APUSH Ch. 29 Quiz

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On the issue of racial discrimination, Truman managed to A. begin dismantling segregation within the armed forces B. make lynching a federal crime C. abolish the poll tax D. establish a new Fair Employment Practices Commission to reduce racial discrimination in hiring E. get passage of a comprehensive civil rights bill

A. begin dismantling segregation within the armed forces

The National Security Act of 1947 contained all of the following provisions except A. creating the Atomic Energy Commission to oversee and speed atomic research B. combining the functions of the War and Navy Departments into a new Department of Defense C. creating the Central Intelligence Agency D. expanding the president's power to pursue the nation's international goals E. establishing a new Department of Defense

A. creating the Atomic Energy Commission to oversee and speed atomic research

In his crusade against domestic subversion, Joseph McCarthy used all of the following means except A. boldly claiming to have a list of known communists working in the American State Department B. intimidating most of the people opposing him C. claiming that the Democrats had been responsible for "twenty years of treason" D. producing conclusive evidence that several federal employees had communist ties E. badgering witnesses and ruining established careers

D. producing conclusive evidence that several federal employees had communist ties

Despite a wartime alliance, postwar Soviet-American relations deteriorated for all of the following reasons except A. their disagreement about the political structure of postwar Europe B. their mutual distrust of each other's motives C. Roosevelt's belief that the Soviet government was inflexible and that Stalin was unreasonable D. Stalin's determination to control central and eastern Europe E. their dispute about the nature of Poland's postwar government

B. a depression after the effects of wartime spending wore off

Post-World War II America exhibited all of the following economic characteristics except A. a continuation of economic growth in the first year after the war B. a depression after the effects of wartime spending wore off C. several years of serious inflation D. labor unrest and a reshuffling of the labor force E. the rejection of Harry Truman's first Fair Deal

B. a depression after the effects of wartime spending wore off

At Yalta, the Big Three agreed on all of the following issues except A. Soviet entrance into the Pacific war after Germany had been defeated B. creation of a democratic government in Poland with equal representation of procommunist and pro-western Poles C. creation of a United Nations to preserve world peace after the end of the war D. the division of Germany into four zones of occupation based on the positions of troops at the end of the war E. the formation of the Security Council as a way of balancing power

B. creation of a democratic government in Poland with equal representation of procommunist and pro-western Poles

Truman's policy of "containment" called for the United States to A. use aggressive military action to overthrow communist governments in eastern Europe B. support free people who were resisting communist expansion C. return to the isolationism of the 1920s and 1930s D. do as little as possible to maintain the fragile peace E. cut off all foreign aid to nations outside western Europe

B. support free people who were resisting communist expansion

One major purpose of the Taft-Hartley Act was to A. promote human rights abroad B. place an embargo on trade with communist nations C. limit the power of labor unions D. provide reforms of the campaign finance system E. urge an end to the Korean War

C. limit the power of labor unions

In 1948, Stalin initiated the Berlin Blockade in response to A. the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization B. allegations that Alger Hiss was stealing and sending diplomatic secrets to the Soviet Union C. the launching of the Marshall Plan D. the buildup of the American military in Japan E. the merging of the American, British, and French zones of Germany to create a new West German Republic

E. the merging of the American, British, and French zones of Germany to create a new West German Republic

In the election of 1948, Southern conservatives bolted the Democratic party because A. they objected to Truman's slow and ineffective domestic policies B. they wanted to nominate Dwight D. Eisenhower to be the Democratic candidate instead of Truman. C. they resented Truman's confrontational stand against the Soviet Union D. they rejected the New Deal philosophies of the Fair Deal E. they disapproved of Truman's proposed civil rights bill

E. they disapproved of Truman's proposed civil rights bill

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