APUSH Chapter 16

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Elijah P. Lovejoy

American Presbyterian minister, journalist, and news paper editor who was murdered by a mob for his abolitionist views.

Sojourner Truth

American abolitionist and feminist. Born into slavery, she escaped in 1827 and became a leading preacher against slavery and for the rights of women.

John C. Freemont

An American military officer, explorer, and politician who became the first candidate of the anti-slavery Republican Party for the office of President of the United States. He helped raise the barrier of California Republic when Mexican War broke out in 1846.

Wendell Phillips

An associate of William Lloyd Garrison, this man founded the American Antislavery Society in 1833.

The Liberator

Anti-slavery newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison, who called for immediate emancipation of all slaves.

West Africa Squadron

British royal navy force formed to enforce the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. It intercepted hundreds of slave ships and freed thousands of Africans.

Over Speculation

Buying stocks for more than what they're worth.

Stono Rebellion 1739

Early slave revolt in South Carolina where 50+ slaves gathered arms to rise up against their masters and march to Spanish Florida. They were ultimately found and killed by the militia.

British Emancipation (1833)

The British freed slaves in the west Indies

10. All told, only about ______ of white southerners owned slaves or belonged to a slaveholding family. a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. 1/2 d. 2/3 e. 3/4

a. 1/4

9. German and Irish immigration to the South was discouraged by a. competition with slave labor. b. southern antiCatholicism. c. Irish antislavery groups. d. immigration barriers enacted by southern states. e. their inability to tolerate the hot climate.

a. competition with slave labor.

40. In society's basement in the South of 1860 were nearly ____ million black human chattels. a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8 e. 10

c. 4

12. As their main crop, southern subsistence farmers raised a. cotton. b. tobacco. c. corn. d. rice. e. sugar cane.

c. corn.

Cotton and the States

-North: helped economy because the the merchants traded with England who completely depended on US for all clothes -South: produced half of world's cotton and dependent totally on blacks

Planter Aristocracy

-South governed by select few rich people, was the head of the southern society. they determined the political, economic, and even the social life of their region. the wealthiest had home in towns or cities as well as summer homes, and they traveled widely, especially to europe, children got good education. they were defined as the cotton magnates, the sugar, rice, and tobacco, the whites who owned at least 40 or 50 slaves and 800 or more acres - women dependent on slaves

William Lloyd Garrison

1805-1879. Prominent American abolitionist, journalist and social reformer. Editor of radical abolitionist newspaper "The Liberator", and one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society.

William Wilberforce

British statesman and reformer; leader of abolitionist movement in English parliament that led to end of English slave trade in 1807

William T. Johnson

Mulatto free slave who owned slaves himself; "barber of Natchez"

Gag Resolution

Strict rule passed by prosouthern congressmen in 1836 to prohibit all discussion of slavery in the house of representatives.

39. Match each abolitionist below with his role in the movement. A. Wendell Phillips 1. abolitionist martyr B. Frederick Douglass 2. black abolitionist C. Elijah P. Lovejoy 3. abolitionist golden trumpet D. William Lloyd Garrison 4. abolitionist newspaper publisher a. A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 b. A-l, B-4, C-2, D-3 c. A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2 d. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 e. A-3, B-2, C- 1, D-4

e. A-3, B-2, C- 1, D-4

67. The idea of transporting blacks back to Africa was a. a recognition of blacks' desire to preserve their culture. b. never carried out. c. advocated by Frederick Douglass. d. proposed by the African nation of Liberia. e. an expression of widespread American racism.

e. an expression of widespread American racism.

32. As a result of white southerners' brutal treatment of their slaves and their fear of potential slave rebellions, the South a. formed alliances with white imperialists in Africa. b. adopted British attitudes toward the "peculiar institution." c. emancipated many slaves. d. shed its image as a reactionary backwater. e. developed a theory of biological racial superiority.

e. developed a theory of biological racial superiority.

21. For free blacks living in the North, a. living conditions were nearly equal to those for whites. b. voting rights were widespread. c. good jobs were plentiful. d. education opened the door to economic opportunity. e. discrimination was common.

e. discrimination was common.

American Colonization Society (1837)

A Society that thought slavery was bad. They would buy land in Africa and get free blacks to move there. One of these such colonies was made into what now is Liberia. Most sponsors just wanted to get blacks out of their country.

Denmark Vesey (1822)

A mulatto who inspired a group of slaves to seize Charleston, South Carolina in 1822, but one of them betrayed him and he and his thirty-seven followers were hanged before the revolt started.

The Underground Railroad

A network of abolitionists that secretly helped slaves escape to freedom by setting up hiding places and routes to the North. Harriet Tubman is a key person to its success.

Liberty Party

A political party that started during the two party systems in the 1840's. The party's main platform was bringing an end to slavery by political and legal means. The party was originally part of the American Anti-Slavery however; they split because they believed there was a more practical way to end slavery than garrison's moral crusade.

Theodore Dwight Weld

A prominent abolitionist in the 1830's. He was self-educated and very outspoken. Weld put together a group called the "Land Rebels." He and his group traveled across the Old Northwest preaching antislavery gospel. Weld also put together a propaganda pamphlet called "American Slavery As It Is."

Sir Walter Scott

Author who created idealized society that was fake to make people take their minds off of what was happening - ideal feudal society (Ivanhoe).


Call and response style of preaching that melded Christian and African traditions. Practiced by African slaves in the South.

American Anti-Slavery Society

Founded in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison and other abolitionists. Garrison burned the constitution as a proslavery document. argued for "no union with slaveholders" until they repented for their sins by freeing their slaves.

Gabriel Prosser (1800)

He gathered 1000 rebellious slaves outside of Richmond; but 2 Africans gave the plot away, and the Virginia militia stymied the uprising before it could begin, along with 35 others he was executed.

David Walker

He was a black abolitionist who called for the immediate emancipation of slaves. He wrote the "Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World." It called for a bloody end to white supremacy. He believed that the only way to end slavery was for slaves to physically revolt; wrote Walker's Appeal, in Four Articles: Together with a Preamble to the Colored Citizens of the World, an incendiary work that called for violent end of white supremacy.

Lane Rebels

In 1832 Theodore Dwight Weld went to the lane theological seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio. The seminary was presided over by Lyman Beecher. Weld and some of his comrades were kicked out for their actions of anti-slavery. The young men were known as the "lane rebels." They helped lead and continue the preaching of anti-slavery ideas.

Black Codes

In the United States, the Black Codes were laws passed by Southern states in 1865 and 1866, after the Civil War. These laws had the intent and the effect of restricting African Americans' freedom, and of compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt.

Free Blacks

North: a "third race", prohibited from certain occupations, barred from some Northern states, often in competition with whites for menial jobs South: had their own communities, mullatoes, no occupation, no testifying

Martin Delaney

One of the few black leaders to take seriously the notion of mass recolonization of Africa, in 189 he visited West Africa's Niger Valley seeking a suitable site for relocation

Mason-dixon line

Originally drawn by surveyors to resolve the boundaries between Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. In The 1760's it came to symbolize the north-south divide over slavery.

Lyman Beecher

Presbyterian clergyman, temperance movement leader and a leader of the Second Great Awakening of the United States.

American Colonization Society

Reflected the focus of early abolitionists on transporting freed blacks back to Africa, the organization established Liberia, a west-African settlement intended as a haven for emancipated slaves.

Black Belt

Region of the deep south with the highest concentration of slaves. It emerged in the nineteenth century as cotton production became more profitable and slavery expanded south and west.


Slave drivers who employed the lash to brutally "break" the souls of strong-willed slaves.

Nat Turner (1831)

Slave in Virginia who started a slave rebellion in 1831 believing he was receiving signs from God His rebellion was the largest sign of black resistance to slavery in America and led the state legislature of Virginia to a policy that said no one could question slavery.

Slave Codes

Slaves codes were state laws established to determine the status of slaves and the rights of their owners. Slave codes placed harsh restrictions on slaves' already limited freedoms, often in order to preempt rebellion or escape, and gave slave owners absolute power over their slaves.


Spanish slave ship dramatically seized off the coast of Cuba by the enslaved Africans aboard. The ship was driven ashore in long island and the slaves were put on trial. Former president John Quincy Adams argued their case before the supreme court, securing their eventual release.

Arthur and Lewis Tappan

These brothers began to import silk from Asia, and they quickly earned a sizable fortune gave money to abolitionist causes and became very strong abolitionists. They were founders of the American and foreign anti-slavery society; as successful businessman, they funded many antislavery activities in the 1830s and 1840s. They also supported the liberty party in the 1840s.

Manifest Destiny

This expression was popular in the 1840s. Many people believed that the U.S. was destined to secure territory from "sea to sea," from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This rationale drove the acquisition of territory.

Harriet Tubman

United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820-1913)

Nat Turner's rebellion

Virginia slave revolt that resulted in the deaths of sixty whites and raised fears among white Southerners of further uprisings.

Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass

Vivid autobiography of the escaped slave and renowned abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

Female Slaves

Were expected to take care of their own family as well as cook, clean, and maintain their "owner's" house as well -promised freedom after 10 children


West-African nation founded in 1822 as a haven for freed blacks, fifteen thousand of whom made their way back across the Atlantic by the 1860's.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, a book about a slave who is treated badly, in 1852. The book persuaded more people, particularly Northerners, to become anti-slavery.

37. Arrange the following in chronological order: the founding of the (A) American Colonization Society, (B) American Anti-Slavery Society, (C) Liberty Party. a. A, B, C b. C, A, B c. B, C, A d. A, C, B e. C, B, A

a. A, B, C

22. The profitable southern slave system a. hobbled the economic development of the region as whole. b. saw many slaves moving to the upper South. c. led to the textile industry's development in the South first. d. relied almost totally on importing slaves to meet the unquenchable demand for labor. e. enabled the South to afford economic and educational progress.

a. hobbled the economic development of the region as whole.

7. The plantation system of the Cotton South was a. increasingly monopolistic. b. efficient at utilizing natural resources. c. financially stable. d. attractive to European immigrants. e. unable to expand westward.

a. increasingly monopolistic.

42. In arguing for the continuation of slavery after 1830, southerners a. placed themselves in opposition to much of the rest of the Western world. b. were in opposition to the North but on the side of the Western world. c. failed to compare slaves with the northern factory worker. d. allowed considerable dissent in the South. e. aligned themselves with leading European intellectuals.

a. placed themselves in opposition to much of the rest of the Western world.

24. Perhaps the slave's greatest psychological horror, and the theme of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, was a. the enforced separation of slave families. b. slave owners' frequent use of the whip. c. the breeding of slaves. d. having to do the most dangerous work on the plantation. e. forcible sexual assault by slave owners.

a. the enforced separation of slave families.

43. Those in the North who opposed the abolitionists believed that these opponents of slavery a. were creating disorder in America. b. were defending the American way of life. c. deserved the right to speak freely. d. had turned their backs on religion. e. were undermining fundamental American beliefs.

a. were creating disorder in America.

36. Match each abolitionist below with his publication. A. William Lloyd Garrison 1. Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World B. Theodore Dwight Weld 2.The Liberator C. Frederick Douglass 3. Narration of the Life of Frederick Douglass D. David Walker 4.American Slavery as It Is a. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 b. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-l d. A-I, B-3, C-2, D-4 e. A-4, B-2, C- I, D-3

b. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1

68. In 1839, enslaved Africans rose up aboard the Spanish slave ship a. Isabelle. b. Amistad. c. Gerriere. d. La Nina. e. El Liberte.

b. Amistad.

25. By 1860, slaves were concentrated in the "black belt" located in the a. border states of Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland. b. Deep South states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. c. old South states of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. d. new Southwest states of Texas, Arkansas, and Indian Territory. e. mountain regions of Tennessee, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

b. Deep South states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

2. Members of the planter aristocracy a. produced fewer front-rank statesmen than the North. b. dominated society and politics in the South. c. provided democratic rule in the South. d. promoted tax-supported public education. e. kept up with developments in modem thought.

b. dominated society and politics in the South.

38. By 1860, three-quarters of all southern whites did not own slaves, but instead a. lived and worked in the emerging cities of the South. b. eked out a living in the mountains and backcountry raising corn and hogs. c. owned small farms where they and their families raised cotton. d. farmed a mixture of wheat, tobacco and cotton. e. None of these

b. eked out a living in the mountains and backcountry raising corn and hogs.

23. Regarding work assignments, slaves were a. given some of the most dangerous jobs. b. generally spared dangerous work. c. given the same jobs as Irish laborers. d. usually given skilled rather than menial jobs. e. generally supervised in small groups.

b. generally spared dangerous work.

30. Most slaves were raised a. without the benefit of a stable home life. b. in stable two-parent households. c. never knowing anything about their relatives. d. not to display their African cultural roots. e. without religion.

b. in stable two-parent households.

31. Slaves fought the system of slavery in all of the following ways except by a. slowing down the work pace. b. refusing to get an education. c. sabotaging expensive equipment. d. pilfering goods that their labor had produced. e. running away when possible.

b. refusing to get an education.

16. The majority of southern whites owned no slaves because a. they opposed slavery. b. they could not afford the purchase price. c. their urban location did not require them. d. their racism would not allow them to work alongside African Americans. e. they feared the possibility of slave revolts.

b. they could not afford the purchase price.

41. The voice of white southern abolitionism fell silent at the beginning of the a. 1790s. b. 1820s. c. 1830s. d. 1840s. e. 1850s.

c. 1830s.

56. In some counties of the deep South, especially along the lower Mississippi River, blacks accounted for more than ____ percent of the population. a. 25 b. 50 c. 75 d. 85 e. 95

c. 75

42. Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by a. Susan B. Anthony. b. Lucrecia Mott. c. Harriet Beecher Stowe. d. Margaret Fuller. e. Harriet Tubman.

c. Harriet Beecher Stowe.

34. Which one of the following has least in common with the other four? a. Nat Turner b. David Walker c. John Quincy Adams d. Denmark Vessey e. Gabriel Prosser.

c. John Quincy Adams

11. _____________ said the following quote, "I think we must get rid of slavery or we must get rid of freedom." a. Jefferson Davis b. John C. Calhoun c. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. Abraham Lincoln e. Andrew Johnson

c. Ralph Waldo Emerson

61. Slaves were denied an education because a. it would take time away from their work in the fields and households of white masters. b. the cost of education was far more than masters would want to spend on slaves. c. masters believed that reading brought new ideas that might lead to their discontent. d. their labor did not require literacy or math skills. e. masters feared their slaves might become smarter than white owners.

c. masters believed that reading brought new ideas that might lead to their discontent.

14. By the mid-nineteenth century, a. most southerners owned slaves. b. the smaller slave holders owned a majority of the slaves. c. most slaves lived on large plantations. d. slavery was a dying institution. e. southerners were growing defensive about slavery.

c. most slaves lived on large plantations.

19. The great increase of the slave population in the first half of the nineteenth century was largely due to a. the reopening of the African slave trade in 1808. b. larger imports of slaves from the West Indies. c. natural reproduction. d. reenslavement of free blacks. e. the deliberate "breeding" of slaves by plantation owners.

c. natural reproduction.

28. Forced separation of spouses, parents, and children was most common a. in the Deep South. b. on the large plantations. c. on small plantations and in the upper South. d. in the decade before the Civil War. e. as a punishment for running away.

c. on small plantations and in the upper South.

15. Most slaves in the South were owned by a. industrialists. b. mountain whites. c. plantation owners. d. small farmers. e. subsistence farmers.

c. plantation owners.

1. As a result of the introduction of the cotton gin, a. fewer slaves were needed on the plantations. b. short-staple cotton lost popularity. c. slavery was reinvigorated. d. Thomas Jefferson predicted the gradual death of slavery. e. the African slave trade was legalized.

c. slavery was reinvigorated.

6. Plantation agriculture a. led to a slow return on investments. b. remained diverse until the Civil War. c. was economically unstable and wasteful. d. discouraged immigration to the West. e. encouraged southern democracy.

c. was economically unstable and wasteful.

40. Many abolitionists turned to political action in 1840 when they backed the presidential candidate of the a. Free Soil party. b. Republican party. c. Know-Nothing party. d. Liberty party. e. Anti-Mason party

d. Liberty party.

44. "Varying Viewpoints" notes that Ulrich B. Phillips made certain claims about slavery that have been challenged in recent years. Which of the following is not one of his conclusions? a. Slaves were racially inferior. b. Slavery was a dying economic institution. c. Planters treated their slaves with kindly paternalism. d. Slaves were passive by nature and did not abhor slavery. e. Slavery was comparable to the Nazi concentration camps.

d. Slaves were passive by nature and did not abhor slavery.

33. In the pre-Civil War South, the most uncommon and least successful form of slave resistance was a. feigned laziness. b. sabotage of plantation equipment. c. running away. d. armed insurrection. e. stealing food and other goods.

d. armed insurrection.

5. Plantation mistresses a. had little contact with slaves. b. primarily controlled male slaves. c. frequently supported abolitionism. d. commanded a sizable household staff of mostly female slaves. e. were almost universally loved by their slaves.

d. commanded a sizable household staff of mostly female slaves.

39. Slaves regarded the least prosperous, nonslaveholding whites as a. potential, yet undesirable, masters. b. their equals in doing the least desirable work. c. violent, rabble-rousers who often picked on slaves. d. hillbillies and "poor white trash" - too lazy to work. e. dirty, diseased, and malnourished.

d. hillbillies and "poor white trash" - too lazy to work.

49. All of the following are true statements about free blacks except a. they were banned from entering several northern states. b. they were always vulnerable to being hijacked back into slavery in the South. c. slaveholders feared that they were living examples of what might be achieved with emancipation. d. in the North, they forged ties with the Irish, who similarly worked in menial jobs. e. most states denied them the right to vote.

d. in the North, they forged ties with the Irish, who similarly worked in menial jobs.

18. Some southern slaves gained their freedom as a result of a. the prohibition of the Atlantic slave trade after 1807. b. purchase by northern abolitionists. c. fleeing to mountain hideaways. d. purchasing their way out of slavery. e. the objection to slaveholding by some white women.

d. purchasing their way out of slavery.

3. All the following were true of the American economy under Cotton kingdom except a. cotton accounted for half the value of all American exports after 1840. b. the South produced more than half the entire world's supply of cotton. c. 75% of the British supply of cotton came from the South. d. quick profits from cotton drew planters to its economic enterprise. e. the South reaped all the profits from the cotton trade.

d. quick profits from cotton drew planters to its economic enterprise.

26. As a substitute for the wage-incentive system, slave owners most often used the a. promise of eventual freedom. b. reward of some legal rights. c. right to hold private property. d. whip as a motivator. e. threat of death.

d. whip as a motivator.

20. Northern attitudes toward free blacks can best be described as a. supporting their right to full citizenship. b. disliking the race but liking individual blacks. c. advocating black movement into the new territories. d. politically sympathetic but socially segregationist. e. disliking the individuals but liking the race.

e. disliking the individuals but liking the race.

55. All of the following were characteristic of slaves in the mid-nineteenth century United States except a. slaves had no civil or political rights. b. slaves usually toiled from dusk to dawn in the fields. c. slaves had minimal protection from murder or unusually cruel punishment. d. slaves were forbidden to testify in court and their marriages were not legal. e. floggings were very uncommon and rare.

e. floggings were very uncommon and rare.

4. Plantation agriculture was wasteful largely because a. it relied mainly on artificial means to fertilize the soil. b. it required leaving crop land fallow every other year. c. excessive water was used for irrigation. d. it was too diversified, thus taking essential nutrients from the soil. e. its excessive cultivation of cotton despoiled good land.

e. its excessive cultivation of cotton despoiled good land.

8. All of the following were weaknesses of the slave plantation system except that a. it relied on a one-crop economy. b. it repelled a large-scale European immigration. c. it stimulated racism among poor whites. d. it created an aristocratic political elite. e. its land continued to remain in the hands of the small farmers.

e. its land continued to remain in the hands of the small farmers.

29. All of the following were true of slavery in the South except that a. slave life on the frontier was harder than that of life in the more settled areas. b. a distinctive African American slave culture developed. c. a typical planter had too much of his own prosperity riding on the backs of his slaves to beat them on a regular basis. d. by 1860 most slaves were concentrated in the "black belt" of the Deep South. e. most slaves were raised in single unstable parent households.

e. most slaves were raised in single unstable parent households.

27. By 1860, life for slaves was most difficult in the a. Atlantic states of North and South Carolina. b. Deep South states of Georgia and Florida. c. territories of Kansas, Nebraska, and New Mexico. d. upper South states of Virginia and Maryland. e. newer states of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

e. newer states of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

17. The most pro-Union of the white southerners were a. plantation owners. b. mountain whites. c. small slave owners. d. non slave owning subsistence farmers. e. people with northern economic interests.

e. people with northern economic interests.

13. Most white southerners were a. planter aristocrats. b. small slave owners. c. merchants and artisans. d. "poor white trash." e. subsistence farmers.

e. subsistence farmers.

35. The idea of recolonizing blacks back to Africa was a. proposed by William Lloyd Garrison. b. proposed as part of the 14th Amendment. c. advocated by Frederick Douglass. d. suggested by the African nation of Liberia. e. supported by the black leader Martin Delaney.

e. supported by the black leader Martin Delaney.

38. William Lloyd Garrison pledged his dedication to a. shipping freed blacks back to Africa. b. outlawing the slave trade. c. preventing the expansion of slavery beyond the South. d. forming an antislavery political party. e. the immediate abolition of slavery in the South.

e. the immediate abolition of slavery in the South.

75. Proslavery whites defended the institution of slavery in all of the following ways except a. they claimed slavery was supported by the Bible. b. slaveholders said slavery lifted Africans from the barbarism of the jungle and gave them Christian civilization. c. Slaveholders claimed that master-slave relationships resembled a family. d. they said that slaves toiled under better working conditions than factory workers and hired hands in the North. e. they claimed that slaves were set free once they reached old age.

e. they claimed that slaves were set free once they reached old age.

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