APUSH Period 1

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People of a mixed. This occurred when Europeans began to marry natives due to a lack of European women.


Plant that saved Jamestown and other US settlements by being traded and sold. It was first introduced to the US by Columbus when he saw the Cuban Natives smoking it. King James himself hated it, but it kept Jamestown going when John Rolfe experimented with it.

Catholic missions (Spanish)

Priests and fryers accompanied almost all colonizing ventures. The gospel of the Catholic Church extended throughout South and Central America, and Mexico, and into the south and southwest of the present United States.

House of Burgesses

on July 30, 1619, delegates from various communities met for a meeting about elected legislature in what would become the US.


African societies tended to be matrilineal-which means that people traced their heredity through, and inherited property from, their mothers rather than their fathers.

Work, Exchange, and Technology Chapter 1

America was introduced to European crops, livestock, and diseases. The natives created hybrid languages and religious beliefs. The Europeans learned more about agriculture and crops, especially corn, which helped the famine back home. They also got silver and gold. The consequences are diseases, war, and slave trade.

Atlantic world

America was part of a vast network of connections that has become known as the Atlantic world. The connections are between western Europe America ( the Spanish, British, and Dutch colonies) and Africa.

Corn (maize) cultivation

Many groups begin to form in order to have permanent settlements. Some people use arrogation systems to help the crops grow on dry land. Corn was the main staple crop.

Coureurs de Bois

Adventurous for traders and trappers who also moved far into the wilderness and developed an extensive trade became one of the underpinnings of the French colonial economy.

Briefly explain ONE example of how American Indians resisted European attempts to change their beliefs and world views.

American Indians resisted Europeans attempts to change their beliefs and world views by revolting against the Europeans. They didn't like the fact that the Europeans wanted to remove their tribal rituals, and a major drought and series of raids by the Apache tribes finally made the Indians want to revolt. The Indian religious leader named Pope led the uprising that killed hundreds of settlers. The Spanish fled; however, they returned and crushed the last revolt in 1969.

Briefly explain a SECOND example of how American INdian societies in the 15th and 16th centuries were affected during the Columbia Exchange.

Another example of how American Indians were affected by the Colombian Exchange is the introduction to new crops and livestock. The new crops discovered were sugar and bananas, while the new livestock were cattle, pigs, sheep, and horses. (Horses changed Indian life)


Area that the colonists set up their colony. They thought it would be a great place to live come but instead it was swampy and low, and surrounded by Woods. The colonists became vulnerable to diseases , especially malaria


First surviving colony in what would become the United States. Established by the London company and captain John Smith in 1607, the colony lost many men but was able to prosper through it all.

African slave trade

Begin for European migration to the new world. Africans begin selling slaves to traders from Mediterranean as early as eight century. People mainly wanted domestic servants; however, in the 16th century the market for slaves grew as a result of the rising European demand for sugarcane. African kingdoms fought with one another in effort to capture slaves to exchange for European goods.


Conquers. Hernando Cortes was known as the most brutal. They unknowingly attacked Montezuma and the Aztecs with smallpox during a relatively peaceful visit to tenochitlan, which lead to their triumph.

Migration and settlement

During the Archaic period, many natives were nomadic, and they used stone tools. Later some groups began to farm, and that allowed them to settle in one place. Once the Europeans came, they conquered native land because of their advanced weaponry and diseases. There were cultural changes due to their migration. They had trade, which brought along slaves (tobacco)

Briefly explain ONE example of how Europeans sought to change American Indian beliefs and world views.

Europeans sought to change American Indian beliefs and world views by having priests and friars accompany them on their voyages to colonize. Through their work, the priests spread the gospel of the Catholic Church throughout America. Additionally, priests and the government worked to suppress tribal rituals. Indians made hybrid languages and religions.


Great Indian chief who control the coastal tribes of Iroquois, sioux, and Algonquin which were all part of the Powhatan confederacy.

Sir Walter Raleigh

He received a six-year grant form Elizabeth and he sent a group of men to explore the North American coast. They returned and were particularly enthusiastic about an island the natives called Roanoke and the mainland beyond it (which in now North Carolina). He asked to name the region "Virginia" in honor of Elizabeth, "the Virgin Queen." In 1585, he recruited his cousin to establish a colony in Roanoke, except it failed. In 1587, he tried again, but in the end, the colony vanished mysteriously.

Christopher Columbus

He was born and raised in Genoa, Italy. However, he gained most of his seafaring experience for the Portuguese. When he failed to gain support from Portugal for his voyage, he turned Spain. Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Casteel agreed to his request. Even though he never found a direct water route west from Europe to Asia he "discovered" the Americas. He was known as "Admiral of the Ocean Sea" , but he was also religious. His voyages were inspired by his conviction that he was filling a divine mission as by his interest in geography and trade. by his conviction that he was filling a divine mission as by his interas much by his conviction that he was filling a divine m by his conviction that he was filling a divine mission as by his interest in geography and trade.

Fur trade

Helped open the way for the other elements of the French presence in North America-the agricultural Estates(or seiagneuries) along the St. Lawrence River, the the development of trade and military centers at Québec and Montréal and the creation of an alliance with the Algonquins and others-that enabled the French to compete with the more numerous British and contest for control of North America.

Don Juan de Onate

In 1598 he traveled north from Mexico with the party of 500 men. He distributed encomienda as to the Spanish settlers. His harsh treatment of the natives threatened the stability of the new colony and led to his removal as governor in 1606.

Henry Hudson

In 1609, this English explorer in the employ of the Dutch sailed up the river that was to be named for him in what is now New York state.

The excerpt most suggests that, in their colonization of the Westeren Hemisphers, the European colonists believed...

In their cultural superiority


Included at least five distinct northern nations-the Seneca , Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk-and had links as well with the Cherokees and Tuscaroras further south in the Carolinas and Georgia. One of the groups that allow women to 10 fields, while men were busy with hunting, war, and cleaning land. The iroquois women tended to control the social and economic organization of the settlements and play powerful roles within families while the males were away.

Briefly explain ONE example of how the environment shaped political or economic structure of a North American Indian group.

Indians divided tasks according to gender. The Algonquins, the Iroquois, and the Muskogees allowed women to work in fields, while men were hunting, fighting in war, and clearing land. Women controlled social and economic organization when left alone for long periods. Women were more involved with family.

John Smith

Leader of Jamestown who, with the indians, helps the English survive their first winter. He created a shaky relationship with the Indians by taking or stealing food.


Licenses to exactly were interviewed from the natives in specific areas that Onate distributed to the Spanish settlers.


Many of the tribes living in east of the Mississippi River were linked together loosely by common linguistic routes. The largest of the language groups is the Algonquian which dominated the Atlantic seaboard from Canada to Virginia.

Charter companies

Merchants joined forces and form charter companies. Each such enterprise operate on the basis of a charter acquired from the Monarch, which gave the company a monopoly for trading in a particular region. Among the first of these were the Muscovy Company (1555), The Levant company (1581), the Barbary company (1588), And the East India Company (1600). Investors felt a powerful urge to continue the expansion of their profitable trade. Central to this drive was the emergence of a new concept of economic life known as mercantilism.

Great Plains Indians

Most tribes here were engaged in sedentary farming( corn and grains) and lived in permanent settlements although there were some small nomadic tribes that subsisted by hunting buffalo. Tribes include Apachean, Pawnee, and Iowa.

Briefly explain ONE example of continuing contact between Native Americans and European colonists in the 17th century.

Native Americans aiding the Europeans. When the colonists first started to settle in Maryland, the natives helped the colonists get on their feet. Even though this was mainly due to the fact that the Indians were more worried about the rival tribes than they were about the English, they still provided the settlers with temporary shelter, land, and corn. The natives also helped the English with farming by giving them tips. (Treating over land)

Pueblo Revolt

Occurred when the Indians revolted against the Spanish because the Spanish tried to suppress tribal rituals. Also, their was a drough and a series of raids by Apache tribes. The instabitly led to an uprising led by the Indian religious leader, Pope. The revolt killed hundreds of Europeans. The Indians captures Santa Fe and drove the Spanish out. However, the Spanish returned and crushed the last revolt in 1969.

Briefly explain ONE example of how American Indian Societies in the 15th and 16th centuries were affected during the Columbian exchange.

One example of how American Indians were affected by the columbian exchange in disease. The Native Americans were exposed to illnesses such as influenza, measles, chicken pox, mumps, typhus, and smallpox. The result of the importation of European diseases was the death of millions of natives. However, some tribes north of Mexico were spared because their contact with Europeans came later and less immediately.

Briefly explain ONE example of conflict between Native peoples and colonists in the 17th century.

One of the conflicts between the Natives and the colonists during the 17th century was the expansion of Jamestown. This colony was able to expand because of the suppresssion of local INdians. Sir Thomas Dale led relentless attacks on the Powhatan Indians and kidnapped Pocahontas, the chief's daughter. When the Indians refused to ransom her, Pocahontas converted to Chritianity and married John Rolfe (later on, she died). Powhatan stopped attacking the English, but after his death, Opechancanough, his brother, saw that his tribe was deteriorating. Therefore, he offered the English some goods, but attacked suddenly. He finally stopped challenging the English when he failed in another revolt in 1644. (European land expansion)


One of the diseases that the Europeans brought over to the Americas. Also, this was the disease that Cortes and the conquistadors "attacked" Montezuma and the rest of the Aztecs with.


One of the major cities that emerged as a result of trade. At its peak and 1200 CE it had a population of about 10,000 and contained a great complex of large earthen mounds.


Rested on the assumption that the nation as a whole, not individuals within it, was the principal actor in the economy. The goal should be to increase the nations total well. Every European state was trying to find markets for exports will trying to limit its imports, which led to the increased attractiveness of acquiring colonies, which could become the source of goods that a country might otherwise have to buy from other nations.

Culture and Society

SA, CA and Mexico- natives and europeans lived in contact with one another. Inter marriage became frequent, and a mixed race (mestizo) came about. Also some natives were used for slave labor, but their population could not meet labor needs. In 1502, europeans imported african slaves.

Briefly explain ONE example of a cultural exchange before the arrival of the Europeans, affecting the cultural development of an American Indian group.

Sedentary life that farming brought. Societies in Sourth west built irrigation systems. They biological towns, whic consisten of stone and adobe terraced structures. Tribes were connected with language.

Geography and the Environment

South= agriculture and farming North= hunting and fishing The farm people settled near rivers for rich soil. If land was dry, irrigation systems were build. If land was fertile, it was exploited. Once the Europeans came, they found new crops, livestock, and built new weapons. The environment led to distinct regional groups because they started to practice the european culture.

THe excerpt provides evidence of which of the following regarding motives of Europeans in their conquest of the Americas in the 16th and 17th centuries?

Spreading Christianity

The excerpt best provides evidence of which issue being deeply troubling for Native Americans regarding the colonizing efforts of Europeans in the 17th century?

Suppression of Native American beliefs and culture


THe most ardent Protestants became known as "Puritans," because they hoped to "purify" the church.


The Aztecs called themselves the Mexica. In about 1300 CE, the Mexica established a city, which they named this, on a large island in a lake in central Mexico, the site of present-day Mexico City. It became by far the greatest city in the Americas to that point. The residents of this city also created large and impressive public buildings, schools that all male children attended, an organized military, a medical system, and a slave workforce drawn form conquered tribes. They gradually established their dominance over almost all of central Mexico, and beyond, through a system of tribute enforced military power.

Briefly explain ONE example of a cultural exchange before the arrival of the Europeans, affecting the cultural development of an American Indian group.

The Colombian Exchange affected the population of the Europeans when intermarriage became frequent. Soon, the population of the colonies came to be dominated by people of mixed race. (Europeans brought back crops, which helped feed the starving population. Less starving/healthier diet)

Agricultural Technology Exchange

The English were very advanced in technology such as ocean vessels, muskets, and many other tools and weaponry. However, the English were able to survive mainly because of the Native's technology. They introduced the English to new ways of farming that better suited Virginia's climate. The Indians had successful, organized farms that were new to the English.

Briefly explain ONE example of how Europeans justified their treatment of American Indians.

The Europeans justified their treatment of American Indians by finally realizing that they couldn't prosper in New Mexico with conflict. Therefore, they allowed the Pueblos to own land and they stopped Indian labor. They replaced the degrading encomienda system while tolerating tribal rituals. However, they baptized Indian children at birth and required the observation of Catholic rituals. (Divine Mission)

Samuel de Champlain

The French's alliance with the Algonquin brought the French into conflict with the Iroquois. He is the founder of Quebec. Because of the increased tensions, he led the 1609 attack on a band of Mohawks, apparently at the instigation of his Algonquin trading partners.

Briefly explain ONE example of how continuing contact between Native Americans and European colonists in the 17th century brought about a cultural or demographic change in one group or the other.

The Indians were mad about colonial expansion, which led to uprisings (Powhatan vs. Virginians). These uprising led to death, which decreased the population. The Indians spread their knowledge about farming and the land to the settlers. The settlers were able to grow crops and trade, which led to a flourishing colony. (People break treaties, colony got bigger, headright system)


The Puritans that took genuinely radical positions were as this. They were determined to worship as they pleased in their own independent congregations. This flew in the face of the English law- which outlawed unauthorized religious meetings, required all subjects to attend regular Anglican services, and levied taxed to support the established church.

Briefly explain ONE example of differences in how the various European nation colonizers reacted to intensified conflicts with Native American.

The Spanish loosened power on the Pueblos after the Pueblo Revolt 1680. English- Made treaties, but didn't follow them. Not as much intermarriage. Spanish- Intermarriage French- Fur trade helped them become friendly with Indians.

Northwest Indians

The area in purple and green is the Northwest Indians. Important tribes include Chinook, Tillamook, and Nootkin. These tribes created substantial permanent settlements along the coast and engaged in constant and often violent competition with one another for access to natural resources.

Woodland Indians

The eastern third of the US, but was separated into sections. In the south there were trading networks based on grain, an example is Cahokia, near modern day St. Louis. In the northeast, the land was not great for farming, so many tribes were nomadic. The land that was used for farming was exploited quickly. Examples of these tribes include Cherokee, Choctaw, and Iroquois.

Woodland Indians

The eastern third of what is now the United States- much of it covered with forests and inhabited by people who have thus become know as this- had the greatest food resources of any region of the continent. Many tribes lived there, and most of them engaged in farming, hunting, gathering, and fishing.

America in the World

The exchange of commodities allowed the British to thrive. They were trying to escape religious persecution under James I. They colonized in Ireland, and made assumptions that would help guide the colonists in America.


The first English settlement in the New World. It was located in Virginia, and started in 1607.

Biological and cultural changes

The first result was the importation of European diseases to the New World, which killed off millions of natives. The Europeans introduced crops (sugar and bananas) and livestock(cattle, pigs, sheep, and horses). The natives introduce the new agricultural techniques and crops(corn, squash, pumpkins, beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes).

Meso Americans

The peoples of what is now Mexico and much of Central America. The civilizations were for many centuries the center of civilized life in north and central America-the hub of culture and trade.


There was a failed attempt to colonize Roanoke in 1585, so Raleigh tried again in 1587. The daughter of the commander of the expedition, John White- gave birth to Virginia Dare. White returned to England in search of supplies and additional settlers; he hoped to return in a few months. The hostilities with SPain intervened, and White did not return for three years. When he returned in 1590, he found the island deserted, with no clue to the settlers' fate other than the cryptic inscription "Croatoan" carved on a post.

Racial Hierarchy

Through much of the Spanish Empire an elaborate hierarchy developed, with the Spanish at the top, natives at the bottom, and people of mixed races in between. Over time, the wealth and influence of a family often came to define its place in the "racial" hierarchy more decisively than race itself.

Bacon's Rebellion

Very powerful rebellion lead by Nathaniel Bacon against the government and the Indians because of land issues. Bacon lead his army into Jamestown on two different occasions and destroyed the town both times. In 1677, the Indians reluctantly signed an agreement to let the English have more land. Bacon's rebellion is significant because is showed the tension between the natives and the English over land. Also, it revealed the potential for instability in the colony's large population of free, landless men.

Briefly explain ONE example of how the environment shaped the social or cultural aspect of a North American Indian group.

Woodland Indians- land was covered with forests and the people had the greatest food source. Many tribes lived here and they farmed, hunted, gathered, and fished. Social customs and rituals were produced in permanent societies. Religion was related to natural world.


system introduced to try to make jamestown profitable. Headlights were 50-acre grants of land given to settlers in different ways. Colonists who are already there got 100 acres, each new settler got one headright. It encouraged families to travel together because the larger the family, the more land earned. Also, is a person paid for a new immigrant to come to America, then they'd get more land.

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