APES College Board Questions Part. A

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Which of the following is an example of an industrial practice that contributes to the tragedy of the commons? A.Burning fossil fuels for energy production B.Creating constructed wetlands on abandoned land C.Enacting and enforcing legislation on point-source pollutants D.Promoting aluminum and glass recycling

My Answer: A Why my answer is right: Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases and other atmospheric pollutants. This degrades the atmosphere, which is a commons

The graph below shows the change in hog farming in the United States from 1955-2015. The hog-farming industry maintains production levels to satisfy the demand for pork. Which of the following methods of meat production would provide the most likely explanation for the information represented in the graph above? A.Free-range grazing B.Organic meat production C.Individual transferable quotas D.Concentrated animal feeding operations

My answer: D why my answer is right: Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOsCAFOs) concentrate the animals, reducing the area needed to produce the same amount of livestock. The data show the average number of animals per operation increasing dramatically, indicating that the feeding operations are becoming more concentrated.

Which of the following environmental effects would most likely result from the clear-cutting of boreal forests by industrial logging operations? A.There will be an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, which will contribute to climate change. B.There will be an increase in farming on the cleared areas of land, which will reduce incidences of flooding. C.There will be an increase in atmospheric oxygen concentration, which will improve air quality. D.There will be a decrease in the temperature of soil and nearby bodies of water, which will increase biodiversity.

My Answer: A Why my answer is right: Trees absorb and store large amounts of carbon dioxide, and their removal also releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, will enhance the effects of climate change.

Which of the following best describes environmental damage caused by slash-and-burn farming in tropical rain forests? A.Nitrogen and phosphorus enter streams and reduce the growth of algae. B.The soil loses fertility after a short period of time and will be ineffective for farming use. C.The bare soil is exposed and becomes dried out, killing valuable soil bacteria. D.There is an increase in biodiversity as areas that were previously forested areas are converted to agricultural fields.

My Answer: C why my answer is wrong: Conventional till farming results in the soil drying out and the loss of beneficial bacteria. This is much less common with slash-and-burn farming. Right answer:B Why this answer is right:slash-and-burn farming results in temporary fertility of soils that dissipates after about two years.

After intensive logging, most of the trees along a stream have been removed. Which of the following water quality changes would most likely occur downstream after logging? A.Increased water temperature B.Increased dissolved oxygen C.Decreased total dissolved solids D.Decreased amount of fecal coliform

My Answer: A why my answer is right: Increased erosion would occur when the soil is no longer held in place by the tree roots. This will increase the turbidity of the stream and cause the temperature to increase. Additionally, the lack of trees around the stream would most likely increase the amount of solar insolation on the stream, leading to higher temperatures.

Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph? A.Raising beef on rangelands has the greatest environmental impact as a result of methane emissions and high levels of pesticide contamination. B.Switching from raising beef on pastures to raising beef in feedlots decreases the total energy consumption and the rate of soil erosion as a result of an increase in vegetation in feedlots. C.Feedlots have high levels of pesticide use and energy consumption as a result high demands for grain production. D.Greenhouse gas emissions are equal across all beef production methods because all cattle produce methane gas and carbon dioxide.

My Answer: C Why my answer is right: Feedlots have highly concentrated animal populations and require grain production to provide animal feed. The production of animal feed requires high levels of pesticides and energy; the data support this claim.

Which of the following is an unintended consequence associated with waterlogging caused by flood irrigation? A.Higher water tables B.Relatively low cost C.Decreased erosion and soil loss D.Increased oxygen intake by plant roots

My Answer: C Why my answer is wrong: Flood irrigation typically works with the assistance of gravity, with water often moving down furrows. Water carries away the soil, especially if land is not level, increasing erosion, not decreasing it. Right answer: A Why this answer is right: If the water table rises to a point that the water inundates the crops' roots, then the crops would be unable to draw in enough oxygen through their roots. The air spaces in the soil are filled with water, which carries less oxygen than the air

Which of the following best describes the concept of the tragedy of the commons? A.Resources that are shared by individuals, such as the Ogallala Aquifer groundwater, are highly regulated by legislation, thereby depriving common people of their use. B.Communities enact recycling programs to reduce the amount of materials that need to be mined. The cost of the recycling program is absorbed by community taxes. C.The aim of large logging operations in tropical rain forests is economic gain, rather than sustainability. Therefore, the shared resources in the forest could become depleted. D.Soil nutrients, such as nitrates, are used unequally depending on the type of vegetation. Therefore, farmers must add fertilizers to certain areas to grow crops.

My Answer: C Why my answer was right: Trees in tropical rain forests are an example of a shared resource and individuals use them for their own interest rather than the common good. Such resources do become depleted, often very quickly, especially if the area is not privately owned or managed.

Humans consume a variety of protein products, each with a different carbon footprint based on a variety of factors. Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph? A.Feedlot beef is the most sustainable protein because it has low requirements for fossil fuels, requires small pastures, and produces a large amount of protein for human consumption with low levels of pollution released. B.Beans and soy products provide the least amount of protein for human consumption because they are plant-based foods. They require large amounts of land and have a high carbon footprint. C.Seafood harvested from aquaculture has a larger carbon footprint than seafood harvested from fisheries. Aquaculture requires large amounts of fossil fuels and releases more greenhouse gases than fisheries do because the fish are more concentrated. D.Grass-fed beef has the highest carbon-equivalent footprint because of land-use changes to create pasture land combined with contributions from transportation, processing, manure treatment, making fertilizers, and digestive fermentation processes.

My Answer: D why my answer is right: According to the graph, grass-fed beef has the highest carbon-equivalent footprint. The land required to raise cattle combined with the fossil fuels used in transportation and processing lead to a high carbon footprint. Additionally, cattle release greenhouse gases. All of these factors contribute to the large footprint.

Which of the following best exemplifies how an action within the fishing industry could lead to a tragedy of the commons? A.Fishing companies increasing the number of aquaculture facilities B.Fishers throwing back fish that are at peak reproductive age to help keep fish populations stable C.Fisheries limiting the amount of overall catch per fishing season D.Overfishing of threatened fish species leading to the eventual depletion of the resource

My Answer: D why my answer is right: Historically overfishing specific fish species, like the Atlantic cod or bluefin tuna, to the point of significantly reducing wild populations has led to a tragedy of the commons.

Which of the following is a direct economic consequence that would likely occur if an area of forest was clear-cut so that a housing development can be built? A.A decrease in the number of game hunting licenses purchased B.A decrease in atmospheric oxygen concentration C.An increase in taxes from ecotourism D.An increase in legislation to regulate streamflow

My answer: A Why my answer is right: Hunting licenses represent a financial gain by the state and county in forested areas, so if a forest is clear-cut, this would eliminate a viable area to hunt. Fewer hunting licenses purchased would be a negative economic consequence.

The green revolution has improved global agricultural output. Which of the following best describes the author's perspective on the beginning of the green revolution in the 1970s and 1980s? A.The green revolution was successful because of selective breeding, which improved nutritional value and crop yield to increase food production. B.The green revolution had minimal success because farmers were unable to provide grains to feed most of the global population until the 1990s, when synthetic fertilizers helped to improve crop yields. C.The green revolution was successful because it decreased the demand for more farmland since genetically modified organisms increased the agricultural yield without increasing acreage dedicated to agriculture. D.The green revolution was dangerous to the human population because the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis was introduced into many species of corn and led to an outbreak of disease in humans

My answer: A Why my answer is right: The green revolution used selective breeding so that ideal traits, such as biomass in wheat kernels rather than wheat stems (which are inedible to humans), increased the amount of food produced.

Which of the following agricultural practices results in soil degradation and most contributes to erosion? A.Tilling B.Crop rotation C.ntercropping D.Terracing

My answer: A Why my answer is right: Tilling is the practice of plowing crops after each harvest, exposing the soil and reducing ground cover after harvest. This practice leads to high soil erosion and degradation.

Various nations have adopted policies designed to combat overfishing. Which of the following approaches is commonly used to combat the problem of overfishing? A.Reducing the limits on the numbers of commercial fish species that can be caught B.Banning the use of sonar as a means for capturing fish in open ocean waters C.Promoting fishing in estuaries and breeding grounds rather than in the open ocean D..Enforcing minimum-size requirements for the capture of some commercial species

My answer: A Why my answer is wrong: Reducing the limits on the numbers of commercial fish species that commercial fishing operations can catch would increase, not decrease overfishing. This is not a commonly used approach. Right answer:D Why this answer is right: Minimum-size limits have been placed on species like bluefish and striped bass, which allows fish of a certain size or reproductive age to remain in the population. This helps to keep fish population sizes higher.

The green revolution has improved global agricultural output. Which of the following best describes the author's perspective on the beginning of the green revolution in the 1970s and 1980s? A.The green revolution was successful because of selective breeding, which improved nutritional value and crop yield to increase food production. B.The green revolution had minimal success because farmers were unable to provide grains to feed most of the global population until the 1990s, when synthetic fertilizers helped to improve crop yields. C.The green revolution was successful because it decreased the demand for more farmland since genetically modified organisms increased the agricultural yield without increasing acreage dedicated to agriculture. D.The green revolution was dangerous to the human population because the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis was introduced into many species of corn and led to an outbreak of disease in humans.

My answer: A Why my answer is wrong: The author does not discuss a need to use pesticides or to alter the current genes used for pesticide resistance. Right answer: B Why this answer is right: The author highlights that the shift in the modern green revolution is a result of changes to agricultural methods, not a change in land use.

Overfishing of stocks of fish species, like salmon and cod, in an effort to meet a growing global demand has become an international concern. A recent estimate indicates that the average annual consumption of fish globally in 2014 was about twice the consumption in 1960. Because of increased concerns about the impact of overfishing, fishery managers are looking for ways to protect wild populations while still satisfying global demand for food for human consumption. Aquaculture or fish farming can be used to increase the availability of species like salmon and shrimp for consumption. Although fish farming can have a number of negative environmental effects, it does offer a number of advantages. Which of the following is a valid reason for promoting the use of fish farms? A.Fish production is constant, and fish farming reduces pressure on wild stocks. B.Fish raised at fish farms are cheaper and have a better flavor than wild-caught fish. C.Fish farming generates few, if any, pollutants that affect adjacent waterways. D.Pesticides and antibiotics are rarely used at fish farms but are often used in wild-caught fish populations.

My answer: A why my answer is right: Fish farms are controlled and can produce a constant supply of fish. Also, if more fish are raised on farms, fewer will need to be caught in the wild.

Which of the following best describes the advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation? A.This method is suitable for a range of topographies and is easy to operate, but it requires a high initial investment in machinery. B.This method most efficiently delivers water directly to plant roots compared with other methods, and wastes less water, but it may be too costly for farmers in developing countries to use. C.This method delivers water to the field by pipes and water flows directly over the soil, but there is a large amount of runoff. D.This method applies water directly to trenches dug in soil and is cost effective, but water is often lost to evaporation.

My answer: B Why my answer is right: Drip irrigation that delivers water directly to plant roots is very efficient, up to 90%, with much less wasted water. Cost is decreasing but remains too high for some farmers, especially in developing countries.

Which of the following techniques could best reduce the harmful effects of overfishing if it were to be widely adopted by the fishing industry? A.Increased use of large-mesh gill nets for harvesting salmon and trout B.Greater reliance on bottom trawling in coastal waters for harvesting shrimp and sole C.Increased use of long-line fishing techniques in the open ocean for harvesting swordfish and halibut D.Widespread application of cyanide in tropical waters for harvesting tuna and cod

My answer: B Why my answer is wrong: Bottom trawling destroys bottom habitats and is very harmful to the ecosystem. Often species other than those intended are caught (bycatch), which makes this technique problematic. Right answer: A Why this answer is right: Use of large-mesh nets reduces capture of smaller specimens. This technique would reduce the impacts of harvesting fish as fewer unintended species would be caught in the nets.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's predictions for how humans will meet the future nutritional needs of a growing population using current agricultural technology? A.The effects of global climate change will decrease as farmers employ advanced technological methods to agriculture. B.Less-developed countries must change from a meat-based protein diet to a more grain-based diet. This will allow the global population to continue to meet the agricultural demands of a growing population. D.Humans have maximized the crop yield with improving technology and the implementation of modern genetic techniques to further increase crop productivity and resilience in order to meet the demand. E.The only way to meet the agricultural demand of a growing world population is to convert more grassland and forests into working agricultural land. Genetically modified foods are no longer nutritious, and the nutrients in the forest and grassland soil will increase yield and nutrition.

My answer: C Why my answer is right: he author highlights the benefits of genetically modified crops as a way to improve crop quality and crop yield. This has allowed farmers to feed the growing global population.

Which of the following describes an unintended consequence that results from large-scale agricultural use of water from an aquifer? A.Much of the water becomes too salty for human consumption because of saltwater intrusion. B.The rate of water use likely exceeds the rate of recharge, leading to lowering the water table. The water table level rises too high, leading to excessive flooding. Agricultural areas contribute to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to global climate change.

My answer: C Why my answer is wrong: Use of water for irrigation lowers the water table rather than raising it. Right answer: B Why this answer is right: Increased withdrawal of water leads to lowering the water table when discharge exceeds recharge. This practice is not sustainable

Which of the following would decrease with the manufacture, application, and use of synthetic fertilizers rather than organic fertilizers? A.Groundwater pollution B.Cultural eutrophication C.Use of fossil fuels D.Recycling of organic matter

My answer: D Why my answer is right: When organic fertilizers such as manure and compost are used, organic matter is recycled and nitrogen fixation by bacteria completes the nitrogen cycle. Synthetic fertilizers add an imbalance to the nitrogen cycle by creating additional nitrogen products that would not have been produced otherwise.

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