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"...If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen: either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps deaths on both sides, or there will be total demoralization of the workers. Nonviolence has exactly the opposite effect. If, for every violent act committed against us, we respond with nonviolence, we attract people's support. We can gather the support of millions who have a conscience and would rather see a nonviolent resolution to problems. We are convinced that when people are faced with a direct appeal from the poor struggling nonviolently against great odds, they will react positively. The American people and people everywhere still yearn for justice. It is to that yearning that we appeal. ...When victory comes through violence, it is a victory with strings attached. If we beat the growers at the expense of violence, victory would come at the expense of injury and perhaps death. Such a thing would have a tremendous impact on us. We would lose regard for human beings. Then the struggle would become a mechanical thing. When you lose your sense of life and justice, you lose your strength...." César Chávez, "He Showed Us the Way," 1978 Which of the following best describes César Chávez' view on the use of violence versus nonviolence? A.) The use of violence should be the primary tactic as it will address the feelings of frustration and anger throughout the movement. B.) The use of violence will motivate the American people as people everywhere still yearn for justice. C.) The use of nonviolent actions, such as demonstrations and marches, does not bring honor to the cause and will negatively impact the movement. D.) The use of nonviolent actions allows more people to be involved in the movement and effect change.


A group unhappy with local law enforcement distributes a memo to members encouraging physical confrontations with police officers. The leaders of the group are promptly arrested. Which of the following Supreme Court cases best justifies the actions taken by law enforcement in this scenario? A.) Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) B.) Engel v. Vitale (1962) C.) New York Times v. United States (1971) D.) Schenck v. United States (1919)


A number of states, including Georgia and Ohio, have passed laws that revoke voter registration if a person did not vote in recent election cycles. Which of the following is a likely consequence of these laws? A.) Voters would have a lower sense of efficacy, which would lead to lower turnout. B.) Citizens would have to pay a fine if they tried to vote, which will significantly lower turnout. C.) Younger voters will be less likely to register to vote since there is a chance their votes won't be counted. D.) Occasional voters will not be able to vote on election day, which could influence election results.


Which of the following best summarizes the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of United States v. Lopez (1995) ? A.) The necessary and proper clause permits Congress to pass laws regulating firearms within a school zone pursuant to its interest in maintaining law and order. B.) The Second Amendment is incorporated to the states, which means that state and local laws prohibiting the possession of a gun within the boundaries of a school zone are unconstitutional. C.) The Second Amendment does not protect the right to keep and bear a firearm unless it can be shown that there is a direct relationship to the preservation of a well-regulated militia. D.) Congress does not have the authority under the commerce clause to pass a law forbidding possession of a firearm in a school zone.


Which of the following criticisms of political campaigns is the author of the political cartoon most likely to agree with? A.) Political campaigns have not adequately adapted to the increase in social media usage in modern society. B.) Rising campaign costs and intensive fund-raising efforts make running for office too expensive for the average citizen. C.) The duration of election cycles is too long. D.) Candidates rely too heavily on professional consultants.


Which of the following is a model of democracy that emphasizes the role of interest groups in advocating for public policy? A.) Participatory democracy B.) Elitist democracy C.) Majoritarian democracy D.) Pluralist democracy


Which of the following is the most accurate comparison of the processes that generally facilitate gridlock and those that facilitate governmental action? A.) Facilitates Gridlock: Gerrymandering Facilitates Action: Partisanship B.) Facilitates Gridlock: Ideological news sources Facilitates Action: Bicameral legislature C.) Facilitates Gridlock: Bully pulpit Facilitates Action: Judicial review D.) Facilitates Gridlock: Checks and balances Facilitates Action: Executive orders


Which of the following portrays an accurate example of horse race media coverage? A.) After a lengthy investigation, a newspaper publishes an article about a candidate receiving thousands of dollars in illegal campaign funds. B.) A cable news show intentionally smears a candidate by running an exaggerated story about indiscretions in a candidate's personal life. C.) A candidate announces her intention to run for president of the United States on Twitter rather than through a television appearance. D.) News media outlets report the results of public opinion polls that show the relative popularity of presidential candidates.


Which of the following statements is supported by the data on the map? A.) Michigan (MI) has a higher rate of uninsured people than Mississippi (MS). B.) Alaska (AK) has a lower rate of uninsured people than Hawaii (HI). C.) Wyoming (WY) has a lower rate of uninsured people than Idaho (ID). D.) Texas (TX) has a higher rate of uninsured people than New Jersey (NJ).


Which of the following statements is true regarding political advertisements in 2012 based on the information graphic? A.) Taxpayers paid over 2 billion dollars for political advertisements. B.) Political action committees aired 3 million political ads. C.) Fewer than 2 million advertisements were aired in 2012. D.) Few advertisements appealed to positive emotions.


A citizen who uses the rational choice model of voting behavior selects candidates for office based on A.) what is thought to be in the citizen's own self-interest B.) the label of the party running for office C.) predictions of how a candidate will perform in the future D.) the recent performance of the candidates running for office


A polling firm tried to predict the results of an election by sampling 1,000 adults within a state for two days prior to the election, using landline telephones of likely voters. After the election, the firm found that their poll results were not close to the actual election results. Which of the following recommendations would be the best for the firm to follow in the future? A.) Sample people who have cell phones, in addition to those with landlines. B.) Conduct the survey over a one-day period rather than two days. C.) Adjust the results if the sample includes more people from one party than another. D.) Use an Internet-based poll that encourages people to vote online for their preferred candidate.


After extensive polling, a member of the House of Representatives learns that her constituents favor universal background checks for all gun purchases. Based on this information, the representative votes in favor of background checks in a criminal justice bill, although she personally opposes the provision. In doing so, she is acting as a A.) delegate B.) trustee C.) politico D.) committee chair


On July 9, 2018, after the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, President Trump, a Republican, nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Many Democrats in the Senate feared that the appointment of Kavanaugh would swing the Court in a more ideologically conservative direction and attempted to block his nomination. After a heated Senate confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh was eventually confirmed by a 50-48 vote in the Senate. The scenario best highlights which of the following statements about court appointees? A.) Life tenure for appointed justices alongside the power of judicial review increases the stakes in the confirmation process for nominees to the Supreme Court. B.) Judicial appointees tend to make controversial statements on important policy issues during their confirmation hearings to get confirmed. C.) The merit system for hiring members of the bureaucracy extends to the vetting process for nominations to the Supreme Court. D.) Presidents usually request that the Senate be slow and deliberate with judicial appointments to check the power of the judicial branch.


The data in the table illustrate which of the following about United States constitutional government? A.) Presidential foreign policy can be checked through the legislative power of Congress. B.) The president can declare war, but Congress can vote to block funding for wars. C.) Cloture procedures make it increasingly difficult to filibuster bills in the Senate. D.) Gerrymandering has intensified partisan divisions in Congress.


The process in the diagram reflects which of the following about the perspective of the framers on constitutional government? A.) The system should be able to accommodate political change, but the process for change should incorporate checks and balances. B.) Limited government is best achieved through a Constitution that limits the power of the federal government and expands the power of states. C.) Citizens ought to determine for themselves by a simple majority the laws that govern a democracy. D.) Multiple access points should exist for groups who want to participate in government, with the states acting as laboratories of democracy.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of checks on the legislative branch and checks on the executive branch? A.) Check on Legislative Branch: The president may veto bills passed by Congress. Check on Executive Branch: The Senate must confirm judicial nominees. B.) Check on Legislative Branch: The president has the power to fund wars. Check on Executive Branch: The House of Representatives can pass articles of impeachment. C.) Check on Legislative Branch: The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review. Check on Executive Branch: Congress can remove members of the president's cabinet. D.) Check on Legislative Branch: States may nullify federal laws that violate state constitutions. Check on Executive Branch: The Supreme Court can declare presidential actions unconstitutional if a case arises.


Which of the following represents a consequence of candidate-centered electoral campaigns? A.) A decrease in the role of political parties in campaign management B.) A decrease in the number of third-party candidates on the ballot C.) A decrease in the amount of money spent on political campaigns D.) A decrease in voter outreach and mobilization efforts


Which of the following statements is supported by data in the graph? A.) The higher the income, the more likely that the person will support smaller government. B.) Liberals are less likely than conservatives to support bigger government. C.) A decrease in income is likely to increase the possibility that a person will obtain a college degree. D.) Women are more likely than men to be in favor of smaller government and fewer government services.


Which of the following would be considered an instance in which time, place, and manner restrictions would be applied to the First Amendment? A.) A city enforces its laws restricting noise to limit the scale of an outdoor concert event intended to raise public awareness of climate change. B.) A group with offensive signs is denied a permit to march through the streets because local residents and businesses oppose the group's message. C.) A person is arrested after making a threat to police officers who are investigating a crime scene. D.) A newspaper publishes an article that publicly defames the reputation of a private individual.


Which of the following is commonly identified as a failure of the Articles of Confederation? A.) The national government lacked an effective power to raise revenue. B.) The executive branch was granted too much power over the legislature. C.) The federal government had too much control over interstate commerce. D.) The judicial branch was elected and did not consistently adhere to rule of law.

A The national government lacked an effective power to raise revenue.

"...If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen: either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps deaths on both sides, or there will be total demoralization of the workers. Nonviolence has exactly the opposite effect. If, for every violent act committed against us, we respond with nonviolence, we attract people's support. We can gather the support of millions who have a conscience and would rather see a nonviolent resolution to problems. We are convinced that when people are faced with a direct appeal from the poor struggling nonviolently against great odds, they will react positively. The American people and people everywhere still yearn for justice. It is to that yearning that we appeal. ...When victory comes through violence, it is a victory with strings attached. If we beat the growers at the expense of violence, victory would come at the expense of injury and perhaps death. Such a thing would have a tremendous impact on us. We would lose regard for human beings. Then the struggle would become a mechanical thing. When you lose your sense of life and justice, you lose your strength...." César Chávez, "He Showed Us the Way," 1978 Which of the following provisions of the Bill of Rights could support the actions that César Chávez is encouraging the farmworkers to take? A.) The right to fair trial B.) The right to assemble C.) The right to bear arms D.) The right to an attorney


After hours of interrogation by police a suspect confesses to multiple felony offenses. His attorney objected to the admission of the confession because he was not advised of his right to have an attorney present nor his protection from self-incrimination. Which amendments are most relevant to this scenario? A.) The Fourth and Fifth Amendments B.) The Fifth and Sixth Amendments C.) The Sixth and Eighth Amendments D.) The Fourth and Eighth Amendments


During an investigation, police officers find illegal drugs while searching a home for which they did not acquire a warrant. Which of the following would prevent the drugs from being used as evidence at trial? A.) The writ of habeas corpus B.) The exclusionary rule C.) The Miranda warning D.) 0The protection against ex post facto


In 2012, after negotiations on a bill in Congress failed, President Obama issued an executive order that protected from deportation individuals illegally brought to the United States as children by their parents. The president took this action because A.) the executive order would require Congress to bring a bill regarding illegal immigration to the floor for a vote B.) disagreement between congressional leaders and the president on the issue meant that a compromise on a bill was not likely C.) the president was reacting to a Supreme Court decision that required him to do something to protect these individuals D.) the Constitution clearly gives the president control over the legal status of immigrants in the United States


In the case of McDonald v. Chicago (2010) the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for self-defense was applicable to the states. This ruling is an example of the application of the doctrine of A.) Strict scrutiny B.) Selective incorporation C.) Stare decisis D.) Literalism


Lobbyists from the Airlines for America, an advocacy group that represents commercial airlines, work with members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and officials from the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to discuss a new policy that addresses issues of airline safety. This scenario best illustrates A.) a political action committee B.) an iron triangle C.) a social movement D.) an independent expenditure


The data illustrate that most conservatives believe that the United States Constitution A.) is a living document and the Supreme Court should consider public opinion and contemporary values when interpreting constitutional provisions B.) outlines a framework for government that the Supreme Court should apply strictly regardless of the political or personal preferences of judges C.) establishes a shared set of political values flexible enough to empower the Supreme Court to apply its own personal judgment to their interpretation D.) gives judges the power to overrule the other two branches of government in times when those other branches fail to be responsive to changing public opinion on issues


The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to [operate their business] would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume authority which could safely be trusted, not to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who [was so arrogant to think] himself fit to exercise it. To . . . direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals . . . in almost all cases [is] a useless or hurtful regulation. If the produce of domestic [industry] can be brought there as cheap as that of foreign industry, the regulation is evidently useless. If it cannot, it must generally be hurtful. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776 Based on the passage and your knowledge, which of the following most likely explains how Adam Smith might react to the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) ? A.) Smith would approve of the court's decision that limited the scope of the federal government's regulatory authority. B.) Smith would disapprove of the court's decision to expand the federal government's power to regulate the economy. C.) Smith would disapprove of the court's decision allowing private businesses to make unlimited contributions to political campaigns. D.) Smith would approve of the court's decision to expand the power of the federal government to promote economic growth.


To get an important bill passed in the House, a provision is added that allocates $500 million to study the impact of global climate change on manatees in Florida. This is an example of A.) the free rider problem B.) pork barrel legislation C.) an issue network D.) gerrymandering


Which of the following characteristics best explains the data on the map? A.) The exclusive powers granted to the states in the Constitution allow them to determine health-care policy. B.) Federalism creates differences between states on the implementation of health-care policy. C.) The Tenth Amendment instructs Congress to make laws but guarantees the rights of states to implement federal policies, such as health-care policy. D.) The incorporation of the Fourteenth Amendment has allowed the federal government to guarantee health care to all citizens, but some citizens may opt out.


Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the table? A.) Forty-six Republicans voted against the bill, which led to a successful filibuster. B.) The bill was able to pass because some Republicans and Independents voted for it along with all Democrats. C.) Independents align most strongly with Republicans in the Senate. D.) The smaller chamber size of the Senate made this bill easier to pass in the Senate than in the House of Representatives.


Which of the following factors that influence voters' decision making during an election is the cartoonist poking fun at? A.) The party identification and ideological orientation of the candidate B.) The candidate's personal characteristics C.) The education and age of the candidate D.) The candidate's knowledge of contemporary political issues


Which of the following ideals of democracy is reflected in the procedure for apportionment in the House of Representatives? A.) The federal government represents states equally. B.) Government is based on the consent of the governed. C.) Leaders in Congress are among the most well-informed in society. D.) Political power is distributed between the national government and state governments.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison between the relative functions and electoral success of the two major political parties (Democratic and Republican) and third parties? A.) Major Parties: An important electoral function of the major parties is to sponsor primaries and caucuses during the nomination process. Third Parties: Third parties frequently displace one of the major parties in presidential elections and become a major party themselves. B.) Major Parties: The rules of the electoral college favor the major-party candidates in presidential elections. Third Parties: Winner-take-all voting districts hinder the electoral success of third-party candidates. C.) Major Parties: Major parties sometimes incorporate the issues promoted by third parties into the major-party platforms. Third Parties: Third parties usually receive public funding to finance their campaigns during presidential elections. D.) Major Parties: Presidential nominees of the major parties often choose a third-party member as a running mate to balance the ticket. Third Parties: Third-party candidates seldom experience electoral success, in part because voters do not believe they have a chance to win.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of policy positions advocated by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party? A.) Democratic Party: Favors broad federal deregulation to encourage business expansion and job creation. Republican Party Favors individual and corporate federal income tax cuts to stimulate economic growth. B.) Democratic Party: Favors increases in spending for programs such as Medicare and Medicaid Republican Party: Favors significant increases in defense and military spending in the federal budget C.) Democratic Party: Favors same-sex marriage equality. Republican Party: Favors the decision in Roe v. Wade (1973). D.) Democratic Party: Favors reduced funding for federal college student loan programs. Republican Party: Favors more education choice through school vouchers for private and charter schools.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the establishment clause and the free exercise clause? A.) Establishment Clause: Used by founders to establish Christianity as the national religion Free Exercise Clause: Reflects a basic belief in the protection of religious freedom B.) Establishment Clause: Prohibits the federal government from promoting religion or creating a national religion Free Exercise Clause: Protects an individual's religious beliefs and reasonable religious practices C.) Establishment Clause: Provides a wall of separation of between church and state Free Exercise Clause: Not a civil liberty incorporated to states D.) Establishment Clause: Ensures that all students must attend public school regardless of religious views. Free Exercise Clause: Protects again school-led prayer ceremonies


Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates a president avoiding a check from the judicial branch? A.) The president signs a bill that reduces the budget of the Department of Justice in response to the department's failure to prosecute white-collar criminals. B.) The president claims that certain detainees are enemy combatants and thus do not possess the same constitutional protections that the Supreme Court has upheld for the interrogation of criminal suspects. C.) The president vetoes legislation that would constrain the ability of the executive branch to conduct domestic surveillance as it relates to terrorism. D.) The president issues an executive order declaring that all people who were brought to the United States illegally as children can apply for a deferment rather than face deportation.


Which of the following statements is true based on the data in the line graph? A.) In 1988 and 1992, voters 18-29 years old favored the Democratic candidate more than voters 65 and older did. B.) In the 2000 election, the gap between voters 65 and older and 18-29 years old was 2%, with voters older than 65 preferring the Democratic candidate. C.) In 1972 and 1984, voters 65 and older favored the Democratic candidate more than voters 18-29 years old did. D.) In the 2012 election, the gap between voters 65 and older and 18-29 years old was 8%, with 18-29-year-old voters preferring the Democratic candidate.


While the central goal of political parties is to win elections, parties can also support democracy. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates this relationship? A.) A political party changes its stance on environmental policy after its candidates receive large contributions from an energy company. B.) Political parties use the social media site Instagram to reach out to younger voters to inform them about upcoming elections and encourage them to register to vote. C.) The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure uses research given to it from the American Society of Civil Engineers when amending an infrastructure bill. D.) A former member of Congress takes a job as a political consultant to advise current members on their campaigns and raise money for elections.


"...If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen: either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps deaths on both sides, or there will be total demoralization of the workers. Nonviolence has exactly the opposite effect. If, for every violent act committed against us, we respond with nonviolence, we attract people's support. We can gather the support of millions who have a conscience and would rather see a nonviolent resolution to problems. We are convinced that when people are faced with a direct appeal from the poor struggling nonviolently against great odds, they will react positively. The American people and people everywhere still yearn for justice. It is to that yearning that we appeal. ...When victory comes through violence, it is a victory with strings attached. If we beat the growers at the expense of violence, victory would come at the expense of injury and perhaps death. Such a thing would have a tremendous impact on us. We would lose regard for human beings. Then the struggle would become a mechanical thing. When you lose your sense of life and justice, you lose your strength...." César Chávez, "He Showed Us the Way," 1978 Which of the following is a similarity between the views expressed in the excerpt above and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail"? A.) Unlike César Chávez, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. supported the use of violence after all other means had been exhausted. B.) Unlike Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., César Chávez supported the use of violence as a means to start the movement. C.) Both César Chávez and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. argued for the continued use of nonviolence to further their causes. D.) Both César Chávez and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. argued for the use of nonviolence after standards of equality had been met.


At a public high school, several students raised a banner and wore clothing in support of a candidate running in the upcoming presidential election during lunch period. The principal asked the students to put away the banner, citing safety concerns. Which of the following Supreme Court cases is most relevant to this scenario? A.) Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) B.) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) C.) Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) D.) Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)


The America First Action is a super PAC led by former administrator of the Small Business Administration Linda McMahon. Which of the following best explains how the organization can operate to influence elections, according to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010) ? A.) The super PAC can be led by a former government official but cannot accept contributions from former officials. B.) The super PAC can spend unlimited funds and coordinate its campaign with candidate campaigns but must abide by "Stand by Your Ad" provisions. C.) The super PAC can spend unlimited money on issue-advocacy advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign. D.) The super PAC can spend unlimited money on campaign expenditures but is subject to maximum contribution limits from donors.


The Web site healthcare.gov was launched on October 1, 2013, to help citizens purchase health insurance for themselves in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. Within two hours of launch the site crashed. Once it was restored, problems continued, leading to difficulty for users. The following year, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius was called to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee to discuss the issue. The committee held this hearing as part of which of the following functions? A.) Committee markup B.) Budget testimony C.) Oversight D.) Impeachment


The president privately discusses with his staff a decision to increase economic sanctions on Iran. Before a final decision is made, a draft of the proposal is leaked to a reporter. The president orders the reporter and her newspaper to suspend publication of the plan, citing issues of national and economic security. Which of the following best indicates how a court would rule in this case if the Supreme Court's ruling in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971) was used as a precedent? A.) The president has the authority to stop the publication of the story because the administration has asserted that the information in the story threatens national security. B.) Although the documents have already been obtained by the press, a court must review the documents prior to publication to ensure that no information that threatens national security is made public. C.) Freedom of the press includes a heavy presumption against government censorship, and the documents can be published by the press. D.) Because the president's staff leaked the documents and the newspaper obtained them in a legal manner, they may be published without prior restraint.


The process shown in the diagram is outlined in which of the following parts of the United States Constitution? A.) Article I B.) Article II C.) Article V D.) Article VI


The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to [operate their business] would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume authority which could safely be trusted, not to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who [was so arrogant to think] himself fit to exercise it. To . . . direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals . . . in almost all cases [is] a useless or hurtful regulation. If the produce of domestic [industry] can be brought there as cheap as that of foreign industry, the regulation is evidently useless. If it cannot, it must generally be hurtful. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776 Which of the following best summarizes the perspective of Adam Smith in the passage? A.) A strong centralized government is necessary to maintain economic order. B.) Lowering taxes increases investment and allows the free market to flourish. C.) The government should not be used to promote manufacturing. D.) Civil liberties limit the power of the federal government to regulate the economy.


The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to [operate their business] would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume authority which could safely be trusted, not to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who [was so arrogant to think] himself fit to exercise it. To . . . direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals . . . in almost all cases [is] a useless or hurtful regulation. If the produce of domestic [industry] can be brought there as cheap as that of foreign industry, the regulation is evidently useless. If it cannot, it must generally be hurtful. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776 Which of the following ideals of United States government is most relevant to this passage? A.) Natural rights B.) Popular sovereignty C.) Limited government D.) Social contract


The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to [operate their business] would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume authority which could safely be trusted, not to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who [was so arrogant to think] himself fit to exercise it. To . . . direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals . . . in almost all cases [is] a useless or hurtful regulation. If the produce of domestic [industry] can be brought there as cheap as that of foreign industry, the regulation is evidently useless. If it cannot, it must generally be hurtful. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776 Which of the following positions on the government's role in the marketplace is most influenced by the idea expressed in the passage? A.) Economic equality should be the goal of public policy. B.) Government should use its fiscal powers to address economic cycles. C.) Government intervention in the free market should be avoided. D.) A central banking system or federal reserve is necessary to control the money supply.


Which of the following clauses serves as the constitutional basis for the federal Real ID Act of 2005, a law that established uniform standards for state-issued identification cards and provided regulation of a state function? A.) The due process clause B.) The establishment clause C.) The necessary and proper clause D.) The commerce clause


Which of the following is a consequence of having concurrent powers within a federal system of government? A.) The executive branch can expand its control of the policy agenda. B.) States can pass laws that override the laws of the federal government. C.) Citizens and interest groups seeking policy change can choose from multiple access points. D.) Members of Congress can cultivate close relationships with power brokers in their regions.


Which of the following is most directly related to the large amount of money spent by outside groups in the 2012 election? A.) The reliance on professional consulting firms to help run candidate-centered campaigns B.) The emergence of social media as a campaign tool to mobilize supporters to make large donations C.) The use of super PACs as a mechanism to raise money and influence elections D.) Strict regulations on campaign spending by political parties


Which of the following is the best explanation for the trend in voting behavior after the 2000 election? A.) Many states lowered their voting age after 2000, which led to an increase in Democratic Party voters. B.) Most younger voters who were Democrats in the 1980s became more conservative as they grew older and ended up supporting Republicans after 2000. C.) The events that shaped the generation turning 18 after the year 2000 tended to create more liberal-minded voters who supported Democrats. D.) Most younger voters after 2000 adopted political positions that were opposed to their parents' point of view.


Which of the following statements is consistent with data shown in the bar graph? A.) Men are more likely than women to believe that there should be an increase in government spending to provide social services for the elderly. B.) Conservatives are more likely than liberals to believe that spending on public transportation should be increased to connect citizens to employment opportunities. C.) Republicans are more likely than Democrats to believe that there should be fewer regulations on businesses to promote economic growth and increase wages. D.) Those with higher incomes are more likely than those with lower incomes to believe that education spending should be a federal responsibility to guarantee that each citizen has an equal chance at success.


Which of the following statements is correct based on the bar chart? A.) Most Independents believe that the Supreme Court should base its rulings on what the Constitution meant as originally written. B.) Most Democrats believe that the Supreme Court should base its rulings on what the Constitution meant as originally written. C.) The more consistently liberal a person is, the more that person is likely to believe that the Supreme Court should base its rulings on what the Constitution means in current times. D.) The more consistently conservative a person is, the more that person is likely to believe that the Supreme Court should base its rulings on what the Constitution means in current times.


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