apa style quiz

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refrence included in meta anayslis

# of articles contibring studies in meta is small 50 or less appear in reference with astick. If greater then 50 then reference ot the articles hsould be placed in a list and put online archives. Biascially site as normal but just put an astric before it

court precedis in test

(Lessard v Smitd, 28572)


APA sppellder out *oproducer). *tyear). Title italics bracket dvd end bracks period avoalidable from

corporate author tast force report online

America Pscyholgoical Assocation, Task force on bla (2340.) Rerpot on italcs. Retricved from

for a chpater n a boo or entry in reference book

Author (year) title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. editor (Eds.) title of book italics (pp. page #) Location publisher

unpublished dissertation or theses

Author year title in italics (unplished doctoral disseration). ASU, GA

in pres article posted n preprint archivie

Brisc, R. (in pres). Title. Journal in italics. Retricived from

jouran article with a doil

Carr, C. *(2005). Happy go luck. Health Psychology, 25(5), 255-330. doil: 1231232134

editorial without signure

Editorial: "What is a disaster" and why does this question matter? Bracket editorial. Year parethenese period. So on as usual.

citing a persons name in text one aauthor

Just use last namedo at tbeing kessler (2003) found that or at the end adfadlfj kessler, 2003) if its part of the narative do in 2003, kessler ...


Name (Year, Month). Title of contribution. In E. E. Chairperson (Chair), title of synpomosi in italics. Symtpoms conducted at meeting of APA in GA

monographi as part of a jouranl issue.

Names. Year. Title brackets monographi then period. Then as usual

data set

Pew Hsipain center. *year). Title ilatics bracket data file and code book end bracket period . Retrived from

motion picture

Producer, A. a. (producer). & director , B. B. (Directior). Year partenths period. Title in italics brack motion picture. IS: Studio

if you omit materail when you quote something

Put 3 dogs

Reeviews and peer comentary

Reveiwer. ( Year). Title of review brack Review of the book title of the book italics, by name end brack put period . Title of ocmplete work italics page # or volume

Newspaper article

Schawarts, K. ( 1993, Sepeter 30). Title. Newspaper name italics, pp. A1, A4

corporpirate author gove repot

U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services. (2003). Managing astma in italics ( NIH Publicaton No. 2). Retrived from adlkfjaldj

review of article

Wolfe, (2005). Itliaics future of deaf brack peer comentary on "decrase of def motin in main" by such end bracket put period. Retrived from asdflajfd

order of works with group authors or with no authors

alphbatize by first signifitant word use full names and use a parent body before subdivision like UN of Michaian, deprt ment of spycholgo all casp

what if you have 2 citations and one of them has the same author and the other two have different authors what do you do

alphebetical including surname

what if you have one author 2001 and then that same author with other people 1999

always site one author enteries before mutliple author enteries regardless of the year

if your listing mutliple authoors how do you do this in reference

always use and

when to cite

any time you use anything - taking fats from other people that are not commong knowledge, background. Some try to cit 1-2 sources for each key point. Though literature reviews are more exhaustive

reference with the same authors published in the same years

are identified as articles in part of a series order the references in the series order (by year) and not alphbetically. Place a lowercase a, b, c, and so on right after the year in the pareanthese

order of several works by different first authors with the same surname

arrange works by different authors with the same surnamed alphbatical by first inaitl. Mathur, A. L. & Wallson then Mathur, S. E. ..

music record

author (copytright year. Title of song breacket recored by bb. Artist if diff from writer end parbekt put period. On title of album in italics bracks medium of recording CD end bracks period on the indside. Location colon Label

book refrences books and chapters for an entire book use following reference

author or editor. (year). Title of work italics. Locatoin: Publisher you just put the location and publisher with the colons you don't put location: iserial

if you quote provide what

author year page #

doctoral disseration avalidable online

author year title of doctoral diseration in itals then partneths doctoral disoertation end parenthese period. Retrivied from ebsoc. (acess #)

unpublished opapers, lectures from an archeive or personal collection

author year. Notes for a lecture on whatever in atliaics. A Adrian Janit ( body m40). Arcives of the history of psychology, Univeristy of Ga, Augusta, GA.

name of the book editor should be predced by the word in

author, year title chap. In ed.

2 kinds of material cited onluy in the text instead of the reference list

bible quaorn and reference to peronsal ocmmunications

reference list alphabtize how

by last name

title of books

captailzie on thly the fist word of the t itle oand of the subtitle if any proper nouns italize.

titles article chapt or title

captalize first letter in first word and first word after italics and any proper nouns

works with no author

cit in text with first few words of reference list entry like the title and use quotation marks inside of the paranthese of an article chapter or webage. Italize books brochers or reports

citing when you have two names

cite every time thorugouht if it has more than 3 authors cite them all first and then put et al. Afterwards if it has more than 5 just site et al. And the year but if you have two that look the same list as many last names as needed to disgintiughs like k k b c t 2996 and k k g t m put k k b 1996 and kk g 1995

classical works

date is inapplicabe like might be reall only put (Aristotle, trans. 1931) to show most current translation can include orginal date if you know

reerence list

doubled spaced hangign indenet don't provide non recoverable data like personal communication

title of journals etc.

full name in tialics

personal communication

give the intations al surname of the communicator and provde exact data ( t.k. Lutes (personal communication, april 18,2001)

if you cite something online and it doesn't have a page 3

if it has pargraph #s cit that if it doens't list the heading and the pargaphc # like discussion par .1 put papa. Or if three is none of this site the article ittile in quotes or at least some of it and put the paragphric

citations in parenthetical material

in citations that appears in parenthitical text, use commas not brackets to set off the data (See Table 3 of US department of labor, 2007, for complete data)


in referndce ot edited book placed eidors name in the authors postion and enclose the abbredivation Eds. Or Ed. In parenthes

citing a specific parts of a source

indicate page chapter figure table or equation at appropriate text. Note that page, but not chapter is abbreivated in text citations (Center , 2005, p.10 or Shimera, 1989, Chapter 3)

how do you do the volume and issue number/

journal in italcs then comma, then volume in italics then in paranthese issue # with no space and not italics Jounral of happy, 8(1)

if you quote someone and they refreenced someone else

keep their refreence in your quote you don't have to cite tem in the reference list unless you used them otherwise

citing authors

last name

several volumes in multivolume work

last name, Frist intiatl. Period (Ed.). (1945-1955). Title italics (Vols. 1-5). New York, NYL Mcraw and Hill

messaged posted to news group online form or disscussion group

last name, t. ( year, month da). Re: traditional knowledge bracket online form comment end bracket period. Reterived from title

if you make a quote then change it

like by adding emphasis you can emphais through italis and then put in bracketsz emphasis added

journal article without DOI

list as usua you can put Retreived from and then the wesite or just leave it

same authors reference list

list by year

jouranl with 7 or more authors

list the first 6 names then put... and the last name

you can sperate major citions from other citionas how

minor, 2001; see also adams 1999

if there is no author reference

move the title of the author postion and alphbize the entry by the fisrt sig word of the title legal references should be like this too

Refernce bok

name (Ed.). (yaer) title in italics. Location: Publisher


name (producer). (2007, motnh and day without comma). Title italics bracket audio podcast end brack period retrived from

tv show

name (writer) and sadfad (Director). (year). Faiulre to communicate not italitics bracket televion serious epidoe end brakcet period. In D. Shore bparentshe exceusvit producer, title of show it ilaics. Location: publisher

online newspaper article

name (year, Month day). Title. Title of jouranl italics. Retrieved from

doctoral diseration web

name (year.) title in italics (Doctoral disertation, Augusta sttae). Title

online magainze article

name as usual parenthesis year and month publised. Title. Journal name. retried from

entire book print version

name year title in italics London, England: Taylor and Gracins

book chapter print version

name year title not iliaics. In C. Lemons (Eds.), book title italics (pp. 123421) New York, Ny: Guilford pres

measurment insturment

name year title of measurment instrume bracket softoward and training video end brack period unbplushed instrume re period retrived from

unpublished raw data from study unittile word

name year. Bracket name not italics end bracket. Unpuslidhed raw data

electronic version of republished book

name year. Title. In J. Strachedy (ed. * Trans.). Title in italics (Vol. $, pp 85-12) retrived from

patents refere list

name year. Y.s> pateint no then list # in italics Augusta, GA : Us apteint

Magazine article

names as usual remember Carr, C. Lemons, C. & Bob, B. (2004, May). Title. Journal name italics, issue in italics. Volume beside it in paranthese, page #

online only supplement material periodical

names. Year parenthese period. Title. Brackets supplemental material then period no period after title after bracks. Usual

abstract as orginal source

names. Year. Title abstract in brackets. As usual


no date

refrence list classical works

not required use the # instad of page # like 1 Cor. 13:1 (Revised Standard Version)

two or more works within the same parenthese

order them abc if same authors different year earlierst year first. So if two people (abby, 2005; bob , 2008) or (happy, 2005, 20008)

p or pp.

page (pages)

blog post

person name ( year, month da). Title bracket web log post end partneths got from

self plagirims

presenting ones own previous work as if it were new

paper or posteter presentation

prsenter name (year month.) Title in italics. Paper or poster prsented at Meeting, Locatoin.

repriting vs adapting

reporting u just reportied exactly adapting you modified it somehow check for copywrit las apa says less than 400 words from a single text or extracts less than 800 words without requestion permission or no more than 3 figures or tables

if it's a special issue or section in a jouran

right after the title and before you put a period but specail issue or selction in brackets

if electron book

same as always but put retrived from or doil

journal article with doi advanced online publication

same as usual but after the journal where youd typically put the volume and what not put advanced online publication. Doil: 234

if its signed ananoys what do you do

spell it out and italize in reference list

citing groups as quthors

spell out their name each time they apper in text citiation sometimes appreviate after abbreiviate as ong as doesn't make it hard to find

if you have one author with 2 years how do u do in reference

the earleist year goes first

news artilce no author

title. Parenthese year and month. News article name. retertived from

newspaper article historical or archieve in collection

title. Year, month day no comma brack clipping from unidified dayton, oh news paerp iend parenthis period copy in poses of author

if a quoteation has 40 more words

use a block quoation on a new line indent half an inch in left margin same spot as new paragrph double space the entire quote and cit

secondary sources

use sparingly list secondary source in reference list. In test name the orginal work and give a a citaiton for the secondary source. Say allports work is cited in nicholson but you didn't read allpor. Allports diary (as cited in nicholson, 2003)

if you have two primary sources with the same last name how do you cit intext

use their initatioals too if you have light, l (2006) and light, m.a. And Lligh 2008 youd site. Among studies we reviewed, M.Am Light nand light 2008 and I light 2006t even if years are different

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