AP Chinese Cultural Presentations 4

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Choose ONE form of Chinese performing arts 中国表演艺术 Zhōngguó biǎoyǎn yìshù (Beijing Opera, acrobatics, martial arts, etc). In your presentation, describe this art form in detail and explain its significance.

China has 5,000 more years of history) 中国有5,000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ Over the years, China developed many performing arts 多年来,中国发展了很多表演艺术 Duōnián lái, Zhōngguó fāzhǎnle hěnduō biǎoyǎn yìshù For example, peking opera, Acrobatics, martial arts, etc. 比如京剧,杂技,武术等 Bǐrú jīngjù, zájì, wǔshù děng děng today, I come to talk about martial arts 今天,我来谈谈功夫 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán Gōngfū 1. 功夫是一种武术 Dì yī Gōngfū shì yī zhǒng wǔshù (Gongfu is a form of martial arts) 2. 中国功夫既讲力量又讲技巧。 Dì èr, Zhōngguó gōngfū jì jiǎng lìliàng yòu jiǎng jìqiǎo. (Chinese kungfu stresses both force and tactics) 3. 功夫始于公元前11世纪,在夏朝时期 Dì sān, Gōngfū shǐ yú gōngyuán qián 11 shìjì, zài xià cháo shíq (Kung Fu started in the 11th century BC, during the Xia Dynasty) 4. 在中国,著名的功夫是 少林寺 Dì sì, Zài zhōngguó, zhùmíng de gōngfū shì shàolín sì (In China, the famous Kung Fu is the Shaolin Temple) 少林寺有刀术、拳术、棒术、太极等等. 古时候是防身的方法 Shàolínsì yǒu dāo shù, quánshù, bàng shù, tàijí děng děng. Gǔ shíhòu shì fángshēn de fāngfǎ (Shaolin Temple has sword technique, boxing technique, stick technique, Tai Chi, etc. In ancient times, it was a method of self-defense) 少林代表中国传统演艺的一种形式 Shàolín dàibiǎo zhōngguó chuántǒng yǎnyì de yī zhǒng xíngshì (Shaolin represents a form of traditional Chinese performing arts) 现代,许多电影继续将少林作为中国武术的一种形式。 xiàndài, xǔduō diànyǐng jìxù jiāng shàolín zuòwéi zhōngguó wǔshù de yī zhǒng xíngshì. (In modern times, many movies continue to use Shaolin as a form of Chinese martial arts.) 武术和少林举世闻名,是中国文化的一部分 Wǔshù hé shàolín jǔshì wénmíng, shì zhōngguó wénhuà de yībùfèn (martial arits and shaolin are world known and is a part of china culture)

Choose one historical or contemporary Chinese figure中国人物 Zhōngguó rénwù. In your presentation, describe this person's background, what he/she has done, and explain his or her significance in China.

China has over 5000 years of history) 中国有5,000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ She has many traditions and many famous personnels 她有很多传统和许多著名人物 Tā yǒu hěnduō chuántǒng hé xǔduō zhùmíng rénwù 今天,我来谈谈孔子 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán kǒngzǐ 孔夫子, 也叫孔子, 是两千多年前的春秋末期的人, 也是中国最重要的历史人物. Kǒng fūzǐ, yě jiào kǒngzǐ, shì liǎng qiān duō nián qián de chūnqiū mòqí de rén, yěshì zhōngguó zuì zhòngyào de lìshǐ rénwù. (Confucius, also known as Confucius, was a person who lived in the late spring and autumn more than 2,000 years ago, and is also the most important historical figure in China.) 他是一位教育家, 政治家和哲学家. Tā shì yī wèi jiàoyù jiā, zhèngzhì jiā hé zhéxué jiā. (He is an educator, politician and philosopher.) 他对中国的文化和社会具有很大的影响. Tā duì zhōngguó de wénhuà hé shèhuì jùyǒu hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng (He has great influence on Chinese culture and society) 孔子说, "君君, 臣臣, 父父, 子子", 那意思就是说, 全国上下每一个人都应该知道自己该做的事, 和做好自己该做的事. Kǒng zǐ shuō, "jūn jūn, chén chén, fù fù, zǐ zǐ", nà yìsi jiùshì shuō, quánguó shàngxià měi yīgè rén dōu yīnggāi zhīdào zìjǐ gāi zuò de shì, hé zuò hǎo zìjǐ gāi zuò de shì. (Confucius said, "Junjun, ministers, fathers and fathers, sons and sons", that means that if everyone in the whole country should know what they should do, and do what they should do.) 如果每个人都做自己需要做的事,整个社会将更加安全和宁静 Rúguǒ měi gèrén dōu zuò zìjǐ xūyào zuò de shì, zhěnggè shèhuì jiāng gèngjiā ānquán hé níngjìng (if everyone does what they need to do, the entire society will be more safe and tranquil) 他还说: "三人行, 必有我师." 那意思就是说, 只要你愿意, 每一个人都可以是你的老师, 都能让你学到有用的知识. 孔夫子是一位教育家. Tā hái shuō: "Sān rénxíng, bì yǒu wǒ shī." Nà yìsi jiùshì shuō, zhǐyào nǐ yuànyì, měi yīgè rén dōu kěyǐ shì nǐ de lǎoshī, dōu néng ràng nǐ xué dào yǒuyòng de zhīshì. He also said: "Three people, there must be our teacher." That means that as long as you want, everyone can be your teacher, and you can learn useful knowledge. 因为孔夫子, 中国人重视教育, 一般来说, 都相信每个人应该活到老, 学到老. Yīnwèi kǒng fūzǐ, zhōngguó rén zhòngshì jiàoyù, yībān lái shuō, dōu xiāngxìn měi gèrén yīnggāi huó dào lǎo, xué dào lǎo. (Because Confucius, Chinese people value education. Generally speaking, everyone believes that everyone should live old and learn old.) 在过去的2000年中,孔子继续影响着中国社会的运作方式 Zài guòqù de Liǎng qiān nián zhōng, kǒngzǐ jìxù yǐngxiǎngzhe zhōngguó shèhuì de yùnzuò fāngshì (for the past 2000 years, confusius continues to influence the way the chinese society operates)

Choose one "成语故事", such as "守株待兔", "画龙点睛", "自相矛盾", "亡羊补牢", "拔苗助长", "南辕北辙", "望梅止渴", "买椟还珠", "夜郎自大", "滥竽充数", etc. In your presentation, describe the original story of the expression, what the expression means, and give an example to explain how the expression is used. I. 愚公移山 II. 塞翁失马,焉知非福

I. 在中国历史上,大约有5,000个成语 Zài zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng, dàyuē yǒu Wǔqiān gè chéngyǔ (in chinese history, there are about 5000 idioms) 成语通常有四个字 Chéngyǔ tōngcháng yǒu sì gè zì (Idiom generally has four characters) 成语被视为中华文化的智慧之本, Chéngyǔ bèi shì wéi zhōnghuá wénhuà de zhìhuì zhī běn, (Idioms are regarded as the foundation of wisdom in Chinese culture,) 今天,我来谈谈愚公移山 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán Yúgōngyíshān (Today, I will talk about Yugong Yishan) 传说古代有一位老人名叫北山愚公,家门前有两座大山挡住了路 Chuánshuō gǔdài yǒuyī wèi lǎorén míng jiào běishān yú gōng, jiā mén qián yǒu liǎng zuò dàshān dǎngzhùle lù (Legend has it that there was an old man named Beishan Yugong in ancient times, and two big mountains in front of his house blocked the road) 他下决心要把山平掉,另一个老人笑他太傻,认为不可能. Tā xià juéxīn yào bǎ shānpíng diào, lìng yīgè lǎorén xiào tā tài shǎ, rènwéi bù kěnéng. (He made up his mind to level the mountain. Another old man laughed that he was too stupid to think it was possible.) 愚公回答说:"我死了有儿子,儿子死了还有孙子,子子孙孙是没有穷尽的 Yú gōng huídá shuō:"Wǒ sǐle yǒu érzi, érzi sǐle hái yǒu sūnzi, zǐ zǐsūn sūn shì méiyǒu qióngjìn de (Yugong replied, "I have a son when he dies, and a grandson when his son dies. There is no end to all children and grandchildren.) 这两座山可不会再增高了,凿去一点就少一点,终有一天要凿平的 Zhè liǎng zuò shān kěbù huì zài zēnggāole, záo qù yīdiǎn jiù shǎo yīdiǎn, zhōng yǒu yītiān yào záo píng de (These two mountains will not increase anymore, they will go a little bit less, and one day they will be leveled) 比喻做事有毅力,有恒心,不怕困难。 Bǐyù zuòshì yǒu yìlì, yǒu héngxīn, bùpà kùnnán (Metaphor for perseverance, not afraid of difficulties) II. 在中国历史上,大约有5,000个成语 Zài zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng, dàyuē yǒu Wǔqiān gè chéngyǔ (in chinese history, there are about 5000 idioms) 成语通常有四个字 Chéngyǔ tōngcháng yǒu sì gè zì (Idiom generally has four characters) 成语被视为中华文化的智慧之本, Chéngyǔ bèi shì wéi zhōnghuá wénhuà de zhìhuì zhī běn, (Idioms are regarded as the foundation of wisdom in Chinese culture,) 今天,我来谈谈塞翁失马,焉知非福 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán Sài wēng shī mǎ, (Today, I 'm going to talk about the loss of Sai Weng.) 古时候塞上有一位养马的老翁,有一天他的马不见了. Gǔ shíhòu sāi shàng yǒuyī wèi yǎng mǎ de lǎowēng, yǒu yītiān tā de mǎ bùjiànle (In ancient times, there was a horse-raising man, and one day his horse disappeared) 而在一年之后带了一匹小马回来, Ér zài yī nián zhīhòu dàile yī pǐ xiǎo mǎ huílái (And brought back a foal a year later) 小马长大之后老翁的儿子试着去骑, Xiǎo mǎ zhǎng dà zhīhòu lǎowēng de érzi shìzhe qù qí (After the little horse grows up, the old man's son tries to ride) 却被马甩了下来,摔断了一条腿。 Què bèi mǎ shuǎile xiàlái, shuāi duànle yītiáo tuǐ (But was thrown off by a horse and broke a leg) 之后发动战争,到处都在征兆壮丁作战, Zhīhòu fādòng zhànzhēng, dàochù dōu zài zhēngzhào zhuàngdīng zuòzhàn, (thereafter, there was a war, there were signs of recruitment everywhere,) 老翁的儿子因为残疾而免于一战。 Lǎowēng de érzi yīnwèi cánjí ér miǎn yú yī zhàn (The old man's son was saved from War because of his disability) 遭遇是祸是福? Zāoyù shì huò shì fú (Encounter is a disaster or a blessing?) 后人便用焉知非福来比喻一时受到损失不一定是坏事,也许之后会因祸得福。 Hòu rén biàn yòng yān zhī fēi fúlái bǐyù yīshí shòudào sǔnshī bù yīdìng shì huàishì, yěxǔ zhīhòu huì yīnhuòdéfú. (Later generations used the metaphor of non-blessing as a metaphor for a loss that is not necessarily a bad thing.)Id

Choose ONE aspect方面 of Chinese family relationships 家庭关系 Jiātíng guānxì (husband and wife, parents and children, etc.). In your presentation, describe the relationship and discuss traditional Chinese values embodied in this relationship.

In chinese families, 在中国家庭里面, Zài zhōngguó jiātíng lǐmiàn there are many different relationships 有很多不同的关系 yǒu hěnduō bùtóng de Guānxì Today, i come to talk about the relationship between parents and children 今天,我来谈谈父母与子女之间的关系 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán fùmǔ yǔ zǐnǚ zhī jiān de Guānxì In chinese society, 在中国社会中, Zài zhōngguó shèhuì zhōng (Confusius' thinking) 孔子的思想 Kǒngzǐ de sīxiǎng always had great influence 一直有很大的影响 Yīzhí Yǒu hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng For example 比如, Bǐrú, Children must respect parents) 1. 在一个家庭里, 孩子们要尊敬父母 Dì yī, Zài yīgè jiātíng lǐ, háizimen yào zūnjìng fùmǔ In a chinese family, age is very important 2. 第二,在一个中国家庭里,年龄很重要 Dì èr, zài yīgè zhōngguó lǐ, Niánlíng hěn zhòngyào Young folks need to listen to elders) 年轻人需要听老人的话 Niánqīng rén xūyào tīng lǎorén dehuà Parents have very strict requirements for their children) 3. 父母对孩子有很严格的要求 Dì sān, Fùmǔ duì háizi yǒu hěn yángé de yāoqiú Parents care very much about the kids education) 4. 父母很重视孩子的教育 Dì sì, Fùmǔ hěn zhòngshì háizi de jiàoyù Parents need their kids to listen, has manner, has good grades) 5. 父母要求孩子听话,有礼貌,成绩好 Dì wǔ, Fùmǔ yāoqiú háizi tīnghuà, yǒu lǐmào, chéngjī hǎo In a typical Chinese family, as parents grow older, children will take care of them 6. 在一个典型的中国家庭里, 随着父母的年龄增长,孩子会照顾他们 Zài yīgè diǎnxíng de zhōngguó jiātíng lǐ, suízhe fùmǔ de niánlíng zēngzhǎng, háizi huì zhàogù tāmen At times, aging parents will live with their kid 有时, 年迈的父母将与孩子同住 Yǒushí, Niánmài de fùmǔ jiāng yǔ hái zǐ tóng zhù 望子成龙 wàng zǐ chéng lóng (Wishing the son tobe a dragon = aka successful) Many parents want their children to live better in the future. Become a useful member of society 许多父母都希望自己的孩子将来过得更好. 成为社会的有用成员 Xǔduō fùmǔ dōu xīwàng zìjǐ de háizi jiānglái guò dé gèng hǎo, Chéngwéi shèhuì de yǒuyòng chéngyuán

China's provinces and her capital

中国共有23个省 Zhōngguó gòngyǒu 23 gè shěng (China has a total of 23 provines) 中国也有三级城市 Zhōngguó yěyǒu sān jí chéngshì (china also has three levels of cities) 它们分别是直辖市,地级市和县级市。 Tāmen fēnbié shì zhíxiáshì, dì jí shì hé xiàn jí shì they are namely direct-administered municipalities, prefecture-level cities, and county-level cities. 此外,中国还有香港和澳门的特别行政区 Cǐwài, zhōngguó hái yǒu xiānggǎng hé àomén de tèbié xíngzhèngqū in addition, china also has The Special Administrative Regions (特别行政区) are Hong Kong and Macau 北京是中国的首都,也是中国主要的历史中心 Běijīng shì zhōngguó de shǒudū, yěshì zhōngguó zhǔyào de lìshǐ zhōngxīn (beijing is the capital of china and is also the main chinese historical center) 北京已有三千多年的历史 Běijīng yǐ yǒu sānqiān duō nián de lìshǐ (beijing alreadyi a hisstory of 3000 years) 在过去的700年里,它一直是中国的首都 Zài guòqù de 700 nián lǐ, tā yīzhí shì zhōngguó de shǒudū (in the past 700 years, it always remained the capital of china) 北京是元,明,清六大王朝的首都。 Běijīng shì yuán, míng, qīng liù dà wángcháo de shǒudū. beijing was the capital for six ancient dynasties including yuan, ming, qing. 今天,北京既是政治中心,经济中心又是教育中心 Jīntiān, běijīngjìshì zhèngzhì zhōngxīn, jīng jì zhōngxīn yòu shì jiàoyù zhōngxīn today, beijing serves as the political center, the economic center as well as the education center

There are 12 zodiac signs in Chinese, which are used to symbolize the year in which a person is born. In your presentation, talk about your own sign and explain the meaning of your sign in Chinese culture. If possible, tell a related story.

中国文化有很多的传统 Zhōngguó wénhuà yǒu hěnduō de chuántǒng (The Chinese culture has many traditions.) 最受欢迎的传统之一与农历相关。 Zuì shòu huānyíng de chuántǒng zhī yī yǔ nónglì xiāngguān. (One of the most popular tradition is tied to the lunar calendar) 中国十二生肖始于中国,但在大多数亚洲国家中非常受欢迎。 Zhōngguó shí'èr shēngxiào shǐ yú zhōngguó, dàn zài dà duōshù yàzhōu guójiā zhōng fēicháng shòu huānyíng. (The Chinese Zodiac started in China but is very popular in most Asian countries.) 十二生肖始于汉朝。 Shí'èr shēngxiào shǐ yú hàn cháo. The Chinese Zodiac started thousands of years ago during the Han dynasty. (The Chinese Zodiac uses a different animal for each lunar year over a 12 year cycle) 每个年度周期从老鼠开始,将包括12种不同的动物,例如狗,猫,兔子,蛇,龙等。 Měi gè niándù zhōuqí cóng lǎoshǔ kāishǐ, jiāng bāokuò 12 zhǒng bùtóng de dòngwù, lìrú gǒu, māo, tùzǐ, shé, lóng děng. (Each annual cycle starts with the rat and will include 12 different animals, for example, dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes, dragons, and others.) 十二生肖中只有龙不是真正的动物 Shí'èr shēngxiào zhōng zhǐyǒu lóng bùshì zhēnzhèng de dòngwù (Only the dragon is not a real animal in the 12 zodiac) 但它是最强大的 Dàn tā shì zuì qiáng dà de But it is the most powerful 每只动物都具有一组的特征。 Měi zhǐ dòngwù dōu jùyǒu yī zǔ de tèzhēng. (Each animal identifies with a set of characteristics.) 每年都会为该动物带来一系列不同的事件。 Měinián dūhuì wèi gāi dòngwù dài lái yī xìliè bùtóng de shìjiàn. (Each year will bring on a different set of events for that animal) 生肖在中国文化和社区中扮演着有趣的角色。 Shēngxiào zài zhōngguó wénhuà hé shèqū zhōng bànyǎnzhe yǒuqù de juésè. (The Chinese zodiac plays an interesting role in influencing the culture and community of China) 直到今天,许多中国人仍然相信这些来自十二生肖的预言和"迷信"。 Zhídào jīntiān, xǔduō zhōngguó rén réngrán xiāngxìn zhèxiē láizì shí'èr shēngxiào de yùyán hé "míxìn". (Still even today, many Chinese people believe these predictions and "superstitions" from the Chinese zodiac.)

In China, different colors may be associated with different things or events. In your presentation, choose one color (white, red, black, yellow, etc,), describe what the color represents, and introduce related idioms, proverbs, and symbolism.

中国文化有很多的传统. Zhōngguó wénhuà yǒu hěnduō de chuántǒng Chinese culture has many traditions. 我想说说中国人为什么对颜色的爱好有一定的区别。 Wǒ xiǎng shuō shuō zhōngguó rén wéi shén me duì yánsè de àihào yǒu yīdìng de qūbié. I want to talk about why Chinese people have a certain difference in their hobbies of colors. 红色对中国人来说是权力与富裕, Hóngsè duì zhōngguó rén lái shuō shì quánlì yǔ fùyù (Red is power and wealth for the Chinese) 以及喜事的象征。 Yǐjí xǐshì de xiàngzhēng (And the symbol of a happy event) 古代的皇亲贵族都喜欢穿红色的衣服。 Gǔdài de huáng qīn guìzú dōu xǐhuān chuān hóngsè de yīfú. (Ancient royals and nobles like to wear red clothes.) 皇宫建筑也是红色的。 Huánggōng jiànzhú yěshì hóngsè de The palace building is also red (the palace structures are also in red) 新娘新郎的衣服也都是红色的。 Xīnniáng xīnláng de yīfú yě dū shì hóngsè de. (The bride and groom's clothes are also red) 黄色在历史上也成为与皇帝皇族有关的颜色。 Huángsè zài lìshǐ shàng yě chéngwéi yǔ huángdì huángzú yǒuguān de yánsè. (Yellow has also become a color associated with emperors and emperors in history.) 老百姓是不允许穿黄色的衣服的。 Lǎobǎixìng shì bù yǔnxǔ chuān huángsè de yīfú de. (The common people are not allowed to wear yellow clothes.) 中国文化相信每种颜色都有不同的价值 Zhōngguó wénhuà xiāngxìn měi zhǒng yánsè dōu yǒu bùtóng de jiàzhí (Chinese culture believes in different values for each color.) 中国文化将五种颜色与五种元素联系在一起。 Zhōngguó wénhuà jiāng wǔ zhǒng yánsè yǔ wǔ zhǒng yuánsù liánxì zài yīqǐ. (Chinese culture associates five colors with five elements.) 这种传统一直沿用至今。红色在今天仍然意味着吉祥,通常可以用于新年,婚礼或生日。 Zhè zhǒng chuántǒng yīzhí yányòng zhìjīn. Hóngsè zài jīntiān réngrán yìwèizhe jíxiáng, tōngcháng kěyǐ yòng yú xīnnián, hūnlǐ huò shēngrì. (This tradition continues to be used today. Red continues to mean auspicious today and can often be used for new year , weddinds or birthdays.)

There are 56 ethnic groups in China, each of which has developed individual customs. Choose one of these groups, and make a presentation about how these people live. If possible, tell a related story.

中国是一个非常大的国家,大约有13亿人口 Zhōngguó shì yīgè fēicháng dà de guójiā, dàyuē yǒu 13 yì rénkǒu (China is a very large country, with approximately 1.3 billion of people) 在13亿人口中,中国有56种不同的民族 Zài 13 yì rénkǒu zhōng, zhōngguó yǒu 56 zhǒng bùtóng de mínzú (of the 1.3 billion people, china has 56 different ethnic groups) 每个民族都有自己的习俗。 Měi gè mínzú dōu yǒu zìjǐ de xísú. (each of which has developed individual customs.) 今天,我来谈谈汉族 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán hànzú (today, i come to talk about han ethnic group) 汉族是中国56个民族中人口最多的民族,也是世界上人口最多的民族。 Hànzú shì zhōng guó 56 gè mínzú zhōng rénkǒu zuìduō de mínzú, yěshì shìjiè shàng rénkǒu zuìduō de mínzú. (The Han nationality is the most populous nation among the 56 ethnic groups in China, and it is also the most populous nation in the world) 在中国,92% 的人口是汉族 Zài zhōngguó, Bǎi fēn zhī jiǔshí'èr de rénkǒu shì hànzú (in china, 92% of the population is han nationality) 汉语有七大方言 Hànyǔ yǒu qī dà fāngyán (There are seven major dialects of Chinese) 现代汉语以北方方言为基础,北京语音为标准音。 Xiàndài hàn yǔ yǐ běi fāng fāng yán wéi jī chǔ, běijīng yǔ yīn wèi biāo zhǔn yīn. (Modern Chinese is based on northern dialects and Beijing pronunciation is the standard sound.) 汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一,已有5000多年的历史。 Hànzì shì shìjiè shàng zuì gǔlǎo de wénzì zhī yī, yǐ yǒu 5000 duōnián de lìshǐ. (Chinese characters are one of the oldest characters in the world, with a history of more than 5000 years.) 在古代,汉族以耕种为基础 Zài gǔdài, hànzú yǐ gēngzhòng wèi jīchǔ ( In ancient times, farming was the main structure for Hans) 汉族主要的节日是春节,还有中秋、端午、清明等等。 Hànzú zhǔyào de jiérì shì chūnjié, hái yǒu zhòng qiū, duānwǔ, qīngmíng děng děng. (The main festival of the Han nationality is the Spring Festival, as well as Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Qingming Festival and so on.) 米食和面食是汉族主食的两大类型。南方以米食为主。北方以面食为主。 Mǐshí huò miànshí shì hànzú zhǔshí de liǎng dà lèixíng. Nánfāng yǐ mǐshí wéi zhǔ. Běifāng yǐ miànshí wéi zhǔ. (Rice and pasta are the two main types of Han staple food. The south is dominated by rice food. The north is dominated by pasta.) 汉语有个成语说"民以食为天",意思是说"吃"对人们来说是最重要的东西。 Hànyǔ yǒu gè chéngyǔ shuō"mín yǐ shí wéi tiān", yìsi shì shuō"chī"duì rénmen lái shuō shì zuì zhòngyào de dōngxī. (There is an idiom in Chinese that says "people take food as the sky", meaning that "eating" is the most important thing for people.) 汉族是世界上最大的族裔,历史悠久,成就斐然。 Hànzú shì shìjiè shàng zuìdà de zú yì, lìshǐ yōujiǔ, chéngjiù fěirán. (The Han people are the world's largest ethnicity, with one of the longest histories, and many accomplishments) 汉族创造了一些世界上最大的建筑,如长城和一些世界上最大的古木建筑,如紫禁城 Hànzú chuàngzàole yīxiē shìjiè shàng zuìdà de jiànzhú, rú chángchéng hé yīxiē shìjiè shàng zuìdà de gǔmù jiànzhú, rú zǐjìnchéng (The Han created some of the world's largest constructions such as the Great Wall and some of the world's largest ancient wooden buildings like the forbidden city) 在中国历史上,汉族是最大的民族,也是最长久的民族 Zài zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng, hànzú shì zuìdà de mínzú, yěshì zuì chángjiǔ de mínzú (In chinese history, han nationality is the largest nationality, and also the longest nationality)

2. Auspicious 吉祥 Chinese symbols 象徵 (e.g. peony flower, dragon, pixie, etc.) are often found in Chinese business establishments such as restaurants, markets, and shops. Choose and describe one or two of such symbols and state where they would be seen. In your presentation, explain the cultural significance of those symbols. I. Peony Flowers II. Dragon

中国有5000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ (China has 5000 more years of history) 在中国传统中, 有很多吉祥的象徵比如牡丹花和龙. Zài zhōngguó chuántǒng zhōng, yǒu hěnduō jíxiáng de xiàngzhēng Bǐrú mǔdān huā hé lóng (In Chinese traditions, there are many auspicious symbols) 今天,我来谈谈牡丹花 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán mǔdān huā (Today, I come to discuss peony flower) 1. 牡丹花, 花瓣较大,宽厚,花色多为黄, 红,紫,粉红, 与白色 Mǔdān huā, huābàn jiào dà, kuānhòu, huāsè duō wèi huáng, hóng, zǐ, fěnhóng, yǔ báisè (Peony flowers, big petal flowers, wide thick, flower colors are yellow, red, purcle, pink, and white) 2. 牡丹花象征吉祥, 富贵, 幸福, 圆满 Mǔdān huā xiàngzhēng jíxiáng, fùguì, xìngfú, yuánmǎn Peony flowers syybolize auspicious, rich, happy, fullfilled 3. 牡丹花是中国的国花 Mǔdān huā shì zhōngguó de guóhuā Peony flowers are flowers of CHina 在传统中国国画中出现最多的鲜花是牡丹 Zài chuántǒng zhōngguó guóhuà zhòng chūxiàn zuìduō de xiānhuā shì mǔdān (In chinese traditional paintings, peony flowers are the ones that appear the most) 因为牡丹是富贵和吉祥的代表, Yīnwèi mǔdān shì fùguì hé jíxiáng de dàibiǎo, (Because peony is a representative of wealth and auspiciousness,) 所以现在国人都用带有牡丹的国画寓意美好的吉祥富贵之意 Suǒyǐ xiànzài guórén dōu yòng dài yǒu mǔdān de guóhuà yùyì měihǎo de jíxiáng fùguì zhī yì (So now Chinese people use Chinese paintings with peonies to mean beautiful auspicious wealth) 中国有5000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ (China has 5000 more years of history) 在中国传统中, 有很多吉祥的象徵比如牡丹花和龙. Zài zhōngguó chuántǒng zhōng, yǒu hěnduō jíxiáng de xiàngzhēng Bǐrú mǔdān huā hé lóng (In Chinese tradition, there are many auspicious symbols such as peony flowers and dragons.) 今天,我来谈谈龙 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán lóng (Today, I come to talk about dragon) 龙是中国神话与传说中出现的一种动物 Lóng shì zhōngguó shénhuà yǔ chuánshuō zhòng chūxiàn de yī zhǒng dòngwù (Dragon is an animal that appears in Chinese myths and legends) 在中国艺术中 Zài zhōngguó yìshù zhōng (in Chinese art) 通常将龙描绘成具有四个腿的长鳞状蛇形动物 Tōngcháng jiāng lóng miáohuì chéng jùyǒu sì gè tuǐ de cháng lín zhuàng shé xíng dòngwù (dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs.) 龙, 特别是黄色或金色的龙,每只脚上有五个爪, Lóng, Tèbié shì huángsè huò jīnsè de lóng, měi zhǐ jiǎo shàng yǒu wǔ gè zhǎo (especially yellow or golden dragons with five claws on each foot) 龙一直被视为一种神圣、吉祥的动物 Lóng yīzhí bèi shì wéi yī zhǒng shénshèng, jíxiáng de dòngwù (The dragon has always been regarded as a sacred and auspicious animal) 龙,象征着一种民族的精神 Lóng, xiàngzhēngzhe yī zhǒng mínzú de Jīngshén (Dragon, symbolizing a national spirit) 在许多中国朝代都是皇帝的象征 Zài xǔduō zhōngguó cháodài dōu shì huángdì de xiàngzhēng (It was a symbol for the emperor in many Chinese dynasties) 龙象征力量和吉祥 Lóng xiàngzhēng lìliàng hé jíxiáng (Dragon symbolizes strength and good fortune) 在北京故宫等皇宫的台阶上都雕刻有龙Běijīng gùgōng děng huánggōng de táijiē shàng doū diāokè yǒu lóng (Dragons are carved on the steps of the Imperial Palace such as the Forbidden City in Beijing) 龙象征的权力和地位 Lóng xiàngzhēng de quánlì hé dìwèi (Dragon symbolizes power and status) 在中国人的心里, 龙是吉祥和高贵的动物. 它代表力量, 代表美好, 也代表中国的文化和中国人. Zài zhōngguó rén de xīnlǐ, lóng shì jíxiáng hé gāoguì de dòngwù. Tā dàibiǎo lìliàng, dàibiǎo měihǎo, yě dàibiǎo zhōngguó de wénhuà hé zhōngguó rén. (In the hearts of Chinese people, dragons are auspicious and noble animals. It represents strength, beauty, and Chinese culture and Chinese.)

3. Choose ONE ancient Chinese invention 古代发明 Fāmíng (e.g. paper making, movable type printing, the compass, etc.). In your presentation, describe this invention in detail and explain its significance.

中国有5000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ (China has 5000 more years of history) 在中国历史上,有四项著名的古代发明 Zài zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng, yǒu sì xiàng zhùmíng de gǔdài fāmíng (In Chinese history, there are four famous ancient inventions) 比如 造纸 、指南针 、火药 、印刷术 等等 Bǐrú Zàozhǐ, zhǐnánzhēn, huǒyào, yìnshuā shù Děng děng (Such as papermaking, compass, gunpowder, printing, etc) 今天,我来谈谈指南针 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán zhǐnánzhēn (today, i come to talk about the compass) 1.指南针是用于导航的工具 Zhǐnánzhēn shì yòng yú dǎoháng de gōngjù. (The compass is a tool with a magnet used for navigation) 2. 它指示了东,南, 西 和北的方向和位置。 Tā Zhǐshì le dōng, nán, Xī, hé běi de fāngxiàng hé wèizhì (It shows directions for north, east, south and west as well as location.) 3. 首先, 指南针最早是在汉朝发明的 Shǒuxiān, Zhǐnánzhēn zuìzǎo shì zài hàn zhāo fāmíng de (The compass was first invented during the Han Dynasty) 4. 指南针开始是用于算命。 zhǐnánzhēn Kāishǐ shì yòng yú suànmìng. (The first compass was used for fortune telling) 5. 到了唐朝时期,指南针首次用于航行 Dàole Táng cháo shíqí, zhǐnánzhēn shǒucì yòng yú hángxíng. (the compass was first used for navigation during the tang dynasty, ) 指南针在中国发明几个世纪之后,便传到了世界其他地区,包括欧洲和中东。 Zhǐnánzhēn zài zhōngguó fāmíng jī gè shìjì zhīhòu, biàn chuán dàole shìjiè qítā dìqū, bāokuò ōuzhōu hé zhōngdōng. (Centuries after the compass was invented in China, it then traveled to other parts of the world, including Europe and the Middle East) 因为有了指南针,旅行变得更加高效。 Yīnwèi yǒule Zhǐnánzhēn , lǚxíng biàn dé gèngjiā gāoxiào. (The invention of the compass made traveling more efficient.) 探险家和军人都使用指南针导航 Tànxiǎn jiā hé jūnrén dōu shǐyòng zhǐnánzhēn dǎoháng (Explorers and soldiers all used the compass to navigate) 指南针在世界上具有重要的意义 Zhǐnánzhēn zài shìjiè shàng jùyǒu zhòngyào de yìyì (the compass carries significance in the world) 因为即使现在,每个人都可以使用它来指示方向和位置 Yīnwèi jíshǐ xiànzài, měi gèrén dōu kěyǐ shǐyòng tā lái zhǐshì fāngxiàng hé wèizhì (because even now, everyone can use it for direction and location)

1.FIrst Emperor of China - First Emperor of Qin aka Qin Shi Huang

中国有5000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ (China has 5000 more years of history) 她在历史上有许多著名的皇帝 Tā zài lìshǐ shàng yǒu xǔduō zhùmíng de huángdì She has many famous emperors over the history 比如, 秦始皇,武则天皇帝,汉高祖,康熙皇帝等 Bǐrú, Qínshǐhuáng, wǔzétiān huángdì, hàn gāozǔ, kāngxī huángdì děng For example: Qin Shi Huang, Empress Wu Zetian, Emperor Gaozu of Han, Kangxi Emperor, etc 今天我来谈谈秦始皇 Jīntiān wǒ lái tán tán qínshǐhuáng Today, i come to talk about Qin Shi Huang. 1. 秦始皇(公元前221年至公元前210年)是中国的第一位皇帝 Qínshǐhuáng (gōngyuán qián 221 nián zhì gōngyuán qián 210 nián) shì zhōngguó de dì yī wèi huángdì Emperor Qin Shihuang (212 BC to 211 BC) was China's first emperor 2. 秦始皇在公元前221年建立了秦朝, 也统一了中国。 Qínshǐhuáng zài gōngyuán qián 221 nián jiànlìle qín cháo, yě tǒngyīliǎo zhōngguó. Qin Shihuang established the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC and unified China. 3.在秦朝之前,中国被划分为7个州,彼此之间战争了200多年。这个时期被称为交战时期。 Zài qín zhāo zhīqián, zhōngguó bèi huàfēn wéi 7 gè zhōu, bǐcǐ zhī jiān zhànzhēngle 200 duōnián. Zhège shíqí bèi chēng wèi jiāozhàn shíqí. before qin dynasty, china was divided into 7 states and were at war with each other for over 200 years. this period is known as the warring period. 4. 秦始皇是一个能干的统治者,但他也被称为残酷的统治者 Qínshǐhuáng shì yīgè nénggàn de tǒngzhì zhě, dàn tā yě bèi chēng wèi cánkù de tǒngzhì zhě qin shi huang was an able ruler but he was also known as a brutal ruler 5. 他建立了一个中央集权制度,改革了经济和政治制度, Tā jiànlìle yīgè zhōngyāng jíquán zhìdù, gǎigéle jīngjì hé zhèngzhì zhìdù. he created a centralized system, reformed the economy and political systems. 6. 他修建了长城和大运河 Tā xiūjiànle chángchéng hé dà yùnhé he built the great wall and the grand canal 7. 秦始皇希望长生不老,于是他为来世组建了一支8000人的兵马俑。 Qínshǐhuáng xīwàng chángshēng bùlǎo, yúshì tā wéi láishì zǔjiànle yī zhī 8000 rén de bīngmǎyǒng Qin shi huang hoped for immortality, thus he built a army of 8000 strong called the terracotta for his after life 今天,秦始皇仍然是中国历史上的重要人物 Jīntiān, qínshǐhuáng réngrán shì zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng de zhòngyào rénwù today, Qin Shi huang continues to be an important person in chinese history 因为秦始皇,这个国家被称为中国,他也被称为中国的第一位皇帝 Yīn wéi qínshǐhuáng, zhège guójiā bèi chēng wéi zhōngguó, tā yě bèi chēng wéi zhōngguó de dì yī wèi huángdì because of qin shi huang, the country became known as china, he as also known as the first emperor of China

Choose ONE of the Chinese dynasties 中国朝代 Zhōngguó cháodài (e.g. Qin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, etc.). In your presentation, state the key facts about this dynasty and explain its significance in Chinese history.

中国有5000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ (China has 5000 more years of history) 它有许多重要的朝代 Tā yǒu xǔduō chóng yào de cháodài (She has many important dynasties) 例如汉朝,唐朝,明朝等 Lìrú hàn cháo, táng cháo, míng cháo děng (for example, han dynasty, tang dynasty, ming dynasty, etc) 今天,我来谈谈明朝 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán Míng cháo (Today, I come to talk about Ming Dynasty) 1. 明朝是中國歷史上最後一個由漢人建立的大一统王朝 Míng cháo shì zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng zuìhòu yīgè yóu hànrén jiànlì de dà yītǒng wángcháo (The Ming Dynasty was the last great unified dynasty established by the Han people in Chinese history) 2. 从公元1368年, 它持续了200多年 Cóng gōngyuán Yīqiān sānbǎi liùshíbā nián, Tā chíxùle Èrbǎi duōnián (From 1368 AD, it lasted more than 200 years) 3. 现有的大部分中国长城建于明朝时期. Xiàn yǒu de dà bùfèn zhōngguó chángchéng jiàn yú míng cháo shíqí. (Most of the existing Great Wall of China was built during the Ming Dynasty.) 此外,紫禁城也是在这个时代建造的 Cǐwài, zǐjìnchéng yěshì zài zhège shídài jiànzào de (In addition, the Forbidden City was also built in this era) 3. 郑和下西洋是一项非常重要的任务 Zhèng hé xià xīyáng shì yī xiàng fēicháng zhòngyào de rènwù (Zheng He 's sailing to the west is a very important task) 4. 七次大規模遠洋航海, 跨越了東亞以及東非各地, Qī cì dà guīmó yuǎnyáng hánghǎi, kuàyuèle dōngyà yǐjí dōngfēi gèdì, (Seven large-scale ocean-going voyages across East Asia and East Africa,) 是當時世界上規模最大的遠洋航海项目 Shì dāngshí shìjiè shàng guīmó zuìdà de yuǎnyáng hánghǎi xiàngmù (It was the world 's largest ocean navigation project at the time) 这也是非常重要的交易旅程 Zhè yěshì fēicháng zhòngyào de jiāoyì lǚchéng (it was also a very important trading journey) 5. 在明朝时期,北京成为中国的首都 Zài míng cháo shíqí, běijīng chéngwéi zhōngguó de shǒudū (During the Ming Dynasty, Beijing became the capital of China) 6. 中国的四大名著:3 个是在明朝写的 Zhōngguó de Sì dà míngzhù: Sān Gè shì zài míng cháo xiě de 《西游记》、《三国演义》、《水浒传》 "Xīyóu jì","sānguó yǎnyì","shuǐhǔ zhuàn" 明朝对中国乃至世界的历史都很重要. Míng cháo duì zhōngguó nǎizhì shìjiè de lìshǐ dōu hěn zhòngyào (The Ming Dynasty is very important to the history of China and the world) 在此期间,她成为世界上最大的经济体 Zài cǐ qíjiān, tā chéngwéi shìjiè shàng zuìdà de jīngjì tǐ (she became the worlds largest economcy during her time) 它的文化素养比其他任何国家都多 Tā de wénhuà sùyǎng bǐ qítā rènhé guójiā dōu duō (It has more cultural literacy than any other country)

The concept of "一日为师,终身为父" ("A teacher for one day, and a father forever") Has always been valued in China. In your presentation, share your thoughts on this concept, and compare and contrast it with the Western cultural attitudes toward the role of teachers, and toward education as whole.

中国有5000多年的历史 Zhōngguó yǒu Wǔqiān duōnián de lìshǐ 它有许多汉语成语 Tā yǒu xǔduō Hànyǔ chéngyǔ 今天,我来谈谈成语"一日为师,终身为父" Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán Chéngyǔ Yī rì wéi shī, zhōngshēn wèi fù 汉语成语通常由四个字组成 Hànyǔ chéngyǔ tōngcháng yóu sì gè zì zǔchéng. (Chinese idioms typically made up of four characters. 一日为师,终身为父是一个汉语成语, Yī rì wéi shī, zhōngshēn wèi fù shì yīgè hànyǔ chéngyǔ (Being a teacher one day and being a father for life is a Chinese idiom) 意思是哪怕只教过自己一天的老师,也要一辈子当做父亲看待 Yìsi shì nǎpà zhǐ jiàoguò zìjǐ yītiān de lǎoshī, yě yào yībèizi dàngzuò fùqīn kàndài (It means that even a teacher who has only taught himself for one day must be treated as a father all his life) 比喻对待老师要像对待父亲一样敬重。 Bǐyù duìdài lǎoshī yào xiàng duìdài fùqīn yīyàng jìngzhòng. (Metaphors treat teachers as respectfully as fathers.) 关于这个问题, 我要说说中国的礼文化. Guānyú zhège wèntí, wǒ yào shuō shuō zhōngguó de lǐ wénhuà. (On this issue, I want to talk about the Chinese culture of rites.) 中国的礼文化受孔夫子的影响很深. Zhōngguó de lǐ wénhuà shòu kǒng fūzǐ de yǐngxiǎng hěn shēn. (Chinese ritual culture was deeply influenced by Confucius.) 当时孔子有很多学生。他们和他住在一起,和他一起学习。他的学生非常尊重孔子 Dāngshí kǒngzǐ yǒu hěnduō xuéshēng. Tāmen hé tā zhù zài yīqǐ, hé tā yīqǐ xuéxí. Tā de xuéshēng fēicháng zūnzhòng kǒngzǐ (at the time, confucius had many students. They lived with him, studied with him. His students treated him like a father) 孔夫子说, "君君, 臣臣, 父父, 子子", 那意思就是说, 全国上下每一个人都应该知道自己该做的事, 和做好自己该做的事. Kǒng fūzǐ shuō, "jūn jūn, chén chén, fù fù, zǐ zǐ", nà yìsi jiùshì shuō, quánguó shàngxià měi yīgè rén dōu yīnggāi zhīdào zìjǐ gāi zuò de shì, hé zuò hǎo zìjǐ gāi zuò de shì. (Confucius said, "Junjun, ministers, fathers and fathers, sons and sons", that means that if everyone in the whole country should know what they should do, and do what they should do.) 因为老师给你知识,学生必须尊重他们 Yīnwèi lǎoshī gěi nǐ zhīshì, xuéshēng bìxū zūnzhòng tāmen because teachers gave you knowledge, students must respect them 现在,中国的学生继续尊重他们的老师,但是他们不能实践一日为师,终身为父的概念. Xiànzài, zhōngguó de xuéshēng jìxù zūnzhòng tāmen de lǎoshī, dànshì tāmen bùnéng shíjiàn yī rì wéi shī, zhōngshēn wèi fù de gàiniàn (Now, students in china continue to respect their teachers, but they cant practice the concept 一日为师,终身为父

中国四大著名古代文学作品 Zhōngguó Sì dà zhùmíng gǔdài wénxué zuòpǐn (Four famous Chinese ancient literary works)

中国有五千多年的历史, Zhōngguó yǒu wǔ qiān duō nián de lìshǐ (China has more than 5000 years of history) 也有很多著名的文学作品 Yěyǒu hěnduō zhùmíng de wénxué zuòpǐn (She has many famous literary works ) 比如. 中國古典四大文學名著包括《三国演义》,《西游记》,《水浒传》和《红楼梦》。 Bǐrú, Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn sì dà wénxué míngzhù bāokuò "sānguó yǎnyì", "Xīyóu jì", "Shuǐhǔ zhuàn" hé "hónglóumèng". (For example. Four classic Chinese literary classics include "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Water Margin" and "Dream of Red Mansions".) 今天,我来谈谈《水浒传》 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán "Shuǐhǔ zhuàn" (Today, I come to talk about "Water Margin") 1.《水浒传》是在明朝完成的小说. "Shuǐhǔ zhuàn" shì zài míng cháo wánchéng de xiǎoshuō (Water Margin" is a novel completed in the Ming Dynasty.) 2.《水浒传》 是由白话语言写的 Shuǐhǔ zhuàn" shì yóu báihuà yǔyán xiě de The Water Margin is written in vernacular (everyday) language 3. 整个故事是关于宋朝时期的108 位的叛军, 或称为梁山好漢 Zhěnggè gùshì shì guānyú sòngcháo shíqí de Yībǎi líng bā wèi de Pàn jūn, Huò chēng wèi Liángshān hǎohàn (The whole story is about 108 rebels during the Song Dynasty, or Liangshan heroes) 4. 梁山好漢联合起来打击中国腐败的政府 Liángshān hǎohàn liánhé qǐlái dǎjí zhōngguó fǔbài de zhèngfǔ (Liangshan heroes unite to fight the corrupt government in China) 5. 当金王朝的军队入侵宋朝时,梁山好漢起来保护自己的民族免受入侵者的侵害。 Dāng jīn wángcháo de jūnduì rùqīn sòngcháo shí, Liángshān hǎohàn qǐlái bǎohù zìjǐ de mínzú miǎn shòu rùqīn zhě de qīnhài. (When the army of the Jin Dynasty invaded the Song Dynasty, Liang Shan heroes rose up to protect their people from the invaders.) 在《水浒传》中,108条的梁山好漢纠正了腐败官员的过错。 Zài "shuǐhǔ zhuàn" zhōng,Yībǎi líng bā tiáo de Liángshān hǎohàn jiūzhèngle fǔbài guānyuán de guòcuò. (In the Water Margin, 108 Liangshan heroes corrected the corrupt officials' faults.) 他们成功地保卫了自己的国家 Tāmen chénggōng dì bǎowèile zìjǐ de Guójiā (They successfully defended their country) 今天,这个故事在现代电视节目,电影和书籍中广为流传。 Jīntiān, zhège gùshì zài xiàndài diànshì jiémù, diànyǐng hé shūjí zhōng guǎng wèi liúchuán. (The story is popular and retold today on modern tv shows, movies, and books)

Ancient Chinese art forms

中国有五千多年的历史, Zhōngguó yǒu wǔ qiān duō nián de lìshǐ (China has more than 5000 years of history) 中国古代艺术包括绘画,书法,瓷器等 Zhōngguó gǔdài yìshù bāokuò huìhuà, shūfǎ, cíqì děng ancient chinese art includes painting, calligarphy, porcelain, etc 今天,我来谈谈瓷器 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán cíqì Today, let me talk about porcelain 瓷器最早是在汉代(公元前二千二百二十二十)制造的 Cíqì zuìzǎo shì zài hàndài (gōngyuán qián èrqiān èrbǎi èrshí'èrshí) zhìzào de porcelain was first created in eastern han dynasty (twenty five-two hundreds and twenty bc) 然后在唐朝(公元前六百一十八至九百零七)期间,茶具变得很重要,并且瓷器出口到了西方 Ránhòu zài táng cháo (gōngyuán qián liùbǎi yīshíbā zhì Jiǔbǎi líng qī ) qíjiān, chájù biàn dé hěn zhòngyào, bìngqiě cíqì chūkǒu dàole xīfāng (During tang dynasty, Teaware became important, as well as export of porcelain to the west) 瓷器一般为白色,细粒且半透明 Cíqì yībān wèi báisè, xì lì qiě bàn tòumíng porcelain is generally white, fine-grained and translucent 瓷器是由瓷石制成,磨成粉末,再与白瓷土混合,在高温下制成的 Cíqì shì yóu cí shí zhì chéng, mó chéng fěnmò, zài yǔ bái cítǔ hùnhé, zài gāowēn xià zhì chéng de porcelain was made from china stone, ground to powder, mixed with white china clay and created under high temperature 在元代,景德镇的青花瓷经过提炼,一直是中国最受欢迎的瓷器。青花瓷也出口到世界各地。景德镇曾是皇家陶艺中心,并在今天继续流行。 Zài yuán dài, jǐngdézhèn de qīnghuācí jīngguò tíliàn, yīzhí shì zhōngguó zuì shòu huānyíng de cíqì. Qīnghuācí yě chūkǒu dào shìjiè gèdì. Jǐngdézhèn céng shì huángjiā táoyì zhōngxīn, bìng zài jīntiān jìxù liúxíng. in Yuan dynasty, The blue and white porcelain of Jingdezhen was refined and continued to be a favorite porcelain in china. the blue and white porcelain was also exported to the world. Jingdezhen was the imperial pottery center and continues to be popular today. 如今,瓷器在中国和世界范围内继续流行 Rújīn, cíqì zài zhōngguó hé shìjiè fànwéi nèi jìxù liúxíng today, porcelain continues to be popular in china and in the world

Choose one of your favorite Chinese write最喜欢的中国作家或诗人 (Zuì xǐhuān de zhōngguó zuòjiār Huò shīrén) , ancient or contemporary. In your presentation, describe this writer's background, name one of his/her most famous works and introduce its form and content, and explain the writer's significance in the history of Chinese literature.

中国有五千多年的历史, Zhōngguó yǒu wǔ qiān duō nián de lìshǐ (China has more than 5000 years of history) 她有很多古代作家和诗人 Tā yǒu hěnduō gǔdài zuòjiā hè shīrén (She has many ancient writers and poets) 今天,我来谈谈诗人李白 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán shīrén lǐbái (Today, I will talk about the poet Li Bai) 李白是中国唐朝时的大诗人. Lǐbái shì zhōngguó tángcháo shí de dà shīrén. (Li Bai was a great poet during the Tang Dynasty in China.) 唐朝是一个成功而先进的时代 Táng cháo shì yīgè chénggōng ér xiānjìn de shídài (Tang Dynasty was a successful and advanced era) 3. 中国的唐诗最有名. Zhōngguó de tángshī zuì yǒumíng. (Tang poetry was the most famous.) 4. 李白有一部只有20个字的著名诗叫 "静夜思" Lǚ bài yǒuyī bù zhǐyǒu 20 gè zì de zhùmíng shī Jiào "jìngyè sī" (Li Bai has a famous poem with only 20 words called "Jing Ye Si") 床前明月光, Chuáng qián míng yuèguāng (Moonlight in front of the bed,) 疑是地上霜, Yí shì dìshàng shuāng (Suspected of frost on the ground,) 举头望明月, Jǔ tóu wàng míngyuè (Looking up at the moon,) 低头思故乡. dītóu sī gùxiāng (Looking down at your hometown.) 李白只用二十个字就成功地画出一幅生动的图画 Lǐbái zhǐ yòng èrshí gè zì jiù chénggōng de huà chū yī fú (fú shēngdòng de túhuà (Li Bai successfully painted a vivid picture in only twenty words) 它描绘了一个已经离开家一段时间的人,在一个满月的夜晚他如何想起自己的家人 Tā miáohuìle yīgè yǐjīng líkāi jiā yì duàn shíjiān de rén, Zài yīgè mǎnyuè de yèwǎn tā rúhé xiǎngqǐ zìjǐ de jiārén (It depicts a person who has been away from home for a while and how he recalls his family on a full moon night) 李白的诗看起来简单, 表达的意思却很深远, 非常感人 Lǐbái de shī kàn qǐlái jiǎndān, biǎodá de yìsi què hěn shēnyuǎn, fēicháng gǎnrén (Li Bai's poems look simple, but the expressions are profound and very touching) 一千年后,仍然有很多中国人喜欢读他的诗 Yīqiān nián hòu, réngrán yǒu hěnduō zhōngguó rén xǐhuān dú tā de shī (A thousand years later, many Chinese still like to read his poems)

Choose one traditional Chinese practice related to weddings (such as dragon and phoenix, the wedding banquet, special clothing, etc)

中国有五千多年的历史, Zhōngguó yǒu wǔ qiān duō nián de lìshǐ (China has more than 5000 years of history) 她有很多的传统 Tā yǒu hěnduō de chuántǒng (she has a great deal of traditions) 今天,我来谈谈一个中式婚礼 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán yīgè zhōngshì hūnlǐ Today, I come to talk about a Chinese wedding 中式婚礼有很多传统,包括吃什么,穿什么,做什么。 Zhōngshì hūnlǐ yǒu hěnduō chuántǒng, bāokuò chī shénme, chuān shénme, zuò shénme. chinese wedding has many traditions including what to eat, what to wear, what to do. 对于中国人,人们在婚礼上必须穿新衣服,象征着新的开始 Duìyú zhōngguó rén, rénmen zài hūnlǐ shàng bìxū chuān xīn yīfú, xiàngzhēngzhe xīn de kāishǐ for the chinese, people must wear new clothing for their wedding, symbolizing for a new begining 与西方传统不同,新娘不会穿妈妈,奶奶等的任何东西 Yǔ xīfāng chuántǒng bùtóng, xīnniáng bù huì chuān māmā, nǎinai děng de rènhé dōngxī unlike western tradition, the bride will not wear anything from her mom, grandma, etc 按照中国的传统,中国新娘会穿红色连衣裙 Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, zhōngguó xīnniáng huì chuān hóngsè liányīqún in chinese tradition, a chinese bride will wear a red dress 因为红色象征着好运 Yīnwèi hóngsè xiàng zhēng zhe hǎo yùn Because red symbolize good fortunes 现在,由于西方的影响,新娘也可以穿白色礼服 Xiànzài, yóuyú xīfāng de yǐngxiǎng, xīnniáng yě kěyǐ chuān báisè lǐfú (now, due to western influences, a bride can also wear a white gown)( 今天,我们经常看到新娘要穿两套婚纱 Jīntiān, wǒmen jīngcháng kàn dào xīnniáng yào chuān liǎng tào hūnshā (today, we often see a bride to have both wedding clothings) 在中国传统婚礼中, 我们经常看到新郎穿龙袍,新娘穿凤凰袍 Zài zhōngguó chuántǒng hūnlǐ zhōng, wǒmen jīngcháng kàn dào xīnláng chuān lóng páo, xīnniáng chuān fènghuáng páo (In traditional Chinese weddings, we often see grooms wearing dragon robes and brides wearing phoenix robes) 婚礼是中国传统中最著名的节日之一 Hūnlǐ shì zhōngguó chuántǒng zhōng zuì zhùmíng de jiérì zhī yī (wedding is one of the most celebrated holiday in chinese traditions) 为了了解中国和中国传统,学习中式婚礼非常重要 Wèi liǎo liǎojiě zhōngguó hé zhōngguó chuántǒng, xuéxí zhōngshì hūnlǐ fēicháng zhòngyào (in order to understand chinese and the chinese traditions, learning chinese wedding is very important)

Traditional Chinese medicine 中药 (Zhōngyàois) an important part of Chinese culture. Choose one aspect of Chinese medicine and elaborate on this subject.

中国有五千多年的历史, Zhōngguó yǒu wǔ qiān duō nián de lìshǐ (China has more than 5000 years of history) 她的医学史很悠久 Tā de yīxué shǐ hěn yōujiǔ (her medicine history has a long history) 今天,我来谈谈中医 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán zhōngyī ( Today, i come to talk about the chinese medicine) 中医是中国人民的悠久传统。 Zhōngyī shì zhōngguó rénmín de yōujiǔ chuántǒng. (Chinese medicine is a long tradition of Chinese people.) 中药与我们在美国所知的药物有很大不同。 Zhōngyào yǔ wǒmen zài měiguó suǒ zhī di yàowù yǒu hěn dà bùtóng. (Traditional Chinese medicine is very different than the medicine we know in the US.) 中医始于数千年前。 Zhōngyī shǐ yú shù qiān nián qián. (Traditional Chinese medicine started many thousands of years ago.) 它包括使用草药,针灸,气功和许多其他用途。 Tā bāokuò shǐyòng cǎoyào, zhēnjiǔ, qìgōng hé xǔduō qítā yòngtú. ( It includes the use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, qigong and many others.) 中医的主要原理是基于控制身体自身的能量和精神。 Zhōngyī de zhǔyào yuánlǐ shì jīyú kòngzhì shēntǐ zìshēn de néngliàng hé jīngshén. (The primary principle of Traditional Chinese medicine is based on controlling the body's own energy (qi) and mind.) 中医也利用阴阳的信念。 Zhōngyī yě lìyòng yīnyáng de xìnniàn. (Traditional Chinese medicine also uses the belief of Yin Yang to the body.) 中医药不仅在中国很重要。它在世界范围内的受欢迎程度持续增长。 Zhōng yīyào bùjǐn zài zhōngguó hěn zhòngyào. Tā zài shìjiè fànwéi nèi de shòu huānyíng chéngdù chíxù zēngzhǎng. (Traditional Chinese medicine is not only important in China. It continues to grow in popularity all over the world.) 几千年后,中药在中国仍被广泛使用。 Jǐ qiān nián hòu, zhōngyào zài zhōngguó réng bèi guǎngfàn shǐyòng. (After thousands of years, Traditional Chinese medicine is still widely used in China.) 它也影响了西药。 Tā yě yǐngxiǎngle xīyào. (It has influenced western medicine as well.) 人们经常会希望将中药作为一种自然选择。 Rénmen jīngcháng huì xīwàng jiàng zhōngyào zuòwéi yī zhǒng zìrán xuǎnzé. (Often, people will look to use Traditional Chinese medicine as a natural option.) 越来越多的人将中医和西药结合起来使用以解决他们的医疗问题。 Yuè lái yuè duō de rén jiàng zhōngyī hé xīyào jiéhé qǐlái shǐyòng yǐ jiějué tāmen de yīliáo wèntí. (More people are using a combination of Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for their medical issues.)

Birthday in Chinese culture

中国有五千多年的历史, Zhōngguó yǒu wǔ qiān duō nián de lìshǐ China has more than 5000 years of history 她有很多的传统 Tā yǒu hěnduō de chuántǒng she has a great deal of traditions 今天我来谈谈中国人如何过生日 Jīntiān wǒ lái tán tán zhōngguó rén rúhéguò shēngrì Today i come to talk about how the Chinese celebrate birthday 在中国,最重要是孩子和老人的生日 Zài zhōngguó, zuì zhòngyào shi háizi hé lǎorén de shēngrì In China, the most important thing is the birthday of the child and the elderly 与孩子有关的第一个月,头100天,第1个生日都得到庆祝 Yǔ háizi yǒuguān de dì yī gè yuè, tóu 100 tiān, dì 1 gè shēngrì dōu dédào qìngzhù (related for a child, first month, the first 100 days, 1st birthday are all celebrated) 其他一些重要的生日是12岁,24岁,等等。这些被称为生肖本命年. Qítā yīxiē zhòngyào de shēngrì shì 12 suì,24 suì, děng děng. Zhèxiē bèi chēng wéi shēngxiào běnmìngnián. (Some other important birthdays are 12 years old, 24 years old, etc. These are called animal of Zodiac Year.) 本命年每12年轮换一次 běnmìngnián Měi 12 nián lúnhuàn yīcì (the animal zodiac year rotates every 12 years.) 中国人非常尊重长辈 Zhōngguó rén fēicháng zūnzhòng zhǎngbèi (the chinese has great respect for their elders) 因此,中国60岁生日是一个重大的庆祝活动。 Yīncǐ, zhōngguó 60 suì shēngrì shì yīgè zhòngdà de qìngzhù huódòng. (therefore, elders 60 year old birthday is a big celebration in china.) 许多亲戚朋友会参加这个庆祝活动。 Xǔduō qīnqī péngyǒu huì cānjiā zhège qìngzhù huódòng. (Many relatives and friends will participate in this celebration.) 中国传统十分重视家庭 Zhōngguó chuántǒng shí fèn zhòngshì jiātíng (chinese tradition pays great attention to family) 因此经常与家人一起庆祝生日 Yīncǐ jīngcháng yǔ jiārén yīqǐ qìngzhù shēngrì (therefore birthday celebration is often celebrated with family) 面条, 象征着长寿, 通常是生日的传统食物 Miàntiáo xiàngzhēngzhe chángshòu, tōngcháng shì shēngrì de chuántǒng Shíwù (Noodles, symbolizing longevity, are usually traditional food for birthdays) 在许多长老生日那天, 他们可以有寿桃包 Zài xǔduō zhǎnglǎo shēngrì nèitiān, tāmen kěyǐ yǒu shòutáo bāo (On the birthday of many elders, they can have a birthday peach bao) 今天,由于西方的影响,中国人还用生日蛋糕和蜡烛庆祝 Jīntiān, yóuyú xīfāng de yǐngxiǎng, zhōngguó rén hái yòng shēngrì dàngāo hé làzhú qìngzhù (today, due to western influences, chinese also celebrate with birthday cake and candles)

The Chinese religions

在中国的历史上,有许多宗教始于数千年前。 Zài zhōngguó de lìshǐ shàng, yǒu xǔduō zōngjiào shǐ yú shù qiān nián qián. (In the history of China, there have been many religions which began thousands of years ago.) 在过去的5000年中,共有三种宗教构成了中国文化。他们是儒教,道教和佛教 Zài guòqù de 5000 nián zhōng, gòngyǒu sān zhǒng zōngjiào gòuchéngle zhōngguó wénhuà. Tāmen shì rújiào, dàojiào hé fójiào (In the past 5000 years, there were three religions which shaped the Chinese culture. They are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.) 现在,人们也相信基督教和伊斯兰教 Xiànzài, rénmen yě xiāngxìn jīdūjiào hé yīsīlán jiào (Now, people also believed in Christianity and Islam religions) 今天,我来谈谈儒家思想 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán rújiā sīxiǎng (today, i came to talk about Confucianism) 儒家思想是由中国哲学家孔子在几千年前创立的。 Rújiā sīxiǎng shì yóu zhōngguó zhéxué jiā kǒngzǐ zài jǐ qiān nián qián chuànglì de. (Confucianism was created by the Chinese philosopher Confucius a few thousand years ago) 1. 儒家的主要原则是人是善的。随着教育和努力,人可以改善并变得更好。 Rújiā de zhǔyào yuánzé shì rén shì shàn de. Suízhe jiàoyù hé nǔlì, rén kěyǐ gǎishàn bìng biàn dé gèng hǎo. (A main principle of Confucianism is that man is good. along with education and hardwork, man can improve and be better.) 2. 孔夫子说, "君君, 臣臣, 父父, 子子", 那意思就是说, 全国上下每一个人都应该知道自己该做的事, 和做好自己该做的事. Kǒng fūzǐ shuō, "jūn jūn, chén chén, fù fù, zǐ zǐ", nà yìsi jiùshì shuō, quánguó shàngxià měi yīgè rén dōu yīnggāi zhīdào zìjǐ gāi zuò de shì, hé zuò hǎo zìjǐ gāi zuò de shì. (Confucius said, "Junjun, ministers, fathers and fathers, sons and sons", that means that if everyone in the whole country should know what they should do, and do what they should do.) 3. 儒家教同情和道德。 Rújiā jiào tóngqíng hé dàodé. (Confucianism teaches compassion and morals) 它还强调了正确行为的一套规范。 Tā hái qiángdiàole zhèngquè xíngwéi de yī tào guīfàn. (It also stresses a set of norms for right behavior.) Cultural Significance 数千年来,儒家思想影响着中国文化以及许多其他亚洲文化 Shù qiān nián lái, rújiā sīxiǎng yǐngxiǎngzhe zhōngguó wénhuà yǐjí xǔduō qítā yàzhōu wénhuà for thousand of years, Confucianism influenced the culture of China and many other asian cultures. 儒教影响了政府,社会,教育和家庭。 Rújiào yǐngxiǎngle zhèngfǔ, shèhuì, jiàoyù hé jiātíng. (Confucianism has impacted the government, society, education, and family.) 有人说儒家不是宗教。相反,它是一个专注于道德,价值观,人们,政府和社会行为方式的系统。 Yǒurén shuō rújiā bùshì zōngjiào. Xiāngfǎn, tā shì yīgè zhuānzhù yú dàodé, jiàzhíguān, rénmen, zhèngfǔ hé shèhuì xíngwéi fāngshì de xìtǒng. (Some say that Confucianism is not a religion. Instead, it is a system that focuses on morals and values of how people, government, and society should behave.) 儒家通过关注和平与友善,在整个中国历史上创造了稳定。 Rújiā tōngguò guānzhù hépíng yǔ yǒushàn, zài zhěnggè zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng chuàngzàole wěndìng. (Confucianism through its focus on peace and kindness, created stability throughout the history of China.)

Name a Chinese movie 电影 Diànyǐng that has left a lasting impression on you. What aspects of Chinese culture did it present? Why did you find this movie memorable?

在过去的100年中,中国拍了许多的电影 Zài guòqù de 100 nián zhōng, zhōngguó pāi le xǔduō de diànyǐng (In the past 100 years, china made many movies) 今天,我来谈谈李安的一部电影 Jīntiān, wǒ lái tán tán lǐ ān dì yī bù diànyǐng (today, i came to talk about one movie from Ang Lee) 1. 卧虎藏龙 是李安导演的2000年武侠电影 Wò hǔ cáng lóng shì lǐ ān dǎoyǎn de Liǎng qiān nián wǔ xiá diànyǐng (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a 2000 wuxia film directed by Ang Lee) 2. 影片以国际演员为主角,包括周润发,杨紫琼等 Yǐngpiàn yǐ guójì yǎnyuán wéi zhǔjiǎo, bāokuò zhōurùnfā, yángzǐqióng děng (The film features international actors, including Zhou Runfa, Yang Ziqiong, etc.) 3. 故事劇情描绘江湖的恩怨情仇,俠義的存在 Gùshì jùqíng miáo huì jiānghú de ēnyuàn qíng chóu, xiáyì de cúnzài (The storyline depicts the grudges of Jianghu (society) and the existence of chivalry 4. 除了彰顯出中國武術的博大精深,亦添加江湖兒女的愛戀情懷 Chúle zhāngxiǎn chū zhōngguó wǔshù de bódàjīngshēn, yì tiānjiā jiānghú érnǚ de àiliàn qínghuái (In addition to showing the profoundness of Chinese martial arts, it also adds the love and affection of the certain followers) 那时, 这部电影获得40多个奖项,并获得10项奥斯卡金像奖提名, Nà shí, Zhè bù diànyǐng huòdé Sìshí duō gè jiǎngxiàng, bìng huòdé Shí xiàng àosīkǎ jīn xiàng jiǎng tímShííng. (The film won more than 40 awards and received 10 Oscar nominations) 当时获得了非英语电影的最多提名, Dāngshí huòdéle fēi yīngyǔ diànyǐng de zuìduō (Was the most nominated for non-English movies at the time) 最后, 卧虎藏龙 荣获四项奥斯卡金像奖, Cǐ jǔ, Wò hǔ cáng lóng Rónghuò sì xiàng àosīkǎ jīn xiàng jiǎng (at the end, the film won 4 oscars) 这是我最喜欢的中国电影之一 Zhè shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de zhōngguó diànyǐng zhī yī (this is one of my favorite chinese movies)

文房四宝 Wén fáng sì bǎo (Four treasures)

文房四宝 Wén fáng sì bǎo (Four treasures) 是指中国独有的书法绘画工具(书画用具) Shì zhǐ zhōngguó dú yǒu de shūfǎ huìhuà gōngjù (Refers to China's unique calligraphy and painting tools) 即笔、墨、纸、砚 Jí bǐ, mò, zhǐ, yàn (I.e. pen, ink, paper,) 文房四宝之名,起源于南北朝时期(公元420年—589年) Wénfángsìbǎo zhī míng, qǐyuán yú nánběicháo shíqí (Gōngyuán420 nián—589 nián) (The name of the four treasures of the study originated in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589 AD) 毛笔是最古老的四宝成员 Máobǐ shì zuì gǔlǎo de sì bǎo chéngyuán The brush is the oldest member of the four treasures 迄今为止最古老的毛笔可追溯至汉代(公元前202年至公元220年) Qìjīn wéizhǐ zuì gǔlǎo de máobǐ kě zhuīsù zhì hàndài (gōngyuán qián 202 nián zhì gōngyuán 220 nián) (The oldest brush so far dates to Han dynasty (202 BC-220 AD) 毛笔通常由动物毛制成, Máobǐ tōngcháng yóu dòngwù máo zhì chéng, (Brushes are generally made from animal hair) 墨是汉代开发的一种人造墨水。 Mò Shì hàndài kāifā de yī zhǒng rénzào mòshuǐ. (The Inkstick is an artificial ink developed during the Han dynasty.) 公元100年, 中国发明了造纸 Gōngyuán 100 nián, zhōngguó fāmíngliǎo zàozhǐ (In 100 AD, China invented papermaking) 这种特殊的纸,称为宣纸 Zhè zhǒng tèshū de zhǐ, chēng wèi xuānzhǐ (This particular kind of paper, known as rice paper) 宣紙, 质地柔软细腻, 寿命长 Xuānzhǐ, zhídì róuruǎn xìnì, shòumìng chǎng Rice paper, soft and delicate texture, long life 砚或砚台是用于将墨水棒磨成粉末。 Yòng yú jiāng shì mòshuǐ bàng mó chéng fěnmò. (Inkstone or inkstone is used to grind ink stick into powder) 粉末与水混合产生可用于书法的墨水。 Fěnmò yǔ shuǐ hùnhé chǎnshēng kěyòng yú shūfǎ de mòshuǐ (This powder is then mixed with water in a well in the inkstone in order to produce usable ink for calligraphy) 这四个笔法"工具"在整个中国古代都被学者所采用。 Zhè sì gè bǐfǎ "gōngjù" zài zhěnggè zhōngguó gǔdài dōu bèi xuézhě suǒ cǎiyòng. These four penmanship "tools" were employed by scholars throughout ancient China 文房四宝运用于保留中国历史,并传播了中国文学 Wénfángsìbǎo yùnyòng yú bǎoliú zhōngguó lìshǐ, bìng chuánbòle zhōngguó wénxué (The four treasures of the study are used to preserve Chinese history and spread Chinese literature)

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