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If psychologsits discovered that more intelligent parents have smarter children than less intelligent parents, this would demonstrate that:

the intelligence of parents and children is positively correlated.

A researcher wants to conduct an experiment to determine if eating a cookie before class each day improve student's grades. He uses two psychology classes for the experiment, providing daily cookies to one and nothing to the other. At the end of the semester, the researcher compares the final grades of students in the two classes. What is the independent variable for this experiment?

the presence or absence of cookies

To study the effects of noise on worker productivity, researchers have on group of subjects work in a noisy room and a second group work in a quiet room. To ensure that any differences in the productivity of the two groups actually results from the different noise levels to which the groups are exposed, the researches would use:

naturalistic observation / case study?

Professor Woo notices that the distribution of student's scores on her last biology test had an extremely small standard deviation. This indicate that the:

students' scores tended to be very similar to one another

Professor Delano suggests that because people are especially attracted to those who are good-looking handsome men will be more successful than average-looking men in getting a job. The professor's prediction regarding employment success is an example of:

A hypothesis

In a test of the effects of sleep deprivation of problem-solving skills, research participants are allowed to sleep ether 4 or 8 hours on each of the three consecutive nights. This researh is an example of:

An experiment

Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle from a distance are using a research method known as:

Naturalistic observation

If psychologists discovered that wealthy people are less satisfied with their marriages than poor people are, this would indicate that wealth and material satisfaction are:

Negatively correlated

An experiment was designed to study the potential impact of alcohol consumption on emotional stability. A specification of the procedures used to measure emotional stability illustrates:

Operational definition

When provided with the unscrambled solution to anagrams, people underestimate the difficulty of solving the anagrams. The best illustrates:


In a drug treatment study, participants given a pill containing no actual drug are receiving a(n):


In a study of the effects of alcohol consumption, some participants drank a non-alcoholic beverage that actually smelled and tasted like alcohol. This non-alcoholic drink was a:


In order to learn about the political attitudes of all students enrolled at Arizona State University, Professor Marlow randomly selected 800 of these students to complete a questionnaire. In this instance, all the students enrolled at Arizona State University are considered to be a(n):


To learn about the TV viewing habits of all children attending Oakbridge School, Professor DeVries randomly selected and interviewed 50 of the school's students. In this instance, the children participating in the survey are considered to be a(n):


If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this would indicate that level of education and income are:

Positively correlated

To accurately infer cause and effect and safeguard against bias, experimenters should use:

Random Assignment

To assess the affect of televised violence on aggression, researchers plan to expose one group of children to violent movie scenes and another group to nonviolent scenes. To reduce the chance that the children in one group have more aggressive personalities than those in the other group the researches should make use of:

Random assignment

To assess reactions to a proposed tuition hike at her college, Ariana sent a questionnaire to every fifteenth person in the college register's alphabetical listing of all currently enrolled students. Ariana employed the technique of:

Random sampling

Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population?

Random sampling

In distribution of test scores, which measure of central tendency would likely be the most affected by a couple of extremely high scores?


Professor Ambra was skeptical about the accuracy of recentl reported research on sleep deprivation. Which process would best enable her to assess the reliability of these finding?


Which of the following is used to graphically represent the correlation between two variables,


A researcher interested in investigating the attitudes or opinions of a large sample of people is most likely to use which research method?


To understand the unusual behavior of an adult client, a clinical psychologists carefully investiagtes the client's current life situation and his physical, social-cultural, and educational history. Which research method has the psychologist used?

The case study

Why would the median, rather than the mean, be the appropriate measure of central tendency in determining housing values in a particular community?

The median is minimally affected by extreme scores

Study hours = Test grades: 2/70, 3/75, 4/80, 5/85, 6/90, 7/95. Based on the information, which best represents the relationship between study hours and test grades?

The more hours studied, the higher your grade.

Why are researchers so careful about drawing conclusions regarding statistical significance?

They want to make sure an observed difference isn't due to chance.

In the hypothesis: "Students who study a list of terms in the morning, just after waking up, will recall more terms than students who study the list just before falling asleep," what is the independent variable?

Time of day

Why is replication an important part of the scientific method?

To test the same thing over and over to see if everyone gets the same thing.

The hindsight bias leads people to perceive research findings as:


Which of the following questions most likely could be answered using data from an empirical scientific method approach?

What causes aggression?

Surveys indicate that people are much less likely to support "welfare" than "aid to the needy." These somewhat paradoxical survey results best illustrate the importance of?

Wording effects

A hypothesis is a(n):

a testable prediction, often implied by a theory

Dr. Robert's hypothesized that students in a classroom seating 30 would get higher course grades than students seated in an auditorium seating 300. In this example,

classroom size has been operationally defined

Random sampling is to: as random assignment is to:

1. survey 2. placement

The IQ scores of the five members of the Duluth family are 102, 106, 100, 100, and 118. For this distribution of scores, the range is:


Six different high school students spent $2, $3, $2, $2, $1, and $6, respectively, at lunch in the cafeteria. The mode of this group's expenditures is:


Over the summer, Ivan and Melaine each read 2 books, George read 3, Ali read 4, and Marsha read 5. The median number of books read by these individuals was:


Mr. and Mrs. Klostreich have three children aged 2, 6 and 7. The mean age of the Klostreich children is:


If scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) are normally distributed in a bell curve with a mean of 100, what percentage of scores will fall between 85 and 115?

68.26 percent

In 1953, H.M. underwent surgery to control his seizures. Doctors removed tissue from the hippo campus. As a result H.M.'s memory was severely impaired. Psychologists studied H.M.'S memory function until his death in 2008. Which research method did psychologists utilize in this situation?

Case study

Which of the following defines ethical principles that should guide human experimentation?

Confidentiality, debriefing, protection from harm, and informed consent

Which of these techniques do researchers use in experiments to reduce the impact of confounding variables?

Confounding variables

In an experiment designed to study the effectiveness of a new drug, research participants who receive a placebo are participating in the:


To determine whether the strength of people's self-esteem is related to their income levels, researchers would most likely make use of:

Correlation research

A researcher who deceives participants about the goals of the research needs to fully inform them of the true nature of the study later, according to which ethical principle of human experimentation?


Abdul has volunteered to participate in an experiment evaluating the effectiveness of aspirin. Neither he nor the experimenters know whether the pills he takes during the experiment contain aspirin or are merely placebos. The investigators are apparently making use of:

Double blind procedure

Both the researchers and the participants in a memory study are ignorant about which participants have actually received a potentially memory-enhancing drug and which have received a placebo. This investigation involves the use of:

Double-blind procedure

A research method in which an investigator manipulates factories that potentially produce a particular behavior is called a(n):


A researcher interested in proving a cause and effect relationships between two varibles should choose which research method?


To exercise maximum control over the factors they are interested in studying, researchers engage in:


Why is random assignment of participants to groups an important aspect of a properly designed experiment?

If the participants are randomly assigned, the researcher can assume that the people in each of the groups are pretty similar.

What is the primary limitation of the case study research method?

Individual cases can be misleading and result in false generalizations.

A researcher who gathers and analyzes data from student essay test responses without talking with the students about the study violates which ethical principle of human experimentation?

Informed consent

An extensive survey revealed that children with relatively high self-esteem tend to picture God as kind and loving, whereas those with lower self-esteem tend to perceive God as angry. The researchers concluded that the children's self-esteem had apparently influenced their views of Gd. This conclusion best illustrates the danger of:

assuming that correlation proves causation

Researchers use experiments rather than other research methods in order to distinguish between:

cause an effects

A correlation coefficient is a measure of the:

direction and strength of the relationship between two variables

The American Psychological Association and British Psychological society have developed ethical principles urging investigators to:

explain the research to the participants after the study has been completed.

The hindsight bias refers to people's tendency to:

exaggerate their ability to have foreseen the outcome of past events.

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