APUSH 1st semester exam (memorize answers)

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A) The construction of the Erie Canal contributed to the market revolution. B) The westward settlement of Americans continued a trend of inland settlement and the opening markets in the interior of the continent from the colonial period. C) Many new canals were opened after the Erie Canal, connecting new areas

Carol Sheriff, historian, The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817-1862, published in 1996 Briefly describe ONE claim made in the excerpt. Briefly describe how the developments from the mid-1800s described in the excerpt relate to earlier developments in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Briefly explain how ONE piece of evidence from between 1800 and 1848 could be used to support, modify, or refute the argument made in the excerpt.

The creation of a stronger central government

Concerns about domestic political unrest in the early United States were lessened by which of the following developments?

Native American agriculture encouraged the growth of socially diversified urban areas.

Daniel K. Richter, historian, Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America, 2001 Which of the following best characterizes the process described in the first paragraph of the excerpt?

A) A point of view of the excerpt is that of a female former factory worker looking back on her life. B) The excerpt's historical situation reflects the rise of the market revolution and women's wage-earning work in factories in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century. C)The rise of the market revolution in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century

Harriet Hanson Robinson, later recollections of a strike in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1836, published in Loom and Spindle or Life Among the Early Mill Girls Briefly describe ONE point of view of the excerpt. Briefly explain ONE purpose of the excerpt. Briefly explain ONE historical development illustrated by the excerpt.

The Middle Colonies faced similar challenges in governing diverse colonists after they became English.

Ned C. Landsman, historian, Crossroads of Empire: The Middle Colonies in British North America, published in 2010 Which of the following describes Landsman's overall argument in the excerpt?

opposed the economic policies that some state legislatures pursued

One piece of evidence Bouton uses to support his argument about why some United States political leaders sought to replace the Articles of Confederation in 1787 was that they

The belief among colonists that they had earned a right to greater liberty from Britain

Paine's argument "that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still" was most likely in reference to which of the following situations?

The emergence of a unique American national identity separate from that of Europe

Paine's argument best provides evidence for which of the following developments resulting from the American Revolution?

The use of federal government funding for internal improvements

President Andrew Jackson, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States, 1832 People who shared the views expressed in the excerpt most likely opposed which of the following?

Southern states sought more proslavery seats in the United States Congress

Senator Henry Clay, speech in the United States Senate, 1850 Evidence in the excerpt best corroborates which of the following broader historical contexts?

Congressional leaders sought political compromise to resolve discord between the North and the South.

Senator Henry Clay, speech in the United States Senate, 1850 The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical situations?

Nativist sentiment

Text from a poster announcing a meeting of the American Republican Party, later renamed the American Party, Philadelphia, 1844 The language in the excerpt was most likely interpreted as promoting which of the following?

The rise in immigration to the United States

Text from a poster announcing a meeting of the American Republican Party, later renamed the American Party, Philadelphia, 1844 Which of the following historical situations can best be used to explain how the excerpt would have been interpreted at the time?

Its supporters held the moral and religious high ground

The American Temperance Society used which of the following evidence in the excerpt to explain why it believed the temperance movement would be successful?

minimize conflicts with Native Americans

The British government attempted to restrict westward settlement following the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) in order to

It held that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States.

The United States Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) represented a departure from earlier practices in which of the following ways?

over a long period of time

The author argues that emancipation in northern states occurred

The Spanish developed a race-based caste system that defined the status of Europeans, Native Americans, Africans, and people of mixed race in their colonies.

The encomienda and slavery systems both contributed to which of the following developments?

The spread of the First Great Awakening from Britain to North America

The events described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following developments?

The emergence of a new and distinctive American culture

The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical situations in the early 1800s?

The use of enslaved Native Americans and Africans to meet the labor demands of colonial agricultural production

The expansion of European settlement in the Americas most directly led to which of the following developments?

As many people came to see slavery as part of the Southern way of life, attitudes on both sides of the slavery argument hardened so that political compromise became difficult.

The ideas expressed by John C. Calhoun and others who shared his views on slavery had which of the following effects on emerging abolitionist movements in the years leading up to the Civil War?

The acquisition of new territories created disputes over the expansion of slavery.

The position expressed by Clay in the excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following?

The claims of parliamentary authority over colonial legislatures

The relationship established between the federal government and the states under the United States Constitution was a long-term response to which of the following earlier developments?

The emergence of a larger middle class in the North

The rise in manufacturing beginning in the early 1800s eventually resulted in which of the following by 1848?

The British established increasingly extensive trade networks to provide goods to its colonies.

The table most directly suggests which of the following developments by 1749 ?

Disagreement over the enforcement of mercantilist restrictions

The trend depicted in the table most directly contributed to which of the following developments in British North America?

drove long-lasting economic shifts across Europe, Africa, and the Americas

Thomas Bender, historian, A Nation Among Nations: America's Place in World History, 2006 The excerpt makes the overall argument that the Atlantic economy

They stimulated economies across Europe

Thomas Bender, historian, A Nation Among Nations: America's Place in World History, 2006 The second paragraph of the excerpt makes which of the following claims about the introduction to Europe of new crops from the Americas?

The creation of the Monroe Doctrine

Thomas Jefferson, 1802 The excerpt could best be used by historians studying which of the following?

Increased taxation and imperial oversight following the Seven Years' War

To which of the following was Dickinson responding in his letters?

How to support western settlers beyond the Appalachian Mountains

Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and Navigation Between Spain and the United States, known as Pinckney's Treaty or the Treaty of San Lorenzo, 1795 The agreements made in the excerpt best reflect which of the following concerns in the United States during this period?

White farmers in Kentucky

Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and Navigation Between Spain and the United States, known as Pinckney's Treaty or the Treaty of San Lorenzo, 1795 Which of the following groups would have most likely supported the agreements made in the excerpt?

The number of enslaved Africans brought to the United States decreased.

Which of the following best describes an overall trend depicted in the graph for the time period between 1751 and 1800 ?

Settled subsistence farming

Which of the following best describes the economic system that supported the Native American villages discussed in the second paragraph of the excerpt?

Continued debates over the proper role of the federal government

Which of the following best explains the cause of the emergence of new political parties in the early nineteenth century?

The popular image in national culture of Washington as a virtuous leader

Which of the following best explains the depiction of George Washington in the third verse of the song?

The extension of suffrage rights to most adult White men

Which of the following best explains the expansion of participatory democracy in the early nineteenth century?

Europeans developed new methods of conducting trade and making profits.

Which of the following claims does the excerpt make about changes that occurred as a result of new interactions in the Atlantic region?

Intensified competition between France and Britain over colonies

Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) in North America?

The ancient Spanish had a right to their own freedom.

Which of the following describes a piece of evidence for Las Casas' claim in the fourth paragraph about the similarity between ancient Spanish people and Native Americans?

Demand in the colonies for manufactured goods from England greatly increased.

Which of the following describes a trend in exports from England to British North America between 1699 and 1749 indicated in the table?

The use of specific studies would convince people to believe the movement's goals.

Which of the following evidence was used by the American Temperance Society in the excerpt to explain why people would join the temperance movement?

To seek economic opportunity and improved living conditions

Which of the following explains the most likely reason why English colonists wanted to come to North America?

Continued enforcement of mercantilism

Which of the following historical situations most directly shaped Paine's argument that Britain's policies were economically harming its colonies?

The Spanish used both labor systems for plantation agriculture as well as for mining in their American colonies.

Which of the following was a similarity between the encomienda system and slavery in the Spanish colonies?

Clay's manufacturing plan would benefit one section of the country more than others.

Which of the following was an interpretation of the speech by opponents of the goals Clay expressed in the excerpt?

To protect his people's land from English colonizers

Ateawanto, Abenaki Indian leader, speech delivered to a representative of the royal governor of Massachusetts at a treaty conference between the Abenaki of present-day Maine, the Iroquois Indians of present-day New York, the French, and the English, 1752 Which of the following was a main purpose of Ateawanto in his speech?

increasing taxes on goods bought and sold in the colonies

Britain attempted to pay for the debt resulting from the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) by

Political responses to changing demographics in the United States

Text from a poster announcing a meeting of the American Republican Party, later renamed the American Party, Philadelphia, 1844 Historians could best use the excerpt as an example of which of the following?

Using international commerce to expand United States influence

Thomas Jefferson, 1802 The rhetorical purpose expressed in the excerpt would most likely have been interpreted as promoting which of the following?

independence of the American colonies

Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776 Paine's rhetoric in the excerpt would have most likely been interpreted at the time as promoting the

The passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), which limited rights for foreign-born residents

Anti-immigrant nativism of the 1840s and 1850s had the most in common with which of the following earlier developments?

inability of the national government to maintain order under the Articles

Arguments for creating a stronger federal government arose primarily as the result of long-term concerns about the

Popular support for the idea of Manifest Destiny

Asa Whitney, merchant, "National Railroad, Connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean," memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, 1845 The excerpt best reflects which of the following developments?

The desire for international trade and access to global markets

Asa Whitney, merchant, "National Railroad, Connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean," memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, 1845 Which of the following most directly contributed to the request expressed in the excerpt?

Competition between European empires for Native American allies

Ateawanto, Abenaki Indian leader, speech delivered to a representative of the royal governor of Massachusetts at a treaty conference between the Abenaki of present-day Maine, the Iroquois Indians of present-day New York, the French, and the English, 1752 The speech in the excerpt was delivered in which of the following historical situations during the mid-1700s?

British settlers

Ateawanto, Abenaki Indian leader, speech delivered to a representative of the royal governor of Massachusetts at a treaty conference between the Abenaki of present-day Maine, the Iroquois Indians of present-day New York, the French, and the English, 1752 Which of the following groups would have most opposed the goals of the speech?

had developed large urban areas

Bartolomé de Las Casas, Spanish Catholic religious leader, In Defense of the Indians, circa 1550 One piece of evidence Las Casas used to support his claim about Native American societies in the third paragraph is that they

Native American societies did not meet the definition of "barbarian."

Bartolomé de Las Casas, Spanish Catholic religious leader, In Defense of the Indians, circa 1550 Which of the following claims in the first and second paragraph of the excerpt did Las Casas use to support his overall argument about the capabilities of Native Americans?

use Enlightenment rhetoric to encourage American autonomy

Based on the excerpt, the most likely purpose of Dickinson's letters was to

The United States desired to expand slavery to Mexican territory.

Based on their arguments in the excerpts, Giddings would likely agree with and Whitman would likely disagree with which of the following claims about the causes of the Mexican-American War?

A) The thirteen colonies in British North America declared their independence from Great Britain. B)After having their commerce with foreign nations restricted by Great Britain, British North American colonists were seeking free trade with other countries C) Franklin sought to encourage France to recognize United States independence.

Benjamin Franklin, letter to the count of Vergennes, foreign minister for King Louis XVI of France, 1777 Briefly describe ONE historical development depicted in the letter. Briefly describe ONE way in which a historical development represented in the letter reflected a change or a continuity from earlier colonial British North American history. Briefly explain ONE purpose of the letter.

A)Sinn argues that Chinese immigrants found employment in a number of fields including mining, while Pfaelzer argues that the creation of a miners tax targeted Chinese and Latino miners. B)Immigrants continued to come from Europe to the United States in larger numbers than did immigrants from Asia. C) The rush of immigrants to California allowed the territory to quickly become a state when the population became large enough.

Briefly describe ONE major difference between Sinn's and Pfaelzer's historical interpretations of immigration to the Pacific coast of the United States during the 1850s and 1860s. Briefly describe ONE way in which immigration to the Pacific coast of the United States in the 1850s and 1860s, as described by Sinn or Pfaelzer, compared with immigration elsewhere in the United States during this period. Briefly explain ONE historical effect of immigration to the Pacific coast of the United States in the 1850s and 1860s, as described by Sinn or Pfaelzer.

A) The concept of Manifest Destiny was an idea or belief that the United States had destiny or providential right to expand its land holdings and influence from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. B) Interest in mining, trade, land for settlement and other resources also drove the emergence of the idea of Manifest Destiny, C) Manifest Destiny in the 1840s and European colonization of North America in the 1600s shared a historical similarity in the motives of new economic opportunity and access to new wealth and resources.

Briefly describe the concept of Manifest Destiny. Briefly explain ONE specific historical reason that the concept of Manifest Destiny emerged in the 1840s. Briefly describe ONE specific historical similarity or difference between the concept of Manifest Destiny in the 1840s and the ideas that motivated European colonists to migrate to North America in the 1600s.

A) The outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, at the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, eventually led to efforts by Patriots to declare the Thirteen Colonies independent. B) The Declaration justified the separation of the United States from Great Britain C) The British king refused to pass needed laws

Briefly describe the historical situation in which the Declaration of Independence was written. Briefly describe a purpose of the Declaration of Independence. Briefly describe ONE piece of evidence used in the Declaration of Independence to support its argument.

Maize cultivation spread northward from Mexico.

Daniel K. Richter, historian, Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America, 2001 Which of the following most supported the development of the commerce described in the third paragraph?

The problems of the Articles could not be fixed by the state delegates.

Elbridge Gerry, letter to the Massachusetts state legislature, 1787 Gerry made which of the following arguments in the excerpt about the Articles of Confederation?

A Bill of Rights should be added before ratification.

Elbridge Gerry, letter to the Massachusetts state legislature, 1787 Gerry made which of the following arguments regarding amending the Constitution?

The importation of enslaved Africans to the Caribbean

Engraving of sugar production on a plantation in the Spanish Caribbean, 1595, Theodor de Bry Developments such as that depicted in the image most directly led to which of the following?

The spread of Spanish influence in the Western Hemisphere

Engraving of sugar production on a plantation in the Spanish Caribbean, 1595, Theodor de Bry Historical developments such as that depicted in the image helped advance which of the following?

The search for new sources of wealth in the Caribbean

Engraving of sugar production on a plantation in the Spanish Caribbean, 1595, Theodor de Bry Which of the following most directly contributed to the development depicted in the image?

The political debates over economic development

Henry Clay, speaker of the House of Representatives, speech in Congress, 1824 The excerpt could best be used by historians studying which of the following in the early 1800s?

The hardening of racial divisions

Hugh Jones, The Present State of Virginia, 1724 The development described in the excerpt represented which of the following long-term trends in Virginia?

relied on enslaved labor in cities

Hugh Jones, The Present State of Virginia, 1724 The economy of the Middle Colonies differed from the economy of Virginia described in the excerpt in that the Middle Colonies more often

producing sugar in the Caribbean

Hugh Jones, The Present State of Virginia, 1724 The labor system described in the first paragraph of the excerpt was most similar to the labor system used for

He believed the new government insufficiently protected the rights of citizens.

In the excerpt, Gerry claimed that he did not sign the United States Constitution for which of the following reasons?

To give Congress additional constitutional powers

James Madison, secretary of state, proposed constitutional amendment [not passed], 1803 Which of the following best describes a major purpose of the proposed amendment?

The federal government sought to acquire more western land in North America.

James Madison, secretary of state, proposed constitutional amendment [not passed], 1803 Which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed?

Advocates of limiting federal powers to those specifically written into the Constitution

James Madison, secretary of state, proposed constitutional amendment [not passed], 1803 Which of the following groups would mostly likely have supported this proposed amendment?

the belief that emancipated people would not be a presence in s

Joanne Pope Melish, historian, Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and "Race" in New England, 1780-1860, published in 1998 The author claims in the excerpt that antislavery rhetoric in the late eighteenth century was based on

Merchants in New England

John Dickinson, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, 1768 Which of the following would have been most likely to agree with the sentiments expressed in the excerpt?

A) The Spanish should establish colonies in the Americas to seek gold. B) The Spanish traveled to the Americas to seek out new sources of wealth.

Judiciary and municipal authorities of Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (followers of Hernán Cortés), letter to King Charles V of Spain, explaining why they disobeyed the king's governor and colonized Mexico, 1519 Briefly describe ONE claim made in the excerpt. Briefly describe ONE historical development illustrated by the excerpt.

had different local economies focused on Philadelphia and New York Cit

Landsman claims that some historians might not consider the Middle Colonies a single British colonial region because the Middle Colonies

Protestant evangelicalism furthered the Anglicization of the colonies.

Nathan Cole, farmer, describing going to hear Reverend George Whitefield preach in Middletown, Connecticut, 1740 The events described in the excerpt resulted in which of the following developments in the British North American colonies?

The British colonies became part of a trans-Atlantic print culture that facilitated the spread of European ideas.

Nathan Cole, farmer, describing going to hear Reverend George Whitefield preach in Middletown, Connecticut, 1740 Which of the following most directly contributed to the ideas described in the excerpt?

Toleration of religious diversity in the Middle Colonies was made a necessity because of patterns of migration.

Ned C. Landsman, historian, Crossroads of Empire: The Middle Colonies in British North America, published in 2010 Which of the following best describes Landsman's argument in the last paragraph of the excerpt?

The debates over the federal government's proper role had intensified during the early nineteenth century.

President Andrew Jackson, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States, 1832 Which of the following factors best supports the argument in the excerpt?

Using federal power to forcibly relocate American Indian groups

President Andrew Jackson, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States, 1832 Which of the following of Jackson's policies undermined his position as described in the excerpt?

establishing trade routes

President Jefferson sought the protections described in the excerpt most likely for the purpose of

Southern politicians would not abandon slavery, and they believed Lincoln was a threat to that system.

President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, February 22, 1861 Evidence in the excerpt best corroborates which of the following?

Lincoln sought to avoid violence over the issues that divided the country.

President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, February 22, 1861 The excerpt best serves as evidence for which of the following developments?

States in the South had begun seceding after the presidential election.

President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, February 22, 1861 The excerpt most likely reflects which of the following historical situations?

The creation of diplomatic ties with foreign nations

Sentiments of business leaders and politicians like that expressed in the excerpt most likely contributed to which of the following?

The Missouri Compromise in 1820

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was most similar in intent to which of the following earlier legislative initiatives?

They believed that emancipated people were unable to take care of themselves.

The author makes which of the following arguments in the excerpt about the perceptions Whites maintained regarding emancipated people in the North?

Increased geographical mobility aided travel to new regions and the sharing of ideas.

The development of the Second Great Awakening can best be linked to which of the following historical situations?

importance of liberal ideas about natural rights and liberties

The historical concept of the American identity, as characterized in the excerpt, was most clearly distinguished from the identities of other nations by the

To minimize tensions caused by United States expansion into western territory

Which of the following was a primary reason that the United States and Spain agreed to the articles outlined in the excerpt?

European precedents along with an American national culture

The national identity described in the excerpt most strongly reflects the influence of which of the following?

It increased before the 1770s and then declined between 1771 and 1790.

Which of the following best describes the trend in the number of enslaved Africans brought to the Carolinas and Georgia depicted in the graph?

The rise in manufacturing in the North coincided with an increase of immigration from abroad to these urban areas.

Which of the following best explains a change in migration in United States society during the early 1800s?

To create economic and diplomatic relationships between Europeans and Native Americans

Which of the following best explains why some European colonists intermarried with Native Americans?

The slave system gave poor White citizens the feeling of social superiority over free and enslaved African Americans in a culture where African Americans held little power.

Which of the following claims best aligns with the evidence in the excerpt about the relationship between enslaved African Americans and White Southern citizens?

They had aided the government during the Revolutionary War.

Which of the following claims did the residents of Greenwich use to most support their argument that they should be "relieved" by the Massachusetts legislature from the situation described in the petition?

Whitman argued that the war was intended to deter bad behavior, while Giddings argued that the war represented aggression by the United States.

Which of the following comparisons best describes Whitman's and Giddings' arguments about the Mexican-American War?

More enslaved Africans were brought to the Carolinas and Georgia than to Virginia and Maryland.

Which of the following describes a trend shown in the graph of the regional distribution of the slave trade before the American Revolution?

The United States should increase domestic manufacturing to promote prosperity.

Which of the following describes an interpretation of Clay's economic principles at the time as expressed in the excerpt?

The growth among people in the United States of a sense of national identity

Which of the following developments best explains the sentiment expressed in the first verse of the song lyrics?

Alcohol consumption damaged people's physical and emotional well-being.

Which of the following evidence did the American Temperance Society in the excerpt use to support its argument about the need for the temperance movement?

Many Massachusetts farmers were held in debtor's prison.

Which of the following evidence used in the petition supports the claim that the Massachusetts government "devours their inhabitants"?

As home and the workplace became separated, women were increasingly expected to be responsible for housework and childcare while men took jobs outside the home.

Which of the following explains how the growth of a market-based economy in the United States in the early 1800s most directly influenced changes in gender roles?

Changes to property ownership requirements

Which of the following factors best explains the increase in White male suffrage in the early nineteenth century?

Both sought to justify their positions to international observers.

Which of the following is a similarity between how Whitman and Giddings made their arguments

Slave rebellions in Haiti, South Carolina, and Virginia had made many leaders in the South fear that enslaved African Americans could harm them

Which of the following most contributed to slaveholders such as Calhoun arguing in the 1830s and 1840s that slavery should be viewed as part of the Southern way of life?

The cultural responses to the Enlightenment

Which of the following most likely contributed to the emergence of the Second Great Awakening?

Additional restrictions were placed on enslaved and free African Americans.

Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the excerpt's depiction of reactions to slave rebellions?

A participatory democracy expanded belief in the importance of the individual.

Which of the following political changes most likely influenced the Second Great Awakening?

Slaveholders became more insistent that maintaining the slave system was essential to protecting the South and its way of life.

Which of the following resulted from arguments made by Southern politicians, such as the one in the excerpt, in the years prior to the Civil War?

The immorality of slavery had a widespread corrupting effect on Southern culture.

Which of the following statements would an abolitionist claim supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

The encomienda system exploited the labor of Native Americans, whereas slavery more typically extracted labor from enslaved Africans.

Which of the following was a major difference between the encomienda system and slave labor in the Spanish colonies?

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