AP Comparative Gov Unit 6 : Iran

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"Followers of tradition", Majority of Muslims worldwide, Sunnis recognized the early dynasties that ruled the Islamic empire after Muhammad (d. 632)


"Partisans of Ali", Less than 10% of Muslims worldwide, Iran is the Shi'a epicenter, Shi'is believe that after the Prophet died, his authority should have been passed on to Imam Ali, In the absence of the messiah the authority to interpret shari'a should be in the hands of the senior clerical scholars



Guardian Council

12 members, All Male, 6 members appointed by Supreme Leader, 6 members nominated by chief judge, approved by Majles, Serve 6-year terms, Responsibilities: They represent theocratic principles within the government, Review bills passed by Majles to ensure they conform with shari'a, Guardian Council and Supreme Leader together exercise principle of jurist's guardianship (Make sure all democratic bodies adhere to Islamic laws & beliefs), Power to decide who can compete in elections, In 2004 & 2008 disqualified thousands of candidates for Majles elections, In 2005 & 2009 also disqualified numerous candidates for presidential elections

The Guardian Council Filter

2,000 candidates were banned in the 2008 Majles elections (including Ayatollah Khomeini's grandson), 1,600 were disqualified in 2012, In addition to vetting candidates, they can veto legislation passed by the Majles

Shirin Ebadi

2003 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, first woman to become a judge under the Shah, but she lost her job when women were barred from the position following the revolution

Overview of Iran

67% of population lives in the Caspian provinces, 2nd largest oil producer in the Gulf (4th largest in the world), Indo-Europeans in the distant past gave the country its name (Land of the Aryans), Persian (Farsi) is the language, Iranians are NOT Arabs

Islamic Republic

April, 1979 referendum held, Iranians officially vote out the shah, Islamic Republic established, Assembly of Religious Experts - 73 clerics elected by the people draft a new constitution in 1979, US-Iranian hostage crisis on-going during vote to ratify constitution, 99% of electorate vote to endorse constitution although only 75% of eligible voters cast vote

Pahlavi State

Armed forces, 5th largest military in world and largest navy in the Persian Gulf, SAVAK - Secret Police, Government control, 1906 Constitution remained the law of the land but it only provided parchment barriers to the shah's power, Electoral supervisors rigged Majles elections to give the shah a rubber-stamp body, Shari'a supplanted by a European style civil code, Controlled the media, National Iranian Oil Co., Banks, White Revolution (to forestall a Red Rev), Land distribution, Literacy drives, etc. Islamic Revolution - 1

Elections In Iran

Citizens over 15 allowed to vote until 2007, In 2007, eligibility age for voting changed to 18 National elections held for the following: Assembly of Religious Experts, Representatives to the Majles, President Elections to Majlis and President are by plurality, winner-take all, Elections are done over two rounds (unless you earn 25% of vote in 1st round of Majles elections) For President, first round narrows field down to 2 candidates

Ayatollah Khomeini

Cleric in Iraq as exile, Formulated Shi'a populism/political Islam, Populism = championing the rights of the people over the privileged elite, Used Islam to articulate resentment against the Shah and the 'Great Satan'

1906 Constitution

Contained many characteristics of Western Constitutions, Elections, Separation of Powers, Rule of Law, Popular Sovereignty, Retained the Shah, but centered power in the Majles (Legislature), Guaranteed seats to religious minorities, Started the debate whether or not democracy and Islam are compatible (Khomeini would later say that Islam itself was democratic additional labels and protections were not necessary), Concessions to Shi'ism, Only Shi'is could hold cabinet posts, clerical courts retained the right to implement shari'a, A Guardian Council (senior clerics) was given veto power if laws were not Islamic (but not implemented until the 1979 revolution)

Expediency Council

Created by Khomeini, Main purpose to "referee" disputes between the Guardian, Council and the Majles, Began as a 13-member group including: president, chief judge, speaker of Majles, and six jurists from the Guardian Council, Exerts authority over executive, legislative, & judicial branches of gov't, 1989, Expediency Council passes some bills, and is institutionalized by constitutional amendments, Currently consists of 40 permanent members, It may originate its own legislation, Not all members are clerics, Appointed by Supreme Leader for five-year terms

President's Power

Devising the Budget, Supervising economic matters, Proposing legislation to the Majles, Executing policies, Signing of treaties, laws, and agreements, Chairing the National Security Council, Selecting deputies and cabinet ministers, Appointing provincial governors, town mayors (**change in 2013 - popularly elected**), and ambassadors


Distinction between two types of law: shari'a & qanun, Judicial review does not exist in Iran Principle of jurist's guardianship means that the Supreme Leader, the Guardian Council, and the Assembly of Religious Experts have final say regarding interpretation of law, Ultimate legal authority does not rest in the constitution, but in shari'a law itself, Because interpreting shari'a is difficult it has been applied in different ways at various times, Because of Ayatollah Khomeini's approach, interpretation of shari'a came to be the standard that would influence all succeeding Iranian leaders

Constitution of 1979

Document & 40 Amendments (Some added in 1989), Mixture of theocracy and democracy, Preamble reflects importance of religion, Velayat-e faqih (Jurist's guardianship), Gave broad authority to Khomeini and the clerics

Islamic Revolution - 1979

Dominant ideology of Iranian revolution: Religion, Leader a cleric - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Theocracy established, Causes, Shah perceived as being totalitarian, Balance between secular and religious state ruptured, Ties with US and the Western world

Majles Authority (Power)

Enacting or Changing Laws, qanun (with approval of Guardian Council), The constitution uses the term qanun (statutes) rather than shar'ia (divine law) to avoid the question of whether laws come from God or the people, It accepts the rationale that God formulates divine law (shar'ia), but elected representatives can draw up statutes (qanun) Interpretation of legislation (as long as it does not contradict judicial authorities), Appointment of 6 of 12 Guardian Council members from list made by chief judge, Investigation of the cabinet ministers and public complaints against the executive and judiciary, Removal of cabinet ministers, but not the president, Approval of budget, cabinet appointments, treaties, & loans

Assembly of Religious Experts

Expanded in 1989 to an 86 man house, Directly elected by the people, 8 year terms, Members originally required to have seminary degree equivalent to a master's, 1998 revision now allows non-clerics to stand for Assembly, candidates still subject to approval by Guardian Council, Responsibilities: Broad constitutional interpretation, Elected Khomeini's successor (Khamenei), Reserve right to remove supreme leader

The Pahlavis - "saviors on a horseback" (1925-1979)

Following WWI, Iran was carved into Russian & British spheres of influence., Colonel Reza Khan executed a coup d'etat in 1921 and four years later crowned himself, Shah Reza Khan abdicated in 1941 when the Soviets and British invaded to stop spread of Nazism, Muhammad Reza took the reins from his father.

Majles - Iranian Parliament

Guardian Council has the power to vet candidates, In 2005, the GC prohibited 4,000 candidates from gaining access to the ballot including 82 current officeholders, Failed sit in that didn't attract press attention GC has discovered that low voter turnout benefits the Conservative faction, Guardian Council has the power to veto laws, Since 2000, deputies liberalised a tough press law and made Iran subscribe to United Nations conventions outlawing torture and sex discrimination. They have legislated to expand trial by jury, devolve powers to local councils and ban the police from entering universities. But the Council of Guardians has spiked every one. Last October, when a reformist newspaper totted up parliament's record, it found that the council had vetoed 111 out of a total of 295 bills that parliament had ratified.


He is also a lawyer, academic and former diplomat. He has been a member of Iran's Assembly of Experts since 1999, member of the Expediency Council since 1991, member of the Supreme National Security Council since 1989, Rouhani is frequently described as a moderate, encourages personal freedom and free access to information has improved women's rights by appointing female foreign ministry spokespeople has improved Iran's diplomatic relations with other countries through exchanging conciliatory letters

Iran's Majles Elections Multiple Member Districts (MMD)

In Iran, districts can be represented by 1-6 people, Citizens get to vote for as many candidates as there are seats., In Iran, candidates are required to win 25% of the vote. If no candidate wins a qualified plurality in the first round, there is a runoff election a few weeks later.

President & the Cabinet

Iran is not a true presidential system, therefore the executive branch does not have the same authority as presidents in presidential systems such as U.S., Mexico, and Nigeria, President does represent the highest official representing democratic principles in Iran, Chief Executive, highest state official after, Supreme Leader, Directly elected every 4 years for a maximum of two terms, Constitution still requires the president to be a Shi'ite and uphold Islamic principles, There have been six presidents of the Islamic Republic since the Revolution, three have been clerics. , The non-cleric Abol-Hasan Bani-Sadr was ousted in 1981 for criticizing the regime as a dictatorship. Ahmadinejad, who is not a cleric, was often considered more conservative and religious than some past clerics, Ali Khamenei president from 1981-1989 before becoming Supreme Leader

Shari 'a Law

Islamic law, Considered to be foundation of all Islamic civilization, Embodies a vision of a community in which all Muslims are brothers and sisters subscribe to the same moral values, Shari'a supersedes all other law in Iranian society, Supreme leaders authority and the jurist's guardianship based on importance of shari'a

Judiciary: Islamic Republic

Islamicized the judiciary code to interpret shari'a strictly, Retribution Law, Permitted families to demand "blood money" - compensation to the victim's family from those responsible for someone's death, Mandated the death penalty for actions such as adultery, homosexuality, drug dealing and alcoholism, Set up unequal treatment between men & women, and Muslims & non Muslims, Banned interest rates on loans, viewed as usury, which means lenders take advantage of people seeking loans

Khomeini & the Islamic Republic

Khomeini dies in 1989, constitution amended, Ali Khamenei succeeds, Khomeini, does not have the same political charisma as the Ayatollah, Iran/Iraq war ends in 1988, country war-torn, Oil prices drop in 1990s, Population begins to question authoritarian rule of the clerics

Jurist's Guardianship

Khomeini injected new meaning into the Shi'a term jurist's guardianship which argued that the senior clergy should have all encompassing authority over society., Only senior clerics had the sole competence to interpret shari'a., The clergy can best determine what's best for the people.

Supreme Leader

Khomeini was named Supreme Leader for life in the constitution, After his death, his followers installed Ali Khamenei as the new Supreme Leader, Most senior clerics didn't subscribe to Khomeini's radical populism and notion of jurist's guardianship; however, there were more middle-level clerics (Khamenei was a middle-level), Serves for life unless the Assembly of Religious Experts find him "mentally incapable", Fills many government posts giving him vast patronage power, Mediate between branches of gov. "determine the interests of Islam", "supervise the implementation of policy", "set political guidelines", Eliminate candidates and dismiss the president, Commander in Chief, Nominate & remove judges Nominates six clerics to the Guardian Council

The Big Picture: Government in Iran

Mixture of Theocracy and democracy, Political system based on clerical authority as well as popular sovereignty, On divine right of the clergy as well as the rights of the people, Contemporary Iranian politics resonates with both vox dei and vox populi

Voting Irregularities

Mousavi's campaign office was torched, Assassination attempt against Khatami, (President 1997-2005 - critic of Ahmadinejad), Mobile phones were interrupted in Tehran on election day, BBC (Baha'i Broadcasting Co.) jammed, Facebook Blocked, Election observers barred from polling places

Consolidation of Power After Constitution of 1979

No one could challenge Khomeini's charisma - people liked him!!! Rivals were marginalized (removed from power, imprisoned), Media tightly controlled, "It is your divine duty to vote", Iran-Iraq War rallied Iranians behind their leader

Qunan Law

No sacred basis, Statutes passed by Majlis "the People's Law", Can never contradict shari'a, Guardian Council & Supreme Leader must make sure all laws apply interpretations of shari'a

Lotsa Votes

On 21 June 2009, a spokesman from the Guardian Council stated that the number of votes cast exceeded the number of eligible voters in no more than 50 cities, something the Council argued was a normal phenomenon which had taken place in previous elections as people are not obliged to vote where registered.

Iranian Presidential Election - 2009

Only 4 candidates out of 476 men & women who applied were approved by Guardian Council, Election held on June 12, 2009 with incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad running against three challengers: Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mohsen Rezaee, Mehdi Karroubi, Turnout was unexpectedly high, well over 50% and polls had to be kept open until midnight, Ahmadinejad announced as winner the next morning with 62% of vote to Mousavi's 34%, Protest immediately erupted (the Green Revolution) in favor of Mousavi and claiming election fraud

Supreme Leader Part 2

Position created for Khomeini, currently held by Ali Khamenei, Powers of Supreme Leader:, Elimination of presidential candidates, Dismissal of the president, Command armed forces, Declares war & peace, Appointment and removal of major administrators and judges, Nominates six members of Guardian Council, Appoints many non-governmental directors, such as radio/TV and semi-public foundations, Responsibilities of Supreme Leader: faqih - he is the leading Islamic jurist to interpret shari'a and religious documents Links three branches of government together "Determining the interests of Islam"

Political Participation In Iran

Protests and Demonstrations, 2009 Presidential Elections, The rising discontent of the youth in Iran, Are they waking up to lead reform???

How did the Clergy Launch a Cultural Revolution

Purify Iran from the shah's rule and from secular values and behavior, especially Western inspired, Very similar to Mao and China's Cultural Revolution, Universies were cleared of liberals, Western influence in art, music, etc. were eliminated.

Cleavages In Iran

Recognized religious minorities (people of the book), Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians 1% of pop., Receive 5 seats in the legislature, Sunnis & Baha'is are not mentioned in the Constitution, Role of Women, Middle class tends to be anti-clerical, Islam vs. Technocrat debate (Iranian cultural revolution)

1953 Coup

Shah challenged by communist Tudeh (Masses) Party and the National Front led by Mosaddeq, NF championed nationalizing the oil industry and reigning in the power of the Shah, Mosaddeq was elected PM but was overthrown in the 1953 coup, 1953 coup financed by the CIA and the Brits, Origins of deep distrust of the West and fostered the image of the shah as a puppet

Velayat-e faqih = Jurist's guardianship a.k.a. Guardianship of the Jurists

The principle instituted by Khomeini of overarching authority for different government institutions: Supreme Leader, Guardian Council, Assembly of Religious Experts, Expediency Council, This authority is all-encompassing and is over the whole community based on their ability to understand shari'a and their commitment to champion the rights of the people

Political Parties

There are many factions and they tend to form coalitions for the purpose of elections, A faction of Ahmadinejad-supporters called the "Sweet Scent of Service" were part of a larger coalition called the Unified Principalists Front, The names of the coalitions change from election to election, Party ID is much less important than if you are considered a reformer or a conservative, Think of it this way, in China, you have to be part of the CCP, and factions exist. In Iran, if you are too far differently politically, the Guardian Council can eliminate you from elections - thus participating in the govt.

Expediency Council Part 2

To break the deadlock, Khomeini created the Expediency Council to resolve conflicts between the Majles and Guardian Council.", Dominated by clerics, Leader names its members and determines their tenure, Meetings are now secret, Can create new laws, Khomeini introduced into Shi'ism the Sunni concept of maslahat - pragmatic approaches can be used for self-interest, A truly Islamic state could safeguard the public interest by suspending important religious rulings, Khomeini created the Expediency Council to resolve conflicts between the Majles and the G.C.

1978 Revolution

Unarmed demonstrators killed in central square Tehran, Oil workers go on strike, Anti-regime rallies attract 2 million participants, Rallies organized and led by clerics, Shah flees the country in February 1979, Khomeini returns to Iran from exile in Paris to lead the revolution and have a referendum on a new government.

Legislature: MAJLES

Unicameral legislature, Assembly of Religious Experts has served similar to an upper house since 1989 (Both groups are elected representatives), Created by Constitution of 1906, however Constitution of 1979 and 1989 amendments weakened the Majles power 290 seats, All directly elected through single member districts by citizens over 18 years old

Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

cited as an example of the wealth nourished by privileged access and information

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

generals for the islamic revolution

International Atomic Energy Agency

have visited Iranian installations, the government's cooperation has not been deemed satisfactory either by the agency or by Western governments

Multiple Power Centers

institutions created by the revolutionaries to supplement the activities of the traditional state institutions, with which they share overlapping responsibilities

Mohammad Mossadegh

leader of the National Front, advocated nationalising the Iranian oil industry

Martyr's Foundation

parastatal foundations established in 1979. original mandate was to provide for the needs of families of those who were martyred or disabled in the islamic revolution and the iran-iraq war


religious scholars are called in the Muslim world

Tudeh Party

second largest party, pro-Soviet communist


sovereignty belongs to God alone, divine law

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