Anthro Test 2

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The most important goal of the Congolese sapeur is to

Accumulation prestige

People participate in globalization by

All of the above (consuming coca cola, watching tv, migrating to distant cities for work)

Socioecological pressures are forces that modify primate behaviors and can include all of the following except


Which of the following best describes the methodology of multi-sited ethnography?


are people who are expelled by the authorities of their home countries


The argument that modern H. sapiens appeared as a new species in Africa about 200,000 years ago is called the

Recent African Origin model

Among the Bonobo chimpanzees, social conflict is often resolved through sexual activity. This is a form of


Development anthropologists often think of themselves as

advocates of poor and marginalized people

Which of the following are areas of social activity that globalization affects?

all of the above

A synonym for hybridization is

all of the above syncretism friction creolization

Social behavior patterns observed in one species that look like behavior patterns in another, but which do not arise from a shared ancestry, are known as

analogous behaviors

World systems theory helped anthropologists

better explain uneven development through time and space, local social relations, & better explain the historical emergence of development patterns throughout the world

Financial globalization has allowed for

corporations to move factories from one country to another

An example of how modern humans differ from primates is

cultural variations in mating patterns

Franz Boas and his students were __________, emphasizing that cultural characteristics result from a spread of cultural attributes from one society to another


One striking difference between the social behavior found in common chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes,and in bonobo chimpanzees, Pan paniscus, is that of

dominance relationships

Anthropologists are generally ignored by "development" experts at institutions like the World Bank.


Globalization is exciting to anthropologists right now because they have never studied interconnectivity before


People in the periphery responded passively to capitalist expansion.


When people consume the same clothes, food, and goods they eventually think and behave the same.


The process through which bone and teeth slowly turn into stone is called


Which of the following is not one of the key benefits of full-time bipedalism?

gives humans a choice to climb or walk

According to anthropologists, __________ is the contemporary widening of scale of cross-culturalinteractions owing to the rapid movement of money, people, goods, images, and ideas


Tool making was an important part of early human cultural development. The gradual improvements led eventually to forms of

highly refined blade tools made from the chips of the material used

Eric Wolf encouraged anthropologists to consider what in their field studies?


Cultural __________ occurs when influential nations of the West impose their products and beliefs onless powerful nations.


The major goal of "development" is

importing health, expanding capitalist markets, alleviating poverty.

Which of the following is not true about hybridization theories?

it explains why conflict is in the world

The research that anthropologist Richard Rouse has done on the effects of migration on the Mexicanvillage of Aguililla is interesting because

it highlights how Aguilillans are part of a transnational community

A world systems theory is important for all of the following reasons except

it lends itself readily to ethnographic methodology

The creation and assertion of highly particular, often place-based, identities and communities is knownas __________.


The recent rise of autonomy movements among Hawaiian separatists and Basques in Europe areexamples of


in some species of primates, females and their relatives and young are socially organized around

matrifocal units

Rapid increases in the scale and amount of communication

mean that people in remote places can be in contact with people all over the world

For much of its early history, physical anthropology was associated with what methodology?

measurement and classification of skulls according to racialcharacteristics

People who leave their homes to work for a time in other regions or countries are called


The rough edge stone chopping tools made by early members of the genus Homo are called

oldowan tools

Molecular and morphological knowledge of living humans and apes supports the idea that humans aremore closely related to chimpanzees and gorillas than we are to


One important adaptation found in New World monkeys is the presence of

prehensile tail

A dominance hierarchy exists when members of the same group have

ranking relative to others that establishes access to resources

The presence of a raised area in the middle of the cranium found in H. erectus is known as a

saggital keel

Archaic humans can be distinguished both through morphological differences as well as

specialized tools

One compelling argument that favors the adaptation of bipedalism and the ability to run long distances is that early hominins, unlike many of the animals they sought as prey, had

the ability to sweat

Anthropologists often study primates to broaden understanding of

the evolution of social behavior in humans

A key difference between anthropologists of development and development anthropologists is

the first are analysts of development; the second seek ways to influence it from within

Biocultural evolution is the term used to describe how modern humans arrived on the scene, and itencompasses

the interaction of biology and culture over time

Ethnoprimatology is an emerging field that studies

the interface between human and ape communities

Cultural differences are often caused by

the isolation of communities

Promoters of globalization highlight which of the following?

the more open a country is to foreign trade, the better the economy will be

One of the persistent ideas that has captured the public imagination is that of the "missing link,"something paleoanthropologists recognize as impossible due to

the non-linear evolution processes that have led to our modern form

A key feature of financial globalization is

the reduction or elimination of tariffs to promote trade

The word primate comes from the Latin for "of the first rank" and was the word Linnaeus used in histaxonomic system because

the word Linnaeus used in his taxonomic system because he took for granted the idea that humans were closer to divine powers

A central feature of cultural convergence theories is that

they explain the apparent decline of cultural diversity

james Ferguson, who is an anthropologist of development, argues that development exists

to expand the power of the state

Often, anthropologists use the term "__________" rather than "globalization" to refer to the "global"circulation of goods and people


Localization is the flip side of globalization


The processes of capital accumulation and the expansion of European colonialism disrupted many societies.


The theory that as a result of global capitalist expansion, the world is divided between a dominant"core" and a dependent "periphery" is

world systems theory

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