APES CH 5 & 18 questions

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High rates of species extinction caused by human activity have taken place at which of the following times in Earth's history? 1. At the end of the Permian period 2. At the end of the Cretaceous period 3. During recent times

A small island in close proximity to the mainland

Highly specialized species tend to evolve on islands because of the environmental conditions and resource availability. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following would most likely experience the greatest decline of specialist species if an invasive species emigrated from the mainland?

It would provide a reference for the effects of random environmental factors

How would including a control group be useful in this experiment?


On the basis of the data, the best prediction of the pH of the water in which Daphnia normally are found in the wild is

the introduced species compete for resources more effectively than native species

Population biologists are concerned about introduced species such as the zebra mussel in North America because

2 & 3 only

Reasons that the population size of an exotic species often grows rapidly when the species is introduced in a new environment include which of the following? 1. The exotic species is resistant to pesticides. 2. There is a large, underutilized food source in the new environment. 3. The exotic species has few natural predators in the new environment.

they are more vulnerable to unpredictable events

Small populations of animals, such as those typically found on islands, are prone to extinction because

listing those species and products whose international trade is controlled

The CITES treaty has been helpful in protecting endangered animals and plants by

Rapid climate and habitat change

The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event was caused when an asteroid impacted Earth approximately 66 million years ago, near what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The indirect effects of the impact affected the entire globe. The event resulted in the extinction of nearly 75 percent of all plant and animal species on Earth, including the majority of dinosaur species. Which of the following likely best describes why most of these species went extinct?

The pupfish are well adapted to the habitat of Devils Hole and can thrive in conditions that are outside of the range of tolerance for most other species.

The Devils Hole pupfish is one of the world's rarest fishes, spending most of its life in the top few meters of very warm waters of a cavern located in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Devils Hole, a geologic pool, is the only naturally occurring habitat for the endangered Devils Hole pupfish. This fish's habitat is one of the smallest natural ranges known for any vertebrate. Devils Hole is an extreme environment, with water temperatures and dissolved oxygen concentrations near the lethal limits for most fish species. Which of the following statements best explains why the Devils Hole pupfish are able to live in this environment?

increasing loss of habitat

The factor that likely poses the greatest threat of extinction of species worldwide is

Protected habitats often separate species inside the habitat from other populations of the same species living outside the habitat.

Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of creating a series of protected habitats in an effort to maintain biodiversity in an area?

Corridors connect habitats separated by fragmentation and connect wildlife populations

Which of the following best describes an advantage of constructing habitat corridors?

The frogs can tolerate a pH between 4.5 and 6.

Which of the following best describes the frog species' range of tolerance to acidic conditions?

A population of mosquitoes develops resistance to a pesticide.

Which of the following best shows the process of evolution?

The total number of different plant species

Which of the following is a measure of the biodiversity of an ecosystem?

Increased sea level would reduce the size of the habitat patches.

Which of the following is a possible effect of global climate change as illustrated in Scenario 1 ?

Increased environmental disturbances from human activities altered bird habitats.

Which of the following is the most likely reason that the greatest number of extinctions of bird species occurred in the period 1901-2000?

Climate change will exacerbate the primary causes of population decline.

Which of the following pieces of evidence presented in the article suggests that extinction rates may continue to increase?

Roads and electric power lines subdivided the landscape into smaller pieces and decreased the amount of available habitat.

Which of the following would be the most likely explanation for the changes shown in Scenario 3 ?

They displace native species.

Why do introduced species often become pests?

The rate of immigration is lower for the small island than for the large island

A small island is found from the mainland. A second, larger, island is found from the mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following statements is most likely true about the small island when compared with the large island?

1, 2, & 3

Characteristics that tend to increase the risk of a species becoming endangered include which of the following? 1. Having a very limited distribution 2. Being a specialist at the end of a long food chain 3. Having a small population size

a decrease in the gene flow within species of the original forest

A large forested area is fragmented into small forest tracts separated by agricultural areas. This change will most likely lead to

They tend to have low reproductive rates.

All of the following statements about invasive exotic species are true EXCEPT:


Approximately how many more mammal species become extinct in the period 1901-2000 than became extinct in the period 1801-1900?

Previous research focused only on complete extinctions and did not collect data on imminent extinctions.

Based on the passage, which of the following describes the author's perspective on why historical extinction rates were lower than present-day rates?

There are more species that have the ability to travel 5 kilometers than can travel 15 kilometers.

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following is the most likely reason that an island in the ocean that is 5 kilometers from a continent would have a higher number of species than one that is 15 kilometers from a continent?

B- Closest to mainland and largest

Five islands, A, B, C, D, and E, differ only in distance from the mainland, area, and species diversity. Which island would be predicted to have the highest species diversity?

Small isolated islands have a lower availability of resources.

For which of the following reasons do small isolated islands have a greater rate of species extinction than larger, less isolated islands?

B- Sub Saharan Africa

Fragmentation of tropical forests due to human activities is leading to a significant loss of biodiversity in this area.

Reduction in species diversity

Fragmenting one large park or preserve into many small parks with human habitation in between them is most likely to lead to which of the following?

The moths adapted to the new environment by changes in the genetics of the population.

In England approximately 250 years ago, the peppered moth had light-colored wing patterns that camouflaged them against the light-colored trees. Over time in urban areas, the number of peppered moths with dark-colored wings increased as pollution from the Industrial Revolution darkened the trees the moths rested on. Which of the following statements best describes how the moths adapted to the new environment over time?

Protecting the habitats of endangered species

In general, which of the following is the best long-term method of preventing extinctions?


Local legislation was passed to protect animal species prone to extinction. The legislation included criminalizing poaching, setting limits on number of fish people can catch, and protecting habitats. Which of the following threats shown in the graph will most likely decrease the most as a result of the legislation?

clearing of tropical forests

Of the following, the greatest threat to populations of migratory North American songbirds is

Silver carp became an invasive species in the United States because their numbers were not being controlled by natural predators.

Silver carp were introduced in the southeastern United States in the 1970s from their native habitat of China to control algal blooms that were occurring at aquaculture facilities and sewage lagoons. Silver carp escaped from captivity shortly after their introduction and are currently found as far north as North Dakota and Minnesota. Which of the following describes an unintended, negative consequence of the introduction of silver carp into the United States?

D (two *slightly* overlapping curves)

The diagrams above show the range of tolerance for soil moisture content for two different species of terrestrial invertebrate: Species 1 and Species 2. The ranges represented are for each species where it occurs alone. Soil moisture content is a limiting factor for both species. If populations of both species are placed together in a new location, which of the following diagrams represents the most likely actual (realized) ranges of the species' distribution of individuals with respect to soil moisture content after five generations?

Habitat fragmentation has more effect on seed production than does population density.

The graph above shows how seed production in a plant species varied with population density in an unfragmented habitat (site A) and in a fragmented habitat (site B). Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the data?

Islands have limited food resources, forcing species to feed on a small range of food items

The many finch species of the Galápagos Islands evolved from a single species that immigrated to the islands from the coast of South America. These species differ primarily in beak shape, which is closely related to the type of food each species specializes in eating. Which of the following best explains why each of the finch species on the Galápagos Islands evolved to be specialists?

The types of food found on the two islands exert selective pressure on beak size

The table below shows measurements of the beak size of a sample of ten ground finches on each of two islands in the Galápagos archipelago. The two islands are about ten kilometers apart, and all the birds are the same species. Given that beak size is genetically determined, which of the following hypotheses is the most likely explanation for the differences in data between the islands?

The results support the researchers' hypothesis because there is a greater biodiversity at sites without cane toads.

Which of the following best interprets the results in the graph in relation to the given hypothesis?

Genetic variation within each species and number of species present

Which of the following can be used to assess the biological diversity of an area?

All scenarios experienced habitat loss, but only Scenario 3 experienced habitat fragmentation.

Which of the following correctly identifies the type of habitat change(s) shown within each potential scenario in the diagram?

10 of each species- *more even

Which of the following examples illustrates the community with the highest biodiversity?

Destruction of habitat and invasion by nonnative species

Which of the following identifies the two factors thought to be the most harmful to biodiversity?

Animals are mobile and able to avoid trampling, but because plants are stationary, transient-human activity affects a larger percent of plants than of animals

Which of the following is a likely explanation for the difference shown in the graph for the percent of animals and the percent of plants threatened by transient-human activity?

A population with high genetic biodiversity is better able to respond to environmental stressors.

Which of the following statements about levels of biodiversity is correct?

9.5 mm

Which of the following was the average beak size of finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?


Which of the following was the number of finches in the population with a beak size of 10.2 mm in 1978?

Decrease in the number of specialist species

Which of the following would be most likely to occur in the scenarios that have experienced habitat loss and/or fragmentation in the diagram?

1 & 3 only

Which of the following would likely reduce the threats posed by exotic species to native species? 1. Increasing inspections of goods coming into a country 2. Mandating that bilgewater from vessels be emptied in ports instead of in the open ocean 3. Enforcing legislation that restricts imported materials such as untreated wooden packing crates

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