Anthropology Final Study Guide

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Which kinship structure merges an individual's parents' same-sex siblings while cutting off the individual's opposite-sex siblings? - bifurcate merging kinship - lineal kinship - generational kinship - descent kinship

Bifurcate merging kinship

Which anthropologist proposed that culture was a complex system of symbols and that through studying the structure and binary opposites of these symbols, one could determine the patterns and thoughts of members of that culture? - Victor Turner - Bronislaw Malinowski - A. R. Radcliffe-Brown - Claude Levi-Strauss

Claude Levi-Strauss

Changing one's speech patterns according to different social situations is known as: - displacement - code switching - phonetics - creolizing

Code Switching

Which statement is NOT true of kinship systems? - All cultures have some system for determining kinship. - Cultural definitions regarding specific kinship relationships vary widely. - Cross-culturally, biology defines who one's closest relatives are. - Kinship creates a network of relationships between individuals.

Cross-culturally, biology defines who one's closest relatives are.

Which term is defined as the way humans develop culture as an adaptation to various environments? Cultural complexity Cultural frames Cultural ecology Environmentalism

Cultural Ecology

Which term describes a common belief, practice, or behavior associated with a sociocultural role? - Cultural norm - Cultural worldview - Cultural values Cultural ideologies

Cultural Norm

Shared values, ideas, technologies, adaptation to the environment, and belief systems are best defined as what? Culture Cultural evolution Cultural appropriation Material culture


Which of the following does NOT define or describe symbolism in a culture? A. The intrinsic meaning behind expressions of art, literature, drama, etc. B. A means of communicating complex and abstract ideas through an object, image, gesture, etc. C. The use of red and orange flowers at burial to symbolize life and resurrection D. A repeated action or practice with routine activities and associated meaning

D. A repeated action or practice with routine activities and associated meaning

Different versions of a language spoken in different regions, or by people belonging to different groups (e.g., social classes, occupations, etc.) are called: - phonemes - dialects - core vocabularies - code switching


Consider the following sentence: "In 5 billion years the hydrogen in the sun's core will run out. The sun will become a red giant and its radius will expand so much that it will envelop the earth." Making sense of this sentence would be impossible without which characteristic of language? - the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - productivity - conventionality - displacement


Which of the following is FALSE according to anthropological linguistics? - Each language has a pure form, but different speech communities alter it into less rich or incorrect variants - There is no one "pure" version of a language but many, equally valid and valuable ones. What is considered "standard" is simply the variant of the dominant social group or class - Humans perform their specific identities largely through language - None of the above

Each language has a pure form, but different speech communities alter it into less rich or incorrect variants

We know for a fact that only Homo sapiens are capable of speech, and none of our hominin ancestors were able to talk. - True - False


Sea levels have risen 18 inches since 1880. - True - False

False, It has risen by 8 inches since 1880

Which term refers to the intersection of race, class, ethnicity, age, gender, and physical ability? - Intersectionality - Social and cultural equity - Social bias - Common areas of discrimination


Which of the following is NOT true about globalization? - It has negative as well as positive manifestations, exemplified by problems such as climate chage - It is leading to cultural homogeneity - It involves cultural flows from all parts of the world to other parts, not just "north" to "south" - It refers to the ever-growing global interconnections we experience today

It is leading to cultural homogeneity

The study of movements, facial expressions, gestures, body language in communication is known as - kinesics - proxemics - paralanguage - semantics


Which term reflects the concept that all languages have some things (such as sentence structure) in common? - Linguistic relativity - Language universals - Folk taxonomies - Adaptive mimicry

Language universals

Which kinship structure highlights the nuclear family? - descent kinship - bifurcate merging kinship - lineal kinship - generational kinship

Lineal kinship

Bronisław Malinowski proposed that the function of culture is to _________________. progress to a more complex culture or civilization Advance technology Complete with others for survival Meet basic needs to survive

Meet basic needs to survive

How long ago is it thought that our vocal tract developed? - 260, 000 years ago - 500,000 years ago - 750,000 years ago - 200,00 years ago

- 500,000 years ago

Identify the four main mechanisms of cultural change and give an example of each.

- Adaptive - adapting to society like computers - Independent Invention - patterns of innovation in multiple cultures - Egyptian pyramids and Latin America pyramids. - Maladaptive - nature being killed like Easter Island - Diffusion; Mexico= soccer & America = football - acculturation- culture exchange resulting extensive contact - Migrations from one county to the next and bring one's culture. - Intergenerational change occurs - Contested; women looking for same legal rights as man

Which of the following outside forces increasingly challenge indigenous ethnoecologies? - Commercial logging - Mining - Industrial pollution - All of the above

- All of the above

Which of the following is NOT considered an example of material culture? Stone tools used by early humans A mobile phone The furniture in a bedroom Seashells found on a beach

Seashells found on a beach

Which of the following BEST defines hierophany? - the process of casting a circle - the dual energies of male and female as found in nature - the social hierarchy found in a state religion - the manifestation of the sacred or divine

The manifestation of the sacred or divine

Regarding linguistic evolution... - We know exactly when languages first developed - We know for a fact that Homo habilis was capable of speech and had developed an entire language - Biological components include brain structure and the vocal apparatus - Human language clearly derives from other primate communication systems

- Biological components include brain structure and the vocal apparatus

How did Émile Durkheim define religion? - Durkheim defined religion as a manifestation of myth. - Durkheim defined religion as complex and holistic. - Durkheim defined religion empirically by focusing on key elements. - Durkheim defined religion from a symbolic and intangible perspective.

- Durkheim defined religion empirically by focusing on key elements.

Acculturation is always voluntary - True - False

- False

How did Clifford Geertz define religion? - Geertz saw religion as largely governed by the mythologies and stories of a culture. - Geertz viewed religion as an evolutionary process that became more complex over time. - Geertz defined religion as a system of symbols that established powerful and pervasive emotions that united people who shared the same worldview. - Geertz took an empirical approach that identified the structure and function of religion.

- Geertz defined religion as a system of symbols that established powerful and pervasive emotions that united people who shared the same worldview.

The FOXP2 gene has been found in which organisms? Select all that apply - Homo sapiens - Songbirds - Bats - Mice - Primates - Dogs - Homo neanderthalensis - Fish

- Homo sapiens - Songbirds - Bats - Mice - Primates - Dogs - Homo neanderthalensis - Fish

In the absence of a written record, how might the evolution of language be traced?

- In the absence of a written record, we can use fossil to help trace the evolution of the language because we can compare the adaptation made through the years. On example is the development of the FOXP2 gene which helps with language mainly grammar.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the role of myth in religion? - The power of myth depends on its ability to teach important beliefs outside of chronological time. - The myth often contains cultural heroes whose experiences and lives allow us to identify with them and their challenges. - The power of myth depends on its ability to portray accurate and true accounts of history. - Creation myths are among the best known and are universal.

- The power of myth depends on its ability to portray accurate and true accounts of history.

Applied anthropology is the use of anthropological data, perspectives, theory, and methods to identify, assess, and solve contemporary problems - True - False

- True

The levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere can naturally fluctuate, but the cause of the recent increase in greenhouse gasses is anthropogenic. - True - False

- True

African American Vernacular English - is a dialect of English - exhibits distinct linguistic devices, expressions, grammar, etc. - is grammatically less irregular than standard English - has been highly stigmatized as a low-status dialect, illustrating that language claims are deeply political - all of the above

- all of the above

Which description BEST defines gender? - cultural roles associated with the biological categories of male and female - biological categories of male, female, and intersex - sociocultural identities associated with specific forms of sexuality - biological categories of male, female, and intersex

- cultural roles associated with the biological categories of male and female

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - maintains that language is adaptive because it allows for fully clear and unambiguous communication - maintains that early forms in linguistic evolution may have been gestural rather than spoken - maintains that all modern languages belong in large linguistic families, originating from a small number of protolanguages - maintains that the content and structure of language have a significant effect of how its speakers perceive the world

- maintains that the content and structure of language have a significant effect of how its speakers perceive the world

What did Margaret Mead observe in her research in New Guinea? - that men were consistently more violent and aggressive than women in all societies studied - that both men and women were passive and mild tempered in all cultures she observed - that gender roles and expectations varied greatly from one culture to the next - that men were assumed to be happier and more powerful in all cultures studied

- that gender roles and expectations varied greatly from one culture to the next

What did studies in the 1980s reveal about nonhuman primate social organization? - that nonhuman primate females are generally passive and marginal - that nonhuman primate females will mate only with dominant males - that male competition is key to keeping nonhuman primate groups together - that nonhuman primate females are at the center of their social groups

- that nonhuman primate females are at the center of their social groups

What did anthropologist Michelle Rosaldo argue was one of the primary causes of the marginalization of women? - lower average wages and being locked out of certain professions - the demands made on women's times and bodies by raising large families - limited access to education - the division of sociocultural life into public and private spheres between the workplace and the home

- the division of sociocultural life into public and private spheres between the workplace and the home

Sexual dimorphism is defined as which of the following? - romantic relationships involving more than two individuals - the exhibition of different characteristics by males and females of the same species - cultures that hold individuals to strict gender-based norms - gender systems that recognize only two identities: male and female

- the exhibition of different characteristics by males and females of the same species

What is meant by the term gender essentialism? - the hypothesis that gender roles are universal and consistent across cultures - the degree to which genders are or are not valued equally by a culture - the idea that gender-based traits are deep and consequential - laws that legalize the domination of one gender over another

- the idea that gender-based traits are deep and consequential

A morpheme is - the set of rules for arranging words to make meaningful phrases and sentences - the smallest unit of sound that makes a meaningful difference in a particular language - the smallest unit of language that carries or contains meaning on its own - a sound in a human language

- the smallest unit of language that carries or contains meaning on its own

A phoneme is - the smallest unit of sound that makes a difference in a particular language - the smallest unit of language that carries or contains meaning on its own - the set of rules for arranging words to make meaningful phrases and sentences - a sound in a human language

- the smallest unit of sound that makes a difference in a particular language

Paralanguage refers to - the use of social space in communication - the various non-linguistic sounds, variations in tone, pitch, volume, etc. that accompany linguistic communication and are important for conveying meaning - the communication system of Homo erectus - the linguistic study of parrot noises, which gives insight into the evolution of human language

- the various non-linguistic sounds, variations in tone, pitch, volume, etc. that accompany linguistic communication and are important for conveying meaning

Which description BEST defines heteronormativity? - a social norm that condemns sexual relationships outside of marriage - the cultural elevation of qualities and abilities associated with men over those associated with women - a cultural recognition of multiple definitions of sexuality - the view that heterosexuality is the most "natural" form of sexuality

- the view that heterosexuality is the most "natural" form of sexuality

Which of the following is an example of a blended family? - a married couple who has six or more children - two widowed individuals with children who marry - a young adult who takes in and cares for their grandmother - a married couple and each of their in-laws

- two widowed individuals with children who marry

Language is symbolic and conventional. This means that: - language is not bound to immediate experience - a limited number of sounds and other symbols can create infinite meanings - language is uniquely human - sounds and other linguistic symbols, like gestures, are arbitrarily connected to meanings

language is not bound to immediate experience

Globalization can impact which of the following? Select all that apply - Intercultural communication through the media (including the Internet), travel and migration which increasingly brings people from different societies into direct contact - Deforestation and emerging diseases - Economy, energy consumption, environmental degradation, climate change - Contemporary flows of people, technology, information, messages, images and ideology that contribute to global culture of consumption

- Intercultural communication through the media (including the Internet), travel and migration which increasingly brings people from different societies into direct contact - Deforestation and emerging diseases - Economy, energy consumption, environmental degradation, climate change - Contemporary flows of people, technology, information, messages, images and ideology that contribute to global culture of consumption

Which statement is NOT supported by recent findings of feminist researchers? - The gendered division of labor in gathering-hunting societies is flexible. - Gathering contributes far more to the diets of contemporary gathering-hunting societies than hunting does. - Early hominids were omnivorous, eating a wide variety of foods. - Meat obtained by male hunters was the primary source of calories for members of preagricultural cultures.

- Meat obtained by male hunters was the primary source of calories for members of preagricultural cultures.

Which of the following is NOT true according to anthropological linguistics? - Some human languages are richer and more expressive than others - Language is constantly changing - Language is both a product and a means of enculturation - Language is rooted in both biology and culture

- Some human languages are richer and more expressive than others

What is the difference between an ideology and a worldview? Provide an example of each.

The difference between ideology and worldview is that ideology identifies the entities, roles, behaviors, relationships, and processes in a particular realm as well as the rationale behind the whole system. And worldview is a very broad ideology that shapes how the members of a culture generally view the world and their place in it. It also provides an overarching model for the purpose and process of social life.

Which of the following does not describe a sociocultural construction? - the genetic relatedness of family members - rules pertaining to individuals being assigned to racial categories - norms relating to the roles of women - rules defining kinship relationships and obligations

The genetic relatedness of family members

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