APUSH chapters 14-15

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The Missourians who crossed into Kansas to cast fraudulent ballots and promote the proslavery cause called

"Bordered ruffians"

Bent's fort and the American community in Santa Fe are examples of the

"Frontier of inclusion"

The name for what was usually the first stage of the development of a Frontier, when interaction and intermarriage between newcomers and natives is a

"Frontier of inclusion"

Thee graph on overland immigration to Oregon, California, and Utah shows that the largest number of emigrants moved to all three places in the year


All of the following characters appear in uncle toms cabin except

Goodman brown

After Texas became independent, texans...

Gradually identified all Spanish-speaking as defiling Texas

James Buchanan became the democratic party's candidate in 1856 for all of the following except

His strong political leadership under former president pierce

The Trejano community included all of the following except

Illegal immigrants, poor tenant farmers, and wealthy ranchers

The participants in the California gold rush

Included many Chinese who were soon discriminated against

The map of the situation in 1840 when texas was changing from a mexican provinve to a U.S. State shows that indian territory

Included parts if oklahoma, kansas, and nebraska

On the overland trails

Indian attacks eerie fairly rare

The "frontier of exclusion" in Oregon was clearly marked by the

Indian wars following the killing Marcus and Narcissa Witman

John browns raid on harpers ferry did all of the following except

Inspire multiple acts of slave diffidence across the south

Senator Seward of NY argued that slavery was not only morally wrong, but it was also, for the whole country

Intellectually subversive

The fur trade in the west

Involved a wide range of people from blacks to métis to Mexicans

By 1850, all of the following were true if the US except

It had made manufactured goods the nations principle export

All of the following are true of the fugitive slave laws except

It quieted abolitionist free blacks such as Frederick Douglass

Authors identified with the American Renaissance include all if the following except

James cooper

Texas was annexed in 1845 in large part because

James k. Polk had won the election on an expansionist platform

The map of the exploration of the continent shows that the person who found the major route west that pioneers used later was

Jedediah Smith

In the years before Texas became independent, Tejanos...

Joined Americans in favoring more provincial self-government

After 1854, the portion of Indian territory west of the Missouri River became the territories of...

Kansas and Nebraska

The legislation sponsored by Stephen A. Douglas, which in effect repealed the Missouri Compromise in return for southern support for a transcontinental railroad to be built west of Chicago, was the

Kansas-Nebraska act

The popular name for American Party members who often belonged to secret Protestants fraternal societies


The state constitution of Kansas, under which proslavery territorial government applied for admission to the union in 1857, was known as the

Lecompton constitution

The debates on slavery between the Illinois republican and democratic candidates for the US senate that occurred in seven towns

Lincoln-Douglas debates

The map of the Mexican-American war shows that the

Major battles, except one, occurred In the undisputed Mexican territory

The argument that the United States had a god-given right too expand westward, provided by john O'Sullivan in 1845, was called

Manifest destiny

The 1851 novel by Herman Melville recounting the story of captain Ahab's search for a great white whale

Moby dick

The map of the Kansas-Nebraska acts shows that the Nebraska territory included parts of all the following present-day states except


The map of the overland trails shows that the

Oregon and California trails divided in Nebraska

The strong, contagious feeling that to gain land and be patriotic in the 1840s, one should move to Oregon was known as

Oregon fever

The document composed by Pierre soule, john mason, and James Buchanan proposing that the US buy or, if necessary, seize Cuba from Spain became known as the

Ostend manifesto

The map of the compromise of the 1850 shows that all of the following were obtained as a result as a result of the Mexican-American war except

Part if Nebraska

The government contributed to the development of the west by doing all of the following except

Paying the cost to remove the Indians from land that was to be purchased by whites

Relations between the American colonists in Texas and the government in Mexico City deteriorated after 1828 for all of the following reasons except

Pre-1830 American settlers generally wanted independence for Texas in 1830

The Mexican-American war showed that

Press coverage feeds on emotional, nationalistic public feelings

The man who beat Charles sumner senseless on the senate floor in 1856

Preston brooks

The map of the US population and settlement in 1850 shows all of the following except

San Fransisco and the Bay Area were the most heavy populated parts of California

The circumstances under which Americans settled in Texas differed from the circumstances under which they settled elsewhere in that in Texas they

Signed a contract to become catholic and citizens of another country

The first state to secede, on dec. 20 1869, was

South Carolina

The politics of expansionism meant that

Southerners believed expansion was a political and economic necessity

When the south states began to secede

Southerners were divided along up-country, low-country lines

The maps of how Texas changed from a Mexican province to a U.S. State show that in 1850,...

Texas relinquished the land that became the Oklahoma panhandle

The map of territory added (1845-1853) shows that

The Mexican cession of the 1848 included much of present-day Texas

All of the following are examples of how national organizations were breaking into sectional parts by 1860 except

The Republican Party, founded in 1854

The election of 1852 was important because

The disagreement at the conventions showed that the national parties were growing weaker

The Mexican-American war involved all of the following except

The easy defeat of the Mexicans who gave little resistance

The American party developed as a result of all of the following except

The feeling that secret organizations were a threat to society

The Oregon treaty between the US and Britain in 1846...

Was a compromise setting the Canadian-US border at the 49th parallel

The strategy of the confederates at the Montgomery convention was to

Chose moderates as leaders and claim secession was in the mutual interest of north and south

In the debates between the two candidates

Douglas accused Lincoln of favoring social equality for blacks, Though this was untrue

Life in the west for most, as shown by the California gold rush, was

A dirty, dreary time if instability racial tension

The results of the California gold rush included all of the following except

A population that came and went quickly leaving little note

The second American party system witnessed al, of the following except

A proposal by David Wilmot to end slavery in the south

The liberty party advocated all of the following except

Abolishing the international slave trade

The expansionist sentiments of the pierce administration are represented by all of the following except the

Access gained to panama with the Clayton-bulwer treaty

President Polk, prior to the declaration of war with Mexico, did all of the following except

Approve the bear flag revolt in California

The Whigs called the Mexican-American war "mr. Polks war" because they

Believed Polk had misled the country and that the war was unnecessary

When the lower south seceded, Lincoln

Believed democracy itself was on trial and decided to hold firm and wait

Zachary Taylor and the Whigs won in 1848 for all of the following reasons except

The liberty party refused to cooperate with the free-soilers

In the debates preceding the compromise of 1850, john c. Calhoun argued all of the following except

The people of the territories could exclude slavery before statehood

Those who intent illy contributed to the rising violence in Kansas included all of the following except

The settlers who moved there for land

In the 1850's the belief that there was a southern slave-owner conspiracy to make the entire country a slave country spread amount Northerners because

The south was very defensive and demanded equality in the senate and a veto over presidential candidates

The president who died suddenly during the debate over the compromise of 1850 was

Zachary Taylor

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