Apush app questions semester 1

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Which statement best demonstrates an accurate historical context for the illustration

Colonistsfrom Boston have recently participated in the rebellious tea party

Thomas Paine conveys a from Milyer concern for many American colonists in his

Condemnation of mercantilists restraint of the American economy

The political cartoon of join or die most directly reflects

Conflict between competing colonial powers in North America

One purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to

Explain where the colonies had reported

Which of the following is true of the Declaration of Independence

He invoked the natural rights of humankind to justify a revolt

This political cartoon most clearly depicts which of the following historical developments in the late 19th and early twentieth centuries?


The idea portrayed in the political cartoon is most influenced by

Imperialist ideals of expansion in the belief that America could bring civilization to other nations

The document was most likely a reaction to which of the following events

Inclusion of the fugitive slave act as part of the compromise of 1850

Marshall's opinion in Marbury versus Madison would most directly lead to

Increase power of the judicial branch because of judicial review

Which of the following was the most immediate result of the territorial changes in the map above

Increase tensions and fighting with Indians in the Ohio River Valley

The trend indicated in the chart would most likely lead to

Increasing sectional or regional differences

The painting above illustrates Andrew Jackson's native American policy that was expressed in the

Indian removal act

Which best explains why the Plymouth settlement was so important in American history

It proved that a self-governing society consisting mostly of farm families could flourish in New England

In the passage above the phrase Tyrants of America most likely refer to which figure

John Adams

Who is concepts did Jefferson draw upon as he drafted the Declaration of Independence

John Locke's

Which of the following was produced in response to the alien and sedition acts

Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

Settlement of the Great Plains was made most difficult by

Lack of natural resources and environments difficulties

The whiskey rebellion worked to convince many Americans that

Laws passed by the new federal government would be enforced

Starting during the civil war, the federal gov was able to settle the western half of the IS quickly by passing the homestead act which required settlers to

Live on and improve the land for a period a time

The largest single addition to American territory was

Louisiana Purchase

The cartoon represents a continuation of what earlier 19th century movement

Manifest destiny

A fundamental grievance of bacon was his

Realization of the widening wealth gap between landowners and former indentured servant seeking land

The government remove policies in the 1830s in relation to the tribal lands shown in the above map or most likely directed due to which of the following causes?

Regional development in the new south for growing cash crops particularly short staple cotton

What was the most significant impact on the relationship between the colonists and Great Britain resulting from the territorial changes depicted in the maps above?

Renewed effort to consolidate Imperial control and collect tax

The subject of this handbell contributed to the emergence of which political party?


What doctrine was accepted as a result of this court case decision?

Separate but equal

Which of the following was an argument offered by some Americans against removal of the tribes shown in the above map

Some of them had adopted white American ways

Which of the following events motivated the United States to have an expanded economic and military presence in Cuba?

Spanish american war

What does the artist convey as being the most important motivator for Columbus explorations

Spreading Christianity

Which of the following actions by American colonist demonstrate the great continue ready with the sentiments expressed in Thomas Paine's common sense

Stamp act Congress success and support for the non-importation agreements

The best example of resistance to the institution pictured above was

Stono rebellion

Though a supporter of strict construction of the constitution Jackson was notable for which of the following

Strengthening the presidency

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to apply the sentiments expressed by Calhoun?

Supporters of nullification

Which piece of evidence most directly supports the cartoonists depiction of US foreign policy in Latin America

The Roosevelt corollary

Prior to Calhoun speech the idea of states right was expressed in

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

The image portrays which of the following foreign policies promoted by the Theodore Roosevelt's administration?

A "preventative intervention" that would protect Latin American countries from outside influences

The people in the above diagram were often sent to the colonies because of

A decrease in the number of indentured servant's coming to the American colonies from England

According to de las casas What was the result of European interaction with native peoples

A drastic decrease in native populations

What role in the early 20th century world affairs does the political cartoon give the United States?

A force for the spread of democracy and prosperity

This image depicts the people of Boston as

A lawless mob

Which of the following was the primary cause of the territory change in the map above?

A major war between the French and British

One consequence of the whiskey rebellion was

A post a serious threat to the authority of the new federal government

What was one long term affects of the event depicted in this painting

The decline in native American population

The main trained as shown in the illustration bus most directly associated with which of the following processes occurring in the US at the time?

The displacement of American Indians from the southeast

Which of the following most directly Led to the increase shown in the chart?

The invention of the cotton gin in 1793

What was the most likely motivation to create the Mayflower compact

The leaders wish to increase unity among the pilgrims by establishing a form of self government

The image most directly reflects the

The modernization of the new West

In the 1840s manifest destiny was considered by expansionist to be

The natural fulfillment of the United States

Which of the following resulted from the supreme court case Marbury versus Madison?

The power of judicial review

As more farmers settled the Great Plains, they began to rely on the railroads to get their crops to market. This became a problem when

The railroads were charging farmers more to ship east and over short distances

The need for cheap labor in the colonies was created by

The southern colonies dependency on cash crops

What was the result of many of the supreme court decisions made under Chief Justice John Marshall between 1801 and 1835?

The strengthening of the federal government

South Carolina's ordinance of nullification most directly challenged which of the following ideas from McColloch versus Maryland

The supremacy of federal law

How does this photograph illustrate the consequences of industrialization

Urban areas experienced unprecedented population growth

The cartoon above is a commentary on late nineteenth-century

Urban corruption

Western progression was led by

Various forms of transportation including rail stage and covered wagons

The cartoon above depicts which of the following business practice?

Vertical integration

What issue became prominent following the war with Mexico

Whether or not the new Lancer Mexico should be admitted to the union as a slave or free states

Which group would have agreed with the supreme courts decision?

White southerners

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon

Wig opponents of Andrew Jackson

What was "plucked" from Mexico as a result of the war?

its northern territories

Individuals opposed to the concept in the cartoon would have most likely agreed with which of the following perspectives?

America should avoid imperialism expansion

Which of the following was an immediate cause of increased American influence in the Caribbean and pacific islands?

American victory in the Spanish American war

Which of the following efforts most directly resulted from this propaganda

British Parliament passed the intolerable acts to close the port of Boston

The tribe is represented in the above map had established ascites and their tribal lands by the 1830s which can best be characterized as

Economically successful farming communities

Which of the following reasons does not represent why the US challenged Spanish authority in the Philippines?

Open door policy

Which of the following is a likely cause for the main photographed to migrate to cities?

Opportunity for a new work facilities

This political cartoon of join or die was intended to

Promote colonial unity prior to the French and Indian war

What was a result and lasting legacy of this court case?

Protection of Jim cow laws

The dominant European perception of Native Americans during this period was

They were an uncivilized group compared to European standards

Bartolomé de las casas intent was

To make Spanish from the monarchs aware of the subjugation and miss treatment of native people

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