apush midterm 1-3 pt.3

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English colonization patterns in North America differed most from Spanish colonization in that the English A) more often settled as families and rarely intermarried with Native Americans B) relied more on coerced labor from Native Americans C) enjoyed relatively peaceful relations with Native Americans D) adopted some of Native Americans' more egalitarian views on the roles of women


In highlighting "the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated," Jefferson was referring most directly to A) passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were designed to suppress criticism of the government B) Great Britain's efforts to deny colonists their political rights in the years before the American Revolution C) the use of government force to put down popular uprisings like Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion D) restrictive anti-American Indian policies that conflicted with the nation's professed political ideals


In their colonization of the Americas, the Spanish used the encomienda system to A) organize and regulate Native American labor B) improve trade relations with Native Americans C) draft Native Americans into the Spanish military D) limit intermarriage between Spaniards and Native Americans


Which of the following groups most typically created settlements like those depicted in the map? A) Migrants pursuing economic prosperity B) Colonists seeking religious independence C) Formerly enslaved people establishing new communities D) Missionaries attempting to convert Native Americans to Christianity


Which of the following most directly hindered the expansion of the settlement depicted on the map? A) The strength of the neighboring Native American confederation B) The lack of reliable access to European markets C) The frequent attacks by French and Dutch competitors D) The scarcity of available land to cultivate crops


Which of the following was a reason the United States government believed it necessary to negotiate a treaty with Great Britain following the American Revolution? A) British activities and landholdings in North America were an impediment to western settlement and peace along the frontier. B) Northerners hoped that Britain's antislavery position would pressure southern states to abolish slavery. C) The Washington administration wanted to improve relations to encourage France to sell the Louisiana Territory. D) The government wanted to mediate a better relationship between France and Britain to help bring peace to the European continent.


The map best illustrates which of the following? A) Widespread intermarriage between Native Americans and Europeans B) European anxieties about conflict with Native Americans C) Imperial competition in North America between European nation-states D) The shift of Native Americans from hunting and gathering to permanent farming


Which of the following issues of the period was Jefferson most likely concerned with in the excerpt? A) The growth of slave labor B) The creation of political parties C) The expansion of the right to vote D) The growth of various Protestant religious groups


Which of the following most directly resulted from the change in the Native American population described by Las Casas? A) The Spanish introduced new crops into the Americas, altering the native diet. B) The Spanish imported Africans as a new source of labor. C) Laborers on Hispaniola launched a large-scale rebellion against their Spanish oppressors. D) The remaining native groups established alliances with the Spanish colonists.


The purpose of the survey above was to A) implement the transfer of land in the Quebec Act B) help finalize the terms of the Treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian War C) encourage settlement and to facilitate the sale of land sold in 640-acre lots D) divide up the area explored by Lewis and Clark E) facilitate the further expansion of slavery


Thomas Jefferson's reaction to the Jay Treaty as expressed in the letter was most directly a reflection of ongoing debates in the United States over A) economic policy B) expansion to the west C) the impact of the French Revolution D) the return of a monarchy


Which of the following pieces of evidence could best be used to support the argument in the excerpt? A) A record of deeds and land titles held by widows during the American Revolution B) Statistics showing the changes in average family size before and after the Revolution C) Correspondence between husbands and wives involved in Revolutionary politics D) Studies comparing the literacy rates for men and women during the Revolutionary era


An implication of Las Casas' argument is that a major cause of the decline of the native populations in the Americas after 1492 was the A) importation of European and African wildlife to the Americas B) large-scale clashes between native armies and the Spanish C) resistance of indigenous groups to religious conversion D) epidemics brought to the Americas by Europeans


As it evolved in the seventeenth century, the region illustrated in the map came to A) encourage a variety of religious traditions B) lack a significant cash crop to export C) rely on relatively few enslaved laborers D) develop influential institutions of self-government


During and immediately after the Revolutionary era, which of the following resulted most directly from the efforts of women such as those described in the excerpt? A) The extension of voting rights to women nationwide B) The reform of laws regarding women's property ownership C) The creation of a national network of abolitionist societies D) The ideal that women would teach republican values


The conflict described in the excerpt led primarily to which of the following changes in Spanish colonial policy? A) Scaling back of the Spanish presence in North America B) Widespread use of warfare to maintain control of Native Americans C) Removal of Native Americans to reservations D) Greater accommodation to Native American cultures


The quotation above contains ideas typical of A) the Enlightenment B) the Anti-Federalists C) Quakerism D) the Great Awakening E) antinomianism


The women described in the excerpt would have most typically engaged in which of the following activities during the Revolutionary era? A) Writing plays in support of independence B) Campaigning for the right to vote as a wartime measure C) Joining militias so that they could fight on the front lines of battle D) Producing goods for the Patriot cause


Which of the following was an important consequence of the debate over the Jay Treaty? A) The United States adopted a policy of isolationism. B) Sectional tensions between the West and the South increased. C) Federalists introduced legislation in Congress to establish a constitutional monarchy on the British model. D) Strong disagreements over policy promoted the development of political parties.


The 1796 letter to a Philadelphia newspaper quoted above refers to which of the following? A) The Democratic-Republicans' opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts B) The Federalists' quasi-war against France C) The Federalists' failure to counter political opposition D) The Democratic-Republicans' condemnations of John Adams' administration E) The Democratic-Republicans' enthusiasm for the French Revolution


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