APUSH Chp. 32-33

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baby boom

12 mil vets return to A->baby boom, GD is over->baby boom, 1946-1964 76 mil. babies born->need for diapers, medicine, schools, books, housing


1945-1957 consumer credit soared 800%, saving only 5% of income, shopping became recreational activity, by 1960 3840 shopping malls compared to 8 in 1945

Southeast Asia

1954, SEATO, US plus 6 others,


1954, added "under God" to Pledge of Allegiance and in 1956, made "In God We Trust" mandatory on all coins and currency, made ntl motto, a godly nation would better withstand the march of godless communism

Federal-Aid Highway Act

1956, authorized the fed. gvt to pay 90% of the cost of building a national network of interstate superhighways to serve needs of commerce and ntl. defense and convenience of citizens

white flight

AA from S migrated to cities in N and MW, as moved in, white residents moved out, eager to maintain residential segregation in their new suburban communities, Levittown excluded members of other than the Caucasian race, suburban pop. was 95% white

Ralph Ellison

AA writer, explored theme of lonely indv. imprisoned in privacy in his kaleidoscopic novel, Invisible Man, used black narrator struggling to find and liberate himself

Billy Graham

Baptist evangelist, used radio and television to promote his huge crusades

African American singers

Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Ray Charles

Ho Chi Minh

Communist, took influence of Viet Minh, obsessed by one goal:independence for his country, called land a Democratic Republic

Saul Bellow

Dangling Man, essence of life is the desire for pure freedom,

Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman, powerful exploration of theme (lonely crowd-indv. w/o internal values, hollow at core, groping for a sense of belonging and affection)

Cong. elections 1952

Democrats retained most of governorships, lost control of H by only 8 seats, and broke even in Senate

Dien Bien Phu

F. force sent to lure Viet Minh out into open, trapped themselves by a VM force that threatened to vercer stronghold

Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

GI Bill, created the Veterans Administration, provisions for mustering-out pay, unemployment pay for vets for one yr, preference for gvt jobs, loans for home construction, access to gvt. hospitals, subsidies for postsecondary education-14.5 bil dollars, helped erode class barriers, AA vets could not take equal advantage of ed. benefits


Gen. during WWII, after war was commander of NATO forces, effective leader, MW middle of the road patriot, common man, prone to giving folksy advice, hidden hand-deliberately cultivated a public image of passivity to cloak his active involvement in policy, appointed car dealers to cabinet

First Indochina War

Ho's forces challenged F. efforts to restore colonial regime, F. reinstated former emperor Bao Dai, China diplomatically recognized the Viet Minh gvt and US and B recognize Bao Dai

Allen Ginsberg

Howl, features an explicit sensuality, impressionistic attempt to catch the color, movement, and dynamism.

internal security

IKE stiffened gvt. security program that Truman had set up, new category of was security risk, fed. workers could lose jobs b/c of dubious political associations or personal behavior


IKE took bold move and intensified bombardment of NK, then had Dulles threaten to use atomic warfare->negotiations moved quickly toward an armistice on 38th parallel and toward a complicated arrangement for an exchange of prisoners, (other factors: rising Chinese losses, death of Stalin

dynamic conservatism

IKE's domestic program, conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings, set out to slash ND programs and ntl defense spending, tax reductions for corporations and wealthy, business slump followed which reduced gvt. revenues->IKE's fiscal policy more flexible, kept basic structure of ND, pragmatist, in some ways expanded ND with the SS Act extensions

Bandung Conference

Indonesia, 29 countries, signaled emergence of third world of underdeveloped countries, unaligned with SU bloc

Dutch East Indies

J. created a puppet Indonesian republic emerged independent after WWII, D effort to regain control of their colony->warfare

David Riesman

The Lonely Crowd, comprehensive analysis of the new corporate character, detected a shift in dominant A. personality from what they called inner-directed type (possess a deeply internalized set of basic values implanted by strong minded parents, assured self reliant personality) to the other-directed type (concerned more with being well liked than with being independent)

Harry Byrd

VA senator, supplied a rallying cry: Massive Resistance, in 1956, 101 members of Cong. signed Southern Manifesto-denounced the SC decisoin

C. Wright Mills

White Collar Society, attacked the attributes and influence of modern corporate life, said that when white collar people get jobs they sell their personalities

Death of a Salesman

Willy Loman, salesman who has centered his life and that of his family on the notion that material success is secured through personal popularity, his boss tells him he is a failure, admits he is lonely, commits suicide

Eisenhower Doctrine

a resolution that promised to extend ec. and military aid to ME nations and to use force if necessary to assist any such nation against armed aggression by any Communist country

Geneva Accords

aggrement proposed to make Laos and Cambodia independent and divide Vietnam at 17 parallel, US and V refuse to sign

Smith Act

aimed at anti-gvt conspirators, construed it to apply only to those advocating revolutionary action, rendered a dead letter

downfall of McCarthyism

armistice->end career, made charge that US Army itself was soft on communism, out did himself, Joseph Welch called him out for lacking a sense of decency, McCarthy was condemned, three years later he died

Federal Housing Administration

benefited the suburbia revolution, insured loans up to 95% of the value of the house->easy for a builder to construct low coast homes, vets got added benefits b/c could buy a Levitt house with no down payment

Norman Vincent Peale

best salesman of the gospel of reassuring "good news", champion of feel-good theology, wrote Power of Positive Thinking in 1952, best seller, offered simple how to course in personal happiness

end of Truman's administration

bloody stalemate in Korea, wage and price controls at home, charges of Communist subversion, exposure of corruption, 250 employees fired

blue collar vs. white collar

blue collar-hourly wage white collar-salaried

Vietnamese independence

capital in Hanoi, Sept. 2 1945, borrow from Jefferson,

Earl Warren

chief justice, seemed safely conservative, proved to have social conscience and a streak of libertarianism , important force for social and political change, appointed by IKE

silent generation

college students of postwar era, content to cavort at fraternity parties and sock hops before landing a job with a large corporation, marrying, and settling down to the routine of middle class suburban life, embrace values of parents and capitalist system


coup in Iraq, led by Nasser and Soviets, threw out pro W gvt, E ordered marines to Lebanon after asked for support


defiant young, unruly actors, James Dean, Marlon Brando


depended for its strategic effect upon those very fears of nuclear disaster, had to go to brink and express why you think that you got jipped last time

Willis Haviland Carrier

developed air conditioning in early 19th century, became a common household fixture in the 50s

Alan Freed

disc jockey, coined the term rock and roll in 1951, played R&B records but labeled it rock and roll to surmount racial barrier, popularity helped bridge gap b/n white and black music

Edward Hopper

explored theme of desolate loneliness in postwar A., paintings depicted isolated indc. melancholy, motionless

critics of postwar life

feared that A was becalmed in a sea of conformity, content to succumb to the soul denying demands of the corporate rat race and eager to wallow in consumer culture

corporate life

fewer ppl self employed, manual labor giving way to mental labor, white collar workers outnumbered blue collar workers for first time in history in 1950, antitrust activity relaxed+huge def. contracts+wave of mergers->corporate concentration and consolidation, dominant giants in every industry->primary source of new jobs, 1960- 38% of workforce employed by organizations with more than 500 employees

Imre Nagy

fighting broke out->moderate Communist, installed as head of gvt in Budapest

Jackson Pollock

grp. of younger painters in NYC decided that postwar society was so repulsive that it precluded any attempt at literal representation, came to be called abstract expressionism

cult of feminine domesticity

ideal middle class woman: 32 yr. old, pretty and popular, suburban, white, housewife, mother of four, married at 16, home manager, PTA, devoted to husband, reinforced by soaring birthrate


in 50s and 60s almost entire pop. increase was an urban or suburban phenomenon, technological advances in agricultural->reduced need for manual laborers-> 20 mil.ppl left farms and villages for city, suburbs grew 6 times faster than cities in 50s, by 1970, more ppl in suburbs than cities, facilitated by car ownership growth and highway construction

New Look

institutionalizing containment, extended it to the military strategy of deterrence, endorsement of massive retaliation, heart was the assumption that nuclear weapons could be used in limited war situations->reduce conventional forces, save money

great migration

mass migration of rural southern blacks to urban N and MW after WWII, in search of better jobs, higher wages, decent housing, and greater social equality, Chicago's pop. doubled in 50s, confronted new harsh realities(slumlords gorged them for rent, employers refused to hire them, union bosses denied them membership)

Citizens Councils

middle and upper class versions of KKK, spread quickly, used ec. coercion against blacks

St. Lawrence Seaway

monument to IKE's presidency, opened GL to oceangoing ships by means of locks and dredging

urban growth

most of it occurred in the South, SW, and the West, this arc was labeled the sunbelt, NE remained most densely populated area


most popular new household product, by 1960 there were 50 mil. sets compared to 7000 in 1946, 9/10 homes had one in 1970, advertising increases


move to independence from colonialism->dilemma for US policy makers: wanted to sympathize with colonial nationalists but wanted D and F help fending off incursions of communism


opportunities for pursuing more varied notions of what good life entailed were available, but conformist mentality discouraged experimentation

Viet Minh

opposed Japanese in Indochina, led by Ho Chi Minh,


originally US supports Castro, then see no hope for democracy, Castro worked with SU, IKE suspended diplomatic relations with cuba


peace of mind and positive thinking psychology struck some members of the religious community as shallow and misleading, criticized those who identified with US as only truly providential society

search for community

people on the move, corporations relocated some employees, people searched for a sense of community and rootedness, people tended to be joiners

religious nation

postwar revival of participation, 1960 over 65% were official communicants of a church, sales of bibles soared,

the novel

preoccupation with indv. struggle for survival amid the smothering and disorienting forces of mass society


prior to WWII-160,000 A. graduated each year from college, 1950-500,000 A. graduated each year, 1494- vets accounted for 40% of all college enrollments, colleges remained segregated, in 1946 only 1/5 of 100,000 AA who applied for benefits had enrolled in a program

modern Republicanism

promised to slow rate of gvt. expansion while retaining the coveted social programs established by FDR and Truman

President Eisenhower

promoted a patriotic crusade to bring Americans back to God, joined a church in 1953, claimed to be the most religious man he knew


proportion of homeowners in pop. increased by 50% from 1945-1960, postwar construction boom, new appliances,

Twenty Second Amendment

ratified in 1951, forbade any president from serving more than two terms, exempted Truman

post WWII society

remarkable prosperity, brief recession, GNP doubled b/n 1945 and 1960, 6% of world pop. and produced and consumed 2/3 of its goods, consumerism high, ppl eager to buy, poverty still a chronic condition, fed. expenditures to meet military needs during war had catapulted them out of GD, high gvt. spending cont. b/c of cold war, military research->new industries, other countries were devastated by war->A. man. left with monopoly on intntl trade

John Dulles

secretary of state, saw the world as an arena in which forces of good and evil cont. at war, thought containment policy was needlessly defensive, A. should instead work toward liberation of EE from SU domination, IKE would promote peaceful means (made no sharp departure from containment),

Reinhold Niebuhr

significant spokesman, professor at NY's Union Theological Seminary, lambasted complacency and conformity that had settled over postwar life, spiritual peace involves the reality of pain, a pain caused by love and responsibility for the well being of the entire human race


small but highly visible and controversial grp. of young writers, poets, and musicians, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsbery , Gary Snyder, grew out of NY Greenich Village, more interested in transforming themselves than in reforming the world, sought personal rather than social problems


soviets leave, Nagy announced that Hungary would w/draw from Warsaw Pact, Soviets back in Hungary, soviets installed a more compliant leader, Jamos Kadar

juvenile delinquency

swept across nation, 1 mil teens arrested each year in 1956, car theft=leading offense, Hoover blamed it on lack of religious training, others blamed slums, mobility, and rock and roll

effects of great migration

taxed resources of N. urban gvts, white racists not happy, white mob in a Chicago suburb assaulted a building into which a black family had moved->Ntl Guard had to quell the disturbance, produced a web of complex social problems in N cities that would erupt in crisis

public housing

to deal with migrants and alleviate racial stress they built public housing projects to accommodate newcomers, overcrowded, all black, segregated prisons,

new revival of religion

was upbeat and soothing, ppl didn't want conscience overburdened with a sense of personal sin or social guilt, wanted to be reassured that their comfortable way of life was indeed God's will


wealth more wide spread than earlier periods of prosperity, blacks had increased wages too, but gap of average yearly income of blacks and whites was widening in the 50s,

Election of 1952

Rep-Eisenhower, I LIKE IKE, balanced ticket with Nixon, former general, hero, opened a domestic crusade to clean up Washington Dem-Truman withdrew, supported Adlai E. Stevenson, hardly known outside IL, egghead, Landslide for Eisenhower, marked turning point in Rep. fortunes in the S (moving toward 2 party system), Eisenhower made it fashionable to vote Rep. in the South

election of 1956

Rep-IKE, modern rep, Dem-Adlai Stevenson, less favoritism to big business, tax relief for low income brackets, FT , IKE first to win a dem. state,

Sweatt v. Painter

SC ruled that a separate black law school in Texas was not equal in quality to the states whites only schools, ordered state to remedy the situation

John Kenneth Galbraith

The Affluent Society, attacked prevailing notion that sustained ec. growth would solve chronic social problems, had yet to eradicate poverty

John Keats

The Crack in the Picture Window, assault against the life in the huge new suburban developments, ridiculed Levittown, concluded that suburbanites were living in a homogenous, postwar Hell

Elvis Presley

Memphis, rockabilly music, blend of gospel, country and western, R&B rhythms and lyrics, Heartbreak Hotel, defiance of adult convention, conservatives urged parents to destroy his records, accused of being a communist too

William Levitt

NY developer, led suburban revolution, on 1200 acres in Long Island, built 10,600 houses to be inhabited by 40,000 people, other developers mimicked him across the country,

Egypt-Suez War

Nasser, treaty to remove B. forces, US courted E. support by offering loan to build hydroelectric plant->opposed by Jews and S. cong. men, Nasser increased trade with SU bloc, recognized Peoples Republic of China->Dulles canceled loan offer->hurt Anglo-F interests in Suez->Nasser took control of Suez Canal Company-> B and F furious->Israel, B, F, attack->US honored UN charter and stayed out of it

Jack Kerouac

On the Road, autobiographical novel, portrays Beats life of bursting ecstasies and maniacal traveling

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