APUSH Chapter 13-17 Exam questions

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What are the differences of the 16, 17, 18, and 19 amendments?

16- taxes 17- senator 19- gave women the right to vote

The aroostock war was the result of

A dispute over the northern boundary of maine

The first national park, Yellowstone was the product of

An emerging conservation movement that began in the 1830's

The only group of white southerners who strongly opposed slavery and the slave owners were

Appalachian mountain whites

The British-American dispute over the border of Maine was solved

By a compromise that gave each side some territory

Who led the NAWSA to victory, after 1915?

Carrie Chapman Catt led the NAWSA to victory.

The 19th century cult of domesticity is best described as the

Celebration of womens roles within the home

Which of these was NOT a cause of the antiforeign/nativist movement that emerged in the 1840's and 1850's

Comcerm that increased immigration would drive up land prices

The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828 ended when

Congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833

John Tyler joined the Whig party because he

Could not stomach the dictatorial tactics of Andrew jackson

german immigrants to america differed from th irish in all of the following way EXCEPT

German immigrants tended to be poorer

John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a "corrupt bargain" when he appointed ? to become ?

Henry Clay, Secretary of State

When the war with Mexico began, president James k. Polk

Hoped to fight a limited war, ending with the conquest of california

Who made the public aware of the lynching's of blacks and helped end the practice?

Ida B. Wells made the public aware of the lynching's of blacks and helped end the practice.

Despite poor working conditions, there were only twenty-four recorded strikes before 1835

It was against the law for workers to organize for beter wages

What is the role of the federal reserve system?

It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

New England was well suited to becoming an industrial center for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

It was hardest hit by the lack of imported goods during the war oof 1812

What safety changes occurred due to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

Labor departments, accident insurance, inspectors, and drills were changed after the fire.

what most facilitated the emergence of the trans al leghency region (Ohio-Illinois tier) as the nations leading grain producers

New farming techologies

who is considered the father of the American factory system

Samuel Slater

As a result of the panic of 1837

Several states defaulted on their debts to britian

Why was Susan B. Anthony arrested in 1872?

Susan B. Anthony was arrested for civil disobedience when trying to vote.

What did T. Roosevelt do about the miner's strike?

T. Roosevelt threatened to send in the army if the workers and employees wouldn't settle through arbitration.

All of the following were reasons why Britain was intensely interested din an independent Texas except

Texas could become a location for the settlement of undesirable British emigrants

Why were the progressive republicans mad at Taft?

The Payne-Aldrich tariff and the Ballinger-Pinchot affair.

In 1846, the United States went to war with Mexico for all of the following except

The impulse to satisfy those asking for spot resolutions

Why did Irish immigrants embrace machine politics in the cities where they settled

The machines aided struggling new comers with free coal, food, and legal advice

What was the main reason Wilson won the 1912 election?

The other party was split, leaving all of one party voting for him.

President Polk's claim that "American blood [had been shed] on the American soil" referred to news of an armed clash between Mexican and American troops near.

The rio grande

What did muckrakers do?

They alerted the public of wrongdoings in politics and business.

What is the general beliefs of Progressives?

They believed that industrialization, urbanization, and immigration were the causes of social problems and reforms were needed.

The terms of the treaty of Guadalupe-hidalgo included

United States payment of $15million for the cession of northern mexico

What part of the US was the first to give women full suffrage?

Western states first gave women full suffrage in the US.

What was the main factor contributing to rapid population growth in the 1840s and beyond

Widespread immigration

Among the economic consequences of the South's cotton economy was..

a dependence on the North for trade and manufacturing

Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was

a major expansion of presidential power

After 1830, most southerners came to look on slavery as...

a positive good, though it was once called a necessary evil

Innovations in the election of 1832 included

adoption of written party platforms

The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except

allegiance to Spain

Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because

antislavery groups in the United States opposed the expansion of slavery

In their treatment of Native Americans, white Americans did all of the following except

argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society

The condition of the 500,000 or so free blacks was

as bad or worse in the north than in the south

The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to

be socially and geographically diverse

The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s

became an important part of the nation's checks and balances

The primary market for southern cotton production was...


By the 1840s new techniques of politicking included all of the following except


Most slave owners treated their slaves as...

economically profitable investments

Most southern slave owners held how many slaves?

fewer than ten slaves

The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was

forced removal

The African American family under slavery was...

generally stable and mutually supportive

Texas gained its independence with

help from Americans

One of the main reasons that Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the United States after the 1832 election was

his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter

John Quincy Adam's weaknesses as president included all of the following except

his firing good office holders to appoint his own people

Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the Bank of the United States except that

it refused to lend money to politicians

One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was

its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant

americans lagged behind the Brisish in industrializing largely because they

lacked the capital and infrastructure necessary to support the factory system

All of the following contributed to the increased influx of new immigrants to america in the 19th century EXCEPT

lucrative incentives by comanies seeking workers

Most of the growth in the African American `slave population before 1860 came from

natural reproduction

by the 1840s voter participation in the presidential election reached

nearly 80 percent

Andrew Jackson's inauguration as president symbolized the

newly won ascendancy of the masses

A large portion of the profits from cotton growing went to...

northern traders and European manufacturers

Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except

opponents of public education

By the 1850s, most northerners could be described as...

opposed to slavery but also hostile to immediate abolitionists

Frederick Douglass and some other abolitionists sought to end slavery by...

promoting antislavery political movements like the Free Soil and Republican parties

Andrew Jackson and his supporters disliked the Bank of the United States for all of the following reasons except it

put public service first, not profits

In an effort to assimilate themselves into white society, the Cherokees did all of the following except

refuse to own slaves

Robert Fultons development of the steamboat was significant for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that it

relied on making the best use of currents

Most of the early abolitionists were motivated by...

religious feeling against the "sin" of slavery

John Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" was an argument for

states' rights

Andrew Jackson's political philosophy was based on his

suspicion of the federal government

The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except

taking the country off of the gold standard

The Force Bill of 1833 provided that

the President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

The section of the United States most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was

the South

The strong regional support for the Tariff of 1833 came from

the South

The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in

the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs

The invention that transformed the southern cotton economy was...

the cotton gin

Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States on

the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation

Which of these did NOT play a role in stimulating U.S economic growth and its connections to the border world?

the pony ecpress

Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because

they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory

Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because

they believed that the federal power this bill represented could be used to suppress slavery

Even though they owned no slaves, most southern whites supported the slave system because...

they felt racially superior to blacks and hoped to be able to buy slaves

As president, John Quincy Adams

was one of the least successful presidents in American history

Both the Democratic party and the Whig party

were mass based political parties

Andrew Jackson's administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because

whites wanted the Indians' land

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