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All of the following are examples of practices and attitudes adopted by the governments during the total war of World War I that were later adopted by the totalitarian regimes except...

ADOPTED: all state government required to limit individual liberties and intervene in economy to achieve victory; value of life less important; greatly expanded power of the state in pursuit of social control; rejected democracy in favor of one party political system ruled from top.

How did real wages for workers and peasants in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare with those in the Russian Empire in 1913?

After 1932 real wages rose slowly, but by 1937 workers could still buy only about 60% of what they had bought in 1928 and less than in 1913.

What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933?

An act pushed through the Reichstag by Nazis that gave Hitler absolute dictatorial power for four years.

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain?

Britain had not yet been conquered and Germany sought to gain control of the air to prepare for the invasion of Britain.

In the early 1930s, German chancellor Brüning tried to cope with the Great Depression by...

Brüning tried to overcome the economic crisis by cutting back government spending and ruthlessly forcing down prices and wages.

How did the fascist vision of society differ from the communist vision of society?

Communists sought to build a new world around the destruction of class differences while Fascists sought to build a new national community grounded in racial homogeneity; communists strove to create an international brotherhood of workers while fascists glorified war and military and sought to destroy independent working class movements. Fascists embraced eugenics.

The new elite class in the Stalinist state included all of the following except...

ELITES IN STALINIST STATE were unskilled workers and collective farmers combined with political and artistic elites in new upper classes whom were rich and powerful.

For what goal did the Soviet government under Stalin aggressively intervene in all aspects of life?

For an idealized communist utopia, class differences would supposedly disappear, resulting in a society free of capitalist inequality; pursuit of social leveling

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

He left big business to regulate itself and there was no land reform.

In the Lateran Agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

He recognized the Vatican as a tiny independent state and he agreed to give the church significant financial support.

Mussolini was expelled from the Italian Socialist party for...

He urged that Italy join the Allies, having been powerfully influenced by anti democratic cults of violent action in 1914.

Which of the following best characterizes the "new fascist man" that Mussolini promoted?

He was supposed to be a virile, patriotic warrior; at the same time his wife was the guardian of the home who raised children to support the values of the fascist state.

In the late 1920s, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

Hitler de-emphasized the anti capitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism.

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the S.A. storm troopers, roughly one thousand individuals, killed in 1934?

Hitler was eager to win support of the traditional military and maintain social order, deciding that the leadership of the SA had to be eliminated.

Lenin's New Economic Policy was a political compromise with the...

It was a necessary but temporary compromise with the Soviet Union's overwhelming peasant majority.

What was the Nazi Party policy of "coordination"?

It was meant to force society to conform to National Socialist ideology.

How did the Nazis manage the Northern European states that they conquered?

Nazis established puppet governments; found collaborations willing to rule these states in accordance with German needs.

The parliamentary government in Italy was breaking down at the time of the Fascist March on Rome in October 1922, largely because...

Of the chaos created by Mussolini's Black Shirt militias.

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he...

On Sept. 1, 1939 German armies and warplanes smashed into Poland land from three sides.

Britain adopted a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler for all of the following reasons except...

REASONS WHY: Avoid war at all costs, pacifism of a population horrified by WWI, believed Soviet communism was the real danger and Hitler could be used to stop it, strong anti communist feelings made an alliance between Western Powers and Stalin unlikely.

According to Hitler's New Order, the European race that was considered subhuman, like the Jews, was the...


Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder?

Special hospitals, barracks, and camps: physical/mental disabilities.

How did Stalin use the murder of Sergei Kirov?

Stalin used the incident to launch a reign of terror that purged the party of supposed traitors and solidified his own control.

Why did Joseph Stalin defeat Leon Trotsky in the struggle for power following the death of Lenin?

Stalin won because he was more effective at gaining the all important support of the party, the only genuine source of power in the one part state; used his office to win friends and allies with jobs and promises; also won because he was better able to relate Marxian teaching to Soviet realities in the 1920s.

Stalin's theory of socialism in one country...

That was more appealing to the majority of communists than was Trotsky doctrine "permanent" revolution; Soviet Russia had all necessary resources to surpass or overtake capitalism in the shortest time possible (all out industrialization expense of workers).

Why did Stalin call for the liquidation of the kulaks?

The communists reasoned that the peasants would embrace conservative capitalism and pose a threat to the regime; could be 'squeezed' to provide the enormous sums needed for all out industrialization.

In Stalin's Soviet Union, women...

The government revoked many laws supporting women's emancipation in order to strengthen the traditional family and build up state's population; they worked on farms, toiled in factories, heavy construction, building dams, roads, steel mills, opened higher education to women, medicine practically became women's profession, and most had to work outside the home.

How did the Nazis seek to give legitimacy to their racial policies?

The party began a many-faceted campaign against those they deemed incapable of making a positive contribution to the "master race", persecuting a number of supposedly undesirable groups based on their reputed racial characteristics.

How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft?

The party organized mass organizations to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers for the Nazi cause.

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic churches?

Their efforts were directed primarily at preserving religious life, not at overthrowing Hitler.

Why did the Soviet army stop its advance on Warsaw in August 1944?

They had anticipated defeat.

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

They were hardly unified; communists and socialists often disagreed with more centrist or nationalist groups on long term goals and short term tactics.

What were the duties of the Einsatzgruppen (Special Action Units)?

Three military death squads that with systematic intent moved from town to town shooting Jews and other target populations.

What was the "Europe First" policy adopted by the Allied Powers during the World War II?

To ease tensions; Only after Hitler was defeated would the Allies mount an all out attack on Japan, the lesser threat.

The decisive turning point in the clash between the Soviet Union and Germany came at the Battle of...


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