Anthropology Final

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The "natural" order represented in social hierarchies of any society is supported by

social institutions

Breastfeeding was universal in the United States until baby formula was developed when?


A visual representation of family relationships is called a

A kinship chart

Fijian objects were seen by most collectors as evidence of a

A savage and bloodthirsty society

Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is called

Action anthropology

A key way that objects are used to manipulate people comes through which of the following?


A good example of the process of medicalization is found in the changing understanding of which of the following conditions as a "disease"?


The subfield of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures is called


Anthropologist George Gmelch studied which sport where he found that players used a lot of magic?


Clans come in three types: matrilineal, patrilineal, and


The historical practice of more powerful countries claiming possession of less powerful ones is called _________________ and was a driving force in anthropology.


Who was responsible for the theory of social evolutionism?

E.B Taylor

The so-called cannibal forks of the Fijians were of great interest to collectors in England because

English collectors interpreted Fijians a savages and wanted examples of their savagery for the collections they displayed in their homes

Bronislaw Malinowski developed the __________ method, which requires the researcher to live with people for years in order to develop the "native's point of view."


__________ refers to the adaptive changes that organisms make across generations


T/F Activities that are biologically based, such as eating and sleeping, are universally practiced in the same way for all humans


T/F Anthropologists believe that the "native point of view" is better than their own.


T/F Anthropologists care about how objects are created but not really how they are destroyed.


T/F Anthropologists have always approached a problem by specializing in one of the four subfields.


T/F Anthropologists use just three methods—interviews, fieldnotes, and participant observation.


T/F The central point of the concept of spheres of exchange is to make a distinction between general- and limited-purpose money.


The theory that posits that cultural practices and beliefs serve purposes for society is called


_________ are important for an anthropologist to write down because they reflect his or her private observations, which can also be useful data.


On the north coast of Papua New Guinea, a religious cult leader name Barjani was remembered through which object?

His hat

Many anthropologists are wary about traditions because while they may feel ancient to some people, they are often


Which of the following groups were considered nonwhite racial groups?

Jews, Italians, and Finns

The early anthropologist who wrote the book Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies and was the first to distinguish between biological sex and gender roles was

Margaret Mead


Means you think your culture is superior to other culture

An anthropologist who studies how societies control sexuality would likely be most interested in the following situations

Obstacles in access to birth control

Ferdinand de Saussure made a distinction between the formal rules of language (langue) and the ways people speak it (


___________ assumes ethnicity is largely a natural phenomenon, based on biological, linguistic, and geographical ties to those with whom individuals have obvious similarities of appearance, geography, language, or socioeconomic context.


Research that involves interviews, observations, images, objects, and words is a __________ study


Anthropologist Daniel Miller suggested that shopping for and consuming objects are fundamentally as much acts as they are economic acts.


Which of the following do Americans traditionally inherit patrilineally?


Geertz's approach to religion is a style of analysis that looks at the underlying symbolic and cultural interconnections within a society; this is often referred to as

The interpretive approach

When anthropologist Robert Welsch had a very high fever from malaria in Papua New Guinea, why did the Ningerum villagers want to take him to the health center many miles away?

They did not want to be suspected of bewitching him with sorcery

T/F Judaism, Christianity, and Islam became state religions, whose religious message and ritual supported the government of the state.


An anthropologist who practices participatory-action research would most likely use this method in a study of

a low-income neighborhood where a toxic waste dump is located

Hijras interest anthropologists mainly because they are

a reflection of a gender/sex system that sees meaning in combining male and female

An anthropologist who studies unearned privilege would be most interested in which of the following?

a situation in which an upper-class man gets accepted at an Ivy League university because his father and grandfather went there

The most important goal of the Congolese sapeur is to

accumulate prestige

Advertisers have trained American consumers to focus on the newest and most exciting products through their

attempts to constantly frame their products as new and improved

A key illustration of a ________ __________ on male and female differences is how anthropologists are rethinking sexual dimorphism among the human species.

biocultural perspective

A clan that reckons descent through both their mother and father is called a

cognatic clan

Most families function as groups of real people who work together toward common ends. Such family groups are referred to as

corporate group

An anthropologist who studies the new ways in which class identities are combined with racial and ethnic identities, such as the idea that WASP signifies white or Jew signifies middle class, takes what type of approach?

cultural constructivist

The importance of a phenomenon like "revenge suicide" in Papua New Guinea is that it

demonstrates that the nonpowerful have ways of exercising political power

What is the most striking difference between a physician's approach to a sick patient and a medical anthropologist's perspective?

doctors will focus on the clinical processes that explain the disease, while medical anthropologists will want to look at the illness from all perspectives

When people consume films cross-culturally, they

embed local concerns and interpretations into the storytelling

James Ferguson, who is an anthropologist of development, argues that development exists:

expand state power

The __________ ________ refers to the ideas and social patterns a society uses to organize males, females, and those who do not fit either category.

gender/sex systems

When anthropologists go into the field, they

go with a set of questions they want to ask and have answered

Anthropologist Ashraf Ghani's successes as a finance minister and presidential candidate in Afghanistan can be attributed to what?

his attentiveness to local social norms and priorities

If anthropologist Daniel Miller were studying the production of a commercial product like blue jeans, he would likely want to understand:

how blue jeans create images of social status and position within a community

A visual anthropology perspective is applicable to all of the following except

how ppl need to work to buy things

Because our values and beliefs include many elements of life such as clothes, food, and language means that culture is


What is the combined effect of having surnames that are inherited from a child's father and having a woman take her husband's surname at the time of marriage?

it is easier for the family to forget the surnames of women after several generations

For a society to have a separate occupational category of artist, it needs to have which of the following characteristics?

it must have a considerable degree of social stratification and lots of different kinds of occupational categories

The US government's prohibition of Native American children speaking their indigenous languages in Indian schools has contributed most profoundly to

language death

The subfield of anthropology that studies language use is called

linguistic anthropology

A culture of is a term that refers to the cultural perspectives and social processes that shape and are shaped by how goods and services are bought, sold, and used in contemporary capitalism.

mass consumption

A culture of _____________ is a term that refers to the cultural perspectives and social processes that shape and are shaped by how goods and services are bought, sold, and used in contemporary capitalism.

mass consumption

What subfield of anthropology tries to understand how social, cultural, biological, and linguistic factors shape the health of human beings in different cultures?

medical anthropology

Why were American birth rates low from 1942 to 1946?

most young married men were serving in the military

The process by which inheritable traits are passed along to offspring because they are better suited to the environment is referred to as

natural selection

If you wanted to study ongoing racialization processes in the United States, you would most likely focus on

new patterns in which people are dropping ethnic identification in favor of whiteness

If a development anthropologist were to get involved in a project in your city that is revitalizing a poor neighborhood, she or he would probably emphasize the

overarching importance of listening to the priorities of the neighbors

A common element among fundamentalists is a

pervasive sense of belonging to their group

Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 film Triumph of the Will celebrated and glorified the Nazi regime with footage of actual rallies and conventions. Although every frame of this film was authentic and nothing in it was staged, many people describe it as a film because of the way it manipulated the footage to glorify Hitler and the Nazis.


A biocultural perspective on gender variance would emphasize all of the following except the

relative allocation of sex-specific hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, that influence whether a person is male or female

Which of the following social structures was identified as a way that African societies maintained order?

religious practices and beliefs

An ethical approach to anthropological research would emphasize

responsibilities toward the host country and the people being studied

Until the early 1900s, anthropologists believed that their role was to observe indigenous ways of life, interview elders, and assemble indigenously-made objects because those lifeways would soon disappear—an approach referred to as the

salvage paradigm

A key feature of religious beliefs and behavior is that they are rooted in:

social behavior and social action

Which of the following explanations of political relationships among the !Kung would be least likely to come from a traditional political anthropologist?

the !Kung have to navigate complex politics as ethnic minorities in states that don't want them

Which of the following is an ethnocentric reaction to African art?

the craftsmanship is poor because Africans have no artistic skill

Cross-dressing rebel soldiers in Liberia is an excellent illustration of what?

the fact that gender identities are rooted in local concepts and practices

The idea that things have social lives refers to which of the following?

the fact that objects are deeply intertwined with people's lives

If you wanted to study patterns of kin relations in a community, which method would you use?

the genealogical method

The exercise of political power in state and nonstate societies is different in all of the following respects except

the importance of personal connections

An evolutionary perspective would be most likely to explain colonialism as

the natural abilities of more civilized people to control less civilized people

Why do films take on new meanings when shown to overseas audiences?

the specific cultural content and images in the film lead audiences to draw different conclusions because their culture is different

The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


Using life history interviews, researchers are able to

understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

T/F Cultural anthropology is one of the most quantitative of the social sciences.


T/F Cultural relativism is important because it helps anthropologists understand and defend all the things that people in other cultures do.


T/F For early anthropologists, primitive religions were based on a fundamental error in thinking.


T/F Languages change very slowly, taking generations or even centuries


T/F Sex is a simple product of nature and biology.


T/F The prophet Mohammad had a Christian wife.


T/F Studies have shown that marriage is mostly about sex.


T/F Patterns of social inequality and racial discrimination have important biological consequences for certain groups, such as African Americans.


People's fascination with having the newest Nike shoes or iPhone is an example of which of the following anthropological concepts?

commodity fetish

Often, anthropologists use the term " " rather than "globalization" to refer to the "global" circulation of goods and people.


T/F Beliefs get most of their power from being socially enacted repeatedly through rituals and other religious behaviors.


T/F Racialization has identified different markers of racial identity in Latin America than in the United States.


includes research and planning aimed at identifying, interpreting, and protecting sites and artifacts of historic or prehistoric significance.

Cultural resource management

T/F Genetically speaking, humans are a remarkably homogeneous species: there is far greater variation within human groups than there is between them.


T/F In the Kula and Sagali exchanges the prestige lies in receiving items such as armbands and skirts, not in giving them


T/F Most anthropologists see the consumption of an object or commodity as an antisocial act.


T/F Most mammals use some form of call system to communicate with others of their species. Dogs and chimpanzees share an additional linguistic characteristic because they can communicate simple combinations of ideas about things they are not currently seeing.


T/F Repatriation is the act of returning human remains or cultural artifacts to the communities of descendants of the people to whom they originally belonged.


T/F Secular rituals that celebrate the state or nation, particular occupations, or other identities may achieve many of the same ends as religious rituals


T/F There is rarely any guessing involved in the development of theories because they are tested repeatedly.


When objects begin to take on mystical powers and engender obsessive desire and worship it is called

commodity fetishism

Anthropologists commonly refer to the ideas and social patterns a society uses to organize males, females, and those who do not fit either category as

gender/sex systems

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