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A major source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is A. incomplete burning of hydrocarbons B. Combustion of sulfur-containing fuel C. photochemical oxidation D. CO in the atmosphere E. COS in the atmosphere


Along the equator, A. warm, moist air rises B. warm, moist air descends C. warm, dry air descends D. cool, dry air descends E. cool, moist air descends


An atmospheric condition in which the air temperature rises with increasing altitude, holding surface air down and preventing dispersion of pollutants, is known as (a) A. temperature inversion B. cold front C. warm front D. global warming


City heat islands cause A. pollutant to collect B. residents to seek winter vacations C. less dust and lightning strikes D. reduced rainfall E. greater visibility


Control rods in a nuclear reactor are used to A. absorb neutrons B. move fuel rods around in the chamber C. provide neutrons to initiate reactions D. provide cooling by decreasing the temperature of the water E. increase the temperature of the water


Energy is measured in what units? A. Joule B. Power C. Calorie D. Amps


For much of the past decade battles have been going on over oil and gas drilling in A. the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge B. The Everglades National Wildlife Refuge C. Buffalo Commons Wildlife Refuge D. Yellowstone National Park E. All of these are correct


Heap-leach extraction involves pilling crushed ore into large piles and spraying it with _____. A. an alkaline-cyanide solution B. concentrated salt water C. high-pressure steam D. giant sandblasters E. none of these are correct


If metals are deposited in stream beds ___ would probably be used. A. placer mining B. strip mining C. underground mining D. spoil bank mining E. open-pit mining


In addition to a nearby mountain range, which of the following environmental conditions would be required for the process in the diagram to occur? A. A cool sea breeze and a high pressure system B. A warm mountain breeze and a low pressure system C. A cool sea breeze and a low pressure system D. A cool mountain breeze and a high pressure system


Pressurized fluid injected into a well is used in a mining process called A. fracking B. heap-leach extraction C. placer mining D. injection molding


Primary pollutants are those that are A. released directly in dangerous forms B. produced in the greatest quantities C. the most dangerous D. the most threatening to people E. classified by the EPA as the mist dangerous and abundant


Regional climates are most influenced by A. latitude and altitude B. prevailing winds and latitude C. altitude and longitude D. latitude and longitude E. Coriolis effect and trade winds


Scientists are testing the effect of different scrubber technologies on the removal of pollutants from coal power plants. The scrubbers use a slurry of limestone and water. Which of the following best describes the impact of modifying the slurry by increasing the amount of limestone? A. the amount of sulfur dioxide released will decrease B. The amount of ground-level ozone released will decrease C. The amount of water released will increase D. The amount of carbon monoxide released will increase


Since the 1920s, hydropower production has A. risen, but not as fast as fossil fuel use. B. fallen due to disinterest. C. fallen due to a lack of available sites. D. become our most important energy source. E. stayed at about the same level.


The "ring of fire" is the source of more earthquakes and volcanic activity than any other place on earth. What causes the ring of fire? A. The subduction of Pacific plates under continental plates B. The drift of Europe and Africa away from the Americas C. The collision of two continental plates D. Mid-oceanic ridges E. The conduction currents in the hot magma


The United States keeps large stockpiles of bauxite to ensure a supply of aluminum. This is an example of A. economic geology B. an evaporite C. a strategic metal D. a metal consumed in South America E. a mineral from a less-developed country


The change in ocean temperatures brought on by climate change could lead to an extreme cold period in Europe due to a change in the A. thermohaline circulation B. El nino/La nina oscillation C. albedo effect D. Milankovitch cycles


The gas that is responsible for trapping most of the heat in the lower atmosphere is A. water vapor B. ozone C. carbon dioxide D. oxygen E. nitrogen


The most common human health response to air pollution is _____ A. inflammatory responses in sensitive tissues B. lung cancer C. blindness caused by deteriorating eye tissues D. skin cancer E. heart disease


The structure on an automobile that removes nitrogen oxides is a(n) A. catalytic converter B. scrubber C. air filter D. electrostatic precipitator


What are the ecological implications of global warming? A. plants and animals that are residing in fragmented habitats may not be able to move to a suitable habitat B. In general, plants and animals will probably benefit from warmer temperatures C. Since farmland may be lost, the habitats for plants and animals will increase in area D. since biodiversity is usually higher in warmer, milder climates, it will probably be increased E. tropical ecosystems will get even warmer than they are now


When El Nino occurs every three to seven years, a mass of warm Pacific water that is usually pushed westward by trade winds A. surges back eastward toward South America B. becomes much warmer than usual, strengthening trade winds C. cools dramatically D. sinks and therefore cools substantially E. surges northward toward Japan


Which of the following statements is false? A. improvising standards of living have been repeatedly demonstrated to require increased energy consumption B. an average house built today requires only half the energy used by a new home in 1974 C. for an average home, standby appliances consume up to 25% of the electricity used in a month D. most potential heat from fuel is lost as waste heat E. All of these are correct


Which of the following would have the highest albedo? A. Fresh snow B. Open water C. Forest D. Soil


Why would the environmental degradation associated with mining be a low priority for a less-developed country? A. the country relies on the export of a mineral for the majority of their foreign exchange B. Both consumers and producers depend on the minerals so much that environmental consequences are of less importance C. less-developed countries are more likely to import minerals so environmental degradation is not as important to them D. The environmental impact of mining is low E. Environmental degradation is usually not a priority for less-developed countries


Wind currents A. send air pollution from one continent to the next B. keep CFCs from reaching the ozone hole C. eliminate the movement of dust particles from watershed to watershed D. circulate global carbon dioxide to regions with more vegetation for photosynthesis


_________ can be easily moved across land in pipelines, but must be transported in special refrigerated ships to move across oceans A. Natural gas B. Anthracite C. Light oil D. Methanol E. Heavy crude


an increase in the albedo effect would mean there would be A. an increase in reflectivity B. an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere C. an increase in the amount of ultraviolet light absorbed by the atmosphere D. an increase in heat absorption


"Subduction" is the process of a tectonic plate A. falling freely into the mantle B. being forced below another plate C. melting without moving D. sliding alongside another plate E. being sucked into the outer core


A giant sea swell known as a tsunami is caused by A typhoons B. earthquakes C. lunar gravity D. unusual tides combined with seasonal storms E. a strong wave during an exceptionally high tide


A major factor in the conversion from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy is A. money B. infrastructure C. access to renewable forms D. a lack of technology to develop renewable forms


A reason to encourage green building designs would be that A. it would eliminate the need for fossil fuels B. it would save money that would be spent on energy needs C. it would utilize natural gas D. it would eliminate brownfields


A system of pipes painted black that have water circulating on the wall in a glass greenhouse on the south side of a building is an example of A. parabolic collection B. an active solar heating system C. passive heat absorption D. eutectic heat exchange E. charging fuel cells to increase efficiency in energy use


Brown urban smog is not emitted directly from specific sources, but formed in the atmosphere from nitrogen oxides and A. inorganic compound B. volatile organic compounds C. potassium chloride D. helium


Coal would be obtained through A. drilling a well B. mountain-top removal C. fracking D. heap-leach extraction


Fossil fuels currently supply about ____ percent of all world commercial energy supplies. A. 95 B. 87 C. 75 D. 50 E. 33


How much energy in kWh is used by a 100-watt computer running for 5 hours? A. 500 kWh B. 200 kWh C. 100 kWh D. 50 kWh E. 0.5 kWh


In the poorest countries like Ethiopia and Bangladesh, biomass represents _____ percent of their energy consumption. A. 10 B. 30 C. 45 D. 70 E. 90


Metamorphic rocks are produced when rocks are A. chemically weathered B. recrystallized by heat and pressure C. physically broken down D. melted in the mantle and recrystallized E. recrystallized through chemical process


Most of our energy waste in North America results from A. a failure to turn off lights B. technological inefficiency C. the fact that more efficient energy conversion is not possible D. overwhelming public ignorance of conservation issues E. the fact that energy conservation techniques are quite expensive


Most useful oil deposits are usually found A. in a liquid pool under a layer of impermeable shale. B. saturating porous rocks, like water in a sponge. C. locked in the mineral structure of a rock formation. D. in pools on the earth's surface, where geologic pressures have forced them to collect. E. in small pools directly above the bedrock.


Nuclear power provides about _____ percent of the US energy supply A. 3 B. 9 C. 12 D. 23 E. 37


One of the principal ways lakes suffer from acid deposition is that A. rocks on the bottom begin to dissolve B. fish eggs die and fish population fall C. aquatic vegetation turns yellow D. plants grow excessively and choke other life


Photovoltaic cells work because solar energy striking their surface A. causes the cells to liquify as they heat B. releases electrons, causing an electric potential in attached wires C. is collected in the form of photons and sent through attached wires D. causes an uneven magnetic charge to develop E. changes to chemical energy


Rock formed from magma extruded to the surface through volcanic vents is classified as A. sedimentary B. igneous C. metamorphic D. weathered rock E. lava


The continental crust of the earth is ____ while the oceanic crust is ____. A. similar in composition to the outer core; thicker and lighter than the continental crust B. thicker and lighter than the oceanic crust; similar in composition to the mantle C. similar in composition to the mantle; thicker and lighter than the continental crust D. similar in composition to the outer core; similar in composition to the mantle E. thicker and lighter than the oceanic crust; similar in composition to the inner core


The correct sequence of atmospheric zones upward from the earth's surface is A. stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere B. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere C. mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, thermosphere D. thermosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere E. troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, thermosphere


The most likely disaster in a nuclear power plant is that A. the plant would explode like a nuclear bomb B. cooling systems could fail, causing rapid overheating C. fuel rods could fail to maintain chain reactions D. nuclear fusion would get out of control and cause explosions E. all of these are equally likely


The need for extraction of raw metals for making steel has been reduced due to the A. increase in the number of smelters B. increase in minimills C. decrease in demands for steel D. decrease in amount of ore used to produce high quality steel E. increase in legislation and regulation for the extraction of raw material


The ozone layer exists primarily in what section of the atmosphere? A. troposphere B. stratosphere C. mesosphere D. thermosphere E. ionosphere


The use of scrubbers, precipitators, and filters on power plants and other "smokestack" industries probably accounts for a(n) A. increase in nitrogen oxides B. decrease in sulfur oxides and solid particulate matter C. decrease in volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, solid particulate matter, and lead D. decrease in solid particulate matter and lead E. decrease in nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds, solid particulate matter, and lead


Which country is the world leader in wind energy? A. The United States B. Denmark C. france D. Japan E. Brazil


Which of the following best describes how a scientist could accurately study the effects of soil buffering on plant growth in a region that is affected by acid deposition downwind of a coal-burning power plant? A. Measure changes in plant height over a year in a two different groups of trees; one group is 5km from the power plant and one group is 10km from the power plant B Measure the changes in plant height over a year in two different groups of trees the same distance from the power plant; on group is in topsoil and one group is in topsoil with lime stone added C. Measure changes in plant biomass over a year in two different groups of trees the same distance form the power plant; one group is not manipulated and one group is watered daily to dilute the deposition' acidity D. measure changes in plant biomass over a year in two different groups of trees; one group is 5 km from he power plant over limestone bedrock and one group is 10km from the power plant that has nitrogen and phosphorous added to the topsoil


Which of the following best describes the process shown in the diagram above? A. less-dense, cool air rises up and mixes with the denser warm air above it, increasing the amount of thermal pollution in the atmosphere B. less-dense, warm air creates a temperature inversion between more-dense layers, trapping pollutants near the ground C. Dense, warm air from the mountains on the right pushes into the less-dense, cool air mass, causing an inversion layer D. Movements of air currents over urban areas decreases the amount of photochemical smog during summer months


Which of the following statements correctly describes a difference between biomass-fired power plants and traditional fossil fuel burning power plants, such as coal fired plants? A. The production of biomass does not release carbon dioxide but burning fossil fuels does B. the operational costs of biomass plants are very high when compared with traditional fossil fuel plants C. Biomass plants produce higher levels of mercury emissions than fossil fuel plants D. biomass as a fuel source is not widely available all over the world while fossil fuels are abundant around the world


_____ rocks are often the source of metal ores such as gold, silver, and copper. A. Igneous B. Metaphoric C. Sedimentary D. Weathered E. All of these are sources of metal ores


A glass greenhouse on the south side of a building is an example of A. parabolic collection B. an active solar heating system C. passive heat absorption D. eutectic heat exchange E. charging fuel cells to increase efficiency in energy use


A sample of radioactive material has a half life of 20 years. it has an activity of 2 curies. How many years does it take for the material to have an activity level of 0.25 curies? A. 20 years B. 40 years C. 60 years D. 80 years E. 100 years


A social or policy concern related to climate change might be A. the change in migratory patterns of birds B. an increased land area in some countries due to the melting of glaciers C. increased drought in agricultural regions resulting in famine D. warmer average temperatures E. movement of tectonic plates


Biofuels can be produced commercially using all of the following except A. corn B. sugarcane C. algae D. soybeans E. palm oils


Given what we know about the probability of the green house effect, the best thing to do is A. consider the implication of immediately ceasing all industrial activity B. wait and see how much temperatures change before we change our habits C. severely cut back on production of greenhouse gases D. not worry about greenhouse gas production E. focus on the development of technological advances to help decrease the effects of climate change


La Nina would produce all of the following effects EXCEPT A. more rain in southeast Asia B. wetter winters in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States C. warmer winters in Canada and northwest United States D. warmer and drier winters in the southwest and southeast United States E. more Atlantic hurricanes


Paying to plant trees because you use carbon in your daily life would be an example of you participating in A. carbon reduction B. cap and trade C. carbon offsets D. carbon sequestration E. going carbon neutral


Proponents of climate change say that given what we know about the probability of the greenhouse effect the best thing to do is A. immediately cease all industrial activity B. wait and see how much temperatures change before we change our habits C. severely cut back on production of greenhouse gases D. not worry about greenhouse gas production E. focus on the development of technological advances to help decrease the effects of climate change


Rocks are _____ in the process called the rock cycle. A. Moved from place to place B. In corporate into living organisms C. broken down and re-formed D. cycled through the core and mantle E. cycled through the crust and core


Scientist want to examine the effects of a coal burning power plant on the pH of a lake that is downwind of the power plant. They take samples from a lake that is not downwind of the power plant to serve as a control. However, they did not realize that the lake they chose as a control group was a geothermal hot spring with acidic water. Which of the following best describes how their choice of control group could affect the results of their experiment? A. Using this control would not have an effect on the outcome because the high temperature of the hot spring reduces the acidity of the water in the lake B. The coal-burning power plant would appear to have a much large effect on the pH of the experimental group because the pH levels in the control lake would be elevated from the acidic water C. The coal-burning power plant would not appear to have a large impact because the pH levels of the two lakes would be similar D. The coal-burning power plant would affect both lakes because the Coriolis effect and weather patterns would circulate pollutants in the atmosphere


The US Department of Energy plans to deposit high-level nuclear waste at _____ for long term storage. A. Las Cruces, New Mexico B. Carson City, Nevada C. Yucca Mountain, Nevada D. Tempe, Arizona E. Death Valley, California


The air pollutant least successfully removed from the air by technologies in developed nations is ___. A. carbon dioxide B. sulfur oxides C. nitrogen oxides D. particulate matter E. VOCs


The atmospheric zone where most weather events occur is the A. stratosphere B. thermosphere C. troposphere D. mesosphere E. stratosphere


The cone of the atmosphere in which weather occurs is known as the A. ionosphere B. mesosphere C. troposphere D. thermosphere E. stratosphere


The most abundant element in the earth's crust is _____. A. iron B. silicon C. oxygen D. aluminum E. none of these are correct


The phenomenon where cool, dense air sits under a layer of lighter warmer air is known as a ____. A. heat sink B. heat island C. temperature inversion D. Milankovitch cycle E. thermocline


The phenomenon where cool, dense air sits under a layer of lighter warmer air is known as a _____. A. heat sink B. heat island C. temperature inversion D. Milankovitch cycle E. thermocline


Transportation consumes about _____ percent of all energy used in the Us each year. A. 13 B. 20 C. 27 D. 33 E. 39


What gas is released in the process of smelting? A. carbon monoxide B. chlorine C. sulfur dioxide D. ammonia E. carbon dioxide


What type of buildings and monuments are most susceptible to acid damage A. granite and basalt B. wood C. limestone and marble D. concrete and brick E. brick and bronze


When cool, dry air sinks from the upper atmosphere toward the earth's surface, it is A. compressed and cooled further B. allowed to expand and become warmer C. compressed and becomes warmer D. forced to release any remaining moisture E. going to hold more water because there is more water vapor closer to the earth's surface


Which of the following best describes an environmental problem that is often linked to the process of fracking? A. fracking operations require large tracts fo land, which degrades habitat and harms wildlife. B. Fracking can increase stream flow and water volume, disrupting fish migration pathways C. Wastewater from fracking operations is injected into porous rock formations, which can induce seismic activity D. Excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, run off the land near fracking sites, which can lead to large algal blooms in nearby waterways


Which of the following best describes how a homeowner using an off the grid PV solar system, as seen in the graph above, can power a home between 9PM and 6 AM? A. Switching to the electrical grid to obtain power B. Relying on sources like wind or hydroelectricity in times of darkness C. using excessive energy from a sunny day stored in batteries for power D. burning wood to create heat and light for the home


Which of the following is an environmental benefit associated with substituting ethanol for gasoline? A. Ethanol is more energy efficient than gasoline B. Ethanol has a lower cost than gasoline C. Burning ethanol produces fewer air pollutants than burning gasoline alone D. burning ethanol removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere


Which of the following statements is true? A. World coal reserves are substantially smaller than petroleum reserves B. The fossil fuel most readily available and abundant in the United States and Canada is petroleum C. The United States has only enough proven oil supplies to last 4 years at current rates of consumption D. World coal reserves are only large enough to provide power for about 100 years E. Under normal operating conditions, you are likely to get a higher dose of radiation living next to a nuclear plant than a coal-burning plant


Which of the following statements regarding tectonics is true? A. Because of tectonic movements, Europe and Africa are drifting slowly toward the Americas B. When continental plates collide with continental plates, both plates usually subside C. When oceanic plates collide with continental plates, the continent usually rides up over the seafloor D. Because of tectonic movements, the Pacific Ocean is slowly increasing in size E. When oceanic plates collide with continental plates, the oceanic plate usually rides up over the continental plate


_____ is/are examples of secondary pollutants. A. Aerosols B. Volatile organic compounds C. Photochemical oxidants D. combustion gases E. Dust from soil erosion


_____ ozone is harmful, damaging plants and human health while ozone at the ___ level screens out mutagenic ultraviolet radiation. A. stratospheric; troposphere B. Thermospheric; mesosphere C. Tropospheric; stratosphere D. Mesospheric; thermosphere E. Stratospheric; mesosphere


99% of the volume of gases in the lower atmosphere, listed in descending order of volume, are A. O2, N2, CO2, H2O B. H2O, N2, O2, CO2 C. O2, CO2, N2, H2O D. N2, O2, H2O, CO2


A low-pressure air mass is generally associated with A. hot, humid weather B. fair weather C. tornadoes D. cloudy or stormy weather E. hurricanes


Air pollution from a power plant is being monitored for levels of nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone. The levels are measured daily at the same time. Which of the following best predicts the impact of a dark and cloudy day on the readings for the levels of air pollutants measured? A. There will be no change in the levels of nitrogen dioxide or ground-level ozone B. There will be a decrease in the level of nitrogen dioxide and an increase in the level of ground-level ozone C. There will be an increase in the levels of both nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone D. There will be an increase in the level of nitrogen dioxide and a decrease in the level of ground-level ozone


As far as we are currently aware, who were the first people to notice the El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle? A. Scientists studying atmospheric changes B. Meteorologists C. indigenous people in South America D. Peruvian fisherman E. Colonial governors in South America from Spain


Atmospheric deposition is receiving increased attention in the scientific community, and has become the subject of a specific research area in the environmental sciences. Acid rain is detrimental to our ecosystems and can be measured in several ways. Which of the following methods would best identify changes from acid deposition in an area over time? A. Calculating the change in sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plants over time B. Mapping out coal-burning power plant locations over the past 50 years C. Measuring the pH of rainwater and surface water in affected areas D. Monitoring the long term chemical and biological parameters of an ecosystem


In terms of generating electricity, fuel cells are _________ than thermal-conversion machines because the chemical energy of a fuel is _______. A. less efficient; converted into electricity with an intermediate combustion cycle B. less efficient; converted directly into electricity without an intermediate combustion cycle C. more efficient; converted into electricity with an intermediate combustion cycle D. more efficient; converted directly into electricity without an intermediate combustion cycle E. about the same in terms of efficiency; converted into electricity with an intermediate combustion cycle


In the United States and Canada, the most common problem with using wood as a major heat source is A. the cost B. wood shortages C. that it separates people form the utility grid D. the production of pollutants E. None of these. Using wood as an alternative source is a viable way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil


Most of the excessive carbon dioxide that is expected to cause global warming is generated by ___ A. green plants B. burning of fossil fuels C. production of cement and clearing of forests D. burning of fossil fuels and production of cement and clearing of forests only


Most of the world's nuclear reactor's are of the _______ type. A. graphite B. MAGNOX C. RMBK D. pressurized water (PWR) E. pebble bed


On the leeward side of a mountain range, one would expect A. more clouds and rain than on the windward side B. more clouds but less rain than on the windward side C. colder temperatures D. less clouds and less rain than on raw windward side E. no significant difference in climate compared with the windward side


Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland have higher standards of living by most measures than Americans or Canadians A. because their energy consumption is much greater B. because they are closer to energy supplies C. even though their energy use is about equal to ours D. even though their energy use is much less than ours E. None of these. Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland do not have higher standards of living


The United States, making up less than 5 percent of the world's population, uses more than ____ of the world's commercial energy production A. 9/10 B. 2/3 C. 1/2 D. 1/4 E. 1/3


The ___ is an international treaty designed to eliminate CFCs A. Montreal Accord B. Kyoto Protocol C. International Agreement on CFC Reduction D. Montreal Protocol E. Clean Air Act


The _____ is an international treaty designed to lower greenhouse gas emissions A. Tokyo Accord B. Kyoto Declaration C. International Agreement on Global Warming D. Kyoto Protocol E. Tokyo Principle


The amount of CO2 released by human activities per year is approximately _____. A. 30 million tons B. 300 million tons C. 3 billion tons D. 30 billion tons E. 300 billion tons


The physical breakdown of a rock into smaller pieces is called A. the rock cycle B. sedimentation C. chemical weathering D. mechanical weathering E. abrasion


The two main gases making up the lower atmosphere are A. helium and hydrogen B. carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide C. oxygen and methane D. nitrogen and oxygen E. oxygen and carbon dioxide


Which fuel is wasted because it is too expensive and difficult to transport long distances? A. Petroleum B. Nuclear C. Gasoline D. Natural gas E. Coal


Which resource has the highest recycle rate A. iron B. steel C. tin D. Aluminum


Worldwide, coal deposits are A. widespread but rarely in economic quantities. B. relatively difficult to find. C. highly unusual formations. D. widespread and extensive. E. decreasing at alarming rates.


_____ in the mantle and core make tectonic plates move. A. Conduction movements B. Earthquakes C. Radioactive decay D. Convection currents E. Concurrent currents


the amount of CO2 released by human activities per year is approximately _____. A. 30 million tons B. 300 million tons C. 3 billion tons D. 30 billion tons E. 300 billion tons


A major environmental implication of the quest for more gold at lower concentrations in the ore compared to higher concentrations is that A. about the same amount of toxic gas is released from digging out the gold B. less waste rock is produced C. less material has to be moved to get the gold D. more carbon dioxide is released as the gold is mined E. more material has to be moved to get to the gold


Characteristics or requirements of a monsoon include all of the following EXCEPT A. a seasonal reversal of wind patterns B. large land areas cut off from continental air masses by mountain ranges and surrounded by large bodies of water C. different heating and cooling rates between the ocean and the continent D. extremely heavy rainfall E. heating and cooling rates between the oceans and the continents that are equal


Evaporites, formed from____, are important economically because they often found at or above 97% purity and are ___. A. igneous rocks; important due to their strength, lightness and malleability B. metamorphic rocks; important due to their strength, lightness, and malleability C. sedimentary rocks; important due to their strength, lightness, and malleability D. igneous rocks; therefore concentrated in economically recoverable levels E. sedimentary rocks; therefore concentrated in economically recoverable levels


Most of the excessive carbon dioxide that is expected to cause global warming is generated by A. green plants B. burning of fossil fuels C. production of cement and clearing of forests D. All of these are correct E. burning of fossil fuels and production of cement and cleaning of forests only


Placer mining causes environmental damage chiefly by A. destroying streamed habitats B. clogging streams with silt C. introducing toxic compounds to streams D. smothering aquatic life E. All of these are correct


Problems associated with gemstones and precious metals such as gold and diamonds include which of the following? A. They are often used to finance violent civil wars B. They are often used to finance terrorism C. Their extraction often involves slave labor and torture D. their extraction often involves environmental destruction E. all of these are correct


Rocks are classified according to their A. chemical composition B. physical properties C. internal structure D. mode of formation E. all of these are used to classify rock


There are serious signs that ozone depletion may lead to A. UV-caused skin cancers B. UV-caused blindness C. IR-caused sunburn D. All of these are correct E. UV-caused skin cancer and UV-caused blindness


Which of the following countries is not a principle consumer of crucial metals? A. United States B. France C. Japan D. China E. Russia


Cap and trade policies have been successful in lowering the levels of carbon dioxide and CFCs.


The down side of using palm oil as a biofuel is the loss of nutrients being placed back into the soil from decomposition of dead vegetation


The eruption of a volcano can cause global climate changes by causing stratospheric ozone reduction, allowing increased ultraviolet light to reach the earth's surface


The world's largest wind power producers are the United States and Canada


Tidal power stations operate by using the energy from waves as they crash on the shore


A geyser is an example of geothermal energy


Building and farming on a flood plain decreases the land's ability to absorb flood waters


Nineteen of the 20 warmest of the last 150 years have occurred since 1980.


Smelting releases metals from ore


The largest oil supply in the Americas comes from tar sands


Worldwide, air pollution control efforts are least advanced or least successful in major cities of developing countries


Nuees Ardentes are sonic waves associated with earthquakes.


cogeneration is the combined production of methane and coal


One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in North America occurred around New Madrid Missouri in 1812


energy is the capacity to do work


there has been an increase in frequency and intensity of storms and hurricanes


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