APUSH Chapter 28

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.. The "recall" would enable the voters to remove faithless elected officials, particularly those who had been bribed by bosses or lobbyists.

Forest Reserve Act

1891 law, authorizing the president to set aside public forests as national parks and other Reserves for the public good. 46 million acres of magnificent trees were rescued from the lumberman's saw in the 1890s.

Call of the Wild

1903 novel by Jack London. It wrote about the value of the great outdoors upon the human spirit.

Lochner v New York

1905Supreme Court decision which invalidated a New York law establishing a ten-hour day for bakers.

Hepburn Act

1906 act that strengthened existing railroad regulations in the following ways: 1. Increased the size of the interstate commerce commission to seven members. 2. Gave the ICC the power to establish maximum rates. 3. Restricted the use of free passes. 4. Brought other common carriers such as terminals, storage facilities, pipelines, ferries and others under ICC jurisdiction. 5. Required the adoption of uniform accounting practices for all carriers. 6. Place the burden of proof on the shippers not the ICC in disputes.

Meat Inspection Act

1906 law required that the preparation of meat shipped over state lines would be subject to federal inspection from corral to can. It had the effect of regulating the large meatpackers but also help them drive smaller competitors out of business.

The Jungle

A 1906 novel published by Upton Sinclair designed to call attention to the plight of the workers in the big canning factories. However its effect was to cause public outcry against unsanitary food canning factories.


A device that would place laws on the ballot for final approval by the people, especially laws that had been railroaded through a compliant legislature by free-spending agents of big business.


A goal of the progressives designed to break up the large and very powerful trusts that had formed during the Gilded Age that were designed to make more money for the capitalists and not to help out the people.

Australian Ballot

A government printed ballot of uniform size and shape to be cast in secret that was adopted by many states around 1890 in order to reduce the voting fraud associated with party printed ballots cast in public. It reduced bribery in the elections.

Social Gospel

A movement in the late 1800s / early 1900s which emphasized charity and social responsibility as a means of salvation, taught religion and human dignity would help the middle class over come problems of industrialization. Encouraged better housing for the poor and reforms based off of European examples.

City Commissioners & City Managers

A progressive policy, it aimed to appoint expert commissions to manage urban affairs. The manger system to intended to remove politics from municipal administration.

Elkins Act

Act 1903act aimed primarily at the rebate evil. Heavy fines could now be imposed both on the railroads that gave rebates and on the shippers that accepted them.

Temperance Movement

An organized campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption. This was motivated by alcohol's connection to prostitution, the drunken voter, and crooked officials who were motivated by booze.

Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908

Authorized national banks to issue emergency currency backed by collateral in the case of a recession.

Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy

Ballinger, who was the Secretary of Interior, opened public lands in Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska against Roosevelt's conservation policies. Pinchot, who was the Chief of Forestry, supported former President Roosevelt and demanded that Taft dismiss Ballinger. Taft, who supported Ballinger, dismissed Pinchot on the basis of insubordination. This divided the Republican Party.

Manchurian Railroad debacle

Both Japan and Russia controlled the railroads in Manchuria. Taft saw a monopoly of the Manchuria Railroad as strangulation on Chinese economic interests, and proposed that American and foreign bankers buy the railroads and sell them back to China. Both Japan and Russia refused the offerings.

Republican Conservatives fearful of TR

Conservatives grew wary of TR as he talked about regulating corporations, taxing incomes, and protecting workers.

Jacob Riis

Danish immigrant Jacob A. Riis, a reporter for the New York Sun, shocked middle-class Americans in 1890 with Howthe Other Half Lives. His account was a damning indictment of the dirt, disease, vice, and misery of the rat-gnawed human rookeries known as New York slums. The book deeply influenced a future New York City police commissioner, Theodore Roosevelt

Department of Commerce and Labor

Federal department (cabinet level body) established in 1903 designed to settle problems between labor and capitalists. It included the Bureau of Corporations, which was authorized to probe businesses engaged in interstate commerce. Was split in 1913

Sierra Club

Founded in 1892, dedicated itself to preserving the wildness of the western landscape. But it was more than a major group, it was also politically active in the conservation movement.

Frances E. Willard

Founder of the WCTU who would fall on her knees in prayer on saloon floors to make her points.

Muller v. Oregon

In the landmark case Muller v. Oregon (1908), crusading attorney Louis D. Brandeis persuaded the Supreme Court to accept the constitutionality of laws protecting women workers by presenting evidence of the harmful effects of factory labor on women's weaker bodies. This victory had the benefit of protecting women workers, but because of its argument, closed some jobs to women.


Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the public

Social Problems

Many of the Muckrakers exposed problems in society, like white slave traffic in women, the condition of the slums, and large number of industrial accidents, and the subjugation of America's blacks.

Rise of Socialism in Europe

Many socialists ideals sprang up in Europe, and these immigrants came to the US and brought these new ideals and concepts with them.


Members of a reform movement. They were against monopoly, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice. Their purpose was "to use government as an agency of human welfare." The cure for the ills of American democracy, they earnestly believed, was more democracy.

More Massive Immigration

More than 13 million people immigrated to the United States in the early 1900s.

Local Miners Strike of 1902

Over 140,000 miner went of strike due to exploitation and accident plagued work. They demanded a 20% increase in pay and a reduction of the working day to 9 hours. Roosevelt diffused the situation by threatening to deploy the military against the company, forcing the mining owners to negotiate.

TR's legacies

Power of the Presidency, Progressivism, Shared the World

Battle over Hetch Hetchy Valley

Preservationists lost a battle in 1913 when San Francisco was allowed to build a dam for its water supplies in Hetchy Valley in Yosemite.

18th Amendment

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages

Hiram W. Johnson

Republican Governor of California in 1910, this dynamic prosecutor of grafters helped break the dominant grip of the Southern Pacific Railroad on California politics and then, like La Follette, set up a political machine of his own

Election of 1908

Republican William Howard Taft vs Democratic William Jennings Bryan. Tafft won becuase he was good friend and Secretary of War under Roosevelt. Tafft was Roosevelt's successor. TR also smoothed the way for Taft's nomination. Bryan expressed that TR had "stolen" his ideas and polices.

Taft-Roosvelt split

Roosevelt seized the progressive banner with the NPRL, and elbowed La Follette out of the party's leadership. He proclaimed that Taft had fallen under the thumb of the bosses and intended to re-enter the political scene.

Election of 1904

Roosevelt was handily elected president in 1904. Personal popularity. Bosses considered him dangerous, grew restive as Roosevelt in his second term called ever more loudly for regulating the corporations, taxing incomes, and protecting workers. He announced himself that under no circumstances he would be a candidate for third term, tactical blunder.., R: Roosevelt, D: New York Judge Alton Parker, Socialist: Debs; Roosevelt wins


Roosevelt's most enduring tangible achievement. It was based on the upwelling national mood of concern about the disappearance of the frontier. Progressive conservationists believed that nature must be neither uncritically reverenced nor wastefully exploited, but must instead be efficiently utilized.

Republican Convention 1912

Roosevelt's supporters wer 100 delegates short of winning the nomination, so they challenged the rights of some of Taft's supporters. When none fell through, the Roosevelites refused to vote and Taft won there nomination.

Boy Scouts

Scouts founded in 1910. Its goal is to train the youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities. It became the country's largest youth organization.

William Howard Taft

Secretary of War under Roosevelt. He was chosen by Roosevelt as his successor. He was nominated on the first ballot to be the Republican presidential nominee at the convention of 1908.

Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Venzuela

Several revolts and disorders in these countries forced the US to restore order and prevent economic and political instability in order to protect American investment.

Florence Kelley

She became the first chief factory inspector in Illinois, and was one of the nation's leading advocates for improved factory conditions. She also created the National Consumers League, which pressured for laws the safeguarded women and children in the workplace.

Desert Land Act 1877

Sold arid land cheaply on the condition that the purchaser irrigate the land within 3 years.

Rule of Reason

Supreme Court doctrine that held that only those business interest combinations that "unreasonably" restrained trade were illegal. This fine-print proviso ripped a huge hole in the government's antitrust net.

Socialist Surprise

Surprising everyone, the socialists managed to garner over 420,793 votes for Eugene Debs.

Era of Trust Busting

TR began to start regulating large business and breaking up large trusts and monopolies.

Multiple Use Resource

TR developed a policy that would combine recreation, sustained yield logging, watershed protection, and summer stock grazing on the same expanse of federal land.

Taft starts more trust busting suits that TR

Taft actually busted more big businesses the TR, and he actual led sued US Steel, and move that angered TR, who had given it permission to absorb Tennessee Coal and Iron Company

US Steel Trust Case

Taft also pressed suit against US Steel, which enraged Roosevelt, who had personally been involved in a merger which prompted said suit.

Taft as a trustbuster

Taft brought almost 90 suits against trusts during his presidency, vs. TR's 44 suits.

1911 break up of Standard Oil

Taft dissolved Standard Oil on the grounds that it was violating the anti-trust act.

Taft- Status Quo over reform

Taft was generally more prone to follow the status quo rather than express more progressive ideals.

Roots of the Progressive Party

The Progressive Party sprang from the Populous party, which came from the Greenback party.

Split within the Republican Party

The Republican party split into the the Conservative Republicans led by Taft, and the National Progressive Republican League, at first led by La Follette and later Roosevelt.

Robert M. La Follette

The governor of Wisconsin, he was the most militant of the progressive Republican leaders. After a desperate fight with entrenched monopoly, he reached the governor's chair in 1901. Routing the lumber and railroad "interests," he wrested considerable control from the crooked corporations and returned it to the people. He also perfected a scheme for regulating public utilities, while laboring in close association with experts on the faculty of the state university at Madison.


The idea that voters could directly propose legislation themselves, thus bypassing the boss-bought state legislatures.

Square Deal

The principle of Theodore Roosevelt's program that embraced three C's: control of the corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources.

Payne Aldrich Tariff

The progressive members of the Republican Party wanted to reduce protective tariffs. Taft called Congress into special session in 1909 to pass such a bill. But Senatorial reactionaries led by Sen. Nelson Aldrich tacked on hundreds of upward tariff revisions. This defeated the initial purpose of reducing the tariffs. Taft signed the bill anyway which made him look bad to his fellow Republicans.

Political Reforms

The progressives aimed to restore the power back to the people, allowing them to influence the government's decisions for their own well-being.

Goals of Progressivism.

They sought to modernize American institutions to achieve the goals of using the state to curb the power of monopolies and ensure and improve the living conditions of the common man. The Government is used as a tool to improve conditions.

New Nationalism

Thought that the government was to be used as a remedy for the needy

Roosevelt as third party candidate

Unable to run under the Republican banner, TR decided to found the Bull-Moose Party in order to continue to run.

Intervention in the Caribbean

Washington ured Wall-Street bankers to pump money into Honduras and Haiti in order to prevent foreign powers from getting involved in their affairs and violating the Monroe Doctrine.

Threat of Trust Busting as a threat

While TR busted many trust, he recognized that there were both good and bad trusts, and that he should not simply smash all big business. He only really went after corrupt organizations, and he wanted to prove that the government, not the businesses, ruled the country.

1910 Elections

With the Republican party split down the middle, the Democrats gain the house.

Women as Leaders for Progressivism

Women created literary clubs, where educated women could improve themselves by studying poetry. Women also drew attention the problems with the cities, poverty, political corruption, and terrible working conditions. They drew attention to maternal issues like protecting children from harsh work environments, and lobbied for safe food products.

Federal Agencies

Women created the National Consumers League, the Children's Bureau, and the Women's Bureau in the Dept. of Labor, giving a national stage for advocacy of reform.

Employer Responsibility

Workers compensation. With the tragic fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, that resulted in the deaths of several female workers, legislation was created that created laws for worker's compensation in work accidents.

Pure Food and Drug Act

a companion to the Meat Inspection Act, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals.

Northern Securities Company

a railroad holding company organized by financial titan J. P. Morgan and empire builder James J. Hill. These Napoleonic moguls of money sought to achieve a virtual monopoly of the railroads in the Northwest. In 1904 the Supreme Court upheld Roosevelt's antitrust suit and ordered Northern Securities Company to be dissolved. This greatly enhanced Roosevelt's reputation as a trust buster.

Panic of 1907

a serious recession, proved the govt. still had little control over the industrial economy. Conservatives blamed Roosevelt's mad economic policies for the disaster, and the president disagreed, but acted quickly to reassure business leaders that he wouldn't interfere with their private recovery efforts.

17th Amendment

approved in 1913, established the direct election of U.S. senators.

Newlands Act

authorized to collect money from the sale of public lands in the sun-baked western states and then use these funds for the development of irrigation projects. Settlers repaid the cost of reclamation from their now-productive soil, and the money was put into a revolving fund to finance more such enterprises. The result was dozens of dams thrown across virtually every major Western River in the west.

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

by Frances E. Willard became the largest organization of women in the world. It allied with the Anti-Saloon League to fight alcoholism by closing saloons and beer halls.

Gifford Pinchot

dedicated conservationists and first chief of the US forest service . His work helped prepare the way for the more sweeping conservation reforms of Roosevelt.

Lincoln Steffens

reporter who wrote a series of articles in McClure's titled "The Shame of the Cities." He fearlessly unmasked the corrupt alliance between big business and municipal government.

Wet and Dry

some states and numerous counties passed "dry" laws, which controlled, restricted, or abolished alcohol. The big cities were generally "wet," (no control on the sale of alcohol) for they had a large immigrant vote accustomed in the Old Country tothe free flow of wine and beer. By 1914, nearly one-half of the population lived in "dry" territory, and nearly three-fourths of the total area had outlawed saloons.

Charles Evans Hughes

the able and audacious reformist Republican governor of New York, had earlier gained national fame as an investigator of malpractices by gas and insurance companies and by the coal trust.

Dollar Diplomacy

the use of American investments to boost American political interests abroad. This approach to foreign-policy was a derogatory term used by Taft's critics. The almighty dollar thereby supplanted the big stick of Roosevelt.

David G. Phillips

wrote his series in Cosmopolitan titled "The Treason of the Senate" (1906). He charged that seventy-five of the ninety senators did not represent the people at all but the railroads and trusts. This withering indictment, buttressed by facts, impressed President Roosevelt. Phillips continued his attacks through novels and was fatally shot in 1911 by a deranged young man whose family he had allegedly maligned.

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