AP Human Geography Unit 7

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What are infant mortality rates?

# of babies that die in the first year

What type of materials did India provide?

tea, jute, rubber, cotton

What happens as a result of intermodal containers and global transportation?

Because of intermodal containers, global transportation and communication networks we have access to a wider range of goods and manufacturers than ever before.

Identify two different ways in which the industrial revolution changed family life in society.

1) Families started to work in factories and in businesses that were not in the home 2) New urban life reduced the amount of time that families spent together 3) Family sizes started to decrease due to the migration to urban areas

Describe how the industrial revolution impacted societies, agriculture, migration, and urban life.

1) Food production increased due to new advancements in technology and new farming practices 2)Society saw the second agricultural revolution and the enclosure movement 3) People started to migrate to urban areas due to the amount of economic and social opportunities that urban areas offered 4) Urban areas decreased the average family size 5) Urban areas offered people more goods and services

7.1 Start


Takeaways: Industrialization began as a result of new technologies and was facilitated by the availability of natural resources. As industrialization spread, it caused food supplies to increase and populations to grow. It allowed workers to seek new industrial jobs in the cities and changed class structures. Investors in industry sought out more raw material and new markets, a factor that contributed to the rise of colonialism and imperialism.

7.1 END

7.2 Start


7.3 Start


7.4 Start

7.4 Start

7.5 start


7.6 Start


Compared with more-developed countries, which of the following statements is true of less developed countries? a. a higher percent of the labor force its engaged in food production b. the population pyramids exhibit narrower bases c. the per capita consumption of energy is higher d. the natural increase of the population is lower e. fertility rates are lower


The reason for the concentration of copper smelters, refineries, and boundaries close to Arizonas copper mines is that copper production is a. a bulk-reducing industry b. a bulk gaining industry c. dependent on dry climate conditions d. attracted to low cost migrant labor e. oriented to the large Southern California market


Which statement best describes the preconditions for take-off stage? a. new jobs open up in the secondary sector and there is a new demand for raw resources from foreign states b. majority of jobs are in the primary sector with the main focus on subsistence agriculture c. society now produces products that are no longer meeting the basic needs of society d. new opportunities for citizens are created in the tertiary sector and the state starts to become more independent


What is a break-of-bulk point?

A break-of-bulk point is a location at which a good is transferred from one mode of transportation to another. - railways, meet ports, meet highways - where goods can be changed from one form of transportation to another easily.

Explain the 5 stages of Rostow's stages of economic growth

American who proposed that all countries go through five levels of development Stage 1 - Traditional Society - subsistence economy, barter Stage 2 - Precondition to Takeoff - Start to specialize, develop surpluses, and build infrastructure Stage 3 - Take off - Industrialization, growing investment, regional growth, and political change Stage 4 - Drive to Maturity - Diversification, innovation, less reliance on imports, investments Stage 5 - High Mass Consumption - Consumer oriented, durable goods, dominant service sector

Which of the following best explains a political-economic weakness or limitation of Rostow's stages of economic growth? a. the model does not hold up to modern times because essentially all countries around the world have moved through Rostow's economic growth as expected b. Rostow made the inaccurate assumption that all countries want modernization as defined in the model and would pass through the stages in order c. according to rostows, countries will become less dependent on the scales of their commodities as they advance d. some critics claim commodities were exchanged between core and periphery areas well before modern times e. the states as defined by Rostow are not useful because sustainability is not addressed


How do these sectors change as development happens?

As the region is advancing the way in which they make money the economic sector also progresses. Income in general goes up as we move from sector.

What happens as the society progresses? (where do these jobs go?)

As the society progresses less and less people are working the those first few sectors because of new technology and machinery, so not as many people need to be working because one person can work a huge machine. Not only that but as societies progress they don't even do some of the first few sectors and exploit the periphery to get the raw materials they need through imperialism/colonialism.

Outsourced industrial production in less developed countries often relies on female labor because a. men are engaged mainly in agriculture b. wage rates for women are much lower than for men c. women are more skilled at operating machinery than men are d. social taboos prevent women from working in the service sector e. women are not protected by international labor laws


Which economic sector would the image above be part of? (people in orange vests making stuff) a. primary sector b. secondary sector c. tertiary sector d. quaternary sector e. quinary sector


Which of the following arguments help explain why seventy-five percent of those employed in Export-Processing Zones, such as maquiladoras, are women? I. Women have better educational qualifications than men II. Women are paid less than men III. Many employers consider women to be more dexterous than men. IV. Many employers consider women more likely to organize unions than men a. I and III only b. II and III only c. II and IV only d. I, II, and III only e. I, II, III and IV


What does BRICMS stand for (semi-periphery countries)?

B - Brazil R - Russia I - India C - China M - Mexico S - South Africa

Why is GII also used compared to HDI?

Because typically the more developed an area in the more gender equality there is as well.

These three scores are averaged to give an overall score which is the best score? (HDI)

Best score is closest to 1.0 worst score is 0.

What did things like steam powered ships make way for as for trading?

Britain, France, Belgium, and Germany established colonies and built transportation networks in their colonies to transport the raw materials back home. Industrial revolution innovations such as the steam-powered ships and trains along with infrastructure projects in the colonies like railroads, ports, and the building of the Suez Canal created global trading networks.

What is bulk gaining?

Bulk-gaining is a process where the manufactured good is heavier when its done - factory gets placed closer to the market than raw materials - soda manufacturing - heavier final product

Quaternary economic activities are those that a. extract natural resources from the environment b. transform raw materials into finished products c. involve the collection, processing, and manipulation of information d. involve the exchange of goods and the provision of services e. involve the production of fresh produce for urban markets


Which of the following indications would you look at if you wanted to look at the standard of living of a country? a. GNP b. GNP c. GNI per capita d. GII


Which of the following is not one of the consequences to working in an informal economy? a, less legal protection b. increased risk of being discriminated against or harassed c. higher taxes which reduce your overall income d. increased chance of being paid a low wage


Which of the following regions is more likely to have citizens attend school, and has a high life expectancy? (HDI) a. asia (medium green) b. Eastern Europe (medium Green) c. north america (dark green) d. south america (medium) e. africa (light) the darkest the more human development


Which of the following statements best describes a cottage industry? a. production that happens in the natural environment with limited use of technology b. new production that happens in factories c. production that happens in a person's home often by hand or with limited technology d. production that happens in urban areas and is shipped out to rural communities


Which of the following would best describe break of bulk points? a. an area in which resources are assembled into the final product b. a major shipping area in which global trade occurs c. the location where goods are moved from one form of transportation to another d. the clustering of similar businesses to help reduce costs


What is Wallerstein's World Systems Theory?

Core, Periphery, and Semi-Periphery Core: high education, high salaries and more technology Periphery: low education, low salaries, very little technology - kept in poverty by the Core because it benefits the core Semi-Periphery: between Core and Periphery. Either a producer or a consumer but not both. Exploited by the Core, but exploits the periphery Core: US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Australia Periphery - under developed and exports raw materials to the rest of the world Semi-periphery - manufacture and export - BRICMS World economies are all linked; producers seek cheapest labor possible which usually involves the periphery

What is a comparative advantage?

Comparative advantage is the idea that one trade partner might be better at producing agricultural goods, while the other partner might be better at manufacturing products. Each will specialize at what they are good at. the ability to produce a product with less of an opportunity cost than another country


Complementarity is the idea that if you have something that I want and I have something that you want, it's better if we were to trade with each other. The idea that the value increases because you want what I have and I want what you have. So, trade is greater if each side has something the other wants or needs. when trade is greater if each side has something the other wants or needs.

What is the goal of colonialism and imperialism?

Control of resources and access to markets

Explain how Wallersteins World System Theory illustrates global trade and unequal economic development.

Core countries take advantage of the cheap labor and raw materials found in semi-periphery countries and periphery countries. They produce their products in these developing countries in order to increase the amount of products they can offer for their citizens and reduce the cost of those products. Periphery countries and semi-periphery countries end up being exploited by core countries in the global market, which makes it more difficult for them to continue to develop their own economies.

Explain how micro loans can create more opportunities for women in developing countries.

Microloans are loans that are given by individuals not governments or large banks, these loans are given to people in developing countries (often women) who have a positive credit history and are starting a small business. These loans allow women and individuals who receive them to create new jobs and opportunities for not only themselves but the rest of the community. This can allow people to achieve financial independence and break the cycle of poverty.

Define commodity dependence.

Countries that are heavily reliant on primary commodities for revenue through trade. Primary commodities are raw materials: food, tobacco, minerals (no oil). These countries are heavily reliant on trade to bring in income. If prices for these goods drop the country will loose a significant amount of income. Commodity Dependence is classified by one of the following: The percentage of income brought in from exporting one product or top 3 export products. Percentage of people engaged in commodity production. Percentage of government revenue that this primary commodity bring in. According to UN report from 2019 - 1/2 of all countries commodity dependent and 2/3 of all developing countries are commodity dependent (majority in Sub-Saharan Africa). This is when 60% of a country's exports are commodities. Countries that rely on the exportation of their commodities put their economy at risk to the day to day price changes of those commodities.

Economic activities that involve the extraction of natural resources, such as lumbering, fishing, mining, and agriculture, are called a. subsistence activities b. organic activities c. secondary economic activities d. primary economic activities e. tertiary economic activities


Environmental laws, labor availability, and access to markets are major factors affecting which of the following? a. political affiliation b. gross domestic product c. property tax rates d. manufacturing locations e. transportation costs


What would be the most profitable location for an ethanol manufacturing plant that converts corn into alcohol for use as an additive for gasoline? a. near a large university to facilitate recruitment of highly trained chemists b. near a break of bulk point for ease of transportation c. near a navigable river to reduce transportation costs to distance markets d. near a prime corn producing area to minimize transportation costs of raw materials


Which statement best describes the drive to maturity stage? a. new jobs open up in the secondary sector and there is a new demand for raw resources from foreign states b. majority of jobs are in the primary sector c. society now produces products that are no longer meeting the basic needs of society d. new opportunities for citizens are created in the tertiary sector and state starts to become more independent


HDI Creates a # between 0 and 1 by combining what three things?

Demographic Data Economic Data Social Data

Presidents/business men a. primary sector b. secondary sector c. tertiary sector d. quaternary sector e. quinary sector


The early stages of the core-periphery model describe the a. relationship between the outward appearance of a place and its internal functioning b. ways that suburban workers commute to urban workplaces c. relationship between the underlying structure of a society and its outward expressions d. social and cultural differences between urban and rural people e. relationship of power and the transfer of resources from less developed to more developed areas


Which country has the most gender inequality? a. botswana b. senegal c. kenya d. zambia e. Togo GII Botswana 0.480 Senegal 0.528 Kenya 0.552 Zambia 0.587 Togo 0.588


What are some examples of Neoliberal groups?

European Union (EU): Free trade and movement zone across most of Western Europe. have a common currency, created one big market, and have standarized laws Mercosur: officially called the southern common market, it is a group of South American countries seeking to promote free trade. Venezuela is currently not a part of the group (its rights have been suspended) largely Brazil and Argentina World trade organization (WTO): regulates international trade between countries and tries to reduce tariffs. if there is a trade dispute it is the WTO's job to settle it. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): group of countries that control over 80% of the world's oil. they have large control over the world's oil market, Saudi Arabia is the de facto leader

What happens in the primary sector?

Farming, mining, ranching - taking something directly fro the earth Extract, process, produce and package raw materials and basic food from the earth

What were the results of the industrial revolution? (i.e. what happened to the food, population, jobs)

Food supply increase - industrial revolution helped fuel the 2nd agricultural revolution - the machinery improved farm output - these improvements helped to create even more food which allowed them to food more people and create surplus Population growth - as food production increased as does population - people are living longer New Industrial Jobs - not many people are needed on the farms and so they work in factories

Explain how GDP and GNP differ and what information they look at?

GDP looks at all production that happens within a country's boundaries, while the GNP looks at all of the production that happens with a country's citizens. GNP does not factor in production from foreign states and also looks at production that is happening around the world, not just inside the country's boundaries.

What number is good for HDI and GII?

HDI close to 1 good, GII close to 0 good

What is the human development index (HDI)?

HDI is used as a comparison tool for development - mostly widely accepted and indexed by the UN

What is the dependency theory?

Heavily tied to Wallerstein's work system theory. States that powerful countries control economic development. Thus they ensure the poor areas stay dependent on them for money through employment. This setup encourages the wealthy areas to keep these labor areas poor because they can exploit them. The idea that resources flow from LDCs to MDCs this causes developing countries to depend on core countries. The periphery countries economy is based on the money they are getting from exporting this raw material to the core so without it their economy crashes, whereas the core can just find another periphery country.

What is bulk-reducing?

Is a process in which manufacturing makes the good lighter than its original. - factory is places closer to the raw material used to make it rather than where it will be finally sold example: mining, paper manufacturing, etc.

What are the other problems with Rostow's stages of economic growth?

It's based on industrialized, capitalist, democratic countries and not every country values those same ideas and value kinship and community more than developing and wealth. Scale and Uneven Development - Stages of growth are not uniform across one country. Some parts can be developed and other undeveloped (i.e. India) Linear progress - not all countries will progress through the model in the defined order. wars, corruption, disasters can impact the stage of a country Globalization - the model focuses on the development of a single country and does not take into account the fact that all countries are connected in our globalized world. for example, transnational corporations could economically impact countries differently. Equal Potential to develop - does not take into account that there are major differences between countries such as climate, landforms, access to natural resources, relative location . . . that could help or hinder the development Sustainability - The highest level of "modernization" is massive consumption. this did not take into account the natural environment, depletion of resources, and level of waste that is generated by massive consumption. Legacy of Colonialism - He did not factor in the massive impact of centuries of colonialism on less developed countries. Most countries that reached the high level of mass consumption did it because they exploited the resources of LDC's. Countries that are trying to develop today do not have the option to colonize in order to get ahead.

To calculate GII we look at reproductive health. Which two statistics fall under this?

Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) Adolescent Fertility Rate (AFR)

What new technologies and natural resources fueled the industrial revolution?

New Technologies -the steam engine, railroads Natural Resources -coal -water -iron ore -rivers -harbors

What is one of the inaccuracies of Rosters stages of economic growth?

Not very accurate, very few countries have gone through these sequential stages.


OPEC is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. This one is a little bit different in the sense that it functions as a cartel where they try to take a raw material, in this case oil, and they restrict or control the supply and demand for that product so that they can try and garner a price that's preferable for them as the supplier for the resource. This is not only middle eastern countries but also Venezuela, Nigeria; these countries also have tremendous deposits of oil, so they belong to this organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

What is the possible risk of using microloans?

People who receive a microloan will have to pay the loan back. If the businesses does not do well or if the individual is not able to pay the loan back it could trap them in debt. This would have the opposite effect of the original intent of the loan program, instead of providing more opportunities to the individual it would instead put them farther in debt.

To calculate GII we look at empowerment. Which two statistics fall under this?

Percentage of government seats held by each sex, women's higher education levels (secondary education and above) Labor Market Participation - how many women are in the workforce

What technology helped pull people off farms and into cities?

Powered by coal in steam engines it allowed factories to modernize, pulling more people off the farms and into the city

What are the 5 basic sectors where employment can be divided into?

Primary Sector, Secondary Sector, Tertiary and tertiary has two specialized kinds of services Quaternary and Quinary.

What is a problem that can arise with comparative advantage?

Tensions can rise when one side believes the other has an unfair advantage. leading to unbalanced trade and creating trade deficits.

How this effects places at different scales of analysis. (comparative and complementarity)

Regional: Trading blocs of countries seek to gain a comparative advantages to trade to maximize value, returns on trading, and profits National: core countries GDP is made up largely from internation trade; periphery countrues much less local: local areas involved in the trade (ports or manufacturing for example) benefit the most while outlying areas often suffer

What is Gross National Product (GNP)?

Same as GDP but it includes income that is earned outside the country by businesses located within the country in question. GNP + GDP + net property income from abroad Excludes income earns by multinational when profit is sent back to other country measures the value of goods and services produced by a country's citizens both domestically and abroad

What sector does Fordist production go (this is the mass production of highly standardized products and the use of specific equipment and machines to create similar products)?

Secondary Sector


Sur in spanish is the south and this is like a southern market. It is a free trade zone within some of the countries in South America primarily Brazil, Argentina, two of the bigger economies that are there. Their goal is to bring about the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people among its member states.

Takeaways Industrialization, past and present, has facilitated improvements in the standard of living, but it has also contributed to geographically uneven development. Rostow and Wallersteins theories are two models that help explain the different spatial variations in development. Neither model is perfect, each has strengths and weaknesses.


What about post fordism? (the idea that modern industrial production has moved away from mass production in huge factories, as pioneered by Henry Ford, towards specialized markets based on small flexible manufacturing units.)


What is the European Union? What are its goals?

The EU consists of Western Europe, and recently a member has exited the Union. The EU consists of 27 European countries and promotes peace, as well as the well-being of its citizens.

Where did the Industrial Revolution start. i.e. where was the hearth

The Industrial Revolution started in the late 18th and early 19th centuries (late 1700s to early 1800s) in Great Britain. Great Britain was the hearth of the indusrtial revolution

Describe the dependency theory and explain how it illustrates unequal economic development around the world.

The dependency theory looks at how trade between core countries and periphery countries disproportionately benefits core countries. This is because core countries get the benefit of the cheaper goods and services, which are brought to their country for sale. Core countries also exploit the natural resources and labor of the periphery countries which makes it more difficult for those countries to develop. Core countries can always find other developing countries to produce their products, however, the periphery countries economies become dependent on trade with the core country causing trade to favor the core country.

What are microloans?

Very small loans to those that live in the periphery of the periphery - predominantly given to women in these areas - very small loans to impoverished borrowers, they have no employment, gives them the ability to create small businesses typically helps to alleviate poverty, lifts up women and empowers them

GII is numbered in a scale from 0 to 1. What score is the better?

The lower the score the better (0 means men and women are equal)

What is the quaternary sector?

The quaternary sector of the economy is a service-based branch of the tertiary sector. Generally, it comprises health, education, culture, research, police, fire service, and other government industries not intended to make a profit Knowledge and skills for complex processing and handling of information and environmental technology

What is the formal sector of the economy?

These are the normal and legal areas of the economy. These are the parts of the economy that pay taxes and the government monitors and exerts some control

Primary sector has less and less people involved as the country develops (why is this? where do they go?)

This is because with new technology and food alterations we can now grow food in greater amounts and bigger in size. And with machines doing the reaping and harvesting not as many people need to be working so they go up in the sectors and start working in factories, offices, schools, etc.

What is the informal sector of the economy?

This is the part of the economy in which goods and services are exchanged outside of control or taxes. From serious stuff like the illegal drug trade and counterfeiting to simple tasks such as babysitting and cash paying jobs (day laborers) home based businesses that make and sell goods, etc.

What is Alfred Webber's Least Cost theory?

Three factors determine where things will be located - tries to minimize all three costs - transportation - labor availability - agglomeration (the clustering of industries) Markets - where things are sold Resources needed to make things Think of this as a triangle - one vertices is location of raw material, one vertices is where it is made, and the last vertices is the market. The goal is to make it as cheap as possible to get material, produce the good, and get it to the market

What is the quinary sector?

Top executives or officials in government, science, university, business. high-level economic and social decision making through responsible institutions

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Total value of the total number of goods and services produced in a country in a given time period (normally a year). Value of national output produced in a country. - national income - national output - national expenditure Includes income of foreign multinationals

Gross National Income (GNI)?

Total value of what is produced in a country in addition to the income received from investments outside of the country -- and minus payment to other countries around the world Given by taking the number and dividing it by the population to give a per person value Similar to GNP - Sum value of output by resident producers + net receipts of primary income from abroad + any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output. A country which earns positive net income on FDI will include in GNI, but not GDP

What creates a complementary advantage?

Working on their comparative advantage makes a basis for establishing what you should trade, when it comes to finding a trading partner you need to find another country that has a comparative advantage in something you need as well. These two countries each trading their comparative advantage with each other has created a complementary advantage.

What is fertility rates?

average # of babies that could be born to a woman

How did the industrial revolution change the class structure?

created middle class. the people working in factories began to make a living and eventually own their own land creating this middle class. and the middle and upper class exploited the lower class

What is income distribution?

gap between wealthy and poor and what wage growth looks like

What is gender inequality index (GII)?

gender inequality index (GII) - an index of different measurements that shows gender disparity created by the United Nations in 2010 - Measures the inequality between men and women by looking at reproductive health, empowerment, and labor market participation

What type of materials did Africa provide?

gold, iron, cotton, cocoa beans, copper, oil, diamonds, ivory, rubber, wood


is a policy model that seeks to transfer control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector. it tends towards free-market capitalism and away from government spending, regulation, and public ownership. These neoliberal ideas have created many free trade agreements. These are trade agreements between two or more countries that allow goods and services to move across shared borders without any hinderances. (They don't have to pay taxes or fees to move the goods from one country to another) These agreements have created new connections across space changing the connections and how things are done.

Opportunity Cost?

is what has to be given up to produce something

Government initiatives: laws passed to create or develop growth

laws passed to create or develop growth (typically we see this in export processing zones, this can also be taxes used to stop the incoming of cheap goods, and can be local governments offering tax incentives to lure companies into their area.)

What is the secondary sector?

manufactures raw goods into a product manufacture, process and construct finished goods by transforming raw materials

Where were the colonized/imperialized colonies mostly located?

primarily in Africa and Asia

What is the tertiary sector?

service industry - financial institutions, schools, restaurants, retail businesses, etc services for the general population and businesses to acquire and use finished goods

Why was colonialism and imperialism important during the industrial revolution?

to industrialize you need raw materials to make everything you are producing and therefore they would set up situations where the colonizers (European powers) can control resources and trade thus improving their status while keeping the colonized states poor

What is access to healthcare Use of fossil fuels renewable energy literacy rates

what % of people has access to appropriate health care what % of their energy use is fossil fuels what % of their energy used is renewable % of the population that can read and write

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