AP Art History Midterm
The image shows which of the following features of ancient Egyptian architecture ?
A pylon gate
The Lamassu combines the features of all of the following except
A serpent
The work shown can be identified as
Apollo 11 stones from Namibia, created 25,500-25,300 BCE
The work shown can be attributed to which of the following ancient Mediterranean cultures ?
Archaic Greece
Both buildings are part of a complex built to celebrate
Athens ' domination of the eastern Mediterranean
The sculpture of Apollo from the Temple of Minerva at Veii shows the greatest stylistic similarity to the
Augustus of Prima Porta
The work is
The way the human form is idealized in the grave stele of Hegeso is most characteristic of which of the following ancient Greek art periods ?
Classical as seen in the Plaque of the Ergastines
In creating the figures , the artist used which of the following conventions of representation typical of the culture ?
Color differentiation to convey gender
The formal qualities of the sculpture shown suggest a strong influence by which of the following earlier works ?
Doryphoros ( Spear Bearer )
Precedents for works such as the image have been found primarily in which of the following cultures ?
The work shown from Susa , Iran , includes patterns that can best be described as
What materials were used in the creation of the image
Gold , Inlaid with enamel and precious stones
The image shows a detail from a larger sculptural frieze found on the
Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon
In its original function , the work is most similar to the
Great Pyramids ( Menkaura , Khafre , Khufu ) and Great Sphinx
The architectural complex shown can be identified as the
Great Pyramids ( Menkaura , Khafre , Khufu ) and Great Sphinx
The work depicts a
Husband and wife
In its original context , the work would have been placed
In a tomb to guide a deceased person in the afterlife
Archaeological evidence from the site where the work was found has led scholars to suggest that the original audience lived in which of the following locations?
In an ongoing settlement that included places with ritual significance
The physical properties of the Ambum Stone have led scholars to propose which of the following theories obout the work?
It must have held special value for its owners, because creating it would have been extremely time consuming
Which of the following is true of the work on the left ?
It was originally painted
Figurines such as the one shown can be considered most similar in content to the
Jade cong
This work was found in which of the following contexts?
Located in a rock shelter in the mountains
The work is a
The methods used to sculpt the Plaque of Ergastines are most similar to the methods used to create
Nike Adjusting Her Sandal
The temple shown is the
Parthenon in Athens
Scholars have interpreted the lines extending from the arms and torso of the running horned woman from Tassili n'Ajjer as
Parts of a ceremonial dress
The painter of the Niobides Krater used which of the following to create convincing figures in motion ?
Precise contour lines
The form of the animal is represented using which of the following techniques?
Profile so that distinctive aspects of the animal are clearly recognizable
Inscriptions accompanying the Lamassu indicated that they were intended to
Protect the Citadel from insurrection
The work shown can be identified as an ancient Sumerian sculpture because of which of the following visual characteristics ?
Rigid frontality with clasped hands
Both interiors are examples of
Roman residential architecture
Which of the following buildings best demonstrates the manner in which secular Roman building types were adapted for early Christian liturgical practices ?
Santa Sabina
The form of the Code of Hammurabi is shaped as a
The building in the image is the
Temple of Athena Nike
The work in the image is from the
Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis
The mortuary temple of Hatshepsut originally included which of the following features as part of the complex ?
Terraces filled with exotic trees and plants
Which of the following employed concrete as a building material ?
The Pantheon in Rome
Which of the following architectural innovations provided an enhanced religious experience for visitors walking through the Hypostyle Hall at the Temple of Amun - Re at Karnak ?
The clerestory , which allowed for the illumination of the central aisle
The running horned woman from Tassili n'Ajjer , Algeria , is presented using which of the following visual characteristics ?
The figure is represented in composite pose
The use of negative space in the Lamassu is limited because
The sculptures had to support a heavy stone archway
The surface designs on the prehistoric beaker with ibex motifs from Susa reflect the artist's interest in the natural world through which of the following characteristics?
The stylistic depiction of various animals composed of geometric elements
Which of the following is a feature of the Standard of Ur that provides evidence of a vast trade network with foreign lands ?
The use of luxury materials acquired from other cultures
Which of the following statements is true of both the Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur and the Palette of King Narmer ?
They celebrate military victory
This work can be attributed to the prehistoric culture that produced the
Tlatilco female figurine from Central Mexico
What was the primary purpose , or function , of King Menkaure and Queen ?
To create a memorial portrait of the king and queen in a sculptural form
Although the function of Stonehenge has been debated by scholars , newer archaeological evidence suggests that it may have acted as
a center for pilgrimage and healing of the sick
Works such as the one shown were typically placed in
a necropolis
In contrast to the work on the left , the work on the right presents
a specific moment
The interior on the left is called
an atrium
In the work shown , features of different animals were combined for the purpose of creating
an imposing mythical creature that was meant to safeguard the entrance to a royal complex
The work shown can be identified as the
anthropomorphic stele from the Arabian Peninsula , created in the fourth millennium B.C.E.
In the work shown , the influence of earlier architecture styles can be seen in the
arches that are framed by engaged columns and a lintel
The image shows all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
atmospheric perspective
While different theories exist about why no Christian art older than the earliest paintings from catacombs seems to have survived , some scholars theorize that early Christians
avoided making religious images to distinguish themselves from members of other religions
The Catacomb of Priscilla was designed by its original founders to provide a
burial place for members of the early Christian community
In the interest of reviving classical Greco - Roman style , Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi's plan for the Pazzi Chapel notably drew on features from other existing buildings , such as the
central plan , large dome , and oculus of the Pantheon
Spectators in the amphitheater would frequently have witnessed
chariots emerging for races from the arched gateways
The citizens of ancient Athens likely responded to the Athenian agora with a sense of
civic pride , because it represented a place of communal governance and cultural identity
the culture that created the work can be characterized as
composed of groups of mobile hunters and gatherers
Roman innovations in concrete allowed the builders of the Colosseum to
create a multileveled freestanding structure with tiered seating that could be constructed quickly
In the work shown from the Amarna period , the use of sunken - relief carving creates strong contours that accentuate the figure's
curvilinear form and elongated features
In the painting of the running horned woman from Tassili n'Ajjer , Algeria , the impression of movement is conveyed primarily through the use of
diagonal lines
The facade decorations of the Colosseum were notable in that
different architectural orders of columns were used to distinguish each level
The depiction of dancers and musicians references the
elaborate feasting that accompanied funerals
The depiction of war on the Column of Trajan differs from earlier depictions , such as the one seen in the Alexander Mosaic , in that the narrative frieze on the Column of Trajan
emphasizes the methodical power of imperial leadership
The work has been interpreted both as honoring a deceased individual and as
emphasizing the high social status of the deceased's family
The Standard of Ur and the Palette of King Narmer are similar in that both works
employ hierarchical scale to distinguish between figures of varying degrees of importance
The most likely time period for both interiors is
first century C.E.
Image was originally used as a
grave marker
In the geographical region , the evolution in form from earlier tombs to the architectural complex shown most likely resulted from a desire to
heighten the symbolic association with the Sun
Nike Adjusting Her Sandal , is best described as a winged figure with the appearance of " wet drapery " implying that
her clinging drapery reveals the body beneath
The work employs
hierarchical scale
The sculptor of the work shown chose to show the figure's arm extended to
highlight his speaking skills as a gifted orator
The architect of the Pantheon in Rome sought to impress viewers by
incorporating an unexpectedly large interior space
The work serves to legitimize the
king's right to rule
The huge carvings of human - headed , winged bulls that guarded the entrances of Assyrian palaces are called
The Standard of Ur utilizes all of the following except
linear perspective
The architectural order shown on image 4 is
The precise arrangement and orientation of the megaliths of Stonehenge suggest that the site was used for the
marking of the summer solstice
The Pantheon exemplifies Roman innovations in the use of concrete in the creation of its
massive coffered dome
The spatial system followed in the overall decoration shown is best characterized by its
mixture of perspective models
The use of over one million small tiles to make the Alexander Mosaic allowed its creator to
model the anatomy of the figures naturalistically
The Flavian Amphitheater became commonly known as the Colosseum because of the
monumental statue of an emperor that stood nearby
The basic form of the camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine from prehistoric Mexico was most likely determined by the
natural shape of the animal bone into which it was carved
The walls of the interior shown are decorated with
The work shown is painted on
Scholars believe that the sculpture of Apollo from the Temple of Minerva at Veii served as a
part of group of figures depicting a mythological narrative
The statue of the seated scribe indicates that sculptors in Old Kingdom Egypt were willing to deviate from the traditional canon of representation , as exemplified by the statue of King Menkaura and queen , when they were
portraying figures of relatively lesser social status
In Egypt and Mesopotamia , relief figures were often carved in
In its original context the interaction between the god Shamash and Hammurabi on the Code of and Hammurabi was intended to cause in viewers a sense of
respect for the laws recorded on the stele by suggesting their divine origin
The sculpture shown appears life - like and natural as a result of the
sense of balance provided by the contrapposto stance
The image was created during the
sixth century B.C.E.
By recording the location of the sites where Lapito pottery fragments were found , scholars are able to draw conclusions about the
spread of the Lapita culture across different regions of Pacific islands
The content in the Plaque of Ergastines aimed to illustrate
the Panathenaic Procession
Although the cave paintings in the Great Hall of the Bulls at Lascaux were originally interpreted as depictions of hunting scenes , they have more recently been interpreted as paintings intended to
the connection between the mortal and the spiritual realms
The stylistic innovations that are evident in the relief sculpture of Akhenaton , Nefertiti , and three daughters are a result of
the introduction of a new monotheistic religion under the Pharaoh Akhenaton
The illusion of movement in the Lamassu sculptures is achieved primarily through
the position of the legs
The Anavysos Kouros is similar to the Tlatilco figurine in that both
were found in burial contexts