article fit the criteria to be considered WHAT, as outlined in chapter seven?


15. What did applied archaeologists (garbologists) learn about in their research?

Drinking habits of suburbanites

19. The Virgin of Guadalupe is noted in this article to be important in many aspects of culture. In which aspect of culture is she least influential?

Education There are no mentions of her influence on education in the article.

2. In The Three Worlds of Bali, who guards religious traditions most closely?

Elder Priests There are many religious leaders with different degrees of authority, all of whom train for a long time to prepare for their positions. They translate holy texts, interpret the activities and dates of rituals, and were noted to have discouraged the government from changing the date of holidays for fear of angering demons and gods.

1. Due to the gender parity brought on by globalization, migration has increased among women leaving poor countries as they take on traditionally-male jobs.

Emile Durkheim For an overview of Durkheim's work as it pertains to religion, see p. 578

20. In the anthropological view, Western biomedicine draws heavily on . . .

Enlightenment values

14. Ethnographers try to understand which important aspects of an art market?

Ethnographers try to understand which important aspects of an art market? Ethnographers are concerned about the systems in place that affect the direct connections between people and art

18. One of the women in Home Economics says she is glad to live in the Antelope Valley, and the other said she would never do it again.


2. Which aspect of Asante culture is not emphasized in the ethnographic interviews with local women?


20. The academic pathway is still the most common and reliable trajectory for a career in anthropology.


22. Due to the gender parity brought on by globalization, migration has increased among women leaving poor countries as they take on traditionally-male jobs.


7. The United States is a rare example of a society with open access to upward social mobility for anyone who is hardworking, skilled, and talented.


5. Rites of inversion often upset established social strata or roles on an inadvertent but permanent basis.

False After a rite of inversion is practiced, everyone regresses to their normal state. Often, the rite functions to further enforce those normal roles.

10. The !Kung abandoned hunting and gathering for the most part and begin to practice agriculture.

False After they were no longer able to hunt/gather as they did in the past, they began to suffer from hunger, and rely on rationing. They do not seem to have agricultural practices.

3. Anthropologists are particularly interested in studying ritual because of how it distinguishes humans from other animals.

False In the lecture, we learned that many animals perform ritual. Human ritual is sometimes more elaborate, but plenty of vertebrates have ritual practices.

18. The author describes the three criteria frequently used to distinguish luck or superstition from true magic.

False Luck and superstition are phenomena falling under the category of magic.

3. As evidenced by the marriage customs in "When Brothers Share a Wife," economic considerations do not play a role in kinship structures.

False The division of scarce fertile land in the Tibetan highlands and the control of population are economic forces that promote a polyandrous lifestyle.

6. McCurdy tells us that Susan Stanton's technique/approach at UTC ultimately undermined her authority as manager.

False This is a suggestion that is later refuted. See p. 377.

9. Humans exhibit significant sexual dimorphism compared to other animals.

False p. 273. Sexual dimorphism, or the physical difference between the two sexes, is actually quite minimal in people. We think of the two sexes as rather different because of the way culture often causes even more divergence between us.

9. Anthropological research is often concerned with describing human universals - patterns of behavior that can be seen in similar forms across cultures. Anthropologists have found strong universal patterns in aesthetic value and art across cultures.

False p. 659; ideals about skill, beauty, creativity, etc, vary widely across cultures.

8. Chapter eight poses the question, are men and women born or made? With which statement would an anthropologist most likely agree?

Gender is a product of biology and enculturation This question is the focus of much of the chapter. While men and women sometimes diverge in roles due to biology (in maternity, for instance), it is apparent upon reading about the different cultures examined in the chapter that both biology and culture inform gender expression.

6. Why is gender an important topic for anthropologists?

Gender is constructed to be a central element in every aspect of human culture. Historically, gender was ignored in ethnographic or anthropological context. Now, an examination of what it is to be a man or a woman in a culture is a nearly ubiquitous consideration in the field.

17. Following the research by Alfred Kinsey cited in the text, we may understand that . . .

Gender stratification Note: Everyone received full credit for this bad question!

6. According to the work of Pierre Bourdieu, social reproduction is brought on by the _____ and results in a lack of _____.

Habitus, social mobility

20. Josephine, the migrant featured most prominently in the article, was motivated to move to Greece because . . .

Her divorce left her in poverty at home; she went abroad to send money home to her children

14. What is considered to be one of the greatest contributions of Margaret Mead's work with young women in American Samoa?

Her work challenged the assumption that U.S. attitudes toward sexuality reflected universal human traits Emphasizing that our personal ideals and norms are not universally employed, correct, or beneficial is a tenet of anthropological study.

16. For immigrants, gaining social capital in their new home is a struggle sometimes. Which of the following is NOT a form of social capital immigrants often seek?

Higher wages

11. Which two terms refer to similar ideas?

Hijra, two-spirit Hijra and two-spirit both refer to persons who are gender nonconforming or transgender. p. 287, Alternate sexes, alternate genders

18. Critical medical anthropology studies what?

How inequality impacts human health

9. The film documents about 27 years of recent !Kung history. How do hunting practices change over the course of the film?

Hunters use horses now, but are afraid of arrest As their territory has become controlled by the government, there are now regulations on hunting big game. While they can use horses to hunt a bit more efficiently, the !Kung talk about their confusion and fear surrounding the possibility of arrest for feeding themselves on their ancestral land.

12. In your textbook, Kenneth Guest describes three factors that promote the invisibility of wealth stratification. These are...

In your textbook, Kenneth Guest describes three factors that promote the invisibility of wealth stratification. These are...

4. Which is an implication of the matrilineal kinship structure depicted in the movie Asante Market Women?

Inheritance is directed to a man's sister; thus, women work to support themselves

10. Around 1.7% of individuals are not identifiable as solely male or female based on sex characteristics or sex chromosomes at birth. How do we refer to this group of people?

Intersex p. 286 Intersex individuals do not display solely male or female sexual characteristics (genitalia, gonads, etc) at birth due to sex chromosome anomalies or other developmental issues in utero. Because these abnormalities are often minor and often concealed, we do not realize immediately that more than two sexes exist from a biological perspective.

15. According to the text, which of the following is a key reason that immigration continues to be a controversial issue in the United States?

It is commonly perceived that the diversity of the current generation of migrants raises cultural challenges.

15. Why do anthropologists consider sexuality an important topic in their field?

It provides a better understanding of the diverse expressions of sexuality worldwide Understanding the ways norms change across cultures and combating cultural relativism are important facets of anthropology.

6. Why are social scientists and anthropologists ultimately unconcerned with the truth or falsity of any given religion?

It's more important to understand the ways religion is real, meaningful, and powerful to those who believe. p. 573

9. Which factor(s) have contributed most to wealth disparity in the United States?

Jim Crowe laws, colonialism

12. The film shows a variety of European / !Kung interactions. What part of !Kung culture seems least changed by contact?


7. The most common theme among the elderly community studied by Myerhoff is...

Loneliness The folks grapple with missing their spouses and the fear that making new friends will result in loss, too.

10. "Cake! I don't buy myself a piece of cake! I don't buy it...!" - What does Mike mean by this?

Love is not a commodity; to love someone is a gift. To think of marrying another woman just so he can be taken care of bothers the gentleman. Cake, like love, is a gift, in a way.

9. Max Weber and Clifford Geertz would describe religion as . . .

Max Weber and Clifford Geertz would describe religion as . . . p. 594; Geertz elaborates on Weber's ideas to describe religion as a system of beliefs surrounding a set of powerful symbols

12. How do anthropologists conceptualize migration as a gendered phenomenon?

Migration by women has forced kin to adjust to shifting gender roles and family structures

10. The textbook notes that globalization has shaped religion. What specific forces does it implicate?

Migration, time-space compression p.607

4. Karl Marx studied . . .

Mounting inequality in emergent capitalist economies Writing in the nineteenth century after the onset of capitalism throughout the Western world, Marx described the proletariat, bourgeoisie and how the separation from the means of production contributes to the perpetuation of stratification.

5. What happened when the government tried to change the timing of Eka Dasa Rudra?

Mt. Agung erupted and killed a lot of people

13. What is one consequence of the health transition?

Overall human life expectancy has doubled in the last century

5. The group of men interviewed in Asante Market Women seems to agree that . . .

Polygamy is an important tradition to preserve in Asante culture

10. How can we generalize the difference between white poverty and poverty experienced by people of color?

Poverty changes in rural versus urban environments

15. Which two concepts share similar characteristics from a functional perspective?

Proletariat, dalits (untouchables)

3. Which of the following is NOT a common aspect of local expressions of religion?

Proselytism and the conversion of nonbelievers into the faith Outreach toward nonbelievers in order to convert them is characteristic of only a few religions, and even then is not always seen at the local level.

16. A primary goal of this article is to...

Provide a relatable example as evidence for Malinowski's hypothesis George Gmelch notes throughout that his characterization of baseball magic fits with Malinowski's ideas about the circumstances under which humans evoke magic.

3. In what type of society do we see the stratification of wealth but not the stratification of prestige and status?

Ranked p. 391: This question was regraded to give everyone credit due to an error in phrasing!

18. Urban anthropology is an increasingly useful area of study because . . .

Relatively more people live in cities every year

1. Which aspect of Asante culture is not emphasized in the ethnographic interviews with local women?


19. In George Gmelch's article "Baseball Magic", Gmelch relates the story of a player who went to the nearest restaurant and had a meal of iced tea and a tuna fish sandwich before every game. This is an example of:


5. How do we differentiate sex and gender?

Sex refers to observable physical differences between males and females; gender refers to expectations of thought and behavior that culture assigns to the sexes p. 273. Sex refers to male/female/intersex primarily and has to do with physical characteristics, like genitalia, and the type of sex chromosomes (XX/XY/other) a person has. Gender is about the expectations placed upon a person by their culture due to their assigned sex.

19. Some governments attempt to criminalize sex work through legal and social sanctions. What is the functional effect of this?

Sex workers must conduct their business covertly, putting them at a higher risk for violence p. 338, p. 342 for a perspective on sex work and politics

16. Following the research by Alfred Kinsey cited in the text, we may understand that...

Sexual behavior is best understood as a continuum

3. According to McCurdy, the manager at UTC, Susan Stanton, is successful in her new role in part because...

She adopts an ethnographic strategy The purpose of the article, in part, is to show the usefulness of applied anthropology; she applies principles of anthropology to her workspace (ethnography).

8. The film shows some of the !Kung attending a Christian service. Afterwards, the ethnographers interview the pastor and N!ai separately. What does N!ai think of the sermon?

She thinks the story told is fictional and absurd because it would be unrealistic in her culture. N!ai jokes afterward that it would be silly for a woman to run off alone with a strange man claiming to be the son of a god. She doesn't seem to take the sermon very seriously at all.

17. The two women featured in Home Economics share stories and opinions that show the symbolism tied up in their houses. For the fidgety woman, whose brunette daughter is interviewed in the back yard, what is her house a symbol of?

Status and hard work Noting that their home is more like "a fifth home down the line," the woman describes how the purchase made her feel like she'd accomplished something in life. She views the house as a reflection of her wealth and hard work.

7. Following the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York City, attempts to use art to facilitate cultural understanding were undertaken. Anthropologist Jessica Winegar found that . . .

The art reinforced stereotypes and existing dichotomies p. 680

18. What is causing an increase in migrant women moving into wealthy countries?

The care deficit; women of wealthy nations work and need childcare, and women of impoverished nations desire to flee

6. Bri's cat licks her paw four times before wiping her face clean, every time. Todd's dog dances in two circles before ducking his head into his harness when he wants to go on a walk. Is there a difference between ritual and routine?

The cat performs a routine, the dog performs a ritual Think back to the lecture. My cat performs a routine when she washes her face. The outcome (a clean face) will always be certain, and her task is pretty unimportant (she can do this anytime she's not busy walking across my keyboard). The dog does a little dance to signal that he is excited for the chance to go walking. It is this signal effect of the routine that transforms it into ritual.

1. According to lecture, Frazer's Law of Sympathetic Magic describes . . .

The combination of imitative and contagious magic.

15. Ethnomedicine refers to . . .

The comparative study of local systems of health and healing

16. The microbiome is . . .

The complete collection of microorganisms in a bodily system

13. How is sexuality understood by anthropologists? It refers to...

The desires, beliefs, and behaviors related to erotic physical contact and cultural ideas surrounding these desires, beliefs, and behaviors p. 314 for the definition of sexuality

14. Which of the following factors is named as a reason for a resurgence of religious practices in China since the 1900s?

The government no longer condemns religion Chinese government had attempted to eradicate religion until then, p. 597

1. Melvyn Goldstein's article "When Brothers Share a Wife" shows that...

Tibetan polyandry has many functional purposes From land inheritance to raising children in an agricultural society that requires men travel frequently, many reasons are given to explain the adaptive reasons many Tibetans practice polyandry.

7. What has challenged nationalist movements in newly-formed nation-states or in regions rebuilding post-colonialism?

The presence of different ethnicities

19. What is meant by a "health transition"?

The significant, but uneven, improvements in human health made over the course of the twentieth century

20. What is one result of anti-gay rhetoric found in many countries, including the United States?

The unification of many religious groups p. 322 for information on alternative sexuality

17. Which is NOT associated with the Virgin of Guadalupe?

The war fought in her name The article describes the miracle attributed to her as it is wrapped up in a sort of Mexican origin myth, which resulted in her sanctification. She's associated with the native religion, as she's sometimes seen as similar or the same as Tonantzin. Because of the lore around her, she is an important symbol of Mexican identity to many people there. There was no war fought in her name.

8. What is the difference between modern art and primitive art, according to anthropologists?

There is no qualitative difference What is Art?; p. 660 - 661

20. Why do players evoke magic practices while hitting or pitching but not while fielding?

There is not a strong element of chance in fielding Fielding is not subject to magic often because it does not meet Malinowski's criteria. Fielding is noted in the article to have high success rates, be correlated to skill level, and thus not be left up to chance. Magic is not generally evoked when outcomes are fairly certain.

13. In the book Genealogies of Religion, by Talal Asad, Geertz and Weber are criticized. Why?

They didn't properly account for the role of authorizing processes in religion. p. 595 - 596. He argues it's important to understand how symbols come to have power and meaning.

1. The explicit purpose of the Balinese rituals depicted is . . .

To appease the gods and demons and gain their favor Most of their rituals revolve around communication with spiritual beings.

8. In the section on sports and national identity in Argentina, football (soccer) is discussed for what purpose?

To emphasize its profound impact on identity formation in a country of immigrants

4. Humans develop communitas to what aim?

To establish a sense of camaraderie to actualize a shared social vision See p. 580

18. What is the primary purpose of this article?

To examine the functional aspects of the Guadalupe symbol If it wasn't obvious from reading the article, the author states his purpose explicitly at the top of p. 36

11. What is the main focus of the film N!ai: The Story of a !Kung Woman?

To examine the recent history of the !Kung through the life experience of N!ai The film documents the changes that occur after contact with the !Kung by extensively interviewing and documenting the life of N!ai, who was a child when filming began. Her experiences provide a personal perspective on the sweeping changes that have occurred in their society.

13. What is the purpose of rara festivals in Haiti?

To facilitate protests about social inequality and political repression (and have fun!) p.673-674

6. When describing the characteristics of a nation, political scientist Benedict Anderson used the term "imagined community" for what purpose?

To highlight the fictive nature of the community; most people haven't met and never will

19. One of the foremost goals of applied anthropology today is . . .

To implement community-directed change

18. Pornography is frequently censored and subject to legal controls. These attacks generally result in an increase in its dissemination and consumption. Why, according to the text, do governments attempt to stop pornography?

To regulate discourse around sexuality Cross-culturally, many attempts to control the expression of or the discourse around sexuality are found. These include laws surrounding who may marry whom, what constitutes "prurient" content, what expressions of sexuality are acceptable socially (public displays of affection, pornography, etc).

19. Josephine sends money, letters, etc back home frequently, but she almost never visits. With that emphasis, which type of immigrant is Josephine most identifiable as?

Transnational immigrant

1. What was identified as the root problem in the workflow at UTC?

Treatment of warehouse workers and morale It is not that workers were inherently lazy or unskilled, but that management techniques hadn't yet properly guided them or taken them very seriously.

11. The World Health Organization proposes that health does not merely include the absence of disease and infirmity, but also encompasses complete physical, mental, and social well-being.


9. Nation and nation-state, once defined separately, are mostly used synonymously and interchangeably now.


14. 1/5 of the human population holds 2/3 of the wealth. This difference is a recent occurrence in terms of human history and the problem is worsening.

True See the lecture slides preceding the discussion of colonialism for a perspective on population growth and the differences in quality of life that have emerged over the last 1,000 years.

5. What is one microculture described in the article "Using Anthropology"?

UTC head managers The article describes the warehouse employee experience as a microculture within the company, meaning that it is subject to study by ethnography as any culture is.

2. What is the purpose of McCurdy's article, "Using Anthropology"?

Use of a case study to show the benefits of applied anthropology The article relies on the details of a case study to demonstrate the point.

7. Which of the following is true of gender roles and gender performance?

Viewing gender as performance enables us to broaden our thinking beyond dichotomies and universal categories of "man" and "woman" p. 282, The Performance of Gender. It is preferable usually to examine gender performance instead of just gender roles. Gender performance implies the individual has some agency over their gender, whereas gender roles ascribe the same characteristics dichotomously to the two genders in a seemingly oppositional, universal way.

11. The film "Number our Days", by Barbara Myerhoff, is an ethnographic movie. It is a great example of . . .

Visual anthropology Visual anthropology seeks to provide visual documentation to aid in cultural understanding or story-telling. Her approach was greatly aided by use of film.

13. What is different about French colonialism when compared to English colonialism? French colonialism . . .

Was not motivated as much by business interests

2. Do all individuals or cultures practice magic?

Yes; magic is a human universal, but its expressed in different ways Maybe; cultural anthropologists have yet to determine this conclusively.

2. Social scientists often discount a people's interpretation of their own customs. Here, Melvyn Goldstein notes that Tibetans...

are largely aware of the role polyandry plays in their society The interviews from subjects as well as the concluding paragraph show the Tibetans are keen to the benefits of polyandry in their society.

20. The Virgin of Guadalupe, her maternal associations, and the social systems in place highlight the importance of the _____ in shaping Mexican identity.

colonial legacy The bottom of p. 37 explains this best

2. In part, the advent of _________ brought on the dissolution of __________ .

intensive cultivation, egalitarianism In egalitarian societies, wealth does not accumulate from generation to generation, due in part to a nomadic lifestyle and the inability to store food for further use. Everyone feasts, or everyone starves, because everyone is equally dependent on the local environment and has equal access to resources. As the level of (and reliance upon) cultivation intensifies, differences in wealth and status emerge.

7. Following Malinowski, Dr. White argues that magic and ritual exist on which three realms simultaneously?

scientific; personal; social

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