ap euro semester exam

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The type of humanism attributed to Erasmus in this passage is most similar to what Southern Renaissance movement?

(A) Neoplatonism

Ignatus of Loyola, who founded the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuit order mentioned above, would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

(C) The pope is pure perfection and if he tells me that the white I see before me is black then I will agree that what I see is black.

Which of the following was the destred outcome of the above legislation by the Rump Parliament of England in 1651?

(C) To end Dutch domination of maritime trade by limiting their ability to move goods between England and her colocles as well as goods to and from England from other countries

As the first in the House of Stuarn, James I's reign pre- saged which of the following?

A long period of difficulty in the relationship between the monarchy and English Parliament

How is the "temporal power" mentioned in the passage best understood contextually?

A state or secular authority

Machiavelli's treatise is best understood in the context of which of the following?

A time of intense political conflict among warring Italian city-states and other factions

The aforementioned 1651 Navigation Acts above conflict with which of the following economie philosopher's theories and beliefst

Adam Smith

The image could best be used to illustrate which of the following general aspects of the initial encounters between Europeans and Native Americans?

Advances in military and maritime technology usually gave Europeans an advantage over Native Americans.

Which of the following best summarizes the advice given by Frederick William in the third paragraph

Alliances are useful, but a state should rely on its own strength.

Which of the following religions that started around the same time as Calvinism was destroyed for supporting adult baptism and pacifism?


Scientific laws of the 17th and 18th centuries, such as the ones described above, are best understood in historical context as which of the following?

Aresult of the arrival of new techniques of understanding the natural world

Xavier's views of indigenous populations as expressed in the passage were most similar to views commonly held by late-nineteenth-century Europeans in which of the following ways?

Both views reflected a sense of cultural superiority.

Xavier's views in the second paragraph support which of the following conclusions about the period 1450-1648?

Christianization both depended on and legitimized European colonial expansion.

Which of the following best summarizes the advice given by Frederick William in the second paragraph?

Cultivate good relations with your neighbors in case of disputes.

Which of the following best characterizes the author's attitude in the passage?(The Prince)

Cynicism about the loyalty of a ruler's subjects

Bishop Jacques Bossuet, in his writing above, lays out the theoretical foundation fort which of the following forms of soverelgnty?

Divine right of kings

The first paragraph of the letter contains evidence of the pope's

Economic power among the ltalian city-states during the Renaissance

The image provides the most reliable information about which of the following?

European attitudes toward non-European peoples

Voltaire's statement in the last sentence, criticizing persecutlons, Is most likely Inthoenced by which of the following?

Europeans gaining a more thorough understanding of the rich cultural divetsity to be found through trade and travel

The clash depleted above sparked a greater confiliet sometimes chatacterized by historians a civil war that was ended by which of the following movenerits tovenrd rellgious roleration?

Henry of Naviarre converted back to Catholleism, became Henry IV of France, and isued the Edict of Nantes allowing many Protestants to worship as they pleased in fortified towns.

Which of the following evidence does Azpilcueta give in his second point for money changing in value

Money as a form of merchandise increases in value as supply decreases and demand increases

The narrator of the song would most likely identify as which of the following?

Roman Catholic

Which of the following does the author cite in support.of the claim that Native Americans had defenders among the Spanish?

The actions of Bartolomé de Las Casas

Valdés' argument reflects which of the following developments of this period?

The affirmation by the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy of women's subordination in matters of religion

The language used in the passage most clearly demon- strates continuity with which of the following?

The as-yet-unchallenged divine right of kings

Huizinga's apparent support of Erasmus' belief in the "book of antiquity" being "open to all" is most likely a product of

The author's life as a member of 20th-century Europe, which prized such characteristics

Which of the following is the best churacterization of the impaet of the lind acquisitions of Peter I of Russla from 162-1715?

They were of great economic importibce due to tlie vist mineral resouurces there.

Which of the following events most likely inspired the composition of this song?

Thirty Years' War

Which of the following political philosophers would be most likely to agree with Bossuet about the proper power structure for a nation's government?

Thomas Hobbes, who wrote Leviathan

The religious order of which Xavier was a member was important in the history of sixteenth-century Europe primarily because it

challenged Protestant teachings and helped revive the Church during the Catholic Reformation

The house above, designed by Palladio and constructed in Italy during the sixtoenth century, illustrates the architectural influence of

classical temples

What are three characteristics in the painting above that make it an Italian Renaissance painting?

depicted Perspective, humanist subject matter, and attention to anatomical detail

The cartoon above from seventeenth-century England is an attempt to ridicule

fighting between royalist and parliamentary armies during the English Civil War

According to Huizinga. Erasmus's legacy was more significant than that of earlier humanists because

he valued educating the masses more than his predecessors had

9. Which of the following can be safely inferred about the Elector's religious atfillation solely based upon the passage?

he was not a roman catholic

. As with many Renaissance paintings, the defining characteristic in the portrait depicted above is

human centrism

(Mona Lisa) The single-point perspective used in this painting attempts to pay homage to the

imagery of the late Roman Empire

The Russian woodcut above (about 1698) symbolizes Peter the Great's

imposition of Western values on the Russian nobility

Which of the following was the greatest weakness of Louls XIV according to many historians, and his probable dying declaration?

miuny Louls XIV spent over two thirds of his reign at war and much of it was frultless.

Based on the song, the Winter King did which of the fallowing?

rebelled against King Ferdinand

I In non-Calvinist areas, many early modern town and city ordinances were similar to the Geneva ordinances in their

regulation of public morals and behavior

Which of the following is an important underlying issue in this song?

religious conflict

For Luther, the way to avoid punishment for one's sins is to


The most important goal of the Council of Trent was the

strengthening of internal Church discipline

In this passage, Luther implicitly challenges the authority of a. the Catholic Church b. priests c. the Bible d. Christ

the Catholic Church

Which of the following does the author most directly use as evidence of the effects of European diseases on Native Americans?

the change in the population of central Mexico

The use of propaganda through writing and imagery such as that seen above proliferated during the era of religious conflict in Europe, making which of the following a crucial reason for the success of the Protestant Reformation?

the implemientation and proliferation of the printing press

At the time of this painting, most Italian artists such as da Vinci earned their living through

the support of a patron

Which of the following best explains why the narator mentions "Rhine and Prague"?

these are lands that the Winter king lost in power

Based on Huizinga's description of Erasmus's Career, the contributions of erasmus are most similar to those of...

Francesco Petrarch

Whidh of the followingR was the greatest weakness and regret of the rule of ng Louir XIV

He was at war for 2/3 of bis reigo and uolted the othet major powens against him

Which of the following intellectual hallmarks of the Renaissance seem most in conflict with the questioning of the ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle, through experimentation in natural philosophy?


Which of the following evidence regarding France does Azpileueta use to support his argument?

In France, where less money is available, goods and labor are given for less money

The painting above is often described as a Renaissance masterpiece that typifies the humanism that was which of the following?

In its prime, as humanists such as Petrarch in Italy and Erasmus in Rotterdam were already writing major humanist works by the time this painting was finished

Which of the following best descnbes the results of the Peace of Augsburg (1555)?

It provided a legal basis for the existance of Lutheranism

Which of the following is best demonstrated by the passage about intellectual thought at the time?

It used information obtained through experimentation to conceptualize the universe.

The political philosophy espoused in the text above is different from those of the medieval period in which of the following ways?

It was a pragmatic rather than an ethical or religious ideology

The Versalles palace seen in the background of the stamp was used by Louis XIV In which of the following ways?

It was built as a pleasure prison to control the nobility by requiring their attendance there annually.

Louis XIV was alded by many able advisors, but which of the followinig advisors helped him to reorganize France and tnake it into a world power?

Jean Baptiste Colbert, his finance minister

Which of the following Enlightenment philosophes questioned rellance on reason and began the Romantic movement for the rationale given?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau because he thought society corrupted noble souls.

25. The activities shown in image 2 were most directly a result of which of the following developments in France?

Louis's expansion of monarchical administrative and financial control over France

The ideas expressed by Voltaire, above, best illustrate which of the following characteristics of Enlightenment intellectuals?

Many believed that the new scientific discoveries justified a more tolerant and objective approach to social and cultural Issues

Which of the following events in 16th-century northern Europe was most directly a response to the type of elitism expressed in the letter?

Martin Luther's 95 theses

Celtis' discussion of Italian influence in the German lands is most similar to which of the following?

Martin Luther's criticisms of the Catholic Church in his Ninety-five Theses

. "I will allow that bodily strength seems to give man a natural superiority over woman; and this is the only solid basis on which the superiority of men over women can be built." The passage above best reflects the argument of

Mary Wollstonecraft

Which of the following does the author use as evidence of the impact of the introduction of European cattle to the New World?

Migration into labor settlements

Descartes' understanding of the human body, as shown in the image, is most similar to which of the following?

Newton's notion of a mechanistic universe

By flattering the pope, Lorenzo de Medici is following the advice of

Niccolo Machiavelli

Which of the following Polish thinkers was most likely the person whose ideas convinced Galileo to have written the statement above?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Which of the following is best supported by the passage

Owning and reading Protestant religious literature was illegal in Spain.

Which of the following was NOT an abuse of the Catholic Church that Calvin and other religious leaders criticized?

Papal wealth

What was the primary impact of the "Humanism ceas[ing] to be the exclusive privilege of the few"?

People could question the church on a wider scale.

The activities of Peter the Great shown in image I were most directly the result of which of the following?

Peter's efforts to westernize Russia

Which of the following beliefs, supported first by Calvin, does this passage seem to best support?


The events described in the passage best illustrate which of the following aspects of the religious conflicts in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Protestants made effective use of the increased availability of printing technology to spread their ideas

In the sixteenth century, Geneva and most other Europcan towns and cities experienced which of the following demographic transformations?

Signilicant migration from the countryside

Which of the following was the most important factor behind the Price Revolution of the sixteenth century?

Steady population growth and rising food costs

Based upon the second paragraph of the letter, a modern historian would most likely assume which of the following?

That previous popes had taken care of the needs of their families

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the letter?

That the papacy played an important political role in the Italian peninsula

Which of the following conclusions drawn in part from the observations above was the most revolutionary over time?

The Earth is but one tiny planet in an infinite universe or even multiverse.

The above picture depicts which two groups engaged in battle?

The French Huguenots and Catholics

"(His Roman Imperial Majesty" in the document ebove refers to the Holy Roman Emperor, whose role after the conflict that succeeded the documnent above can best be described in which of the following ways?

The Holy Roman Emperor lost power and prestige as the Peace of Westphalla reduced his influence and importance significantly.

. James I's order to ereate a new translarion of the Bible was largely in response to

The Puritans, who disagreed with earlier translations

Which of the following is the best explanation of the popular nickname for Louis XIVas alluded to in the postage stamp above?

The Sun king because all of Europe revolved around Louls XIV

The ordinances in the passage best exemplify which of the following aspects of Calvinism?

The beliel that laws must be based on religious principles

Which of the following evidence regarding Spain does Azpilcueta use to support his argument

The cost of goods increased as a result of the influx of gold and silver from the Indies

Richelieu's ideas best reflect which of the following developments in Europe during the 1600s?

The creation of new systems of government that centralized state power

The passages are best understood in the context of which of the following?

The debate over the role of women in society prompted by the Reformation

The Portuguese presence in India most directly resulted from which of the following?

The desire to obtain greater access to precious metals and luxury goods

When the author of the passage above discusses the "second wall," to what is he referring?

The differing views of Catholics and Reformers on the appropriate use and interpretation of biblical texts

Which of the following is the best explanation of the blas found in the document abovet

The duke, as a member of the French noblity, is biased against the king because of his suppression of the nobility

The immediate importance of the ascension of James I to the throne of England is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The fact that Elizabeth 1 had died childless

James T's advocacy for a single Parliament for both England and Scotland can best be explained by

The fact that he had already been serving as the King of Scotland under the name James VI

Taken together, the two portraits best represent which of the following artistic developments of the Italinn Renaissance?

The growing emphasis on naturalism and humanism

As a result of Newton's laws of motion, which of the fol- lowing theories was strengthened?

The heliocentric theory

The most important govermmental innovation of Cardinal Richelieu in France, who was an adherent of the ideas of Bishop Bossuet, was which of the following

The intendant system used to undermine noble power

The presence of the aristocracy in both of the images most directly reflects a continuation of which of the following processes?

The preservation of the nobility's social status despite the absolutist authority of monarchs

In addition to the laws of motion, Newton is also known for developing which of the following?

The reflecting telescope

The passage above most clearly shows the influence of which of the following trends in fifteenth-century Europe?

The revival of classical learning and the development of Northern humanism

The portrait of Heraclitus best reflects which of the following features of the Italian Renaissance?

The revival of interest in classical works

Which of the following is true of the German Peasants Revolt of 1524-15257

The revolt resulted from a combination of new religious idcas and peasant demands

Which of the following factors most influented the image above depicting opposing groups regulating public morals?

The spread of Calvinist ideas and ideals from Geneva into France causing religious conflict

The image provides the clearest evidence for which of the following features of European expansion in the carly modern period?

The spread of Christianity as a justification for the subjugation of indigenous peoples

Lanier's publication of an argument for increased respect for women was made possible by which of the following?

The spread of literacy and personal engagement with religious texts

5. The document above was most likely writen at the start of which of the following dynastie and rellglous conflicts?

The thirty years war

The commissioning of Image 1 best represents which of the following trends of the Italian Renaissance

The use of art to enhance the prestige of the elites

The conflict that the Elector of Saxony describes in his letter resulted in which of the following?

The weakening of the Holy Roman Empire and the strengthening of smaller sovereign states within its boundaries

Why would the patrons of this painting and its three companion paintings wish to pay huge sums of money for these works of art?

They believed that it was their civic duty to pay people to paint in order to reduce unemployment in their towns.

Which of the following best describes the outcome of the Navigation Acts of 16517

They served as a cutalyst for the growth of English shipping and overseas trade, but did ittle to limit the prospects of the Dutch in the seventeenth century

The image demonstrates which of the following regarding scientific advances in early modern Europe?

They used information obtained through dissection to reconceptualize the body as an integrated system.

0. Which of the following explorers, sailing under the flag of Portugal, reached the west coast of India in 1498 after rounding the Cape of Good Hope and crossing the Indian Ocean?

Vasco da Gama

A historian could best use the ordinance about usury as an example of

a traditional restriction on market activities

The Dutch church represented in the painting above can be identified as Protestant because of

the plainness of the interior

For Luther, indulgences are...


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