anthropology- test 1

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A commonly stated goal of recent development policy is to promote

there is an initial uneven distribution of resources.

A development project is most likely to increase socioeconomic inequality in situations in which


A language's ______ is a dictionary containing all its morphemes and their meanings.


A language's meaning system is referred to as


A language's meaning system is referred to as

remote sensing

Aerial photos and satellite images are forms of _____ used in site location, which is very valuable to anthropologists.

the fallacy of underdifferentiation.

After the Vietnam War, many refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos settled in the United States. Grouping them all together as Vietnamese refugees illustrates

urban youth

Among African Americans, who is most likely to use African American Vernacular English?


Analyzing the sounds that are important in a language is the part of descriptive linguistics called

linguistic relativity

Anthropological linguists generally accept the principle that all languages and dialects are equally effective as systems of communication. What is the term used to describe this principle?

historical linguistics, language and thought, and sociolinguistics.

Anthropological linguists study

more than half

Approximately what percentage of anthropology PhDs today seek nonacademic employment?

nutritional status human development human growth

Biological anthropologists use anthropometry to learn about which of the following aspects of humans?

the client

Clothilde works in cultural resource management. Her client has hired her to assess how best to preserve significant remains in a site on which the client plans to build a parking garage. In her relationship with whom is Clothilde most likely to face an ethical dilemma?

avoid the fallacy of overinnovation

Compatible and successful development projects

threatened by modern development.

Cultural resource management focuses on managing the preservation of archaeological sites that are

collection units

Equal-size sections of a grid in an archaeological excavation are called

test pits

Excavation at an archaeological site is usually done in ______, which are used to sample the site to see how deep the deposits go and to establish a rough chronology (time sequence).

more fortunate members of a society

For bioarchaeologists, the remains of taller people can indicate


Identifying someone as "Professor," "Reverend," or "Lady" are all examples o


If you hear the words "cat" and "hat" you can hear a single sound difference at the beginning of each of those words, which is important because it makes the two words have different meanings. What is the general term that descriptive linguists use to describe an important sound difference that affects word meanings?


In 1692, a major earthquake caused part of the city of Port Royal, Jamaica, to fall into the Kingston Harbor. ______ archaeologists now study the submerged city.

minimal pairs

In English, the words "dog" and "hog" resemble each other in all but one sound, but they have completely different meanings. What is the linguistic term used to describe a set of two words, such as these, that can be used to identify phonemes?

should not hold their heads above those of higher-status people

In Madagascar and Polynesia, people of lower status

how rs were pronounced after vowels in words such as "fourth" and "floor."

In a well-known linguistic study in New York City department stores, William Labov analyzed how status differences were revealed in language patterns. Which specific feature did he analyze in the language of employees in these stores?


In archaeological excavations, collection units are marked off on the site using a ______ that allows researchers to identify the location of any object found at the site.


In order to reconstruct ancient human biological and cultural features, anthropologists study ceramics, casts, metals, and other manufactured items known as

Systematic survey involves gathering information about settlement patterns across a region; excavation involves digging in selected sites.

In the methods of archaeology, what is the difference between systematic survey and excavation?


In the word "toaster" there are two units of meaning: "toast" and "-er." What is the general term, used in descriptive linguistics, for these units of meaning?

-Susan works as a "cultural interpreter" at a health clinic established to serve low-income patients.

In which of the following situations would an applied anthropologist be least likely to faceserious ethical dilemmas? -James works overseas in military intelligence to promote local-level cooperation with American policies. -Susan works as a "cultural interpreter" at a health clinic established to serve low-income patients. -Jane works as a consultant at a market research firm investigating how to increase sales and profits -Corinne works in cultural resource management for a company that wants to build a shopping mall on a supposedly sacred grave site.


Jane Goodall is a well-known scholar who has studied chimpanzees in their natural settings. The name of her subfield within biological anthropology is


Microscopic crystals called ______ found at archaeological sites help identify wheat, maize, rice, or other early domesticated plants.


Modern applied anthropology usually is seen as a(n) ______ profession designed to assist local people.

universal grammar

Noam Chomsky proposed that the structure of the human brain causes all human languages to be structured similarly. What is the term used to describe this concept?

universal grammar.

On colonial sugar plantations in the Caribbean, enslaved people from various African nations who originally spoke many different languages developed new languages called creole languages. These languages, such as Gullah, Haitian creole, and New Orleans creole, share certain rules of syntax and language structure. Chomsky theorizes that these similarities in language structure occur because of the nature of the human brain, and calls this recurring pattern for organizing language

search for evidence about human origins


focal vocabulary.

Peter is a sailing instructor and frequently uses such terms as jib, tack, tiller, and sheet. His nonsailing friends cannot understand him when he uses such terms. Peter is using

increased equity

Reduction in absolute poverty, with a more even distribution of wealth, is known as

Women's speech reflects women's traditional lesser power in American society

Robin Lakoff, a linguist who has studied American speech patterns, identified some gender differences. Why did she say that women were more likely to say such things as "Oh my goodness!" while men were more likely to curse or swear?


Seeing less-developed countries as all the same and ignoring cultural diversity is known as

experimental archaeology

Some archaeologists make tools of deer antler to look like the tools used by PaleoIndians about 10,000 years ago. Which of the following specialties in archaeology would this work represent?

the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Some linguists have proposed that the grammar of different languages causes different ways of thinking in particular cultures. What name do linguistics use to refer to this idea?


Some linguists study how factors such as region, social class, ethnicity, or gender influence language. What is the name for this field of linguistics?


Some samples recovered from house floors or trash pits are processed using a technique called ______, which separates very small particles of plant remains and fish bones by using water and fine meshes

plant and animal remains, ceramics, and other artifacts.

Sources of information for archaeologists studying sites primarily include

focal vocabulary

Specialized sets of words and terms that are particularly important to certain groups are known as


Terms of respect that are sometimes used to convey or imply a status difference between the speaker and the person being referred to or addressed are known as

how deep a site's deposits go.

Test pits are used to determine


The ability to combine words and meanings to create new expressions is referred to as

a systematic survey.

The archaeological study of settlement patterns over a large area is known as


The branch of applied anthropology that focuses on social issues in, and the cultural dimension of, economic development is known as ______ anthropology.

informed consent

The ethics of archaeologists and physical anthropologists require that they negotiate with local officials and colleagues to establish who owns bones, artifacts, and other materials recovered at excavation sites. These agreements between anthropologists and colleagues in the host countries are established through the procedure known as

former Eastern bloc and Socialist countries

The faulty social design that planners often try to impose on less-developed countries are often based on cooperative based, at least partially, upon models from


The most common way in which archaeologists work locally is


The question of whether nouns usually come before verbs is one of


The study of ancient life through the fossil record is known as


True or false: Anthropologists are highly qualified to suggest, plan, and implement social policy affecting people.


True or false: Fossils include the preserved remains of any object (building, container, tool, pottery, weapon, work of art) made, used, or modified in some way by human beings, which help us to understand how people lived in the past

costs effective

Using anthropological expertise in the planning of development projects in order to ensure cultural compatibility is

bones or other remains of ancient life forms

What are fossils?

productivity and displacement

What do animal call systems lack that human languages have?

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

What is NAGPRA?

a list of words and other meaningful units in a language; a dictionary

What is a lexicon?

a minimal unit of meaning

What is a morpheme?

a minimal sound contrast that differentiates meaning in a language

What is a phoneme?

the rules governing word order and the arrangement of words into sentences

What is syntax?

a doctorate

What is the most advanced degree that is usually needed to secure gainful employment in academic, museum, or applied anthropology


What is the term used to describe the type of archaeologists who study Old World civilizations such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt?

underwater archaeology

What is the term used to describe the type of archaeology that investigates shipwrecks and sites submerged under the sea?


What kind of physical anthropologists specialize in the study of human evolution?

cultural transmission

When Washoe the chimp taught American Sign Language (ASL) to her son and when Koko tried to teach her cat to sign, that was an example of a fundamental aspect of human language called

historical archaeology.

When archaeologists excavate early colonial settlements in Jamestown, Virginia, this type of archaeology is known as

cultural resource management

When construction sites reveal artifacts, impact studies may be required to assess the historical importance of the site. In this case, "salvage archaeology," also called ______, analyzes what is found at the site.

-units of production that are privately owned and worked by a nuclear family -cooperatives that are partially based on models from the former Eastern bloc and Socialist countries

When planners have tried to impose incompatible property concepts and social units on local people, the faulty social design usually assumes which of the following? -units of production that are privately owned and worked by a nuclear family -cooperatives that are partially based on models from the former Eastern bloc and Socialist countries -cooperatives that harnessed preexisting local-level communal institutions -faulty indigenous social models such as traditional social units

-protecting local people from harmful policies and projects that may threaten them -identifying needs for change that local people perceive -working with local people to design culturally appropriate and socially sensitive change

Which of the following are proper roles for applied anthropologists?

Malinowski's practical anthropology focused on Westernization and the diffusion of European culture into tribal societies. Malinowski's practical anthropology legitimized and supported colonialism.

Which of the following are reasons that Bronislaw Malinowski's "practical anthropology" has been abandoned? -Malinowski's practical anthropology discounted colonial regimes and focused on the local people. -Malinowski's practical anthropology influenced and enriched the culture of the local people. -Malinowski's practical anthropology focused on Westernization and the diffusion of European culture into tribal societies. -Malinowski's practical anthropology legitimized and supported colonialism.

-Anthropologists study diverse lifestyles, which provides useful knowledge in international business. -Understanding culture provides useful knowledge in international business

Which of the following are reasons that studying anthropology would benefit someone planning to pursue a career in international business?

-Projects fail when they are economically or culturally incompatible. -People are usually willing to change just enough to maintain, or slightly improve on, what they already have. -The local people's objectives are down-to-earth and specific.

Which of the following are true regarding development projects?

Modern applied anthropology is a helping profession, designed to assist local people.

Which of the following best defines the goal of modern applied anthropology?

living and recent humans and primates as well as ancient humans and primates

Which of the following best explains what biological anthropologists study?

It has forced anthropologists to consider the wider social value and implications of their research.

Which of the following best explains why the shift from academic to applied anthropology has benefited the profession?

-Carbonized plant remains are the particles that float. -It uses a series of very fine meshes and water. -It is expensive.

Which of the following correctly describes the flotation technique in archaeology?

to make colonial rule work harmoniously

Which of the following did Bronislaw Malinowski believe was the job of the anthropologist? -to defend the indigenous culture in colonies -to adapt colonial rule to conform to "native" culture -to question colonial rule -to make colonial rule work harmoniously

-plan and guide development policies -carry out development policies designed by others -work on development policies to enhance quality of life for local people

Which of the following do development anthropologists do? -plan and guide development policies -carry out development policies designed by others -work mainly in the United States -work on development policies to enhance quality of life for local people

It helps to determine an ancient site's environment at the time it was inhabited.

Which of the following does palynology do

It is a grammatical hodgepodge.

Which of the following is NOT true about African American Vernacular English?

cat and hat

Which of the following is an example of a minimal pair?

They do not decay

Which of the following is true of phytoliths

They systematically survey a region and excavate by digging through the layers at archaeological sites.

Which of the following statements best describes how archaeologists do their work?

In an undisturbed set of strata, the oldest layer is deepest.

Which of the following statements best describes the principle of superposition

North American anthropologists should establish cooperative relationships with colleagues in the host countries in which they do their fieldwork

Which of the following statements best summarizes the ethical guidelines for North American anthropologists?

They attempt to preserve things while making them work better

Which of the following statements is true regarding realistic and successful development policies?


Which of the following studies classification systems in various languages, such as kinship terminology or color terminology

-many young men abandoned fishing for land-based jobs -creation of a small group of wealthy individuals -loss of opportunity for enterprising young fishermen

Which of the following were results of the development project in Bahia, Brazil, where sailboat owners were given loans to buy motors for their boats, which then led to increasing profits and the purchase of larger and more expensive boats? -many young men abandoned fishing for land-based jobs -creation of a small group of wealthy individuals -loss of opportunity for enterprising young fishermen -creation of a more egalitarian community

Different languages produce different ways of thinking.

Which statement best describes the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?


Which type of anthropologists study primate behavior and also the physical characteristics of ancient and modern humans?


Which type of archaeologists are usually interested in styles of architecture and sculpture and work more in university departments with art historians rather than in anthropology departments?

Social class differences were revealed by whether or not the r was pronounced after vowels in words such as "fourth" and "floor."

William Labov did a study of how r was pronounced in New York City department stores. Which of the following statements best describes his findings?


With _____ data, archaeologists can address many questions about the prehistoric communities that lived in a given area.


______ can be spoken or written and is based on learned meanings and symbols

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