APHG Ch 10

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Which of the following crops is the leading source of food energy in North America?


What percentage of people in the world today still survive by practicing hunting and gathering?


How many kilocalories (kcal) per day are required to maintain a moderate level of physical activity?

1800 kcal

According to UN estimates, what percentage of global fish stocks have been overfished?


Which of the following examples refers to mixed crop and livestock agriculture?

A farm raises both pigs and corn, and the pigs eat the corn. NOT A large farm grows wheat to make flour and has a large cattle ranch.

Subsistence farming?

Agriculture designed primarily to provide food for direct consumption by the farmer and the farmer's family

Which of the following practices would be the most likely to contribute to desertification?

Allowing a large herd of animals to graze without proper management

Which of the following terms refers to the cultivation of seafood?


Which of the following terms refers to husks of cereal grains that have been separated from the seeds through threshing?

Chaff Threshing refers to the process of removing the husks of grains, known as chaff, from the seeds. Sawah is the Austronesian term for a flooded rice field, while paddy is the Malay word for wet rice. Winnow refers to allowing the chaff to blow away with the wind while the heavier seeds remain.

Which of the following terms refers to a machine that cuts, threshes, and cleans grain in the field?


Which of the following types of agriculture is the most important type practiced on farms near the urban areas of the northeastern United States?


Which of the following agricultural regions is predominantly found in developed countries?

Dairying Dairying, grain, and Mediterranean are all examples of agricultural systems primarily found in developed countries. Plantation agriculture, pastoral nomadism, and intensive subsistence are all agricultural systems predominantly found in developing countries.


Dietary energy consumption consistently below the minimum level needed to carry out basic daily activities


Dietary energy consumption that is continuously below the minimum requirement for maintaining a healthy life and carrying out light physical activity. UN estimates 870 million people in world are this. 99% of undernourishment in developing. India has largest amount of this followed by china. 1/6 of all developing countries are this worldwide, total number of undernourished people has not change in the past few years. With pop growth, % decrease of undernour. Among developing regions has had largest decrease in this, and souuth asia and sub sahara has had biggest increase. Southeast asia also had large decrease

Which of the following animals did humans likely domesticate first?


Which of the following statements regarding the agricultural revolution is correct?

During the time period of the agricultural revolution, human beings first domesticated plants and animals.

Which of the following areas contains a hearth area for the domestication of crops?

East asia


Everyone needs food. Variation of consumption of food comes from combo of... -level of development: people in developed tend to consume more from diff sources than developing -Physical conditions: climate important influencing what can be easily grown and consumed. In developed, food is shipped long distances w diff climates -Cultural preferences: some food preferences and avoidances are expressed without regard for physical and economic factors

Which of the following countries has the largest share of the world's undernourished people?


Which of the following statements regarding Africa's food supply is correct?

Food production is increasing at about the same rate as population.

Which of the following drugs is made from the poppy plant?


According to the Von Thünen model, which agricultural zone is located closest to the city?

Horticulture and dairying

farm size

In developing countries, farm sizes are small. In developed countries, farm sizes are quite large (high level of mechanization so expensive). commercial agriculture increasingly dominated by handful of large farms. Despite size, most commercial are family run. Less farmers but more land used for agriculture due to irrigation and reclamation. However US losing land area bc of urban area extentions.

use of machinery

In developing countries, farmers farm most of their work with their hands, hand tools and animal power and animal excrement and plants that have been slashed and burned for fertilize. In developed countries, farmers use tractors, combines, pickers, planters, trucks, manmade fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, hybrid plants (GMOs), animal breeds and farming practices. Few commercial farmers use machinery to make enough food. new tech made farming less reliant on animals. Transportation also helped commercial farmers (railroads build allow material transport). Commercial use science advancements to increase productivity (experiments can produce hybrid plants and new fertilizers to increase output). Electronics also helped commercial farmers (GPS used to find good places for spreading fertilizers. Also monitor location of cattle). Satellites used to see number of bushels being harvested

Which of the following forms of agriculture is used to feed most of the world's people in the developing world?

Intensive subsistence

Which of the following terms refers to the unit of measurement of dietary energy?


animal hearths

Llamas and alpacas in South America; Sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and dogs later on in Southwest Asia (may have been first to integrate crops w domestication of heard animals - animals used to prepare soil, etc); Horses in Central Asia; Chickens and cattle in South Asia. The diversity derives from unique legacy of wild plants, climatic conditions, and cultural preferences in each region. Improved communication ecourage diffusion of plants. Many plants and animals thrive in places throughout the world, not just their origins

Which of the following crops is considered a cereal grain?

Maize (corn)

Which of the following major cereal crops leads world agricultural production?

Maize (corn) NOT wheat

In which of the following regions is meat the leading source of protein?

North America

Which of the following crops is one of the key cash crops grown in the agricultural region around the Mediterranean Sea?


Which of the following statements regarding pastoral nomadism is correct? Pastoral nomads get most of their food from the meat of their livestock. Pastoral nomads wander randomly across the land with their livestock. Pastoral nomads have a strong sense of territoriality. Migration patterns of pastoral nomads are based solely on cultural preferences.

Pastoral nomads have a strong sense of territoriality

Which of the following statements regarding the consumption of food in developed countries is correct? People in developing countries consume food from a wider variety of sources than people in developed countries. Climate plays a more central role in shaping patterns of food consumption in developed countries than in developing countries. People in developed countries consume a wider variety of food and more food overall. People in developed countries consume less food overall than people in developed countries.

People in developed countries consume a wider variety of food and more food overall.

In which of the following countries was the potato first domesticated?


Food security?

Physical, social, and economic access at all times to safe and nutritious food

A large farm in Latin America only grows coffee. An on-site processing plant prepares the coffee for export. What type of agriculture does this describe?


What is one key feature of shifting cultivation?

Practice of slash and burn agriculture

Which of the following terms refers to the commercial grazing of livestock over an extensive area?


Which of the following agricultural practices would be considered sustainable agriculture?

Ridge tillage

Which of the following agricultural regions is predominantly found in developing countries?

Shifting cultivation

Why is pastoral nomadism in decline?

Some governments have forced pastoral nomads, despite their reluctance, to settle in order to use their large tracts of land for other purposes.

In which of the following regions is livestock ranching primarily found?

Southeast Latin America

crop hearths

Southwest Asia, East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America scientists don't agree on how agriculture diffused and how conversion to agriculture happened. They DO agree on the hearths

Which of the following statements regarding agricultural land in the United States is correct?

The United States continues to lose agricultural land mostly due to the expansion of urban areas.


The deliberate modification of Earth's surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals

Which of the statements below correctly describes the green revolution?

The development and diffusion of more productive agricultural techniques not shifting from hunting and gathering to agriculture, or the genetic alteration of crops and livestock to increase yield, or the shift from pesticides and fertilizers to more organic methods


The growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers


The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures

Which of the following statements regarding commercial agriculture is correct?

The size of farms in commercial agriculture is much larger than farms in subsistence agriculture.

agricultural revolution

The time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering Began about 8k bC, the worlds greatest pop began to grow at more rapid rate than before. Believe this revo was reason for quick growth. Growing plants allowed more food resources, and more survival.

What was unique about the cultivation of plants and animals in Southwest Asia?

This is the first area to integrate the cultivation of crops with the domestication of animals into a larger agricultural system.

food security

Un defines this as physical, social and economic access at all times to safe and nutritious food sufficient to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (roughly 1/8 of world by this def does not have food security)

Which of the following crops were likely first domesticated in sub-Saharan Africa?


hunter and gatherers

before agriculture, all humans probably obtains food through hunting and gathering. Lived in small groups bc larger groups would exhaust avail resources. Men hunted, women collected. This division of labor sounds like stereotype but its evident from anthropology and archaeology. Collected food often. Food search might have taken short time or much of day depending on conditions group traveled frequent, making new homes. direction and frequncy depended on movement of game and seasonal growth of plants. Kept peace by steering clear of each others territories less than 0.005% of pop today still hunt and gather rather than agriculture. The Spinifex like in Australia and hunt/gather; Sentinelese in India; Bushmen in Botswana and Namibia. Contemporary hunt/gatherers isolated groups that live on periphery of world settlement, but don't provide insite to human customs prevailed before invention of agriculture

In a given country, approximately 5 percent of the population work as farmers and most farmers use heavy machinery and advanced agricultural technology. Which of the following type of agriculture is likely practiced in this country?


one of the most fundamental diffs between more developed and less developed countries of the world

contract in agricultural processes (mechanized highly productive american farm contrast w subsistence farming found in much of the world)


deliberate modification of Earth's surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to obtain sustenance or economic gain cultivate means to care for, crop is any plant cultivated by people

southwest asia

earliest crop in southwest asia are through to have been barley and wheat 10k years ago. Lentil and olive were also early domestication in southwest asia. From this hearth, cultivation diffused west to Europe and east to central asia

Scientists don't agree on whether agriculture revo was started bc of enviro or culture factos. Prob combo of both contributed:

enviro factors: those favoring enviro reasons point to coinciding of first domestication of crops and animals w climate change. This marked end of ice age, and w its ice cap melting, there was a big redistribution of living things. culture factors: human behavior may be primarily responsible for origin of agriculure. Preference for living in fixed place rather than nomads may have lead hunt/gathers to build permanent places. In gathering, people have to cut plants. These hunters probably see that over time, damaged or discarded food make new plants. May deliberately cut to see new plants formed. Next generations learned to pour water and improve soil. Plant cultivation evolved over time from combo of accidents and deliberate experiment.

commerical agriculture

found in developed countries, is the production of food primarily for sale off the farm. Main distinguishers between commercial and subsistence agriculture include percentage of farmers in labor force, use of machinery, and farm size in developed the few people who actually do farm use this.

substinence agriculture

found in developing countries, is the production of food primarily for consumption by the farmers family

other crops

handful of countries in sub sahara and others get dietary energy from other crops like casava, sorghum, millet, plantains, sweet potatoes, and yams. Sugar leading source of dietary energy in Venezuela

% of farmers in the labor force

in developed, 5% engage directly in farming, compared to 44% in developing. Only 2% in NA. Small percent of farmers in US and Canada product enough food for themselves and surplus. 20th century had huge farmer decline in developed. US had 85% fewer farmers in 2000 than 1990. 6 million farmers in 1940 - 2 million in 1980. both push and pull migration factors caused decline. People pushed away from farms by lack of decent income, and were able to get higher paid jobs in urban areas. Number of US farmers stabilized at 2 million


leading crop in world. through much grown for purposes other than direct human consumptions

6 developed regions of agriculture

mixed crop and livestock dairying grain ranching Mediterranean commercial gardening

cereal grain

most humans derive kilocalories through consumption of cereal grain, or simply cereal, which is a grass that yields grain for food. Grain is seed from a cereal grass. Three leading cereal grains: whear rice, and maize (corn) - together account for 90% of all grain consumption and more than 40% of all dietary energy consumed worldwide

where are farmers

one half in less developed countries are farmers. Majority grow enough food to feed themselves but little more. Developing home to 97% of farmers, fewer than 2% of US farmers. Tech used by US farmers allow them to produce enough for people in US at high standard, as well as elsewhere in world. In each society, farmers possess very specific knowledge of their enviro and certain tech to change landscape. Farmer choose from variety of practices. How farmers treat land varies according to diets, availability of tech, and other culture traditions. Farmer select practices based on culture perceptions bc society may hold some foods higher esteem than others.

invention of agriculture

origins cannot be documented w certainty bc began b4 recorded history. Scholars try to construct logic events based on info fragments. Improvements in cultivating plants and domesticating animals evolved.

5 developing regions of agriculture

pastoral nomadism: form of subsistence agriculture (farming to eat) based on the herding of domesticated animals. The word pastoral means sheep herding. shifting cultivation Intensive subsistence - wet rice dominant Intensive subsistence - crops other than rice dominant Plantation


principal crop in developing regions of east, south , and southeast asia. Most suitable crop for production in tropical climates

source of nutrients

protein is nutrient needed for growth and maintenance of human body. In developed, leading source of protein is meat products (1/3 of all protein consumption). In developing, cereal grains provide largest share of proteins

Which of the following crops is the most important food source in East Asia?


Which of the following resources is considered a crop?


east asia

rice through to be made here 10k years ago along Yangtzhe river. Millet was cultivated at early date along yellow river

sub saharan africa

sorghum (central africa 8k years ago), yams (even earlier), millet and rice (may have been made in sub sahara independent from east asia hearth) Domestication of crops probably diffused further south in africa

Which of the following regions is believed to be a major hearth for the domestication of animals?

southwest asia

Dietary energy consumption

the amount of food that an individual consumes. Unit of measure is a kilocalorie, or Calorie in the US. One gram of each food source delivers a kilocalorie level that nutritionists can measure


the principal cereal grain consumed in the developed regions of Europe and North America most consumed grain in developing regions of central and southwest asia, where dry conditions are more suitable for growing wheat than other grains

dietary energy needs

to maintain moderate level of physical activity, an average individual should consume 1800 kcal per day. Average consumption is 2800 kcal per day, or roughly 50% more than recommended minimum. Austria and US have highests consumption 3800 a day. Consumption of so much food is one reason that obesity is more prevelant than hunger in developed In developing, average consumption 2600 which is still above minimum. Average in sub sahara only 2400, showing most african don't eat enough. Diets more likely to be deficient in countries where people have to spend a lot of income for food

Which of the following environments is most suitable for rice production?


latin america

two important hearths of crop domestications through to emerge in mexico and Peru 4k years ago. Mexico hearth for beans and cotton, Peru for potatoes. most important contribution of americas to crops, corn, may have emerged into 2 independent hearths. These hearths diffused corn north into NA and south into SA. Some place origin of squash in southeast US

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