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What were the tridentine decrees?

for marriages to be valid the vows had to be made publicly before witnesses, one of whom had to be a pritest----ending secret marriages (enforcing honestly and stopping a long running issue)

What was the ursuline order of nuns?

founded by Angela Merici and was focused on educating women -combating heresy through christian education (teaching young girls- 1st) -council of Trent didn't allow active ministries for women so it wasn't until much later the order were recognized (shows the medieval misogyny still living at this time period and he women weren't seen as equals) -the nuns went to the new world and spread Christianity and ideas (orders like this were created due to a need to raise moral and intellectual level of clergy)

Who were huguenots?

french calvinists these individuals enjoyed calvin because he wrote in the french language chose calvinism when most of france (paris at least) was catholic

What was the 4th phase of the thirty years war?

french/international phase -C=Hapsburg P=France (this is surprising because they're catholic) the french although they are catholic hate the Hapsburg because of the Hapsburg Valois war and they are surrounded by them on each side so they want to take them down (not based off of religion but of a desire to limit their power) cardinal rich protestants win!

What did the concordat of bologna do?

gave France the power to choose their own bishops-- this gave them a lot of power within the catholic church and the pope and the church in general no longer had the ability to hurt them (why france is going to remain catholic)

Why do explorers explore?

god- to spread Christianity (Jesuits and the Ursuline order of nuns) gold- to get money and be rich glorify- themselves and the nation they're searching for (Spain, Portugal etc.)

What is the womans march on versailles?

(after the declaration of the rights of man) -7,000 women go from paris to versailles and demand action and bread (fish-ladies) -invaded apartments, slaughtered the bodyguard, and searched for the queen (marie antionette) so that they could kill her -only way to stop the fighting was for the king to go live in paris (as the crowd demanded) -the national assembly followed the king to paris and for the next two years they worked with him in order to create a consitituional monarchy which louis 16th agreed to in july 1790. (shows how the women were the ones responsible for the national assembly being abe to gain power)

What is the Thermidorian reaction?

(after the republic and before the directory) - Robespierre is killed at the guillotine by conspirators and Danton who believe he's gone to far (tried to speak at convention in the 9th of Thermidor) - time period of reaction after the reign of terror that is a call back to the early days of the revolution -middle class lawyers who ruled the revolution in the beginning reassert es their authority -this time period the convention will write a new convention (directory has power)

What was the king james bible?

(jacobean period) at a conference a group of protestants urged James I to support a new translation----he then assigned the task to a group of scholars (under royal sponsorship) -the authorized version was split into chapters and verses (it was a revision more than an original work) -showed the Anglican and puritan desire to encourage laypeople to read scripture (wanted more people to know the bible) -brought to Americas and was taught to people of the new world

What is the republic responsible for doing?

(rule under the jacobins/Robespierre)(TURNING POINT) -reign of terror (sending enemies to the guillotine) -execute the king (he must die so the revolution can live) -price regulations- specific price that bread cannot exceed, economic planning -revolutionary calander- no religious days and different culture -de-christianize france- get rid of st in street names, cult of the supreme being with the goddess of virtutr -danton (worked with robbesspiere and then was killed on the guillotine)/marat (newspaper- friend of the people)

Whats a protective tariff?

- a tax on foreign goods in order to protect domestic companies from competition with foreign ones -making the other goods more expensive so you're forced to buy the goods produced within the country (shows how the government is involved in the economy because through government regulation you get mercantilism with tariffs and making things more expensive than they should be)

Who was Brahe?

-danish noble who was able to collect large sums of data from his observations but wasn't able to interpret it (didn't know the math behind it) (shows inquiry and looking at the world for answers)

Who was John Locke? (enlightenment)

- caused intellectual turmoil and skepticism as to how ideas are gained -Essay Concerning Human Understanding- going against the beliefs of Descartes and stating that all ideas come from experience. TABULA RASA- human mind at birth is a blank slate and as you grow up your environment shapes who you are and what you believe -meaning all people are born equal showing people that human development comes from institutions and education -Thoughts Concerning Education- explained that you have to be caring to your kids but not too caring and their education is what shapes them <people are nicer to their kids> (One of the dominant intellectual inspirations of the enlightenment which brought more education to children and individuals everywhere) -Two Treatise on Civil Government- after the glorious revolution and explaining the the leader gets strength from the people (given consent) who are free and equal -people set up a government to protect their rights, liberties, and prosperity

Define skeptisism (people)

- doubting knowledge claims set forth in an area (Bayle and fontenelle) -people begin to question what the Catholic Church and the state are saying and forming their own beliefs and ideas -when people are skeptic they don't conform as much and they search for answers on their own -bayle- toleration is best bet -fontenelle- shouldnt just blidly follow religion (science- plurality of worlds)

What was the corruption in the catholic church?

- pluralism- several offices being held at once that individuals would barely visit and ignore the responsibilities of. holding an office gave them power, titles, money and this shows how they didn't care for helping people of for the religion, just material things (shows corruption of catholic church) -absenteeism-being absent from responsibilities and weren't upholding duty that came along with the job

What was China previously like?

- self sufficient and sent more goods to Europe than received (uninterested in Europe) -refused European diplomatic relations, merchants had to live in specific place, and harmful practices were forbidden from being sold (Countries didn't want to trade with Europe but due to military and technological strength they forced countries like China to trade with them)

What were napoleons colonial losses at the time?

- spending so much money on the war against England so in order to improve the economy he sells Louisiana to America (based on the belief that he can easily gain it back) (Selling lucrative land because of his intense need of universal domination and power)

Who was John Tetzel?

-man hired by the roman catholic church to sell indulgences -his preaching of indulgences provoked Martin Luther to nail the 95 these against indulgences which lead to exposure of catholic church and the protestant reformation

Who is Auguste Comte?

-"System of Positive Philosophy" -all intellectual activity progresses through a series of stages -stage 1(theological/fictitious), stage 2 (metaphysical/abstract), and stage 3 (scientific/positive) -by applying the scientific (or positivist method) his discipline of sociology would help discover the law of human relations (allowing social scientists to cause harmony and progress among citizens) -showing how there was a 19th century fascination with EVOLUTION- dynamic development -scientific improvement of society (showing how science could be used in order to improve the lives of the people- more real life use)

What were the conditions like for cities in the past?

-"walking cities" for all but the wealthy classes, walking was the only way they were able to get around (no public transportation) -congested,dirty,and unhealthy -packed extremly tight together (only leading to more diseases) -infectious disease spread at faster rates (more likely to die) -conditions stayed the same due to poverty, no transportation, lack of medical knowledge, and deadly overcrowding -as industry grew there was rapid expansion of cities (steam engines meant you didnt have to be by the water- built in urban areas where there was a lot of people) -open drains and sewers brought grossness from sewers -TREMENDOUS PRESSURE OF MORE PEOPLE AND ABSCENSE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION

What is the dutch east india company?

-1602 a group of regents (oligarchy of wealthy merchants) in Holland formed the dutch east india company- joint stock company -investors would receive a percentage of the profits proportional to amount they put in -company cut heavily into Portuguese trading and they traded extensively with Africa and latin America initial purpose- commercial but they found themselves involved in imperialistic exploitation (founding different towns- cape) (trade, sol, surpluses of food, and people had money)

Define the restoration (Charles II)

-1660 after englands military dictatorship it was the re-establishment of the monarchy in Charles II (son of Charles I) -known for working with parliament (exact opposite of absolute monarchs because they like working alone in order to make decisions themselves) -test act (parliment wanted it and it would require you to prove that you're not catholic- he wouldnt approve of it though) -cabal- 5 men advisers to king and parliment (working together

What was the constitution of the national assembly?

-1791 -created by the national assembly and was signed by louis the 16th -france was a constitutional monarchy (power in monarchy <louis the 16th> and the state) -the nobles were abolished (no manorial rights) -increased voting in the government due to the idea that if you owned a certain amount of land you could vote -civil constitution of the clergy- the church was now the states property, clergy was now chosen by voters and the state paid their saleries (pope was out of the equation), clergy had to swear loyalty to the state (MISTAKE) -woman could seek divorce, inherit property, and had to be a republican/revolutionary mother (shows how much more conservative and based off of the people that the original revolution was)

What are the combination acts?

-1799 parliament passed these acts which outlawed unions and strikes -this with the combination of repealing the law of regulation of wages caused artisan workers to be angry at merchant capitalists who they thought were ignoring traditional work rules (in order to make the most amount of money people used loop holes and pretended laws didn't exist)

What are the revolutions that occured in 1830 in Belgium?

-1830-revolt breaks out against dutch rule -1831- a liberal constitution is adopted and Leopold I is named the first king of Belgium -1839- the netherlands recognize the independence of belgium -the scrap of paper was signed by every major power and it guarantees that Belgium is neutral in foreign conflicts (ALWAYS NEUTRAL) (again showing how liberalism is succeeding because independence and nationalism prevails in the end)

What is the second empire?

-1851 the national assembly failed to change the constitution that would allow him to run for a second term -he therefore illegally dismissed the assembly and seized power in a coup de taut (similar to Napoleon) -restored universal male suffurage and called on the french people in the proclamation of the people to approve his actions- voted to make him president (positive program- representing how he is powerfuL) -a year later overwhelmingly voted to become the hereditary emperor (represented how he is using universal male suffrage against the people in order to retain and keep more power for himself)

What is The Danish War?

-1864 due to the fact that bismarck went against parliament and they are in great opposition of the current rule, he needs a swift victory that will boost its support (has to distract parliament with foreign conflict so that they won't focus as much on domestic issues) -the danish are attempting to take over Schleswig and Holstein where ⅓ of the population is german (nationalism and bismarck believes that they should be ruled by german leaders and under german control) -they cannot fight them alone so even though they hate them they join with austri and they win -result- prussia gets schleswig and austria gets holstein -showing how they are bringing in more german states so that they can be unified- successful (next step is expelling austria from german affairs and they have to neutralize their allies)

What is the Austro- prussian war?

-1866 and also known as the 7 weeks war -prussia is able to win easily due to- they are more industrialized therefore they have more railroads (easier to transport weapons, supplies, troops), they utilize conscription drafting soliders and will have a larger army), and they have the breech loading needle gun (new technology that is faster to load, more advanced, and gives them an edge) -Treaty of Prague- prussia gains holstein, austria gets to remain in tact (making sure that they can save them in the future as an ally and that they won't come back for revenge), italy gains venetia, the german confederation is dissolved, and austria agrees to withdraw from german affairs (no longer involved) (result- now that they have gained holstein prussia surrounded the northern states and therefore they agree to join the North German Confederation lead by prussia- greater unification and the nations coming together)(AUSTRIA IS OUT OF GERMAN AFFAIRS) -but the southern nations are catholic and they dont want to be under northern control (largely protestant/lutheran)-- leading to the war with france in order to fully unify germany

What is the Meiji Restoration?

-1867 a coalition lead by the patriotic samurai seized control of the government with hardly any bloodshed and restored the political power of the emperor (turning point in histroy because no longer under the control of the militray general but the emperor and new changes were a result) -began to reform in order to reflect western ideals- (dual revolution) created a strong unified state by declaring social equality, freedom of movement, free competitive economy, railroads, and factories -reorganization of army, modern navy created, three year military service for all males, professional officer corps -encouraged to study abroad -in order to keep with japanese tradition it lead to the end of the republic and the creation of the authoritarian constitution (showing that as a result of imperializing japan was able to rapidly modernize and become a powerful nation through western ideals and revolutions) (japan provided patriots in asia and africa with an example of national recovery and liberation)

What are the alliances created after congress of berlin (germany)?

-1879 creation of the dual alliance between austria hungary and germany (they will help one another in this military alliance if one another is attacked)(austria is their only friend so they will keep them close) -1882 the triple alliance is created between germany, austria hungary, and Italy (they are not a military ally and will only aid them in terms of war if another country declares war on them) (showing how after germany lost russia they were trying to gain aid and they found that in italy) (needs austria hungary because they are their only friend who has a military that will aid them) -reinsurance treaty- germany and russia agree to be neutral

What is the putting out system?

-18th century rural industry -cottage industry/domestic industry (due to enclosure acts- they would work for less and therefore capitalists were eager to hire them) -consisted of 2 main participants that were the merchant capitalist and the rural worker- the merchant would loan raw materials to the workers who would process them and then return the finished product to the merchant for compensation -it grew because poor peasants would work for low wages, unregulated production meant that experimentation could occur, didn't have to meet rigid guild standards so they could make many kinds of goods- forks, housewares, buttons, gloves etc. -this method didn't spread evenly- began in England and then spread at a slower rate -countries such as france and germany realized the best way to help the poor was to allow for the cottage industry thus its spread (expanded because people needed the money and work and it was more free-range with less restrictions- it worked for both the capitalist and the worker)

What is the treaty of versailles?

-1919- want peace- dont want to make the same mistake as vienna -german military- 100,000 men -no submaries, air force, or tanks -alsace and lorraine goes back to france -rhineland is demilitarized (league of nations puts troops there in order to ensure its a buffer) -all the land germany recieved from russia as a result of the treaty of brest litovisk is made independent -poland gains the polish corridor and danzig -czechoslovakia gains sudetenland -33 million in reparations -germany is forced to sign the treaty (or britain wont remove the blockade) and they have to say that they caused the war and that they are to blame (the german people are completly upset and blame the government for allowing this which is why hitler is able to come to power)

What is the greek revolution of 1830?

-1st successful liberal revolution -the greeks are currently dominated by the ottaman empire but they wish to have an independent nation-state where they can share language,religion, culture, and history-- post 1815 a nationalistic movement spreads -1821 to 1830- lead by alexander ypsilanti (greek patriot and general in russian army) the Greeks revolt in favor of self rule and liberty/equality (liberalism). the great powers are conservative so they oppose the revolution and support the islamic turks. the popularity of the revolution spreads and support is increased from the people (a romantic movement in which people want to save the greek people from their opression) -1827- Britain,France, and Russia intervene and demand the turks accept a ceasefire which they refuse resulting in the defeat of the turkish fleet by the 3 powers -TREATY OF LONDON-1830- the three powers recognize greek independence but the German individualOtto the I becomes the king of greece (showing how nationalism was ignored) (showing that liberalism is succeeding because the people are able to gain independence yet they are placed under the ruling of a non greek individual)

Who was Kepler?

-Brahe's assistant who had mathematical training and was therefore able to decipher the data 3 laws of planetary motion 1. orbits around planets are elliptical (not circular) 2.the planets don't all move at the same speed 3.time it takes for a planet to revolve around the sun is directly related to distance from the sun (adding on to Copernicus's idea which was very fa from that of the ancient philosophers)

What is the opium trade?

-Britain could legally grow opium in British occupied India and then smuggle it into China -found something that the Chinese wanted and they wanted a Chinese colony with unrestricted trade (merchants pressured the gov to open markets) -the Qing government saw the opium trade as ruining the lives of the people and taking away all their silver and money---began to prosecute drug dealers, and Lin Tse-hsu (envoy) ordered the merchants to stop selling harmful drugs (went against Chinese laws) -the British refused, were expelled from the country and THIS LEAD TO WAR (Showing that due to a desire for more trade and economic power Britain went to war and utilized violence)

What are the opium wars?

-Britain vs China (due to the fact that merchants were expelled) -Britain utilized troops from India and navy to occupy cities and force China to surrender -TREATY OF NANKING- the Qing government had to cede Hong Kong to Britain forever, pay 100 million, and open up 4 new cities to foreign trade with low tariffs (through violence they forced them to open themselves up economically) (More control of countries previously not open to Europe)

Who is the big four?

-Britain, France, Us, and Italy Britain- Lloyd George wants revenge and to make Germany pay (won election because he promised the people harsh treatment) France- Clemencuea-"the tiger"- ruthless- wanted revenge/to tie down germany so they wouldn't keep attacking them. they wanted a buffer state that would be militarized in order to ensure that germany couldnt attack them US- Wilson- he wanted peace and believed that it could be reached through communication- created the 14 points as a basis for said peace (stressing national self determination and the rights of smaller countries) (including the league of nations) italy- orlando wanted land (why he helped) but they dont give it to him so he storms out (overwhelming ideal that they have to punish Germany is what dominates at this time)

What were the 5 year plans?

-CSI -collectivization (peasent farms put into state owned enterpirces- made to control the khulaks)(high prices for grain lead to a famine in ukraine) -socialism (gets rid of the NEP) -industry (builds up heavy industry such as steel, factories, and railroads) second revolution because- ideological- committed to socialism and feared a capitalist return of NEP economic- wanted to increase industry/agriculture political (most)-had to catch up with the west domestic- problem of the peasents- they now had their own land so they would pose a threat to the regime (wanted capitalism)- instead of allying with them stalin believed an all out war against them would control them and support all out industrialization (shows how stalin was able to direct all actions to benefit the state- totalitarian)

What was carnival and the festival?

-Carnival was a time of celebration that involved drinking, dancing, and masquerading. People used this event in order to escape the horrors of their life -time of reveling in catholic/Mediterranean Europe -a lot of excitement and little order- allowed for people to release their frustration festival- amusements in which people could pay for- greater commercialization (beginnings of trade and business which helps lead to the industrial revolution). food, acrobats, freak shows, magic etc.

Who is Oswald Spengler?

-Decline of the west -(anti-utopias represent the nightmare visions people saw of the future- didnt have hope) -every culture expirenced a growth and decline and the end was coming for europe (represent growing pessimism and didnt represent hope for progress)

Who was Girolamo Savonarola?

-Dominican friar -upset by the way Florence was governed and by who was governing it (Medici dynasty) -did receive some support in the beginning but soon after he was excommunicated and executed -shows that commercial people and elite didn't have the same outlook, and the instability of Italian cities at the time

Who was De Las Casas?

-Dominican friar and bishop (new world) as well as the unofficial protector of Indians -when given an Indian as a servant he decided to devote his life to their salvation (was appalled by the harsh treatment of Indians) -1566 apologetic history (book) was reflection of beliefs of goodness of native Americans and the belief in all of humanity being gods children -wrote book to expose horrors and gain sympathy

What is Gresham college?

-Elizabethan financier Thomas Gresham left money to establish this in England -3/7 of the professors had to be focused on scientific subjects -scientists at the college had honored roles in society (educating individuals to lead to greater scientific discovery)

Who was Mary Wolstonecraft?

-English -middle class educated woman -"On the Vindication of the rights of women" (in response to Roseau's idea on education) -demanding equality between the sexes, saying the two sexes can improve each other and advances for woman are advances for man -laura cereta-esk belief that some woman allow themselves to be ruled and are okay with being under men because it is whats easy PROMOTED- set high standards for women, advocated co education, anti- slavery (saying women were slaves to their husband or man), and was the first one to begin writing about the rights of women

What are hitlers blunders?

-Fall of France- enters through belgium and splits franco-british forces but allowed for some british to pass through (fight another day) -battle of britain- bombardment on london and uses luftwaffe but britiain uses the radar and royal air force and he cannot take them down (invades SU) -Soviet Union- violates non-agression pact, fight to the death in stalingrad, winter destroys him and stalin will join the alliance (tides will turn their way) (failiures force him to lose)

Who ruled in Spain during the renaissance?

-Ferdinand and Isabella -through exploration (Columbus) ad Jewish started industries (a lot of money) -the Spanish inquisition was used to torture enemies (Muslims, converses) -the hermandades acted as police and controlled the aristocracy -reconquista or making granada (spain) under christian rule- take it back from the muslims -royal council only consisted of middle class individuals (decreasing the power of

How was Florence well known during the Renaissance?

-Florence lead the way in terms of art -during the Renaissance multiple painters, sculptures, and architects lived there that were all highly admired -high renaissance -florentine merchants had a lot of power because they had a say in who made the art and what it would say

Who was the great elector?

-Frederick William wanted to unify Prussia (absolutist goal) -established foundation for absolutism in Prussia -built an efficient standing army along with taking the power away from the estates (nobility) therefore controlling competing groups -estates- taxed to pay for the army -the nobility made a deal with the great elector so that all they had to do was pay taxes and then he would stop at their gates and allow them to do whatever (not absolute because he's compromising rather than controlling the competing groups) -practiced mercantilism and religious toleration (copying dutch due to their success)

What was the Edict of Nantes?

-Henry IV published in 1598 and it was important because it granted Huguenots existence and allowed them to publicly worship in 150 towns. this helped restore international peace. showing a move towards greater religious tolerance because he's allowing them to exist and worship

How did the English reformation occur and what was it?

-Henry VIII broke England away from the roman catholic church and converted England to protestant- anglican church (creation of new church and moving away from strictly one religion) -Henry left the catholic church for political reasons (he wanted power and he wished to have an annulment for current marriage in which he wasn't getting any heirs <no extension of power> and when the pope refused to give him a divorce because it would aid in Luther cause Henry broke away to do so himself)

How did Henry keep the nobles on his side?

-Henry dissolved the English monasteries and took the land. gave this land to the nobles therefore giving them power and because they got it from him it will keep them on his side -Machiavelli would like because he is creating a modern centralized bureaucratic state

How does hitler officially gain legal power?

-Hindenburg legally appointed hitler the chancellor of Germany -he believed he could control hitler (Because beer hall didn't work he had to use legal means to gain power)

Who was Lady Mary Wortley Montagu?

-Lady Montagu learned of the small pox innoculation in asia and was instrumental in spreading the practice in England -using the virus itself to inoculate against it -instrumental in the mass inoculation as well as helped decrease the death rate- her work helped save lives and make sure the small pox could be ended -also showed that women at this time were capable of so much

What was the government within france like during the enlightenment?(who ruled)

-Louis XIV died and was succeeded by Louis XV who had the regent duke of orleans -restored the parlements (high courts) who got the right to evaluate royal decrees before they were registered and turned into laws (showed separation of power) -middle class that became hereditary nobles were able to pass on judicial positions from one family member to the next (COUNTERWEIGHT TO ABSOLUTE POWER- seperation of power) -5% income tax on all individuals no matter the social status (but protests caused it to be dropped) -during the seven years war tried to create an emergency tax to help the economy but that did not go through either -rene maupeao- chancellor of Louis XV in france -exiled parlements and ordered the members to different provinces (taking away their power) -taxed privileged groups -philosophies sided with parliaments and claiming this was too much absolute power (greater power going to the nobilty- who can look over decrees and not be taxed)

What are the actions against Jews by hitler?

-Nuremberg laws- deprived Jews (anyone with one or more German grandparents) of their citizenship and as a result 500,000 Jews fled (Acting out begging a of extermination outlined in mein kampf- destroying inferior race) -kristallnacht (night of broken glass)- organized wave of violence involving smashing windows, looting shops, destroying homes, and synagogues. Jews rounded up and forced to pay. -aushwitz- forced them to wear a jewish star and sent them to death camps- slave laborers or poison gas. 12,000 a day. (Suppressing the people and ruling them)

What was the third phase of the thirty years war?

-Swedish phase -C=hapsburg P= Gustavus adolphus -Gustavus was the father of modern warfare and the king of Sweden -train soliders and gives them uniforms (sense of unity), don't have heavy armor to slow them down, and can be more mobile -Adolphus helps liberate Denmark and Sweden from the Catholic/Hapsburg power but is then wounded and dies (and with his death the moral goes down catholics win

Who is Kafka?

-The castle (anti-utopia) K helpless individuals being crushed by stronger powers in the village and the castle -anxiety of the time period (fear of the people)

Who is William Faulkner?

-The sound and the fury -intense drama seen through the eyes of three individual brothers (story plays out from each of their points of view) (sought to get into the mind of the individual rather than just showing how events played out- people's thoughts/feelings)

Who is Adam smith?

-a Scottish professor of philosophy who believed in freedom of enterprise -wrote the book Wealth of Nations which criticized the current economic system of mercantilism -believed monopoly was bad as well as government regulations -free competition fought to protect the consumer and give all citizens fair and equal rights (best for individuals) -enlightened because he used logic to see that you cant move forward in society if such a large sum of your citizens are unhappy. evaluated the secular world and though logically what is best- the government has no place in the economy therefore it shouldn't be involved (people know whats best for themselves rather than the government) -CAPITALISM- the economy should promote what is best for the individual/ individual profit, wealth is determined by the production of goods, no government regulation rather free enterprise following losizzes-faire (leaving business alone), tarifs and monopolies are bad (sometimes foreign goods are better so dont make something on your own when you can get better quality somewhere else), only allows for government regulation if its for the defense of the nation or a tax

Who was Erasmus?

-a catholic priest and christian humanist who admired the greco-roman world and their teachings -he translated the new testament into latin in order to spread information and help people learn (wanted all people to know the scriptures) Praise of Folly -he held the firm belief that the church and current theologians were corrupt (calling out corruption- critisized the use of saints) -2 main beliefs- education caused change and improvement, and that Christianity was what Christ did and said in his life (reform within the catholic church- didnt break away)

What is the spinning jenny?

-a constant shortage of thread in the textile industry caused people to attempt to find ways to improve spinning -james hargreaves invented the cotton spinning jenny -caused an explosion in the cotton industry and they were able to greatly increase their output (10 times as much cotton as in 1770) -was simple and inexpensive and early models had 6-24 spindles mounted on a sliding carriage and each spindle spun a fine slender thread. the woman working the machine would move the carriage back and forth and turned a wheel to supply power. -due to this advancements cotton goods became much cheaper and the lower classes were able to get cotton shirts and body linen (due to its creation in england and the begginings of the cotton industry there we see how industrialization was able to begin there)

Who was Ignatius Loyola?

-a former Spanish solider turned religious solider of Christ. converted Asians and Latin Americans to Catholicism (also a tutor for nobles because he was passing on catholic ideas) -Loyola was a teacher and created catholic schools (Loyola university) -society of jesus ) (jesuits) -following the catholic church no matter what -tutoring young nobles so they could grow up with and pass on catholic ideals -wrote spiratual exersizes- study to reach spiritual enthusiasm

Who is Madame de Coudray?

-a midwife who used her knowledge of her job to teach students how to be better and efficient -wrote manual on the art of childbirth -she observed that students learned better through senses and created a machine in order to help them learn -she utilized the scientific method (experiments and basic logic<what is best for the woman in childbirth>) in order to understand her field and spread knowledge to other individuals -her teaching helped decrease infant mortality

What was the charter of the nobility?

-catherine the great legally defined the rights of the nobles and give them greater privileges in exchange for the assurance that they would serve the state voluntarily (seperation of power because she was allowing them more power so they could help support her (saw them as allies) and remain loyal to her)

What religious changes occured in the 18th century for the common person?

-a protestant revival and movement that came to be in the 18th century appeal because: 1-called for enthusiasm for religion 2-reasserted the priesthood of all believes and reduced the gulf between the clergy and normal people (all people were now allowed to read the bible) 3- practical power of christian rebirth meaning that people leading good moral lives could come from all classes and places (stressing more equality and religion for the common/lower class individual) -methodists (john wesley) called this because of how methodical they were in devotion (reasoning) -believed the church held corruption, Christ alone gave salvation, anyone who wants to get salvation could important- a new denomination of the christian church was formed that lead to a greater awakening among the lower classes (gave them hope and an answer to their questions) -people were begging to find religion for themselves and believe what they wanted rather than what others did -catholic piety-an attempt of the catholic church to appeal to the common person -religious festivals and feast days (festivity of popular Catholicism) -wished to purify certain religious practices (similar to counter reformation) -created more tension between the educated elites and the common person (lead to revolutions and greater conflict) -jesuits ordered out of france by louis the 15th for trying to gain political power

How did the dutch gain so much power during this time?

-able to improve their economy and take trade from other people because they were all to busy focused on wars so the dutch took advantage of their vulnerability -followed mercantilism so they remained independent and exported more than improted (more money) -government was an oligarchy consisiting of wealthy merchants who knew how to deal with money and were Calvinist so they promoted hard work -the bank of Amsterdam in Holland (largest province) attracted great foreign capital and investment from other countries (trustworthy) -religious tolerance lead to greater amounts of people coming their and helping the economy with their skills -largest merchant marine (fishing industry) -during the commercial revolution in which trade was increasing (they were able to rise up economically and assert themselves in that war- shows that when you have a strong economy you can become a world power)

What is the bismarkian system of alliances?

-after 1871 and germany was unified they were tired of war (franco-prussian, austro-prussian) -2 concerns -france wanted alsace and lorraine and wanted revenge from the franco prussian war so they needed to create an alliance against them (keep them isolated) -concerned about the rivalry between russia and austria and hungary because both of them were fighting in the balkans for land (conflicting nationalities)(restrian them from fighting one another so they wouldn't drag him into war) -three emperors league will unite them against liberal ideas (have them be a united front) (shows how with growing tensions through diplomatic means bismarck was attempting to bring in more allies and go against competing countries)

What is the schlieffen plan?

-after germany declared war on russia they will no declare war on france (know they are allies so they want to be ahead of the game)(tries to take out france first because they think russia is too strong- not accurate) -plan of germany was to knock out france and ensure they wont be involved in the great war (allies with russia due to the triple entente) through neutral belgium and then turn on russia (declared neutral in 1839 after the revolutions of 1832 which both prussia and britain agreed to- scrap of paper) -moltke demanded belgium permitted the german army to pass through and they refused -germany attacks any way -the french send taxi cabs to transport troops and both sides pushing one another back- because they dont want to lose ground it leads to trench warfare (invasion of france causes britain to enter the war and declare war on germany because germany violated the neutrality agreement of belgium- beginning of the world war) -also known as the rape of belgium and BRITAIN WILL DECLARE WAR

What is the munich agreement?

-after hitler invaded Sudetenland 1. Hitler and chamber line- demanded Sudetenland 2. Hitler now demanded Sudetenland and that land from Hungary be given to Poland (because he could) 3. Hitler recieved sudentanland and to Hungary and he promises no more (only lead to a growth in hitler's agression because appeasement made them look weak- he would be able to gain more power without them doing anything) leading to him invading czechoslovakia

What is the treaty of Luneville?

-after napoleon came to power he sent peacemakers to Austria and great Britain who both rejected his offer. -french armies quickly defeated the Austrians -in the treaty Austria lost almost all Italian possessions, and their Germany territory west of the rhine was incorporated into France. (frances power is growing as its enemies is weakening)

What is the march revolution?

-after rasputin is murdered and czarina is doing no reform -women called for bread in petrograd and started riots which spread to factories and elsewhere -still at the front lines the tsar orders the troops to restore order but they join the revolutionary crowd -the duma then declares a provisional government and nicholas is forced to abdicate (end of the tsar's as the people are creating a government more based on rights)

What is the blank check?

-after the assasination francis joseph sends a representative to meet with Wilheim II to ask for aid (they are in the triple alliance and have agreed to help one another militarially) -because austria hungary is their only ally wilheim gives a blank check and allows them to take whatever they need. austria hungary now has access to the strongest military. (because they know they have military support they give the ultimatium which they are mostly certain will lead to war)

What is the fashoda crisis?

-after the battle of omdurman kitchener and his forces find a small french force occupying fashoda (france and britain in imperial competition ever since egypt and they were attempting to beat them from reaching one of the last unclaimed areas of the sudan) -threat of war but due to the drefus affair the french had to back down and the british took over (now have control of sudan) (more tension with france as they took out their last chance for area within africa)

Who is Keiser Wilheim?

-after the franci-prussian war the germans meet at versailles and agree to form the empire of germany within the hall of mirrors (1871- MUST KNOW DATE) -the leader will be the king of prussia (king william) who will now be the emperor or Keiser Wilheim

Who was Mary I?

-catholic daughter of Henry VIII who married Philip of Spain (cousin) -England became intensely catholic under her rule and she murdered thousands of protestants--- called her bloody Mary because of it -protestants fled to avoid her but in the end england was more protestant

Who is Mahammad Ali?

-after the french withdrew from occupation of Egypt this general took power -appointed governor and he sought to empower Egypt by building up a powerful army (drafted masses who were then trained by Italian and french army officials)(attempting to modernize in order to strengthen his nation- developed a strong and independent Egyptian state) -modernization attracted Europeans to the nile (doctors, officials etc.) had to pay for plans- -agriculture was modernized by high ranking officials utilizing export agriculture (detrimental to the peasents) (countries at this time were beggining to modernize therefore making them more appealing to european nations and why they were more willing to use violence to gain relations with them)

What were the circumstances of napoleans first abdication?

-after the invasion of russia his army was severly weakened (austria and prussia (allies) had also left him and joined the fourth coalition) fourth coalition- britain, spain, austria, and prussia -the coalition closed in on napolean and will defeat him and the french army at the battle of lipzeig -send him to elba -allies brought back the bourbon dynasty in the form of king louis 18th (the people though did not like him because he didnt allow for the reforms that the revolution made them so use to) -seeing the unrest napolean escapes from the island with a small army and heads to paris (begginings of his regaining of power)

What is holy monday? (what does this show?)

-after the men of the family got paid on saturday afternoon they would drink and relax for 2-3 days. inactivity so religiously observed that it was called holy monday (doing nothing) -the weaver then worked feverishly to meet his quota by the end of the week (shows how there was a flaw in the system because if they didn't make the cloth the capitalist couldn't sell it to give them their money. there was no discipline in the system and there was little the capitalist could do.) -in order to solve this issue the capitalists instead of giving raw material to many different cottages he would create his own which would grow into a factory (leading to industrial revoltuion

What is urbanization?

-after the revolutions of 1848 the growth of towns and cities skyrocketed -western society extremely urban and industrial in 1900 oppurtunities- wages and standard of living increased hardships- poor housing, lack of sanitation, and a sense of hopelessness

What was the conflict between britain and sudan?

-after they secured southern africa they began pushing west (northward from cape colony and southward from egypt) -fiercly independent muslims blocked them from sudan and massacred a british force at khartoum in 1885 (10 years later they meet them again through kitchener) (showing how they were opressing the individuals actually living within the countries and taking over their homes) -henry kitchener will return and at the battle of omdurman- muslim tribesmen with spears will be cut down by the machine gun

What are Pogoms?

-alexander III increases the violence towards jews -organized massacres of particular ethnic group (jews) in russia in eastern europe -a lot of violence is utilized and the jews are targeted as they become scapegoats for their countries problems and anti-semitism increases -shows nation building because the people are able to unite together under a common enemy

Who is the SA?

-also known as the brown shirts -led by Ernest Rommel (Hitlers friend who he murdered) -hitler moved to establish control in the army (the group was loyal to Rommel not him) -nazi storm troopers had fought communists/jews before the nazi's came to power and therefore they expected top positions (they wanted power and hitler wouldnt have that) -in order to preserve good relations with the army he had his SS strike at night-arrested and shot people without a trial -army leaders (in fear) swore a binding oath to hitler (SS grew) -henrich himmler became the leader- worked with the gestapo (political police) in order to strike fear (use of violence and fear tactics to defeat enemies)

What is socialism in one country v the permanent revolution?

-also why stalin won -soviet union could build socialism on its own whereas trotsky believed that there had tp be an ongoing revolution where russia was the first step (continue socialist revolution in europe) -stalin appealed to the people's nationalism and the fact that they didnt want a war (conflicting with capitalist countries at this time) (focused on a new and unique socialism without the revolution)

What were some diseases that occoured in the 18th century?

-although diets were improving you still saw diseases caused by a lack of certain food or too much of certain food (shows that even the upper class- although they had enough food they suffered because of their diets) -gout- form of arthritis (joint pain) caused by overeating and underexersizing -scurvy- due to vitamin C deficiency which came from leafy greens people suffered swelling, weakness, and the rotting of gums

How were Ismail's financial problems solved?

-although he sold his stock in the canal to gain money he still owed a large sum to foreign bondholders -france and great britain intervene politically to protect european bonds and they force ismail to appoint french and british commisioners to oversee finances so that the debt could be paid -direct european political control (break from past models) -different than just opening up the countries to trade- now they were running the budget and ruling egypt (now they could control the economy of egypt representing how they had greater control within the country) -showing how imperialism will resemble colonial empires through military force, political domination, and ideology of beneficial reform

What is the declaration of pillnitz?

-although in the beggining other countries believed the revolution was weaking an enemy- they began to feel more threatened -when louis 16th and marie were arrested after attempting to escape imprisonment in france, austria and prussia issued declaration declaring their willingness to intervene in france and support louis/marie/monarchy -as a result of this document the national assembly will declare war on austria and prussia (showing how the revolution was scaring other countries and they wished to support overthrowing it)

Who is fritz harkort?

-an entrepreneur and business pioneer in the German machinery industry -saw the accomplishments of england and wished to have the same occur in Germany -became the watt of Germany by created a factory in an abandoned castle in the Ruhr valley and building steam engines -lacking skilled laborers he had to turn to england for exspensive mechanics, imported exspensive iron boilers/materials from england> in spite of these problems he still won fame and praise -but his ambitions caused great financial losses and in 1832 he was forced out of his company by his financial backers who cut back operations to stop losses (shows how entrepeneurs within continental europe wished to replicate the ideas introduced)

Who is Sigmund Freud?

-analyzed dreams and hysteria in order to conclude that human behavior is irrational -all illness was a result of repressed memories and he sought to bring them to the surface/consious -in order to understand the mind you have to understand the id (unconscious which is driven by sexual, aggressive, and pleasure seeking desires)(locked in constant battle with other parts of the mind) -ego is the rationalizing conscious which shows what a person can do (what you are capable of) -superego- specifies what a person should do (what you though may not be capable of) -HUMAN BEHAVIOR is the result of a compromise between these drives and rational thinking/moral values -unacknowledged drives can hurt the individual but rational thinking/moral values can also be to strong (as a result of the war and all the people suffering psychology increased as people tried to understand why people were so barbaric or why they went to war) (belief in reason and science but not in the goodness of people- driven by agression) -psycoanalysis- study of the mind, unconsiouss to consiouss, disease caused by past problems so talk through them -dream interpretation- talk about your dreams and analyze them

Who is George Orwell?

-anti-Utopian literature of 1984 -set the future in 1984 where the dictator (big brother) had a totalitarian state using language, technology, and psychological terror to take hope and power away from the individual -shows the fear people had for the future at the end of the years of anxiety (didn't know what was to come and doubted if it would get better or not)

Who is robbspieere?

-apart of the national assembly and one individual who helped create the declaration of the rights of man -main leader (mountain member) in the national convention as well as the committee on public safety -extreme supporter of the terror and using violence in order to support virture -killed at the guillotine after he shares his idea of changing the religion (power corrupted him and under his rule with the comittee of public safety you see how the revolution is less and less for the people)

Who was Cardinal Richelieu?

-appointed by the regent of Louis XIII (ruling after henry the 4th) maria and rules for Louis during his reign (benefits because when there is a strong monarch he is also strong) POLICY- total subordination of all institutions to the monarchy (methods-----> 1. weakened the nobles by leveling their castles and killing them (absolutism because controlling competing groups) 2. divided France into 32 generalities run by an intendant (absolutism because achieving a beaucracy in which the intendants were loyal to the crown- middle class) 3. destroyed and weakened the Huguenots by seizing la rochelle (controlling competing groups because Huguenots were mostly nobles so when they were weak the king was strong) 4. foreign policy- wanted to destroy the Hapsburg power around France which is why they got involved in the thirty years war supporting the protestants even though France is catholic)---- the peace of Westphalia helped them expand their empire because they got Alsace Loraine and took out a main enemy of theirs 5. French academy was created which allowed for the creation of the French dictionary (increased nationalism) and allowed for French to become the language of the polite society (unifying the state under a common language and rule- absolute) -RAISON DE TAUT (reason of the state- therefore its okay)

What were the social measures of the responsive national state of germany?

-as a result of the attack on socialism- creation of liberal laws to help the working class people -1883- social security laws meant to help wage earners -1883/1884- national sickness/accident insurance (making sure you have job security and wont be fired if something interferes with your health) 1889- old age pensions/retirement benefits (making sure that when you are too old to work you still have something to support you) (sick,injured,and retired workers able to gain benefits) -result- didn't stop individuals from voting socialist but it gave them more rights in the system and protected them from the harsh effects of industry (developments come as a result of political competition and government efforts to win support)

What is revisionism?

-as socialist parties grew they looked more towards gradual improvement rather than revolution -workers less inclined to follow radical movements because: -workers were gaining their right to vote so they focused their attention more on elections rather than revolutions (won real benefits and so this furthered the process) -not immune to patriotic education and indoctrination -not a unified group -standard of living and quality of life was improving for the people (demanding gains but they were less likely to do so through violent methods) examples- new more moderate workers unions created at this time (focusing on collective bargaining and compromise) -effort by various socialists to update Marxian doctrines to reflect the realities of the time -this shows how socialist policies/doctrines varied from country to country and was nationalized behind international unity (edward bernstein) (issues in of the lower classes lead to a growth of socialism but because violence wasn't working- utilizing more diplomatic methods became the normal way to go)

Who were the luddites?

-attack whole factories in northern england and smashed new machines that they believed were taking their jobs (shows how even though the industrial revolution was creating jobs, machines were thought to take them away because they were doing the work of people)

What was the italian war under cavour for?

-austria had control of venetia and lombardy -cavour realized that they couldnt take austria out of power (had control of northern italian states that he wished to unify under sardinia) without the help from a powerful ally -created a secret diplomatic alliance with Napolean III -goaded austria into attacking sardinia and Napolean came to their defense- won but napolean abandoned him (didnt wish to have a powerful nation that was unified below him and rather wished to have austria as an ally so they made a deal with them instead) - PEACE OF VILLAFRANCE- sardinia would recieve lombardy and some area around milan but the rest of the map would remain unchanged - as a result there is a pleabisite and the north is unified (representing how foreign involvement lead to problems within the nation state in terms of reaching unification and cavour quits- but will eventually lead to unification)

What was Versailles?

-began as hunting lodge and was then turned into a home for Louis and his court(nobles required to live there for around a year)---- the palace of Versailles which was known for its grandeur, vastness, and elegance (hall of mirrors) -used the architecture and its grandness in order to overawe his subjects/nobles -by using Versailles louis could keep an eye on the nobility and control them. (also controlled them by never calling a meeting of the estates general- they never had a place to say their opinion and speak their mind) (control competing groups and make sure he was the sovereign leader)

Who is Francis Joseph?

-austria's emperor -tried to centralize the state and germanize the language and culture of different nationalities (MAIN CONFLICT- too many nationalities and too much nationalism- people didn't want to be under their control) -as they were defeated by prussia in 1866 (now severely weakened)- the german minority in austria was forced to compromise with the Magyars (the hungarians) who wished for independence (during the revolution of 1848 it was the hungarians who revolted- the largest nationality that now demands for greater independence) -agreement was known as the Dual Monarchy of austria hungary- each country had their own separate parliament but the two were united under the common ruler of francis joseph. (alliance between austrian germans and the magyars of hungary against other competing ethnic groups) -divided their nation in order to unify it (really only pleased these too groups and there were still too many nationalities that didnt want to be under hungarian control or didnt want to be connected with austria at all) (tri monarchy is when czech's wanted to join as well)

What is the ultimatum?

-austria-hungary gives serbia a peace settlement and 48 hours before they will go to war with them (now have the support of germany so they know they can defeat them)(ridiculous and out there requirements that they could never accept) -required them to cede control of the serbian state to austria hungary as well as austria hungary could arrest anyone suspicious of the assassination of arch duke with out a trial (after they recieve support from germany austria hungary declares war on serbia on july 28 1914)

Who is Metternich? Actions?

-austrian (extremly conservative) foreign minister and the time period from 1815 to around 1848 was known as the age of metternich -holy alliance- formed by austria,prussia, and russia and symbolized the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements across europe -active intervention to maintain all autocratic regimes whenever they were threatened (represents how conservatives wished to squash the power of the people and make sure no liberal change occured) -carlsbad decrees- metternich and the german confederation -required the 38 member states of the confederation to root out liberal ideas in newspapers and universities -established permanent committee with spies and informers to investigate and punish any liberal/radical organizations (greater control on the people to stop th change from the old regime) -kingdom two sicilies and spain- -1820 revolutionaries forced monarchs of spain and the southern italian kingdoms to create a liberal constitution -under provisions of the quadruple alliance Metternich called a conference which proclaimed their active intervention in preventing the destruction of autocratic regimes -austrian forces march into naples and restore Ferdinand I to the throne of the two sicilies -French armies restore the spanish regime (shows how revolutionary ideals were being supressed by powerful conservative nations such as austria/prussia)

How did Britain respond to the depression?

-balanced the budget but workers recieved little welfare- still the economy recovered -gradual reorientation of the economy helped them- went off of the gold standard, establishing protective tarifs, and concentrating on the national market -new industries (automobiles/appliances grew in response to home demand) even as export industries decreased -the dole= weekly welfare benefits -looking inward in order to avoid foreign questions (showing how Britain <although they didn't help the people as much as they should've remained stable by practicing a form of isolationism)

What were the reforms of Joseph II?

-became co-regent with his mother -controlled catholic church closely in order to ensure it produced better citizens (tabula rusa) -edict of idle institutions in which he allowed only monastery orders that dealt with teaching, nursing and other practical work -religious toleration and civic rights given to protestants and Jews (BIG ONE) -radical innovation was abolishing serfdom and decreed that all peasant labor obligations be converted to cash payments (rejected by both nobles and peasants though) (shown to be one of the most radical enlightenment monarchs but not the most successful)

How did music change post WWI?

-became more expressionistic -emotional intensity -arranged sounds without creating recognizable harmonies (no longer united) -berg- wozzeck- half sung/spoken, atonal, life of a solider -shonbery- creater of atonal music and not having notes seperated by key but in a tone row (people in music changing their methods and creating pieces that made no sense- doubted past ways of life)

What is the effect of the congress of berlin in terms of alliances?

-because austria hungary was favored (recieved bosnia herzegovina), britain got cyprus (naval base and could attack russia), and russia didnt get to keep their protectorate of bosnia with access to the Mediterranean sea so they are now humiliated and will no longer be friends with germny (growing tensions between germany and russia and not resolved until the reinsurance treaty)

What did Louis do to help with the cost of war?

-because louis got involved in s many wars he put France into deeper and deeper debt -higher taxes on peasants -silver decree which ordered that all the nations silverware be given to the mint (louis gave silver from Versailles) so that it could be melted down and used to pay off debt -new industries were created such as diamonds, fashion, and high heels (shows how in order to support his expansionist policies and his debt louis attempted to solve financial problems and improve the state economically)

What is russian mobilization?

-because of pan slavism and the declaration of war against serbia from austria hungary they decide to mobilize or move into enemy territory -military plans dictated policies and russia needed much longer to mobilize than germany and austria hungary -the fact that he placed troops on the border of germany freaked out wilhelm and as a resut he declares war on russia (due to pan-slavism and the 2 balkan wars the russians are coming to the aid of the serbs who were attacked by austria hungary and germany)(order breaking down as russia goes to war with austria hungary and germany)

Who is Joseph Lister?

-because of the fact that pasteur discovered the air was full of bacteria- he was able to grasp the connection between aerial bacteria and wound infections -reasoned that a chemical disinfectant applied to a wound dressing would destroy the life of the particles (antiseptic principle) (leading to less death due to bacteria infections as well as the development of sterilizing everything entering the operating room (more clean and sanitary))

What is the urban nobility?

-created when the middle class began getting wealthier than the nobles so they married (nobles+ middle class) creating a new social class called the urban nobility -nobles marrying for money and the middle class marrying for titles -as classes mixed ideas would spread as well

What is the Crimean War?

-began because russia wanted ottoman land -turks declare war -because the conflict was concentrated on the black sea, their transport network (rivers/wagons) failed to supply the russian army. in total france, great britain, sardinia peadmont, and the ottoman empire defeated them. -transitional war because its were france and britain really begin to modernize in terms of weapons and industry (public was well informed, tactical use of railways, telegraph, photgraphs, and newspapers) -TURNING POINT- showed the russian state that they had fallen rapidly behind other industrialized nations (needed railroads, new military equipment, and reorganization of the army), also caused hardship and peasent rebellion which eventually lead to the emancipation edict) (russia was humiliated because they were crushed by highly industrialized states) (rise of modern nursing as well)

What is the revolution in Austria in 1848?

-began in hungary (didnt wish to be under hapsburg rule and increased nationalism caused them to want their own state)----METTERNICH FLEES -in order to meet the demands of the people Ferdinand I promises reforms and a liberal constitution (serfdom abolished- causing the people to back down) -urban poor/workers demand voting rights and social workshops and the middle class recoils (coalition breaking down) -hapsburgs use nationalism to their advantage because many minorities in hungary dont want to be united under one hungarian state -army crushes the working class revolt (revolution ends) -francis joseph is then crowned emperor and nicholas of russia gives him troops (so revolutionary ideals wont spread) which help subdue the fighting in hungary (conquered territory) (showing again how conservatism is winning out in the end and a less liberal government is eventually established)

What is the Bloody Sunday Massacre?

-begging of the revoltuion of 1905 and pointed out the incomptence of the government -massive crowd of workers pecefully assemble at the winter palace in st.petersburg to present a petition to the tsar -lead by trade union priest Father Gapon (secretly supported by the police as a preferable alternative to more radical union- using peaceful methods) -troops open fire and kill/wound hundreds -result- workers turned against the tsar and new wave of general indignation -continued violence as they demand change (leads to october manifesto)

What is deism?

-belief in god on the evidence of reason and nature only (not from revelation or what an institution has said) -voltaire and many other enlightened individuals followed this belief and used the scientific method in order to understand religion (moving away from the catholic churches idea of religion and more towards one of tolerance and deciding which religion YOU as an individual want)

What is utopian socialism based upon?

-belief in socialist ideas but they believed in economic systems where the ownership and means of production should be given to the workers (poverty could then be abolished) -PEACEFUL surrender of the means of production to the workers (shows how people wished for the workers to have more rights gained in a non-violent way)

Who was Francis Bacon?

-believed in experimentation and inductive reasoning known as empiricism -1/2 of the modern scientific method and able to inspire philosophers to use experiments in order to figure out the world- not just in terms of science

Who is Charles Fourier?

-believed in self-sufficient communities entitled Phalanxes (1,620 people) -believed in the emancipation of women, abolition of marriage, free unions based on love, and sexual freedoms -very planned and giving more rights to all the people (shows govern mentally planned communities in which all people are equal and property is owned by all-SOCIALISM)

Who were the anabaptists?

-believed only adults could make a free choice of their faith and that baptism for infants and children was insane because there was no scriptural basis. -believed in religious tolerance and never tried to force religion on others, pacifism, distinction between christian community and state, and women allowed to be apart of church -separation of church and state was what really put people over the edge and they did not approve -banished, beat, and executed

What is the treaty of Brest- Litovsk?

-believed russia had lost the war with germany and the only realistic goal was peace at any price -germany demanded they give up all their western territories (people conquered by the tsars over the centuries) -bolskeviks originally wouldn't accept but when germany resumed their march into russia they agreed -1/3 population lost (escaped the disaster of continued war and could pursue goal of absolute power for the bolskeviks) (allowed to keep power because they didn't continue the war effort and understood that they had to lose)

Who is John Stewart Mill?

-believed that public problems had to be dealt with on a rational, scientific basis, and according to helping the largest amount of people -Wrote "On Liberty" in which he explained that you had to protect the rights of individuals and minorities in an age of greater participation -needed to protect individual differences and unpopular opinions -as a member of Parliament he proposed that suffrage be extended to women and he was a champion of women's rights -wrote "Subjection of Women" in which he argued that men abused their power over women and that inequality for women violated individual rights and stopped society from progressing (supporting allowing more people to vote after 1832 in which the upper middle class gained the right to vote- all people deserve a say in the government)

Who was Bishop Bousset?

-believed the absolute monarchy was the best and the most natural form of government -the king has divine right and is the father of the country- only god will be able to try them for their crimes

Who is Saint Simon?

-believed the key to progress was proper social organization -the government has to focus on economic issues -arrangement of society where the parasites (aristocracy, lawyers, churchmen) give way to the doers (scientists, industrialists, engineers) -CAREFULLY plan the economy and guide it forward for the interests of all the people -every social institution must work to help the poor (socialism because the government has to get involved and plan the economy effectively so people get their proper rights- HELP THE POOR)

Why does Britain dominate in terms of the industrial revolution?

-capital (they have a constitutional monarchy who is more willing to promote enterprise, has entrepeneurs) -location (no more than 20 miles from the nearest river making it easy to transport goods) (they had colonies and an empire which meant they could sell to more people and get raw materials) -labor (large population and people who's jobs were taken away from the enclosure acts)

What are the actions Bismarck has to take before the austro-prussian war?

-bismarck has to first neutralize the allies of austria in order to ensure they will win -russia/italy/france (3 allies) -italy- no problem staying out of the conflict as long as they are able to gain venetia (currently under austrian control (also trying to create their own nation state) -France- napolean will stay out of the conflict as long as he recieves some form of payment in the end (land wise -russia- during polish insurrections they mass murdered many individuals and because prussia allowed for them to do this they will remain outside of the conflict -prussia can't declare war on them (has to be the other way around so that austria would be put at fault and not them) -sends representatives to austria to begin spreading rumors about the austrians which causes holstein to rebel- francis joseph then declares war upon prussia

What occurs in 1890?

-bismarck is fired by william ii because he didn't like how close they were to russia (dropping of the pilot- therefore everything was terrible after) (large turning point and leading to post bismarkian alliance system) -he refuses to renew the reinsurance treaty with russia and as a result they are very angry and more willing to declare war upon them -france sees an oppurtunity and in 1894 creates the franc-russian entente which is a military alliance that if they decide to go to war- the other country will support them (shows how the two rival blocs are being created with germany on one side and france and russia on another)

Whatis the kulturkampf?

-bismarcks attack on the catholic church because he wanted the people to support the state rather than follow the pope as their leading authority -catholic center party still flourished and they continued to block out laws that were hostile to the catholic church (a lot of power in the reichstag representing that this is what the people wanted) -1878- abandoned attack and he and the catholic center party entered into an alliance (reasons were economic) (responsive national state because responding to what the people want and listening to their demands)

What is the Constituent Assembly?

-bolsheviks declared a government based on provisional workers and peasent -freely elected assembly that would create a new constitution -election showed that the bolskeviks only had 1/4 of the countries support and the majority went to the socialist revolutionaries (peasent party) -met for one day and then was disbanded by soliders under lenin's order (showing how he was creating a one party government- elite group not stoping till there was revolution) (lead to a civil war)

What was occuring in russia pre peter the great?

-boyard nobility (hereditary) and service nobility (worked in army to gain land) -cossack army/peasents fled and maintained independence- revolted -time of trouble (no heir) and michael romanov is chosen -nikon/old believers tore apart unity of russian orthodox church

What is thermodynamics?

-branch of physics created at this time -investigated the relationship between heat and mechanical energy -formulated fundamental laws of thermodynamics which could be applied to mechanical engineering -LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY- different forms of energy could be converted but not created or destroyed -showing that the physical world is governed by firm and unchanging laws (showing new developments in science and thought and how these laws could be practically used in order to improve urban/industrial life)

What is the Labour Party and where did it occur?

-britain in the 1920's there was unemployment because many markets had been lost during the war (lead to more welfare) -rise of the Labour Party as the champions for the working class (became the main opposition to the conservatives)(replacing the liberal party showing the decline of those ideas) -revisionist socialism -labour party (under Ramsey McDonals) helped govern the country and moved towrds socialism gradually (so as not to freak out the middle class) (increasing the rights of the people showing how there was more hope because there was more reform post war)(leading to british welfare state)

How did the allies build an unshakeable alliance?

-britain, US, and soviet union (main groups) -policy of europe first (us would defeat hitler and then they could focus on the war in the pacific) -avodance of conflicts that could split the alliance (didnt talk about the peace settlement) -principle of unconditional surrender (no reparations- had to accept it) -us provided military strength (arms, equipment, trucks, planes, munitions), british economy was mobilized, and the soviet union reorganized and expanded war production -support- resources of the world (empires), and resistance movements against hitler (powerful alliance building against hitler to ensure that he could be supressed)

What is the continental system?

-british goods weren't allowed to enter Europe -blockade of British goods -this caused britain to create a counter-blockade which only worsened the conditions of artisans and the middle class (ruining conditions of the people and only intensifying their hatred)(one of napoleans major mistakes)

How was italy split up during the renaissance?

-broken into city states Milan Venice Papal + Florence Naples venice- year round ship building (more trade) florence- banking/wool (medici's) -civic humanism- trying to make your state the best (competition between each group)

Who was Frederick the great of prussia?

-built on accomplishments of his father -did nothing for the serfs (even had his own serfs on his land) -unequal taxes (taxed the peasants but not the nobles) -unwilling to change the social structure and didnt give civil rights/tolerance to jews -religious toleration to Christians -through the legal system- torture was abolished -junkers were put in office therefore allowing for a separation of power -government promoted reconstruction of agriculture and industry (development and colonization of unused lands- the potato- healthy and allowed for them to make money) (helping make the people of Prussia happy under the ruling and promoting the culture of the state)

What is realism?

-came after romanticism (1840-1890's) -literature should depict life exactly as it is -investigated the external world with the meticulous care of a scientist -observed and recorded (let the facts speak for themselves) -focusing on every day life (for the first time the working class was written about) -microscope on provocative topics (sex, strikes, violence, alcoholism)(REFORMERS- showing how things weren't sugar coated- showing how things were quite terrible and there needed to be action to stop it) -no unlimited universe- heredity and environement determined human behavior (shows how your moving away from a generation of creativity and expression to must stricter and based upon scientific law)

What was baroque art?

-catholic reformation art that reflected the dynamic and spirit of the counter reformation (drew from it its drama, motion, and ceaseless striving) -DRAMA, VITALITY, MOVEMENT, TENSION, AND EMOTION. showing intensity and very exaggerated expressions -goal of the art- highlight differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, revitalize catholic congregations, and minimize effects of protestant revolt -used as propaganda by the catholic church to show their strength (patronage)

Who ruled France during the renaissance?

-charles VII -part of the valois monarchy (helped bring france back to glory) -the gabelle (on salt) and the taille (land tax) were france's main source of income -through the concort of bologna the government of france had the power to appoint church officials and the pope was recognized as the top of the church (control of the church) -the royal council consisted of only middle class indidivuals (were given titles). no nolbes and therefore the nobles had less power -france represented the first permanent standing army (control means power) (economic, catholic church, nobility, wars)

What is the chartist movement?

-chartist movement in 1838 that demanded universal male suffurage -complete political democracy and rule by the common people was the means to a good and just ociety -multiple petitions signed (THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER) calling on parliment to grant all men the right to vote -important that parliment considers the charter but does not grant them rights (showing they respect them and how they were able to stop revolution) (showing how in britian revolutions were controlled by giving the people SOME rights but refraining from others)

What is organic chemistry?

-chemistry was sub-divided into many specific branches -study of the compounds of carbon -new field lead to theoretical insights- -researchers in german companies discovered they could use useless coal tar in order to make synthetic dyes (helping industry grow and be cheaper) -research and development factions created in industry in order to stimulate greater discoveries (more jobs) (promoting economic growth)

Who is Mendeleev?

-chemists first discovered ways of measuring the atomic weight of different elements -codified the rules of chemistry through the periodic law and the periodic table (shows how science was going down to stricter laws)

What was the directory?

-chosen by the new assembly and was a five man executive (oligarchy) -the main issue was that they couldn't fix the bread prices- the economy was BAD (too much money on war) -the anger of the people will lead to Napoleon being able to take power through the coup (showing how the peasents mostly wanted economic rights and napolean is going to be the one to allow them that)

What is enclosure?

-closing the land out instead of having the entire community working on it so that you could farm more effectively (powerful nobles in places such as England create laws so that the can enclose more land (take away the land of the common person)- MONEY) -followed by England who creates the Enclosure Acts -prohibits individuals from resisting against the enclosure movement, peasants who did revolt would be punished (end to common land of the peasants) EFFECTS- 1/2 of the farmland is enclosed by 1750 which allows for lords to chop fields, some more jobs are made where people can rent out the enclosed land or work on it for the nobles, and eliminated common rights because the common people no longer have their land therefore they have no food or jobs (with no jobs the common people go out and search for more- leading to the cottage industry in which unskilled workers can make a living)

Who was Edward Jenner?

-collected data and used the experimental method in order to determine if cow pox could help fight against small pox -created a vaccination for small pox utilizing cow pox -important because it spread rapidly and smallpox declined to disappearance- showing that medicine at the time was reaching advancements and moving forward

What is the open-field system?

-common land was given to the peasants who worked together as a community to cultivate the unlicensed fields (broken up into different sections) -the one issue was that crops such as wheat, rye, etc. were nitrogen sucking and ruined the soil so there always had to be a strip of land in "fallow" or that didn't have anything growing so that the soil could replenish itself (the fallow would rotate to different parts of the land) -created a viscous cycle in which there was less crops-less food-less animals (had to be slaughtered)-nasty meat/less manure- less crops (shows how although the fallow was useful- a lot was being lost and they needed to develop a better way to cultivate products

How did mussolini rule?

-competing directly with the socialists and because of this he gained support from conservatives and middle class individuals (anti-socialism) -utilized private army (black shirts) to attack socialist organiers at night by beating them up and then force feeding them castor oil (few killed but a lot of destruction) -killed metteoiti -bachelor tax- if not married by a certain age then you needed to pay a tax (supporting marriage) -no divorce -expands into ethopia -lateran agreement- vatican is a small state with heavy financial support and in return the pope will encourage people to follow him -new rome- nationalism and going back to ancient times

What is the suez canal?

-completed with the support of Ismail -provides the shortest route from europe to india and lands around the pacific ocean (now much easier for countries like britain to gain goods from india)(britain can now interact with the "jewel of the crown" more specifically) (shows that through modernization the world market was able to grow because it wouldn't take countries as long to get or send goods) -built to serve and profit trade (more control from europe because they are being more opened up to foreign countries)

Who was Napolean III?

-conservative leader who ruled france at this time and utilized liberal methods in order to create a conservative nation state -put in power after the revolutions of 1848 where he was elected president- The 2nd Republic (needed a strong autocratic conservative leader to ensure that another revolt wouldn't occur ) elected due to -powerful name -people feared the rise of socialism and wanted a strong leader -positive program (using democratic ideals in order to have conservative power) (nation states that used nationalism in order to help support a conservative state)

What is the end of WWII?

-d-day (normandy) and allies marching on normandy (britain/us break through the german lines- soviet union meets on the elbe river(come from the east)- hitler commits suicide) - VE DAY- war in europe ends

How is the government of Britain set up in 1815?

-constitutional monarchy in which parliment has soverignty -parliment- house of lords (nobles/aristocrats) and the house of commons (business/lawyers) -8 % of the population can vote for who goes into the house of commons -boroughs (random areas of men who own land and therefore can vote for who takes office). rotten boroughs (accept bribes) and pocket (bribery and they have everyone in their pocket/have great influence so they force people to make the same decision as them) 2 political parties 1. tories (conservative) 2. whigs (the more liberal conservatives) -the majority gets to pick the prime minister (showing the beggining of differences that will cause liberal change)

Who was Oliver Cromwell?

-controlled of parliament army during the English civil war and after Charles was beheaded and England became a commonwealth the power was placed in parliament- but really in the army because they had military strength -protectorate was the military dictatorship of Cromwell (also known as interregnum because separated two monarchal periods) -put down the irish revolt (they hated him because of it) -when parliament disagreed with them Cromwell dissolved it -economy- followed Colbert's belief in mercantilism -navigation acts- british goods can only be sent on british shops (leading to anglo-dutch wars and economic warfare) -after he dies people are ready to get back the monarchy (similar to absolute because of strong military strength and showed the English people they wanted nothing to do with it)

What is the march on rome?

-convinced people they were fighting the communists and causing their own unique revoltion (aiding the little people) -government breaking down in 1922- stepped forward as the savior and gaining sympathy of army leaders- demanded resignation of existing government and his own appointment -large groups of fascists forced mattters by marching on rome, threatening the king <Victor Emmanual III> to call oon mussolini -victor asked mussolini to form a new cabinet (showing a legal seize of power- great strength within the government and the rise of dictatorships rather than liberal government)

What is the english bill of rights?

-cornerstone of modern British constitution -writes out all the rights that parliament had and was signed by William and mary to ensure that they agreed to parliments power -law made my parliament cannot be suspended by crown, parliament called every 3 years, crown cant interfere with parliament, freedom to religious conformist, and english monarch will always be protestant (officially shows that cannot be absolute because there is a signed document that forbade it and states that parliment had the sovereignty (mostly))

Who were the Borgia's?

-corruption of church -alexander and lucrezia sleeping together (incest) -gave titles to people he liked in his family (rodrigo, caesar, lucrezia)

What is the provisional government?

-created after the march revolution (DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT) -after generations of authoritarianism they create equality before the law, freedom of religion/speech/assembly, the rights of unions to strike/organize (classical liberal program) (allowing for the people to have more rights making them happy because the revolution will have paid off after so much suffering) -alexander kerensky- rejects social revolution and he feared giving land to the peasents would cause him to lose his army

What was the pragmatic sanction?

-created by the Hapsburg ruler of Austria Charles VI and stated that Hapsburg possessions were to remain together and not be divided and were always to be passed in tact to a single Hapsburg heir (male or female) -shows that the Hapsburgs were nervous and didn't want to lose their land (doesn't show absolutism because they were going to other kings and almost revealing the fact that they were weak and vulnerable)

What is the list?

-created by the republic and robbespiere and was a list of enemies who would be killed at the guillotine -this list leads to his death because he refuses to tell who is on it- arrested and killed on the guillotine

What was the public/national health board?

-created due to chadwick and the cholera epidemic -he believed that the government had to get involved in order to help improve the sanitation within urban cities -created under great britains first public health law -gave cities authority to build modern sanitation systems (showing how the government was getting more involved in order to improve the conditions of the urban environment and help decrease the death rate)

What was the book of common prayer?

-created during the time of Edward VI (Henry first heir) by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer and included order for all the services of the church of England -shows how much the state controlled religion and how intertwined they were

What are the corn laws?

-created in 1815 -law against the importation of foreign grain (tariff against all other goods) -this means that the only grain available for the people has to be bought from the government (extremely selfish- parliament can become extremely wealthy and jack up the price because people cant get it anywhere else) -battle of peterloo- protest of the working class against the corn laws in saint peters field in Manchester and is savagely broken up by an armed cavalry. 11 die. gov creates the 6 acts which bands freedom of press and assembly (trying to ensure no revolution) (resulted in protests by radical intellectuals and urban laborers and ultimately lead to the battle of peterloo)

What is neoclassism?

-created in response to the bourgeiose and the middle class wastefulness -art intended to make people think with more virtue and more morally sound -art should serve the nation as it had back in greco-roman times -calm, harmonious, idealistic, rationalistic -used as a political message and promoted patriotism (used as a weapon to bring people together through revolution ideals) -oath of the horatii by favid (showing the men going to war for their father- patriotism) -death of marat- portraying the death of a jacobin in a idealistic way

Who is Daumier?

-created the 3rd class carriage= realism because it represents the unequal distribution of wealth and the effects of urbanization (opening people's eyes)(representing the deserving poor- people need help) -rue transnonian- showing the very harsh and terrible ways of an undeserving poor individuate (dont care for their child- drunk, lazy)

What was the reform bill of 1884?

-created under disrali and increased the amount of people who could vote to universal male suffurage (now more and more people were getting a say in the government- ensuring that they wouldn't revolt)

What is the Boxer Rebellion?

-defeated reforms lead to the Boxer Rebellion- secret society of the boxers rebelled and 200 foreign missionaries and several thousand Chinese Christians were killed- army became involved and they plundered and occupied Peking and put a heavy indemity on china -power and prestige of qing dynasty declined after the rebellion -anti government groups plotted and overthrow and dynasty in 1912 -a western style republic was finally declared and an elected parliment was called for (showing that western society greatly influenced china and lead to more political reforms) (opening of china lead to more modernization as ideas were taken from the west)

What is the russian civil war?

-destruction of constituent assembly fed the flames for war -only saw dictatorship and people called for an end to the bolskeviks -officers of the old army created the white oppisition (united by their hatred of the bolsheviks) known as the reds -although the white army was winning in the beggining, red army retook ukrain and beorussia and caucaus (lenin won the civil war) why- -whites were vaguely conservative and didnt properly unite all the enemies of the bolsheviks under a democratic ideal (bolsheviks had a better army) -trotsky's leadership in the army (willing to unify the people and use more violent methods) -war communism- total war in a civil conflict- seize grain, ration, nationalize industry cheka- revolutionary terror and tsarist secret police who will shoot or threaten people with being shot for minor offenses

What is northern renaissance art?

-didnt like to paint scenes from the past but rather what was occuring right in that moment (nature exactly as they found it) -naturalism and painting humans (CENTERED) -detail and color -they painted what they legitimately saw or things that could happen not fantasies or fake paintings

Who is Cavour?

-dominant figure in sardinia's government at the time -national goals were limited/realistic- sought unity only for the states of the north and some of central italy in an expanded kingdom of sardinia -during this time he worked to consolidate sardinia as a liberal state capable of leading italy- highway, railroad, civil liberties, opposition to clerical priveledge (helping increase the support for sardinia) -wanted to unify northern italy through sardinia

Who was John Knox?

-dominated movement for reform in Scotland -wanted to structure Scottish church after Calvin's Geneva -established the Presbyterian church of Scotland in which ministers not bishops governed it -strictly calvin

How does baroque art relate to absolutism?

-dramatic and extravagant palaces built following baroque architecture and were used to symbolize a monarchs power -palaces were modeled after Versailles and were intended to represent their strength and overawe people -the bigger the castle the more power you had -bold sweeping statements intended to provide a dramatic emotional experience and allowed for artistic achievement and political statement to enforce each other) (used to represent a monarchs overreaching power)

What are the 100 days of reform?

-due to countries attempting to annex them modernizers who wanted to take western ideals tried to meet the foreign challenge with reform based on these ideas but (trying to modernize as they did during the meiji restoration) -traditionalists wanted to get rid of the ideas of foreigners in order to protect society (traditionalists who wanted political conservatism) (leading to the boxer rebellion and more foreign control) (shows how there was tension within the nation in terms of trying to modernize based on old principles or on new ones) (tension lead to domestic conflict)

What is the occupation of the rhine?

-due to inflaion/assasinations germany couldnt pay for the reparations and they demanded a temoporary leave from them and the agreement that they would be reduced when they came back (upset france extremly so they marched on them) -france/belgium moved into the rhineland and began to occupy the rhine district (heartland of industrial europe) which only lead to more international crisis -germany was passive -therefore france sealed off the ruhr/rhineland from the rest of germany and only allowed in enough food to stop starvation -increased german inflation so they tried to printmoney which rapidly lost value -when gustav stressmann (weimer republic) took power he called off passive resistance and agreed to pay the reparations but that it had to be re examined (compromise which upset the people) -france accepted (power was passing to the moderates on both sides and because they were willing to compromise on reparations it lead to the dawes plan) (also leads to the beer hall putsch)

How were the lives of women changing during the 19th century?

-due to the fact that women have no legal identity there was a fight for women's rights and opportunities economic- want jobs political- WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT- woman getting more involved in politics and demanding a right to vote -married women's property act- married woman had the same rights over property as unmarried women. allowing married women to retain ownership of property she might have received from her parents (inheritance)(instead of automatically becoming the property of the husband) -creation of women's colleges such as Queen'sand Bedford (woman are now allowed an education so they can better progress in society) -many women are going to be involved in more charitable work- creation of salvation army and the red cross (Florence nightingale) -getting rid of the cult of domesticity (women expected to stay at home and take care of the kids as well as the fact that the woman working outside of the home made you look poor)

What was the reading revolution?

-during the age of enlightenment people read more books on more subjects -moving away from the ways of the past when people only read books on duty and obedience to reading many different texts -reading was individual, silent, and rapid -well educated classes read insatiably, skeptically, and carelessly -printed materials (newspapers, books, pamphlets, periodicals- lead people to be able to find things to read) (shows that education was spreading through a love of reading and gaining information in new and interesting ways- it was also individual showing new leisure activities were created and there was more emphasis on what you did in privacy)

Who is Florence Nightengale?

-during the crimean war her and many other nurses helped improve the unsanitary conditions at a british base hospital -writings sparked national health care reforms -created the st thomas hospital and the training school for nurses (inspiring both young woman and even women from the upper classes) -known as the pioneer for modern nursing -representing britains successes and why they were able to built a good nation state (culturally and politically they were successful)

What was the second phase of the thirty years war?

Danish phase -C=Hapsburg P=king christian the 4th of Denmark -the Hapsburg overpower christian, win and the Catholics get Denmark, Sweden, and some of germany

What is the republic of virtue?

-during the time of the national convention and Robespierre -the belief that the in order to protect morals and virtue within a nation one must use terror and violence to stop their enemies (how Robespierre justified the use of so much violence during the time period)

What is the cult of the supreme being?

-during the time of the national convention in order to reduce the power of the catholic church Robesspierre believed that there was no catholic god rather than the goddess of virture -sought to make the cult of the supreme being the national religoon (showing how far the national convention was from people's idea of freedom and will lead to the killing of robbespieere)

Who is Cornelius vermuyden?

-dutch engineer -helped drain the water from land n England and constructed damn's/ canals -clearing over 40,000 acres of land to use for farming (helped improve agriculture in England with more land you are able to grow more crops and therefore have more food and money)

How did France respond to the depression?

-economic crisis reflected and increased the political oppositions in the government -fasists/semi-facists rioted and threatened to overturn the republic -communist party/workers looked to stalin's russia -popular front formed in order to solve the issues of the depression (trying to take political action even if it is unsuccessful)(communists/socialists/radicals against the fascists) -40 hour work week, paid vacation, and union movement but sabotaged by the fascits/consrvatives -weakness allows hitler to take power

What is the concert of europe?

-efforts of the great powers (the big 5) to resolve international conflicts with diplomacy (and mostly to have conservative countries meet up in order to stop liberalism) AKA the congress system -attempting to do things peacefully and trying to be more diplomatic -began at the congress of vienna and will continue into the 19th century to stop international crisis through conferences and balance-of-power diplomacy -holy alliance (russia,prussia, and austria) -quadrupal alliance (russia,austria, prussia, and britain) -quintuple with france (increase in international alliances (holy alliance and then the big 5) who work together to stop war)

Who is king william I?

-elected king in 1861 of prussia -wants to build up the army and make it bigger -parliment at this time currently controls the money and so he goes to them asking for some in order to build an army but they refuse (they wish to have constitutionalism and soverignty- more power to parliment and giving the king a larger army would be allowing a more absolute state in which the king would gain more power) -due to their refusal william goes behind parliments back and asks bismarck to head a new ministry that will increase the power of the military

What is the reform bill of 1832?

-election occurs in 1830 in which the whigs win the majority and choose the prime minister Earl Grey -redistributes the districts (located where more people livve), number of voters increases from 8% to 12% (more people can vote and responding to the demands of the people)

What is mercantilism?

-encouraged countries to be more independent and create work for themselves- promoting hard work for countries that maybe didn't have this view before -religious tolerance helped improve the economy so it was a method used by more and more countries such as Prussia -allowed for a better management of finances and watching out for how much you spend in order to make more then you spend (mercantilism was an economic system that flourished during this time because it allowed for countries to trade more but make more money as well)

What is the armistice?

-ended world war I (november 11 at 11:11) -russia quit the war during the treaty of brest-litovisk under lenin (russia lost 1/3 of population)= germany feels good -america entered the war and had fresh troops so they helped the allies win -british blockaded germany and therefore it lead to famine- asked them to surrender or starve -german revolution of 1918 as the keiser flees and Weimer Republic is formed (revisionist, german nationalists, end the war the day they take power) -they create a democracy and end the war (harsh peace on germany will only lead to the planting of the seeds for wwii)

What is logical empiricism?

-england and the us -rejected the concerns of past philosophers (existence of god, happiness <nonsense) -only meaning in things that can be proved -if you have a thought you have to put it into words and explain it (clarify thoughts with language) (the war caused people to move away from past questions of physiology) ludwig wittgenstein- essay on logical philosophy- beliefs of past philosophers are just beliefs bc they cant be proved with science or math

Who is Jethro Tull?

-english innovater -used empirical research in order to improve agricultural methods 1.horses instead of oxen 2.using drilling equipment for seeds instead of just hands 3.selective breeding in order to get the best traits for animals (making it easier to plow and lay out seeds therefore getting more crops and increasing productivity- allowed for England to become more advanced in terms of farming)

Who is ricardo?

-english stockbroker and economist -iron law of wages stated that due to the pressures of population growth, individuals wages would always sink to subsistence level or just enough to keep you from starving (although wrong it shows how at the time the population and economic were racing neck and neck and caused people to want to stop the growth for the good of the people- shows conflict with industrialization)

Who is thomas Maltus?

-essay on the principal of population in order to argue that population woud always grow faster than the food supply (too many people with not enough food to support them and give them energy) -malthus's idea of warding off positive checks such as war, famine, and diseases was prudential restraint or abstinence (people not having children so that the population would not increae) -but people would continue to marry and have children (represented how the revolution caused people to evaluate if they had enough in life. because of the industrial revoltuion people didnt have to wait for money and could get married and spread their family earlier)

Who was Frederick William?

-established Prussian absolutism and allows for them to gain power. -believed the army was the most important institution within the state (hence the soldiers king) -had a very strong army (BLUE BOYS) but he never went to war (show of strength but still developing a permanent standing army which helps in the future) -king and the state were dependent upon the army -Junkers/nobility were enlisted into the army (controlling competing groups by forcing them to go to war) -built a society that was highly rigid along with a bureaucracy based of off honesty and that was conscientious

How did Lenin rule russia?

-established basic outline for totalitarianism in russia -civil war won but country in economic chaos (farms in ruin, food supplies exhausted, famine, people starving, industrial production broke down) -had to change course due to economic issues, peasant/worker riots, and a sailor rebellion -New Economic Policy- allowed limited economic freedom to rebuild agriculture (peasant producers could sell in markets)(allowing for some capitalism) -political/economic success- temporary compromise to gain rights of peasents, rapid economic recovery, and the peasents gained working rights -died and left no successor (sruggle for power began as a result of death- stalin v trotsky)

What was the holy office? Main people involved?

-established by Pope Paul III and had jurisdiction over the roman inquisition. -6 cardinals with judicial authority over all Catholics with power to arrest, imprison, and execute based on just hearsay evidence (not always concrete) -within the papal states it effectively destroyed heresy because of the violence it used and the public killings (shows just how far the Catholics went during the Counter reformation in order to ensure people would stay or come back) involved- Cardinal Caraffa who was a catholic fanatic and ran the holy office. okay with brutally murdering protestants (counter reformation)

Who is rudyard kipling?

-europeans wanted to civilize primitive nonwhite colonies and believed that they could reach benefits of economics, cities, medicines -influential british writer who believed imperialism is an unselfish service to distant and primitive lands -WHITE MANS BURDEN- believing ones civilization was greatly superior and that because of this they could bestow their knowledge onto the less advanced -social darwinism- belief that some countries were just naturally selected to be better (they think they were just chosen to be more capable) (showing more social Darwinism and how because countries believed they were so capable- they continued to expand and conquer more and more people)

Who is Trotsky?

-executed bolskevik seizure of power -within the petrograd soviet he was the leader of a special military revolutionary committee (military power now in bolskevik hands) -reduced oppisiton to the coup by taking power in the name of the more popular petrograd soviets (more support and therefore the people wouldn't oppose them when they took power) (leading to the november revolution in which he seizes power)

What is post-impressionism/expressionism?

-expressing internal feelings and ideas (moving away from strict realism and painting what they felt) -emotional intensity -wanted to depict worlds different from our own -showing the world in a new perspective (what the viewer see's and believes) (more focused on what the individual sees but still showing quick strokes and an impression of that world) -van gogh- starry night -munch- the scream -van gogh- red vineyards

What was the reform bill of 1867?

-extending the vote to all middle class males (making the middle class EXTREMLY happy and somewhat improving the lives of the people) -effect= forced liberal and conservative parties against each other (their conflict lead to greater reform and became a normal part of parlimentary life/kept each group in check)

What is fascism?

-extreme nationalism -anti socialism meant to destroy the working class (YES private property) -alliance with the middle class/economic elites (business individuals would ally with him because they feared a bolshevik revolution) - glorify war/military -expansionist policy -italy and germany (focusing on taking rights away from the workers)

What is the great depression?

-extremly prolonged and intense economic depression -shattered optimism of leaders and the people -mass unemployment and failing farms- insecurity -people were desperate and as a result looked to more radical leaders -lead to a decline in production, collapse in world prices, and a crisis of production (showing how post war even after there was some recovery there was also great conflict on the form of economic issues) (extremly hurt germany- why hitler was able to take power)

What is the beer hall putsch?

-failed german revolution of 1923 -occured after the wiemar republic gave into the occupation of the ruhr valley and accepted reparations- hitler trying to prove that the government is weak and this only supports his claim -hitler is then imprisioned for 5 years (serving only 9) -ludenforf (general) who worked with the nationalists got to go free -failed revolution will cause hitler to use legal means to gain power (proving hitler's point that the government is weak) (when the people see the inaction hitlers government seems more appealing)

What is conservatism?

-far right -believe in tradition -the proper state consists of a monarch,aristocracy, and respectful commoners (know their place in society) -believe in the seperation of classes -liberals/the middle class were evil troublemakers who caused chaos and war (new ideologies based upon stopping the spread of liberal ideals)

Who is Edwin Chadwick?

-father of the pubic health movement -believed disease/death caused poverty and that it could be prevented if you cleaned up the environment (sanitary idea) -discovered that cholera was a disease passed through the water supply (why he wanted better drainage and water systems)(showed that it wasnt passed through the air as others believed) -helps create the national health board in england (helping to improve the conditions within the cities by improving sanitation)

Who was laura cereta?

-female humanist and literary writer -believed that womens positions were their own fault. had to take a stand if you wanted change -happy when husband died because she got to be educated

Who is Germaine de Stael?

-franco swiss writer living in exile and individual who urged the french to throw away their worn out classical models -in On Germany she talked about the supremacy and spontaneity of German writers and thinkers which had a powerful impact on french individuals post 1815 -encouraged individuals to embrace experminentation, emotion, and enthusiasm -CREATIVITY AND FULFILLMENT (women capable of writing in terms of the romantic ideals)

What is the luftwaffe?

-german air force -represents the use of new technology (planes) -sought to gain control of the air to take over britain -1,000 german planes during the battle of britain attacked airfields and key factories (ineffective so he used bombings which was also ineffective) -britain pulls it together (failiure will lead to the occupation of russia)

What occured in 1873 under bismarck?

-financial crisis in which agricultural europe struggled greatly (railroads/new shipping allowed for industrialized nations to be able to deal with the crisis but some could not) -western/southern germany- european peasents couldn't compete with cereal production of competitors -groups lobying energetically- european peasents (they couldnt compete and were effected greatly- many were part of the catholic center party <because so many of their supporters were struggling they fought to increase tarifs>), protestant junkers (competitive pressures caused them to want more tariffs), and iron/steel magnates -bismarck was happy to create a protective traiff in 1879 which allowed him to gain the suppport of the center party of the Catholics and prussian landowners (utilizing the economy as a method to gain support from the people and to appease them- issues in the economy causing government action and change- government getting more involved in the economy in order to improve the nation state) -making the middle class magnates very happy (representing a widespread return to protectionism- responding to the economic problem in order to gain the loyalty of their people but these new tarifs would eventually lead to tensions between nations)

What is the effect of napolean?

-first great revolt against napoleanic rule began in 1808 (peninsular wars) -coalition of Catholics, monarchists, and patriots rebelled against napoleans attempts to make Spain a french satellite with a bonaparte as the king -toussant loventure- fighting for the independence of haiti (shows how there was clear resistance to napoleans ruling and the fighting only weakened napoleans army which lead to his downfall against the fourth coalition)(revolutionary ideas he promoted hurt him)

What were Gladstones actions in terms of building the nation state?

-first liberal administration resposibile for many reforms -take exams to be in civil service positions rather than just being given them due to where you stand in society, secret ballot for voting, abolished the practice of purchasing military commissions, and created the education act -eliminating abuses/helping promote fair competition- sought to strengthen the nation and its institutions (reforms aimed at helping the individual and ensuring they have a fair say and rights)

How did the motion picture change as a result of WWI?

-first movie houses were in los angeles (us) -attracted large audiences so movie factories were created to make short films -charlie chaplin- the great dictator (mocking hitler) and the little tramp -mack sennett- keystone studios- keystone kops were incompetent police men who only made the conflicts of stories more complicated -leni reifenstahl- the triumph of will was used as propaganda and showed a nuremberg rally of the nazi party (people sought escape as a result of the war andmovies gave that to them) mack sennett- keystone studios- keystone kops were incompetent police men who only made the conflicts of stories more complicated

Who is William Harvey?

-first person to correctly describe the bloods circulation in the body -arteries and veins form a complete circuit which starts at the heart and leads back there -helped improve peoples understanding of the human body

What is trench warfare?

-first used in the scheffield plan after germany invaded france (used by germany because they didnt want to lose ground) -new technology lead to the generation of 10 times the firepower so trenches allowed for them to stay out of enemy fire -lead to decimation of young lives (horribly terrible) (shows how the world war was truly violent because they sat there and shot guns at one another)

Who was Montesquie?

-followed the approach of hiding his enlightened ideas within books/plays so they wouldn't be banned -Persian Letters- which was a social satire and was a series of letters written by a Persian traveler who saw European customs in a strange way (therefore Montesquieu was able to criticize the customs and beliefs of countries within Europe) -Spirit of Laws- believed in a SEPARATION OF POWER between a variety of classes (believed in a strong upper class because it stopped abuse of power) and legal estates. within the government there should be a checks and balances system (3 branches)- judicial, executive, and legislative (observed England's parliament) (causing people to question how they judge other religions and how well their government works) (books impacting people and showing them new ideas and beliefs)

What is existentialism?

-france and germany -pessimistic -many were atheists (didn't believe that a supreme being gave life its meaning) -individuals can only find the meaning of life through action (define yourself through your actions)(can overcome absurdity of life through action) -the future is terrible, life has no meaning, life is what it is (valery and nietzche) (after the war people were more willing to look for answers where ever they could find them)

What is the Algericas Conference?

-france was willing to accept british rule in egypt in return for their support of french plans to dominate morocco (anglo-french entente) -because germany was not invited (as they always are) wilhelm freks ot and calls the conference to talk over morocco -only brings britain, france, and russia closer together LEADS TO TRIPLE ENTENTE -britain will be friends of russia and france but they will not commit their army

How was the constitutional monarchy/national convention of the french revolution able to fight against foreign enemies?

-france will declare war on both austria and prussia and nationalism ignites as voluenteer armies grow -declare war on britain,holland, and spain -universal mobilization/levee en mass as people are encouraged to join the army and total war methods are utlized to produce goods -patriotism and everyone being apart of the goal to help the nation and France win -people then call for a republic with universal male suffurage (creation of the national convention) (fighting the entirety of Europe in order to uphold the ideals of the revolution- beginning in the national assembly and continuing into the national convention) (economy will be effected drastically)

What were the failures of Napolean III?

-franco prussian war- defeated and he is forced to flee (loses alsace and lorraine) (war with italy) -sardinia peadmont fought against austria in order to gain venetia and lombardy from them (in order to create a unified italy) -at first napolean helps them but once they win he backstabs cavour and teams up with austria -doesn't want a powerful neijhbor and signs the peace of villa franca which gives great power to austria mexico)1861- napolean attempts to take over mexico and he sends troops there in order to conquer them -maximillian hapsburg is made the emperor of mexico -the mexicans revolt due to the fact that they wish to be independent again and dont want to be under france's control (big faliure) -napolean again abandones his ally (max) and his attempt to exapnd had failed

What is the 7 years war?

-franco-british competition- french and indian war in which for 2 years it is fought in the colonies and Britain begins to lose a lot -Britain contacts Prussia for help and France remains allied with Austria and Russia -Frederick of Prussia orders his army to line up along the french border and wait- in fear of being attacked large amounts of french soldiers are called back (leaving fewer in north america and giving england an advantage over them) -the british army (noe superior) lays siege to quebec and defeats France -treaty of Paris ends the war and Britain gets all of Canada (including Quebec) which is extremely fertile and has a lot of resources, they also get dibs on India (France had to remove its trade ports) (cotton- very profitable) (fought to end the conflict of who would win dominance in the atlantic and you see that england does and gets more economic strength because of it- the reasoning behind the war)(mercantilism)

How was Romantisism shown through music?

-free expression, emotional intensity, crashing sounds that evoked passion, eventful -beethoven- produced dramatic conflicts and went against classical forms as a composer -5th symphony -causes extreme emotions -even when he became deaf he continued to pour out his music (romantisism bleeding into the culture of society and shows expression through music)

Who was Rousseau?

-french -loved athens/the greek city states (supported democracy) -paranoid and believed philosophers were plotting against him -attacked rationalism and civilization in order to protect individual freedom. believed civilization ruined the goodness and unspoiled nature of children----> influenced the romantic, child psychology, and modern education -The Social Contract- general will= the common interests of all people who have displaced monarch as the holder of sovereign power. (not always the majority though) -individuals have to give up their rights in order to have rights/ give up your individual rights for the rights of many (different from the beliefs of other philosophes) -emile- children book written by Rosseau. idea of separate spheres that boys and girls should both be educated but serparatly in terms of the topics (women= sewing, cooking etc.) (men= military) -love and embrace your children, no infanticide (killing them because you don't have enough money to feed them), foundling homes are reasonable because they give a home for lost children, wealthy woman should breastfeed in order to created a better bond with their children (shows an age wanting to protect their children and not treating them so badly anymore)

Who is Louis Pasteur?

-french chemist who discovered pasteurization and the germ theory -discovered that microorganisms are whats causing disease (spread by them not filth- going against the miasmatic theory <belief that disease comes fromodor and decay> -pasteurization- suppressed the activity of living organisms by heating it (killing the germs that cause disease and allowing for individuals to create vaccines against them- less death) (successfully connected germs and vaccines and therefore caused german doctors to identify the organisms responsible for countless diseases- development of vaccines)

Who is Jean Paul Sartre?

-french existentialist wrote Existentialism is a Humanism -human beings simply exist -human beings are terribly alone and suffer despair and the meaninglessness of life (shows the shattering of beliefs in god, reason, and progress)

Who was Marquis de Condorcet?

-french mathematician and historian of science -"society of the friends of blacks" was his group and he created "Evils of Slavery" -believed people were brothers, slavery wouldn't hurt the country economically or politically, and that slavery was a larger crime than death -PROMOTED equality among individuals no matter their differences (ANTI-SLAVERY), and he began to educate slaves to prove that they are just as intelligent as a white man (telling people that slavery is wrong and we should treat others with equality)

What are the revolutions that occurred in 1830 in France?

-from 1815 (end of napolean) to 1830 it is the restoration of the bourbon dynasty through Louis 18th and charles the 10th -LOUIS 18th- created the constitutional charter(constitutional monarchy and some revolutionary changes), social and economic gains for the middle class)(the upper middle class are very happy under his rule because they can now vote) -CHARLES X- wishes to return to the old regime (conservative) 1.in order to increase nationalism he begins a war with algeria in order to expand borders and make the people happier (rebirth of colonial expansion) 2.got rid of the constitutional charter- stripping middle class of voting rights, censored press, and enrages the liberals and middle class (leading to the revolution) -The July Revolution(1830)- 3 days in july in which yhr artisans and trades people of paris rise up and overthrow the government -due to the revolution charles X abdicates and the upper middle class proclaims Louis Philippe as King Louis Philippe- bourgeoise king, not as conservative (more nationalistic),better to the people BUT he will eventually be overthrown in the revolution of 1848 (this revolution puts louis in power but his bad reforms will lead to another revolution in the 1840's).

How was Japan previously arranged before america came?

-fuedal society based upon the nobility -although there was a figurehead emperor the real power was in the hands of the military governer known as the Shogun and his warrior nobility known as the samuri -these two groups ran a country of hard-working, productive peasents and city dwellers -the samurai were humiliated by the american intrusion and unequal treaties forcing them to open up trade (leading them to revolt during the meiji restoration) (violence was used to force countries to trade with them- america did whatever was necessary but only further angered the people

How was italy united?

-garibaldi and victor emmanual shake hands to show the unification of monarch and nation state -parlimentary monarchy under victor emmanual -although there was political unity: only a small sum of people could vote, propertied classes were divided by the common people, the north was industrializing as the south remained agrarian-- PROFOUND DIVISIONS -UNIFIED ONLY ON PAPER (although they were united under conservative power and together under one leader there was still issues in stability)

Who are the red shirts?

-garibaldi wished to liberate the kingdom of two sisiles from austrian control and (to use him) cavour supported his plan (wanted to unify from the south) -guerilla band of soliders were called the red shirts and they won battles, captured the peasentry who became voluenteers, and took Palermo -they prepared to attack rome but cavour stopped them -met in the middle -garibaldi did NOT oppose him and the south voted to join Sardinia (didn't come to war when they met in the middle) -union of the north and the south (popular nationalism was turned into a conservative direction as italy was finally unified?

What is the recihstag?

-german empire was a union of prussia and 24 smaller states -strong national government with bismarck (foreign minister), and a house elected through universal male suffurage- REICHSTAG (the people have a say in the government)(given even before britain) -representing how the voters are choosing canidates and having a greater say in the government (realpolitik because he allows for some rights)

Who is Friedrich List?

-german journalist and thinker who reflected the greater role of the government on the continent than in england (government should help sponser railroads and building) -to promote industry is to defend the nation (industry= stronger) -believed in high protective tariffs to help encourage infant industries and allow them to develop against bigger foreign competitors -believed in ECONOMIC NATIONALISM- the idea that countries should protect and foster their own businesses by imposing high protective tariffs on imported goods as well as eliminating tariffs within the country. (following a mercantilism policy for the state and what occurred in germany in terms of the zollverein- shows how continental europe was more open to tariffs and shutting out trade from other countries) (growing nationalism)

Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?

-german philosopher who challeneged belief in reason/logic -society focused too much on what was rational -painted a dark world and the only hope was to accept the meaninglessness of human life (existentialist) (growing hatred for established ideas and inspiring German radicals) -the gay science- god is dead and you need to find your own morality -birth of tragedy- society focuses too much on a theoretical man- ever since greco roman times -will to power- need to use violence/war to stop democracy/the herd mentality- overman will lead the people to success

How is the tension between britain and germany seen?

-germany expands their naval fleet (making britain very upset due to their power in the sea) -world market (economic competition as both race to imperialize) -public statements (of wilheim and how he foolishly points out their failures) -anti-british feelings (showing how some of the two most powerful countries are failing to remain diplomatic as each is gaining power. although britiain is neutral now will lead to them joining the triple entente)

How is Bismarck related to Imperialism?

-germany will begin to imperialize under him -reluctant at first until domestic pressures force him to imperialize -quickly gaining land especially in africa in terms of togo,camarones, southwest africa, and east africa -supported the french against britain as they tried to expand in the ever increasing british africa (more tension) (ability to gain land shows their growing strength and power) (more conflict will arise with britain as a result of their expansion because as britain dominates this colonization they see germany as an increasing enemy)

What is impressionism?

-gives an impression of the given scene -wanted to accurately record what was going on through new colors and small strokes -painting moments in time (outside) and showing that light isnt always constant -short choppy brushstrokes -utilizing color to represent visual sensations (showing how realism was still at large and also how the creation of the camera (photographs) and science (new paints) influenced culture and lead to greater advancements) -MONET= impression sunrise (quick strokes) -toulosse- at the moulin rogue -portrait of madame cezanne by cezanne

Who is Leopold II?

-goes out and colonized central africa as the belgian congo -utilizes inhumane and terrible actins against the african natives -he wants rubber and ivory (profit)(can be used as resources and because of the high demand he is able to sell them) -Leopoldian system- violence and brutality against the people including- cutting of their hands, raping women if their husband didn't meet a quota, and making you eat the organs of your family (insanity and showing how much control he had over the people because he kept them in constant fear) as well as picking people to have priveledges (kill or be killed) (shows the violence used at this time and how africa is so greatly controlled by european nations)

Who is Ismail?

-grandson of Muhammad Ali who was the khedive (prince) of Egypt -continued modernization and westernization of father -turkish made the official language, egyptians educated in europe spread new skills -main issue was that his projects were enormously expensive and he didnt know how to pay for them (resulting in the governments of european powers getting involved and leading to more control over egypt) -westernization of cairo (boulevards and hotels) -irrigation networks for cotton- huge industry -gave support for the creation of the suez canal (helped increase trade among nations)

How is poland related to the enlightenment?

-greatest coup was the partition of poland -poland had failed to reach an absolutist government because all decisions had to be made unanimously within the noble run diet -Catherine's army scored great victories over the Turks and caused a disturbance to the balance of power causing Frederick of prussia to bring forward a deal -proposed that turkey be let of easily and that prussia, austria, and russia can all compensate by gaining a part of poland -three partititions wiped poland off the map -catherine gaining more power and frederick still able to keep some power (showed how rulers were able to expand their land even while they followed enlightenment ideas)

Who was aristotle?

-greek philosopher -geocentric theory- earth was the center of the universe and everything was around it and perfect. -his ideas were accepted because they followed christian doctrine (people believed that because it fit with the bible it had to be true) (shows how people believed religion and science go hand in hand when that's not always the case

What is communist dictatorships?

-grew out of marxian socialism/communism -seized all property for the state and crushed middle class (totalitarianism to the left)(no private property) -state plans and controls the economy (going against the ideas of communism in terms of helping the people and only doing so in order to gain individual power)(stressing governments involvement in the economy)

How was child rearing different in the 19th century?

-growing love and concern for not only young infants but for older children and adolescents (more emotional ties and developing better relationships) -education act of 1870 (more to children) -breast feed more and a lower birth rate in order to focus more on current child (illegitimacy explosion is reversed) -regulation of behavior (mother- warm and comforting but father- have to earn love and respect) -because of such great control many of the children so easily left and lived where they paid for rent (very based on rosseuas belief that you have to love your children more)

Who is Karl Marx?

-hates the bourgeoisie/the upper middle class (takes away freedom and treats the lower classes terribly) -believed that history was based upon class struggles (always the poor vs the rich)(rome and middle ages) -the nobles opressed the middle class who then overthrew them but now the middle class opresses the working class (their turn to overthrow them) (bourgeoise vs the proletariat) -believed the workers had to unite and rise up to overthrow the bourgeoise (violently) in order to take over -once they took over there would be just one class which would be overlookedby the Dictatorship of the Proleteriat who would temporarily rule over society and then willingly step down once society had sorted itself out (only issue is that the group never steps down) -communists are the educated proletariats -wrote the "Communist Manifesto" in 1848 with Friedrich Engels communism- all property is publicly owned (community not private) and each person works and is paid due to their ability and needs (WEALTH IS DIVIDED EQUALLY) (shows the very far spectrum of liberalism in which the people have to overthrow their enemies violently)

Who is Bismarck?

-he created speeches that promoted nationalism (unifying individuals under one nation state) -had the prussian bureacracy collect taxes in order to fund the army even though parliment refused it (they go and discuss in order to decide what their next action will be). -"blood and iron"- war/nationalism (unifying and coming together as well as violence) and iron representing how you have to increase the industry and military. fight in order to unify the people (this is the answer to unification not speeches from parliment/democracy- need ACTION) -"might makes right"- utilizing force and violence if necessary is alright and justified. representing that the conservatives have the power and they will do as they please and crush the enemies threatening to get in their way (authoritarian individual, doesnt want democracy) -in 1862 he is appointed the foreign minister of prussia by william I -extremely pro monarchy and very conservative. he believes in firm authority, a unified nation state, and he wants prussia to unify the german states -driving force in foreign policy is taking power away from austria (hates them) -in order to gain this power prussia has to- improve their industry, and build up their army (because of the conflict with parliament and the opposition bismarck knows that he needs a foreign success)

Who was Rene Descartes?

-he was a skeptic (questioned the way things worked and why) -deductive reasoning meaning using logic and your own mind in order to reason through if something is right or not (if something just doesn't sound right then its not) -made up the other half of the modern scientific method which helped people figure out the world and human nature -believed that the world was split up into two parts 1. mind (things that still exist but you cant see them) 2.matter (what you could physically see and reason through) -1/2 modern scientific method

How is Charles V connected to Luther?

-he was the one who declared Luther an outlaw but when Luther was kidnapped, although Charles knew where he was, he had to focus on other territories (hapsburg-valois wars) -inherited land from father (hapsburg) and mother (spanish) but he wasn't a good ruler because he put Hapsburg needs before others such as the reform in Germany -HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR- the secular ruler of the catholic church

Who is john maynard keynes?

-healthy prosperous germany was essential to the british economy -"Economic Consequences of The Peace"- denounced the treaty of versailles- harsh reparations/ measures would only impovish germany and increase hardships across the continent -stirred guilt feelings among the people (showing how people didnt believe in the TOV and that even non-german's saw it as too strict)

What are Napolean III and Haussmann responsible for?

-help improve France through urban planning -sought to stand above class conflict in order to improve the welfare of all subjects though government action (rebuilding Paris) -haussmann named the authoritarian planner in charge of Paris and helped improve conditions of the city -new streets/boulevards (more transportation- electric street car), expanding the city, better housing, parks, and clean water (helping improve the conditions of the city) (urbanization) in order to ensure the welfare of citizens) (by doing this you will make the people happy because they are living in better conditions)

Who are Emile and Isaac pereire?

-helped create the corporate bank known as the credit mobiler in Paris -worked with governments to establish railroads -advertised extensively and used the savings of small investors and resources of big ones (continental europe had greater government involvement in order to move forward and reach the same industrialization of Britain)

Who is Marie Curie?

-helped show that atoms consisted of smaller fast moving particles -radium emits subatomic particles and therefore it doesn't have a constant atomic weight (confusing more people- showing that even more is part of the world they knew)

Who ruled in England during the renaissance?

-henry VII -part of the tudor monarchy in England and threw his methods he allowed for greater peace -wool trade/ cloth industry (promoting the economy) -advice came from the royal council (middle class) and through less wars and more diplomatic means they were able to rely on parliment less for money which gave nobles less power (middle class also loyal because they were gievn titles) -aristocrats were tortured in the start chambers -no army/civic service but the justices of the peace were landowners who worked as the local government and police to defeat enemies -war of the roses- civil wars due to the fact that individuals didnt have heirs (leading to henry wanting to divorce his wife and leading to the supremacy act) -peace with scotland through marriage

How was the working class divided at this time?

-highly skilled (labor aristocracy- construction bosses, factory foremen, cabinet makers, jewelers etc.) in order to keep their standing they were very based on family and economic improvement. saved money, worried about children's education, and valued good housing. saw themselves as the leaders of the working class (firm moral code) -semiskilled (workers in established crafts- carpenters, brick layers, pipe fitters) -unskilled (day laborers and every kind of helper, domestic servants, woman working in clothing/textile industry) CULTURE- social drinking rather than problem drinking, modern spectator sports (racing and soccer), music halls/theatres, greater decline in religiousness) (MUCH MORE DIVIDED THAN THE MIDDLE CLASS) deserving poor- those who were poor through no fault of their own (illness, old age) undeserving poor- laziness,drunkenness, gambling (showing how the social groups at this time were very un-unified)

What occurred in the us as a result of the depression?

-hit the hardest but when it first came (crash of the stock market) the president reacted with optimism and limited government action -New Deal- wished to reform capitalism by using forceful government intervention to improve the economy (similar to total war during WWI)FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT -leave gold standard and move to american dollar -agricultural adjustment act- rasied farm income by limiting production -WPA aimed at giving work to individuals through constructing buildings, bridges, and highways (government providing jobs) -national social security (pensions, un employment benefits) -national labor relations act- allowing for unions to use collective barganing (political response of strict and more intense government involvement- hurting the people due to intense unemployment)

What is the enabling act?

-hitler has absolute power -gets rid of the Weimar Republic and creates the 3rd Erich -begins doing everything he says in mein kampf (shows how he was legally able to gain power)

What is the burning of the Reichstag?

-hitler wants elections to give the nazis majority -sets the Reichstag on fire (manipulation and trickery) in order to push support -blames the communist (all against them) -forces hindenburg (pres) to sign the emergency acts- limiting the free speech and personal liberties of the people (Uniting the people against a common enemy) (As a result he will gain more power through the acts and the enabling act)

What is the Congress of Berlin?

-hosted by germany and was a meeting that reorganized the balkans -bismarck calls a congress in order to keep the peace between the nations and invites austria-hungary, great-britain, and ottoman empire 1.bulgaria loses land (therefore russia loses land and access to the mediterranean sea- increase in tensions because of what is taken from them) 2. cyprus is given to britain (where they place naval ships and their navy to ensure that the ottoman empire will not try to conquer) 3. bosnia herzogovina is given to austria hungary (protectorate) (representing the power germany has at this time <large diplomatic relations> and this will lead to greater nationalism because countries want slavism and to not be united under these nations) (growing tensions in the balkans due to nationalism and more hatred from russia who lost as a result of the conference)

Define civic humanism

-humanism and the belief that people have the potential to be great politically (or states have the potential to be great) -competition in whos the best

Who was mirandola?

-humanist -On the Dignity of Man -man had the potential to grow and there is no limit to what man can achieve -man was made in the image of god (belief that humans had potential)

Who is Lorenzo Valla?

-humanist -on pleasure/on the false donation of constantine -historical critisism (challenged the power of the papacy/church)

What is nationalism?

-immediate origins in the french revolution and the napoleanic wars -national ideal that each people had their own genius an cultural unity through language, history, and territory -nationalists sought to make the territory of each people coincide with boundaries for an independent nation state (independent nations based upon their nationality) -the benefits of self government would only be reached if the people were united by common traditions (increase in nationalism lead to greater revolutions and liberal ideals of creating ones own state)

Who was Voltaire?

-imprisoned in the beginning of his life, was beaten and arrested (struggling against legal injustice and unequal treatment) -moved to England and became a fan of their institutions -bourgeoisie (middle class) -reformer in political matters and began a long correspondence with Frederick the great (even invited to his court) who Voltaire believed to be an enlightened monarch -believed in equality and english ways of constitutionalism -A Plea for Tolerance and Reason (toleration) -without toleration there is prosecution, equality, no slavery, anti-superstition (no backing or proof), anti-fanaticism, doesnt believe in organized religon -PROMOTED- religious toleration (jews, siamise, and turks), equality, freedom of speech, and deism (saying how its better to allow all people to study religion the way they want to)

What happened geographically that allowed for the renaissance to occur?

-in 1453 the turks seized Constantinople (area by greece) by using cannons and were willing to let the renaissance thinkers come and look around in order to gain knowledge of the ancient world

How is Napoleon related to the British?

-in 1810 they were the only major power that was still at war with him (they had a powerful navy and therefore napolean couldnt invade them) -continental system (attempt to weaken them that backfired) - Britain had a much more powerful navy and was easily able to defeat him -battle of trafalgar- Napoleon attempts to invade Britain but lord Nelson annialates him (ending napoleans hopes of invading britain- too powerful in the sea) (Failure is going to lead Napoleon to wish to expand to Russia and invade them)

Who is George Stephenson?

-in 1816 a rail (reduced friction and allowed for you to carry a heavier load) capable of supporting heavy locomotive was developed- experiments used to bring steam engines onto the rail -in 1825 he built an effective locomotive -1830 the rocket sped down liverpool and manchester railway and within 20 years the main trunk lines of great Britain were created -significance- reduced the cost of shipping on land, markets were able to become larger and nationwide, larger factories with more sophisticated machinery in order to accommodate to the large markets (make goods more cheaply) and revealed the power and speed of that timeperiod (with the railroad first developed in england you see how they were able to ship more goods to a larger market at a cheaper price- insutrialized)

What is the russo-tukish war?

-in 1876 bulgaria (slavic people) revolt against turkish rule and the ottoman turks slaughter the people causing serbia, montenegro, and bulgaria to declare war upon the ottoman empire -russia supports them because they want to protect the slavic people and they want to extend their power (win the loyalty of the slavs so that they can unite them under russia) -russia wins -Treaty of San Stefano- serbia and montenegro are now independent, bulgaria gains access to the medditerranean sea from the ottoman empire (land is expanded), russia is the protectorate of bulgaria (meaning they now have access to the mediterannean sea) (increased power for russia makes countries such as the ottoman empire (lost land), austria hungary, and europe scared and leads to a call for balance of power as they dont want russia gaining this much strength) (lead to the congress of berlin)

What is the Russo-Japanese war?

-in order to become more modernized russia needed greater territorial expansion (age of imperialism) -already had a sphere of influence in china and wished to expand to north korea- the japanese diplomatically protested but they were ignored and so they launched a suprise attack -occurring due to rivalry with japan over korea and manchuria (in china)(imperialistic nations fighting against one another for power) -japan scored repeated victories (surprising the europeans) and russians had to accept defeat (large humiliation <being beaten by a basic nobody- made them appear weak> and military disaster lead to political upheaval within the nation- one contributing factor in rev of 1905)

What was christian humanism?

-in the northern renaissance christian humanism existed meaning the renaissance as a whole was more focused on god than it was in the northern renaissance -involves christian ethics with humanist principles

What was the illegitimacy explosion?

-increase in the amount of babies not born from married individuals -in places such as France the amount of children being born out of wedlock increased by 36% why- the cottage industry gave people more opportunities for money (not marrying just for economic reasons but rather love), with more opportunities people would have to leave and go to towns so they could stay with the woman they impregnated (were no longer tied to the land- more mobile), less community controls -more babies means a growth in population

What is occuring within Serbia before WWI?

-increased balkan nationalism and balkans are seen as a "powder keg" because war is inevitabele -2 balkan wars in which russia helped the serbs but lost expand because- -russia (pan slavism) -austria hungary (land means power) -germany- (wished to create the Berlin Baghdad express or a railroad to show the greatness of germany and allow for them to dominate the land (as a result of this tension francis joseph sends his nephew (franz ferdinand) to sereyevo in Bosnia Herzgovina to calm things down)

What is the Dreyfus affair?

-increasing the tensions between the church and the state -Alfred Dreyfus is a jewish captain in the french army who was falsely accused and convicted of treason -family never doubted his innocence and seeked help from prominent republicans and novelists like emile zola -zola (realist) wrote about the injustices against Jewish community in J'Accuse in which he accused the french government for being anti-semetic and was eventually put on trial for the case (growing antisemitism lead to individuals to be more willing to speak out against the terrible things occurring to individuals at this time) -dreyfus eventually declared innocent -result- revived republican feeling against the catholic church (government severed all ties with the church) -salaries of priests no longer paid, churches given to communities of catholics, and catholic schools put on their own financially--- strengthening the state school system (showing how as a result they were able to go against the catholic church and severly weakened their enemies and helped support their own methods of nation building such as their state schools)

What is the textile industry?

-industry that has employed the largest amount of people -making of linen, woolen, and cotton cloth was the type of work that occurred in the putting-out industry -weaver= skilled -spinsters= 4 to 5 (inbalance because so many are required) -workers of the textile industry lived in small cottage with little space. Weaver's loom was the largest and the most important. Also had spinning wheels, tubs for dyeing cloth and washing raw wool, and carding pieces to comb and prepae the raw materials -whole family would work together and there would be the man working the loom, older daughters and mom as spinners, and the youngest would clean the cloth within the tubs -inventions- power loom (cartwright) and water frame (arkwright)

What is the berlin conference?

-international conference to discuss imperialism in africa -run by bismarck and germany (showing their power at the time) -leopold can rule over neutral congo (believed he was gaining too much power in the area so this stops him from having all of congo) -no single country can dominate africa -free trade amongst colonies -effective occupation -formalizing imperialism and increasing european claims in africa (showing that germany has power, europe dominates over the natives (no african countries were invited), and nations stop short of war with one another- they are not willing to go to war just based on imperialism)

What were the goals of marxists at this time?

-international proletarian unity and coming together in order to demand rights (international working men's association) -individual groups grew stronger and socialist leaders came together in order to form the second international (not necessarily international but it had great psycological impact) -every three years the delegates from different parties met to interpret doctrine and plan coordinated action -MAY DAY (may 1) was an annual international one day strike (marches/demonstrations) -permanent executive for the international was established (showing how the opression of the working class due to industrialization lead them to unify in order to work together to gain more rights and equality)

What was Napolean's invasion of russia?

-invades russia in 1812 (one of his hugest mistakes) -the russian army lurred them into their vast land (Alexander I) and let the cossacks (rebel armies), the harsh winter weather, and starvation tear apart their army (once they were called to retreat from moscow) -Alex uses scorched earth policy to burn his own villages so that the soldiers will starve to death during the harsh winters -loses large sum of army -after this faliure austria and prussia will desert napolean and join the fourth coalition with britain and russia (who will find napolean who fled to paris and force him to abdicate)

What is the mines act of 1842?

-investigations into the coal industry occurred -many women were subjected to sexual abuse and aggression. once they were ages 12 or 14 they had something to fear -prohibited underground work for all women as well as for boys under 10 -women who had to support themselves protested because of the higher wages they could've received but in general most women were satisfied with the law- they needed to be home to care for the children who's health and well being was declining without them (as well as the home) (shows how parliament and the government is again becoming more greatly involved due to the great exploitation that occurred at this time- greater sexual division in labor though because women were now not allowed to work down there)

What is the public health movement?

-movement in which individuals sought to remedy the high diseases and mortality rates that occured in cities -governments began to accept limited accountability for the health of all citizens -progress- better water supplies, sewage systems, garbage collection (helping city dwellers) (helping improve the terrible conditions of the urban cities in order to decrease the mortality rate)

What is the home rule bill?

-irish famile fueled an irish revolutionary movement and so the british government granted certain concessions to keep the people happy including taking power away from the anglican church and giving rights to peasents -although bills for home rule were presented in the past- they failed to pass and for 20 years it was quiet but when they supported the people's budget and helped out the liberals in parliment- they recieved a home rule bill for ireland in return (wouldn't be under the control of the british- nationalism growing at this time meaning ireland wanted to be their own nation state) -ulster didnt want to be apart of catholic ireland- compromise home rule bill

What was the English civil war?

-irish revolt against the cruelty of the English bit because Charles didn't have an army (parliament didn't give him one) he couldn't take action against them or the people involved in the Scottish revolt so he decided to take action against parliament -royalist side (KING, catholic and anglican) vs roundheads (parliament, puritans) -English civil war tested whether sovereignty in England was in the king or parliament- didn't resolve the problem but ended in 1649 with the beheading of king Charles for high treason

What is the Franco- Prussian war?

-issue in 1870 as spain needs a new monarch and prince leopold (a hohenzollern/prussian individual) was in the main running -this greatly scares Napolean III because if prussia were to gain a standing in spain then he would be sandwiched between them- as a result he sends a representative to king william demanding that he never unite spain (he agrees but thinks that its ridiculious and stupid) -william writes to bismarck explaining the insanity of Napolean--- bismarck (seeing his chance- because he knows that a war with france would drive the southern states to prussia) creates the Ems Telegram in which he pretends to be king william and states how he thinks napolean is stupid and he hates his nation -napolean plays the perfect role as he is so insulted that he declares war on prussia (southern states go to bismarck as a result) -due to their advanced military prussa wins, takes over paris, and napolean flees) -harsh peace from france- forced to pay a large sum and they take alsace and lorraine (because ⅓ of the population is german) and the french people view this as a terrible crime (never forget and they now HATE germany- RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES ARE POISONED and over the next few centuries there is constant battle between the land- also results in upheavel in paris as the paris commune is formed)

Who was Ceasare Beccaria?

-italian economist and criminologist -"On crimes and punishments" -everyone is innocent until proven guilty, torture is ineffective because people will say whatever in order to stop it, the death penalty is useless, and you should have punishment fit for the crime -PROMOTE people having rights and cleaning up the judicial system (cannot have completly ruthless laws and punishments- must be fair)

What was occuring in Italy post WWI?

-italy fought on the side of the allies exclusively for territorial expansion and they were denied it (orlando returned with nothing for the people) -italion nationalists, workers, and peasents- all felt cheated because they didnt get social/land reform or territory -socialists were gaining power -mussolini began as a socialist party leade- fought on the front and when he returned he organized war veterans -the socialists begin to seize land and property owners freak out (leading to mussolini to come to the rescue) (bitter from what they had lost in the war and because of this the people are so willing to follow mussolini

What is the revolution of 1848 in Italy?

-italy has great foreign dominance from other nations -Mazzini- activist for italian unification and wishes to unite italy -creates a short lived republic -french,austrian, and foreign allies come in and stop the revolution -failure in the end as italy will not be unified

Who is Virginia Woolf?

-jacobs room -made from a series of internal monologues -boy struggles due to the fact his mother is widowed (focus on psycology) (just one person and how people were dealing with the confusion by analyzing one person- less broad then in the past)

What is the sino-japanese war?

-japanese imperialism hurting Chinese movement of reform -gained korea and farmosa/taiwan (representing their growth in strength) -harsh peace treaty from japan represented china's helplessness in the face of aggression (leading to more countries getting involved in china but also the open door policy) -this lead more foreign countries to create protectorates and use force to gain land in china -similar to Africa it appeared they would divide china up among the countries -jealously of each nation towards one another saved them as well as the Americans open door policy -still there was more foreign involvement (showing how as they became weaker countries took advantage of them and used their superiority to take them out) (tensions between nations as they fought over china and as japan hurt china in general)

How is India related to imperialism?

-jewel of the british empire due to the amount of cotton they gained from it that promoted their textile industry -ruled absolutely by britain for a very long time -arrived in india in the 17th century and by 1848 the british east india company had conquered the last of the independent states (showing how they were motivated economically to imperialize and take over this country)

What is the assasination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand?

-july 28 1914 -francis joseph sends his nephew the arch duke and his wife to sereyevo in Herzegovina for a publicity tour and to show the presence of the government -the black hand wanted publicity for their cause to open people's eyes to the opression they faced and so they stationed assasians all around the city to kill the duke -GAVRILO PRINCIP- 19 year old serbian member of the black hand who spots the arch duke when he comes down the ally and first kills his son, then his wife, and then him (member of the black hand- wanted change) -austria hungary is furious because francis joseph's only heir is dead as well as his nephew's son. he blames the serbian government for not taking action and decides he needs to take action (as a result you have the blank check- shows how tensions have risen so much and that stability is failing)

How did the national assembly come to be?

-june 17th the third estate changes its name to the national assembly (bring more nationalism and get rid of the bad reputation associated with the 3rd estate) -june 20th the members of the 3rd estate are locked out of the meeting and are forced to convene in a tennis court THE TENNIS COURT OATH- the national assembly will not rest until they'd written a new constitution -members of the clergy and the 2nd estate join as a result of the oath (shows the beginnings of the group that will dominate the revolution within France)

Who is general kornilov?

-kornilov (commander in chief) lead an attack against the provisional government and due to the fact that kerensky needed an army to take them out he rearmed and redeemed the bolskeviks -as a result kerensky lost all credit with the army (killed their leader so they didn't trust him- wouldn't be loyal which was necessary in this time of war) (losing the army means that the bolskeviks will be able to take power because they will no longer fight to protect the government- allows for seisure of power)

What was the reasoning behind spains downfall?(7)

-lack of a strong middle class to boost economic development -spanish inbreeding -agriculture crisis which lead to food issues among the lower classes -intellectual isolation (getting left behind) -reduce in trade (england and dutch) -even though they had less gold they bought more and more and pretended like they could still live lavishly (bankruptcy) -inflation- high cost of production (overall the Spanish received glory and because they weren't Calvinist they didn't believe in hard work as much so they didn't work to continue that glory and just pretended they had it even after it was long gone)

Who was william cockerhill?

-lanchishire carpenter who with his family began building cotton spinning equipment in french-occupied belgium (went against law in britain that stated skilled individuals couldn't leave- wanted to stay ahead) -most famous son was john cockerhill who purchased a summer palace in liege and converted it into a factory which produced machinery, steam engines, and locomotives. established iron works and coal mines -plants were an industrial nerve center that gathered information and then transmitted it. skilled individuals from Britain came to work for him and brought latest plans and secrets (showing how British technicians were powerful individuals in the spread of industrialization to the continent)

What are great white walls?

-large amount of chinese, japanese, indians, and philipinos responded to poverty with migration -asians supplemeted blacks in the slave trade, field hands in cuba, mines -when individuals fled the gold mines to find more oppurtunity they were met with hostility from local populations -ameria/australia demanded a halt to asian migration by building great white walls or discriminatory laws designed to keep asians out -general policy of whites only and shows western dominance in a lopsided world (represnting how as more people moved there were greater amounts of racism as whites wished to keep superiority)

Whats the landless proletariat?

-large numbers of peasant farmers turn into landless (taken away by big business owners who have enclosed their land) rural wage earners (forced to work for the lords- estate agriculture and turning industry into a business) -individuals were completely dependent on cash wages from their work on the farms rather than being able to work on their own land (due to losing their land it lead to them having to look for new work in different industries such as the cottage industry)

What is the great rebellion?

-last traditional response to european rule seen in 1857 and 1858 called the great rebellion or the sepoy rebellion -muslim and hindu mercenaries lead an insurecttionin the british army that spread through central and northern india but was crushed by loyal troops from southern india -rebelled because the new military weapon yused required them to eat pig and cow fat (very against their culture and racist- opposed this) -as a result of the rebellion britain ruled india more directly (british india) -india would now be ruled by british parlient in london where 3,500 white officials would rule over the population and although they helped improve some of the conditions of the peasent masses- they practiced job discrimination and social segregation (although they were helping the people they still practiced great opression and didn't allow them much rights- more control around the world as britain was practically running the country)(didnt even care about their different religion)

What is mass consumerism?

-late 19th century there is a vast expansion of consumerism -consumerism- desire to purchase goods and services -mostly among the middle class individuals -clothing,china,furniture,drapery (buy all these things because they represent that you have more than enough money to spend and that you are wealthy <appealing to the middle class individual) -places where woman could meet and come together -creation of department stores such as bon Marche in Paris and Selfridge in england show that countries were able to create mass stores that catered to individuals and they could spend their money at

What was the effect of hitler on the lives of women?

-law for encouragement of marriage- newly married couples would recieve a loan of 9 months income that had to be paid back but the more children you had the larger amount of the loan that you wouldn't have to pay (4 children- entire loan paid) -motherhood cross award was given to women producing the most children - recieve gold(8), silver(6), and bronze (4)if you produced enough children -lebensborn- single women would get pregnant by racially pure SS men (then give them up for adoption) (Shows a difference with Stalin because in this case women encouraged to stay home)

What is the people's budget?

-law that was passed by the commons but vetoed by the house of lords that increased spending on social welfare and the lives of the people -aristocratic conservatives feared a loss of power as britain become more democratic so they attempted to veto many laws and rule against labor unions -the king threatened to create more peers to pass the bill so they gave in -AUTOCRATIC CONSERVATIVISM yielded to popular democracy once and for all -result- extensive social welfare measures were passed in a spectacular rush before 1914 -liberal party raised taxes on the rich as part of the people's budget therefore helping the government pay for national health insurance, unemployment benefits, old age pensions etc. (more rights to the people and leading to greater social reforms) -socially and politically the urban masses were gaining rights -the irish supported them and as a result were able to gain a home rule bill due to their support

Who is George Sand?

-lucie dupin known by pen name george sand -defied conventions of time in her search for self-fullfilment (wanted to be more than just a wife)(purpose in life) -achieved fame and wealth as a writer -80 novels on romatic and social themes -striking individualism (dressed as a man)(expression) -Leila- autobiographical novel showed her quest for sexual and personal freedom (showing that she as a woman was just as capable of men in terms of writing and imagining)

Who is Victor Hugo?

-lyrical poetry with rythum, language, and imagery -novels showed fascination with fantastic characters, exotic and beautiful settings, and human emotions -Hunchback of notre dame (showing love for the middle ages and beauty of the past)(fascination with history and unique characters) -believed in freedom in literature and politics/society (showing many political beliefs)

Who is Theodore Herzl?

-lead the zionist movement until his death -he was born into an upper middle class family and studied law where he soaked up liberal beliefs that championed german nationalism and unity but he realized german nationalism required a belief in anti-semetic attitudes which caused him to break away and create a literacy career -believed that the prosecution of the jews would disappear through education and assimilation -as anti-semitism continued to grow he created "The Jewish State: Attempt at a modern solution to the Jewish question" in which he explained that jewish assimilation into the german state had failed and attempts to go against anti-semitism would never succeed therefore it was necessary to build an independent jewish state -believer in diplomacy and political agreements therefore he traveled constantly to negotiate with rulers to support him in securing territory for a jewish state -helped pave the way for the Balfour Declaration which was british support for the jewish homeland in palestine (growing nationalism caused jews to break away from controlling countries that persecuted them in order to create a jewish state)

Who is William Wordsworth?

-leader in english romantisism -traveled to france and got married and had a chuld but was also deeply influenced by rosseau and the spirit of the french revolution -1798 created the "lyrical ballads" which went above class ism in terms of speech and gave simple subjects majesty -"Daffodils" shows the romantics love of nature and causing emotion (drama in all aspects) -believed poetry was an overflow of powerful feeling (EMOTIONS) (shows the love and power of nature to cause extreme emotion)

How did Great Britain mobilize for total war?

-less rapidly/completly than germany (could import goods from their empire and the us) -shortage of shells lead to the creation of the ministry of munitions -david lloyd george -organized private industry- create goods used for the war, control profits, distribute labor, create fixed wage rates, and settle disputes over labor (shows how the government would have direct involvement in production of goods for the war and who worked and when) (britain transformed their economy to accomidate the new conditions)

What is the revolution in Prussia in 1848?

-liberals wanted to make absolutist prussia into a liberal constitutional monarchy-join with the workers/artisans and force King Frederick to promise to write a new constitution -workers wished for a series of socialist demands (right to vote and worker owned factories) which causes the coalition to break down -Prussian Constitution Assembly- write a constitution for the prussian state in order to create a unified germany -because the revolutionaries waited to long to give the constitution Frederick reasserted authority, disbanded the assembly, and granted a conservative constitution (claimed divine right and wouldn't accept the new constitution) -revolution fails and austria/russia reestablish the german confederation (alomost like the revolution never happened and back to where they startedd- conservatives have power)

What is the population explosion? (post 1750)

-limitations- famine, disease, and war new pattern in the 18th century (don't think of it as the population growing but rather the amount of things killing them decreased) 1.better diets (potato) 2.black plague and black death disappeared 3.roads and canals promoted by absolute monarchs meant greater transportation for emergency supplies (less famine) 4.warfare was less devastating (not as much ravaging or ruining cities) 5.draining of land (less insects who carry disease) (shows how people at this time were becoming smarter and knew how to deal with the conflicts of the past in order to reduce the amount of people who died.)

How did literature change post WWI?

-limited and confused viewpoint of just one individual -stream of consciousness technique- internal monologues and the thoughts and feelings passing through the mind (showing how people sought to analyze the human mind in literature because of the struggles of the mind due to the war)

What are the Great reforms?

-local govermnet reforms (zemstvos- elected and dealing with local problems but still subordinate to nobles) -education reforms- more elementary schools and colleges had more freedom for faculty and students -judicial reform- improving the russian court system based on liberal principiles -military reform- all class conscription, improving tech, reorganization, and military schools -expression reform- censorship of journals and groups before publication (dostroyevsky)(censorship was relaxed over time) -Emancipation edict- freeded the serfs from above rather thanbelow(half measure though because the peasents still had to pay for the land given to them (although alex believed these would help the people- they were only half hearted liberal reforms that further enraged them and caused them to demand more rights- issues in nation building) (ALEXANDER II)

What political changes occured in the 1920's that increased people's hopes?

-locarno- germany/france accepted borders, britain and italy would get involved if either declared war, and france would help poland/czech if germany invaded -germany joined the league of nations (they would have a say and not be as willing to use revenge) -kellogg-briand pact (french prime minister and us secretary of state) which didnt allow countries to use war for foreign policy (disputes settled peacefully) -idealistic because there were no provisions for actions if an actual war did occur (it did lead to more optimism and hope for a scared continent of people)

What is the great fear?

-long suffering peasants killing nobles and pillaging their castles and estates -the nobles that escape were known as the emigre nobility (left France to go live with family and avoid being killed) -as a result of this the national convention will abolish manorial rights in order to keep the peasants (going around killing everyone) on their side -without manorial rights they can now hunt,fish, chop down trees etc. (gaining power during this time period)

What is the estates general?

-louis 16th needs money (american revolution and the 7 years war have nearly bankrupt the country) and when he asks the notables for advice they make him call the estates genera; (summer 1788) -the representative body of all three estates (1st- clergy, 2nd- nobility, and 3rd- bourgeoisie, artisans, and peasants <only estate paying taxes even though they have the least money>) -main issue for the third estate is that they are always outvoted by the 1st and 2nd (they wish to have voting be based on numbers)(abbe sieyes- what is the third estate- saying they deserve more rights- 1st/2nd take it all) -when they meet in may of 1789 the estates are in immediate deadlock (deadlock will lead to the creation of the national assembly)

What is the public education act?

-making elementary schools available for all children -government created public schools to help benefit the children (greater stability because its appealing to the parents who cannot give their children the best education- improving their lives)

What is the anti-corn law league?

-manchester in 1839 -mass participation in the group that consisted of liberals who argued that lower food prices and more jobs in the industry depended on the repeal of the corn laws -ireland's potato crop failed in 1845 - leading to famine prices in england and also the possibility of famine -to avert a famine Robert Peel joined with the whigs to repeal the corn laws in 1846 and allow free imports of grain (people can now get their bread and avoid a famine. free trade now the economic system within england)

What do the witch hunts tell us about the time period?

-many people believed women who weren't married were suspect, they were weaker individuals. -misogyny existed since medieval times leading people to believe many older women were working for the devil and involved in witchcraft.

What was Catherine the great's conflict with the ottaman empire?

-marched into years of warfare with the turks in order to seize the black sea coast (dream) -conquered the crimean peninsula (giving them a stronghold) and making russia a leading black sea power -kept the nobles happy -peace treaty in 1774 gave them more lands -gaining more land and key ports on the penninsula (extending the power of russia on the baltic much farther than peter ever had- EUROPEAN POWER)

How is silesia related to the englightenment?

-maria Teresa gained the Hapsburg dominion and Frederick invaded the German province of Silesia (against pragmatic sanction) -gained sileasia -population of prussia was doubled to 6 million -made prussia a great european power with a strong army (giving prussia more power and land in order to better strengthen the state)

What was the 7 years war?

-maria teresa held a grudge after silesia was taken from her and eventually formed an alliance with france and russia -7 years war the aim of the alliance (above) was to stop prussia from gaining too much power -lead army brilliantly and when all hope was lost the new king of russia Peter III called of the attacks because he admired Frederick so much (angered russian people greatly) -caused Frederick to consider more humane policies in order to improve the state (more enlightened)

What are the great purges?

-massive purging of communist party and ruthless police terror -wife died the same night she complained about the misery of the people (claimed to be at her own hand) -Sergei Kirov (Stalin's number 2) mysteriously murdered- used this to launch into reign of terror -people were arrested, tortured (to extract information), and then forced to confess (false confessions) (public show trials- to scare and control the people into going against his rule) -members recruited to replace those purged (extremly loyal to stalin) (proving to the people that no one was safe and that you had to follow him with unchallenged devotion- took out those who he believed threatened him)

What is the congress of vienna?

-meeting where the big five (russia, austria, britain, france, and prussia) meet after the end of the Napoleonic wars in order to fashion a general peace settlement (1815- turning point) -3 main goals- balance of power (one country cannot have too much), compensation for losses (money and land), and legitimacy (taking Napoleons family out of power and putting the bourbon monarchs and legitimate political leaders back in) -the congress was very linient towards FRANCE and allowed for them to keep all their land pre 1789 (they wont be vengeful and come back for another war) -AUSTRIA gained lombary, venetia,polish posessions, (this is an issue because there are to many nationalities under one rule- leading to increased nationalism and a desire to be under their own rule <revolt>) -german confederation of 39 states created with AUSTRIA as the leader (upsetting PRUSSIA <2nd best> and again ignoring the nationalities of the german people)(congress of vienna was a big competition for the german states) -NETHERLANDS got belgium (made into one country and once again ignoring nationalities) -RUSSIA gained small polish kingdom because they had to burn all their land in order to defeat napolean and finland (again ignoring nationalities) -PRUSSIA gains some of saxony -BRITAIN gains colonies/outposts during the war because they lost it during the american revolution and wish for supplies/resources for the industrial revolution -SARDINIA PIEDMONT gets land, military, industrialization and is made into a buffer against France to make sure that the Napoleonic issue wont happen again (since they are strong they will eventually unify the city states) (overall the congress of vienna ignored nationalism which will lead to a greater amount of revolutions from people who dont want to be under their control in the future)

Who is turnip townsend?

-member of the house of lords (parliament) and a noble -had dutch drain land in order to get rich soil where he planted clovers and turnips (nitrogen producing meaning they're good for crop rotating and renewing soil) impact- better soil provided food for livestock, more money/meat, and replaces salted meat with fresh meat -able to rally support from the nobles and spread these ideas throughout england (helps show that through these new methods you are able to make more food and therefor have more money and be effective)

What was life like for the poor before the industrial revolution (marriage and environment)?

-men and women had to marry later for economic reasons -the male had to wait for their father to die so that they could get land and the female had to wait to receive a sizable dowry -shows how in the past people could rarely marry when they wanted to or who- had to be for money -community controls- restrictions within a community aimed at protecting it (for the good of the people) -if you were impregnated you would be forced to marry the individual (they care because they don't want to take care of a landless pauper) -shows how involved the community was in peoples lives

Who were the medical practitioners in the 18th century?

-midwives were trained by other women to aid in labor as well as help with female issues such as menstruation, breast feeding etc -apothecaries sold herbs, drugs, and patent medicine. gave laxatives to the rich for the use of purging -Physicians were increasingly willing to use new methods but still used the processes of blood letting ) and purging were main methods (shows ignorance) -surgeons- began studying anatomy in order to improve art. army surgeons learned how to cauterize and amputate wounds. but for surgeries they gave no painkiller (people dying from agony) and surgeries done in dirt resulted in infections because no one knew of bacteriology -Faith healers believed evil spirits caused diseases and that exorsism was the proper way to drive them out. effective with mental disorders such as hysteria and depression (shows how people were learning more about anatomy and gaining more methods to deal with pain but were still far behind- more people were surviving wounds, diseases, and pregnancies)

What caused the end of the italian renaissance?

-milan asks france to invade italy and they go which erupts the hapsburg-valois wars which are between the french and germany/spain (help because italy was so economically dominant and they didnt want france to have that power) -while this is happening the pope signs a secret treaty with germany to get france out of italy. he then becomes a double agent and signs a similar treaty with france -because of this the french sack rome and therfore the renaissace ends

What are the four causes of WWI?

-militarism- countries are building up their armies which shows competition as each wants to be the best (willing to use it and show their strength) -alliances (creation of the two unified rival blocs) -Imperialism- countries are fighting over territory which leads to tensions and competition. they now have armies in other parts of the world so they can fight throughout the world (world war) -nationalism- massive egos of countriesw believing they are the best and they can do no wrong (social darwinism). fighting to prove how good they are. lack of nationalism within countires as people want individual rule and are willing to revolt

What is the november revolution?

-militiants from the military revolutionary committee (trotsky) joined with the bolskevik soliders in order to seize government buildings and take out the provisional government -went to the congress of soviets where they declared that all power was in the hands of the soviets (reducing oppisition because not just bolskevik) and named lenin the head of the government -3 reasons- 1.the democracy of the provisional government lead to anarchy and power was there for those who would take it 2. superior leadership that the tsar and provisional gov lacked 3. appealed to workers and soldiers who were exhausted by the war (supported by the provisional government) and were eager for socialism (showing the bolsheviks and lenin gaining power bc 3 reasons)

What is the great migration?

-millions of people leaving ancestral lands -leaving europe and going to lands of european settlement (south america, australia, new zeland, siberia) -higher birth rate in the past century lead individuals to have less oppurtunities so they left -european migrant was a small peasent landowner/villager craftsmen who's way of life was threatened by too little land, estate agriculture, and cheap factory made goods (trying to stay ahead of poverty) -some settled temporarily in new countries (likelihood of returning varied) (representing how due to a growth in imperialism more individuals left the country because there were more places to go with better oppurtunities)(europe expanding over the world so individuals left)

Who is Sergei Witte?

-minister of finance in russia who was inspired by friedrich list (economic nationalism and promoting industry through the government) -helping with economic modernization and knows that russia won't be a great power until they have economically modernized -uses the west in order to catch up to the west (their methods, people, etc) -factories in russia (encouraged foreigners to use their capital to build in russia) -ukraine has large oil and steel industries (capitalist engineers built in country) -protective tarifs -trans-siberian railroad (ship more goods)

What is dutch baroque?

-mix of baroque and realism -showed the realistic life of the dutch as well as paintings that were historic, genre, portrait, and landscapes -based off of people and showed them doing simple things and looking simple because they were Calvinist -the drama was more seen in the use of darker colors with dramatic movements from dark to darker -famous painters -rembrant- anatomy lesson of tulp (simple and shows workign hard) -vermeer- milk maid or girl with the pearl earring -rich merchant class were able to create a strong art market in the region in which dutch artists sold their pieces to dealers for art buyers from all classes (because of the economic prospierty the art of that time period was supported as well as the artists and so artists were able to make more pieces-- effectively sold)

How did architecture change?

-modernism and rejecting old forms and values -functionalism= buildings should be useful and functional rather than just look nice. practical construction. -sky skrapers without exterior ornamentation -modern houses with low lines -apartments (art would be more practical and be more useful- should no longer just be pretty) -bauhaus- school in germany combining art with furniture making walter gropius -frank lloyd wright will create new houses with lower lines, open interiors, and mass building materials

What is the spanish civil war?

-monarchy is overthrown and a republic (democracy) is created -republic (left) vs franco (dictator/fascist) -soviet union gives aid to the republic -us/britain/france do not give troops -hitler/mussolini give aid and weapons to franco- giving hitler a chance to try out his military strength -FRANCO WIN

How were women involved in the war effort?

-more oppurtunity and jobs created -became highly visible and even became nurses/doctors on the front lines (known as sisters in the red cross) -order of the white feathers- recruiting soliders -attitude's towards women change- saw them as more capable because they could handle weapons in munitions factories and do the jobs that men left when they went to war -more independent -right to vote (promoting greater social equality for women- more reform- social changes as a result of the war)

What did the northern renaissance stress?

-more religion focused (CHRISTIANITY) -rebirth of greco-roman ideas -rebirth early christian teachings (get away from the corruption of the dark ages) -society needed more morals, education, and they had to clean up institutions -EDUCATION WAS THE ANSWER

Who was Peter Paul Rubens?

-most influential figure in baroque art (showed animated figures, melodramatic contrasts, and monumental size) -he was a very wealthy artists who had a large studio which shows that baroque artists enjoyed high social status that was won during the renaissance -miracle of st. Ignatius Loyola, the horrors of war etc.

Who is Flora Anne Steele?

-moved to india with her husband and because she had many indian housekeepers she saw herself as an expert and fit to give advice on how to have servants -"Complete Indian Housekeeper and Cook" explined how a british mistress should manage her servants -explaining how being a mistress is the same as in britain, attempt to learn hindu to speak to them, be kind but also firm (insist that orders be carried out), have a system of rewards and punishments, set a good and tidy example for servants, and never do the work a servant could do (showing social darwinism and how even women looked down upon indian females and saw them as less because they thought they were chosen) (racism and belief that they were more civilized) (WHITE WOMANS BURDEN)

What is evidence for the consumer revolution?

-moving away from the ottoman turks and italy having dominance over expansion exploration- (who) -columbus (spain)(spice route) -prince henry the navigator (portugal)(navigation schools so they can explore- leading to trade) -vasco de gama (portugal)- spices/indian cloth from India (how) -compass- direction -cannon- violence/military strength -astrolobe- latitude -3 mass ships and year round ship building in venice result -columbian exchange -price inflation -madrid is the capital of trade (16th century) dutch -dutch east india company -mercantilism -amsterdam is the capital of trade (17th century) -oligarchy of wealthy merchants -religious toleration (allowing more people to come) -new amsterdam/cape colony (more goods) wars (colonial) -anglo dutch wars -war of spanish succession -7 years war domestic -agricultural revolution (more crops to trade- crop rotation) -draining (vermuyden) -cottage industry- produce more wool/cloth at a faster rate

Who was Colbert?

-named as the controller general of finances by Louis -financial genius and believed the wealth of France should serve the state (nobles and such and money going towards improving France) -followed mercantilism and promoted it for the French crown -peasants were shipped to Canada by Colbert in order to work there and establish places there so that the untapped minerals and resources could be received -brought skilled individuals from different countries to France so that there could be more industries

What is the treaties of tilsit?

-napolean and alexander the first of russia negotiated -prussia lost half its population -russia accepted napoleans reorganization of western/central europe and promised to enforce his economic blockade (conflicts between his allies showed how fragile and unfair their agreements were- leading to both of them joining the fourth coalition)

How is Prussia related to Napolean III?

-napolean gets involved in the franco-prussian war -once they lose napolean flees and the 2nd empire ends -representing how his great ambition to gain power through his foreign policy failed disastrously -loses a lot of money and Alsace and Lorraine is lost as a result (EXTREMLY upsetting for the people)

What is the battle of waterloo?

-napolean was overconfident and believed that the prussian and british armies were divided although they were not -Duke of Wellington- leader of the britis army who had ferosciously studied napoleans war efforts and was able to predict his actions and ultimately beat him on the battle field. hid his army from the imperial guard (brought on by napolean in the hopes that they would save him) and shot them down -prussia regrouped and helped take down the army as well -in 1815 he was forced to abdicate his throne again (the end of napoleans reign and how his quest for power was his downfall) and is sent to St.Helena with more restrictions (louis 18th put in power)

What is the reign of terror?

-national convention using revolutionary terror to solidify the home front -COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY HAD CONTROL OF IT (12 man group that ruled the republic behind the scenes) - Revoltuionary courts resposndible only to the comitte of public safety) tried rebels and enemies of the nation for political crimes -judged serverly and killed thousands of the conventions enemies (people were killed for the smallest of problems) -political weapon against anyone who opposed the convention -danton (one of the members of the mountain and a jacobin) will be killed by robbesspierre and the committee of public safety

What is the revolution in austria hungary after WWI?

-nationalistic and republican -started the war to preserve their antinationalistic state and therfore the hapsburg empire perished in the attempt (shows how the empire is dead) -austrian, hungarian, and czechoslovakian republics proclaimed -yugoslavia was the srbian monarchy that united the southern slavs (showing how as a result of the war growing nationalism finally lead to the creation of nation states- balkans wouldn't be set up all under just one individual country)

Who is Charles Darwin?

-naturalist on a voyage where he collected specimens of different species -convinced that earth/life on it was ancient but he doubted the belief in divine creation of each species -concluded that all life had gradually evolved from a common ancestor in the never ending struggle for survival -great accomplishment- "On the origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"- explaining how biological development occurred. argued that chance differences among the members of a given species helped some survive while others died. variations proving useful are selected naturally and spread throughout a population through reproduction. -called the newton of biology due to the fact that he proved the power of objective science, reinforced teachings of secularists, and lead to social-darwinism (science was leaking into society and again causing more change than it ever had in the past)

What were the anglo-dutch wars?

-naval conflicts/ economic warfare between England and the dutch republic which stemmed from a commercial rivalry -the navigational act (series of laws created by Cromwell stating that English goods could only be transported on English ships <mercantilistic and more independent>) were created and aimed at reducing the dutch's economic power in trade which they had received from the dutch east india company (expanding commercial power) and had expanded they market and trade -after the first war there were great losses on both sides -after the 3rd war the dutch was at the end of its long reign of power -REMEMBER- the English take new Amsterdam after the war which gives them greater economic power (England wished to have the best economy and through that process they angered the dutch and caused economic warfare)

Who were junkers?

-nobility/landowning class in Prussia. -had a lot of power over the king in Prussia and other eastern European countries that wished to be absolute (failing to control competing groups)

What is the nazi-soviet pact?

-non agression pact (avoid a 2 front war) -dictator decided to remain neutral when the other became involved in war -hitler put a secret protocol- ruthlessly divided europe into german and soviet zones -hitler offered immediate territorial gains and stalin didnt trust western nations- therefore he signed with stalin (now that hitler has ensured he has an ally<russia was one of the biggest and now they cant take him out> he can invade>)

What was life like in stalin's society for women?

-social benefits- old age pensions, free medical services, free education, and day care centers for children -possibility of personal advancement- specialized skills and technical education. workers wages were low but for the technical/managerial elite it was high-- education was key -women worked same back breaking jobs, same educational opportunities and many entered medicine (75% doctors were women). (representing the extreme amount of control stalin had on russian society and often times people's lived didnt improve)

What was the agricultural revolution?(methods/ date)

-occurring before cottage industries and the industrial revolution and occurs where agricultural advancements are made and the fallow is eliminated -crop rotation (more diverse food) and less fallow (no wasting)-instead of having a fallow they would plant nitrogen producing crops into the areas so that they could still have food and be able to replenish the land to use for oats/bread (shows how they were able to increase the supply of food because instead of having nothing they now had things like parsnips and potatoes- which were healthy and overall lead to more bread) -leaders- Dutch- enclosed their fields, crop rotation, heavy manuring for better soil, and a wide variety of crops -drain swamp lands in order to create untainted soil that's very fertile (idea spread to England) (more food because of the crop rotations and by eliminating fallows they are being more efficient. treating farming as if its a science in order to move forward). (18th century)

Who were the hermandades?

-old medieval institution also known as brotherhood -popular groups in towns thatwere given authority to act as local police and judicial tribunals (ferdinand and isabella)

Who is Lenin?

-older brother was executed for attempting to kill the tsar and as a result he became an enemy of the russian state (followed in brother's footsteps) -banished to siberia and there he disovered marxian socialism -developed own interpetation of marxian thought (leading to a socialist revolution in russia and the creation of a communist state) similar to marx because he supported the communist manifesto and believed in a highly disiplined elite to rule the country but he believed that revolution could occur even in backwards russia because the peasents were poor and revolutionary -russian party is split between the bolsheviks and the menskeviks

What is a philosophe?

-one of histories most influential groups of intellectuals (brought knowledge to ignorant individuals during the enlightenment) -they were social critics of the enlightenment who believed people could apply reason and the scientific method to all aspects of life -they were writers and teachers who wished to spread their ideas (money and liesure) (their work was much more secular and focused on everyday life in stead of religion.) -enlightened public- believed the general public was doomed to superstision

What is the neutron?

-one of the seven subatomic particles discovered -capacity to pass through other atoms allowed for large chain reaction- leading to the atomic bomb (showing that science gave people answers to worlds they didn't understand and there were so many breakthroughs specifically because they sought to find answers)

Who was johann gutenburg?

-one of the three men that helped created movable type -revolutionized the printing industry and made it easier -created the printing press (operated and prints sheets to make words go on paper- allowed for books to be printed)

Who was Copernicus?

-one to kick off the scientific revolution -a polish (catholic) monk who didn't believe in Aristotle and Ptolemy's ideas (wanted proof) -heliocentric theory (Copernican hypothesis) stated that the sun (not the earth) was at the center (the earthly world and the heavenly one are very different) -Published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" (which shared his ideas based on inquiry/observation rather than faith alone) on his death bad to avoid execution and ridicule -only problem was the circular orbit (new theory is introduced and shows they're moving away from blatant acceptance of classical authority)

Define a signori

-one-man rulers -monarch -alot less common than multiple people ruling

What is dadaism?

-outrageous/strange -goes against tradition/bourgeois values -nonsense, irrationality, and mechanical -unrealistic (because the world didnt make sense artists created pieces that were strange and also didnt make sense) duchamp- bicycle wheel duchamp- mona lisa with a mustache haussman- spirit of our time

What does romantic art consist of? (artists)

-painting landscapes and showing the beauty and power of nature -humans often take a backseat -Friedrich- the wanderer- heroic, nature based, contrast in colors, looking to the future -Delacroix- Massacre at chios- exotic scenergy, nature dominating. liberty leading the people (showing nationalism and trying to encourage greater amounts of reform. showing how he is a liberal and enjoys reform)

Define the glorious revolution

-parliament offers the English throne to james II protestant daughter and her husband William -james and family flee while William and mary are crowned king and queen -glorious because there was a transfer of power with little bloodshed (destruction of divine right monarchy) -established that sovereignty was divided between the king and parliament and that the king ruled with the consent of the governed (showed that there doesn't have to be a war for a transfer of power to occur and leads into the legit establishment of the constitutional government)

What is the factory act of 1833?

-parliments most significant accomplishment in terms of stopping exploitation -limited the factory workday of children ages 9-13 to 8 hours and those from ages 14-18 to 12 hours (didnt regulate children working at home or in small businesses though) -children under 9 were required to be enrolled in the elementary schools that factory owners were to establish (broke the pattern of entire families working together in factories, but helped stop some of the exploitation occurring because children weren't being overworked as much

What does the pledge of allegiance have to do with this time period?

-past france- education was based in the catholic church (hostile to republicans and secular life) but now under free compulsory education it became a secular republican education -pledge of allegiance/national anthem were sung instead of traditional catholic songs -teachers spreading patriotic republicanism to young citizens (seeking their loyalty) (education is used to increase people's loyalty to the state and have people become more patriotic- NATION BUILDING and making people proud to be under their country) -teachers could marry (deal with the low birth rate because it set a good example)

What are the three things lenin promises the people of the soviet government?

-peace (no continuation of the war) -land (everyone having more equal rights) -bread (no more famine) -soviet government shows the creation of a new government order (communist revolution) (making the people happy in order to keep them on his side)

What is the storming of the bastille?

-peasents at the time were hungry and unemployed due to harvest faliure -louis 16th claims divine right and he disbands the national assembly (causing the revolution to end for a week until it is revived by the peasents) -july 14 1789- storming of the bastille (independence day) -the peasants gathered guns and go to the bastille ( a heavily fortified prison) in order to gain gunpowder (they want bread and are unhappy with the high bread prices) -put the heads of their enemies on spikes -shows how the peasants saved the revolution because now the national assembly has an army and they were able to gain paris, therefore breaking the monopoly the royal army previously had -in order to keep the peasents on their side the national assembly abolishes the manorial rights that gave power to nobles over the peasents (now on their side and they have an army to defeat the monarchy with)

What are the 100 days?

-period of time from napoleans escape from exile until louis the 18th will regain power -soliders who were sent to oppose him joined his side and he lead for this short amount of time- massing support by making liberal changes to the constitution (at the same time the allies and the fourth coalition is gaining power to stop napolean from continuing on)

What were the characteristics of renaissance art?

-perspective (3-dimensional and had depth) -activism (people were moving around and not still) -realism (painting peopleas they were) -individualism (reflection of god and use of color (paintings were unique)(portraiture/embrace individuality) -secularism (increased concern with worldly and material things (beauty) ******R e turn to Gr eco- R oman IDEAS******** (po

What was the great northern war?

-peter the great entered into a secret alliance with denmark to wage a war on Sweden who was a leading power at the time -peter thought he could easily take on the new king but he was mistaked because Charles XII had military genius and defeated Denmark quickly and then moved to Russia taking them down at narva -because of this peter made changes to his army including making noblemen serve in the army for life , schools for technicians, 5 years education for nobles, and the table of ranks ----- this new army crushed Charles at poltoca in Ukraine -Russia gained Estonia and Latvia and became a dominant power on the Baltic sea and a European power -also able to gain st.petersburg after the battling (through this war peter was able to assert Russia as a military and European power and better westernize the country)

Who were the northern renaissance artists?

-pieter buegler the elder- the peasent wedding (color and realism-lower class individuals) -jan van eyek (giovani almorfini and his bride- realism and color) -hans holbrien (the ambassadors (color and detail))

How is sugar related to the 18th century?

-places such as spain and Portugal utilized slaves on sugar plantations and sold them to a growing number of people (sugar was still in high demand because food wasn't flavorful and people used it for bread) -forced migration of thousands of slaves -triangle trade between US, britain, and africa (showing how slavery was again extremky important at this time because of the high demand for sugar which wouldnt be collected in not for the people working in the caribbean- slaves)

What is the blitzkreig?

-planes,tanks, and trucks represent the lightning war (extremely quick and overpowering the people) -took poland in 4 weeks (soviet union took eastern half, lithuania, estonia, and latvia) -occupied denmark, norway, and holland -broke through belgium, split franco-british forces, and trapped the british army- had to withdraw their troops -german armies occupying france (france was split) -1940- ruling practically all of western continent (represents how hitler was expanding so greatly and gaining intense power) Represents how quickly hitler is able to take power- weapons

Who was Petrarch?

-poet and humanist -believed that from the fourth to the fourteenth centuries it was the middle ages or the dark ages -believed that during the time of the renaissance that he was experiencing a rebirth and a new golden age of intellectual achievement -considered the father of the renaissance -ascent to mount vernoux (believing he could climb the mountain)

Who was John Locke? (absolutism)

-political philosopher who lived during the time of the glorious revolution in England -fought against tyranny and absolute monarchy -people have to give their consent to be ruled and the ruled receives his power from the people -believes people are naturally free -two treatiste of civil government -people set up a government to protect life , liberty, and prosperity -all people have natural and universal rights -men are free and therefore have to consent to be ruled AGAINST ABSOLUTE MONARCHY

Who was ceaser borgia?

-pope alexanders son -followed the rules of a leader written out in the prince -began the work of uniting the penninsula powers (milan, venice, papal states, florence, and genoa) by ruthlessly conquering and exacting total obedience from the principalities making up the papal states

What was the council of Trent?

-pope paul III summoned a council to reform the church and reconcile with the protestants (invited but didn't show) and deal with many issues -reaffirmed 7 sacraments -transubstantiation (wine and bread transform into blood and body) -authority in pope/tradition and scripture (disagreeing with the protestants) -no more pluralism/indulgences -curriculum for priests was established -salvation from doing good deeds (shows they were actually trying to correct what was wrong and reform the church)

What occurs with the Duma at the beginning of the Russian Revolution?

-popularly elected parliement in russia -dismissed the minister of war (nicholas) which caused the duma to demand a more democratic and responsive government -parties ranging from conservative to moderatly socialist formed the progressive bloc- calling for a completly new government respinsible to the duma -as a rsult of this demand nicholas will adjourn the duma and travel to the front lines in order to rally russia's armies (trying to get the people on his side and win their loyalty because through the creation of new parties he knows he is rapidly losing their support)(new parties shows growing opposition to the current government) (DEPARTURE= fatal turning point because leading to absolute rule of alexandra and rasputin)

How did napoleon gain power?

-through a bloodless coup napoleon took the directory away from its power and gained it for himself -powerful military general who was able to use nationalism in order to keep his army (and later on) the people loyal to him -napoleon was named the first consul of the republic through an election (upholding the ideals of the revolution) -plebsite vote- giving very limited power and only allowing one choice (him or not) (no bloodshed in order to get him into power and showing how he started out strong)

What is imperialism? (Why?)

-powerful nations conquering and dominating weaker nations -political annexation of territory in the 1880's MOTIVES- economic (with more protective tariffs countries were encouraged to colonize because they couldn't put tariffs against them), raw materials, jobs, new markets Social- helped distract people from domestic problems (from suffrage, socialism, population) Political- countries wanted power, military bases, prestige Ideological- missionaries spread religion, social Darwinism and greatness of country, white mans burden and teach the "savages" (Many motives caused them to wish to expand during this time period but most specifically it was for power and to become the best )

Who was Ptolemy?

-precopernicius and he only encouraged the falseness of Aristotle ideas -believed the earth had 8 spheres around it and that angles moved them. -he worked out the irregularities of Aristotle but still the basis of his beliefs weren't scientifically accurate (again people believed him because it fit the bible)

What is liberalism?

-principle ideas are based upon liberty and equality (first realized in the american revolution and the french revolution) -demands a representative government, and equality before the law rather than legally separated classes -freedom of press, speech, of assembly, from arbitrary laws/arrest -economically believed in laizzes faire capitalism- (adam smith) belief in free competition and that the economy should promote the individual not the state (invisible hand) split- democratic republicans (universal male suffurage) and classical liberalism (property and the upper class should vote) (didn't all want the same thing) (shows how there were splits and differences in who believed in what)

Who is disrali?

-pro imperialist -ismail of egypt sold 4 million worth of his shares of the suez canal (due to his economic problems) to britain which prevented france from taking control and allowing them to ship to india and the east much cheaper (also leading the way to british occupation of egypt) -suez canal was the key to india (shortest route there) and he sought to control it in order to more easily gain goods (like cotton) from india (shows that because the bonds were taken away from ismail and now under british control they have much more power in terms of what goes in and out of india and along the canal)

What is the Zollverein?

-prussia is attempting to one up austria -german customs union in which the states of germany have no tarifs on each other and give trade brakes to one another but put unified tarrifs against all other nations. prussia is the head of the union (representing that they are very industrialized- much more than that of austria) -they now have the means to produce weapons (in order to be able to unify and fight their wars- gain strength and be powerful militarily and economically) -because they are industrialized middle class businessmen look to prussia for unification of the german states (individuals attempting to create a nation state- nationalism)

What was pugachev's rebellion?

-pugachev was a cossack solider who sparked uprisings within the serfs -he pretended he was a true tsar and issued decrees that abolished serfdom, taxes, and army service -thousands joined his cause and helped kill landlords and nobles but were quickly defeated by Catherine's well trained army -TURNING POINT IN CATHERINE'S DOMESTIC POLICY -forced her to realize that the peasents were dangerous and that her empire rested on support for the nobility (which she wouldnt get if she allowed more freedom to peasents) -caused the nobility to have greater rights

Who is Cecil Rhodes?

-racist and ruthless general for britain who is obsessed with power and imperializing -he believes that britain should dominate africa and impose their way of life on the people -went over the dutch and their states in order to create protectorates in botswana, zimbabwe, and zambia -De beers- state approved private company monopolized southern africas diamond population and gave economic aid to britain -prime minister of cape colony -tricked lo bengulo (african prince) to giving cecil exclusive rights over mining -british african belt- from cape town to cairo (more easily send goods from southern africa to egypt) (willing to use great amounts of violence in order to gain power within africa and to support britain)

Who is Mazzini?

-radical individual focused on unifying italy -centralized democratic republic based upon universal male suffurage and the will of the people -during the italian revolution of 1848 he was able to create the republic but conservative allies (prussia and austria) took him out of power and italy remained divided -seen as too radical because he believed in liberalism (the consevatives wished to have power for themselves through the nation state) (1 of three methods of unification) (revlutions had failed and italy was still increasinly unstable as greater nationalism rose)

Who is Karl liebknect?

-radical socialist -called for the end of government and war and he was arrested and imprisoned -daring actions inspired far left socialists as strikes and protest marches over inadequate food increased (Showing that total war became too much of a strain on the people- demanded change and more rights. Instability within countries)

What is the auxiliary service law?

-rammed through the reichstag in germany by ludendorff and hindenburg -requiring all males between 17 and 60 to work jobs considered critical to the war effort -law also aimed at women and children (war factories, mines, and steel mills) (every job an individual had was forced to benefit the war- no society- just war)

Who were the italian artists of the renaissance?

-raphael- school of athens- (showed great naturalism/perspective/realism) -da vinci (mona lisa, lady with ther ermine (individualism) and the last supper- use of realism and individualism) -michelagelo (david, and sistine chapel showed super realism) -donatello (statue of david)

What is the dawes plan?

-re examined reparations after the occupation of the rhine -accepted by france, germany, and britain -yearly reparations were reduced and depended on economic prosperity -germany recieves private loans from the us to pay reparations to france and britain who would then have money to repay the us (allowing for german econimy to expirence prosperityand pay for the damages of war and showing how the us helped facilitate recovery)

Who are Ludendorff and Hindenburg?

-through their actions they were able to kill 2.5 million russians (couldn't defeat the much stronger germany)(forced them to retreat) -became the real leaders of germany (after they pushed hollweg out of power) -ultimate mobilization for total war, auxilary service law, and women working to benefit war effort (shows the creation of the first totalitarian society- war production greatly hurt the people)

What is Romanticism?

-reaction to the enlightenment and classicism -united AGAINST the emphases of reason in human affairs -rejected the belief that humans were perfect and revolted against rationalism -stressed feelings and emotions (feel in your gut) -imagination, heroics, color/diversity, NATURE -passion for the past and everything achieved but still excited about the future -focuses on nature -believed the purpose of one life was to develop your potential fully (critics of the industrial revolution (ruining nature) and science (too much reason and not going with your gut feeling) (shows how culturally people were moving away from strict evidence and proof and more towards feelings and what you believe)

Who is Alexander III?

-reactionary conservative -liberals killed his father so he now hates them- no political modernization, censors press, controls educaton, but he still allows for economic modernization -time period reflects the targeting of the jews (one killed his father so he therefore kills them) (hurting russia because controlling the people too much and they will be unhappy- conservatives in the past allowed for some rights in order to appease the people and gain power but this is just opression)

What is A Doll's House?

-realist play written by Henrik Ibsen -explains a woman who wants to leave her husband and children in search of self-realization -story explains nora who hates being a dutiful and submissive wife (feels treated like a doll) (portraying a real example of how woman at this time wished for more rights- now they were increasingly more opressed- showing they didnt want this)

Who is Zola?

-realist writer -first book was so radical that it was charged for pornography and corruption of morals -wrote about the animalistic view of working class life -germinal was used to explain the terrible conditions within the mines for the workers and demand for greater reform and change -carefully researched stories about stock exchange, department stores (very based on the facts and what was occuring within that time period) -anti semitism and was put on trial during the dreyfus affair

Who is Charles Dickens?

-realist writer -wrote "Hard Times" in order to explain how industrialization was causing pollution and the corruption of the environment. explains Coketown as dreary and horrible- ruining everything good within the world. (writing the truth/facts- what he is observing) -wrote about victorian city life and how the poor were treated so badly (very focused on the everyday lives of the people) -famous works- a christmas carol, tale of two cities, great expectations

What is cubism?

-reduces items to their geometric makeup (shapes) -abstract/non representational -several perspectives -2 dimensional shapes -collages -representing mood rather than objects by the use of shapes (beginning of modern art and using shapes to make sense of the world/ the confusion of society) (picasso- young ladies at avignon, picasso- three musicians, braque- fishes and bottles, duchamp- nude desending staircase)

Define mercantilism

-regulation of economic activities by and for the state (state intervention to secure resources) -French sell abroad but buy nothing back meaning you are exporting more than importing (making more money and supporting the development of your economy) -self sufficient -going out and getting land and colonizing so you can become independent from the resources gained -follows the belief that those with the most power are those with the most gold/silver. also belief that there's a limited amount of gold/silver within the world. (more absolute because becoming an independent state that doesn't rely on others for economy- showing strength

What was the swabian peasant revolt?

-representatives of the swabian peasants met up to write 12 articles-- grievances (basic things they wished to have so they wouldn't be exploited) -they believed their demands fit with the scripture so they cited Luther as a theologian to help -in the beginning Luther sided with the peasants and blasted the nobles but he didn't support the use of armed force -siding with Luther made them independent from the protection of the catholic church and Luther then wrote against the peasants saying that rebels were devilish and the nobility (without anyone standing in their way) was able to crush the revolt -strengthened the authority of the nobles

Who was Michel de Montaigne?

-represents skepticism (founded on doubt that total certainty or definitive knowledge is ever attainable) -retired to his estate to know himself and in this time he created the type of writing called essay (to test or try) to express thoughts and ideas -shows an openness of mind, willingness to look at all sides, rejection of just one culture, secularism, and skepticism showed change -brought about an era of doubt/shift in attitudes

What is the revolutionary calander?

-republic (national convention) seeked to create a new popular culture glorifying the new order -new calander- eliminated saints days/renamed days and months after seasons of the year, adress with thou rather than you, promoted democratic festivals -trying to bring the population together and redirect traditional enthusiasm for religon to secular holidays promoting the nation (trying to control the people and make them more loyal to the national convention)

What occurred with Christianity after the war?

-revival because due to a loss of reason and logic the people were more open to the conflicting ideas of Christianity and they needed something supernatural to believe in -christianity provided an answer to the terror and anxiety of the world (people were beggining to doubt the past logic and reason so they connected more to religion) christian existentialists- sinful nature of human beings but believed that you could find some hope through god

What is the October Manifesto?

-revolution of 1905 culminates with a paralyzing general strike which forces the government to give in to demands of the people -granted full civil rights -promises a DUMA (a parliment which will be popularly elected and have real legislative power)(showing nation building because they are improving the lives of the people but still retain a monarch- conservative nation) -but within the duma tsar has full veto power- dismisses twice

Who was Charles I? (parliament do during this time?)

-similarly to father he claimed divine right -dissolved parliament for 11 years but had to call them for money after the Scottish revolt (william laud- trying to change back to catholic and presbytarian church didnt want that) -once parliament was called they required him to sign the triennial act which stated that parliament had to be called every 3 years (less power to the monarch and more to parliament because they have a greater say)and he did sign it because he needed money -after he signed it, it was called Long Parliament because they enacted legislation that limited the power of the monarch (weak king - not absolute) and didn't trust him with an army (no way to fight enemies)

Who was Peter the great?

-ruled Russia after Michel Romanov -beard tax- individuals pay for their beards and if you didn't then you could have it chopped off (showing how he was trying to bring the Russians to the present culturally and societally- culture of the state) soul tax- head tax on every male in Russia meaning you had to pay to live and if you didn't your soul would be taken or you would be killed (keep people loyal and get moneY) -table of ranks (army)- -within Russia the social privilege/position was based off of rank in bureaucracy and military. 14 different positions that individuals had to fight for and everyone started at the bottom and worked their way to the top (controls nobles) -st petersburg (window to the west) and put the nobles in competition with one another (built grand houses and wasted their money)

Who was James I?

-ruled after Elizabeth but he was Scottish so many English people didn't like him -believed in absolutism and divine right -lectured parliament on stuart absolutism and his belief in having jurisdictions over liberties, properties, and persons of England -inherited a great debt and because parliament hated him (he thought that they were useless and he should rule with complete power) they refused to give him money -true law of free monarchy monarchs had God-given rights to the throne -since the idea was supported by James I who was so different and hated by the English people it forced them to dislike it and never want a government based off the principles (again you see that parliament had a lot of power over james which is why England couldn't become absolute)

Who is Queen Victoria?

-ruled in great britain at this time (longest english reign) -people were proud to have her as their queen (representing their national pride and their overall nationalism) -sense of duty/moral respectibility was reflected in the attitudes of the people -she was both a mother and had many children (representing what the basic individual wished to be) -victorian age -symbol for the people that helped bring them together and strengthen the nation (they liked their ruler and therefore there was peace)

Where were new meeting places during this time? Why were they important?

-salons, coffeehouses, taverns, lending libraries -with more leisure time for the middle class they were able to meet at these places and discuss what they were interested in -paris, venice, london individuals would gather and share ideas/public opinion, and debate and converse -enlightened ideas were able to spread more rapidly and to more classes because more different people were allowed (nobles, middle class, writers, financers) (shows people joining together in order to spread education and intellect)

What were the changes created in India?

-secondary education created that taught in english in order to created subordinates for the military and government -hindu's as a result formed a new elite allowing them to be intermedieries between the british government and the indian people's -these hindu's lead to more irrigation, 3rd largest railroad project, and more plantations (still many were opressed), europe gave them the same system of laws and created an empire -but the educated hindu's no matter what they did were still subordinate to the white men (dictatorship like ruling of india)- leading to the hindu indian national congress (controlling of the countries they imperialized even when they began to be capable of self rule) -hindu indian national congress will have a genuine movement for equality and self government

Who was magellan?

-sent by Charles V to find direct route to spice island and he found the west isles contribution- verified the theory that the earth was round, brought info of vastness of the pacific and proved the earth was larger than Columbus said (helped navigators and mapmakers advance in their drawing and accuracy)

Who was columbus?

-sent by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to find a direct route to Asia that would allow for more trade for Spain but instead he stumbled across the Americas (found Caribbean). -issues are that he enslaved and killed many Indians, cruel and ineffective governor, didn't discover continents (others there before), misunderstood what he found, forcibly subjugated the island of Hispaniola, and laid basis for land grants for labor services -laid foundation for Spanish imperial administration -his journey kicked off centuries of exploration of american continents

What was the fronde?

-series of civil wars between 1648 and 1653 which occurred because the nobles resented their lessening power, the intendants felt like they were being manipulates, and the people didn't want to pay their taxes. -rebellions broke out which was lead by aristocrats and the war continued for 12 years -effects- the government would have to compromise with the nobles/social elites, French economy was badly disrupted and needed rebuilding but overall there were traumatic effects on Louis XIV -during the Fronde Louis suffered a traumatic experience in which him and his mother were threatened and treated as prisoners by aristocrats (planted the seed for louis hatred of the nobles and why during his reign he was so determined to make sure they could never get any power and to control them)

What is the petrograd soviet?

-shared power with the provisonal government since day one -workers/soliders/socialist intellectuals -saw themselves as the true protectors of revolutionary democracy and they watched the provisonal government and issued their own radical reforms -army order 1-stripped officers of their authority and put power in the hands of elected committies of common soliders (got rid of the ranking in the army- therefore the people didnt have to follow the orders of their noble officers) -lead to the total collapse of army disipline -officers hanged, peasent soliders returned to their villages to help their families get a share of the land being taken during the agrigarian upheavel -liberty turning into anarchy (strong unifed oppistion to the provisonal government- political tensions and strong socialist group leading to change)

What is surrealism?

-showing unconscious, dreams, fantasies, and hallucinations on a canvas -twist on ordinary objects -depicting the anxiety of the war/psycology (because the post war world was so terrible artists wanted to create pieces going into their dreams to avoid the terrible nature) dali- persistence of memory -megritte- golconda -megritte- the treachery of images

What is the war raw materials board?

-shows more government involvement in the economy (germany going the furthest with state socialism) -ratheneau created the board to ration and distribute raw materials -every useful thing was rationed and inventoried (rationed- allowing each person to only have a fixed amount) -government created successful substitutes (for bombs and blockades), recycling campaign, food rationed based on physical need (shows how everything was focused on the war- total war and the terrible conditions the people were put under)

How did Scandinavian countries respond to the depression?

-social democrats controlled the government and they passed social reform legislation (they were flexible and non revolutionary) -new kind of socialism that grew out of the cooperative community action of the Scandinavian tradition (working together in the economy) -Sweden used large scale deficits to finance public works (maintain production/employment) -increased social welfare benefits (pensions/unemployment insurance/subsidized housing/maternity allowances) -although it required a large bureaucracy and high taxes they were able to thrive (middle way of socialism allowed for them to effectively deal with the depression by allowing people to keep their rights- political response of helping the people)

What is radical totalitarian dictatorships?

-soviet union, germany, and italy -rejected parliment and liberal values -totalitarianism- dictatorship that exersized extreme control and mobilize the masses -began during war effort because it subordinated all insitutions to state -halevy (fascism, nazism, and communism were all brothers) -use of modern technology, comunications, and all aspects of peoples lives (deviation was a crime) -willpower, conflict, and violence and the individual was far less valuable than the state (only temporary rights) -PERMANENT AND UNIFINISHED REVOLUTION (when one problem was solved another was made) (growth of multiple forms of dictatorships)

What was the war of Spanish succession?

-spain was ruled by Charles II (weak and inbreed) so the holy roman emperor and Louis XIV made a secret treaty so that when Charles died Louis and him would divide the Spanish empire and each get half -Charles died and in his will left his land to Philip of Anjou who was the grandson of Louis and because of this louis doesn't stick to the treaty and he keeps all the land for himself -grand alliance (england, dutch, austria, and prussia) is created and they eventually win -peace of Utrecht is the treaty that ends the war (showed how because louis wanted to expand his absolute empire so much he reached to far and because of this the power of france began to weaken)

What are the September massacres?

-stories came about that imprisoned aristocrats and clergy members were plotting their escape with allied invaders and as a result the angry crowds invaded the prisons and slaughtered half the individuals they found (showing the new ferocity after the turning point and how it was less and less for the rights of the people)

Who were the humanists?

-studied classical texts (greece and rome- wanted to regress and match their expertise) -education should be based on the study of the past

Who was Madame de Chatelet?

-suffered because of her gender -she was excluded from the french academy of science and therefore taught by tutors who gave her the information on physics and math and allowed her to be able to spread ideas to others -translated Principia into French (#1 language) so more individuals would be able to read it, and gave cliff notes/a guide which helped non-scientific individuals understand it -knew that the fact that women weren't intellectually remembered in society was because they didn't have an intellectual education in the first place (PROMOTED EDUCATION FOR WOMEN) (because she was translating a science book that went against beliefs of the church it shows the society moving more towards a secular one)

What was the encyclopedia?

-summed up the new world view of the enlightenment and was a series of articles on different ideas of the enlightenment -edited by diderot and d'alembert -was created because they wanted to teach people how to think critically and objectively- to change the general way of thinking -faced challenges because of he radical beliefs in the book which caused it to be first banned by the french government and the put on the index of prohibited books until a publisher was able to water it down and release it -EFFECT- science and the industrial arts were exalted and religion/immorality was questioned -was wildly reprinted and showed that you could use reasoning to expand knowledge -PROMOTED the educated/bougises to think more critically and rationally in an enlightened manner

Who was Thomas Hobbes?

-supported and believed in absolute monarchy -lived during the time of the English civil war and saw what happened when there wasn't a strong monarch which is why he supports it so much -doesn't believe in divine right and the kings power comes from the people -people are in a constant state of war and without a government there is absolute chaos (issue is that parliament has too much power and therefore its not possible for an absolute monarch to rule England)

What is the zollverein?

-supported by friedrich list -customs unit (like in an airport) among German states that allows goods to move between German states without tariffs but bringing tariffs on all other goods from other countries (showed how in continental Europe the government was much more involved than in England- shows how industries were also able to flourish but in a different method)

What is the metternich system?

-system of intervention and repression of revolutionary ideals in order to keep europe conservative -preservation of nobles/monarchy, only traditional monarchical systems could protect the government, and the government above the individual -age of metternich/the age of the concert -(focused on preventing liberalism and nationalism)

What is the hotel dieu in paris?

-terrifying french hospital that represented the conditions people who were sick had to be placed under -3-6 individuals would be packed in one bed -individuals with different diseases were packed in the same room- some already dead and some dying -leave the hospital with diseases they didn't have when they came in (described by diderot in the encycolpedia) (again shows how medicine- although advancing was still ages far away)

What is the People's will?

-terrorist individuals in russia who sought a social revolution and were dedicated to the overthrow of autocracy -wished for more liberal ideals -terrorist group who assassinated Alex II -a jewish woman is the one who actually attacks alex (leading to greater anti-semitism- used as a scape goat and violence will increase against them) (half measures only infuriated the people and lead to violence) (because he is assassinated it leads to Alex III who is a greater reactionary- more conservative ideas- trying to build a stronger nation state)

Who is Emmeline Pankhurst?

-time period reflects greater amounts of women demanding their right to vote -English woman who utilized violent tactics to support the women suffrage movement because in the past, peaceful methods had not succeeded -creator of the WSPU (woman's social and political union) -public demonstrations, imprisonments, heckling politicians -leading the way and setting an example for future women's suffrage movements post WWI

What was the conflict in cape town?

-the boears controlled this land until the wars of napolean I when the british took dutch settlements -british and afrikaner settlers detested each other and constantly fought over this land which they took from the zulu, xhosa, and other african people's (anglo-boer wars) -britain now had control of southern afica but the boers (dutch farmers) also called afrikaners hated the british -in the 1830's britain abolishes slavery in order to keep the people of their colony happy so they wont revolt -boers and afrikaners forced to make the great trek in search of new land (greater tension between britain and the dutch due to the control of southern africa)

What do porcelain dishes show at the time?

-the bourgeoisie spent large sums of money on china and decor in order to appear more rich and be more similar to the nobles rather than the lower classes -new goods for their homes so that they could entertain and even have salons where enlightened ideas could be shared (consumer revolution and more people buying goods for their homes)

Who was James II?

-the catholic heir put into power after Charles II (brother) (because he is catholic parliament doesn't like him) -goes against the test act and allows Catholics into office as well as grants religious freedom to all -signals for revolution- 7 bishops who didn't agree with the king were imprisoned but then let out due to the anger created by their imprisonment and james got a male heir who everyone knew would be catholic (leads to the glorious revolution in which we switch from james to William and mary)

What is the Humiliation of Olmutz?

-the frankfurt national assembly (created due to the revolutions of 1848 in prussia) has drafted a constitution which they offer up to the king of prussia and he declines -after this under king frederick william he attempted to unify the german northern states (prussia would dominate) -austria calls upon russia and they threatened to utilize force in order to stop this- -the german confederation is re- established, agreed to austrian leadership in the confederation and the prussians now hate the austrians even more (greater tension between the two states)

What is the education act of 1870?

-the government had the responsibility to run the elementary school in britain -creation of public schools (free schooling) (benefiting the middle class individuals who are extremely concerned with raising children based on a high education at this time)

What was the crystal palace?

-the location of the Great Exposition (industrial fair in which inventions were shown) in 1851 in London -an architectural masterpiece made entirely of glass and iron (cheap and abundant now) (showed that Britain had become the first industrial nation producing 2/3rds of the worlds coal and 1/3 of the worlds iron)

Who were the bourgeoisie?

-the middle class and the enlightenment ideas had spread to them as well -pro education (just as good as the nobles and differentiating themselves from the lower classes), fine homes and goods to shows how much money they had, family oriented, had servants so they could seem fancier and more prestigious, and entertained friends at home (more luxury goods were boughts because the middle class wished to be seen as more fancy and more noble like)

Who was Isaac Newton?

-the one to bring all the theories together and synthesize them which he did through a set of mathematical laws to explain motion and mechanics -law of universal gravitation- every body in the universe attracts every other body in the universe through a mathematical equation (principia signaled the end of the scientific revolution) -principia in 1687 (explained principles)

Define an oligarchy

-the rule of merchants -meaning a group of individuals would rule -sometimes it would be unknown to many that the country was an oligarchy -triumphed everywhere in italy

Who was Louis XIV?

-the sun king -"i am the state" he was the top power with sovereign authority in France -fired chief minister (mazzarin) -versailles -never called a meeting of the estates general(wouldnt give the nobles a say) -colbert (mercantilism) -revoked the edict of nantes to take power away from the huguenots -treaty of dover and making charles ii catholic when he gives 200,000 dollars (waste of money)

Whats important about Geneva Switzerland?

-theocracy was the government meaning it was based off of religion Geneva consistory- consisted of 12 non ordained members of the church and Calvin (no hierarchy) -the government was cruel and playing cards, gambling, drinking were all crimes that could be punished by death -the middle class and women enjoyed this because Calvinism promoted hard work (working and making money)

Who is Albert Einstein?

-theory of special relativity- time and space are relative to the viewpoint of the observer but the speed of light is constant from all frames of reference -if a women gets up and moves halfway across the train then she moved half a train car but to others (because they have a different viewpoint) she moved farther (unified the infinite universe with that of subatomic particles therefore showing that matter and energy are interchangeable and that just one particle of energy has great potential energy) (relativism- everything is relative and there are no absolute truths) (shows how past strict views such as newtonian physics were being undermined)

How is italy involved with imperialism?

-they wanted an african empire -they cant keep up with the world powers because they are not industrialized so they attempt to defeat and gain ethiopia -they are defeated and humiliated by the ethiopians as Menelik (emperor) stockpiled weapons and was able to take them out when they tried to imperialism him (showing how in order to gain power they attempted to imperialism but they were not always successful and sometimes African countries took them out and beat them)

What were the attitudes of the people as a result of the war?

-they were questioning humanity because of the destruction occurring during the war -pessimism -questioned if it would get better

Who were killing nurses?

-they were wet nurses who would breast feed and care for another women's child as their job -purposefully negligent so that the child would die, they would get paid, and then moved onto the next house -shows the greed that occurred at this time- people still didn't have enough love for children

What was Catherines opinion on the encyclopedia?

-when the encyclopedia was banned within france she offered to have it published within russia -sent money to the publishers (diderot and d'alembert) to help continue their work -showing how she was an enlightened monarch wishing for the people to spread their knowledge and become more westernized

Who is Czarina Alexandra?

-took over the control of the government when nicholas left to fight with the troops -minor german princess and grand daughter of queen victoria -hated parliments and when she gained power she tried to rule absolutely (as she had urged her husband to do) -seated and unseated her top advisors and put Rasputin in charge (magical healing powers- weaken the russian state) (with rasputin and alexandra at the head it was based on unreality and it only lead to revolution- no proper leader)

What is the 10 hours act?

-torie passed bill designed to help the working class -limited the workday for women and young people to ten hours -tory aristocrats working hard to keep the working class on their side as them and the middle class fought to have their support -working class could make temporary alliances in order to better their conditions

What is conservative authoritarianism?

-tradition and tried to prevent major changes that attacked the existing order -obedient governments, police departments, and trusty armies -couldnt and didnt want to control the lives of the people' -limited demands to taxes, army recruits, and passive acceptance -revived in less developed part of eastern Europe, spain, and portugal (parliaments fell there) -Czechoslovakia remained liberal -lacked a strong tradition of self government, ethnic conflicts (dictatorships could repress tensions), landowners looked to dictators to save them from agrarian upheaval, and the great depression (focus on surviving rather than rapid change/war) (more dictatorships rising up at this time)

What is the peace of Utrecht?

-treaty created at the end of the war of succession and set limits on extent to which any one power could expand (showed the decline of spain as well as Louis XIV power) -Philip of Anjou was bourbon king of spain -france/spain could never unite -England emerges as a European power because they receive newfoundland, nova scotia, and Hudson bay (more land meaning more trade and ability to fix financial problems) -the strait of Gibraltar from spain as well as control of the asiento slave trade (getting more gold and profit from the slave trade and with the strait they now have more access to trading and who goes in and out) (marked the beginning of the English power but the end of Louis- his last war that ultimately ruined him)

What were the methods used to gain soliders during Louis XIV's reign?

-uniforms, trained them, and ambulance core -created during the time of Louis and was encouraged by Louvois- In which gangs seized men off of the street to go to war -shows the lengths Louis would go to in order to create a permanent army- taking people from homes and families -conscription- when you're a certain age you have to fight -requiring people to go once they have come of age and bringing in a lot more soldiers because if you didn't follow this law you could be killed

Who is Matthew Perry?

-unsuccessful attempts to establish commercial relations caused him to steam into Edo Bay (tokyo) and demand diplomatic negotiations with the emperor -although some wanted to revolt officials realized they were defenseless and reluctantly signed a treaty that opened two ports to the US and permitted trade (japan was opened to world market) (showing how the threat of violence caused countries to give into the market- military allowed for the US to take over Japan)

What was the middle class like during the 19th century?

-upper middle class (successful business men who are going to intermingle with the nobles) -middle middle class (traditional) moderately successful individuals -lower middle class (independent shopkeepers, traders white collar groups) -dinner parties, victorian ettiquite, importance of family, christian code

What were napoleons domestic reforms?

-use personal powers to maintain order within the state (unwritten agreements with powerful groups) 1.CIVIL CODE OF 1804 (middle class) reasserted equality of all male citizens before the law and absolute security of wealth/property 2. (nobles) amnesty to emigre nobility on the condition that they took a loyalty oath (occupied high positions in the centralized state) 3. CONCORDAT OF 1801 (pope Pius and the catholic church) french Catholics could practice their religion freely and the government nominated bishops, paid the clergy, and had great influence over the catholic church 4. peasants could keep some of the land gained during the great fear 5.family monarchy- women dependent on man who had absolute power over her 6. lycees- secondary schooling system for bureacrats and military officials (building up army of loyal indidivuals)) (giving the people a sense of stability and unity- domestic reform was extremly important to why so many supported him)(more rights to all individuals and keeping the people on his side)

What was the spanish inquisition?

-used to seek out and punish new christians (jews forced to convert to christianity- wanted to be entitled christians)/conversos -used as a politically unifying tool -gained a notorious reputation of having cruel and torturous punishment -hatred for this group helped unite the common people and have a common culture

What was the war of three henry's?

-war between Henry III (catholic), Henry of Navarre (protestant- the one who was suppose to be married), and Henry of Guise (uber-catholic and the one who lead the attack during the st Bartholomew day massacre) -Henry III sent an assassin after Henry of Guise and he did the same meaning they both died and that left Henry of Navarre as the king by default (beginning of the Bourbon line) -After he had gained so much power Henry the 4th converted to Catholicism representing the fact that the war was really based off of power rather than relgion

What is the war of austrian succession?

-war over the control of austria after Charles VI had died and left the throne to maria teresa -prussia invades austria in order to gain silesia -the peace of aix- la- chapelle ended the war by recognizing maria as the heriess of austria and gave prussia silesia (showing the strength of prussia (POWER) at the time and how the hapsburgs had to compromise in order to continue their dynasty)

Who was Lorenzo Medici?

-was in charge of the papal banking (popes) in Florence -believed in the renaissance especially secularism in terms of the beauty within out world -extreme patronage to the art in terms of da vinci and boticelli -leader in florence

What was Japan's policy?

-when europeans arrived in the 16th century they reacted negatively and sealed off the entire country from all european influence in order to preserve Japan -policy still in effect 200 years later -isolation annoyed the US because it effected shipwrecked sailors and traders coming in from the pacific (thwarting hope of trade and profit)(showing how money was a large reason for imperializing) -america felt it was their duty to civilize them (greater social darwinism lead countries to imperialize as well as economic reasons)

What is the escorial?

-where philip II lived -his home showed how religious he was because he was so close to the monastery -very somber, surrounded by dead relative, and small room with one window -very catholic individuals and shows how a lot of the wars he fights are based off of religion

What was the reform bill of 1918?

-widened suffurage by allowing for women over 30 to vote if they owned property (representing how woman are gaining rights at this time and in terms of suffurage)

What is the treaty of Armiens?

-with great britain in 1802 -France remained in control of Holland, Austrian Netherlands, west bank of the Rhine, and most of the Italian peninsula. (free to reshape the German states as he wished) -diplomatic triumph which consequently increased his popularity with the common people (not spending as much on the war) -but a year later he renews his war with them (continental system) and battle of trafalgar

Who was Madame Geoffrin?

-with the help of her neighbor she created a twice weekly salon (philosophes would come together and share their ideas with one another and to generals, nobles, middleclass) which saw the likes of fontenelle and Montesquieu and was one of the most famous -when her husband died she gave a large fortune to the encyclopediasts to help save their enterprise from collapse (known as the godmother of the encyclopedia) (shows that women were developing a place within society and being apart of the enlightened culture)

Who was Catherine the Great?

-with the help of the orlac brothers she deposed of her husband peter III and became the empress of Russia (originally just a german princess) -wanted to westernize russia, expand territory, and cause domestic reform -supported the nobility and kept them loyal to her because they provided her with support so therefore she wasn't able to give as many rights to the serfs (pugachevs rebellion gave peasents less rights) -charter of the nobility gave them greater power -wanting to gain land (poland and the black sea ports) --1767 she appointed group to make a new law code (INSTRUCTION) in which she allowed for more equality -abolished torture in instruction -improve education in terms of allowing the publishing of encyclopedia (focusing on the culture of the state as well as the people. not as large gaps)

What was Hitler's agression?

-withdrew from the League of Nations (associated with TOV) -established a military draft (rearmment)(going against only 100,000 men) and created an airforce (Luftwaffe under hermin getting- against TOV) -militerized the rhine (put soliders in place previously demilitarized) -aunshluss- bully's/threatens the chancellor of Germany and forces him to hold a plebiscite which will make Austria apart of Germany (there are Germans there and he is Austrian) -hitler invades the Sudetenland- munich conference -invades czechoslovakia and they stop talking to him -says he wants poland- they will declare war -nazi soviet pact to avoid 2 front war -blitzkreig into poland and alliance declares war (appeasement not doing anything to hinder hitler's growth of power)

How was parliment seperated in england during absolutism?

-within England parliament is broken up into 2 groups- house of commons and the house of lords -commons- consisted of the wealthy classes such as business men, burgesses, lawyers, and upper middle class (all had worked in order to get where they were- not inherited) -they mostly wanted sovereignty and because they had the power to give or take money they had a lot of say in what occurred within the country (with so much control over the pocketbook it shows why there couldn't be an absolute monarch and there had to be constitutionalism)

What are swallows?

-within italy industry failed to provide jobs for the growing population so they left the country -people left to go to US, brazil, argentina etc. -those who had no intention of permanent stay -harvested wheat/flax in italy and then flew to argentina to harvest it between december and april (helped them save money in the long run) (imperialism helped benefit the regular people economically because they could have better conditions in different countries- imperialism spreading because it helped benefit the people)

How are coal and coke related to 18th century?

-wood would usually be burnt as a source of heat but it was diminishing so Britain looked to their large reserves of coal -coal was then used to produce mechanical energy and power machinery -mechanical pumps had to be installed at coal mines in order to gain the coal (was bothersome and expensive though) -in order to get past this we see the creation of the steam engine (thomas savery and thomas newcoman) which burned coal to produce steam which was then used to operate a pump (inefficient but still successful in mines)(later improved by james watt) -the use of the steam engine helped iron industries switch from limited coal to unlimited coke in the smelting of pig iron- this iron could then be formed into different shapes for machines to help people in all walks of life -consequence was a great boom in the british iron industry and now iron was cheap, basic, and indispensable building block of the economy (using coal for power meant that it was unlimited and coal was then used to improve what was mixed to make machines)

What is the cult of stalin?

-worship of the tsar helped unify the people in the past and was used during the time of stalin -fixation on the leader with dedication/loyalty -emotionally bonded to the leader (showing hpw much control they had on their people)(piece written by AO Advienko)

Who is Czar Nicholas II?

-would never make peace as long as the enemy was on their soil- (due to the war the people of russia were unified under one goal) -mobilized less effectively than other nations and suffered large losses -constitution of revolutions of 1905- tsar had complete control over the bureacracy and gov, legislation of the DUMA could be veto's by said tsar -wished to maintain power which he refused to share and failed to create a close relationship with his citizens -distrusted the duma and will only lead to more conflict -imprisoned in a home as a result of the Bolsheviks and then (by the fear of the Bolsheviks they were killed) (showing that because of weak leadership ad an individual who allowed no rights to his people- you see the creation of a new government and revolution)

Who was alberti?

-writer, mathematician, and architect -believed in the ways of the Renaissance such as individualism, secularism, and humanism -in his autobiography "a universal man" alberti adds on detail to all the things he has done in order to prove himself and compete with the other great minds of the Renaissance -skilled in sports, could endure pain, kind, gave money to friends and family, loved the beauty of the world, and was overall a truly diverse individual

What is Mein Kampf?

-written by hitler when he was imprisoned after the beer hall putsch race- aryans are the most superior and you cannot mix races (have to keep the superior pure) anti-semitism- jews steal their culture from others, jew=race/communist (causing others to hate them even more) -propaganda/mass rallies- make the people feel like they belong in a community, repetitive/simple propaganda (people are dumb) -lebensraum (living space)- need to expand to eastern europe so that there is enough room for the expanding population of germany. they will use force. -FUHERE- father will be dictator and lead the people (outlines his beliefs and exactly what he is going to do and shows how much he is controlling the people)

What is the declaration of the rights of man?

-written by the national assembly (before the constitution) -represents classical liberalism- liberty- freedom- freedom of religon, speech, of press, from arbitrary laws, and oppurtunity and equality- legally, in pursuit of happiness -showed liberty, equality, and fraternity (slogan) and was heavily based off of enlightened ideas (JL,M,B) -guaranteed equality before the law, a representative government for a sovereign people, equal taxes, and individual freedom -men are born and remain free and equal -propaganda in France and Europe (document outlining the ideas of the revolution)

What is the Communist Manifesto?

-written in 1848 and explained that the working class had no country- proletarits of all nations had to join together in order to overthrow their governments -violent overthrow of the middle class which would lead to the ruling of the dictatorship of the proletariat who would give up power and there would be no classes and everyone would be equal -conservative individuals feared communist revolutions due to the manifesto and what it inspired the people to do so they crushed liberal ideals -representing how socialism was growing at this time because it appealed to the working class (parties being created in russia, germany, france etc.)

Who is Louis Blanc?

-wrote "Organization of Labor" in which he urged workers to fight for universal voting rights and the right to work (SACRED) -the state should set up government backed social workshops (worker owned and run) -the workers should take over the state peacefully -in 1848 these social workshops were set up as national workshops in France (ultimately failed) (the government has to get involved in the economy to ensure that all people can receive work and it has to be well organized and planned out)

Who is Gustave Flaubert?

-wrote Madame Bovary -depth/accuracy in psycological insight -tells the ordinary story of a middle class house wife who has a love affair and then is betrayed -portrays middle class as petty,smug, hypocritical (again very based on what was happening in the here and now- focused on a house wife (lower class individual))

Who is Paul Valery?

-wrote a "Crisis of the mind" -believed that europe was looking towards a terrible future (not hopeful) -horrors of the war caused hopelessness, darkness, and anxiety -people were still suffering even after the war- people questioning if it will ever get better (DOUBT) -wrote "Dissillusionment" -explaining how our civilization is failing like many others in the past and there is still large uncertainty post war (all civilizations fall) -mind has been hurt due to the war and there is great uncertainty (DOUBT) (representing the anxiety of the people- questioning)

Who is Erich Maria Remarque?

-wrote all quiet on the western front/ the lost generation -war protest novel in the point of view of a solider -generation of individuals only know what death is (negative impact of the war) -full hospitals show the terrible effects of war -civilization was flawed because it allowed for such terrible wars to occur (people were much more pessimistic- questioned society)

Who is Vera Brittain?

-wrote biography called testament of youth -she had patriotic support for the war, supported her husbands enlistment, and feared Britain's neutrality -became an army nurse serving in the military (saw terrors) -3 friends (including husband) died as a result -returned to Oxford to publish articles and novels and become a leader in the feminist campaign -testament of youth- anti war, showing how although so many supported the war- it was terrible (Total war decimated the population by destroying lives and showed destruction)

Who is olympe de gouges?

-wrote declaration of the rights of women and the female citizen (exactly the same as declaration of the rights of men but included that women deserved the same equality before the law) -calling on males to end the oppression of women and give them equal rights (shows how the ideas of the revolution are causing woman to want the same revolutionary rights men are being given)

Who was John Calvin?

-wrote in french which made him very loved by the french people(hence their own name- Huguenots) believed in predestination- believed it was predetermined whether you go to heaven or hell (damned or saved from the start) Christians had hope that they were the ones elected or saved and caused people to undergo hardships against evil (the belief in predestination makes him different from luther) -on the institutes of the christian religion- predestination, humans unimportant without god

Who was Machiavelli?

-wrote the "Prince" -a prince should be ruthless and cruel (for good reason) but not too cruel because you dont want your people to hate you -should avoid a scandal at all costs -"it is better to be feared than loved". "the ends justify the means" "be both a lion and a fox" -make sure your army is loyal to you because they give you force and power 2 MAIN BELIEFS- a social order reflecting gods will cant exist, and politics has its own laws and should therefore be a science

Who was Castiglione?

-wrote the book of the courtier (humanism/renaissance) -very large influence (wildely read) -purpose of the book was to help train, disipline, and fashion young males into gentlemen that could be eligible for the princes court -described how an ideal gentlemen/courtier should be knowledgble of a wide range of subjects, sports, arts and more -influenced how people would act. people would follow the patterns of conduct in the book. -women should be learned but know their place (first ettiquite book- how people acted)

Who is Proudhon?

-wrote the pamphlet entitled "What is Property" -property was theft, and that it was profit stolen from the worker (source of all wealth) -because he feared the power of the state he was considered an anarchist (still believes in the workers and poor deserving of more rights and the planning that profit made by the worker should be shared (not taken from the people))

Who was Thomas More?

-wrote utopia (intellignce, toleration, and reform of corruption) -beheaded after he refused to support the supremacy act -describes an ideal society without the issues of the roman catholic church and is centered around intelligence -believed the key to improvement was reform of social institutions -no forced religion and everything utopia had was something that modern day Europe lacked

Who is James Watt?

-young scottish individual who was drawn to the study of the steam engine- when looking at newcomen's engine he realized the waste in energy could be reduced if you added another condensor -needed skilled workers (mechanics), precision parts (from a cannonmaker), and capital (wealthy toymaker) in order to make his engine a success -late 1780's the steam engine was a practical and commercial success in Britain -important- for the first time in history they had unlimited power at their fingertips, all kinds of power equipment/machines in order to aid people in their work -drained mines, produced more coal, replaced water-power, -the use of the steam engine helped iron industries switch from limited coal to unlimited coke in the smelting of pig iron (creating power to run machines and helping the lives of the working class people- not all by hands anymore)

What were the actions of the tory government in the 1820's?

-young torries dominate the government at this time -revise poor laws (poor would be clothed, housed, and fed), new criminal code (cleaning up the department and improving the police), reform of town government, more rights for catholics/dissenters, and free trade (capitalism- competiton) -robert peel creates the police force- the people like because its cleaning up the problems, dealing with crime (giving the people some rights in order to make them happy and not revolt)

What are the parts of the grand empire?

1- ever expanding France consisting of Belgium, Holland, some of northern Italy, and much German territory on the east bank of the rhine 2- dependent satelliete kingdoms (members of his families ruled on the thrones) 3- independent but allied states of austria, prussia, and russia effects- -introduced french laws, abolished fuedal dues/serfdom -put heavy taxes on the individuals of the state in order to support his expensive policy (showing how this ruling sparked greater nationalism and caused people to connect with their home nations and revolt in order to break free from france)

What were the reforms of Maria Teresa?

1- limited influence of the papacy on her realm 2- nobles and clergymen didn't receive special treatment from taxation 3-improve agricultural population and reduced power of lords over their serfs (very different from Frederick and Catherine in the means that she wished to help the serfs most greatly)

Why did hitler come to power?

1- manipulated the lost generations children and had a mass youth movement 2- the Weimar Republic forced prices and wages (making economy worse- #1 REASON FOR RISE OF POWER- GREAT DEPRESSION)- appeals to the pocketbooks of the people and promised economic reform (played on the people's fears) -3- the socialists and communist can't unite (not a unified enemy) -4- manipulation through purging the army and big business (Gained power legally and because the gov originally was so weak)

What are the methods used to make russia a united state? (domestic and foreign)

1- russification (domestic policy) forcing the non russian people to speak the russian language, convert to orthodox, and adopt the russian customs (if the people are all the same and united then it will be easier to unify the nation- but this is supressing nationalism and the people's individual identity- not good)(pan-slavism falls under this) 2- foreign policy- Pan Slavism union of all the slavic people under russian leadership (romanians, bulgarians, poles, balkans etc.)(again they are trying to force people under their control so it will be easier to unify when thee people really just want their own nation) 3-foreign policy- expansion- heading east and south towards the ottoman empire (targeted someone they knew they could beat- cannot beat the industrialized individuals of western europe)(if they expand it will lead to greater nationalism because the people will be more proud to be under their control)(crimean war, russo- turkish war)

How could continental europe better industrialize?

1- they had expirence with the putting out industry so they could better adapt to new methods 2- could steal ideas from england 3.governments were more involved in the economy and worked hard to make sure they could catch up with england (very hard because they were so behind but eventually moved forward)

What are the causes of the revolution in france?

1. glorious revolution (parliement had soverignty in a constitutional monarchy) 2.enlightenment (NUMBER ONE) showing logic and reasoning that all people deserve rights 3. locke and montesquei -locke (2 treatise on civil government) and explaining that a government gets its power from the people and is there to protect people's lives,liberty, and property -montesquei- spirit of laws- system of checks and balances and a seperation of power (executive, legislative, and judicial) 4. american revolution (brought about debt (worse for people), revolutionary soliders, and inspired the people) 5. lifestyles of the old regime gave less than 20% to the state (financial crisis- harvest faliure and high bread prices caused an economic depression)

How was WWI the first modern war?

1. industrialized war 2. produced mass amounts of weapons in factories 3.new weapons/techniques 4. TOTAL WAR- nations turn all their resources towards the war effort. -in each of the countries governments began to control and plan the economies by disabling capitalism and rationing, price and wage controls, and restrictions on workers freedoms (showing that state socialism was becoming a real economic blueprint and the government forced all the resources towards aiding the war)

What are the three concepts of the enlightenment?

1. use the scientific method to understand society and go further 2. rationalize and use logic and reason to figure out problems 3. PROGRESS and move forward instead of going back like they did in the renaissance. don't try to be as good as people in the past rather be better and MOVE FORWARD

What is the order of events leading up to WWI?

1.assasination of arch duke franz ferdinand 2. blank check from germany to austria hungary 3. ultimatium from austria hungary to serbia 4. AH declares war on serbia 5. russia mobilizes their troops- leading to germany declaring war on them 6. germany declares war on france 7. schiefflen plan (rape of belgium) 8. britain declares war on germany

What is socialism?

1.government planning- government should organize the economy and not depend on competition (destructive) 2. greater economic equality- decrease the gap because the poor need help and shouldn't be as opressed 3. state regulation of property- private property should be abolished and replaced by state or community ownership (similarly to liberalism there was great difference in the extents to which people believed in these ideals) (middle of the spectrum for liberalism)

What is the pattern of the revolutions of 1848?

1.liberals unite (coalition formed) 2. the liberals demand a constitution (representative government) 3. conservative government collapses and gives in (government created with liberal reforms or agree to create one) 4. popular front breaks down (liberals dispute- unity breaks down) 5. conservatives return (monarchy and old ways take back control)

What was the seige of constantinople?

1453 -excellent military strategy with efficient administration of territories allowed the Turks to get most of Asia minor and begin moving forward -after Constantinople they pressed northward and by the 16th century controlled eastern Mediterranean (frightened Europeans with their strength) (because they controlled it they also stopped the flow of slaves from there) -use of cannon (new weapon) allowed for them to win strength (shows how different people were gaining new land)

What were the 95 theses? (date)

1517 -written by Martin Luther and saying that indulgences (paying for forgiveness of sins) weren't part of the scriptures and that they had no biblical basis -this is important because he was saying that the pope was wrong-- challenging the power of the church, informing the people and leading them to revolt and follow Luther !!!!!SPARKED PROTESTANT REFORMATION!!!!!

What was the act in restraint of appeals? (date)

1533 -declared the king as the supreme sovereign in England. he is now head of everything (highest legal authority) and followers cannot appeal to others (like the pope) to override his decisions (both of these things gave Henry extreme power and took it away from the church)

What was the supremacy act? (date)

1534 -declared the English king as the supreme head of the church, taking away the pope and putting Henry on the top -officials had to take oaths, less power is given to the catholic church, and has authority to divorce his wife along with utter control -elizabeth has the same act in the future

What was the peace of Augsburg?

1555 between Charles V and lutheran princes and it stated that a prince could chose the religion in Germany. they had 2 choices catholic or Lutheran -first permanent legal basis for the existence of Lutheranism in Germany (more acceptance) -this treaty created tension and lead to the 30 years war

What was the dutch government like?

17th century known as the golden age of the dutch states general= federal assembly of wealthy merchants who handled foreign affairs like war (did not posses sovereign authority because all the issues had to be referred back to the local estates for approval) -stadholders= appointed by the states general and were representatives in each of the provinces. highest executive there and therefore carried out ceremonial functions and were responsible for good order and defense -dutch government which was an oligarchy (group of people) which was controlled by wealthy merchants and financers (golden age because they were ruled by people who knew how to work the economy and benefit from it) (end- due to economic competition with england <anglo-dutch>)

What occured to the hapsburgs during the 17th century?

1st/2ns seige of vienna- they gained almost all of transylvania and some of hungary joined 30 years war- bohemian phase they gained bohemia (battle of white mountain) -hungarian nobles were protestant and revolted against catholic rule (nobles gained many rights due to the compromise)

Who was Martin Luther?

German friar who launched the protestant reformation creater of Lutheranism and believer that faith was based off of scripture alone TRANSLATED BIBLE INTO GERMAN -got support from the nobles because they could go against the catholic church

Who was Galileo?

Italian who challenged the ideas of motion -greatest accomplishment- experimental method meaning having controlled experiments with data rather than speculation to prove theory's (v different from churches way) -law of inertia- rest wasn't the natural state of objects-- an object is moving forever until something stops it -after he openly supported Copernicus's ideas against ancient ones he was arrested by papal inquisition. He recanted his ideas so as not to die -moon isnt perfect (craters) (shows conflict between religion and science and how religion wasn't accepting of science)

Who are individuals against imperialism?

JA Hobsen -forceful attack on imperialism after the south African war -wrote Imperialism in order to explain that the race to gain colonies was due to economic reasons and competition coming from unregulated capitalism and of the rich attempting to find more money -gaining possesions was useless because it didn't benefit the country as a whole (just special interest groups), and it only diverted attention away from domestic reform and helping the poor (showing that individuals didn't always agree with imperialism and saw that there was great violence just to try to gain economically <which most likely didn't happen) -rebelling against social darwinism, whites ruling nonwhites, and kipling was seen as a racist bully Labouchere- -mocked kipling's famous poem (white man's burden) in brown man's burden to explain that non-whites were gaining as a result of their opression of blacks -member of parliment (even higher up's didnt agree with the policy) -whites utilized force and the machine gun to supress other individuals (violent methods and the supression of different ethnic groups angered the people who called for reform and the end of imperialism)

What was the diet of worms?

Luther was called before Charles V and asked to recant but he refused and he was declared an outlaw but was protected by Frederick of Saxony -once he was protected he was able to be hidden away and able to translate the bible to German and work out the basic tenants of protestant thought

What is the Spanish Armada?

Philip II wanted Catholicism to spread and he wished to unite Spain and England under Mary queen of Scots who was catholic and Elizabeth's cousin. -Mary was then killed by Elizabeth crushing Philips plan and causing him to wish to go to the English channel and battle Elizabeth for the control of England (shows how he wanted Catholicism to spread but also power) -Spanish vessels met the English fleet in the English channel -the English had better and more maneuverable ships, there were storms, spoiled food, rank water, and inadequate Spanish ammunition.-----this caused the English to beat the Spanish this prevented Philip from bringing religious unity across Europe by force which lead to a spirit of defeatism among the people

What is the revolution in Paris in 1848?

Under Louis- economic and political problems (bad harvests- higher bread prices). government suffered from inaction, corruption, and only the rich could vote/were put in power.conservatives didnt think he was llegitimate and liberals didnt think he was radical enough -workers revolt and force louis to abdicate (2nd provinsional republic) under the 2nd republic- universal male suffurage, slaves freed, no death penatly, and 10 hour workday in france differences in the coalition- liberal republicans (no universal suffurage) and radical republicans (wished to keep their right to vote) -within the provinsional government louis blanc advocated for greater involvement in the economy (orginization of labor)(radical)(worker owned and government planned social workshops)AS A COMPROMISE- national workshops are created -divide between the socialists and the middle class individuals (want their right to vote) JUNE 22- national workshops dissolved (either join army or go to different province) which causes the people to revolt during the "JUNE DAYS" but the republican army is triumphant DEC 1848- december election in which Louis Napolean is elected president (semi-authoritarian regime) (shows how the revolution fails in the end and conservationism will put another Napoleon in power with less liberal laws)

What is the industrial revolution?

a time when machines begin to do the work people had originally done before effects- changes work patters (when,where, with who), new social classes (the working class/proletariat), and upsets the balance of power (through the revolution England was able o become a leading European power -gave people jobs- helping them gain a normal standard of living through the money they recieved (changed the way people saw the world and created new technology- amazing advancements)

What was the St.Bartholomew's day Massacre?

attack on Huguenots in Paris in august 1572. During a wedding which was a marriage between Margaret of Valois (the king of France's sister) and Henry of Navarre (protestant). The wedding was meant to symbolize the protestants and Catholics having peace by a marriage from between them. Coligny who was the leader of the Huguenot party was attacked and the slaughter continued this event was the reason the war of three Henry occurred (although it was based off or religion in the beginning the three men really only wanted power)

How did the search for sugar have bad effects?

because many people in Europe had such bland diets they wished for sugar and when native Americans were unable to withstand the harsh conditions---- slavery occurred so they sugar could be attained

Define individualism

belief that it was not only okay to be unique and have individual thoughts and actions but it was preferred that you did

What were the groups established during the constitutional monarchy?

broken into 2 groups (all republicans/jacobins) mountain- lead by robbespierre and danton- much more extreme and radical girondists- much more conservative -the mountain wants more of a republic and UNIVERSAL MALE SUFFURAGE -a majority of the individuals floated between the two rival factions (showing how fragile the revolution was)

What are blood sports?

bullbaiting- bulls would be attacked by dogs for peoples amusement cockfighting- 2 roosters were armed with razor sharp claws and slashed at each other -shows how the lower class was very barbaric and found amusement in watching violence -created a greater wedge between them and the elites who saw their popular culture as vulgar and disorderly

What was the difference between the catholic reformation and the counter reformation?

catholic- 1517 (95 theses) and the catholic church wanted renewal and to end the corruption counter- 1540 in response to rise and spread of Protestantism, included the catholic efforts to convince people to convert back to catholicism

Whats the price revolution?

caused by a rise in population, economic expansion, and gold and silver infusing into economy from new world -Spain experienced a rise in demand for food and goods, they had brought the farmers to the new world so they couldn't meet the demands, prices and cost of manufacturing rose, the Spanish product couldn't compete in the international market (everything else cheaper) the fact that the debt of Spain was also ignored caused the economy to be in shambles SPANISH DOMINANCE OVER

What is the compass and astrobale?

compass- allowed for sailors to determine direction and position at sea astrobale- used to determine altitude of sun and other celestial bodies--allowing mariners to plot latitude (north to south) (these two objects helped individuals get to proper locations and explore better)

Define class-consciousness

conflicting classes existed, in part, because many individuals came to believe they existed and developed an appropriate sense of class feeling -middle class saw themselves as the backbone in which society ran on and the "people" began to see themselves as the working class -caused people to wish to remain in their own class- didn't want to intermix with others (18th century) (helped explain to people what was happening in society. only made the middle class more arrogant)

Who were cortes and pizarro?

cortez- crossed from hispaniola to mainland mexico. conquered Aztec empire, founded mexico city, and allowed for Spain to gain control of zacatecas and guanajuanto (silver land) pizarro- repeated cortez's feat in peru in which he crushed the inca empire and established a spanish viceroyalty in peru (richest silver mines in the new world)

What was the Elizabethan settlement?

demanded that there be outward conformity to the church of England but in private you were free to practice whatever -bringing in more tolerance, peace, and less fighting because people had the ability to practice what they believed in "THE MIDDLE WAY" didn't care which religion but had to go to the Anglican church -her tolerance is also shown by hoe she allowed for puritans to hold positions in parliment

What was the council of blood?

during the revolt of the Netherlands a tribunal called the council of blood was created by the king of Spain (Philip II) executed many protestant individuals and showed the utmost ferocity of the Catholics in their quest to target all opposing religions

What were the domestic actions of Napolean III?

economic- encouraged investment banks, railroad construction social- improved lives of the working class through the regulation of pawn shops, support of credit unions, right to form unions/strike, rebuilding paris with haussman political- allowed for universal male suffurage and gave positions to notables (did censor the press, held a coup de taut, and greatly controlled the assembly) (domestically he was able to create an effective nation state that protected many rights of the people)

Define secularism

emphasis on material or worldly things. (not focusing on religion as much but more on the beauty within out world)

Who is a politique?

individuals who put politics before relgion. saved france and europe. believed no religious creed was worth so much destruction. favored tolerance and accepting different religions instead of just one

What is the cannon?

iron or bronze gun that fires iron or stone balls -used at the siege of Constantinople and with this weapon you are able to take down fortresses. -although they were hard to move it had great power and good effects -bronze was expensive but iron cracked easier -cannons usually used at sea and were mounted on ships because on land they were hard to move, took a long time to reload, and were very inaccurate

Who was Henry VI?

laid foundation for absolutism in France -restored public order and allowed for economic prosperity -first minister sully -paulette- putting a tax on certain nobles titles which brings the state a fixed income (more money) -edict of nantes- religious toleration for huguenots in 150 cities (allowing some right so they wouldnt be enemies) -didn't raise the taxes on the peasants (keeping the people on his side and unifying them for his rule not against it) -canada- land rich in resources and allowing trade and money -ended up being killed by a crazy catholic who didn't agree with henry's religious tolerance "chicken in every pot" -trying to fix economic problems shows absolutism because improving the state financially

What is the order of the french revolution?

national assembly (1789-1791) constitutional monarchy (1791-1792) national convention and the republic (1792-1795) directory (1795-1799) napolean (1799-1815)

Who were nobles of the robe?

new nobles who gained their titles and land from the king (weren't born into their names) -because they owed so much to the king they would be more loyal and more dependent on the king (shows absolutism because kings were trying to control competing groups)

Define patronage

people spending money on art -because of the wool trade in florence more money was coming in and therefore people were allowed to have more patronage and buy more art

Who was the protestant union and the catholic league?

protestant union- the protestant side during the 30 years war and mostly created by Lutheran princes catholic league- after the protestant union was created the Catholics retaliated with the league (the Hapsburg's ruled Austria and they wanted to make Germany Catholic)

What was the index of prohibited books?

published by the holy office as a catalogue for books that shouldn't be read. In Venice and Italy the index had no influence and they were not cut off from currents of European learning (tried to limit the spread of protestant beliefs but continues on)

What were methods doctors used in the 18th century?

purging- giving them laxatives in order to remove something from the body bloodletting- cutting the individual in order to release the pain sometimes even during childbirth -often worked on people without anesthetist so you could die from the pain whilst in surgery -shows how no matter the advancements medicine at this time was still very un-advanced and most people didn't know what they were doing

How did Napoleon become emperor?

renewed fighting allowed for Napoleon to use the wartime atmosphere and have himself proclaimed emperor -beginning of napoleons downfall and showing how he's going back to ideas of the old regime and divine right (Very un revolutionary and unenlightened)

Who explored first?

spain and portugal -prince henry the navigator- created a school for navigation in portugal (magellan) -spain set up viceroyalties in new world (columbus, cortez, pizzaro)

What were the methods of warfare of world war one?

stalemate- in the west you have germany and france fighting after the schlieffen plan and due to the trenches no one is moving forward -neither side is winning or losing rather they are just sitting and waiting (not until the US enters that there will be a tip in the balance) war of attruition- -each side was attempting to wear the other down by sitting in the trenches and bombarding them with machine guns -trying to force the other individual to surrender (and trying to reduce their strength)

Define humanism

the belief that humans have potential and that they can become better (through art, architecture, experiences, food etc.)

What was the first phase of the 30 years war? (ignites it)

the defenestration of Prague in which catholic tax collectors were thrown out the window by protestant individuals but they survived and Catholics said it was because they were saved by angles but protestants believed it was because they fell on crap. (ignites it) -Bohemia phase -Catholics=hapsburgs and the protestants=Bohemia nobles -defenestration of Prague -during the battle of white mountain the Hapsburgs got Bohemia and made it catholic (shows how they are extending their power- growing) -catholic side wins

What was the dutch revolt?

the dutch moved towards the protestant religion of Calvinism. 1556 fanatical Calvinists went on a rampage of destruction and Philip responded by sending in troops to destroy them (this lead to a war between the Catholics and protestants in the Netherlands) (shows the religious tensions between the two groups)

Whats the colombian exchange?

the migration of people lead to the exchange of flauna, flora, animals, plants, and disease -wheat, wine,olive oil, corn, potatoes all sent to Spain -wild game from native Americans as well as syphilis -we gave them small pox because they weren't accustomed to the disease

What ended the thirty years war?

the peace of westphilia -THE HAPSBURG EMPIRES POWER WAS SEVERELY LIMITED AFTER THE TREATY -300+ princes given sovereign authority -independence of the Netherlands -Sweden got money and German territories (spread of wealth and taking money away from the hapsburgs) -the papacy cannot participate in German affairs -the Augsburg agreement still stands -Calvinism, Catholicism, and Lutheran are all legal (more tolerance for different religious groups and less power to the catholic church)

Whats was the treaty of Cateau Cambresis?

the treaty that ended the hapsburg valois wars. -after the war the hapsburgs won Spain and a lot of land such as Italy which meant more trade and money. France was forced to acknowledge Spanish dominance in Italy -france had a lot of issues with this treaty and it ultimately lead to the french wars of religon

What was the reformation?

time period that allowed for people to truly see the corruption of the roman catholic church and to demand change reforming the church

What was elizabethean literature?

used to designate English music, poetry, prose, and drama of the period golden age of English literature (shows how in the midst of religious conflicts there were still cultural advancements)

What are real wages?

wage is increasing larger than that of the consumer price -people are able to gain more money and from there contribute to the economy and buy the goods produced (With such a large population places such as England were able to employ a workforce capable of making and buying goods) consumer revolution

What was the reconquista?

wars of northern christian kingdoms to control the entire peninsula (granada) which was currently ruled by the muslims in order to make it a christian state -wanted to christianize spain in order to make a common culture -spain gained great land and resources due to this win

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