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36. Which element of the Kansas-Nebraska Act caused the greatest controversy? a. Spending $10 million on railroad construction in Kansas b. Its de facto repeal of the Missouri Compromise c. Splitting the territory into two areas d. Extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Ocean e. Admitting Kansas to the Union as a slave state

B (Its de facto repeal of the Missouri Compromise)

1. Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty"? a. Congress has the right to decide where slavery shall and shall not exist. b. The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. c. Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves. d. The American people shall decide where slavery will exist through a national plebiscite. e. Individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions pertaining to slavery.

B (The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there)

54. How did northerners react to the Dred Scott case in 1857? a. Most northerners applauded the decision as a means to restore peace and tranquility to the country. b. The ruling drove many northerners away from the Republican Party because the Party's ideas were declared illegal. c. The decision confirmed to many northerners that "Slave Power" was gaining control of the government. d. Many northerners agreed with Chief Justice Taney's views of granting citizenship to educated free blacks. e. Northerners feared the ruling because it called for a return of slavery into their state.

C (The decision confirmed to many northerners that "Slave Power" was gaining control of the government.)

22. In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to a. liberate the slaves b. prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs c. preserve the Union d. avenge political defeats and insults inflicted by the South e. forestall a Southern invasion of the North

C (preserve the Union)

41. During Reconstruction, the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan was to a. work with former slaves and defend their new political rights b. rekindle a full-scale war against northern aggression c. legalize slavery once again and reestablish the antebellum South d. prevent the changes in southern society envisioned by the Radical Republicans e. cooperate with the new southern governments to end military occupation of the South

D (prevent the changes in southern society envisioned by the Radical Republicans)

38. Thaddeus Stevens and other Radical Republicans believed a. the president and Congress should share power equally in directing the reconstruction of the South b. the rebellious sates had suffered enough and compassion was the best policy c. former slaves could be integrated into southern society without federal intervention d. the rebellious states should undergo widespread political and social changes e. social changes were necessary but economic modifications were not

D (the rebellious states should undergo widespread political and social changes)

85. In the pre-Civil War era, the railroad's most important impact on the economy was the a. creation of a huge new market for railway equipment b. creation of the basis for greater cooperation between Southern planters and Northern textile manufacturers c. generation of new employment opportunities for unskilled urban workers d. participation of the federal government in the financing of a nationwide transportation network e. accessibility to Eastern urban markets provided to Midwestern farmers

E (accessibility to Eastern urban markets provided to Midwestern farmers)

12. African Americans who fled the violence of the Reconstruction South in 1879 and 1880 to start anew in Kansas were known as a. exodusters b. homesteaders c. scalawags d. jayhawkers e. the Colored Farmers' National Alliance

A (exodusters)

73. Which of the following achievements of the "carpetbag" governments survived the "Redeemer" administrations? a. Participation by both Whites and African Americans in local government b. Establishment of a public school system c. Election of African American majorities state legislatures d. Establishment of a vigorous Republican Party in the South e. Opening of public facilities to African Americans

B (Establishment of a public school system)

65. The hostility of the Know-Nothing party was directed primarily against a. the growth of cities and industrial manufacturing b. Irish and German Catholic immigrants c. Free Masons and members of other fraternal orders d. abolitionists e. slaveholders

B (Irish and German Catholic immigrants)

37. During the Civil War, both the Union and Confederate governments experienced a. an expansion of the powers of the presidency b. civil disobedience that shortened the war c. the creation of a national banking system to pay for the war d. increased political rights for women as their domestic roles expanded e. diminishing powers for the central government

A (an expansion of the powers of the presidency)

9. Which of the following best describes the policy of the government of Mexico toward Texas? a. It tried to sell Texas to the United States at the time of the Louisiana Purchase b. It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820's and early 1830's. c. It governed Texas with stringent regulations in the 1820's. d. It encouraged the establishment of a strong local government in Texas in the mid- 1830's. e. It favored the annexation of the Republic of Texas by the United States in the 1830's and early 1840's.

B (It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820's and early 1830's.)

6. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct? a. It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused on technical grounds to free Scott. b. It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States. c. It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise. d. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty. e. It freed Scott, but not other slaves in circumstances similar to Scott's.

B (It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States. )

81. The majority of White families in the antebellum South owned a. more than 100 slaves b. 50 to 100 slaves c. 10 to 50 slaves d. 5 to 10 slave e. no slaves

E (no slaves)

84. Which of the following correctly summarizes the beliefs of Tecumseh before the War of 1812? a. White and Native Americans could coexist together as long as the United States honored its treaties. b. Native-American culture could be maintained only through the reservation system proposed by the United States government. c. Only the Shawnee could defeat the United States because they had experienced a spiritual rebirth. d. United by common spiritual beliefs, Native Americans should come together and fight to protect their lands. e. Only a leader such as the Prophet was qualified to lead resistance against the United States.

D (United by common spiritual beliefs, Native Americans should come together and fight to protect their lands)

66. Which of the following most likely increased Mexican suspicion of United States territorial objectives in the 1830s and 1840s? a. Abolitionist agitation in the North b. Jackson's policy toward the annexation of Texas (1836-37) c. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty d. Clay's speeches in the campaign of 1844 e. Rhetoric on "manifest destiny" in the American press

E (Rhetoric on "manifest destiny" in the American press)

17. All of the following contributed to Northern fear of a slave power conspiracy in the 1840s and 1850s EXCEPT the a. enforcement of a new fugitive slave law b. decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case c. imposition of a gag rule in the House of Representatives d. proposal of the Ostend Manifesto e. passage of the Wilmot Proviso

E (passage of the Wilmot Proviso)

35. After the Civil War, the Freedmen's Bureau had its greatest success in a. halting the rise of the Ku Klux Klan b. enforcing the Fourteenth Amendment c. distributing land to former slaves d. arbitrating labor disputes between former slaves and their masters e. providing educational opportunities for former slaves

E (providing educational opportunities for former slaves)

63. In which year would the population of an Atlantic seacoast city most likely have appeared as follows? Categories (selected groups of Number total population) Born in United States of parents born in United States (White) 70,352 Born in Ireland (White) 25,282 Born in United States of parents born in Ireland (White) 2,017 Born in Russia (White) 10 Born in United States of parents born in Russia (White) 2 Non-White born in United States 2,317 a. 1790 b. 1820 c. 1850 d. 1890 e. 1930

C (1850)

79. In the antebellum period, free African Americans were a. given the right of suffrage in most states b. protected from kidnapping under stringent provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act c. educated in integrated schools in most northern states d. able to settle in states in the Middle West without legal restriction e. able to accumulate some property in spite of discrimination

E (able to accumulate some property in spite of discrimination)

53. African-American soldiers who served in the Union army during the Civil War were likely to a. receive hazardous duty pay whenever they went into combat b. serve as spies in the South because they knew the terrain so well c. serve in the front lines where they experienced mortality rates higher than white soldiers d. experience acceptance and support from their fellow white soldiers e. be assigned menial tasks doing physical labor behind the lines

E (be assigned menial tasks doing physical labor behind the lines)

42. The rise of the Know-Nothing (American) Party during the 1850s demonstrated that some Americans were a. opposed to the economic policies of both the Whigs and Democrats b. supportive of Clay's American System of protectionism and internal improvements c. fearful the two parties intended to end slavery d. favorable to popular sovereignty as a means of deciding the future of slavery e. fearful of increased immigration

E (fearful of increased immigration)

10. The primary objective of the founders of the Know-Nothing party was the a. abolition of slavery b. establishment of free public schools c. improvement of factory working conditions d. prohibition of communitarian experiments e. restriction of the rights of immigrants

E (restriction of the rights of immigrants)

55. During the Civil War, a Copperhead was someone who a. lived in the North, but supported the South's effort to establish an independent nation b. was a Democrat, yet voted for Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and 1864 c. favored ending slavery even if such action destroyed the Union d. helped England smuggle contraband into the South e. supported Lincoln's suppression of civil rights

A (lived in the North, but supported the South's effort to establish an independent nation)

46. A common characteristic of scalawags and carpetbaggers during Reconstruction was that they a. helped organize resistance to the new southern government through the Ku Klux Klan b. formed the core of the teachers in the Freedmen's Bureau schools created in the South c. cooperated with Republicans and blacks in the new southern governments d. came into the South from the North to exploit the region and enrich themselves e. were homeless southerners willing to do anything to survive after the war

C (cooperated with Republicans and blacks in the new southern governments)

26. All of the following led Congress to impose Radical Reconstruction measures EXCEPT the a. enactment of Black Codes by southern legislatures b. outbreak of race riots in New Orleans and Memphis c. massive exodus of former slaves from the South d. election of former Confederates to Congress e. response of southern legislatures to the Fourteenth Amendment

C (massive exodus of former slaves from the South)

20. The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the a. measure's endorsement of popular sovereignty b. admittance of Missouri as a slave state and the establishment of the 36º30' line c. passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act d. admittance of Texas as a slave state e. legislation permitted the surveying of a southern transcontinental railway line

C (passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act)

87. All of the following statements about pre-Civil War American slavery are true EXCEPT: a. Although experience varied from one plantation to another, investments in slaves generally yielded rates of return equal to or better than other forms of investments of comparable risk in the pre-Civil War American economy. b. Although Southern legal codes did not uniformly provide for the legislation and stability of slave marriage, slaves were generally able to marry, and the institution of marriage was common on Southern plantations. c. Although slaves were mainly employed in agriculture, by the 1850's they also were employed as construction workers and industrial laborers. d. Because of the relative ease with which slaves could gain their freedom by manumission or by purchase, the proportion of freedmen to slaves was almost equal in many areas of the South. e. Despite the geographical diffusion of slavery throughout the South, at no time did the majority of White families in the South own slaves.

D (Because of the relative ease with which slaves could gain their freedom by manumission or by purchase, the proportion of freedmen to slaves was almost equal in many areas of the South.)

33. The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following? a. Admitted Texas to the Union as a slave state. b. Admitted California to the Union under the principles of popular sovereignty. c. Prohibited slavery in the District of Columbia. d. Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law. e. Adjusted the Texas-Mexico boundary.

D (Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law)

49. Which of the following resulted from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848? a. The United States annexed Texas into the Union. b. Mexico paid $15 million to the United States for war reparations. c. The United States pledged to abolish slavery in the Mexican Cession. d. The two countries agreed to restore the prewar status quo. e. The United States achieved uncontested ownership of Texas.

E (The United States achieved uncontested ownership of Texas.)

43. Which of the following statements is true of the Compromise of 1850? a. It delayed the Civil War but did little to settle slavery's future. b. It provided the South with ten years to prepare for secession. c. It gained support in California with its provision to allow slavery there. d. It decreased sectional tensions by strengthening the Fugitive Slave Law. e. It enjoyed widespread support in the North because it added Maine to the Union as a free states.

A (It delayed the Civil War but did little to settle slavery's future.)

72. The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case in 1857 effectively repealed the a. Missouri Compromise b. Fugitive Slave Act c. Ostend Manifesto d. Wilmot Proviso e. Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution

A (Missouri Compromise)

77. Support for slavery in the Southern states was based on all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. Most White families owned slaves. b. Slaveholders believed that slaves were inferior and required White guardianship. c. Slavery was condoned in the Bible. d. White plantation owners feared abolition would destroy the South's economy. e. Poor White farmers feared the economic competition of four million freed persons.

A (Most White families owned slaves)

83. A central theme of Alexander de Tocqueville's Democracy in America is a. American equality is a product of the nation's social mobility and geographic restlessness b. American democracy cannot be maintained because the masses are turbulent and unreliable c. Americans are not ambitious enough to make the capitalist system work d. Americans measure social class by inherited wealth and family background e. American society is superior to all European cultures

A (American equality is a product of the nation's social mobility and geographic restlessness)

57. Based on his Senatorial debates with Abraham Lincoln, how did Stephen Douglas view slavery? a. He did not take a moral position on slavery and mainly considered its impact on his political prospects. b. He believed slavery was an affront to the Declaration of Independence and must be ended immediately. c. He favored creating a southern Confederacy based on slave labor even at the expense of national unity. d. He supported local police regulations to protect and maintain slavery in an area. e. He feared slavery would undermine the South's ability to industrialize and stay competitive with the North.

A (He did not take a moral position on slavery and mainly considered its impact on his political prospects)

29. The Republican party originated in the mid- 1850's as a sectional party committed to which of the following? a. Opposition to the further extension of slavery into the territories b. Immediate emancipation of the slaves c. Repeal of Whig economic policies d. Restriction of immigration e. Acknowledgement of popular sovereignty as the basis for organizing federal territories

A (Opposition to the further extension of slavery into the territories)

2. Of the following, the most threatening problem for the union from 1861 through 1863 was a. possible British recognition of the Confederacy b. Spanish intervention into Santo Domingo c. French objections to the Union blockade d. British insistence on the abolition of slavery e. British objections to the Union position on "continuous voyage"

A (Possible British recognition of the confederacy)

56. Which of the following best summarizes the impact of Reconstruction on the South? a. Reconstruction failed to make lasting changes in the political and social power structure in the South. b. Reconstruction left many problems unresolved, but it did promote racial understanding in the South. c. Reconstruction reformed public education in the South and made it equal to public education in the North. d. Reconstruction made sweeping changes in land ownership in the South. e. Reconstruction strengthened the Republican Party in the South and ended Democratic dominance in the region.

A (Reconstruction failed to make lasting changes in the political and social power structure in the South.)

60. Which of the following best characterizes the response of Great Britain and France to the American Civil War? a. They saw advantages in a divided Union, but pursued cautious policies toward both sides. b. They favored restoration of the Union and actively worked to arbitrate the conflict. c. They favored permanent separation of the Union and openly supported the South. d. They favored restoration of the Union and openly supported the North. e. They had no interest in the conflict and remained aloof from it.

A (They saw advantages in a divided Union, but pursued cautious policies toward both sides.)

70. Which of the following best describes the position on slavery of most northerners during the sectional crises of the 1850s? a. They were willing to accept slavery where it existed but opposed further expansion to the territories. b. They were active supporters of complete abolition. c. They favored continued importation of slaves from Africa. d. They advocated expansion of the slave system to provide cheap labor for northern factories. e. They advocated complete social and political equality for all races in the United States.

A (They were willing to accept slavery where it existed but opposed further expansion to the territories.)

19. During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the a. granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods b. establishment of a high tariff to protect American industry from foreign competition c. organization of a national banking system to provide a uniform national currency d. provision of government loans and land grants to private companies to construct a transcontinental railroad e. passage of the Homestead Act

A (granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods)

64. The North's advantages over the South at the outbreak of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT a. greater agreement over war aims b. more substantial industrial resources c. a more extensive railroad network d. dominance in foreign trade e. naval supremacy

A (greater agreement over war aims)

61. In part, President Lincoln refrained from taking action to emancipate slaves until the Civil War had been in progress for almost two years because a. he sought to retain the loyalty of the border states b. slavery still existed in most Northern states c. Congress had not granted him the authority d. he was preparing to plan to send all of the slaves to Liberia e. he feared a hostile reaction on the part of the British and French

A (he sought to retain the loyalty of the border states)

68. All of the following elements of the Radical Republican program were implemented during Reconstruction EXCEPT a. provision of 40 acres to each freedman b. enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment c. military occupation of the South d. punishment of the Confederate leaders e. restrictions on the power of the President

A (provision of 40 acres to each freedman)

40. The Wilmot Proviso transformed the politics of the Mexican War by a. raising the issue of whether territory acquired through the war would be slave or free b. raising the question of slavery's morality in the United States c. claiming the war was unnecessary and unconstitutional d. justifying Polk's decision for war and silencing his critics providing the central plank of the newly formed Republican Party e. providing the central plank of the newly formed Republican Party

A (raising the issue of whether territory acquired through the war would be slave or free)

50. With the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe a. reached millions of people who had previously given little thought to slavery b. raised fears in the South that slave rebellions were imminent throughout the region c. condemned southern slaveholders for their brutal and unchristian behavior d. supported the southern view that slaves were better off than northern factory workers e. used her personal experiences to show the suffering of slaves in the South

A (reached millions of people who had previously given little thought to slavery)

58. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) heightened the sectional crisis because it a. repealed the Missouri Compromise b. repealed the Fugitive Slave Act c. made Kansas and Nebraska free states d. stimulated Southern emigration to the territories taken from Mexico e. signaled acceptance of the principle of the Wilmot Proviso

A (repealed the Missouri Compromise)

45. In his speeches during the 1850s, Abraham Lincoln took the position that slavery a. should co-exist with non-slave territories for years into the future b. was not a moral issue but instead should be addressed in the political process c. violated the Declaration of Independence and must be ended immediately d. should be ended through a Constitutional amendment providing compensation to slave owners e. threatened the political and economic rights of white settlers in the western territories.

A (should co-exist with non-slave territories for years into the future)

69. The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 provided for a. temporary Union military supervision of the ex-Confederacy b. federal monetary support of the resettlement of American Blacks in Africa c. denial of Black property-holding and voting rights d. implementation of anti-Black vagrancy laws in the South e. lenient readmission of the ex-Confederate states to the Union

A (temporary Union military supervision of the ex-Confederacy)

76. According to Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America, American individualism arose as a result of a. the absence of an aristocracy b. limited geographic mobility c. the uneven distribution of wealth d. urbanization e. the Enlightenment

A (the absence of an aristocracy)

8. The direct impact of the Civil War on the economy included all of the following EXCEPT a. the emergence of the trust as a form of business organization b. the initiation of transcontinental railroad building c. runaway inflation in the South d. the creation of a more uniform national banking system e. disruption of cotton exports to England

A (the emergence of the trust as a form of business organization)

13. Most of the Irish immigrants who came to the United States following the potato famine of the 1840s settled in a. urban areas of the North b. seacoast cities of the South c. rural sections of the Old Northwest d. California e. Appalachia

A (urban areas of the North)

23. The graph above refutes which of the following statements? a. There were more Black people than White people in the antebellum South. b. Most southern families held slaves. c. Most southern families lived in rural areas. d. The southern population was much smaller than that of the North. e. Slaveholders were an extremely powerful group.

B (Most southern families held slaves.)

32. Which of the following principles was established by the Dred Scott decision? a. Congress could abolish slavery at will. b. National legislation could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories. c. The rights of all people are protected by the Constitution. d. Slaves residing in a free state automatically became free. e. Through squatter sovereignty, a territory had the sole right to determine the status of slavery within its territorial limits.

B (National legislation could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories.)

15. The Republican Party of the 1850s took which of the following positions on slavery? a. Residents of territories could decide on the basis of popular sovereignty whether to have slavery. b. Slavery could remain where it existed but should not be extended into territories or new states. c. The federal government should abolish slavery. d. The federal government should purchase slaves from their masters and relocate them to the west coast of Africa. e. Slavery was a state issue, and the federal government should play no role in its regulation.

B (Slavery could remain where it existed but should not be extended into territories or new states.)

14. In the last half of the nineteenth century, the New South advocates supported a. elimination of convict leasing b. expansion of southern industry c. creation of a southern literature critical of the Old South d. elimination of Jim Crow segregation e. limitation on West Indian migration to the United States

B (expansion of southern industry)

74. The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, is considered pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War because it a. represented the Union's deepest thrust into southern territory b. forestalled the possibility of European intervention c. resulted in the border states joining the Confederacy d. marked the first use of Black troops by the Union army e. confirmed George McClellan's status as the leading Union general

B (forestalled the possibility of European intervention)

18. After the Civil War, women reformers and former abolitionists were divided over a. creation of a sharecropping system in the South b. legislation that ensured the voting rights of African American males c. use of military forces to keep order in the South d. reliance on female workers in Northern factories e. redemption of greenback dollars for gold currency

B (legislation that ensured the voting rights of African American males)

48. While different political groups came together to form the Republican Party in 1854, they were united by their a. commitment to the immediate abolition of slavery in America b. opposition to the spread of slavery into the territories c. support of the American System of national economic development d. opposition to Irish-Catholic immigrants' influence in society e. support for the Kansas-Nebraska Act

B (opposition to the spread of slavery into the territories)

75. In adopting the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress was primarily concerned with a. protecting the powers of the southern state governments established under Andrew Johnson b. protecting legislation guaranteeing civil rights to former slaves c. ending slavery d. guaranteeing all citizens the right to vote e. establishing the Freedmen's Bureau

B (protecting legislation guaranteeing civil rights to former slaves)

34. During the Civil War era, the slave states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri all a. participated in the Northern blockade of the South b. remained in the Union c. agreed to end slavery before the end of the war d. voted for Lincoln in 1860 and 1864 e. eventually joined the Confederacy

B (remained in the Union)

16. During Reconstruction, a major economic development in the South was the a. creation of large commercial and banking centers b. spread of sharecropping c. rise of large-scale commercial farming d. decline of the textile industry e. emergence of the cotton economy

B (spread of sharecropping)

7. Which of the following was a consequence of the shift to sharecropping and the crop lien system in the late nineteenth-century South? a. A major redistribution of land ownership b. A diversification of crops c. A cycle of debt and depression for Southern tenant farmers d. A rise in cotton yields per acre from antebellum production levels e. The termination of the control exerted by White landowners over former slaves

C (A cycle of debt and depression for Southern tenant farmers )

47. The Ostend Manifesto, written during the Pierce administration, suggested the United States might be justified in acquiring a. Texas b. Mexico c. Cuba d. Santo Domingo e. The Virgin Islands

C (Cuba)

78. Which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? a. England b. Africa c. Ireland d. The German states e. The Netherlands

C (Ireland)

71. The first attempt to apply the doctrine of popular sovereignty in determining the status of slavery occurred in a. Texas b. California c. Kansas d. Missouri e. Oregon

C (Kansas)

27. Which of the following best describes the situation of freedmen in the decade following the Civil War? a. Each was given 40 acres of land and a mule by the Union government. b. All were immediately granted political equality by the Emancipation Proclamation. c. The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. d. They were required to pass a literacy test before being granted United States citizenship. e. They supported the passage of Black Codes to ensure their economic and political rights.

C (The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters)

28. Which of the following was a serious constitutional question after the Civil War? a. The restoration of the power of the federal judiciary b. The legality of the national banking system c. The political and legal status of the former Confederate states d. The relationship between the United States and Britain e. The proposed annexation of Colombia

C (The political and legal status of the former Confederate states)

80. In 1840 the American Antislavery Society split into factions because a. its goals had been accomplished b. most Americans rejected the goal of colonizing Black people c. William Lloyd Garrison's advocacy of women's rights and pacifism alienated some members d. a new sentiment in Congress favoring abolitionism led to disagreement over the rights of former slaves e. the death of Elijah P. Lovejoy created a struggle for power within the organization

C (William Lloyd Garrison's advocacy of women's rights and pacifism alienated some members)

52. All of the following were true of the Emancipation Proclamation EXCEPT a. it had a very limited impact on the freeing of slaves in the United States b. it was issued by President Lincoln after long hesitation and delay c. the Border States opposed it as an attack on their slaveholding rights d. it transformed the focus and objective of the Civil War in the North e. the president used his military authority to issue the Proclamation

C (the Border States opposed it as an attack on their slaveholding rights)

62. "...the descendants of Africans who were imported into this country, and sold as slaves... are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States." The passage above is from which of the following? a. Marbury v. Madison b. The liberty party platform c. McCulloch v. Maryland d. Dred Scott v. Sanford e. The Freedmen's Bureau act of 1865

D (Dred Scott v. Sanford)

30. Which of the following statements about African American soldiers during the Civil War is correct? a. They were primarily engaged in military campaigns west of the Mississippi. b. They were limited to noncombat duty. c. They were barred from receiving awards for valor in combat. d. For most of the war, they were paid less than White soldiers of equal rank. e. For most of the war, they were led by African American officers.

D (For most of the war, they were paid less than White soldiers of equal rank.)

86. Which of the following had the greatest impact on the institution of slavery in the United States in the first quarter of the nineteenth century? a. Demands of Southern textile manufacturers for cotton b. Introduction of crop rotation and fertilizers c. Use of more stringent techniques of slave control d. Invention of the cotton gin e. The "three-fifths" compromise

D (Invention of the cotton gin)

11. Which of the following would most likely have expressed opposition to the idea of Manifest Destiny? a. Advocates of the foreign policy of Secretary of State William H. Seward b. Voters for James K. Polk in 1844 c. Supporters of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 d. Members of the Whig party in Congress during the Mexican War e. Supporters of the Ostend Manifesto

D (Members of the Whig party in Congress during the Mexican War)

82. Which of the following best explains why the United States denied Texas admission to the Union between 1836 and 1845? a. The presidents in these years opposed annexation because it would weaken national security. b. Economic depression distracted the nation from expanding westward. c. Mexico's alliance with Great Britain discouraged Congress from bold action d. Northerners were reluctant to add new territories that would strengthen the South e. The acquisition of Oregon was the main objective of Manifest Destiny during these years.

D (Northerners were reluctant to add new territories that would strengthen the South)

3. Why did Congressional Reconstruction end in 1877? a. The freed slaves had been successfully integrated into Southern society. b. The treaty ending the Civil War had set such a time limit. c. Most of the politically active Black people had left the South for Northern cities. d. The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreement after the 1876 presidential election. e. The United States needed the troops stationed in the South to confront the French in Mexico.

D (The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreement after the 1876 presidential election.)

21. Which of the following occurred during Radical Reconstruction? a. The passage of the Black Codes b. A permanent shift of Southern voters to the Republican Party c. The creation of a new industrial base in a majority of Southern states d. The formation of the Ku Klux Klan e. Widespread redistribution of confiscated land to former slaves

D (The formation of the Ku Klux Klan )

4. In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had a. a better-developed transportation system b. a better-educated White population c. less interest in evangelical religion d. fewer European immigrants e. more cities

D (fewer European immigrants)

44. Early in the Civil War, President Lincoln hoped to end slavery by a. immediately emancipating all slaves with no compensation to their owners b. emancipating the slaves in the border states and later freeing those in the rest of the South c. gradually emancipating slaves in the South, but allowing the owners to move west to re- establish slavery on their farms and plantations there d. gradually emancipating slaves, paying the owners, and colonizing the freed slaves e. gradually emancipating the slaves, paying the owners and establishing a bi-racial society in America

D (gradually emancipating slaves, paying the owners, and colonizing the freed slaves)

39. John Brown staged his raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859 because he believed a. the "Slave Power" had seized the federal government and it must be destroyed by force b. his abolitionist backers wanted him to strike hard at slavery c. his speeches and books had failed to convince people that slavery was evil d. he was God's instrument to destroy slavery by whatever means necessary e. only armed blacks could end slavery in the South

D (he was God's instrument to destroy slavery by whatever means necessary)

51. In the 1840s, many people supported popular sovereignty because a. it called for one slave state to be added for every free state, thus maintaining sectional harmony and balance b. it denied that African Americans were citizens and stripped them of all rights c. it called for a national referendum on the extension of slavery, which put slavery's future into the hands of the voters d. it called for the residents of a territory to decide the question of slavery e. it counted slaves as three-fifths of a person in the territories, which was very popular in both the North and the South

D (it called for the residents of a territory to decide the question of slavery)

5. The Black Codes passed in a number of southern states after the Civil War were intended to a. close public schools to the children of former slaves b. promote the return of former slaves to Africa c. enable Black citizens to vote in federal elections d. place limits on the socioeconomic opportunities open to Black people e. further the integration of southern society

D (place limits on the socioeconomic opportunities open to Black people)

31. The Wilmot Proviso specifically provided for a. the prohibition of slavery in Louisiana Purchase territory b. the primacy of federal law over state- legislated Black Codes c. the abolition of the international slave trade d. the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War e. federal return of fugitive slaves

D (the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War)

24. When the Emancipation Proclamation was issued at the beginning of 1863, its immediate effect was to a. end the Civil War b. abolish slavery c. free slaves held in the border states d. alienate Britain and France e. Strengthen the moral cause of the Union

E (Strengthen the moral cause of the Union)

67. In the presidential campaign of 1860, which of the following positions was asserted by the Republican party platform with respect to slavery? a. Slavery should be abolished immediately by the federal government. b. The extension of slavery to other countries should be prohibited. c. The Missouri Compromise line (36º 30') should be extended to the Pacific Ocean, and slavery should be prohibited in territories above that line. d. The gradual emancipation of the slaves should begin, and the federal government should compensate slave owners for the loss of slave property. e. The extension of slavery to United States territories should be prohibited by the federal government, but slavery should be protected in the states where it already existed.

E (The extension of slavery to United States territories should be prohibited by the federal government, but slavery should be protected in the states where it already existed.)

25. Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850's? a. The admission of California as a free state b. The establishment of the principle of popular sovereignty in the Mexican cession c. The ban on the slave trade in the District of Columbia d. The continued protection of slavery in the District of Columbia e. The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law

E (The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law)

59. During Reconstruction, Southern Blacks typically did which of the following? a. Worked as day laborers in towns and cities. b. Migrated northward, exercising their new freedom. c. Owned and worked small farms. d. Worked in mines and factories. e. Tilled farms as renters and sharecroppers.

E (Tilled farms as renters and sharecroppers.)

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