APUSH Chapter 16

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In 1845, Frederick Douglass did what?

He published his autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"

Frederick Douglass

He was a slave who escaped in 1838, he was discovered by the abolitionists in 1841 when he gave a speech at an antislavery meeting in Massachusetts

What is the autobiography about?

His origins as the son of a black woman and a white father, his struggle to read and write, and his escape

How were northerners financially benefited through the cotton industry?

Northern shippers made money through shipping the cotton to England.

How much of the world cotton supply did the South make up for?

Over half.

Why did most blacks not wish to be transported back to Africa?

Over the many years, they had become Americanized. They felt more kin to the American society than the foreign African ways.

How many white southerners owned slaves?

Overall, 1/4 of white southerners owned slaves or belonged to slave-holding families. Although they didn't own the majority of slaves, they were the majority of the masters.

Freed blacks were not allowed to...

Hold certain occupations and they could not testify against the whites in court. Several states forbid them entrance, denied them the right to vote, and barred them from public schools.

What were slaves often sold alongside?

Horses and cattle

Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote what and what psychological horror of slavery did it discuss?

In 1852 she wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. It discussed the horror of the frequent separation of slave families.

What did William Lloyd Garrison do in 1831?

In Boston, he published the first issue of his militant antislavery newspaper, The Liberator.

Where was the anti-black feeling most popular?

In the north.

What were the majority of freed blacks in the deep south?

Mulattoes, the emancipated children of a white planter and a black slave.

Where did the majority of increase in the slave population come from?

Natural reproduction

Approximately how much money was invested in the slave industry by 1860?

Nearly two billion dollars

Nicknames for the slaveless whites

Poor white trash, hillbillies, crackers, or clay eaters

Slave expenses

Slaves could be fed for as little as ten cents a day, but there were often other expenses as well. They might run away, deliberately injure themselves, or be wiped out by a disease.

Over the next four decades after its' creation, how many slaves did Liberia receive?

Some 15,000 freed blacks.

Some states offered what law regarding slave children and mothers?

Some states had a law that did not allow for the separation of a mother and child under the age of ten.

What were the deep south states that held the majority of blacks?

South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana

The Mountain Whites

Southern whites living in the valleys of the Apps. that stretched from western Virginia to northern Georgia. Separated from the "cotton kingdom" and rarely saw a slave. They played a significant role in crippling the Confederacy during the Civil War.

If a slave woman could produce how many children, then she would be given her freedom?

Ten children

What did Garrison continuously call for?

The "virtuous north" to secede from the "wicked south"

What was the defense of pro-slavery whites?

The slaves were being helped. They were lifted from the barbaric African jungle and given the blessings of a Christian society. They also claimed that master-slave relationships were that of a family.

Since the dawn of the century, the number of slaves had...


What was typically said in the slave marriage vows?

"Until death or distance do us part"

How much of the population did the blacks account for in some of the deep south areas?

Almost 75%

When was the importation of slaves made illegal?


Foreign-born citizens, south vs. north

4.4% of the southern population was foreign-born, meanwhile, 18.7% of the northern population was foreign-born

America supplied what portion of Britain's cotton?


Number of free blacks in 1860

About 250,000

At the beginning of the Civil War, about how many slaves were totally illiterate?

About 9 out of 10

In 1850, how many families owned more than a hundred slaves?

Approximately 1,773 families. This group led the majority of the political and social areas.

How many families/people were in the less wealthy landowners class? What was the average amount that owned slaves?

Approximately 345,000 families which represented around 1,725,000 white people. Over 2/3 of these families owned fewer than ten slaves each.

How many whites owned no slaves in 1860?

Around 3/4 of all southern whites did not own slaves. That's approximately 6,120,825 white people.

What made Britain so important in the industry?

At the time, they were the leading industrial power, with its single most important manufacture being cotton cloth.

Why were slaves denied the right to read?

Because reading brings ideas and ideas bring discontent.

Why were the slaveless whites often the strongest defenders of slavery?

Because they usually held the hope of buying one or two slaves and turning their small holdings into riches. They also took pride in "their racial superiority" and if the blacks were freed it would loosen that superiority.

How would the north have economic problems if the union fell apart?

By the late 1850s southern planters owed northern banks and other creditors $300 million and most would be lost if the union dissolved

Number of slaves in the south in 1860

Four million

What did slaveless whites often do?

Typically raised corn and hogs

How much of the American exports value did cotton make up for in 1840?

Cotton made up more than half of the American export value in 1840.

What kind of work were slaves not allowed to do?

Dangerous work such as roofing the house, tunnel blasting, or swamp-draining

The Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney created it in 1783. Produced the growth of the cotton industry.

What was established for the sole purpose of relocating slaves?

Liberia on the west African coast

Many slaves did what to stop work?

Many slaves often sabotaged expensive equipment so that the work routine would be stalled until repairs were made.

How did southerners get slaves after importation of slaves was made illegal?

Most slaves were smuggled into the south despite the death penalty for slavers.

Where was abolitionist sentiment first come from?

The Quakers

The pro-slavery whites believed slavery was backed up by...

The authority of the Bible and the teachings of Aristotle

How was the north gaining money after the southern cotton industry began declining?

The heavy outflow of commissions and interest to northern middlemen, bankers, agents, and shippers.

Many citizens had come to see the south as...

The land of the unfree and home of a hateful institution

Who usually did the dangerous jobs?

The wage-earning Irish laborers.

Where was there more abolitionist sentiment by 1820?

There was more sentiment south of the Mason-Dixon line than there was north of it.

How did slaves show their African American culture as far as marriage?

They avoided marriage between first cousins in contrast to the frequent intermarriage among the planters.

What did the Virginia legislature do in 1832-1833?

They defeated many emancipation proposals

What did the southerners feel was best about Britain's independence on America's cotton industry?

They felt that if war was to break out and the north were to blockade the south, then the British would have to close their factories due to lack of cotton. Then, the British mobs would force the London government to go remove the blockade.

What were most peoples' solution to slavery, including Lincoln and what were they called?

They wanted to stop the extension of it into the west. They were called "free soilers" and their numbers grew as the war approached.

To whom did the mountain whites side with in the election?

They were pro-Lincoln

Where were thousands of slaves from soil-exhausted states moved to?

They were typically sold own the river to work as field-gang laborers in the lower Mississippi valley.

Cotton dominated what other southern crops?

Tobacco, rice, and sugar.

The widespread loathing of blacks created what solution to get rid of them?

Transport them back to Africa.

A majority of slaves lived on plantations that had about how many slaves?

Usually twenty or more

The South acted less as a democracy and more as...

an oligarchy

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