AP Gov: The Presidency FRQ Answers

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Describe the primary constitutional conflict between Congress and the President over the decision to go to war.

According to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, the president is the commander and chief of the United States Military. However, in Article I, Section 9 the power to declare war is gifted to Congress by the framers. Therefore, the president could have to deploy soldiers against his free will and the president does not determine when it is appropriate to use force.

Explain how executive agreements expand the president's ability to implement foreign policy.

An executive agreement is an agreement between the United States and a foreign government that is less formal than a treaty and is not subject to the constitutional requirement for ratification by two-thirds of the United States Senate. Executive agreements expand the president's ability to implement foreign policy because they can be entered into by just the president (no interference from Congress).

The War Powers Resolution has received mixed reviews, but Congress has other powers over war making. Other than the constitutional power that you described in (a), identify and explain two other formal powers Congress has over war making.

Congress has the power to ratify war treaties. This affects war making because depending on how they change the treaty, it can change the course of the war. Congress can stop funding any wars it doesn't support. This affects war making because if Congress stops funding the war, we would have to remove troops or go into debt to keep the troops there.

Explain how one of the following can limit the president's ability to implement foreign policy (elections or presidential approval ratings).

Elections can limit the president's ability to implement foreign policy because presidents must seek reelection, they can be voted out of office after first term. If they are voted out of office, they can't voice their new policy. Elections can shift agenda or focus. The public might view the president differently after an election, so the president will change their beliefs/policy to be better with the public.

Describe two enumerated powers Congress has in making foreign policy.

One enumerated power that Congress has in making foreign policy is the ability to declare war, while the president doesn't. A second enumerated power that Congress has in making foreign policy is the power of the purse. Power of the purse is the ability of one group to manipulate and control the actions of another group by withholding funding, or putting stipulations on the use of funds. Congress will be able to push for their ideologies more.

Describe two expressed powers the president has in making foreign policy.

One expressed power the president has in making foreign policy is the ability to make treaties. Making treaties has a huge impact on war. A treaty can end war between two nations. A second expressed power the president has in making foreign policy is the title of commander in chief. The commander in chief has the supreme power to command and control over an armed forces or a military branch.

Describe two provisions of the War Powers Resolution that were designed to limit the President's power over war making.

One provision of the War Powers Resolution is that the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of sending troops to combat. A second provision of the War Powers Resolution is that conflicts are limited to 60 days unless Congress takes action.

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