Anthropology-Chapter 12/14

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The Ebola outbreak took place between 2013-2016, beginning in West Africa and crossing into neighboring areas, and around the world as health workers traveled.

2013-2016, West Africa

Identify each statement as a primary concern, or not, in the events that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017.

A Primary Concern Americans disagree about whether Confederate symbols should appear in public spaces. White nationalists are marching more often and asserting more presence in U.S. public life. Not a Primary Concern Race categories can be few in number and rigid, or they can be numerous and fluid. Beginning with the 2000 census, "Hispanic/Latino/Spanish" was separated from race in the U.S. Census.

The concept of language ideology refers to beliefs about language that often serve(s) to justify patterns of stratification and inequality. Language ideologies are powerful in their effects, though they may or may not be correct.

Beliefs Justify Correct

Identify each statement as true of Brazil, or Japan.

Brazil Health-care access is structured by social class, with two tiers of hospitals. The technocratic model of childbirth is dominant. Japan The humanistic approach to childbirth is dominant. A uniform stipend for pregnant women makes social class less likely to affect care.

The effects of globalization can be felt not only in the largest cities but also in remote rural areas. Anthropologist Marc Edelman's Peasants Against Globalization (1999) examines the activism of the rural poor in Costa Rica during the 1980s and 1990s. Place the events of the Costa Rican crisis he describes and the response of the rural poor to change their situation in chronological order.

Costa Rica gained early independence from spain and built an economically strong and politically stable country. Costa rica got involved in the civil wars of various neighboring countries while a debt crisis.program The U.S. Sponsored food for peace program delivered huge quantities of subsidized food costa rica. Costa rican farmers could nt complete with subsidized food and went out of business, ending costa rican self-sufficiency. Costa rica farmers protested until the governent gave them low interst loans.

While the United States and Brazil are the largest multiracial countries in the Western Hemisphere, race has been treated differently in each country. Identify whether the following statements apply to Brazil or the United States.

Describes Race Relations in the United States has applied the rule of hypodescent uses only a few racial categories Describes Race Relations in Brazil uses hundreds of categories and terms for various races race intersects closely with class and racial categories can be shifted

multispecies ethnography

Ethnographic research designed to consider the interactions of all species living on the planet and see the world from a more than human perspective

Racism manifests itself in society in various ways. Identify each statement as an example of individual racism, or institutional racism.

Example of Individual Racism A white man shouts, "I hate blacks" and kills a black man. A white woman protects her wallet when a black man sits next to her. Example of Institutional Racism New York City public schools with mainly minority students receive less funding than suburban public schools with mainly white students. The Plessy v. Ferguson court case ruled that segregation was legal.

Because we share the capacity to learn language, the human species represents a speech community.


In her study of ad agencies, Shalini Shankar found that advertisers emphasize differences among the many different Asian groups in order to have more niche markets.


White supremacy refers to the belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races. Identify which of the following practices have been enforced legally in the United States.

Has Been Legally Enforced in the United States segregation counting a slave as a fraction of a person denial of interracial marriage Has Not Been Legally Enforced in the United States microaggressions

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about Brazilian maternal care.

In Brazil, the technocratic model of childbirth is dominant. Accordingly, most women give birth in hospitals, a shift from past decades. The global rate of cesarean section birth is approximately 20 percent, but in Brazil, it is 55 percent. In Brazil, C-section births are seen as a marker of higher class status.

Identify each question as one that would most likely be asked by a medical doctor, or a medical anthropologist.

Medical Doctor What are the long-term physical effects of repeated head injuries? Which factors predict Alzheimer's disease or dementia? Medical Anthropologist Why would the NFL obscure scientific data related to players' health? How do cultural preferences for certain sports impact players' well-being?


Originally viewed as a culturally distinct, multiband population that imagined itself as one people descended from a common ancestor; currently used to describe an indigenous group with its own set of loyalties and leaders living to some extent outside the control of a centralized authoritative state.

Ninety percent of how we communicate is through nonverbal actions and cues. Identify the parts of language that emojis try to replace when communicating digitally.

Parts of Language that Emojis Try to Replace paralanguage kinesics Parts of Language that Emojis Do Not Try to Replace spoken language digital language

Identify each political scenario as promoting neoliberal economics, or not.

Promotes Neoliberal Economics Developing countries should privatize water systems, utilities, and transportation. Private sector, nongovernmental groups should provide education and social services. Does Not Promote Neoliberal Economics States should not always follow the guidance of the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. Governments should protect the environment, even if it is not profitable for the state.

Identify possible reasons why it is difficult for people in the United States to acknowledge the continuing existence of racism.

Reason Why It Is Difficult People believe that mainstream U.S. society is a meritocracy. Color blindness is seen as a solution to racism in the United States. Not Reason why it is difficult There is no longer institutional racism in the United States. U.S. laws are enforced equally regardless of race.

Match each scenario about a pregnant woman with the country in which it would most likely occur.

She pays for access to a private hospital where she schedules a birth appointment for induced labor.Brazil Correct label:Brazil She anticipates pain in childbirth as a positive pathway to becoming a stronger and more empowered woman.Japan Correct label:Japan She gives birth in a hospital, with about a 30 percent likelihood of having a C-section.United States Correct label:United States

The "N-word" is a controversial word with a troubling history. Who would study the usage of the "N-word"?


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis says that different languages create different ways of thinking. Identify the examples that support the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

Support the inability of anthropologist Laura Bohannan to explain Hamlet's message in the Tiv language the combination of the past and present in the Hopi language Whales "sing," creating a vocalization that appears to have a unique tune for each pod of whales. Does not support Neandertals and early Homo species had neurological and anatomical features necessary for speech


The current historical era in which human activity is reshaping the planet in


The ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use or threat of force

built environments

The intentionally designed features of human settlement, including buildings, transportation, public service infrastructure, and public places

Environmental anthropology

The study of human relationships to the natural environment, including plant and animal life, natural resources, climate, ecology, and topography.

Anthropologists often use the term racisms in plural. What does this term refer to?

The variety of ways race has been constructed among people of different places


Tours of remote natural environments designed to support local communities and their conservation efforts


Urban renewal, often supported by government policies and incentives, effectively replacing low-income residents, often people of color, with wealthier new comers

Civil society organization

a local nongovernmental organization that challenges state policies and uneven development, and advocates for resources and opportunities for members of its local communities


a small kinship-based group of foragers who hunt and gather for a living over a particular territory


an autonomous regional structure of political, economic, and military rule with a central government authorized to make laws and use force to maintain order and defend its territory


autonomous political unit composed of a number of villages or communities under the permanent control of a paramount chief

Social Movement

collective group actions in response to uneven development, inequality, and injustice that seek to build institutional networks to transform cultural patterns and government policies

Settler Colonialism

displacement and pacification of indigenous people and expropriation of their lands and resources.

All humans are born with the capacity to learn language. There are nearly 7,000 languages in use in the world today. Each language influences the way its speakers think and interpret the world. In today's digital world, specialized vocabulary has emerged to describe and engage in digital communication, such as mouse, emoji, and tweet.

specialized vocabulary has emerged to describe and engage in digital communication, such as mouse, emoji, and tweet.


the contested social process through which a civil society organizes for the production of military violence

Framing process

the creation of shared meanings and definitions that motivate and justify collective action by social movements


the potential power of individuals and groups to contest cultural norms, values, mental maps of reality, symbols, institutions, and structures of power

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