Ap European Chapter 20

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Awareness of belonging to a distinct social and economic class whose interests might conflict with those other classes


British laws passed in 1799 that outlawed unions and strikes favoring business people over skilled artisans. Bitterly resented and widely disregarded by many craft guilds, the acts were repealed by Parliament in 1824.

Combination Acts

The location of the Great Exhibition in 1851 in London; an architectural masterpiece made entirely of glass and iron

Crystal Palace

The name given to George Stephenson's effective locomotive that was first tested in 1829 on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway at 24 miles per hour


A gender division of labor with the wife at home as mother and homemaker and the husband as wage earner

Separate spheres

What did Henry Cort develop?

The puddling furnace, which allowed pig iron to be refined with coke

The tendency to hire family units in the early factories was

usually a response to the wishes of the families

What did James Watt gain from his partnership with Matthew Boulton?

Capital and skills in salesmanship

English laws passed from 1802 1833 that limited the workday of child laborers and set minimum hygiene and safety requirements

Factory Acts

How did industry grow in continental Europe?

Following the Napoleonic Wars, France experienced a boom in factory production as the economy shifted from wartime to peacetime production

A term 1st coined in 1799 to describe the burst of major inventions and economic expansion that began in Britain in the late 18th century

Industrial Revolution

Who invented the spinning jenny?

James Hargreaves

Group of handicraft workers who attacked factories in northern England in 1811 and later, smashing the new machines that they believed were putting them out of work


English law prohibiting underground work for all women and girls as well as for boys under ten

Mines Act of 1842

A breakthrough invention by Thomas Savery in 1698 and Thomas Newcomen in 1705 that burned coal to produce steam, which was then used to operate a pump; the early models were superseded by James Watt's more efficient steam engine, patented in 1769.

Steam Engine

A government's way of supporting and aiding its own economy by laying high taxes on imported goods from other countries, as when the French responded to cheaper British goods flooding their country by imposing high tariffs on some imported products

Tariff Protection

Why did the eighteenth- century Britain have a shortage of wood?

Wood had been over-harvested; it was the primary source of heat in all homes and a basic raw material in industry

David Ricardo's iron law of wages states that

the pressure of population growth will always sink to subsistence

A simple, inexpensive, hand-powered spinning machine created by James Hargreaves in 1765.

Spinning Jenny

A spinning machine created by Richard Arkwright that had a capacity o several hundred spindles and used waterpower; it therefore required a larger and more specialized mill- a factory

Water Frame

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