APUSH Ch. 27

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the nation's most prominent leader of the crusade against domestic subversion was

Joseph McCarthy

The Economic Cooperation Administration was also known as the

Marshall Plan

the Korean War began when

North Korean forces invaded South Korea

The strikes by the United Mine Workers and the nation's railroads in 1946 were settled when

Truman either ordered or threatened government control

Post-WWII America exhibited all of the following economic characteristics except

a depression after the effects of wartime spending wore off

In the late 1940s, Truman managed to push through Congress all of the following Fair Deal legislation except

a national health insurance plan to provide medical care to the poor

The National Security Council report represented

a strengthening of America's containment to policy

After the end of WWII and the return of demobilized forces to the workforce, women

all of the answers below

The Korean War resulted in all of the following developments except

an increased confidence in America's position as a world power dedicated to stopping the spread of communism

On the issue of racial discrimination, Truman managed to

begin dismantling segregation within the armed forces

The Marshall Plan accomplished all of the following except

caused a few successful pro-western coups

In dealing with the Soviets during his first few months in office, President Truman

chastised the Soviets for violating the Yalta agreements

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 was supported by

conservative Republicans in Congress

During the struggle in China between nationalists and communists after WWII, the US

continued to support Chiang Kaishek with money and weapons even when it became clear his cause was lost

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, accused of transferring atomic secrets to the Soviets, were

convicted, sentenced to death, and executed, despite two years of appeals and public protests

the National Security Act of 1947 contained all of the following provisions except

creating the Atomic Energy Commission to oversee and speed atomic research

Above all other reasons, policy makes supported the Marshall Plan because they

feared that the shaky pro-American governments in western Europe might fall under communist control

In the election of 1948, Truman employed all of the following political tactics except

keeping a low profile once he gained a large lead in the polls

The Republican candidate, Dwight Eisenhower, won the presidential election of 1952 because much of the public

liked the geniality and statesmanlike quality of Eisenhower

One major purpose of the Taft-Hartley Act was to

limit the power of labor unions

The Marshall Plan adopted policies toward communist countries that

offered assistance to the Soviet Union and its easter European satellites, but they refused

In his crusade against domestic subversion, Joseph McCarthy used all of the following means except

producing conclusive evidence that several federal employees had communist ties

President Truman relieved Douglas MacArthur from command because MacArthur

publicity indicated his dissatisfaction with Truman's policy on Korea

The conviction of Alger Hiss resulted in all of the following developments except

repealing the statute of limitations for espionage so that Hiss could be tried

Truman's policy of "containment" called for the US to

support free people who were resisting communist expansion

The history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization involved all of the following events except

the US Senate did not ratify the charter until a decade after the organization was formed

The film style of film noir emphasized

the alienation of individuals in an impersonal world

In the early 1950s, the campaign against domestic communism in the US resulted from all of the following developments except

the death of Mao Zedong

The National Security Council report resulted from all of the following events except

the invasion of South Korea by communist North Korean forces

In 1948, Stalin initiated the Berlin Blockade in response to

the merging of American, British, and French zones of Germany to create a new West German Republic

In the election of 1948, Southern conservatives bolted the Democratic party because

they disapproved of Truman's proposed civil rights bill

In the election of 1948, Truman

won the presidency, and the Democrats also won both houses of Congress

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