APES Review Definitions

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Thomas Malthus

"human population cannot continue to increase. Consequences will be war, famine and pestilence (disease)."

La Nina

"normal" year, easterly trade winds and ocean currents pool warm water in the western Pacific, allowing upwelling of nutrient rich water off the west coast of South America

change in population size



(from airconditioners, refrigerators, plastic foams) - stays in troposphere 15+ years


(from fire extinguishers) - stays in troposphere 65 years

greenhouse effect

(from fire extinguishers) - stays in troposphere 65 years - many IR rays don't escape the earth's atmosphere because the IR waves are TRAPPED in the troposphere by molecules of greenhouse gases

N2O (nitrous oxide)

(from fossil fuel burning, fertilizers, lifestock waste) - stays in troposphere 114-120 years


(from rice paddies, guts of cattle, landfills, gas leaks) - stays in troposphere for 12-18 years

benthic zone

(lake) bottom lake zone contains mostly decomposers who feed on organic wast that trickles down from the upper zones

profundal zone

(lake) mid-level lake zone receives little sunlight and is low in nutrients and dissolved O2

littoral zone

(lake) shallow and closest to the shore and receives plenty of sunlight and nutrients

limnetic zone

(lake) upper layer of the lake, away from shore, receives a large amount of sunlight that supports growth of phytoplankton; these make up the base of the food chain and supply dissolved O2

abyssal zone

(ocean) recieves no sunlight; most organic waste from upper zones settles to the bottom here and supports life

Baltic Sea

(receives excessive pollutants from many European countries) is highly polluted

doubling time

(rule of 70); = 70/percent growth rate ex. 70/5=14 years

traditional subsidence agriculture

(type of traditional agriculture) crops for family farm survival (uses human labor.animals)

traditional intensive agriculture

(type of traditional agriculture) increase number of humans/animals/fertilizer = higher yield, farmer can feed family and sell for income

genetic resistance, ecosystem imbalance, pesticide treadmill, persistance, bioaccumulation, biological magnification

pesticide cons

saves lives from transmitted disease, increases food supply, increases profits for farmers

pesticide pros

reserves depleted soon, pollution during drilling, transport and refining, burning makes CO2

petroleum cons

cheap, easily transported, high-quality energy

petroleum pros

Montreal Protocol

phase out of ozone depleting substances


photochemical smog occurs in the ....

solar electricity

photovoltaic cells (transparent wafer semiconductor that creates an electric current when sunlight hits it) attached to a roof, are wired together resulting in a DC current that can be stored in batteries or used directly as AC power

(advanced) tertiary sewage treatment

physical and chemical process to remove specific pollutants left in water after primary and secondary treatment

primary sewage treatment

physical process that uses screens and a grit tank to remove large floating debris and allows solids to settle out as sludge

sector model

pie-shaped wedges of commercial/industrial/housing districts


plant material (like wood) and animal waste used for energy; most burned directly for heating/cooking

strip cropping

planting crops in alternating rows of close-growing plants

tree plantations

planting trees in rows, so that when they are grown, they can be harvested and used for wood (as soon as they become commercially viable, then clear cut and planted again- often planted on old-growth forests)


plants convert CO2 (atmospheric C) into complex carbohydrates (glucose C6H10O6)


plants converting inorganic nitrogen compounds into organic compounds such as amino acids

produced to force farmers to buy new seeds every year

plants that are bioengineered to kill their own seeds are


plate boundaries that move AWAY from each other


plate boundaries that move TOWARDS each other

transform fault

plates slide PAST each other


pollution is an ________ cost when cost to environment is not reflected in the price of products that produce it

biological communities

populations of different species that occupy a particular place


potent neurotoxin that can harm brain/spinal cord - comes from waste incineration, coal burning


practice of growing plants without soil in solutions or etc

CO, CO2, NO, NO2, hydrocarbons, suspended particles

primary pollutants

sulfur oxides (SOx)

primary source is coal burning. Primary and secondary effects include acid deposition, respiratory irritation and plant damage. Reduction methods include: scrubbers, burn low sulfur fuel. equation for acid formation: SO2+O2-> SO3+H2O-> H2SO4

sanitary landfill

problems include leachate, which is solved using a liner with a collection system; methane gas, which may be collected and burned; the volume of garbage, which may be compacted and/or reduced


process of global social, economic, environmental change that leads to an increasingly integrated world


process that can release nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere

fractional distillation

process that separates liquids based on differences in their boiling points

primary air pollutants

produced by humans and nature (CO, CO2, SO2, NO, hydrocarbons, particulates)

trophic levels

producers -> primary consumer -> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer


production of two useful forms of energy, such as high-temperature heat or steam and electricity, from the same fuel source

Lacey Act

prohibits interstate transport of wild animals dead or alive without federal permit

Marine Mammal Protection Act

protects marine animals

predation strategies

pursuit and ambush, mimicry, camouflage, chemical warfare

ionizing radiation

radiation with enough energy to free electrons from forming ions, may cause cancer (ex. gamma, X-rays, UV)



Green Taxes

raise taxes on things that cause pollution/tax incentives to things that do not pollute

lignite, sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal, anthracite coal

ranks of coal from youngest to oldest (starting after formation of peat)


rapid algal growth caused by an excess of nitrogen and phosphorous

nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

reddish-brown gas that colors photochemical smog, from motor vehicles/industrial plants


reduction of crop damage to an economically tolerable level

no-till agriculture

refers to farming without plowing the land, which avoids exposing the soil to direct sun, wind and water

Solid Waste Disposal Act

regulated treatment, storage, disposal of hazardous wastes

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA)

regulates the environmental effects of coal mining (sets standards)

gully erosion

rills join together and get deeper - becoming ditches and gullies

effects of global warming

rising sea level (due to thermal expansion not melting ice), extreme weather, droughts (famine), and extinctions


rows of shrubs or trees that are planted next to or around fields to slow down the winds that could blow topsoil off of the land

hybrid electric vehicles

runs on gas, contains a small internal combustion engine (regular engine) and a battery

Egypt's Aswan High Dam

saved rice and cotton crops during two droughts in the 1970s.

primary consumers (herbivores)

second trophic level


secondary pollutant, NO2+UV-> NO+O; O+O2-> O3, with VOCs. Causes respiratory irritation and plant damage. Reduced by reducing NO emissions and VOCs

SO3, HNO3, H2SO2, O3, PANs

secondary pollutants

particulate matter

sources include burning fossil fuels and car exhaust. Effects include reduced visibility, respiratory irritation. Methods of reduction include filtering, electrostatic precipitators, alternative energy

carbon oxides (CO2 and CO)

sources include burning fossil fuels, incomplete combustion. Effects: CO binds to hemoglobin reducing bloods ability to carry O; CO2 contributes to global warming. Reduction accomplished by catalytic converters, oxygenated fuel, mass transit reduction

sanitary landfills

specially prepared facilities that must meet specific federal requirements mandated by the RCRA for location; landfills must have special liners and impermeable soil layers

indicator species

species that serve as early warnings that an ecosystem is being damaged

keystone species

species whose role in an ecosystem is more important than others

concentric circle model

sprawl develops outwards from a central business district (example NYC)


standing bodies of water


starts off slowly/grows to enormous numbers after only a few doublings

electricity generation

steam, from water boiled by fossil fuels or nuclear energy, or falling water is used to turn a generator

nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, dentrification

steps of the nitrogen cycle

potential energy

stored energy which is potentially available for use

increases the rate of water discharge

stream channelization


stressed rock along a plate boundary shifts causing movement releasing energy in the form of shock waves


stronger-swimming organisms (like fish)


study of the detrimental effects chemicals have on humans and wildlife

B horizon

subsoil; contains a lower concentration of organic material than the first two layers and a higher concentration of mineral particles

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)

superfund, designed to identify and clean up abandoned hazardous waste dumpsites

O horizon

surface of the soil; composed of partially decomposed material and/or leaf litter

rill erosion

surface water flows fast - cutting small channels in the soil

Federal Water Pollution Control Act

surface water quality protection (amended to become clean water act)

lung irritation

suspended particulate matter leads to

Exponential Growth

switched from small-scale, localized production of handmade goods to large-scale production of machine-made goods; also applied to farming: more goods, more crops = longer life spans, sharp increase in human population


symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit


symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other in unaffected


the Earth zone with the most volume and mass is the

zebra mussel (in the Great Lakes)

the ________ (invasive species) was not intentionally introduced

costal zones

the ________ contain approximately 90% of all marine species

LD-50 (median lethal dosage)

the amount of a chemical that kills 50% of the animals in a test population

total fertility rate

the average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime


the change in a population's genetic makeup through successive generations

sediment from erosion

the greatest source of water pollution is


the greenhouse effect occurs in the


the heating of ores to remove metals - produces air pollution that includes heavy metals, particulate matter, and sulfer dioxide (which is a precursor to acid rain)


the international treaty that restricts trade in products manufactured from endangered species


the land area that delivers runoff to the river or its tributaries

urban and industrial runoff from the land

the largest source of oil pollution found in the ocean is from


the material that must be removed to reach the mineral


the measure of how cloudy the water is due to suspended sediments or solids and greatly reduces sunlight from reaching photosynthetic organisms

infant mortality rate

the number of babies out of ever 1,000 births who die before reaching their first birthday

crude birth rate

the number of births per 1,000 people in a population

replacement level fertility

the number of children a couple must have to replace themselves (2.1 more developed, 2.7 less)

crude death rate

the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population

carrying capacity

the number of individuals that can be sustained in an area


the organism in the next trophic level only gains (on average) ____ of the energy from available biomass

realized niche

the part of its fundamental niche that a species occupies (more limited than the fundamental niche due to competition with other species)


the phosphorous cycle depends on _____ to release valuable phosphates

slash-and-burn agriculture

the practice of cutting down and burning tropical forests to clear the land for planting crops and raising livestock

(traditional) subsidence agriculture

the practice of farming to provide for one family's food needs with enough remaining to sell or trade

Cyanide Solution Mining (Heap-Leach Extraction)

the practice of spraying cyanide solutions on piles of crushed ore to dissolve and extract gold creates holding ponds of cyanide-laced water that may seep into ground water


the process by which primary producers take in inorganic nitrogen compounds and consumers take in organic nitrogen compounds and transform them into a part of their own body systems

life expectancy and infant mortality rate

the quality of life of a population are the


the time it takes for 1/2 of the mass of a radioisotope to decay. a radioactive isotope must be stored for approximately 10 half-lives until it decays to a safe level

the ability of oxygen to diffuse into the water

the velocity of a river or stream will impact

edge effect

there are more species present at the place where one ecosystem merges with another


there have been _____ mass extinction events


these coastal zones form where freshwater rivers meet the salty waters of the ocean. large inputs of nutrients and ample sunlight. plants here act as a natural filter for toxins and etc

disadvantages of sanitary landfills

they release greenhouse gases (methane and CO2) as wastes decompose, toxic materials leach out, air pollution generated


third layer of the atmosphere where temperature again decreases with altitude

secondary consumers (carnivores)

third trophic level

coastal zones

this area of the ocean is from the high tide mark to the edge of the continental shelf. Warm and nutrient rich water. Get ample sunlight. High NPP. Contains approx. 90% of all marine species

center pivot

this method of irrigation consists of metal frames rolling on wheels that extend large water pipes out over the crops; improves efficiency up to 80%

drip irrigation

this method of irrigation improves efficiency by delivering small volumes of water directly to crop roots for absorption; improves efficiency up to 95%

flood irrigation

this method of irrigation relies on pumping large volumes of water directly onto agricultural land and allowing it to flow by gravity into ditches in the soil where crops can the absorb the water


this process is carried out by decomposers and returns nutrients in organic matter back to the soil; also known as mineralization


to effectively capture solar energy in the US, solar panels should be placed so that they face


to remove liquids and gases (oil, natural gas, and steam), deep shafts are drilled into the earth to reach the geologic formation containing the desired material. Normally, pressure in the formation forces the liquid or gas to the surface, but if that doesnt happen water, steam, or other fluids can sometimes be injected to force the material out. A drilling platform can cause habitat destruction on surface. Also contamination from leaks and spills is a problem


too little iodine


too little iron

A horizon

topsoil; composed of mineral-containing weathered parent material and organic matter (humus)


total fertility rate in DEVELOPED countries


total fertility rate in DEVELOPING countries

Dobson units (DU)

total ozone concentrations are measured in

ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)

trade winds weaken and warm surface water moves towards South America. Diminished fisheries off South America, drought in western Pacific, increased precipitation in southwestern North America, fewer Atlantic hurricanes


transitional areas between biomes

greenhouse gases

trap outgoing infrared energy (heat) causing earth to warm. Most significant: H2O, CO2, O3, methane (CH4), CFCs

Second growth forests

trees resulting from secondary succession

producers -> primary consumer -> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer

trophic levels


trying to restore a degraded habitat or ecosystem to a condition as close as possible to the pre-degraded state

nuclear fission

two isotopes of light elements (like hydrogen) are forced together at very high temperatures till they fuse to a heavier nucleus, releasing ENERGY in the process

competitive exclusion principle

two species whose niches significantly overlap will both suffer

industrialized agriculture

type of agriculture that uses large amounts of fossil fuel energy, water, fertilizers, pesticides to produce large quantity of a single crop (monoculture), 25% of all cropland


type of coal with low heat/sulfur content


1/1,000 (one thousandth)


1/1,000,000 (one millionth)


1/1,000,000,000 (one billionth)


1/100 (one hundredth)

energy flow through food webs

10% of the usable energy is transferred to the next trophic level. Reason: usable energy lost as heat (2nd law), not all biomass is digested and absorbed, predators expend energy to catch prey


A soil sample that is alkaline, dark, and rich in humus probably came from a

adding calcium carbonate (limestone) to the soils

A strategy for reducing the effect of acid rain is

mountaintop removal

A type of surface mining in which coal steams are exposed by removing the top of a mountain using explosives and/or heavy equipment. The material removed is dumped into adjacent valleys, sometimes burying forests, rivers and streams


About _____ of U.S. homes are heated by electricity.


According to the EPA, at least _____ of all U.S. commercial buildings are considered "sick" from indoor air pollutants.

an abandoned oil refinery

An example of a brownfield

methane; carbon dioxide

As permafrost melts ________ and ________ are released

increases; decrease

As water temperature _____, the solubility of oxygen decreases and therefore dissolved oxygen concentration will ______.

over 100

At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, _____ nations committed themselves to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000.

biological oxygen demand

BOD stands for

rose 94%

Between 1963 and 2000, the human population size

uranium into plutonium

Breeder nuclear fission reactors convert

northern; southern

California Water Transfer Project - uses a series of pumps, aqueducts, and dams to move water from water-rich _____ California to desert regions of ______ California

75; 75

California's basic water problem stems from the fact that _____% of the population lives south of Sacramento, but _____% of the rain falls north of it.


Carbon is in ______ rock

carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Catalytic converters remove ______ and _______ from automobile exhaust

D (high reproductive rate and generalists)

Characteristics that would lead to a nonnative organism's becoming invasive in a new environment would include which of the following characteristics? I. high reproductive rate II. short-lived III. generalists (A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

1,300,000,000 (1.3 billion)

China population

increase the chance of damage from diseases, pests, drought, and frost.

Chronic exposure of tree leaves and needles to air pollutants can

low; high

Clay has _____ permeability and _____ porosity

in very dry areas

Cloud seeding is not useful

thermal pollution

Coal-burning power plants and nuclear power plants producing electricity both release large amounts of

(a) organic nitrogen

Commercial inorganic fertilizers contain all of the following EXCEPT (a) organic nitrogen (b) phosphate (c) nitrate (d) potassium

chemical, physical, biological (bio and phytoremidiation), incineration, plasma arc torch

Converting hazardous waste to less hazardous waste

E (an omnivore that is a generalist)

Coyotes are opportunistic predators found throughout most of North America. They typically feed on small mammals, insects, fruits and vegetables. They are known for their dietary adaptability. The best description of their role in the food chain would be (A) an herbivore that is a generalist (B) a carnivore that is a tertiary consumer (C) an omnivore that is a specialist (D) a primary producer that supports the base of the food chain (E) an omnivore that is a generalist

it has a similar chemical structure to sex hormones

DDT is hazardous to animals because


Deep lakes that are characterized by steep banks and have a relatively small supply of plant nutrients are known as

refrigerators and air conditioners

Disposal of _________ and ______ is associated with depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer

the east to west pacific trade winds reverse directions

During El Nino

preindustrial and transition stages

During demographic transitions, birth rates are high during the

Coriolis Effect

Earth rotates on its axis - winds are DEFLECTED to the RIGHT in the N. Hemi, to the LEFT in the S. Hemi

E (predatory birds like pelicans)

Ecologists have been studying populations in tropical regions to determine the effects of DDT on aquatic systems. Which population would you expect to show the most effects? (A) phytoplankton (B) small benthic fish (C) zooplankton (D) larger schooling fish like tuna (E) predatory birds like pelicans

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Environmental Impact Statements must be done before any project affecting federal lands can be started

a specialized niche

Environmental resistance is enhanced by

Clean Air Act (CAA)

Established primary and secondary air quality standards. Required states to develop implementation plans. Sets limits and goals to reduce mobile source air pollution and ambient air quality standards.


Family-planning programs have been successful in reducing population growth in


Gasohol is gasoline mixed with


Heating, cooling, and lighting buildings consumes about _____ of the energy used in modern societies.

Hydrogen fuel cells

Hydrogen gas combines w/O2 in air to produce electricity, emission is water vapor - 65-95% efficiency

2-3 weeks

If the emissions that contribute to acid rain were completely eliminated, acid rain would stop falling in

there would be an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere

If the trend of forst cover loss continues, scientists estimate that

Madrid Protocol

Moratorium on mineral exploration for 50 years in Antartica

Deep-Well Disposal (injection)

Most common for of storing liquid hazardous waste; liquid wastes are pumped through pipes into permeable injection zones; prob- it is possible for leaks to occur and limited areas to store

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Most of the reserves of oil are in the middle east and controlled by

(D) troposphere

Much of the radiation admitted by the earth is captured and trapped in the (A) stratosphere (B) lithosphere (C) aethenosphere (D) troposphere (E) mesosphere

multiple use public lands

National Forest and National Resource lands

restricted use public lands

National Parks, National Wilderness Preservation System

moderately restricted use public lands

National Wildlife Refuges


Natural gas from wells consists of 50% to 90%

contour plowing

Is the practice of plowing across the slope of a hill rather than up and down the slope. This reduces erosion by slowing runoff and preventing water from gaining momentum as it flows unimpeded down the slope, which increases erosion

Wangari Maathi

Kenyan woman who won the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize for starting the green belt movement

right (clockwise)

Large-scale wind patters are deflected to the _____ in the northern hemisphere

left (counterclockwise)

Large-scale wind patters are deflected to the _____ in the southern hemisphere

(D) Lead

Legislation has most effectively reduced which of the following air pollutants? (A) Sulfur Dioxide (B) Carbon Dioxide (C) Mercury (D) Lead (E) Nitrogen dioxide


Lignite and bituminous coal are _____ rocks

butane and propane

Liquefied petroleum gas consists of


Percent Carbon Dioxide in atmosphere


Percent Nitrogen in atmosphere


Percent Oxygen in atmosphere

provides technical assistance to both farmers and ranchers

The National Resources Conservation Service

transform fault

The San Andreas Fault in southern California is an example of a

C (Mercury)

The reduction in coal burning to generate electricity would most likely have the biggest impact on reducing which of the following toxins? (A) Phthalates (B) Vinyl chloride (C) Mercury (D) Benzene (E) Radon

Valdez, Alaska

The site of one of the most ecologically disruptive oil spills in history is ...

agriculture, industrial and mining

The three leading sources of water pollution are...

The Green Revolution

The time period between WWII and the present is known as


The useful operating life of today's nuclear power plants is supposed to be ______ years.


This act looks for abandoned places and fixes them

rapid population growth

This condition in the Himalayan watershed contributes to flooding in Bangladesh


This ecosystem is characterized by long, hot summers and moderate, moist winters. It supports many small mammals, and most vegetation germinates after a period exposed to fire. It is mostly found along coastal areas such as the Pacific coast of North America, southern Texas and Mexico, and the coastal hills of Chile and the Mediterranean

Transform Fault

This is a plate boundary where plates are sliding past one another. (ex. the San Andreas Fault)

Divergent Plate Boundary

This is a plate boundary where two oceanic plates are separating, and molten rock flows up into the void that is created between the plates (ex. Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

Convergent Plate Boundary

This is a plate boundary where two plates are colliding with one another. When an oceanic and a continental plate converge, the denser oceanic plate usually goes under the continental plate.

strip cropping

This practice both reduces erosion and increases soil fertility


Well water is often contaminated with which naturally occurring element?

Humans not exposed to just one chemical

What are the limitations to determining the toxicities of environmental chemicals?

reverse osmosis and distillation

What are the two methods of desalinization?

lichens > grasses > shrubs > trees

What best represents the organisms' succession on the new rock?


What does US do with over half its solid waste?

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

What is the ANWR?


When an oceanic and a continental plate converge, the denser oceanic plate usually goes ______ the continental plate.


When carbon dioxide is absorbed into the ocean, __________ of the ocean increases

infant mortality rates

When compared to most developed countries, most developing countries have higher


When ore undergoes processing, a waste called _____ is produced

liquified natural gas (LNG)

When places under pressure at low temperatures, natural gas can be converted to ...

A (Russia)

Which country would have the largest percentage of boreal forests? (A) Russia (B) United States (C) Australia (D) Brazil (E) Nepal

(D) Photovoltaic cells

Which is currently the most expensive method of generating electricity? (A) Wind Power (B) Passive solar energy (C) Hydroelectric power (D) Photovoltaic cells (E) Geothermal energy

D (fat soluble and it biomagnifies in food chain)

Which of the following are characteristics of methyl mercury? I. fat soluble II. it biomagnifies in food chain III. low persistance in aquatic systems (A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) I and III only


Which of the following countries produces the greatest proportion of its electricity by hydroelectric plants?

D (short life spans and little to no parental care)

Which of the following is correct concerning r-selected species characteristics? I. short life spans II. little to no parental care III. produce fewer, larger offspring (A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) I, II, and III

(E) A tankless instant water heater fired by natural gas

Which of the following is the most efficient water heater? (A) a water tank wrapped in electric coils (B) a natural gas water heater with an insulated tank (C) A propane water heater with an insulated tank (D) An oil water heater with a non-insulated tank (E) A tankless instant water heater fired by natural gas

(B) Dissolved oxygen levels at 2 to 3 ppm

Which of the following would most likely cause metabolic stress in aerobic lake organisms? (A) Variation in conductivity (B) Dissolved oxygen levels at 2 to 3 ppm (C) Influx of dissolves solids (D) A 1- to 2- degree change in water temperature (E) An increase in pH from 6 to 7

They are insoluble in water and chemically unreactive in the troposphere

Why do CFCs have a long residence time in the atmosphere?


With 4.7% of the world's population, the United States uses about _____ of the world's commercial energy.


With available and developing technologies, passive solar designs can provide at least _____ of a residential building's heating needs.

less than 1

Women posses _____% of the world's land


World Resources Institute estimates that _____ of the water people use throughout the world is wasted through evaporation, leaks, and other losses


____ has biggest coal reserves


_____ cm in one inch


_____ mortality rate higher than 37 countries

forests and oceans

______ and ______ are carbon sinks

ozone and chlorine

______ and ______ are used to disinfect municipal water supplies

Rowland; Molina

______ and ______ did work on CFCs


______ are NOT ozone eaters


______ is not identified by the EPA as one of it's six criteria air pollutants


______ would be easy to find a substitute for


_______ are used to transport natural gas

empowerment of women

_______ is a strategy for slowing the rapid population growth


_______ relies on geothermic energy to provide a large portion of its energy

Brazil and Indonesia

________ and _________ contain the greatest area of rainforest

heavy metals

________ are most likely to be released from electric waste and can cause adverse human health impacts


________ coal has the highest energy content

the atmosphere

________ is the smallest reservoir of the global hydraulic cycle

sulfur dioxide

_________ is removed by scrubbers in a smokestack


_________ regulates the flow of nitrates into and out of its greatest reservoir

fertilizer production

_________ removes nitrogen from the atmosphere

industry, transportation, energy production

_________, _________, and _________ are human sources of pollution

South Africa

__________ has largest proven reserves of strategic metals (such as manganese, chromium, and platinum)

natural gas

_____________ burns more completely


a collection of different energy sources that all involve obtaining fuel from plant water and animal waste


a condition occurring mainly in young children who eat a diet that is low in calories and protein. Symptoms include stunted growth and a thin, emaciated body


a condition occurring mainly in young children who eat a diet that is severely deficient in protein. Symptoms include a bloated, distended belly and puffy skin


a condition resulting from a diet that is deficient in iron. Increases the risk of death in women due to excessive bleeding during childbirth

greenhouse effect

a vital process, required for life to exist on Earth. If accelerated, bad, leads to global warming.


abondoned industrial/commercial sites that were contaminated

infrared radiation by atmospheric gases

absorption of _____________ by __________ leads to global warming

release of aluminum ions from soil

acid deposition results in

causes decomposition of organic material

addition of lime


advantages- volume of waste reduced by 90% and waste heat can be used. disadvantages- toxic emissions (polyvinyl chloride, dioxin), scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators needed, ash disposal

logistical growth

after the initial rapid growth, the population size will level off

Fish Conservation Act

aims to end overfishing

secondary air pollutants

air pollutants that form as the products of chemical reactions that occur among primary pollutants and other chemicals present in the atmosphere

Food Quality Protection Act

all states must have facilities to handle low-level radioactive wastes, set pesticide limits in food, & all active and inactive ingredients must be screened for estrogenic/endocrine effects.

General Mining Law of 1872

allows mining companies to take minerals from public land without paying royalties

wind, solar, waves, biomass, geothermal, fuel cells

alternate energy sources


ammonia is converted to nitrate ions (NO3-)

biological oxygen demand (BOD)

amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic decomposers to break down organic materials

fatigue; infections; infant death

anemia causes


annual rate of population change (%)

response (in a dose-response curve)

any negative health effect elicited from that particular material


any water-bearing layer in the ground

hormonally active agents (HAA)

are endocrine disruptors because they either mimic estrogen or block androgens from binding to their appropriate receptor sites in the cell


arid conditions on the _____ side of the mountain because as air descends it picks up moisture from the land


artificial waterways used for travel, shipping, or irrigation, often narrows or straightens natural streams, can increase flow of water increasing erosion and flooding, reducing habitats for wildlife


as toxic substance goes up in a food chain, the amount present in the organism increases, becomes more harmful

cost-benefit analysis

asks if risk is acceptable, it is IF benefits outweigh the costs (environmentalists ask us to factor in life-cycle cost)

Water Quality Act

attempt to reduce non-pont source pollution

Rachel Carson

author of the book Silent Spring


bacteria convert ammonia back into N


bacteria convert ammonia or ammonium ions in the soil into nitrate ions (NO3-) for plants to uptake


bacteria primarily in the sediments of aquatic zones convert ammonia and ammonium ions into nitrogen gas (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas

nitrogen fixation

because atmospheric N cannot be used directly by plants, it must first be converted to ammonia by bacteria

sulfur dioxide

because of it's short lifetime, ______ is not considered to be a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect

Industrial Revolution

began in mid-1700s, led to rapid expansion in production, trade, distribution of material goods: shift from dependence on RENEWABLE wood to NONRENEWABLE fossil fuels

reduce the amount of waste at the source

best solution for waste problem

mass transit

best solution is to reduce energy use, by using

natural pest control

better agricultural practices, genetically resistant plants, natural enemies and biopesticides, sex attractants

intraspecific competition

between members of the same species

interspecific competition

between two or more different species for food, space etc...


bioaccumulation, carcinogen, causes reproductive damages - class of chemical compounds formed during incarceration of waste materials and manufacturing of some herbicides

3.7 billion

biological evolution began _______ years ago

secondary sewage treatment

biological process in which aerobic bacteria remove dissolved and biodegradable oxygen-demanding waste in aeration tanks. Settable solida are removed as sludge.


biomagnifies in the food chain of ecosystems; causes reproductive damages and cancers in avian (bird) populations - pesticide

Heavy Metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium)

biomagnify in food chain, cause neurological damage, carcinogenic - generated from smelting metals and incineration of municipal waste, used in batteries and fluorescent light, released from coal burning

(demographic transition model) preindustrial age

birth and death rates high, population grows slowly, infant mortality high

post-industrial stage

birth rates decline further, get zero population growth

industrial stage

birth rates drop, slower population growth

vitamin A

blindness may be caused by a diet deficient in the nutrient

excessive nitrates in drinking water

blue baby syndrome is caused by


bottom-welling organisms; live on or in the ocean floor

age structure diagrams

broad base -> rapid growth; narrow base -> negative growth; uniform shape -> zero growth

generalist species

broad niches; wide range of tolerance


burn waste, can reduce trash volume, but greatly increases air pollution (dioxins)

natural gas

burning _________ produces less carbon dioxide per unit of energy than either of the other fossil fuels


calcium carbonate =


can be grown in crop rotation to restore soil nitrogen


carbon monoxide is a ________ pollutant


carcinogen - unwanted by-product of industrial processes

ozone depletion

caused by CFCs, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, halon, methyl bromide all of which attack stratospheric ozone

acid deposition

caused by sulfuric and nitric acids resulting in lowered pH of surface waters

Coriolis effect

caused by the rotation of the earth


causes cancer

vinyl chloride

causes cancers (especially in the liver), can do central nervous system damage, is known to cause birth defects - commonly used in building materials and other consumer products


causes fetus deformities


causes hereditary changes


causes reproductive damage in cancers - chemicals used in the production of plastics - used in vinyl flooring

1/100 (one hundredth)



certain compounds that accumulate in body tissues can be passed from one organism to another through the food chain. Organisms at higher trophic levels will have the highest concentration of these materials in their bodies


change in population size formula

ecological succession

change in species abundance and diversity after events

DIRECTIONAL natural selection

changing environmental conditions cause individuals at one end average to become more common than mid-range - "it pays to be different"

surface mining

cheaper, can remove more minerals, less hazardous to workers


chemicals used in fire extinguishers

major insecticide groups

chlorinates hydrocarbons - ex. DDT; organophosphates - ex. malathion; carbamates - ex. aldicarb

heat islands

cities are warmer, rainer, foggier, cloudier than suburbs and rural areas because of heat generated by multiple pollutants in the area

strip cutting

clear cutting one strip of trees along the contour of the land within a corridor narrow enough to allow natural forest regeneration within a few years


clear, deep lakes that have limited nutrient levels and therefore limited primary productivity; typically colder and support a wide variety of fish species due to high levels of dissolved O2


coal - most used, high heat content, large supply, high sulfur content (BAD)


coal - very desirable, high heat content, low sulfur - but limited supplies - expensive


coal formation begins with _____, which forms from an accumulation of partially decomposed plant debris in waterlogged, anaerobic conditions

grey water system

collects water from showers, bathtubs, dishwashers, and clothes washers and then reuses this water on lawns, to wash cars, or to flush toilets

lack trace elements

commercially available inorganic fertilizers ...

interspecific competition

competition between two (or more) species for the same limited resources

C horizon

composed of weathered parent material sitting on top of bedrock

97.5% seawater; 2.5% freshwater

composition of water on earth

soil conservation methods

conservation tillage, crop rotation, contour plowing, organic fertilizers

nuclear reactor

consists of a core, control rods, moderator, steam generator, turbine, containment building

source zone

contains rivers and streams that are directly fed by mountain snowmelt; fast moving, shallow and cold, and low in nutrients


contains rods with nuclear fuel pellets

plate tectonics

continents/oceans are carried on lithospheric plates which ride on the asthenosphere (liquid-like layer of the mantle)

rangeland management

controlling #, types, distribution of livestock grazing on land so carrying capacity is not exceeded (most widely used method); deferred grazing (rotate animals from one area to another so they don't overgraze a particular area) - goal is to maximize livestock productivity

Kyoto Protocol

controlling global warming by setting greenhouse gas emissions targets for developed countries

Toxic Substance Control Act

controlling/testing of chemicals that could hurt people or the environment

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

controls hazardous waste with a cradle to grave system

nitrogen fixation

conversion, by bacteria in the soil and cyanobacteria in aquatic systems, of nitrogen gas (N2) in the atmosphere into ammonia and ammonium

photovoltaic cells (PV or solar cells)

convert sunlight directly into energy by making use of the electrical properties of the semiconducting element silicon; expensive


cradle-to-grave approach

National Environmental Policy Act

created council to monitor environmental quality (resulted in the creation of the EPA)

disadvantages of incineration

creates greenhouse gas emissions of CO2, releases air pollutants, large amounts of fly ash that must be stored, expensive

(C) decreased need for chemical fertilizer

crops genetically engineered to fix nitrogen would have which of the following advantages? (A) increased disease resistance (B) increased drought tolerance (C) decreased need for chemical fertilizer (D) decreased absorption of toxic chemicals (E) increased tolerance of air pollution

oil refinery

crude oil requires a separation and purification step between extraction and use (that is not required of other fossil fuels). This step takes place at

fish farming

cultivating fish in a controlled environment


cuts down all trees; worst method; muddies stream with erosion

(demographic transition model) transitional stage

death rate (infant mortality) lower, birth rates remain high, better health care, population grows fast


debris released from a volcano

(demographic transition model) industrial stage

decline in birth rate, population growth slows


decomposers convert organic remains of organisms into detritus and eventually into inorganic ammonia and ammonium ions


decomposers convert organic waste into ammonia; also known as mineralization

formation of oil

decomposition of dead organic matter from plants (phytoplankton) and animals that were buried (2-140m years ago) and subjected to high T and pressure; Usually trapped w/natural gas, in pores and cracks in underground rock formations

subsurface mining

deep vertical mine shafts with horizontal tunnels branching off are blasted into the earth to remove deposites that are too far underground to reach by surface mining. Less habitat destruction on surface, but dangerous.

aerobic bacteria utilize much of the dissolved oxygen in the water during decomposition

degradable wastes are referred to as oxygen-demanding wastes because ...

preindustrial age, transitional stage, industrial stage, postindustrial stage

demographic transition model is


depleting biodiversity; causing rapid decline in fish populations

Pollution Prevention Act

designed to stop pollution from being produced


determining if linked to endocrine cancers in humans and amphibians - one of most widely used pesticides in US; herbicide

primary succession

development of communities in a lifeless area not previously inhabited by life (ex. lava)


diet low in calories/protein

dissolved O2 concentrations, temperature, and food resources

different types of consumers in aquatic systems are limited by

Food Security Act

discourages the conversion of wetlands to non-wetlands

low quality energy

disorganized, dispersed (ex. heat in ocean or air/wind, solar)

fecal coliform

does not always cause disease but can indicate when water has come in contact with waste


does not exist as a gas; released by weathering of phosphate rocks, it is a major limiting factor for plant growth. The cycle is slow and not atmospheric


does not get rid of pests, just lowers the population

phosphorous cycle

does not move through the atmosphere - largest reservoir of this is in oceanic sediments and terrestrial rock layers.

= 70/percent growth rate

doubling time


downslope surface movement of water back to the sea to resume the cycle


downward flow of water into the soil and aquifers


drifting herbivores that make up the primary consumers in our marine ecosystems


due to the 23.5° tilt to the earth's axis. Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun in the summer and away from the sun during the winter. During the spring and fall, the sun is aimed directly at the equator

ecological succession

gradual change in species composition of a given area

coal-burning power plants

gray-air smog (industrial smog) comes from

motor vehicle exhaust

ground level ozone is mostly from

most endangered species

have a small range, require large territory or live on an island


heat from rocks/magma underground from the earth's mantle transfer to reservoirs

Lacey Act

helps Dept. of Interior to restore populations of scarce/extinct animals; prohibits transporting wild animals across state borders w/out federal permit

ocean circulation

helps moderate the earth's avg. surface temperature by removing 29% of CO2 from the atmosphere

fish ranching

holding fish in captivity, releasing them to spawn, then harvesting them

marginal costs

how much will one more unit of pollution cost the public

population ecology

how populations interact with each other and their environment


humans need ________ calories per day

mineral reserve

identified deposites currently profitable to extract

Endangered Species Act

identifies threatened and endangered species in the US, and puts their protection ahead of economic considerations

non-threshold dose-response

if the response or effect begins at zero and increases continuously with a dosage

acute effect

immediate response to exposure

diseases spread more quickly, added burden on the environment

impacts of population growth

soil salinization

in arid regions, water evaporates leaving salts behind (ex. fertile crescent, southwestern US)

volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

in oil immediately kill many larval forms of ocean organisms

effects of ozone depletion

increased UV, skin cancer, cataracts, decreased plant growth

transitional stage

industrialization begins, health care improves, death rates drop, birth rates stay high

brain damage

lead leads to

deciduous forest soil

leaf mold, a humus-mineral mixture, and silty loam are indicative of


legally (or illegally) shipping hazardous wastes to other countries - ex: Canada receives US hazardous wastes because they have less restrictive regulations

formation of natural gas

lies ABOVE crude oil reservoirs, similarly forms from fossil deposits of plants (phytoplankton) buried for millions of years

Oparin's hypothesis (abiogenesis)

life could be created from the compounds in the earth's primitive atmosphere and lightning

secondary succession

life progress where soil remains (ex. clear-cut forest, old farm)


lined landfills in which to dump waste, later covered with clay, plastic, sand and monitored to prevent leaking - can lead to groundwater pollution if leaking


liquid water into the soil


liquid water on leaves/roots into water vapor


liquid water to water vapor


liquid-like layer of the atmosphere

Endangered Species Act

list/protect endangered species

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

lists species that cannot be commercially traded as live specimens or wildlife products


little growth because of harsh living conditions = high birth rate + high death rate


living components of an ecosystem

chronic effect

longer-lasting or permanent damage

paleozoic era

lots of multicellular organisms→ insects, at the end was a mass extinction (540-250million years ago)

(demographic transition model) postindustrial stage

low birth and death rates

cone of depression

lowering of the water table around a pumping well

biodiesel fuel

made from sources like used frying oil, waste products from meat processing, vegetable oil, and oil squeezed from algae


mainly from fossil fuel burning and coal power plants, deforestation decrease the amount absorbed by trees - stays in troposphere for 50-120 years

nitrogen oxides (NOx)

major source is auto exhaust. Primary and secondary effects include acidification of lakes, respiratory irritation, leads to smog and ozone. Reduced using catalytic converters equation for acid formation: NO+O2-> NO2+H2O-> H2SO4

active solar energy system

make use of pumps to move water (or a fluid-like antifreeze) through solar collectors, where it is heated by the sun and pumped throughout a building to provide heat.

passive solar energy system

makes direct use of sunlight to heat a building (with windows, heavy insulation, and etc) - more effective when used with insulation

solar power tower

makes use of an array of mirrors that focus sunlight to a single point where concentrated solar energy is used to heat a fluid that heats water to produce the steam necessary to rotate a turbine attached to a generator that produces electricity.

geothermal energy

makes use of earth's internal temperature by tapping into high-temperature, high pressure steam that exists below the earth's surface in some areas

CAFE standards

mandates the fuel efficiency of cars

multiple-nuclei model

many independent cities were very close together (example LA)

(primary) closed-loop recycling

materials are converted into new products of the same type

secondary recycling

materials can be converted to a different kind of product


means "trade off" - mitigation banking is when destruction of existing wetland/land is allowed as long as an equal area of the same type of wetland/land is created or restored (not always successful - but better than nothing)

quality of energy

measures an energy's ability to do useful work

1,000,000 (one million)



methane chemical symbol

family planning, contraception, economic rewards and penalties

methods to decrease birth rates

1/1,000,000 (one millionth)


petroleum formation

microscopic aquatic organisms in sediments converted by heat and pressure into a mixture of hydrocarbons

bathyl zone

middle layer of the vertical oceanic column; recieves very little sunlight so contains no photosynthetic organisms; smaller fish and zooplankton travel to the euphotic zone at night to feed

1/1,000 (one thousandth)


a decrease of species diversity

modern intensive farming practices result in


moist conditions on the _____ side of the mountain because most moisture is released here (side facing the ocean_

Formation of stratospheric ozone

molecular oxygen (O2) reacts with UV-radiation in stratosphere, and breaks up into O-atoms...those then react w/O2 in the atmosphere to form O3 (ozone)

mineral deposites

most abundant at convergent plate boundaries

have a small range, require large territory or live on an island

most endangered species

low status of women

most important factor keeping population growth rates high

1. China; 2. India

most populous nations

sulfur cycle

mostly in oceanic sediments, rock and mineral layers of the earth. Emitted into the atmosphere through volcanic activity, anaerobic bacteria, oceanic sea spray, and forest fires.

control rods

move in and out of core absorbing neurons to regulate fission rate


moving bodies of water

specialist species

narrow niches; narrow range of tolerance

salt water intrusion

near the coast, over pumping of groundwater causes saltwater to move into the aquifer


neurotoxin causing brain damage in fetuses; endocrine disruptor causing reproductive cancers - used as electrical insulators and fire retardants


nitrogen fixation will take place in fields that are planted with


nitrogen is primarily found as ____ in the troposphere

lung damage

nitrous oxide (NO2) causes


nonliving components of an ecosystem

nuclear fission

nuclei of isotopes split apart when struck by neutrons


number of people living in cities w/greater than 2500 people

volcanoes and earthquakes

occur at tectonic plate boundaries: divergent- spreading (ex. mid-ocean ridges); convergent (ex. trenches); transform fault, - sliding (ex. San Andreas)

oxygen sag curve

occurs in flowing streams as bacteria break down degradable wastes and deplete the dissolved oxygen in the process

soil salinization

occurs on heavily irrigated land in arid climates when irrigation water evaporates regularly, leaving behind trace amounts of dissolved salts that accumulate until the salt concentration in the soil reaches levels that prevent growing viable crops

temperature inversions

occurs when a layer of warm air sits atop a cooler polluted air over a city and prevents the cool air from rising and dispersing its pollutants


occurs when irrigation water accumulates and raises the water table to a level where it interferes with the growth of crops by submerging their roots

habitat fragmentations

occurs when large adjacent ecosystems are divided into smaller, more isolated areas my roads and housing developments; increases density which increases competition for resources; organisms become more susceptible to disease and etc


occurs when marginal lands on the outskirts of deserts are overgrazed by livestock or farmed. The removal of native vegetation causes the soil to dry out and the area is slowly incorporated into the expanding desert

acid mine drainage

occurs when sulfur compounds in mine waste are exposed to air, oxidize, and dissolve in rainwater to form a sulfuric acid solution.


occurs when the number of livestock animals exceed the carrying capacity for that particular rangeland


occurs when winds blowing along the coast push warmer surface water away from land and draw up deep cold, nutrient-rich water from the bottom to the top


old houses, paints, leaded gas


on land, water reaches the atmosphere through a process known as


once lakes have accumulated a high concentration of nutrients that support high levels of NPP by producers; often more shallow and murky

interference competition

one may limit another's access to some resource

fecal coliform

one method scientists use to detect the presence of infectious diseases is to test for colonies of

exploitative competition

one species can use a resource faster

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

organic compounds that exist as gases in the atmosphere; methane, industrial solvents

marine snow

organic waste from upper zones that settles to the bottom


organic, dark material remaining after decomposition by microorganisms

r-selected species

organisms that are capable of rapid exponential growth

K-selected species

organisms that are limited by resources and competition


organisms that exhibit logistic growth will most likely be limited by _______ factors in their environment


organisms that make their own food - photosynthetic life

natural selection

organisms that possess favorable adaptions pass them onto the next generation

high quality energy

organized and concentrated, can perform useful work (ex. fossil fuels and nuclear)

aerobic respiration

oxygen consuming producers, consumers and decomposers break down complex organic compounds and convert C back into CO2

CFCs, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, halon, methyl bromide

ozone depletion caused by

coal formation

peat, lignite, bituminous coal, anthracite coal


perfect agricultural soil with equal portions of sand, silt, and clay

Federal rangelands

permit holders pay the federal government a grazing fee to graze cattle/sheep on federal lands (fees are ¼ to 1/10 the going rate for comparable private lands) - environmental

suburban sprawl

permit holders pay the federal government a grazing fee to graze cattle/sheep on federal lands (fees are ¼ to 1/10 the going rate for comparable private lands) - environmental


type of radiation that formed the ozone layer


type of radiation with the least energy


type of radiation with the most energy


type of recycling that utilizes the natural role of decomposing bacteria and fungi to convert biodegradable waste into usable soil amendments

tropical, temperate, cold

types of desert

tropical rain forests, temperate deciduous forests, taiga/boreal forests

types of forest biomes

savannas (tropical), tall and short grass prairies (temperate), arctic tundra (cold)

types of grasslands

transition zone

typically has streams and rivers with more turbid water due to the increase in sediments flowing into them; typically deeper, wider, slower moving, and contain less dissolved O2

Old growth forests

uncut forests that have not been seriously disturbed by human activities/natural disasters for several hundred years (ecological niche for wildlife)

natural radioactive decay

unstable radioisotopes decay releasing gamma rays, alpha and beta particles (ex. radon)


unwanted fish

euphotic zone

upper layer of the ocean

euphotic zone

upper layer of the ocean; receives plenty of sunlight to support abundance of phytoplankton; rich in dissolved O2; supports many larger predatory fish

carrying capacity

upper limit of a population

fuel cells

use chemical reactions to produce electric current as it is needed


used as raw materials for most organic chemical production.


used in nuclear power plants (in the reactor core) to slow down neutrons that are released during the fission reactions

purse-seine fishing

used to catch surface-dwelling species; after a surface plane locates a school, the fishing vessels encloses it with a large net


used to describe bottom trophic levels in the ocean


using microorganisms and enzymes to convert hazardous substances to harmless compounds - works well with organic wastes only (inexpensive, but can take a long time)


using natural plants (poplar, sunflower, clover, mustard) to filter/remove contaminants - effective on pesticides, radioactive materials, and toxic metals

control rods

usually containing pure carbon as graphite, are interspersed with the fuel rods to absorb neutrons and regulate the rate of fission reactions and the amount of energy produced


usually occurs along plate boundaries when one plate converges with another and SUBDUCTS underneath the other - the subducted plate melts, and the magma rises to the surface to form a volcano

Riparian Zones

vegetation areas that border stream banks

background extinction

very slow, continuous, low levels


vitamin B2 deficiency; skin problems, sore mouth


vitamin C deficiency; loose teeth, black and blue skin

hydroelectric power

water released from the reservoir is made to flow through turbines that are connected to generators to produce electricity

water stress

water scarcity due to increasing numbers of people relying on fixed levels of runoff


water vapor to liquid water - clouds/fog


water, circulate through reactor core to remove heat and produce steam for electricity


wave activity here reduces biodiversity

birth rates begin to fall as death rates continue to fall - population growth rate remains high

what does population growth look like in the industrial stage?

population growth levels off then starts to decline

what does population growth look like in the postindustrial stage?

high birth and death rates, which cancel wach other out (zero population growth)

what does population growth look like in the preindustrial stage?

death rates fall (due to health care) so population growth increases

what does population growth look like in the transitional stage?


what effects do the people who pollute have on the rest of the people who have to deal with the pollution is a negative externality


what percent of waste comes from agriculture?


what percent of waste comes from industry?


what percent of waste comes from mining?


what percent of waste is municipal solid waste?


what percent of waste is sewage sludge?


when aquatic plants die, the BOD rises as aerobic decomposers break down the plants, the DO drops and the water cannot support life

second law of thermodynamics

when energy is changed from one form to another, some useful energy is always degraded into lower quality energy (usually heat)

cultural eutrophication

when large amounts of nutrients are added to lake systems due to human activities (such as runoff of fertilizers)

sheet erosion

when surface water moves down a slope or across a field in a wide flow, peeling off uniform layers of soil

rain shadow effect

where leeward side of mountain is dryer


which biome is maintained though occasional fires?

the air mass cools and is capable of holding less moisture as it rises

why rising warm moist air masses result in precipitation


wide-open, non-restricted areas for grazing by grass-eating and shrub-eating livestock

wind energy

wind turns turbines which generates electricity - world's fastest growing source of energy, completely renewable

alternate energy sources

wind, solar, waves, biomass, geothermal, fuel cells

7 billion

world population

7,000,000,000 (7 billion)

world population

tragedy of the commons

written by Garrett Hardin - overgrazing of a "commons" (public land) occurs because each person thinks that adding one more (in this case cattle) won't hurt - since all add one more, land is destroyed: overgrazed, now none can enjoy the land...

carbonate rocks and oceans

largest reservoirs of carbon

stunted growth; mental retardations

goiter causes _______ and ________


last layer of the atmosphere; extends to outer space

rock cycle

- magma (liquid rock) comes to the surface, cools to form igneous rock, then pre-existing rock weather/erodes and is deposited to form sedimentary rock, pre-existing rock that is subjected to high pressure/temperatures can form metamorphic rock, rock can melt again to form magma at any time


1,000 (one thousand)


1,000,000 (one million)

nuclear fusion

2 isotopes of light elements (H) forced together at high temperatures until they fuse to form a heavier nucleus. happens in the sun, very difficult to accomplish on Earth, prohibitively expensive

industrial uses

20% of water use, includes energy production and power plant cooling

mesozoic era

250-65 million years ago, dinosaurs were alive, became extinct (age of the reptile)

in natural ecosystems

50-90% of pest species are kept under control by: predatorsm diseases, parasites

mass extinction

50-90% of species on the planet are eliminated

cenozoic era

65 million years ago to present

growth rate

70/doubling time

precambrian era

87% of geologic time scale from origin of earth to 570 million years ago

doubling time

= 70 / % growth rate

Net Primary Productivity

= gross primary productivity (photosynthesis)- aerobic respiration (by plants) ... measurement to determine the available energy for higher trophic levels in the ecosystem

species diversity

= species richness (number of different species in one area) combined with species evenness (relative abundance of individuals within each of those species)

decrease in stratospheric ozone concentrations

A __________________ is most likely to increase mutations in oceanic phytoplankton populations


A condition resulting from a diet that is deficient in iodine. A swollen neck results from an enlarged thyroid gland


A construction project completed in 1986 brought the world's first full-sized commercial breeder reactor into operation in

a population larger than before the transition

A country that undergoes a demographic transition will go through a period of rapid population growth, and later stabilize at

open-pit mining

A huge hole is dug using explosives and heavy equipment, and the deposite is removed. After a pit is abandoned, it often fills with water, with becomes acidic and polluted

natural gas

A key option during the switch from oil to other new energy sources is

an alga and a fungus

A lichen is a mutualistic relationship between

40-90 years

Affordable oil supplies will probably be economically depleted in

on high-elevation slopes facing moving air masses.

Air pollution in the United States has most seriously affected trees


Air pollution, mostly ozone, has reduced crop production by 5% to 10% especially in

C (increased Atlantic coast hurricanes)

All of the following are associated with an El Nino event EXCEPT (A) decreased upwelling events (B) suppressed thermocline in the Pacific Ocean (C) increased Atlantic coast hurricanes (D) torrential rain and flooding in Peru (E) drought in Indonesia

(C) mercury

All of the following environmental toxins were included in the POPs treaty EXCEPT (A) DDT (B) furans (C) mercury (D) PCBs (E) dioxins

(B) sulfur dioxide

All of the following gases make a significant contribution to the atmosphere EXCEPT (A) methane (B) sulfur dioxide (C) water vapor (D) carbon dioxide (E) nitrous oxide

(B) Bromine

In addition to chlorine, which of the following elements are also linked to stratospheric ozone depletion? (A) Oxygen (B) Bromine (C) Sulfur (D) Mercury (E) Helium

Vitamin A Deficiency

In children, this can result in increased susceptibility to infectious disease and blindness

(C) saltwater intrusion

In coastal areas, withdrawing groundwater to the point where lateral recharge into the oceans becomes limited can cause (A) hypoxic conditions (B) increased vertical recharge (C) saltwater intrusion (D) change in the zone of aeration (E) drought


In the 1980s, researchers discovered a _____% loss of ozone in the upper stratosphere over the Antarctic during the Antarctic springtime.

mining operations

In the US, 75% of all solid waste comes from

(C) swamps

In which of the following environments is it most likely that coal deposites originated? (A) Ocean trenches (B) Deserts (C) Swamps (D) Mountain peaks (E) Rivers


Incinerators can reduce the volume of waste by up to

sea level rise

Increased UV radiation will NOT lead to

it would decrease the ability of the corals to form their exoskeleton

Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are lowering pH. If the rise were to continue it would have a devastating impact on coral ecosystems because

1,100,000,000 (1.1 billion)

India population

(E) fission

Nuclear reactors produce energy through the process of (A) incineration (B) transmutation (C) fusion (D) breeding (E) fission

(C) differences in water density due to temperature and salinity concentrations

Oceanic currents act as a conveyer belt system creating a connected loop of deep and shallow ocean currents that transfers warm and cold water between the tropics and the poles. The strongest influence on this system of ocean currents is due to (A) upwelling events that bring cold nutrient-rich water from the bottom to the top (B) the rotation of the earth on its axis (C) differences in water density due to temperature and salinity concentrations (D) atmospheric convection causing large inputs of freshwater into the ocean by precipitation (E) location of continents that help determine direction and flow of ocean currents

(D) Sanitation practices to provide safe drinking water

Of all the following solutions to reducing infectious disease seen in developing countries, which would have the most immediate impact? (A) An increase in availability to Hepatitis B vaccines (B) Funding for educational programs encouraging practicing protected sex (C) Government funding for medicines that treat people suffering from AIDS (D) Sanitation practices to provide safe drinking water (E) Increased use of DDT to control mosquito populations around the equator

the contain several other important minerals

One reason manganese-rich nodules are an attractive resource is that

almost half the water never reaches the intended crops

Problem with flood irrigation is ....

ENSO (El Nino)

Results in deterioration off the coast of South America

high; low

Sand has ______ permeability and _____ porosity

Species Conservation Act

Sect. of Interior complies a list of endangered species; banned importation of endangered species

fixation -> nitrification -> assimilation -> ammonification

Sequence of transformations in the nitrogen cycle?


Shale oil is extracted from ________ in oil shale


Shale oil processing requires large amounts of


Since 1985, oil extraction in the US has

Hazardous Waste Landfill

Solid or liquid hazardous waste can be placed in drums or barrels that are sealed or buried in special facilities. This method is not often used because the cost of building and maintaining these facilities is expensive


Some experts fear that the developing countries lack sufficient ________ to allow the demographic transition to occur

Surface Impoundment

Some liquid hazardous waste is simply stored in natural topographic depressions in the earth or manmade lagoons or ponds. Prob- many of these lakes lack prober lining so wastes leach out

the second law of thermodynamics

The 10% rule of energy transfer in food chains is due to

(C) Mercury

Stronger regulations for coal-burning power plant emissions are likely to reduce which of the following aquatic pollutants? (A) Arsenic (B) DDT (C) Mercury (D) Atrazine (E) Cadmium


Suggestions to bury radioactive wastes underground include converting the radioactive waste to a solid form and fusing it with

divergent plate boundary

Tectonic plates move apart in opposite directions at a(n)

Montreal Protocol

The ___________ greatly reduced the production and release of CFCs

the antarctic spring

The antarctic ozone "hole" is at it's peak during

Russia and Kazakhstan

The countries with the largest reserves of natural gas are


The energy source with the highest net energy ratio for high-temperature industrial heat is


The greatest use of oil in the United States is for


The largest use of water in the WESTERN United States is

I and III

The loss of riparian vegetation along a river would cause which of the following? I. Increased flooding II. Decreased turbidity III. Increased nonpoint-source pollution


The most expensive way to provide space heat is by using

methyl bromide

fumigant used to disinfect soils


Traditionally a food crop, it is now also considered a source of fuel


Typical rain in the eastern United States has a pH of


US average is _________ calories per day

Nuclear Waste Policy Act

US government must develop a high level nuclear waste site by 2015

RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)

US legislation that requires industry producing hazardous waste to develop a cradle-to-grave plan for disposal

300 million

US population

330,000,000 (330 million)

US population

World Bank

United Nations agency focused on providing low-interest loans, credits, and grants to developing countries

biological populations

a group of interacting individuals of the same species that occupy a specific area at the same time


a lack of sufficient protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, or minerals


a location from which a mineral can be extracted in an economically viable manner


a problem that leads to obesity


a rock that contains a large enough concentration of a mineral making it profitable to mine


a secondary pollutant and major component of photochemical smog

absorbs CO2, moderates climate, provides habitat, reduces storm impact (estuaries, mangroves)

ecological benefits of ocean


ecological role

full-cost pricing

economic approach of including the external costs

food resources, oil/natural gas/mineral resources, transportation routes

economic benefits of ocean

rising sea level (due to thermal expansion not melting ice), extreme weather, droughts (famine), and extinctions

effects of global warming

increased UV, skin cancer, cataracts, decreased plant growth

effects of ozone depletion

STABILIZING natural selection

eliminates individuals on either end of genetic spectrum, favors individuals w/avg. genetic makeup - "pays to be average"

first law of thermodynamics

energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be converted from one form to another

fuel rods

enriched uranium is pelletized and packed into ___________ that are placed into the reactor core

DIVERSIFYING natural selection

environmental conditions favor individuals at both extremes - "it does not pay to be normal"

hydrologic cycle components

evaporation, transpiration, runoff, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration

CO, CO2, SO2, NO, hydrocarbons, particulates

examples of primary air pollutants

1.28% (about 79m/year)

exponential growth rate

Bisphenol A

exposure can lead to neurological damage and reproductive cancers - a chemical building block for plastic consumer goods (water bottles etc)

early succession

farmland is maintained permanently in a state of

hydroelectric power

fast-flowing rivers are dammed to create freshwater reservoirs and in many cases provide power


fast-flowing water can diffuse oxygen _____

crown fires

fires that burn down trees; bad

surface fires

fires that only burn leaf litter on the forest floor; can be beneficial

1/1,000,000,000 (one billionth)


producers (plants)

first trophic level

surface (strip) mining

first, the land is clear cut and the overburden in removed and set aside with explosives and machinery. The deposite is then removed with huge power shovels and the overburden is replaced. Results in long-term environmental damage

drift-net fishing

fish are caught by huge drifting nets


fish/shellfish are raised for food

old-growth forest

forest that has not been modified by human activities or natural disasters in 200 years or more

secondary-growth forests

form from secondary succession once land has been cleared due to human activity (deforestation) or some other type or natural disaster

photochemical smog

formed by chemical reactions involving sunlight (NO, VOC, O)

industrial smog

found in cities that burn large amounts of coal

tertiary consumers (top carnivores)

fourth trophic level

sulfur dioxide (SO2)

from coal-burning plants; causes breathing problems


from furniture stuffing, insulation; throat/lung irritation

carbon monoxide (CO)

from incomplete combustion of fossil-fuels

non-point source

from over an area such as agricultural (farm) runoff, traffic

Ozone (O3)

from photochemical smog (leads to breathing problems), harmful in the troposphere


from pipe insulation, floor tiles; can cause lung cancer


from radioactive soil near foundation; causes lung cancer

point source

from specific location such as pipe or smokestack

fundamental niche

full potential range of physical, chemical, and biological conditions and resources the species could use if it was not competing with other species


inorganic N is converted into organic molecules such as DNA/amino acids and protein

five main types of interactions between species

interspecific competition, predation, parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism


involves converting a hilly slope to flat terraces that follow the contours of the slope. This makes it possible to farm heavily sloped hillsides

trawler fishing

involves dragging a funnel-shaped net along the ocean bottom


involves putting out lines up to 60 miles long hung with thousands of baited hooks

other methods of irrigation water conservation

irrigate with treated urban wastewater, irrigate at night (reduces evaporation) etc..

municipal solid waste

is mostly paper and put into landfills

1,000 (one thousand)



known to cause cancer - formerly used in insulation materials for it's fire-retarding properties

stunted growth/mental retardation

kwashiorkor causes _______ and _______

open dumps

large fields or holes in the ground where garbage is disposed and often burned - forbidden in most developed countries

Chesapeake Bay

largest estuary in the US - receives wastes from point/non-point sources from 9 large rivers, 141 smaller streams; pollution sink b/c very shallow and water flows slowly - in 1983, created integrated coastal management program which worked; dropped nitrogen- phosphorus levels significantly


relationship in which one organism (the parasite) obtains nutrients at the expense of the host


release of ________ to the atmosphere contributes to global warming and ozone depletion


removal of dissolved materials from soil by water moving downwards through soil


replacement level fertility in DEVELOPED countries


replacement level fertility in DEVELOPING countries


reproductive strategy in which organisms reproduce early, bear many small, unprotected offspring (ex. insects, mice)


reproductive strategy in which organisms reproduce late, bear few, cared for offspring (ex. humans, elephants)

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

requires EPA approval for use of all commercial pesticides; regulated the effectiveness of pesticides

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

requires coal strip mines to reclaim the land

Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste

requires exporters to get approval from recipient nation before hazardous wastes can be shipped - in 1995, strengthened to ban hazardous wastes from being shipped from developed to developing countries


restoring land (usually after mining)

Wilderness Act

restrict activities in national preserves

CERCLA (comprehensive environmental response, compensation, and liability act)

resulted in a progress by which the US government will intervene in the event of massive environmental contamination

formation of coal

solid fossil fuel formed from buried remains of land plants that lived 300-400 million years after under intense heat/pressure

selective cutting

selects certain trees to cut; minimizes erosion; "thinning out"; the best for environment


set aside land for protection - John Muir was an early leader of the preservationist movement, he also founded the Sierra Club

Clean Air Act

set emission standards for cars, and limits for release of air pollutants

Safe Drinking Water Act

set maximum contaminant levels for pollutants that may have adverse effects on human health

Ocean Dumping Ban Act

set maximum permissible amounts of water pollutants that can be discharged into waterways. Aim: to make surface waters swimmable and fishable

alley cropping

several crops planted together in strips (or alleys) between trees


severe protein deficiency

contain large supplies of heavy oils

shale oil and tar sands

resource partitioning

sharing of resources among different organisms to reduce competition


short-term exposure causes dizziness and nausea, long-term causes damage to the liver and reproductive system, cancer, and birth defects - emissions from burning coal and oil and tobacco smoke


shortage of adequate vitamins/minerals

threshold dose-response

shows that harmful effects do not occur until after the dose exceeds a threshold level


similar to decontamination - removal or neutralization of chemical substances from a site to prevent any adverse effects

Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)

small particles that stay suspended in the atmosphere from coal/fuel burning, agriculture

carbon monoxide

smoke from fires using biomass contains ________, soot, ash and hydrocarbons

Soil and Water Conservation Act

soil/water conservation programs to help land owners


solid coal can be converted to synthetic natural gas by coal gasification or coal liquefication; good b/c can be used as vehicle fuel; bad b/c low net energy yield, high CO2 emissions

Coriolis effect

the direction of the rotation of large cyclones - winds around the center of a cyclone rotate clockwise in the norther hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere - is due to the

salinity of the lake

the diversion of water from rivers that flow into a lake that has no outlet to the sea will increase the

the tilt of the earth's axis and the orbit of the earth around the sun

the factors that best explain why the earth has seasons are

prevent the unsafe disposal of hazardous wastes on land

the goals of the RCRA are to

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