AP Psychology - Gender and Sexuality Review Quiz #9

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Which of the following factors influences sexual orientation?

all of these (hereditary, social, psychological)

The spread of the AIDS virus occurs:

among homosexuals, bisexuals, and heterosexuals

Which statement is TRUE regarding male-female differences?

most sex-related behavior is learned

The gonads are the:

sex glands

If one identical twin is homosexual or bisexual, there is a __________ percent chance that the other twin is, too.


After becoming infected by the HIV virus, a person can still test negative for HIV for up to:

6 months

The most objective laboratory research on human sexual response was done by which of the following?

Masters and Johnson

Male as well as female hormones are secreted by the _______________ glands of both sexes.


Facts regarding rape include which of the following?

all of these (at least 1 woman in 7 will be raped in her lifetime, and because many rapes go unreported, the true figure is probably 1 in 4, approximately 1 college woman in 6 is a victim of rape, in 65 to 80 percent of all cases the rapist is a friend or acquaintance of the victim)

Rape is:

an act of brutality or aggression

When an otherwise female child is born with male genitals because of an over-secretion of androgen, the condition is called the:

androgenital syndrome

People who possess the personality traits traditionally called ''male'' and ''female'' are called:


Maximal sexual activity:

appears to occur later in females than it does in males

A person who desires sexual activity but does not become sexually aroused is suffering from:

arousal disorder

Studies of sexual arousal show that:

arousal has a large cognitive element

Gender role socialization begins at:


The pace of the ''sexual revolution'' has slowed recently largely due to:

both more conservative beliefs and the fear of AIDS

Hypoactive sexual desire is said to exist when:

both the loss of desire is persistent and the person is troubled by it

The ultimate erogenous zone in both males and females is/are the:


Simon Levay has found a difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals in:

brain structure

According to the text, gender identity is usually formed:

by three or four years of age

Reduction in sex drive is most likely to accompany:


Which of the following statements concerning gender identity is TRUE?

children born with ambiguous gender will develop a clear sense of sexual identity as long as the final decision concerning their sex is made by the age of 18 months

The AIDS virus can be transmitted by:

direct contact by blood

The female hormones are called:


The phase of sexual response indicated by initial signs of sexual arousal is the ________________ phase.


The typical order of human sexual response is:

excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution

In males, a second orgasm is temporarily (or completely) prevented by a:

failure to ejaculate

Gaining sexual gratification from inanimate objects is referred to as:


Which of the following are classified as a paraphilia or sexual deviation?


For women,:

frequency of intercourse is highest when androgen levels are at a peak

Sexuality, touching and or rubbing against a non-willing person is called:


Which of the following statements concerning homosexuality is TRUE?

gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals encounter hostility because they are members of a minority group, not because there is anything inherently wrong with them

One's personal, private sense of maleness or femaleness is known as:

gender identity

Which dimension of gender would typically be the last to develop?

gender identity

The favored pattern of behavior expected of each sex is called:

gender role

The observable traits, mannerisms, interests, and behaviors defined by one's culture as "male" or "female" are one's:

gender role

Learning from one's environment how to act ''masculine'' or ''feminine'' is known as:

gender role socialization

The tendency for boys to engage in instrumental behaviors and girls to engage in expressive behaviors is evidence for:

gender role socialization

Oversimplified assumptions about the nature of men and women are:

gender role stereotypes

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

genetic sex determines genital sex

Dyspareunia is:

genital pain before, during, or after sexual intercourse

The belief that heterosexuality is better or more natural than homosexuality is called:


Which of the following is NOT a sexual disorder:


Which of the following statements concerning date rape is true?

it happens to about 15 percent of college women

According to the text, what is happening to the "double standard" regarding acceptable male and female sexual behavior?

it is undergoing a slow death as the gap between male and female sexual patterns slowly closes

Which of the following is TRUE about masturbation?

its only negative effects come from learned attitudes

Androgens are:

male sex hormones

The effects of sterilization in humans:

may lead to more sexual activity because pregnancy is no longer a concern

A major sign of puberty in women is the onset of menstruation, called:


______________ refers to an end to regular monthly menstrual periods.


The majority of child molesters are:

mostly fathers

There is research that indicates a genetic tendency for homosexuality, which is contributed by the:


Psychological testing of homosexuals shows:

no differences in their adjustment compared to heterosexuals

The contemporary view of masturbation is that it is:

normal and acceptable

Masturbation of self-stimulation in a three-year-old child would be a sign of:

normal sexual development

The Masters and Johnson studies differed from earlier studies because they included:

observations of actual sexual behaviors

Nocturnal emissions:

occur when sexual dreams lead to orgasm and represent a completely normal form of sexual release

Sexual orientation refers to:

one's degree of emotional and erotic attraction to members if the same gender, opposite gender, or both genders

Menarche is to menopause as:

onset is to cessation of menstruation

The second stage of human sexual response is the ______________ phase.


Which of the following statements concerning sexual response is TRUE?

orgasm and resolution in the male usually do not last as long as they do for females

______________ refers to the release of ova (eggs) from the ovaries.


Pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and frotteurism are all examples of:


Desiring and having sex with children or child molesting is referred to as:


Homophobia is:

prejudice against and dislike of gays and lesbians

Which of the following occurs first developmentally?

primary sexual characteristics

The phase of sexual response involving a return to lower levels of sexual tension and arousal is the __________ phase.


Compared to women, men:

score higher on subtests measuring spatial relationships

Signs of child molestation include:

self-destructive thoughts

In differentiating between the terms sex and gender,

sex refers to biological aspects of identity, and gender refers to psychological and and social identity

__________ refers to one's degree of emotional and erotic attraction to members of the same gender, opposite gender, or both genders.

sexual orientation

Gagnon researched the unspoken plans that guide our sexual behavior and called these mental plans:

sexual scripts

There is no structural difference between males and females in the first __________ of prenatal development.

six weeks

Behavior that might indicate a child has been molested includes:

stomachaches, headaches, and other stress symptoms

Which belief of Freud's was disproved by Masters and Johnson?

superiority of vaginal orgasms

Females with prenatal exposure to male hormones are:

temporarily masculinized

Which of the following is responsible for the secretion of sex hormones?


Development of male genitals before birth is largely due to the presence of ____________ in the male.


Which of the following describes how AIDS kills its victims?

the body loses its ability to fight infection

Secondary sexual characteristics include:

the development of breasts and body shape in the female and changes in hair development and voice in the male

Primary sexual characteristics refer to:

the sexual and reproductive organs themselves

Given the fact that gender roles are so different culture to culture, we could assume that:

there are very few, if any, inborn or ''natural'' differences between the sexes

Human arousal may be triggered by:

thoughts and images

Achieving sexual arousal by wearing clothes of the opposite sex is known as:

transvestic fetishism

Secretly viewing the genitals of others for sexual gratification is known as:


A person with a strong gender role stereotype would probably make which of the following statements?

women should be nurses or teachers because those occupations don't require management decisions

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