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___ war experience was paradoxical. More than 50,000 the children and grandchildren of immigrants from China, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines fought in the army, mostly in all-Asian units. With China an ally in the __ war, Congress in 1948 ended decades of complete exclusion by establishing a nationality ___ for Chinese immigrants The annual limit of 105 hardly suggested a desire for a ___ influx. But the image of the Chinese as gallant fighters ___ their country against Japanese aggression called into question long-standing racial stereotypes. As in the case of Mexican-Americans, large numbers of Chinese-Americans moved out of ethnic __ to work alongside whites in jobs on the home front.

Asian-Americans Pacific quota large-scale defending ghettos

No event reflected the new concern with the status of black Americans more than the publication in 1944 of An American ___, a sprawling account of the country's racial past, present, and future written by the Swedish social scientist Gunnar Myrdal The book offered an uncompromising portrait of how deeply ___ was entrenched in law, politics, economics, and social behavior But Myrdal combined this sobering analysis with admiration for what he called the __ __--belief in equality, justice, equal opportunity, and freedom The war, he argued, had made Americans more aware than ever of the ___ between this creed and the reality of racial inequality. He concluded that "there is bound to be a redefinition of the Negro's status as a result of this War. Mvrdal's notion of a ___ between American values and American racial policies was hardly new- Frederick Douglass and W. E. B Du Bois had said much the same thing. But in the context of a worldwide struggle against __ and rising black demands for equality at home, his book struck a chord It identified a serious national problem and seemed to offer an almost painless path to peaceful change, in which the federal government would take the lead in outlawing ___. This coupling of an appeal to American principles with federal social __ established a liberal position on race relations that would survive for many years.

Dilemma racism American Creed contradiction conflict Nazism discrimination engineering

The war also brought many American __ closer to the mainstream of American life. Some 25,000 served in the army (including the famous Navajo "code-talkers," who transmitted ___ in their complex native language, which the Japanese could not decipher). Insisting that the United States lacked the authority to draft __ men into the army, the ___ issued their own declaration of war against the Axis powers. Tens of thousands of Indians left ___ for jobs in war industries. Exposed for the first time to urban life and industrial society, many chose not to __ to the reservations after the war ended (indeed, the reservations did not share in wartime prosperity). Some Indian veterans took advantage of the GI Bill to attend __ after the war, an opportunity that had been available to very few Indians previously.

Indians messages Indian Iroquois reservations return college

The history of the __ __ __ __, created in 1942 to mobilize public opinion, illustrates how the political divisions generated by the New Deal affected efforts to promote the Four Freedoms, The ___ Democrats who dominated the OWI's writing staff sought to make the conflict a people's war for freedom." The OW feared that Americans had only a vague ___ of the war's purposes and that the populace seemed more fervently committed to paying back the ___ for their attack on Pearl Harbor than ridding the world of fascism. They utilized radio, film, the press, and other media to give the conflict an ___ meaning, while seeking to avoid the nationalist hysteria of World War I. Wartime mobilization drew on deep-seated American ___. The portrait of the United States holding aloft the torch of __ in a world overrun by oppression reached back at least as far as the American Revolution. The description of a world half slave and half free recalled the Great ___. But critics charged that the OW seemed most interested in promoting the definition of ___, Roosevelt had emphasized during the 1980s. One of its first pamphlets listed as elements of freedom the right to a job at fair pay and to adequate food, clothing, shelter and medical care: Concerned that the OWI was devoting as much time to promoting New Deal social programs as to the war effort, Congress ___ most of its funding.

Office of War Information (OWI) liberal understanding Japanese ideological traditions liberty Emancipator freedom eliminated

___ labor repeatedly described World War II as a crusade for freedom that would __ economic and political democracy at home and abroad and win for ___ a major voice in politics and industrial management. During the war, labor entered a three- sided ___ with government and business that allowed union membership to soar to unprecedented levels. In order to secure industrial ___ and stabilize war production, the federal government forced reluctant employers to recognize unions. In 1944 when __ __, the large mail-order company defied a pro-union order, the army ___ its headquarters and physically evicted its president For their part, union leaders agreed not __ and conceded employers right to managerial prerogatives and a fair profit

Organized expand unions arrangement peace Montgomery Ward seized strike

Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican nominee __ __, the governor of New York, to win an unprecedented fourth term in 1944. But FDR did not live to see the Allied victory. He succumbed to a __ on April 12, 1945. To his successor, Harry S. Truman, fell one of the most momentous decisions ever confronted by an American president- whether to use the __ bomb against Japan. Truman did not know about the bomb until after he became president. Then, Secretary of War __ informed him that the United States had secretly developed "the most terrible weapon ever known in human history! The bomb was a practical realization of the theory of __, a rethinking of the laws of physics developed early in the twentieth century by the German scientist Albert Einstein Energy and matter, Einstein showed, represented two forms of the same phenomenon. According to his famous equation ___, the energy contained in matter equals its mass times the speed of light squared- an enormous amount. By using certain forms of uranium, or the man-made element plutonium, an atomic reaction could be created that transformed part of the mass into energy. This energy could be harnessed to provide a form of controlled power, or it could be unleashed in a tremendous ___.

Thomas E Dewey stroke atomic Stimson relativity E=mc^2 explosion

The war had a far more ___ meaning for non-white groups than for whites. On the eve of Pearl Harbor, racial ___ remained deeply entrenched in American life. Southern blacks were still trapped in a rigid system of __. Asians could not ___ to the United States or become naturalized citizens As noted in the previous chapter more than 800,000 Mexican-Americans had been voluntarily ___ by local authorities in the Southwest during the Depression. Most American Indians still lived on reservations, in dismal poverty. The war set in motion ___ that would reverberate in the postwar ears Under the ___ program agreed to by the Mexican and American governments in 1942 (the name derives from ___ the Spanish word for arm) tens of thousands of contract laborers crossed into the United States to take up jobs as domestic and agricultural workers. Initially designed as a temporary response to the wartime labor ___, the program lasted until 1964. During the period of the bracero program, more than +.5 million Mexicans entered the United States under government ___ contracts while a slightly larger number were arrested for illegal entry by the Border Patrol) Braceros were supposed to receive __ housing and wages. But since they could not become citizens and could be deported at any time they found it almost impossible to form unions or secure better working conditions

ambiguous barriers segregation emigrate repatriated changes bracero brazo shortage labor decent

Even as Rockwell invoked images of small town life to rally Americans to the war effort, however, the country experienced ___ as deep as at any time in its history. Many of the economic trends and social movements that we associate with the last half of the twentieth century had their roots in the __ years. As during World War I, but on a far larger scale, wartime mobilization expanded the size and scope of ___ and energized the ___. The gross national product more than doubled and unemployment disappeared as war production finally conquered the ___. The demand for labor drew millions of women into the workforce and sent a tide of migrants from rural America to the industrial cities of the North and West, permanently altering the nation's social _____. Some 80 million Americans moved during the war, half going into military service and half taking up new jobs.

changes war government economy Depression geography

There were no ___ hearings, no due process, and no writs of habeas corpus. One searches the ___ record in vain for public protests among non-Japanese against the gravest ___ of civil liberties since the end of slavery. The __ supported the policy almost unanimously. In Congress, only Senator Robert Taft of Ohio spoke out against it. Groups publicly committed to fighting ___, from the Communist Party to the NAACP and the American Jewish Committee, either defended the policy or remained silent. The courts refused to __. In 1944, in ___ v. United States, the Supreme Court denied the appeal of Fred Korematsu, a Japanese-American citizen who had been arrested for refusing to present himself for internment. Speaking for a 6-8 majority, Justice ___ ___, usually an avid defender of civil liberties, upheld the legality of the internment policy, insisting that an order applying only to persons of Japanese descent was not based on ___. The Court has never __ the Korematsu decision As Justice Robert H. Jackson warned in his dissent, it "lies about like a loaded weapon ready for the hand of any authority that can bring forward a plausible claim" of national security.

court wartime violation press discrimination intervene Korematsu Hugo Black race overturned

It remained to be seen how seriously the victorious Allies took their wartime rhetoric of ___. In August 1941, four months before the United States entered the war FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill had met for a conference, on warships anchored off the coast of Newfoundland, and issued the ___ Charter. The charter promised that "the fimal destruction of Nazi tyranny" would be followed by open access to markets, the right of "all peoples" to choose their form of govemment, and a global ___ of the New Deal so that people everywhere would enjoy "improved labor standards, economic advancement and social security" It referred specifically to two of Roosevelt' Four Freedoms- freedom from want and freedom from fear But freedom of speech and of worship had been left out because of British ___ to apply them to its colonial possessions, especially India. The Four Freedoms speech and the Atlantic Charter had been primarily intended to highlight the ___ between Anglo-American ideals and Nazism. Nonetheless, they had unanticipated consequences. As one of Roosevelt's speechwriters remarked, "when you state a moral principle, you are stuck with it, no matter how many fingers you have kept crossed at the moment." The language with which World War I was fought helped to lay the foundation for ___ ideals of human rights that extend to all mankind

freedom Atlantic extension reluctance differences postwar

By 1945, support for racial ___ had finally taken its place on the liberal-left agenda alongside full employment, civil liberties, and the expansion of the New Deal ___ state. Roosevelt himself rarely spoke out on racial issues. But many liberals insisted that racial ___ must be confronted head-on through federal antilynching legislation, equal opportunity in the ___, an end to segregated housing and schools, and the expansion of Social Security programs to cover agricultural and domestic workers. This wartime vision of a racially ___ full employment economy formed a bridge between the New Deal and the Great Society of the 1960s.

justice welfare discrimination workplace integrated

Mindful that public-___ polls showed a large majority of Americans favoring a ___ of employment for those who could not find work, the president in 1944 called for an "Economic Bill of __" The original Bill of Rights ___ the power of government in the name of liberty. FDR ___ to expand its power in order to secure full employment, an adequate income medical care, education, and a decent home for all Americans. Already ill and preoccupied with the war Roosevelt spoke only ___ of the Economic Bill of Rights during the 1944 presidential campaign. The replacement of Vice President Henry Wallace by Harry S. ___ then a little-known senator from Missouri suggested that the president did not intend to do battle with Congress over ___ policy. Congress did not enact the Economic Bill of Rights. But in 1944. it extended to the millions of returning ___ an array of benefits, including unemployment pay, scholarships for further education, low-cost mortgage loans, pensions, and job training The Servicemen Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights, was one of the most far-reaching pieces of social ___ in American history.

opinion guarantee Rights restricted proposed occasionally Truman social veterans legislation

Having fled to the United States from Hitler's Germany, Einstein in 1989 warned Roosevelt that Nazi ___ were trying to develop an atomic weapon and urged the president to do likewise In the following year, FDR authorized what came to be known as the ___ Project, a top-secret program in which American scientists developed an atomic bomb during World War II. The weapon was tested successfully in the ___ __ desert in July 1945.

scientists Manhattan New Mexico

In 1942, a public-opinion __ sponsored by the army's Bureau of Intelligence found that the vast majority of white Americans were "unaware that there is any such thing as a Negro problem™ and were convinced that blacks were satisfied with their social and economic ___. They would soon discover their mistake. The war years witnessed the birth of the modern civil rights ___. Angered by the almost complete ___ of African-Americans from jobs in the rapidly expanding war industries (of 100,000 aircraft workers in 1940 fewer than 800 were blacks) the black labor leader __ ___ in July 1941 called for a March on Washington. His demands included access to ___ employment, an end to segregation, and a national ___ law Randolph, who as founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters had long battled racism among both employers and unions, hurled Roosevelt's rhetoric back at the president. Randolph declared racial ___ "undemocratic, un-American, and pro-Hitler"

survey conditions movement exclusion Philip Randolph defense antilynching discrimination

The "most ambiguous" of the Four Freedoms, Fortune magazine remarked, was freedom from ___. Yet this "great inspiring phrase" as a Pennsylvania steelworker put it in a letter to the president, seemed to ___ the deepest chord in a nation just emerging from the Depression Roosevelt initially meant it to refer to the ___ of barriers to international trade But he quickly came to link freedom from want to an economic goal more relevant to the average citizen- protecting the future "___ of living of the American worker and farmer" by guaranteeing that the Depression would not resume after the war This, he declared, would bring real freedom for the ___ man. When Norman Rockwell's paintings of the Four Freedoms first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, each was accompanied by a brief ___. Three of these essays, by the celebrated authors Stephen Vincent Benet, Booth Tarkington, and Will Durant, emphasized that the values Rockwell depicted were essentially ___ and the opposite of those of the Axis powers. For Freedom from Want, the editors chose an unknown Filipino poet, ___ __, who had emigrated to the United States at the age of sixteen. Bulosan's essay showed how the Four Freedoms could inspire ___ for a better future as well as nostalgia for Rockwell's imagined small-town past. Bulosan wrote of those Americans still outside the ___ mainstream migrant workers, cannery laborers, black victims of segregation-for whom freedom meant having enough to eat, sending their children to school, and being able to share the promise and fruits of American life."

want strike elimiation standard common essay American Carlos Bulosan hopes social

To most Americans, the ___ arising from Japanese and German aggression seemed very distant. Moreover, Hitler had more than a few ___ in the United States. Obsessed with the threat of communism, some Americans approved of his expansion of German power as a ___ to the Soviet Union. Businessmen did not wish to give up profitable overseas markets. Henrv Ford did ___ with Nazi Germany throughout the 1980s. Indeed, Ford plants there employed slave labor provided by the German government. Trade with ___ also continued, including shipments of American trucks and aircraft and considerable amounts of oil. Until 1941, 80 percent of Japan's ___ supply came from the United States. Many Americans remained convinced that ___ in World War I had been a mistake. Senate hearings in 1934-1935 headed by Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota revealed that international bankers and arms exporters had pressed the Wilson administration to enter that war and had profited handsomely from it. ___ spread on college campuses, where tens of thousands of students took part in a "strike for peace" in 1985. ___ allegiances reinforced Americans' traditional reluctance to enter ___ conflicts Many Americans of German and Italian descent celebrated the expansion of national ___ in their countries of origin, even when they disdained their dictatorial governments. Irish-Americans remained strongly anti-British.

threat admirers counterweight business Japan oil involvement Pacifism Ethnic foreign power

As a means of generating support for the struggle, the Four Freedoms provided a crucial language of national ___. But this unity obscured ___ within American society that the war in some ways intensified divisions reflected in debates over __. While some Americans looked forward to a worldwide __ __, others envisioned "free enterprise" replacing government ___ in the economy. The war gave birth to the modern ___ rights movement but strengthened the commitment of many white Americans to maintain the existing racial order The movement of ___ into the labor force challenged traditional gender relations, but most men and not a few women longed for the restoration of family life with a male breadwinner and a wife responsible for the home. Even Rockwell's popular paintings suggested some of the ___ within the idea of freedom. With the exception of Freedom of Speech, which depicts civic democracy in action, the paintings emphasized private situations. The message seemed to be that Americans were fighting to preserve freedoms enjoyed individually or within the family rather than in the larger public world. This emphasis on freedom as an element of private life would become more and more prominent in ___ America.

unity divisions freedom New Deal intervention civil women ambiguities postwar

In November 1942, British and American forces invaded North ___ and by May 1948 forced the surrender of the German army commanded by General ___ __. By the spring of 1948, the Allies also gained the upper hand in the ___, as British and American destroyers and planes devastated the German submarine fleet. But even though Roosevelt was committed to ___ Europe from Nazi control, American troops did not immediately become __ on the European continent. As late as the end of 1944, more American military personnel were deployed in the ___ than against Germany. In July 1948, American and British forces invaded ___, beginning the liberation of Italy. A popular uprising in Rome overthrew the ___ government, whereupon Germany occupied most of the country. Fighting there raged throughout 1944. The major involvement of American troops in Europe did not begin until June 6, 1944. On that date, known as ___, nearly 200,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower landed in Normandy in northwestern France More than a million troops followed them ___ in the next few weeks, in the most massive sea-land operation in history. After fierce fighting, German armies ___ eastward. By August, Paris had been ___.

Africa Erwin Rommel Atlantic liberating involved Pacific Sicily Mussolini D-Day ashore retreated liberated

The "Grand ___" of World War II in Europe brought together the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union, each led by an iron-willed, larger-than-life figure: Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin. United in their ___ to defeat Nazi Germany, they differed not only in terms of the societies they represented but also in their long-range goals. Stalin was set on establishing enough control over eastern __ that his country would never again be invaded from the west. Churchill hoped to ensure that the British Empire emerged __ from the war. Roosevelt, like Woodrow Wilson before him, hoped to establish a new ___ order so that world wars would never again take place. Facing wars in two hemispheres, Roosevelt had to determine how best to ___ American manpower and resources. Bearing the brunt of the fighting after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Stalin demanded an early Allied attack across the ___ __ to confront German forces in occupied France and relieve pressure on his beleaguered army. Churchill's strategy was to attack the "soft ___" of Axis power through Allied operations in the ___, starting with an invasion of North Africa. Churchill's approach ___, and the cross-Channel invasion did not come until 1944

Alliance determination Europe intact international deploy English Channel underbelly Mediterranean prevailed

As 1945 opened, ___ victory was assured. In December 1944, in a desperate gamble, Hitler launched a ___ counterattack in France that pushed Allied forces back fifty miles, creating a large bulge in their lines. The largest single __ ever fought by the US. Army, the Battle of the ___ produced more than 70,000 American casualties. But by early 1945 the assault had failed. In March, American troops crossed the Rhine River and entered the industrial heartland of ___. Hitler took his own life, and shortly afterward Soviet forces occupied Berlin. On May 8, known as __ Day (for victory in Europe), came the formal end to the war against Germany. In the Pacific, American forces moved ever closer to Japan. They reconquered ___ in August 1944 and landed in the Philippines two months later, where they destroyed most of the remainder of the enemy fleet in the naval battle of ___ Gulf

Allied surprise battle Bulge Germany V-E Guam Leyte

__ had a long history of hostility toward the Japanese. Now, inspired by exaggerated fears of a Japanese ___ of the West Coast and pressured by whites who saw an opportunity to gain possession of Japanese-American property, the military persuaded FDR to issue ___ ___ __. Promulgated in February 1942, this ordered the relocation of all persons of Japanese descent from the West Coast. That spring and summer authorities removed more than 110 000 men, women, and children--nearly two-thirds of them American citizens--to __ far from their homes. The order did not apply to persons of Japanese descent living in ___ where they represented nearly 40 percent of the population. Despite Hawaii's vulnerability, its economy could not function without Japanese- American labor. But Japanese-American ___ provided ammunition for Japan's claim that its aggressions in Asia were intended to defend the rights of non-white peoples against colonial rule and a racist United States.

California invasion Executive Order 9066 camps Hawaii

When the president "said that we should have the Four Freedoms" a black steelworker declared. he meant to include "all races." During the war, NAACP membership grew from 50,000 to nearly 500,000. The __ __ __ __ (CORE), founded by an interracial group of pacifists in 1942, held ___ in northern cities to integrate restaurants and theaters. After a Firestone tire factory in Memphis fired a black woman for trying to enter a city bus before white passengers had been seated, black workers at the plant went on __ until she was reinstated. In February 1942, the __ __ coined the phrase that came to symbolize black attitudes during the war the double Victory over Germany and Japan, it insisted, must be accompanied by victory over ___ at home. While the Roosevelt administration and the white press saw the war as an expression of American ideals, black ___ pointed to the gap between those ideals and reality. Side by side with ads for war bonds, The Crisis insisted that a segregated army "cannot fight for a free world."

Congress of Racial Equality sit-ins strike Pittsburgh Courier segregation newspapers

Until November 1941, the administration's attention focused on __. But at the end of that month, ___ Japanese messages revealed that an assault in the Pacific was imminent. No one, however, knew where it would come from. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes, launched from aircraft carriers, bombed the naval base at __ __ in Hawaii, the first attack by a foreign power on American soil since the War of __. Japan launched the attack in the hope of ___ American naval power in the Pacific. With a free hand in its campaign of conquest in East Asia, Japan would gain ___ to supplies of oil and other resources it could no longer obtain from the United States. It hoped that destroying the American fleet would establish Japan for years to come as the __ power in the region. Pearl Harbor was a complete and devastating __. In a few hours, more than 2,000 American servicemen were killed, and 187 aircraft and 18 naval vessels, including 8 battleships, destroyed or damaged. By a stroke of fortune, no aircraft ___- which would prove decisive in the Pacific war--happened to be docked at Pearl Harbor on December 7

Europe intercepted Pearl Harbor 1812 crippling access dominant surprise carriers

To this day, conspiracy theories abound suggesting that __ knew of the attack and did nothing to prevent it so as to bring the United States into the war. No credible __ supports this charge. Indeed, with the country drawing ever closer to ___ in Europe, Roosevelt hoped to keep the peace in the Pacific. But Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, who saw the president after the attack, remarked that he seemed __- "his terrible moral problem had been resolved." Terming December 7 "a date which will live in infamy" Roosevelt asked Congress for a declaration of __ against Japan. The combined vote in Congress was 888 in factor and 1 against- ___ Jeanette Rankin of Montana, who had also voted against American entry into World War I The next day, ___ declared war on the United States. America had finally joined the largest war in human history.

FDR evidence intervention calm war pacifist Germany

By far the most popular works of art produced during World War II were paintings of the ___ __ by the magazine illustrator Norman Rockwell. In his State of the Union Address, delivered before Congress on January 6, 1941, President Roosevelt spoke eloquently of a future world order __ on the "essential human freedoms". freedom of ____, freedom of ___, freedom from ___, and freedom from ___. The Four Freedoms became Roosevelt's favorite statement of Allied aims. At various times, he ___ them with the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta, and the Emancipation Proclamation. They embodied, Roosevelt declared in a 1942 radio address, the "rights of men of every creed and every race, wherever they live" and made clear "the crucial difference between ourselves and the ___ we face today."

Four Freedoms founded speech worship want fear compared enemies

An aggressive power threatened Europe as well. After brutally consolidating his rule in ___, Adolf Hitler embarked on a campaign to control the entire continent. In violation of the ___ Treaty, he feverishly pursued German rearmament. In 1986, he sent troops to occupy the ___, a demilitarized zone between France and Germany established after World War I The failure of Britain France, and the United States to oppose this action convinced Hitler that the ___ could not muster the will to halt his aggressive plans. Italian leader Benito Mussolini. the founder of ___, a movement similar to Hitler's Nazism, invaded and conquered Ethiopia. When General Francisco Franco in 1986 led an uprising against the democratically elected government of ___, Hitler poured in arms, seeing the conflict as a testing ground for new weaponry. In 1939, Franco emerged ___ from a bitter civil war, establishing yet another fascist government in Europe. As part of a campaign to unite all Europeans of German origin in a single empire, Hitler in 1938 ___ Austria and the Sudetenland, an ethnically German part of Czechoslovakia. Shortly thereafter, he gobbled up all of that country.

Germany Versailles Rhineland democracies fascism Spain victorious annexed

On August 6, 1945, an American plane dropped an atomic bomb that detonated over __, Japan a target chosen because almost alone among major Japanese cities, it had not yet suffered ___. In an instant, nearly every building in the city was destroyed. Of the city's population of 280,000 civilians and 40,000 soldiers, approximately 70,000 died ___. Because atomic bombs release deadly radiation, the death toll kept ___ in the months that followed. By the end of the year, it reached at least 140,000. Thousands more perished over the next five years. On August 9, the United States exploded a second bomb over ___, killing 70,000 persons. On the same day, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded ___. Within a week, Japan surrendered

Hiroshima damage immediately rising Nagasaki Manchuria

___ , of course, hardly disappeared from American life One correspondent complained to Norman Rockwell that he included too many foreign-looking faces in his Freedom of Worship painting. Many business and government circles still excluded __. Along with the fact that early reports of the Holocaust were too terrible to be believed, ___ contributed to the govemment's unwillingness to allow more than a handful of European Jews 21,000 during the course of the war) to find __ in the United States. Roosevelt himself learned during the war of the extent of Hitler's "final solution to the Jewish presence in Europe, But he failed to ___ air strikes that might have destroyed German death camps. Nonetheless, the war made millions of __ Americans. especially the children of the new immigrants, feel fully American for the first time. During the war, one New York ethnic recalled, "the Italo-Americans stopped being Ital and started becoming Americans." But the event that ___ this comment, the Harlem race riot of 1948 suggested that patriotic assimilation stopped at the color line.

Intolerance Jews anti-Semitism refuge authorize ethnic inspired

___- the 1980s version of Americans long-standing desire to avoid foreign entanglements- dominated Congress. Beginning in 1985, lawmakers passed a series of ___ Acts that banned travel on belligerents' ships and the sale of arms to countries at war. These policies, Congress hoped, would allow the United States to avoid the conflicts over ___ of the seas that had contributed to involvement in World War I. Despite the fact that the Spanish Civil War pitted a ___ government against an aspiring ___ dictator the Western democracies, including the United States, imposed an ___ on arms shipments to both sides. Some 8,000 Americans volunteered to fight in the Abraham Lincoln ___ on the side of the Spanish republic. But with Germany supplying the forces of Franco, the decision by democratic countries to abide by the arms embargo contributed substantially to his ____.

Isolationism Neutrality freedom democratic fascist embargo Brigade victory

The experience of ___-Americans was far different. Many Americans viewed the war against Germany as an ___ struggle. But both sides saw the Pacific war as a race war Japanese ___ depicted Americans as a self-indulgent people contaminated by ethnic and racial diversity as opposed to the racially "pure" Japanese. In the United States, long-standing prejudices and the shocking attack on Pearl Harbor combined to produce an unprecedented ___ of Japan. "In all our history," according to one historian, "no foe has been detested as were the Japanese." Government propaganda and war films ___ the Japanese foe as rats, dogs, gorillas, and snakes-bestial and subhuman. They blamed Japanese aggression on a violent racial or national ___, not, as in the case of German and Italy on tyrannical rulers. About 70 percent of Japanese-Americans in the continental United States lived in California where they ___ vegetable farming in the Los Angeles area. One-third were first-generation immigrants, or issei, but a substantial majority were nisei -American-born, and therefore ___. Many of the latter spoke only English, had never been to Japan, and had tried to assimilate despite prevailing prejudice. But the Japanese-American community could not remain __ by the rising tide of hatred. The government bent over backward to include German-Americans and Italian-Americans in the war effort. It ordered the arrest of only a handful of the more than 800 000 German and Italian nationals in the United States when the war began. But it viewed every person of Japanese ___ as a potential spy.

Japanese ideological propaganda hatred portrayed character dominated citizens unaffected ethnicity

In the ___ agreement of 1988, Britain and France had caved in to Hitlers aggression. In 1989 the Soviet Union proposed an international agreement to ___ further German demands for territory Britain and France, who distrusted Stalin and saw Germany as a bulwark against the spread of ___ influence in Europe, refused. Stalin then astonished the world by signing a ___ pact with Hitler, his former sworn enemy. On September 1, immediately after the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact, Germany invaded ___. This time, Britain and France, who had pledged to protect Poland against aggression, declared war. But Germany appeared ___. Within a year, the Nazi ___ (lightning war) had overrun Poland and much of Scandinavia: Belgium, and the Netherlands. On June 17, 1940, German troops occupied __. Hitler now dominated nearly all of Europe as well as North __. In September 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan created a military alliance known as the __. For one critical year, Britain stood virtually __ in fighting Germany Winston Churchill, who became prime minister in 1940, vowed to resist a threatened Nazi ___. In the Battle of Britain of 1940-1941, German planes launched __ attacks on London and other cities. The Royal Air Force eventually turned back the __ assault. But Churchill pointedly called on the "new world, with all its power and might," to step forward to rescue the __.

Munich oppose communist nonaggression Poland unstoppable blitzkrieg Paris Africa Axis alone invasion devastating air old

Of 18.6 million German casualties in World War II 10 million came on the ___ front. They represented only part of the war's vast toll in human lives. Millions of Poles and at least 20 million Russians, probably many more, ___--not only soldiers but civilian victims of starvation, disease, and massacres by ___ soldiers. After his armies had penetrated eastern Europe in 1941, moreover Hitler embarked on the "final __" the mass extermination of "___" peoples - Slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, and, above all, Jews. By 1945, 6 million Jewish men, women, and children had died in Nazi death camps. What came to be called the ___ was the horrifying culmination of the Nazi belief that Germans constituted a "master race" destined to rule the world.

Russian perished German solution undesirable Holocaust

As the 1930s progressed, Roosevelt became more and more alarmed at Hitler's ___ as well as his accelerating campaign against Germany's Jews, whom the Nazis stripped of ___ and property and began to deport to concentration camps. In a 1937 speech in Chicago, FDR called for international action to "___" aggressors. But no further steps followed. Roosevelt had little choice but to follow the policy of "___" adopted by Britain and France, who hoped that agreeing to Hitler's demands would prevent war. British prime minister ___ ___ returned from the Munich conference of 1988, which awarded Hitler the Sudetenland, proclaiming that he had guaranteed "___ in our time."

aggression citizenship quarantine appeasement Neville Chamberlain peace

The unprecedented ___ to freedom as the defining characteristic of American life had implications that went far beyond wartime ___. World War II reshaped Americans' ___ of themselves as a people. The struggle against Nazi tyranny and its theory of a master race ___ ethnic and racial inequality. Originally promoted by religious and ethnic ___ in the 1920s and the Popular Front in the 1980s, pluralist vision of American society now became part of official rhetoric What set the United States apart from its wartime foes the government insisted was not only ___ to the ideals of the Four Freedoms but also the principle that Americans of all races religions, and national origins could enjoy those freedoms ___. ___was the enemy's philosophy, Americanism sted on toleration of diversity and equality for all. By the end of the war, the new ___ groups had been fully accepted as loyal ethnic Americans, rather than members of distinct and inferior "races." And the __ between the principle of equal freedom and the actual status of blacks had come to the forefront of national life.

attention mobilization understanding discredited minorities dedication equally Racism immigrant contradiction

"We as a nation," proclaimed one magazine article, "must change our basic ___ toward the work of women." But change proved diffcult. The government, emplovers and unions depicted work as a temporary ___, not an expansion of women's freedom. ___ assured women laboring in factories that they, too were "fighting for freedom. But their language spoke of sacrifice and military victorv. not rights, independence, or self-determination. One union publication even declared There should be a law requiring the women who have taken over men's jobs to be ___ off after the war." When the war ended, most female war workers, especially those in better-paying industrial emplovment, did indeed lose their jobs. Despite the upsurge in the number of ___ women, the advertisers "world of tomorrow rested on a vision of family-centered prosperits Like Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms paintings, these wartime discussions of freedom simultaneously looked forward to a day of ___ abundance and back to a time when the family stood as the bedrock of society. The "American way of life" celebrated during the war centered on the woman with a husband to meet every night at the door," and a home stocked with ___ appliances and consumer goods Advertisements portrayed __ women dreaming of their boyfriends in the army and emphasized that with the proper makeup women could labor in a factory and remain attractive to men. Men in the army seem to have assumed that they would return home to resume traditional family life In one wartime radio program. a young man described his goal for ____: Havin' a home and some kids, and breathin' fresh air out in the suburbs hivin' and workin decent like free people!

attitude necessity Advertisements laid working material household working peacetime

When World War I began, the air force and marines had no ___ members. The army ___ the number of black enlistees and contained only five black officers, three of them chaplains. The navy accepted blacks only as waiters and cooks. During the war, more than 1 million blacks served in the __ forces. They did so in ___ units, largely confined to construction, transport, and other noncombat tasks. Many northern black ___ were sent to the South for military training, where they found themselves ___ from movie theaters and servicemen's clubs on military bases and abused when they ventured into local towns. Black soldiers sometimes had to give up their seats on railroad cars to ___ Nazi prisoners of war. "Nothing so lowers Negro morale," wrote the NAACP's magazine, The Crisis, "as the frequent preferential treatment of Axis prisoners of war in ___ with Army policy toward American troops who happen to be Negro."

black restricted armed segregated draftees excluded accommodate contrast

The government marketed war __ to the internees. It established a loyalty __ program, expecting Japanese-Americans to swear ___ to the government that had imprisoned them and to enlist in the army. Some young men __, and about 200 were sent to prison for resisting the draft. "Let us out and then maybe I'll think about risking my skin for the land of the free: " one of the resisters remarked. But 20,000 Japanese-Americans joined the armed ___ from the camps, along with another 18,000 from Hawaii ___ abounded in the wartime experiences of Japanese-Americans. In 1944, Sono Isato danced the role of an American beauty queen in the musical On the Town on Broadway, and her brother fought for the U.S. Army in the Pacific theater, while the government interned their father because he had been born in ___. A long campaign for acknowledgment of the __ done to Japanese-Americans followed the end of the war In 1988, Congress apologized for interment and provided $___ in compensation to each surviving Victim. President Bill Clinton subsequently awarded Fred Korematsu the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

bonds oath allegiance refused forces Contradictions Japan injustice 20,000

In 1940, breaking with a tradition that dated back to George Washington, Roosevelt announced his ___ for a third term as president. The international __ was too dangerous and domestic recovery too fragile, he insisted, for him to leave office. Republicans chose as his opponent a political amateur Wall Street businessman and lawyer __ __. Differences between the candidates were far more __ than in 1986. Both supported the law, enacted in September 1940 that established the nation's first ___ draft. Wilkie endorsed New Deal ___ legislation. He captured more votes than Roosevelt's previous opponents, but FDR still emerged with a ___ victory. Soon after his victory, in a fireside chat in December 1940, Roosevelt announced that the United States would become the "great arsenal of ___," providing Britain and China with military supplies in their fight against Germany and Japan. During 1941, the United States became more and more closely __ with those fighting Germany and Japan. But with Britain virtually ___, it could no longer pay for supplies. At Roosevelt's urging, Congress passed the ___ Act, which authorized military aid so long as countries promised somehow to __ it all after the war. Under the law's provisions, the United States funneled billions of dollars' worth of arms to Britain and China, as well as the Soviet Union, after Hitler renounced his ___ pact and invaded that country in June 1941. FDR also froze Japanese __ in the United States, halting virtually all trade between the countries, including the sale of oil vital to Japan.

candidacy situation Wendell Willkie muted peacetime social decisive democracy allied bankrupt Lend-Lease return non aggression assets

The relationship between the federal govemment and big business ___ dramatically from the days of the Second New Deal. "If you are going to go to war in a capitalist country," observed Secretary of War Henry Stimson, "you had better let ___ make money out of the process." As corporate executives flooded into federal agencies concerned with war production, Roosevelt offered ___ to spur production-low-interest loans, tax concessions, and contracts with guaranteed profits. The great bulk of federal ___ went to the largest corporations, furthering the long-term trend toward economic __. By the end of the war, the 200 biggest industrial companies accounted for almost half of all corporate ___ in the United States Americans marveled at the achievements of wartime manufacturing Thousands of aircraft, 100,000 armored vehicles, and 2 5 million trucks rolled off American assembly lines, and entirely new products like synthetic rubber replaced __ resources now controlled by Japan. Government-sponsored ___ research perfected inventions like radar, jet engines, and early computers that helped to win the war and would have a large impact on postwar life. These accomplishments not only made it possible to win a two-front war but also helped to restore the ___ of business and businessmen, which had reached a low point during the Depression.

changed business incentives spending concentration assets natural scientific reputation

During the war, a broad political ___ centered on the left but reaching well beyond it called for an end to racial inequality in America. The NAACP and American Jewish Congress cooperated closely in ___ laws to ban discrimination in employment and housing Despite considerable resistance from rank-and-file white workers, CIO unions, especially those with strong left-liberal and communist influence, made significant efforts to ___ black workers and win them access to skilled positions AFL craft unions by and large continued their long tradition of excluding black workers. But during World War I, the CIO was probably more racially ___ than any labor organization since the Knights of Labor in the 1880s. As blacks demanded an end to segregation, southern politicians took up the cry of protecting white ___. The latter also spoke the language of freedom. Defenders of the racial status quo interpreted ___ to mean the right to shape their region's institutions without outside interference. The "war ___" insisted Governor Frank Dixon of Alabama, "should not be used as a pretext to bring about the abolition of the color line" Even as the war gave birth to the modern civil rights movement, it also planted the seeds for the South's "massive ___" to desegregation during the 1950s. In the rest of the country, however, the status of black

coalition advocating organize integrated supremacy freedom emergency resistance

During the 1980s, with Americans preoccupied by the economic ___, international relations played only a minor role in public affairs. From the outset of his administration, nonetheless, FDR embarked on a number of ___ in foreign policy. In 1938, hoping to stimulate American trade, he exchanged ambassadors with the ___ __, whose government his Republican predecessors had stubbornly refused to recognize. Roosevelt also formalized a policy initiated by Herbert Hoover by which the United States repudiated the right to intervene militarily in the internal affairs of ___ __ countries. This Good Neighbor Policy, as it was called, had mixed results. During the 1930s, the United States ___ its troops from Haiti and Nicaragua. FDR accepted Cuba's repeal of the ___ Amendment, which had authorized American military interventions on that island. These steps offered freedom of Warship a belated recognition of the ___ of America's neighbors. But while Roosevelt condemned "economic royalists" (wealthy businessmen) at home, like previous presidents he felt comfortable dealing with undemocratic governments friendly to American business ___ abroad The United States lent its support to ___ like Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua, Rafael Trujillo Molina in the Dominican Republic, and Fulgencio Batista in Cuba. "He may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch." FDR said of Somoza.

crisis departures Soviet Union Latin American withdrew Platt sovereignty interests dictators

The dropping of the atomic bombs was the logical ___ of the way World War Il had been fought. All wars inflict __ on noncombatants. But never before had civilian populations been so ruthlessly targeted. Military personnel represented 90 percent of those who died in World War I. But of the estimated 50 million persons who ___ during World War II (including 400,000 American soldiers), perhaps 20 million were civilians. Germany had killed millions of members of "___ races" It had repeatedly bombed London and other cities. The Allies carried out even more deadly air ___ on civilian populations Early in 1945, the ___ of Dresden killed some 100,000 people, mostly women, children, and elderly men On March 9, nearly the same number died in an inferno caused by the Bombing of Tokyo. Four years of war ___ had dehumanized the Japanese in Americans eyes, and few persons criticized Truman's decision in 1945. But public doubts began to surface, especially after John Hersey published Hiroshima (1946), a graphic account of the horrors suffered by the ___ population. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who thought the use of the bomb unnecessary, later wrote, "I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon."

culmination suffering perished inferior assaults firebombing propaganda civilian

However, as the international crisis ___ in the 1980s, the Roosevelt administration took steps to counter ___ influence in Latin America by expanding hemispheric trade and promoting respect for American culture. ___ ___, the head of an office that hoped to expand cultural relations in the hemisphere, sent the artists of the American Ballet Caravan and the NBC Symphony Orchestra on Latin American ___. This was a far different approach to relations with Central and South America than the military interventions of the first decades of the ___.

deepened German Nelson Rockefeller tours century

The idea of an American mission to spread ___ and freedom goes back to the Revolution. But traditionally, it had envisioned the country as an example, not an ___ agent imposing the American model throughout the globe Luce's essay anticipated important aspects of the ___ world. But its bombastic rhetoric and a title easily interpreted as a call for an American ___ aroused immediate opposition among liberals and the left. Henry Wallace offered their response in The Price of Free World Victory" an address delivered in May 1942 to the Free World Association. Wallace, secretary of ___ during the 1980s and one of the more liberal New Dealers, had replaced Vice President John Nance ___ as Roosevelt's running mate in 1940. In contrast to Luce's American Century a world of business dominance no less than of American power, Wallace predicted that the war would usher in a "century of the ___ man" The march of freedom," said Wallace, would continue in the __ world. That world, however, would be marked by international ___, not any single powers rule.

democracy active postwar imperialism agriculture Garner common postwar cooperation

Ominous ___ in Asia and Europe quickly overshadowed events in Latin America. By the mid-1930s, it seemed clear that the rule of law was disintegrating in international relations and that war was on the ___. In 1931, seeking to expand its military and economic power in Asia, Japan invaded ___, a province of northern China. Six years later, its troops moved farther into China. When the Japanese overran the city of ___, they massacred an estimated 800,000 Chinese prisoners of war and civilians.

developments horizon Manchuria Nanjing

Horrified by the uses to which the Nazis put the idea of inborn racial ___, biological and social scientists abandoned belief in a link among race, culture, and intelligence, an idea only recently ___ to their disciplines. Ruth Benedict's Races and Racism (1942) described racism as a travesty of ___ knowledge" In the same year, Ashley Montagu's Man's Most Dangerous Much: The Fallacy of Race became a ___ By the war's end, racism and nativism had been stripped of intellectual ___ at least outside the South, and were viewed as psychological disorders. Hollywood too did its part, portraying ___ units whose members, representing various regional, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, put aside group loyalties and prejudices for the common cause. Air Force featured a ___ crew that included an Anglo-Saxon offcer, a Jewish sergeant, and a Polish-American gunner. In the film ___, the ethnically balanced platoon included a black soldier, even though the real army was racially segregated. The war's most popular motion picture. ___ __ __ __, starring, among others, future president Ronald Reagan, offered a vision of postwar society that celebrated the ethnic diversity of the American people.

difference central scientific best-seller respectability fighting bomber Bataan This Is the Army

The internees were subjected to a quasi-military ___ in the camps. Living in former horse stables, makeshift shacks, or barracks behind barbed wire fences, they were ___ for roll call at 6:45 each morning and ate their meals (which rarely included the Japanese cooking to which they were accustomed) in giant mess halls. Armed ___ patrolled the camps, and searchlights shone all night. __ was difficult to come by, and medical facilities were often nonexistent. Nonetheless, the internees did their best to create an ___ of home, decorating their accommodations with pictures, flowers, and curtains, planting vegetable gardens, and setting up activities like sports clubs and art classes for themselves. Interment revealed how easily war can undermine basic ____.

discipline awakened guards Privacy atmosphere freedoms

Even as Congress moved to ___ parts of the New Deal liberal Democrats and their left-wing allies unveiled plans for a postwar economic policy that would allow all Americans to enjoy ___ from want. In 1942 and 1948, the reports of the National Resources Planning Board (NRPB) offered a blueprint for a peacetime ___ based on full employment, an expanded welfare stare, and a widely shared American standard of living Economic ___ and full employment were the board's watchwords. It called for a new bill of rights that would include all Americans in an ___ Social Security system and guarantee ___ to education, health care, adequate housing, and jobs for able-bodied adults. The NRPB's plan for a "full-___ economy" with a "fair distribution of ___," said The Nation, embodied the way of life of free men.

dismantle freedom economy security expanded access employment income

Governments acting to "___ capitalism and redistribute economic resources would eliminate hunger, illiteracy, and poverty." Luce and Wallace both spoke thè language of freedom. Luce offered a confident vision of worldwide free ___, while Wallace anticipated a global __ __. But they had one thing in common-a new conception of America's role in the world, tied to continued ___ involvement, the promise of ___ abundance, and the idea that the American experience should serve as a ___ for all other nations. Neither took into account the ideas that other countries might have ___ as to how to proceed once the war had ended.

humanize enterprise New Deal international economic model developed

Previous conflicts, including the Mexican War and World War I, had deeply ___ American society. In contrast, World War II came to be remembered as the Good War a time of national ___ in pursuit of indisputably noble goals. But all wars require the ___ of patriotic public opinion. By 1940, "To sell goods, we must sell words had become a motto of advertisers. Foremost among the words that helped to "sell" World War II was "___". Talk of Freedom pervaded wartime America. To Roosevelt, the Four Freedoms expressed deeply held American __ worthy of being spread worldwide Freedom from fear meant nor only a longing for __ but also a more general desire for security in a world that appeared to be out of control Freedom of speech and religion scarcely required detailed ___. But their prominent place among the Four Freedoms accelerated the process by which __ Amendment protections of free expression moved to the center of Americans definition of liberty. In 1941, the administration celebrated with considerable fanfare the ___th anniversary of the Bill of Rights the first ten amendments to the Constitution FDR described their protections against tyrannical government as defining characteristics of American life, central to the rights of "free men and free women. In 1948, the Supreme Court ___ a 1940 ruling and on First Amendment grounds upheld the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to refuse to salute the American flag in public schools. The decision stood in sharp ___ to the coercive patriotism of World War I, and it affirmed the sanctity of individual conscience as a bedrock of freedom, even in times of crisis The justices contrasted the American system of constitutional protection for unpopular ___ with Nazi tyranny.

divided unity mobilization freedom values peace explanation First 150 reversed contrast minorities

By the end of World War Il, some 50 million American men had registered for the __ and 10 million had been inducted into the military. The army exemplified how the war __ American society in new ways. Military service threw together Americans from every region and walk of life, and almost every racial and ethnic ___(African-Americans continued to serve in segregated units). It brought into contact young men who would never have ___ each other in peacetime. Many were the children of ___ who now emerged from urban ethnic communities to fight alongside Americans from rural regions with very different cultures and outlooks. The federal government ended ___ enlistment in 1942, relying entirely on the draft for manpower. This ensured that wartime sacrifice was widely shared throughout American ___. By contrast, in the decades following the Vietnam War, the armed forces have been composed entirely of __ and the military includes very few men and women from middle- and upper-class backgrounds. World War II also transformed the role of the national ___. FDR created federal __ like the War Production Board, the War Manpower Commission, and the Office of Price Administration to regulate the allocation of labor, control the shipping industry, establish manufacturing quotas, and fix wages, prices, and rents. The number of __ workers rose from 1 million to 4 million, part of a tremendous growth in new jobs that pushed the unemployment rate down from 14 percent in 1940 to 2 percent three years later.

draft united background encountered immigrants voluntary society volunteers government agencies federal

The crucial fighting in Europe, however, took place on the ___ front, the scene of an epic struggle between Germany and the Soviet Union. More than 8 million German soldiers took part in the 1941 ___. After sweeping through western Russia, German armies in August 1942 launched a siege of ___, a city located deep inside Russia on the Volga River. This proved to be a ___ mistake. Bolstered by an ___ of military supplies from the US, the Russians surrounded the German troops and forced them to ____. Some 800,000 Germans and 1.2 million Russians ___ in the fighting The German surrender at Stalingrad in January 1948 marked the __ point of the European war Combined with a Russian victory at ___ six months later in the greatest tank battle in history, the campaign in the east devastated Hitler's forces and sent surviving units on a long retreat back toward ___.

eastern invasion Stalingrad catastrophic influx surrender perished turning Kursk Germany

Britain also resisted, unsuccessfully, American ___ to reshape and dominate the postwar economic order. A meeting of representatives of forty-five nations at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in July 1944 replaced the British pound with the ___ as the main currency for international transactions. During the 1980s, as noted in the previous chapter, FDR had taken the United States off the gold standard, allowing the government to issue ___ money in the hope of stimulating business activity. The ___ __ conference reestablished the link between the dollar and gold. It set the dollar's value at $85 per ounce of gold and gave other currencies a fixed relationship to the dollar. The conference also created two American-dominated financial ___. The World Bank would provide money to developing countries and to help ___ Europe. The International Monetary Fund would work to prevent govemments from devaluing their ___ to gain an advantage in interational trade, as many had done during the Depression.

efforts dollar more Breton Woods institutions rebuild currencies

Those who believed that the United States must intervene to stem the rising tide of __ tried to awaken a reluctant country to prepare for war. ___ popularized slogans that would become central to wartime mobilization. In June 1941, ___ from Germany and the occupied countries of Europe joined with Americans to form the __ __ __, which sought to bring the United States into the war against Hitler. The same year saw the formation of __ __. With a prestigious membership that included university presidents, ministers, businessmen. and labor leaders, Freedom House described the war raging in Europe as an ideological ___ between dictatorship and the "free world." In October 1941 it sponsored a "__ for Freedom" rally at New York's Madison Square Garden, complete with a patriotic variety show entitled "It's ___ to Be Free" The rally ended by demanding an immediate declaration of war against Germany.

fascism Interventionists refugees Free World Association Freedom House struggle Fight Fun

Because of the enormous cost in civilian lives-more than twice America's military ___ in the entire Pacific war the use of the bomb remains controversial. The Japanese had fought ___ while being driven from one Pacific island after another. An American invasion of Japan, some advisers warned Truman, might cost as many as 250,000 American lives. No such invasion was ___, however, until the following year, and considerable evidence had accumulated that Japan was nearing surrender. Already some of its officials had communicated a willingness to end the war if Emperor ___ could remain on his throne. This fell short of the Allies demand for "unconditional surrender; but the victors would, in the end, agree to Hirohito's survival Japan's ___ had been crippled and its fleet destroyed, and it would now have to fight the Soviet Union as well as the United States. Some of the scientists who had worked on the bomb urged Truman to demonstrate its power to ___ observers But Truman did not hesitate The bomb was a weapon, he reasoned, and ___ are created to be used

fatalities ferociously planned Hirohito economy international weapons

Although the details took many years to emerge, Bretton Woods created the ___ for the postwar capitalist economic system, based on a freer international flow of goods and investment and a recognition of the United States as the world's financial leader Determined to avoid a recurrence of the Great Depression, American leaders believed that the removal of ___ to free trade would encourage the growth of the world economy an emphasis that remains central to American foreign policy to this day.

framework barriers

Roosevelt viewed Hitler as a mad __ whose victories posed a direct threat to the United States. But most Americans remained desperate to remain __ of the conflict. "What worries me, especially," FDR wrote to Kansas editor William Allen White, "is that public opinion over here is patting itself on the back every morning and thanking God for the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. After a tumultuous debate, Congress in 1940 agreed to allow the sale of __ to Britain on a "cash and carry" basis- that is, they had to be paid for in __ and transported in British ships. It also approved plans for military __. But with a presidential election looming, Roosevelt was __ to go further. Opponents of involvement in Europe organized the __ ___ __ with hundreds of thousands of members and a leadership that included such well-known figures as Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, and Charles A. Lindbergh.

gangster out arms cash rearmament reluctant America First Committee

The government built housing for war workers and forced civilian __ to retool for war production. Michigan's __ factories now turned out trucks, tanks, and jeeps for the army. By 1941, American factories produced a __ every day and a ___ every five minutes. The gross national product rose from $9 billion to $21+ billion during the war and the federal government's __ amounted to twice the combined total of the previous 150 years. The government ___ billions of dollars worth of war bonds, increased taxes, and began the practice of ___ income tax directly from weekly paychecks. Before the war, only the 4 million __ Americans paid income taxes; by 1945, more than 70 million did so. The government, one historian writes, moved during the war from "class taxation" to __ taxation."

industries auto ship plane expenditures marketed withholding wealthiest mass

World War II gave the country a new and lasting ___ role and greatly strengthened the idea that American ____ was global in scope and could only be protected by the worldwide triumph of core American values. Government military spending sparked the economic ___ of the South and West, laying the foundation for the rise of the modern Sunbelt. The war created a close link between big business and a militarized federal government-a "military-___ complex," as President Dwight D. Eisenhower would later call it- that long survived the end of fighting. World War II also redrew the boundaries of American ___. In contrast to World War I, the government recognized the "new immigrants" of the early twentieth century and their children as loyal Americans. Black Americans ___-class status assumed, for the first time since Reconstruction, a prominent place on the nation's political agenda But toleration had its limits. With the United States at war with Japan, the federal government removed more than 110,000 ___-Americans, the majority of them American citizens, from their homes and placed them in internment camps.

international security development industrial nationality second Japanese

Essentially an ___ agency, the FEPC lacked enforcement powers. But its very existence marked a significant shift in public policy. Its hearings exposed patterns of racial ___ so ingrained that firms at first freely admitted that their want ads asked for "colored" applicants for positions as porters and janitors and "white" ones for ___ jobs, and that they allowed black ___ to work only as laundresses and cooks. The first federal agency since Reconstruction to campaign for equal ___ for black Americans, the FEPC played an important role in obtaining jobs for black workers in industrial plants and shipyards. In southern California, the aircraft manufacturer ___ ran special buses into black neighborhoods to bring workers to its plants. By 1944, more than 1 million blacks, 800 000 of them women, held manufacturing jobs. ("My sister always said that Hitler was the one that got us out of the white folks kitchen," recalled one black woman.)

investigative exclusion skilled women opportunity Lockheed

Unlike many of his disciples, Hayek was not a doctrinaire advocate of ___ His book endorsed measures that later conservatives would denounce as forms of ___-minimum wage and maximum hours laws, antitrust enforcement, and a social safety net guaranteeing all citizens a basic ___ of food, shelter, and clothing Hayek, moreover, criticized traditional conservatives for ___ for social hierarchy and authoritarian government. "I am not a conservative," he would later write. But by ___ fascism, socialism, and the New Deal and by identifying economic planning with a loss of freedom, he helped lay the foundation for the rise of modern conservatism and a revival of laissez-faire economic thought. As the war drew to a close, the stage was set for a renewed ___ over the government's proper role in society and the economy, and the social conditions of American freedom.

laissez-faire. socialism minimum fondness equating battle

Thousands ___ on the ensuing "death march" to a prisoner-of-war camp, and thousands more died of disease and starvation after they ___. At the same time. German ___ sank hundreds of Allied merchant and naval vessels during the Battle of the Atlantic. Soon, however, the tide of battle began to __. In May 1942, in the Battle of the ___ __, the American navy turned back a Japanese fleet intent on attacking Australia The following month, it inflicted devastating ___ on the Japanese navy in the Battle of Midway Island. American ___ had managed to decipher the Japanese communications code, so the navy was forewarned about the timing of the assault at Midway and prepared an ambush for the attacking __. In the battle, four Japanese aircraft ___, along with other vessels, were destroyed. ___ was the turning point of the Pacific naval war. The victories there and in the Coral Sea allowed American forces to launch the bloody campaigns that one by one ___ the Japanese from fortified islands like Guadalcanal and the Solomons in the western Pacific and brought American troops ever ___ to Japan.

perished arrived submarines Coral Sea losses codebreakers fleet carriers Midway drove closer

Americans assumed a place at the forefront of enlightened ___. Far more than in the 1980s, federal officials spoke openly of the need for a dramatic change in race ___. American democracy, noted Secretary of War Stimson, had not yet addressed "the persistent legacy of the original crime of slavery." Progress came slowly. But the National War Labor Board banned racial wage differentials. In ___ v. ___ (1944), the Supreme Court outlawed all-white primaries, one of the mechanisms by which southern states deprived blacks of political ___. In the same year, the navy began ___ small numbers of black sailors to previously all-white ships. In the final months of the war, it ended ___ altogether, and the army established a few combat units that included black and white soldiers. After a world tour in 1942 to rally support for the Allies, Wendell Willkie, Roosevelt's opponent of 1940 published __ __. It sold 1 million copies, faster than any nonfiction work in American history. Willkie's travels persuaded him that Asia, Africa, and Latin America would play a ___ role in the postwar era. But the book's great surprise came in Willkie's attack on "our imperialisms at home" Unless the United States addressed the mocking ___ of racism, he insisted, its claim to world leadership would lack moral authority. "If we want to talk about freedom," Willkie Wrote, "we must mean freedom for everyone inside our frontiers

liberalism relations Smith v. Alright rights assigning segregation One World pivotal paradox

The reports continued a shift in ___' outlook that dater from the late 1980s. Rather than seeking to ___ the institutions of capitalism, liberals would henceforth rely On government spending to ___ full employment, social welfare, and mass consumption, while leaving the operation of the ___ in private hands. The reports appeared to reflect the views of British economist John Maynard ___, who, as noted in the previous chapter, had identified government spending as the best way to promote economic ___, even if it caused budget deficits. The war had, in effect, ended the Depression by implementing a ___ version of Keynesianism. In calling for massive spending on job creation and public works-urban redevelopment, rural electrification, an overhaul of the transportation system, and the like-the NRPB proposed the ___ of Keynesian spending in peacetime. But this went so far beyond what Congress was willing to support that it eliminated the NRPB's funding.

liberals reform secure economy Keynes growth military continuation

Rockwell's paintings succeeded in ___ the Four Freedoms with the defense of traditional American values "Words like freedom or liberty," declared one wartime advertisement, "draw close to us only when we break them down into the homely fragments of ___ life." This insight helps to explain Rockwell's astonishing popularity. Born in New York City in 1894, Rockwell had lived in the New York area until 1989, when he and his family moved to Arlington, Vermont, where they could enjoy, as he put it, "the clean, simple ___ life, as opposed to the complicated world of the city" Drawing on the lives of his Vermont neighbors, Rockwell translated the Four Freedoms into images of real people situated in ___ America. Each of the paintings focuses on an instantly ___ situation. An ordinary citizen rises to speak at a town meeting; members of different religious groups are seen at prayer; a family enjoys a Thanksgiving dinner; a mother and father stand over a sleeping child. The Four Freedoms paintings first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post early in 1948. Letters of praise poured in to the magazine's ___. The government produced and sold millions of ___. The paintings toured the country as the centerpiece of the Four Freedoms Show, which included theatrical presentations, parades, and other events aimed at persuading Americans to purchase war ___. By the end of its tour, the Four Freedoms Show had raised $188 million.

linking daily country small-town recognizable editors reprints bonds

Among other things, World War II created a vast ___ pot, especially for European immigrants and their children. Millions of Americans moved out of urban ___ neighborhoods and isolated rural enclaves into the army and industrial plants where they came into contact with people of very different ___. What one historian has called their patriotic __ differed sharply from the forced Americanization of World War I While the Wilson administration had established Anglo-Saxon culture as a national ___, Roosevelt promoted pluralism as the only source of harmony in a ___ society. The American way of life, wrote the novelist Pearl Buck in an OW pamphlet, rested on ___-the principle that persons of many lands can live together and if they believe in freedom they can become a ___ people. Government and private agencies eagerly promoted ___ as the definition of Americanism and a counterpoint to Nazism. Officials rewrote history to establish racial and ethnic __ as the American way. To be an American, FDR declared, had always been a "matter of mind and heart" and "never a matter of race or ancestry"- a statement more effective in mobilizing support for the war than in accurately describing the nation's past. Mindful of the intolerance spawned by World War I, the OW highlighted nearly every group's ___ to American life and celebrated the strength of a people united in respect for diversity One OW pamphlet described ___ as a foreign import rather than a homegrown product and declared bigots more dangerous than spies they were "fighting for the enemy

melting ethnic backgrounds assimilation norm diverse brotherhood united equality tolerance contributions prejudice

Despite the gains produced by labor ___ during the 1930s, unions only became firmly established in many sectors of the economy during World War II. By 1945, union membership stood at nearly 15 million, ___ of the non-farm labor force and the highest proportion in American history. But if __ became a partner in government, it was very much a junior partner. The decline of the __ __, already evident in the late 1980s, proceeded during the war Congress continued to be dominated by a ___ alliance of Republicans and southern Democrats. They left __ core New Deal programs like Social Security but eliminated agencies thought to be controlled by ___, including the Civilian Conservation Corps, National Youth Administration, and Works Progress Administration. Congress rejected Roosevelt's call for a ___ on personal incomes and set taxes on ___ profits at a level far lower than FDR requested. Despite the "no-strike" pledge, 1943 and 1944 witnessed numerous brief ___ in which workers protested the increasing ___ of assembly-line production and the ___ between wages frozen by government order and expanding corporate profits

militancy 1/3 labor New Deal conservative intact leftists cap corporate walkouts speed disparity

During the war, Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian ___ leader, wrote to Roosevelt that the idea "that the Allies are fighting to make the world safe for ___ of the individual and for democracy seems hollow, so long as India, and for that matter, Africa, are ___ by Great Britain, and America has the Negro problem in her own home" Allied victory saved mankind from a living nightmare-_a worldwide system of __ rule and slave labor in which peoples deemed inferior suffered the fate of European Jews and the victims of Japanese outrages in Asia. But disputes over the freedom of colonial peoples overseas and non-whites in the United States foretold wars and social ___ to come.

nationalist freedom exploited dictatorial upheavals

World War I has been called a "gross national product" war, meaning that its outcome turned on which coalition of combatants could ___ the other. In retrospect, it appears inevitable that the entry of the United States, with its superior industrial might, would ensure the ___ of the Axis powers. But the first few months of American involvement witnèssed an unbroken string of ___. Having earlier occupied substantial portions of ___ ___(now Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), Japan in early 1942 ___ Burma (Myanmar) and Siam (Thailand). Japan also took control of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), whose extensive ___ fièlds could replace supplies from the United States. And it occupied Guam, the Philippines and other Pacific islands. At Bataan, in the Philippines, the Japanese forced 78,000 American and Filipino troops to lay down their arms--the largest ___ in American military history

outproduce defeat disasters French Indochina conquered oil surrender

Through these gatherings, Du Bois, Robeson, and others developed an outlook that linked the ___ of black Americans with that of people of color worldwide. Racism, they came to believe, originated not in irrational __ but in the slave trade and slavery. In the modern age, it was perpetuated by ___. Thus, freeing Africa from colonial rule would encourage greater equality at home. World War II ___ among African-Americans an even greater awareness of the links between racism in the United States and colonialism abroad In 1942, the Pittsburgh Courier, a major black newspaper, began publishing regular columns on events in ___(where the British had imprisoned leaders of the movement for national independence) and China. In the same year Robeson founded the Council on African Affairs, which tried to place colonial ___ at the top of the black American agenda

plight hatred colonialism stimulated India liberation

The failure of the Full Employment Bill confirmed the ___ stalemate that had begun with the elections of 1988. It also revealed the renewed intellectual ___ of fears that economic planning represented a threat to liberty. When the New Republic spoke of full employment as the "road to freedom," it subtly acknowledged the impact of The Road to ___ (1944), a surprise best-seller by Friedrich A. Hayek, a previously obscure Austrian-born economist. Havek claimed that even the best-intentioned government efforts to direct the economy posed a __ to individual liberty. He offered a simple message-"Planning leads to dictatorship. Coming at a time when the miracles of war production had reinvigorated belief in the virtues of capitalism, and with the confrontation with Nazism highlighting the danger of merging economic and political power Hayek offered a new intellectual ___ for opponents of active govemment. In a complex economy, he insisted, no single person or group of experts could possibly ___ enough knowledge to direct economic activity intelligently. A free market, he wrote, ___ the fragmented and partial knowledge scattered throughout sociery far more effectively than a planned economv

political respectability Serfdom threat justification possess mobilizes

Even as the war raged, a series of meetings between Allied leaders formulated plans for the ___ world. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met at Tehran, __ in 1948, and at Yalta in the southern Soviet Union, early in 1945, to hammer out agreements. The final "Big ___" conference took place at Potsdam, near Berlin in July 1945 It involved Stalin, Truman, and Churchill (replaced midway in the talks by Clement Attlee who became prime minister when his Labour Party swept the British elections). At the Potsdam conference, the Allied leaders established a ___ administration for Germany and agreed to place top Nazi leaders on trial for war crimes. Relations among the three Allies were often ___, as each maneuvered to maximize its postwar power Neither Britain nor the United States trusted Stalin. The delay in the Allied invasion of ___ until 1944 which left the Soviets to do the bulk of the fighting against Germany, angered the Russians. But since Stalin's troops had won the war on the eastern front, it was difficult to resist his demand that eastern Europe become a Soviet sphere of ___(a region whose governments can be counted on to do a great power's bidding).

postwar Iran Three military uneasy France influence

After Congress curtailed the OW the selling of America" became overwhelmingly a ___ affair. Under the watchful eye of the War Advertising Council, ___ companies joined in the campaign to promote wartime patriotism, while positioning themselves and their brand names for the postwar world. Alongside advertisements urging Americans to purchase war __, guard against revealing military secrets, and grow victory gardens" to allow food to be sent to the army, the war witnessed a burst of messages marketing advertisers definition of ___. Without directly criticizing Roosevelt, they repeatedly suggested that he had overlooked a ___ freedom. The National Association of Manufacturers and individual companies bombarded Americans with press releases, radio programs, and advertisements attributing the amazing fears of wartime production to "free ___". Americans on the home front enjoyed a prosperity many could scarcely remember. Despite the ___ of scarce consumer items like coffee, meat, and gasoline, consumers found more goods available in 1944 than when the war began. With the memory of the ___ still very much alive, businessmen predicted a postwar world filled with consumer goods, with freedom of ___ among abundant possibilities assured if only private enterprise were liberated from government controls. One advertisement for Royal typewriters entitled "What This War Is All ___," explained that victory would hasten the day when you can once more walk into any store in the land and buy anything you want." Certainly ___ suggested, the war did not imply any alteration in American institutions. "I'm fighting for freedom.," said a soldier in an ad by the Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. "So don't anybody tell me I'll find America changed."

private private bonds freedom fifth enterprise rationing Depression choice About ads

At the Yalta conference, Roosevelt and Churchill entered only a mild ___ against Soviet plans to retain control of the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and a large part of eastern Poland, in effect restoring Russia's pre-World War I western borders. Stalin agreed to enter the war against ___ later in 1945, to include noncommunists in the pro-Soviet government of Poland, and to allow "free and unfettered __" there But he was intent on establishing communism in eastern Europe. He believed, as he put it to Yugoslav communist leader Josip Broz ("Tito"), that in ___ war, "whoever occupies a territory also imposes his own social system Yalta saw the high-water mark of wartime American - Soviet ____. But it planted seeds of conflict, since the participants soon disagreed over the fate of eastem Europe. __ also existed between Britain and the United States. Churchill rejected American ___ to place India and other British colonies on the road to independence. He concluded private deals with Stalin to divide southern and eastem Europe into British and Soviet spheres of influence

protest Japan elections modern cooperation Tension pressure

Although the treatment of Japanese-Americans revealed the stubborn hold of ___ in American life, the wartime message of freedom portended a major ___ in the status of blacks. "There never has been, there isn't now, and there never will be," Roosevelt declared, "any race of people on the earth fit to serve as masters over their fellow men" Yet Nazi Germany cited American ___ as proof of its own race policies. Washington remained a rigidly segregated city, and the __ __ refused to mix blood from blacks and whites in its blood banks (thereby, critics charged, in effect accepting Nazi race theories) __ __ the black scientist who pioneered the techniques of storing and shipping blood plasma a development of immense importance to the treatment of wounded soldiers protested bitterly against this policy, pointing out that it had no scientific basis. In 1940 and 1941 even as Roosevelt called for ___ to the free peoples of Europe, ___ lynchings took place in the US. The war spurred a movement of black population from the rural South to the ___ of the North and West that dwarfed the Great Migration of World War I and the 1920s. In the ___ Great Migration, about 700,000 black migrants poured out of the South on what they called "liberty trains," seeking jobs in the industrial ___. They encountered sometimes violent hostility. In 1948 a fight at a Detroit city park spiraled into a race riot that left thirty-four persons dead, and a "hate strike" of 20,000 workers protested the upgrading of black employees in a plant ___ aircraft engines The war failed to end lynching. __ __, a black minister was murdered in 1944 for refusing to sell his land to a white man who believed it might contain oil. The criminals went unpunished. This took place in Liberty. Mississippi.

racism transformation practices Red Cross Charles Drew aid thirteen cities second heartland manufacturing Isaac Simmons

In the nineteenth century, black __ like David Walker and Martin Delany had sought to link the fate of African-Americans with that of peoples of African descent in other parts of the world, especially the Caribbean and Africa. In the first decades of the twentieth century, this kind of international ___ was reinvigorated. Garveyism was one example. Another was reflected in the five ___ Congresses that met between 1919 and 1945. Attended by black ___ from the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa, these gatherings denounced the ___ rule of Africa and sought to establish a sense of unity among all people in the African ___(a term used to describe the scattering of a people who share a single national, religious, or racial identity) At the home of George Padmore, a West Indian labor organizer and editor living in London, black American leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois and Paul Robeson came into contact with future leaders of African independence movements such as Jomo Kenyatta (Kenva) Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), and Nnamdi Azikiwe (Nigeria). "I discovered Africa in London" Robeson remarked

radicals consciousness Pan-African intellectuals colonial diaspora

World War II produced a radical ___ of world power Japan and Germany, the two dominant military powers in their regions before the war, were utterly defeated. Britain and France, though victorious, were substantially ___. Only the United States and the Soviet Union were able to project significant ___ beyond their national borders. Overall, however, the United States was clearly the dominant world power. "What Rome was to the ancient world" wrote the journalist Walter Lippmann, "America is to be to the world of tomorrow." But peace did not usher in an era of international ___. The soviet occupation of eastern Europe created a division soon to be solidified in the Cold War. The dropping of the atomic __ left a worldwide legacy of fear.

redistribution weakened influence harmony bombs

Although the bracero program ___ the status of immigrants from Mexico as an unskilled labor force wartime employment opened new ___ for second generation Mexican-Americans Hundreds of thousands of men and women emerged from ethnic neighborhoods or barrios to work in defense industries and serve in the army (where, unlike blacks, hey fought alongside whites) For Mexican-American ___ in particular the war afforded new opportunities for public participation and higher incomes. __ the Riveter took her place alongside Rosie in the West Coast's multiethnic war production factories. Government publications and newspaper accounts ___ their role as patriotic mothers who encouraged their sons to enlist in the army and offered moral support while they were away at war. A new "__" culture- a fusion of Mexican heritage and American experience- was being born. Contact with other groups led many to learn English and sparked a rise in __ marriages.

reinforced opportunities women Rosita celebrated Chicano interethnic

Federal funds ____ established manufacturing areas and created entirely new industrial centers. World War II saw the West Coast emerge as a focus of _____ production. The government invested billions of dollars in the ___ of Seattle, Portland and San Francisco and in the steel ___ and aircraft factories of southern California. By the wars end, ___ had received one-tenth of all federal spending, and Los Angeles had become the nation's second largest __ center Nearly 2 million Americans moved to California for jobs in ___-related industries, and millions more passed through for military training and embarkation to the Pacific war. In the South the ___ of rural out migration and government investment in military-related factories and shipyards hastened a shift from agricultural to ___ employment. During the war, southern per capita income ___ from 60 percent to 70 percent of the national average. But the South remained very ___ when the war ended. Much of its rural population still lived in small wooden ___ with no indoor plumbing The region had only two cities Houston and New Orleans-with populations exceeding ___. Despite the ___ of war production, the South's economy still relied on agriculture and extractive industries-mining, lumber, oil or manufacturing linked to ___, like the production of cotton textiles.

reinvigorated military-industrial shipyards plants CA manufacturing combination industrial rose poor shacks 500,000 expansion farming

Aimed at ___ members of the armed forces for their service and preventing the widespread unemployment and economic disruption that had followed World War I, it profoundly shaped ___ society. By 1946, more than 1 million veterans were attending ___ under its provisions, making up half of total college enrollment. Almost 4 million would receive home mortgages, spurring the postwar suburban ___ boom. During 1945, unions, civil rights organizations, and religious groups urged Congress to enact the ___ ___ Bill, which tried to do for the entire economy what the GI Bill promised veterans. The measure established a "___ to employment" for all Americans and required the federal government to increase its level of ___ to create enough jobs in case the economy failed to do so. The target of an intense business ___ campaign, the bill only passed in 1946 with the word "Full' removed from its title and after its commitment to ___ job creation had been eliminated. But as the war drew to a close, most Americans embraced the idea that the government must continue to play a major role in maintaining ___ and a high standard of living.

rewarding postwar college housing Full Employment right spending lobbying governmental employment

Surveying wartime public opinion, a political scientist concluded that "symbols of national ___" had very different meanings to white and black Americans. To blacks, freedom from fear meant, among other things, an end to lynching, and freedom from want included doing away with "___ in getting jobs" If, in whites eyes, freedom was a "possession to be __." he observed to blacks and other racial minorities it remained a "goal to be achieved." "Our fight for ___," said a returning black veteran of the Pacific war, "begins when we get to San Francisco."

solidarity discrimination defended freedom

Early in the war, the Allies also agreed to establish a ___ to the League of Nations. In a 1944 conference at Dumbarton Oaks, near Washington, DC, they developed the structure of the __ __ (UN). There would be a General Assembly essentially a forum for discussion where each member enjoyed an equal voice- and a Security Council responsible for maintaining world peace. Along with ten rotating members, the council would have five ___ ones-Britain, China, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States each with the power to veto resolutions. In June 1945, representatives of ___ countries met in San Francisco to adopt the UN Charter, which outlawed force or the threat of force as a means of settling international disputes. In July, the U.S. Senate ___ the charter. In contrast to the bitter dispute over membership in the League of Nations after World War I, only two members of the U.S. Senate voted ___ joining the UN. At the conclusion of the San Francisco conference that established the United Nations, President Truman urged Americans to recognize that "no matter how great our ___, we must deny ourselves the license to do always as we please. This is the price which each nation will have to pay for world peace-And what a reasonable price that is"

successor United Nations permanent fifty-one endorsed against strength

The prospect of an affluent future provided a point of ___ between New Dealers and conservatives, business and labor. And the promise of prosperity to some extent united two of the most celebrated ___ for the postwar world. One was ___ ___ __, publisher Henry Luce's 1941 effort to mobilize the American people both for the coming war and for an era of postwar world ___. Americans, Luce's book insisted, must embrace the role history had thrust upon them as the dominant ___ in the world." They must seize the opportunity to share with all peoples" their magnificent industrial products" and the great American ideals, "foremost among which stood love of freedom." After the war, American power and American values would underpin a previously unimaginable ___-"the abundant life Luce called it- produced by "free economic enterprise."

unity blueprints The American Century leadership power prosperity

When southern black ___ returned home and sought benefits through the Gl Bill, they encountered even more evidence of racial discrimination. On the surface, the GI Bill contained no racial ___ in offering benefits like health care, college tuition assistance, job training, and loans to start a business or purchase a farm. But local authorities who administered its provisions allowed southern black veterans to use its __ benefits only at segregated colleges, __ their job training to unskilled work and low-wage service jobs, and restricted loans for farm purchase to white veterans.

veterans differentiation education limited

During the war, the nation engaged in an unprecedented mobilization of "___" to fill industrial jobs vacated by men. OW publications encouraged women to go to work, Hollywood films ___ the independent woman, and private advertising celebrated the achievements of __ the Riveter, the female industrial laborer depicted as muscular and self-reliant in Norman Rockwell's famous magazine cover With 15 million men in the armed forces women in 1944 made up more than ___ of the civilian labor force, and 850,000 served in auxiliary military units. Even though most women workers still labored in clerical and service jobs, new ___ suddenly opened in industrial, professional, and government positions previously restricted to men. On the West Coast, one-third of the workers in aircraft manufacturing and shipbuilding were women. For the first time in history ___ women in their thirties outnumbered the young and single among female workers. Women forced __ like the United Auto Workers to confront issues like equal pay for equal work, maternity leave, and childcare facilities for working mothers, ___ companies sponsored swing bands and dances to boost worker morale and arranged dates between male and female workers. Having enjoyed what one wartime worker called "a taste of ___"-doing "men's" jobs for men's wages and, sometimes, engaging in sexual activity while unmarried- many women hoped to remain in the labor force once peace returned.

womanpower glorified Rosie one third opportunities married unions Defense freedom

The ___ suit riots of 1948, in which club-wielding sailors and policemen autacked Mexican-American youths wearing flamboyant clothing on the streets of Los Angeles, illustrated the limits of wartime ___. But the contrast between the war's rhetoric of freedom and pluralism and the reality of continued ___ inspired a heightened consciousness of civil rights. Mexican-Americans brought complaints of discrimination before the ___ __ ___ ___ (FEPC) to fight the practice in the Southwest of confining them to the lowest-paid work or paying them lower wages than white workers doing the same jobs. Perhaps half a million Mexican-American men and women served in the ___ forces. And with discrimination against Mexicans an increasing embarrassment in view of Roosevelt' Good Neighbor policy, Texas (the state with the largest population of Mexican descent in 1948 unanimously passed the oddly-named ___ ____ _____ _____ resolution. It stated that since "all the nations of the North and South American continents" were united in the struggle against Nazism, "all persons of the Caucasian race" were entitled to equal treatment in places of public accommodation. Since __ law had long defined Mexicans as white, the measure applied to them while not challenging the segregation of blacks. The resolution lacked an enforcement mechanism. Indeed, because of continued discrimination in Texas, the Mexican government for a time prohibited the state from receiving ___ under the bracero program.

zoot tolerance discrimination Fair Employment Practices Commission armed Caucasian Race Equal Privileges Texas laborers

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