APUSH Final review

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Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the Northern victory in the Civil War?

A "home field" advantage by fighting to defend Northern territory.

What statement best describes the economic activity in the Atlantic world during the colonial period?

A lively trade emerged between the North American colonies, Britain, and Africa.

Which of the following factors influenced German immigration in American during the mid-19th century?

A political revolution in Germany in 1848 increased immigration to the US.

What impact did the War of 1812 have an American nationalism?

Although the conflict was indecisive, it boosted American nationalism.

What political role did women play in the new American republic?

As mothers, they perpetuated republican ideals.

Which of the following answers correctly identifies an important consequence of the Spanish attitude towards Native Americans?

Because so many native peoples were dying, the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa to replenish their labor supply.

What did the "Gospel of Wealth" suggest as an answer to the inequality Carnegie observed?

Benefactors should use their wealth to create greater economic opportunity.

What significant consequences did improvements during the Transportation Revolution, such as the Erie Canal, have on the American economy?

Canals helped connect the regional and national economics.

What statement best describes the relationships between different European imperial powers?

Colonial rivalry led to frequent conflicts

What statement best describes the political connections between the North American colonies and the British crown before the mid-18th century?

Colonists built political institutions based on British models but had a large degree of autonomy.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the consequences of European colonization?

Colonization brought wealth to European imperial powers which resulted in political and economic innovations.

The above passage highlights which of the following features of Romantic literature from the 19th century?

Emotion and naturalism.

What effect, if any, did Native American culture have on Europeans?

Europeans began to partake of many of the same luxury items that the indigenous social elites consumed.

What, if any, obstacles led to political misunderstandings between the indigenous peoples of North America and European colonists?

Europeans were initially confused by the decentralized nature of power within indigenous tribes.

What was the primary reason Smith offered to justify colonization of Virginia?

Exploitation of natural resources.

What answer best describes Spanish attitudes towards de las Casas' report?

Generally, Spaniards were unconcerned because they thought Native Americans should be exploited because they were uncivilized.

Which of the following factors led to the War of 1812?

Growing American involvement in European commerce and affairs.

Which of the following statements best summarizes John Brown's attitude towards efforts to abolish slavery through moral suasion?

He disagreed with these efforts because he wanted faster action.

What goal did Pontiac try to achieve by making this speech?

He wanted to create unity and cultural rejuvenation among indigenous peoples.

refer to this image of an actor portraying a Native American of the early colonial period - The image highlights which of the following?

How Native Americans became dependent on European trade goods.

Which of the following characteristics of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe did NOT contribute to cultural tension after they arrived in America in the late 19th century?

Immigrants unanimously supported temperance laws.

Why did the United States annex Hawaii?

In order to protect the economic interests of sugar planters.

Why did Winthrop say the Puritans must build a city upon a hill?

In order to serve as a religious inspiration to others.

What changes led to the inequality Carnegie described during the late 19th century?

Increasing industrialization and economic consolidation.

In what way, if any, was the Emancipation Proclamation so significant?

It added the abolition of slavery to Northern war goals during the Civil War.

How successful was the Seneca Falls convention in advancing women's rights?

It began the process of organizing advocates but change occurred slowly over decades.

In what way did the Seneca Falls declaration challenge the gendered concept of separate spheres?

It challenged the notion that men and women were fundamentally different.

Which of the following statements correctly describes Benzoni's account?

It is partially correct because Benzoni accurately describes the animistic elements of indigenous religions and the syncretic results of missionary work.

What impact, if any, did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the outcome of the Civil War?

It isolated the South and gave the North the moral high ground.

What consequences did Manifest Destiny have in the mid-19th century?

It led to conflict with Mexico.

What did the Romantic movement reveal about American culture?

It showed European influence on American culture.

How does this excerpt relate to the 19th century concepts of domesticity and separate spheres?

It shows how widespread the concepts were and urged women to conform.

What was an important consequence of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

It temporarily silenced debate but ultimately failed to resolve the controversy over slavery.

What impact did the War of 1812 have on American politics?

It ushered in the Era of Good Feelings.

What was the significance of the Battle of Saratoga in the autumn of 1777?

It was a patriot victory that encouraged the French to support the revolution.

Why is the presidential election of 1800 sometimes referred to as a "revolution?"

It was a peaceful transition from a Federalist to a Democratic-Republican administration.

What impact did Manifest Destiny have on the debate about slavery?

Manifest Destiny reignited concern about the status of slavery in western territories.

What role did the Native Americans play in the French and Indian War?

Many Indigenous peoples sided with the French and attacked the British colonial frontier.

Which of the following statements best describes colonial attitudes during the Revolution?

Many colonists were patriots but there were also many loyalists and fence-sitters.

How did colonists react to the Proclamation of 1763?

Many were angered and continued to settle illegally beyond the demarcation line.

Why did the Native American people lack immunity to European diseases?

Most Indigenous peoples did not live in urban areas and had few domesticated animals, which meant they did not develop a resistance to many animal-borne illnesses.

Which statement best describes the relationship between Native Americans and European settlers?

Native Americans and Europeans at times traded peacefully with European colonists but also frequently used diplomacy and force to resist encroachment on their territory, political sovereignty, and way of life.

Which answer best describes the lives of Native Americans immediately preceding the moment of European contact?

Native peoples created different types of settlements, engaged in long-distance trade, practiced religion, and supported social hierarchies.

Did all regions of the country benefit equally from the Transportation Revolution?

No — the North and old Northwest benefitted the most.

Did all regions of the country benefit from the industrialization depicted in Robinson's memoir?

No — the South had less capital to invest and focused on agricultural economic activity.

Are the events depicted in the painting representative of the general pattern of interactions between British colonists and indigenous peoples?

Partially — Native Americans negotiated with the colonies but also used military force to resist encroachment.

What was an important consequence of the decision to colonize Virginia on counties instead of towns?

Political and cultural institutions developed more slowly because the population was spread out over a larger area.

Was the relationship between immigrants and political machines in the late 19th century cooperative or oppositional?

Political machines provided favors to immigrants in exchange for votes.

Which of the following was NOT a motivation that drove colonists to settle in the New World?

Political oppression in Europe.

What impact did Reconstruction have on the legal rights of freedmen living in the post-bellum South?

Reconstruction had few benefits because federal laws were poorly enforced.

What attitude did the contemporary Republican Party have towards the outbreak of the Civil War?

Republicans supported the war because they thought the Union could not be dissolved.

What statement best describes the British crown's attitude towards the colonies in North America prior to mid-18th century?

Salutary neglect — the king and his cabinet rarely enforced the rules that governed the colonies which benefitted as a result.

How much economic opportunity did blacks have in the post-bellum South?

Sharecropping meant blacks had were trapped in a cycle of economic dependency.

What statement correctly describes the syncretic nature of slave culture in the British colonies?

Slaves blended new and traditional beliefs.

What statement correctly describes the status of slaves in the southern British colonies?

Slaves inherited the status from their mothers thus incorporating a strong racial element into colonial society.

What was the most common form of resistance among slaves in the New World?

Slaves ran away and intentionally worked slowly.

What connection, if any, did Social Darwinism have to American imperialism?

Social Darwinism supported American imperialism by arguing some people were naturally inferior to others.

Which of the following factors put pressure on Native American territory in the southeastern US in the early 19th century?

Soil depletion pushed farmers west in search of new land.

Why did slavery become prevalent in the southern colonies but not in New England?

Southern colonies relied on more labor-intensive cash crops.

Which of the following answers correctly describes the social hierarchy of the Spanish empire?

Spanish officials created a strict caste based on precise racial categories that placed native Spaniards at the top.

What position did Anti-Federalists take on the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights was necessary in order to restrain the federal government.

How did Britain try to deal with the massive expenses they incurred during the French & Indian War?

The British crown began to more rigorously enforce imperial policies and taxes.

What important consequences did the French & Indian War have in North America?

The British victory expelled France from North America.

What consequences did the French & Indian War have for indigenous peoples?

The British victory resulted in renewed pressure on tribal lands.

How did the Constitution address slavery?

The Constitution included several compromises that legalized slavery.

What was an important feature of the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment highlighted the values Britain shared with her North American colonies.

What, if any, impact did the Enlightenment have on the American Revolution?

The Enlightenment laid the foundation for the Revolution.

What enabled the Europeans to conquer the Native American peoples?

The Europeans had advanced military technology and also brought with them diseases which ravaged native populations.

How did the Free Soil party reflect the growing sectional differences of the North and South?

The Free Soil party highlighted the growing economic differences in the North and South resulting from unequal industrialization.

How did the Japanese respond to Commodore Perry's attempt to open trade with the United States?

The Japanese resented foreign influence and only acquiesced under force of arms.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the military strength of Native American tribes in the 17th century?

The Native Americans sometimes achieved victories against the colonists but were steadily pushed back by European forces.

Which of the following examples best supports Adams' claim?

The Stamp Act because it helped unite the colonies

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the concept of judicial review, as established by Marbury v. Madison?

The Supreme Court should review laws that conflict with the Constitution and can strike down a law as unconstitutional.

Which of the following statements best describes the status of Native American tribes in the late 19th century?

The US government no longer treated the tribes as sovereign units and forced them onto modest reservations.

Which of the following early 19th century policies would Jacksonian Democrats have supported?

The abolition of property requirements for elections and political candidates.

How did advocates for women's rights react to the passage of the 15th amendment?

The amendment fractured the women's rights movement.

What consequences did the policy of mercantilism have for British colonies in North America?

The colonies provided raw materials but manufactured very few goods.

What, if any, political implications did the Market Revolution have in the early 19th century?

The consequences of the Market Revolution played a key role in defining the Second Party System.

Which of the following statements correctly summarizes the Monroe Doctrine?

The doctrine meant little without the support of the British navy.

Why did Jacksonian Democrats oppose the Market Revolution and industrialization?

The economic changes created inequality and wage-dependency.

What factors contributed to the growth of the middle class during the late 19th century?

The expansion of educational opportunities and increasing professional employment.

What, if any, influence did the Revolution have on world history?

The ideals of the Revolution eventually inspired later movements in Latin America, the Caribbean, and France.

What consequences did Irish immigration have in America during the mid-19th century?

The influx of Irish immigrants caused a nativist backlash.

The Romantic movement can best be characterized as a reaction against what contemporary 19th century phenomenon?

The mechanization of the Industrial Revolution

Which of the following issues would the Federalist Party have supported?

The passage of the Constitution.

Which of the following statements best describes the course of the American Revolution?

The patriot forces eventually prevailed after a long and hard campaign.

What social consequences did the Second Great Awakening have in the early 19th century?

The postmillennial aspects of the Second Great Awakening inspired a variety of social reform movements

What impact did the Transcontinental Railroad have on Native Americans tribes of the Great Plains and West?

The railroad brought increased cultural and political pressure on the Native Americans.

What consequences did the Whiskey Rebellion have?

The rebellion was put down which helped secure the authority of the new national government created by the Constitution.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the encounter between the conquistador Hernán Cortés and the Aztec leader Moctezuma as depicted above?

The tapestry recognizes the important role indigenous women played as translators and cultural mediators between Europeans and Native Americans.

Which of the following examples best supports Rush's argument?

The transition from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution.

What impact did the Indian boarding schools have on Native American culture?

They accelerated the cultural assimilation process although not in a uniform fashion.

What was the most common method workers used to confront business owners and managers during the late 19th century?

They formed labor unions and called for strikes.

What position did the Populist Party take on laissez-faire economics?

They opposed laissez-faire economics because it rejected government regulation.

Why did Congressmen enact the Chinese Exclusion Act?

They wanted to reduce economic competition from Chinese laborers.

Why did the Puritans settle in towns?

Town meetings were important to the political and religious life of the Puritan settlers.

How much religious diversity existed in Britain's North American colonies?

Very high diversity — colonists followed many different sects.

How much support did Garrison's message find amongst Americans in the 19th century?

Very little — most Americans were indifferent to slavery or supported it.

Which of the following events helped secure American control over the future states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin?

Victory in the Northwest Indian War, Passage of the Northwest Ordinance, Jay's Treaty.

What economic role did women play in the new American republic?

Women were generally paid less than men and rarely owned business.

In what ways, if any, did women participate in the Market Revolution?

Women worked in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs for little pay.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the phenomenon discussed by Edwards?

he Great Awakening was a trans-Atlantic event which helped increase religious pluralism in the colonies.

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