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3)calculate the change in electricity cost for one year for the homeowner. Show your work.

0.11- $1,419 12 900*0.13= $1.677 1,677-1,419- 258 Change= A $258 increase in price

3)Calculate the percent change in efficiency from the 1992 cell to the 2017 cell. Show your work.

100= 179% increase

3)Calculate how many kWh can be produced by the system at maximum output in one calendar year. Show vour work.

4= 1.200/1000= 1.2kWh per day 12kWh* 365= 438kWh per year

6)calculate the year when the population. of Charlotte will double, assuming the growth rate stays the same. Show your work.

70/1.88= The population will double in 37 years

6)Calculate the gallons of water used by the population of Charlotte in the year 2018. Show your work

841,611x90x365= 3x10^10

6)Calculate the percent change in Charlotte's population from 2013 to 2019. Show your work.

857,425-757,278/757,278= 13% change from 2013 to 2019.

4)Identify one water quality test, other than measuring nitrates or phosphates, that the researchers could use to evaluate how riparian vegetation buffers affect water quality.

A Ph test could be used.

4)Describe a control that the researchers could use in the study.

A control that could be used is by testing water water in an area without riparian vegetation

4)Describe how a dead zone affects marine organisms living in the Gulf of Mexico.

A dead zone can make the water in an area uninhabitable for organisms as there is too little oxygen for the organism to survive

4)Describe one way that the land use practice at location X in the diagram could contribute to the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

Agriculture/ cropland could contribute to the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico because fertilizer runoff leaches into the water leading to algae blooms.

6)Describe an environmental problem associated with coal ash waste disposal.

An environmental problem associated with coal ash waste disposal is tailage.

1)Identify the area with the greatest nest success rate, based on the information in the diagram.

Area A had the most successful turtle nests

2)Based on the data in the graph, identify the minimum safe distance that a new water well

Around 2.500m away from the fracking well

5)Describe an advantage of crop rotation using legumes on soil fertility.

As the crops grow, the legumes put nitrates back into the soil and help it to regenerate and become healthy after use leading to a greater use of the soil.

5)identify the habitat type with the greatest number of lizards

Clearing gardens have the greatest number of

5)Based on the theory of island biogeography, describe the characteristics of an island with the greatest species diversity.

Close to america like catalina island and big like australia = more diversity

1)Based on the information provided, identify a likely scientific question for the study.

Does an increase in Mercury negatively impact the rate of turtle birth?

4)Describe one way that urban areas in the Mississippi River watershed could contribute to the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

Increase nutrients and makes the dead zone worse because of increased levels of the plant/animal waste nutrients in the water

2)Justify the action proposed in part ci by stating a potential environmental advantage of that action, other than slowing global climate change.

It will reduce disease spread by a large amount of air pollution. This will decrease lung disease and other ailments.

4)Describe one economic effect on communities along the Gulf of Mexico that can result from the presence of the dead zone.

Local fisheries will not be able to profit as much from catching fish as the dead zone will drive the fish away or kill them off

5)Describe one environmental problem caused by invasive animal species.

One environmental problem caused by invasive animal species is it can lead to native species going endangered or even extinct from the nonnative species either outhunting, or killing off these native plants which can lead to a loss in biodiversity.

2)Describe one environmental problem that may result from increased use of groundwater for fracking in arid or semiarid regions.

One environmental problem that may result from increased use of groundwater for fracking is if it's overused it will dry up and can cause soil erosion.

2)Identify one negative geologic effect in an area where hydraulic fracturing (fracking) occurs.

One geologic effect in an area where fracking occurs is it can cause earthquakes.

6)Identify one negative human health effect linked to the exposure to pollutants resulting from the combustion of coal.

One negative health effect linked to the exposure to pollutants resulting from the combustion of coal is black lung.

6)Describe one realistic action that citizens could take to reduce domestic outdoor water use.

One realistic action citizens could take to reduce domestic outdoor water use would be use more efficient timed sprinkler systems

3)describe how urbanization leads to the formation of urban heat islands

The dense buildings have a low albedo for reflecting heat so they absorb the heat and store it generating the heat islands.

1)Explain how the pattern shown in the diagram supports or refutes this claim.

The diagram supports this claim by showing us that there are more turtle deaths in soil with more mercury in it than in soil with less mercury.

3)Explain why the Northern Hemisphere receives more solar energy from the Sun between June and August than the Southern Hemisphere receives between June and August.

The earth is tilted and this tilt, along with the earth's rotation, results in the seasons. This is due to the fact that during June and August, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and reserves more radiation than the south. This is also the same when the southern hemisphere is getting more heat.

1)Researchers measured methylmercury in a location downstream from the factory. Explain how methylmercury could be present in the stream.

The factory could be producing the pollutants from dumping its waste into the river. This is also backed up by the fact that there is little pollution above the factory

2)Explain how fracking fluid is used to access oil and natural gas in sedimentary rock, such as shale, during the fracking process.

The fluid is pushed down into the ground at high pressure to force the fossil fuels out of the ground at high pressure.

5)Identify a provisioning ecosystem service provided by primary forests.

The forest provides wood to build homes or heat homes.

2)identify the highest methane concentration found in well water in Pennsylvania.

The highest methane concentration found in well water in Pennsylvania is 64 mg/L.

4)Explain one way that this change in land use could alter the results of the study.

The introduction of a farm will increase the nutrients in the river due to a repeated use of soil and fertalizer. This will skew the data due to an increased amount ot nitrogen in the water

2)Describe how overuse of coastal groundwater supplies can result in water that is unsuitable for human consumption.

The lack of ground water will lead to salt water leaching into the aquifer and ruining the fresh water supplies making it unusable

1)Describe how a persistent pollutant, such as mercury, can negatively affect an organism.

The persistent pollutant will be absorbed into an organism fat tissue and slowly build up over time which will kill it over time. (lier)?

2)describe the relationship between the concentration of methane in well water and the distance to a fracking well.

The relationship between the concentration of methane in well water and the distance to a fracking well is the distance closest to the nearest fracking well the higher concentration of methane in well water.

5)Based on the data in the graph, describe the relationship between the lizard numbers observed on islands with and without mongoose populations.

The relationship between the lizard numbers is There are more lizards no matter where they are on Mongoose-free islands because the Mongoose must hunt lizards.

1)Describe how a specific agricultural practice changes the soil in an area.

The soil is more susceptible to leaching by dangerous chemicals due to its over use. This will also lead to great soil degradation and lower the amount of homes available for the turtles.

1)Identify the dependent variable in the study.

The success rates of turtle nests depend on the amount of Mercury in the area

5)Invasive species are often pests. Make a claim that proposes one way to control pest species.

The use of integrated pest management will help control pests.

3)Propose a reasonable solution that could help lower the temperature increases caused by urban heat islands.

The use of rooftop gardens can lower the heat island effect by raising a building albedo.

1)Describe how a persistent pollutant, such as mercury, can negatively affect an ecosystem.

These chemicals will never degrade into the earth and add up over time so they become highly toxic over time causing issues for the area.

3)Justify the solution proposed in part (b)(i) by providing one additional benefit other than reducing temperatures in urban heat islands

These gardens can also provide more food for the city and lower the need for large farming practices that harm the soil.

1)Describe why researchers measured mercury levels in jocations upstream from the factory.

They did this to make sure that the mercury wasn't natural to the stream and to make sure they knew where the pollution was coming from.

2)Identify the environmental concept illustrated by this example of overuse of a shared resource.

This is an example of the tragedy of the commons

6)Justify this solution by providing one advantage of using clay soil.

This is the best solution because clay is the densest form of soil and will not let anything leach out into the surrounding area.

5)Justify the solution proposed in (e)ti) by providing an additional benefit of the solution

This will also increase the biodiversity in the area due to the multitude of plants in the single spot. It also helps the soil to not degrade as fast.

5)Based on the data in the graph, explain how replacing primary forests with sugarcane fields may have affected the number of lizards counted on the mongoose-free Pacific islands.

This will increase the amount of lizards in the area by decreasing its natural predators in the primary forest.

5)Describe one problem associated with monocultures.

This will lead to a working of soil conditions due to the over saturation of the neutrons in the soil.

1)Explain how this modification could affect the location and number of successful turtle nests in Area B

This would decrease the success of the turtle nests in Area B due to less vegetation blocking out the pollution form the nests.

2)Make a claim for a realistic governmental action to improve air quality by reducing consumption of oil.

To improve air quality by reducing consumption of oil we should turn to the Clean Air Act.

4)Identify the land use that covers the least amount of area in the Mississippi River watershed, based on the diagram.

Urban land.

4)Describe one factor that causes the area of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico to increase in the summer months

Warmer water has a lower oxygen level and in the warmer summer temperatures, oxygen levels will rise

4)Identify a testable hypothesis for the study.

Water quality downstream from riparian buffers will be better than areas without bufters.

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