Apush Period 9

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Immigration Act of 1986 (2000 American Society) Period 9

(LBJ) Established new immigration system that allowed more immigrants into the U.S.// immigration

PACTO strike (Reagan Revolution) period 9

1981 Air traffic controllers, Fires them// loss of jobs

Fall of Berlin Wall(Reagan Foreign Policy)period 9

1989 when Reagan convinced Russia's prime minister to take it down// equality

William Jefferson Clinton(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

1993-2001, youngest to be reelected, Democrat ever since FDR, universal healthcare, higher taxes on wealthy, cut federal budget deficit, freedom choice of abortion// Scandal

Brady Bill(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

1993; handgun violence prevention act//

Sandra Day O'Connor(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

1st Female Supreme Court Justice// female// woman rights

Clarence Thomas(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

2nd african american supreme court justice// racial equality

Yasser Arafat(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

A Palestinian leader who was hated by Israelis// Israelis

Proposition 13(Conservative Movement)period 9

A major citizen's tax revolt which rolled back property tax rates// conservation

NAFTA(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries//

Oklahoma City bombing(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

Americans bombing in OKC federal building// domestic terrorist

World Trade Organization(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

An international agency which encourages trade between member nations, administers global trade agreements and resolves disputes when they arise// Trade

Election of 1992 (Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

Bill Clinton won over George H.W. Bush because of the economy's problems and the solving of foreign policy problems, Bush's greatest strength// Hillary Clinton

Al Gore(Politics in 2000s) period 9

Clinton's vice president; presidential nominee in 2000// vice

Colin Powell(War on Terrorism ) period 9

Colin Powell was an American military general and leader during the Persian Gulf War// first black general

Milton Friedman(Conservative Movement) period 9

Conservative thinker famous for his advocacy of monetarism //conservation // Laissez-faire

Madeline K. Albright (Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

Czechoslovakian-born American politician and diplomat. She is the first woman to have become the United States Secretary of State// 1st woman

Reverse discrimination(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Discrimination against the majority group// whites

Soviet satellites(Reagan Foreign Policy)period 9

Eastern European nations which were influenced by the USSR to establish communist governments// Soviet// space

Government shutdowns(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

Executive Branch must enter into when the Congress creates a "funding gap// shutdown

"tear down this wall"(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Famous quote by Ronald Reagan// Berlin

Election of 2000(Politics in 2000s) period 9

George W Bush v Al Gore. Florida had re-counts and Supreme Court determined winner// election

Beirut bombings (Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Greatest foreign domestic disaster of president Reagan// bombing

Newt Gingrich(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

He pushed for more conservative legislation during Clinton's presidency// conservation

Expand military (Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Late 1915 Wilson support the idea// military expansion

Boland Amendment (Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Law passed in 1984 that prohibited U.S. aid to foreign revolutionary groups// foreign aid

Yugoslavia break-up(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

NATO stepped in the stop Serbian dictator Solobodan Milosevic from wiping out minorities in Balkans// separation

Arthur (Conservative Movement)period 9

Name of the economist who argued that lower tax rates would lead to greater government revenue// taxes// money

William Rehnquist(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Nominated by Reagan to push the Supreme Court in a more conservative direction// conservative

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment// disabilities

Star Wars (Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

President Reagan's proposed weapons system to destroy Soviet missiles from space// weapons

Boris Yeltsin(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

President of the Russian Republic in 1991. Helped end the USSR and force Gorbachev to resign// Russia

"ethnic cleansing"(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

Process in which more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one// discrimination

Border security(Politics in 2000s) period 9

Protecting a countries borders after the 9/11 attack// protection

"evil empire"(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Reagan's nickname for the Soviet Union, illustrated an end to detente// Soviet Union

Budget and trade deficits(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Reagan's tax cuts combined with large increases in military spending// taxes

Election of 1980 (Reagan Revolution) period 9

Ronald Reagan won over Jimmy Carter because of the Iranian hostage crisis and America's stagflation// Iran

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Schools can't use admission quotas and admit students based on their race// schools

START I and II(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Strategic Arms Reduction Talks to reduce active deployment// Arms

Election of 1996(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

The election in which Bill Clinton wins a second term// scandal next

Election of 1988(George H.W. Bush Policies) period 9

The election in which George Bush becomes president// George Bush

Election of 1994(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

The election in which a realignment occurs in favor of the Democratic Party// Democratic

Political polarization (Politics in 2000s) period 9

The process by which the public opinion divides and goes to the extremes// extreme

Anti-Crime Bill(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

This $30bil bill was passed to ban certain assault weapons// 2nd amendment

Poland, Lech Walesa(Reagan Foreign Policy)period 9

Walesa attempted to improve the economy by using free market// economy

Saddam Hussein(George H.W. Bush Policies) period 9

Was a dictator in Iraq who tried to take over Iran and Kuwait violently in order to gain the land and the resources// Terrorists

Election of 1984(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

Winner: Ronald Reagan (R) — 58.8% popular, 525 electora also chose a woman for vp// Reagan

World Bank G-8(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

World Development indicators database// Bank

Balanced budgets(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

a budget in which revenue and spending are equal// equality

Supply-side economics (Reagan Revolution) period 9

a school of economics that believes tax cuts can help an economy by raising supply// taxes// school

Persian Gulf War(George H.W. Bush Policies) period 9

a war fought between a coalition led by the United States and Iraq to free Kuwait from Iraqi invaders// freedom

Bush tax cuts(Politics in 2000s) period 9

after's clinton's years of budget suplusses, instead of using the money to pay off National debt, Bush, cut taxes// tax cut

Technology boom (2000 American Society) Period 9

agriculture was being replaced by factories// tech

"no new taxes"(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

campaign lead that was abandoned// tax cut

George W. Bush(Politics in 2000s) period 9

campaigned toward energy self-sufficiency and against terrorism in 2001// foreign policies

Failure of health reform(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

clinton's health plan that required everyone to have health care// Health care// Failure

Russia Republic, CIS(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

common wealth of independent states// Russia

PACs(Conservative Movement) period 9

computer network for the transmission, viewing, and archival storage of medical images // technology

PLO(Reagan Foreign Policy period 9

creating homeland for Palestinians// race

Contract with America(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

document released by the United States Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign// post war

Prosperity of 1990s (2000 American Society) Period 9

economic boom// money// cash

Trickle-down economics (Reagan Revolution) period 9

economic theory that holds that money lent to banks and businesses will trickle down to consumers// economy

NRA(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

established and adminstered a system of industrial codes to control production, prices, labor relations, and trade practices//

Islamic roots of anti-Americanism(War on Terrorism ) period 9

fear or hostility toward the United States or the American people and their culture// red scare

INF agreement(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

gorbachev & reagan agreed to remove and destroy all missiles// Missile

Deficit reduction budget(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

government spending rather than business or individual spending// national debt

Panama invasion (1989)(George H.W. Bush Policies) period 9

it was to remove the autocratic General Manual// Invasion

Enron, corporate corruption(Politics in 2000s) period 9

largest company's bankruptcy, Enron lost millions of dollars// debt

Economy Recovery Tax Act (1981) Reagan Revolution) period 9

largest tax reduction ever in the U.S.// taxes

Roe v. Wade(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

legalized abortion toward woman having rights// abortion

Growth of Hispanics (2000 American Society) Period 9

many hispanics came to grow in the america// growth

Tiananmen Square (1989)(Reagan Foreign Policy)period 9

massacre that showed that the communists government was bad// Killing

Humanitarian missions(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

material or logistical assistance provided for humanitarian purposes// missionary// helping

Televangelists(Reagan Foreign Policy)period 9

ministers who would spread their messages via television networks// Spreading

No Child Left Behind Act(Politics in 2000s) period 9

no child should have no education is what the act is about// Bush

Nicaragua; Sandinistas (Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

overthrown the pro american dictator// dictator

Northern Ireland accords(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

peace accord reached on good friday// peace

Moral Majority(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

political group made by fundamental christians// Morality

European Union(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe// European

China, Brazil, India effects on jobs(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

poor countries have trouble finding jobs// Jobless

Gerrymandered "safe seats"(Politics in 2000s) period 9

practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group// political scheme

George Herbert Walker Bush(George H.W. Bush Policies) period 9

president during the desert storm operations// son of G.B

Globalization (WOR)(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture// world wide

Business deregulation (Reagan Revolution) period 9

regulatory freedom// business

Religious fundamentalism(Conservative Movement) period 9

religious movement whose objectives are to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy// religion

Clinton impeachment(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

sex scandal impeached, but it didn't come through// Bill Clinton

Southern white conservatives(Politics in 2000s) period 9

south people who were conservatives and opposed the generic// opposites

Mikhail Gorbachev(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

soviet statesman, 8th and last leader// communists

West Bank, Gaza Strip(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

terrorists jerusalem// Gaza Strip

Operation Desert Storm(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

the United States and its allies defeated Iraq in a ground war killing osama// secret mission

Internet, e-commerce (2000 American Society) Period 9

the iterate made life easier and faster// tech.

Rise of South and West (2000 American Society) Period 9

the south and the west started rising// rise

Nuclear proliferation(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

the spread of nuclear weapons to new nations// arms

Bush v. Gore(Politics in 2000s) period 9

this case ruled in favor of Bush by saying that recounting the votes in certain counties of Florida was unconstitutional// recount in florida

Soviet Union break up(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

transformed the world political movement// Split

Balkan Wars: Bosnia, Kosovo(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

ulgaria, Serbia, and Greece opposed Turkey// wars

Welfare reform(Post- Cold War Policies) Period 9

used to get Congress to enact the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act// welfare

Growth of upper incomes(Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

wealthy people grew wealthier// money// economy

Iran-contra (Reagan Foreign Policy) period 9

where weapons were sold// weapons// Iran

H. Ross Perot(Clinton Era Politics) Period 9

who was the third party candidate in the 1992 election; he got 19% fo the vote; the most for any independent since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912// 3rd party

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