Ap World History Chapter 32: The Building of Global Empires

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"Mission civilisatrice"

"Civiling mission" as justification for their expansion into Africa and Asia.

Cecil Rhodes

(1853-1902) He made a fortune mining diamonds and gold.he worked tirelessly on behalf of British imperial expansion.

Queen Victoria

(Reigned 1837-1901) assigned responsibility for Indian policy to the newly established office of Secretary of State for India.

King Leopold II

(Reigned 1865-1909) employed Henry Stanley to help develop commercial ventures and establish a colony called Congo Free State in the basin of the Congo River.

Queen Lili'uokalani

(Reigned 1891-1893) and invited the United States to annex the islands.

Cawnport massacre


Cuba Philippines




David Livingstone

A Scottish minister, who traveled through much if central and Southern Africa in the mid-nineteenth century in search of suitable ovations for mission posts.


A city in central Sudan near the junction of the white and blue Nile rivers, British forces killed nearly 20,000 Sudanese in a matter of hours while suffering only minor losses themselves.

Maji Maji rebellion

A local prophet organized the large-scale (1905-1906) to expel German colonial authorities from east Africa.

Captain James Cook

After this guy europeans traveled to the southern continent in large numbers. In 1770 he anchored his fleet for a week at Botany Bay and reported that the region was suitable for settlement.

Monroe Doctrine

American doctrine issued in 1823 during the presidency of James Monroe that warned Europeans to keep their hands off Latin America and that expressed growing American imperialistic views regarding Latin America.

Henry Stanley

An American journalist, who undertook a well-publicized expedition to find Livingstone and report on his activity.

Herbert Spencer

An English philosopher (1820-1903) relied on theories of evolution to explain differences between the strong and the weak: successful individuals and races had competed better in the natural world and consequently evolved to higher states than did other, less fit peoples.

Rudyard Kipling

An English writer that defined the "white man's burden" as the duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands.

French Indochina

Consisting of the modern states of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, between 1859 and 1893. They introduced European-style schools and sought to establish close connections with native elites. They also encouraged conversions to Christianity.

Suez Canal

Constructed (1859-1869) facilitated the building and maintenance of empires by enabling naval vessels to travel rapidly between the world's seas and oceans.

Panama Canal

Constructed (1904-1914) facilitated the building and maintenance of empires by enabling naval vessels to travel rapidly between the world's seas and oceans.

Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau

French nobleman took race as the most important index human potential.

Thomas Raffles

He found the port of Singapore, which soon became the busiest center of trade in the Strait of Melaka.

Muhammad Ali

He sought to build up their army strengthen the economy, and distance themselves from the Ottoman authority, they borrowed heavily from European lenders.

Theodore Roosevelt

He was a United States president in office 1901-1909, an enthusiastic champion of imperial expansion, the United States supported a rebellion against Columbia in 1903 and helped rebels established a breakaway state of Panama.

Settlers colonies

In some lands, such as North America, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Mew Zealand, and South Africa, European powers established _______ ________ populated largely by migrants for the home societies.


Islamic dynasty that ruled India from the sixteenth through the eighteenth century; the construction of the Taj Mahal is representative of their splendor; with the exception of the enlightened reign of Akbar, the increasing conflict between Hindus and Muslims was another of their legacies.

Sepoy uprisings

It began as a rebellion by Indian troops in the employ of English East India Company turned into a full-fledged war of independence against British rule. Both sides committed widespread atrocities against combatants and noncombatants alike.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Know to his followers as George Washington of his country. He led the Filipino rebellion.

Indentured labor

Labor source for plantations; wealthy planters would pay the laboring poor to sell a portion of working lives, usually seven years, in exchange for passage.

Terra Mullius

Means "land belonging to no one" British settlers thought that they could seize and put to their own uses.

Berlin Conference

Meeting organized by German chancellor Otto Von Bismarck in 1884-1885 that provided the justification for European colonization of Africa.

Sino-Japanese War

Meiji leaders were unwilling Ro recognize Chinese control over a land important to Japanese business interests. In august 1894 they declared war on China. The Japanese navy gained control over the Yellow Sea and demolished the Chinese fleet in a battle lasting a mere five hours.

Great game

Nineteenth-century competition between Great Britain and Russia for the control of Central Asia.

Social Darwinism

Nineteenth-century philosophy, championed by thinkers such as Herbert Spencer, that attempted to apply Darwinian "survival of the fittest" to the social and political realm; adherents saw the elimination of weaker nations as part of a natural process and used the philosophy to justify war.

Treaty of Waitangi

Presumably designed to place New Zealand under British protection. It actually signaled the coming of official British attempts to usurp their land and sovereignty.


Term associated with the expansion of European powers and their conquest and colonization of African and Asian societies, mainly from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century.

Frederick Lugard

The British colonial administrator (1858-1945) was the driving force behind the doctrine of indirect rule, which the British employed in many of their African colonies.

Spanish-American war

The United States emerged as a major imperial and colonial power after this war. The United States easily defeated Spain and took control of Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Russo-Japanese war

This war transformed Japan into a major imperial power.

Opium war

Thus in 1842 the British gunboat Nemesis led an expedition up the Yangzi River that brought this certain war to a conclusion.

Richard Burton

Ventured with John Speke into east Asia seeking the source of the Nile River.

John Speke

Ventured with Richard Burton into east Asia seeking the source of the Nile River.

White man's burden

the duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands.

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