APUSH Chapters 7-9

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The south's political clout which ensured that the national government will continue to protect slavery rested on which of the following

Its domination of the presidency and Senate

How did President Andrew Jackson change the federal system of office holding

Jackson introduced the principle of rotation in office to discourage lang tenure

Which of the following statements characterizes Andrew Jackson's intentions toward Native Americans during the presidency

Jackson meant to remove all Native Americans east of the Mississippi, even those who had adapted to white society

Democratic-Republican Party

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were members of this political party, which favored farmers, favored the states over the federal government, close ties with France and who had support in the South.

What was stipulated in the Land Ordinance of 1785?

Money from land sales should be used to pay off national debt.

why did this era earn its title?

-the war of 1812 was over - president james monroe won the elections with a wide majority of votes -no political strife

The 1832 Ordinance of Nullification was based on which of the following beliefs

States had the right to determine which congressional laws they would enforce

Which of the following describes the ruling by the Roger B. Taney Supreme Court in Mayor of New Yrl v. Miln

The Taney Court ruled that New York State could inspect the health of arriving immigrants

Which of the following statements characterizes the presidential campaign of 1840

The Whigs' campaign was a carnival of speeches, parades, and mass meetings to demonstrate the man-of-the-people qualities of their presidential candidate

Why did a group of prominent citizens found the American Colonization Society in 1817

The aim to encourage southern planters to emancipate their slaves for resettlement Africa

Why did the emancipation of slaves proceed very slowly in the northern states during and after the Revoluton

The northern states gave priority to slaveholders' property rights so that emancipation often spaced out over several slave generations

What was remarkable about Thomas Jefferson's "Revolution of 1800"?

The smooth transition from one political party to another. It was in no way a revolution.

Which of the following statements characterizes the American party system by the early 1840s

The two parties offered nearly the same social and economic platform but employed differing campaign styles to attract voters

James Madison, Thomas Jefferson

These two Virginian Democratic-Republicans wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Why did a group of prominent citizens found the American Colonization Society in 1817

They aimed to encourage Southern planters emancipate their slaves for resettlement in Africa

Society's notion of women as republican wives and mothers was based on which of the following ideas about women

They were uniquely qualified to educate and nurture the spirit

John Adams

This Federalist won a close election against Thomas Jefferson in 1796.

Sedition Act

This act made it illegal for anyone to print anything false or scandalous about the federal government.

Alien Act

This made it longer for immigrants to become citizens. It also gave the President the right to deport any immigrant without trial who was deemed dangerous.

Alexander Hamilton

This man influenced the House of Representatives to pick Jefferson as president over Aaron Burr.

Which of the following describes the Missouri Compromise enacted in 1820

This piece of legislation set a precedent for future state admission to the Union

Why did President Adams seek a peaceful solution to the undeclared war with France?

To prevent the outbreak of a full-scale war

What was the main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

To silence and punish critics of the Federalists

What occurred during the Bad Axe Massacre of 1832

U.S. troops pursued Black Hawk's followers into Wisconsin and killed 850 of his warriors

Convention of 1800

US and France agree to peace; ending the Quasi-War

In the early 18 Hundred's which group would have endorsed Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Rush's proposals for comprehensive public education

Wealthy New England merchants

in the early 1800s, which group would have endorsed Thomas Jefferson's and Benjamin Rush's proposals for comprehensive public education

Wealthy New England merchants

House of Representatives

When there is a tie in the Electoral College, who picks the President?

How did yeomen and tenant farmers who were influenced by the Second Great Awakening in the nineteenth century treat their children

With strict rules and harsh discipline

How does human and tenant farmers who were influenced by the second grade awakening in the 19th century treat their children

With strict rules and harsh discipline

In the election of 1840, Whigs boosted their electoral hopes by appealing to which of the following groups


XYZ Affair

confrontation between France and US over French impressment of US sailors, led to Quasi War and Alien/Sedition Acts

Dartmouth vs. Woodward

encouraged business growth as well as securing investors and employers

Gibbons vs Ogden

established Congress as the sole power to regulate interstate trade

John C. Calhoun challenged the northern Whig economic idealogy by arguing

that advanced civilizations always had antagonism between workers and capitalists


the belief that the national interests of a country are more important than regional or state interests

Western Confederacy

the group of Indian tribes that joined together to defend their lands (NWT) included Shawnee, Miami, and Pottawatomie tribes, ultimately defeated by Harrison at the battle of Tippecanoe

how the economies of the north and south develop independently?

the north's economy was based mainly on manufacturing. the south's economy was based mainly on agriculture.

American ministers such as Thomas Bernard argued in the early eighteenth century that women should exercise their power in society through

their influence on the male citizens of the coming generations

Treaty of Greenville

treaty between the Americans and the Native Americans, in exchange for some goods, Indians gave the US most of the territory in Ohio, Anthony Wayne was the US representative

In the U.S. Supreme Court case of Worcester v. Georgia (1832), John Marshall and the Court majority issued a decision that

upheld Indians nations' political authority in their communities

Which of the following statements describes transportation in the trans-Appalachian West in the early nineteenth century

water transport was the quickest and cheapest way to get goods to market

What was the net effect of republican marriage patterns on the institution of marriage in early nineteenth-century America

young wives could no longer rely on their parents for emotional or financial support and became more dependent on their husbands

Which of the following took place after the Bank of the United States charter expired in 1811

It was not renewed but a Second Bank of the United States was started five years later

What did George Washington warn against during his farewell address?

Permanent foreign alliances

Noah Webster influenced American society in the late eighteenth century through which of the following means

Publishing dictionaries and spelling books to make American spelling and grammar more uniform

Which of the following spurred the panic of 1890 in the United States

Reckless practices pursued by shady state-chartered banks

The excerpt best reflects which of the following elements of the American society in the late 18th and early 19th centuries


Politicians from modest backgrounds tended to support which of the following reforms in the 1810s

Restrictions on imprisonment for debt


Shawnee leader who created a large organized alliance of Amerindians of the Ohio river valley

Thomas Jefferson

A Democratic-Republican; he was the Federalist John Adams' Vice-President.

Which of the following describes the publication Letters from an American Farmer

A book written by a french essayist in 1782 that praised American egalitarianism and condemned European aristocracy

What was the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it?

Absence of a bill of rights

John Adams

Federalist, second president,

Alien and Sedition Acts

Federalists were mad at Democratic-Republicans for their harsh attacks in the press about them. To prevent further attacks, the Federalist-controlled Congress passed the

Erie canal

First major man-made waterway in US

XYZ Affair

France seized US ships heading to England. Adams sent diplomats to France. 3 French agents met them & demand a bribe; angering Americans

In what way was the United States more democratic than anywhere else in the world during the first half of the nineteenth century

Franchise qualifications

Which of the following developments ended the debate over emancipation in the South in the early nineteenth century

Gabriel Prosser's slave uprising

What was the outcome of President John Quincy Adams' support of the Creeks in their treaty negotiations with the state of Georgia

Georgia's governor attacked him as a "public enemy" and "ally of the savages"

What did Thomas Jefferson do to the Federalist programs when he became president?

He left them mostly intact.

Why did Napoleon sell Louisiana to the United States?

He needed money after his failure in Santo Domingo and didn't want to have to give the land to the British for free.

Which of the following laws required the Treasury department to accept only gold and silver in payment for purchases of federal land

The Specie Circular

What effect did Jefferson's foreign policy of economic coercion have?

Americans overestimated French and British dependence on American goods.

Which of the following describes the relationship between social status and wealth in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century American history

Americans respected those who raised their status through talent and hard work

On whom did President Jackson rely for political advice

An informal group called the Kitchen Cabinet

About how many African Americans were still living in slavery in the northern states in 1810

Aprox. 30,000

How did Thomas Jefferson deal with British and French violations of neutrality?

Embargo Act

Why did Andrew Jackson veto the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States in 1832

He thought it interfered with the rights of states and the liberties of the people

National Bank

As President, Jefferson agreed to keep the


As President, Jefferson promised not to fire _____________ from the government.

As president, John Quincy Adams supported which of the following policies

A national bank to promote a uniform currency and to control credit

Sequoyah developed which of the following to assimilate members of the Cherokee tribe into American life

A perfected system of writing for the Cherokee language

Virginia Dynasty

"dynasty" comprised of the four of the first five presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe), all of whom Virginian plantation owners

Marbury v. Madison

(1803) Marbury was a midnight appointee of Adams, sued Madison for commission; Marshall said the law that gave the courts the power to rule over this issue was unconstitutional; established judicial review

Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise)

-was about whether or not Missouri would be admitted as a slave or free state -Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine broke away from Massachusetts and became a free state

Monroe Doctrine

-written by John Quincy Adams -stated that American continent are not up for European colonization and in return the United States would not get involved in European issues

Whiskey Rebellion

1791 protest against excise taxes

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory from France, made by Jefferson, doubled the size of the US.

McCullough v. Maryland

1819 ruling by Supreme Court stating that Maryland could not tax the local office of the Bank of the United States because it was the property of the national gov.

Adams-Onis Treaty

1819 treaty between the US and Spain, Spain ceded Florida to the US

What was the Second Great Awakening that took place in the United States in the 19th century

A long lasting religious revival that made the United States a genuinely Religious Society

What was the Second Great Awakening that took place in the United States in the nineteenth century

A long-lasting religious revival that made the United States a genuinely religious society

Federalist Party

Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were members of this political party; they were in favor of the bank, supported manufacturing, wanted close ties with England and had support mostly in the North.

Adams refused to go to war with France.

Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery in which of the following regions of Louisiana Purchase

All lands north of latitude 36 30' except for the state of missouri

The panic of 1819 cause which of the following outcomes

American cotton and wheat prices plummeted over 50%

Which were the two fastest growing American Church denominations during the early 19th century

Baptist and methodist

Battle of Tippecanoe

Battle between Americans and Native Americans, Tecumseh and the Prophet attempted to oppress white settlement in the West, defeated by William Henry Harrison; led to talk of Canadian invasion and served as a cause to the War of 1812.

Which of the following describes the state of Southern society in the early nineteenth

Because hard work was associated with slaves, white men resented doing physical labor

Which of the following statements describes the extent to which parents exercise control over their children's marriages in the United States in 1800

Because land holdings shrink parents lost leverage other children's choices of marital partners

Which of the following statements describes the extent to which parents exercised control over their children's marriages in the United States in 1800

Because landholdings shrank, parents lost leverage over their childrens choices of marital partners

Which of the following statements describes the impact of the Jacksonian-era constitutional revolution on the States

Between 1830 and 1860, twenty states revised their charters and enhanced democracy

How did evangelical Christians spread religious revival during the Second Great Awakening

By holding large camp meetings


Congress suspends trade. Navy told to capture French ships. Undeclared naval war between France and United States 1798-1800

Treaty of Ghent

December 24, 1814- ended the War of 1812/restored status quo, most territory captured in the war returned to the original owner, also set up a commission to determine disputed Canada/U.S. border.

In 1832, a South Carolina state convention committed which of the following actions

Declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state

In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, "IT is a constant fact that a the present day the ablest men in the United States are rarely placed at the head of Affairs


Which type of political system did Thomas Jefferson favor?

Democratic- Republic

Which of the following was a result of the Second Great Awakening

Different denominations cooperated with one another

Aaron Burr

Due to Alexander Hamilton's support of Jefferson, it lead this man to kill Hamilton in an 1804 duel.

In the landmark case of Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co. (1837), Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and the U.S. Supreme Court did which of the following

Encouraged competitive enterprise, opening the way for legislatures to charter railroad companies

Why a national market emerge in the United States between the 1780s and about 1820

Entrepreneurs mobilized the large rural workforce to manufacture and distribute goods throughout the United States

In which of the following ways did the growth of rule manufacturing affect New Englanders in the early 18th century

Farm families became more dependent on market forces beyond their control

The growth of the textile industry in New England in the early eighteenth century negatively affected which of the following occupactions


Which of the following factors contributed to the sharp decline in the American birth rate from 1790 to 1820

Father's desire for fewer children in order to ensure the adequacy of their inheritance

Which of the following factors contributed to the sharp decline in the American birthrate from 1790 to 1820

Fathers' desire for fewer children in order to ensure the adequacy of their inheritances

What did Jefferson and Madison argue in their "compact theory"?

Federal government is a creation of the states, so it is up to the states to say when federal government has overstepped its boundaries.

what was the main goal/ provisions of henry clay's american system?

Goal- to unify the 2 economies (N/S) and receive economic independence from other countries into the world P- establishing a Protective tariff I- developing International Improvements and other transportation systems (national road and the fire canal provides connection) N- resurrecting the National bank of the united states

African Americans who converted to Christianity during the Second Great Awakening embraced which of the following teaching

God as a liberator of the Jews

African Americans who converted to Christianity during the Second Great Awakening embraced which of the following teachings

God as the liberator of the Jews

How did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina's claimed right of nullification in 1832

He asked Congress for a Force Bill authorizing him to use military to suppress any act of nullfication

Emma Willard was the first American to advocate for which of the following reforms

Higher education for women

How was Thomas Jefferson elected president in 1800?

House of Representatives

What was at the center of the debate between supporters and opponents of the Constitution?

How to reconcile states' rights with a strong central government

The Trial of Tears was the direct consequence of which of the following government actions

Indian Removal Act of 1830

John Deere

Invented first steel plow

Robert Fulton

Invented the steam engine

Samuel B. Morse

Invented the telegraph

Which of the following objections to the system of state sponsored mercantilism emerged in the United States for the 1820 S

It violated the equal rights of citizens and lessen the power of government

Which of the following objections to the system of state-sponsored mercantilism emerged in the United States by 1820

It violated the equal rights of citizens and lessened the power of government

Which of the following arguments did President Jackson offer as a justification for destroying the Second Bank of the United States

It was a monopoly that benefited only a few owners, some of whom were foreigners

Which of the following statements describes Jackson's veto of the bill rechartering the Second Bank of the United States in 1832

It was a popular move, blending constitutional arguments, an appeal to patriotism, and class rhetoric

The South Carolina Exposition and Protest, written by John C. Calhoun, bore a similarity to the argument made by which of the following people

Jefferson and Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Revolution of 1800

Jefferson becomes President and first Republican in office, significant because contrary to all beliefs, power was exchanged from one party to another peacefully for the first time.

Which of the following statements describes events surrounding the election of 1824

John Quincy Adams became president even though Andrew Jackson had more popular votes

French; Irish

Most immigrants during the 1790s were either _____________ or _______

Which of the following characterizes the impact of republican ideology on child rearing in America in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries

Most parents began to treat their more children permissively and respectfully

Which of the following statements characterizes the relationship between church and state in post-revolutionary America

Most states continued to support churches indirectly by not taxing their property or ministers incomes

Which of the following statements characterizes the American political system directly after the American Revolution

Notables manged local elections through their personal connection

Which of the following describes the political developments taking place in America during the first two decades of the 19th century

Ordinary Whiteman's rising political status was accompanied by a decline in the political rights of women in free black

In the early republic, Benjamin Rush and other leaders argued that women should be educated so they could do which of the following

Oversee the instruction of their sons in the principles of liberty and government

What aspect of early nineteenth-century American government had the founders condemned as contrary to republican ideals

Political parties

war hawks

Southerners and Westerners who were eager for war with Britain, had a strong sense of nationalism, and they wanted to take over British land in North America and expand

On what basis did the US government base its claim that the Commonwealth system was consistent with Republican ideology

State support for private businesses contributed to the overall public good

Which of the following elements defined the Democrats under Andrew Jackson

Support for average Americans

Which of the following developments spurred the Panic of 1837

The Bank of England curtailed British investment in the United States

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution specify should be done in a election like the election of 1824, in which no presidential candidate received a majority of the electoral votes

The House of Representatives decides the outcome


The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions argued for _______________________________; states had the right to nullify or say no to any law unconstitutional, such as the Alien and Sedition Acts

Working Men Parties of the late 1820s and 1830s called for which of the following reforms

The abolition of debtors' prisons

Which of the following statements characterizes the operations of the Bank of the United States in the twenty years after its 1791 chratering

The bank had branches in eight major cities to respond to demands for commercial credit, and its profits averaged 8 percent annually

The development described in the excerpt is most strongly connected to which of the following

The controversy over women's political rights


The economic system in which private businesses and individuals controlled production.

Which of the following describes the textile industry that was emerging in New England and the Middle Atlantic states in the 1780s

The industry relied on an outwork system that combines mills and household labor

Why did the emancipation of slaves proceed very slowly in the northern states during and after the revolution

The northern states gave priority to slaveholders property right so that emancipation often was spaced out over several slave generations

Why did Thomas Jefferson have a guilty conscience about purchasing the Louisiana Territory?

The purchase went against his strict constitutional views. He thought it was unconstitutional.

In which of the following ways did evangelical religions in the South revolve during the first decades of the nineteenth century

They began preaching spiritual equality but gradually adopted a message that justified white patriarchal authority

In which of the following ways did evangelical religions in the South evolve during the first decade the 19th century

They begin by preaching spiritual equality of gradually adopted a message that justified white patriarchal authority

What did bankers, land speculators, and entrepreneurs in the 1820s to the 1840s have in common

They demanded government assistance for their business entreprises

Why did several eastern states expand suffrage in the 1810s

They wanted to discourage westward migration

Which of the following describes the Missouri Compromise, enacted in 1820

This piece of legislation set a precedent for future states' admission to the Union

Which slaves became free as a result of the Virginia legistrative passage of aim manumission act in 1782

Those whose masters chose to free them

Which slaves became free as a result of the Virginias legislature's passage of a manumission act in 1782

Those whose masters chose to free them

Which of the following was the primary function of the Second Bank of the United States

To stabilize the nation's money supply by forcing state banks to convert their paper money periodically into gold and silver coin

Jay's Treaty

Treaty meant to end British seizing of US ships, actually accepted Britain's right to stop neutral ships

Which of the following statements describes transportation in the trans Appalachian West in the early 19th century

Water transport was the quickest and cheapest way to get goods to market

Market Revolution

a drastic change in the manual labor system originating in south (soon moved to north) and later spread to the entire world; traditional commerce became outdated with the transportation and industrail revolution, north started to have a more powerful economy that started to challenge the economies of some mid-sized European cities

Embargo Act

act that forbade export of goods from the U.S. to hurt the economies of the warring nations of France and Britain, only act slowed the economy of the US, seen as one of many precursors to war.

Alien/Sedition Acts

acts passed to quiet Republicans, Alien Act deported immigrants, Sedition Act prevented any public badmouthing of the government

President Martin Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 by

adopting a hands-off, limited government stance

Hartford Convention

meeting of Federalists near end of the War of 1812, the party listed complaints against ruling Republican Party; actions were largely viewed as traitorous to the country/cost the Feds their influential power

Bank of the United States

national bank to be owned by both the gov. and stockholders; meant to provide stability to economy

McCullough vs. Maryland

national government has expanding powers which states can not infringe

In theory, companionate marriage gave wives equality of rank and fortune but did not solve the issue of

domestic tyranny

Judiciary Act of 1789

established a Supreme Court

In which of the following ways did the growth of rural manufacturing affect New Englanders in the early eighteenth century

farm families became more dependent on market forces beyond their control

Federalists v. Republicans

federalists favored strong central gov., republicans wanted the national gov to be subordinate to the state govs

Bill of Rights

first 10 amendments to the Constitution, written by James Madison, protection of individual rights

Fletcher vs Peck

further established people's property rights and was a first example of the judicial branch overruling a state law

Which of the following statements characterizes the Second Bank of the United States in the 1830s

its cautious monetary policy pleased bankers, creditors, and East Coast entrepreneurs, who funded economic development

The Souths political clout, which ensured that the national government would continue to protect slavery rested on which of the following

its domination of the presidency and Senate

midnight judges

last-minute judicial appointments of judges with federalist beliefs that were made by President Adams just before Jefferson took office

In the aftermath of the nullification crisis, President Jackson responded to southern concerns about the tariff by

persuading Congress to pass a new tariff that gradually reduced duties

The increasing importance of women in the Protestant denominations in New England during the Second Great Awakening led to which of the following outcomes

premarital sex among churchgoing youth decreased significantly

The Second Great Awakening deeply influenced American culture and society by

promoting the ideas of human reason and free will

VA/KY Resolutions

put into place by Madison/Jefferson to regain rights from the Alien/Sedition Acts

Which of the following spurred the Panic of 1819 in the United States

reckless practices pursued by shady state chartered banks


sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather info on the US' new land/map a route to the Pacific, kept careful maps/records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase

On what basis did the U.S. government base its claim that the commonwealth system was consistent with republican ideology

state support for private business contributed to the overall public good

Monroe Doctrine

statement of foreign policy, proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the US or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

1st Amendment

the Sedition Act deprived citizens of the rights to criticize their government and the right to freedom of the press. What amendment did the Sedition Act violate?


the belief that regional or state interests are more important than the nation's

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