APUSH unit 3 test

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14. How did the Alien and Sedition Acts lead to debates over the power of the government?

- put in under john adams - Alien - made it harder to become a citizen - sedition - made it a crime to speak out against federalist party Political motive for alien act was that many immigrants were working in agriculture with democratic republicans, so this was an effort to curtail the support for the DR party Political Motive for sedition act - curtail slander against federalist party - government had to much power and was trying to change the constitution

13. What was the message of Washington's Farewell Address? Was his advice followed?

- warned of foreign entanglements and political parties. - not followed; such as the League of Nations and the two party system - america would sacrifice self interest for international peace

Newspaper Image 1. What is the Historical Context of this image? 2. What is the Purpose of this image? 3. How did the above image help foster the independence movement?

1) HC - British was in debt and needed a way to pay it off so they taxed the colonies through the Stamp Act 2) Purpose -spread resistance to Stamp act and get it repealed 3) continued resistance to British policies

1. What four major events occurred in 1763? Think PEEP

1) Pontiac's Rebellion 2) End of Salutary Neglect 3) End of 7 years war 4) Proclamation line of 1763 All these were effects of the 7 years war and British involvement. By the end of 17763, attitudes of the colonists shifted negatively towards the British because they wanted self rule.

6. Why was the Articles of Confederation purposely created to be weak?

1) colonists feared centralized power 2) The A of C was a starting point because each state had their own constitutions, so it allowed states to get comfortable in a union 3) the colonists did not want to give up their sovereignty to such a powerful legislature

The federal Edifice Image 1. What is the Purpose of this image? 2. Who would support this cartoon? 3. Who would oppose this cartoon? 4. Why did people support a stronger government under the Constitution? 5. What, ultimately, led to the ratification of the Constitution?

1) gain support for ratification in specific states 2) supporters - federalists (favored strong central government) 3) oppose - anti federalist (supported weaker central gov) 4) because the A of C was weak, Shays Rebellion demonstrated the weakness of the Articles 5) the promise of the Bill of Rights; satisfied the anti federalists

7. What was the significance of the Northwest Land Ordinance?

1) granted limited self government and prohibited slavery 2) process for admitting states. The territory needed 60,000 inhabitants 3) the land the french gave up was now equal states, not colonies

8. How can Daniel Shays' be seen as a contributor to the Constitution?

1) headed by Daniel Shay - angry farmers and laborers whom protested against debtors jail 2) most farmers served in revolutionary war and their farms were being foreclosed 3) Shays' Rebellion revealed the weakness in the Articles of Confederation and the need for our country to have a stronger national government to protect us.

5. What were three reasons the Patriots were successful in the Revolutionary War?

1) home field advantage 2) help from french 3) Artisans and Laborers fighting for a cause while the British Army was hired by the King 4) British did not have sufficient resources close by 5) leadership of George Washington was praised by many

"And We do hereby strictly forbid, on Pain of our Displeasure, all our loving Subjects from making any Purchases or Settlements whatever...... without our especial leave and Licence for that Purpose first obtained. And We do further strictly enjoin and require all Persons whatever who have either wilfully or inadvertently seated themselves upon any Lands ....... to remove themselves from such Settlements." - Proclamation Line of 1763 1. What was the reaction to this document? 2. What was the cause of this document? 3. What were the effects of this document? 4. What was the Purpose of this document? 5. Who is the Intended Audience of this document?

1) reaction- colonists were angry and disobedient 2) cause - Conflicts with natives caused this document, in particular Pontiac's Rebellion. 3) caused distrust between colonists and Britain - led to independence movement 4) to keep colonists from expanding west and avoid conflicts 5) British colonists

"Small islands, not capable of protecting themselves, are the proper objects for kingdoms to take under their care; but there is something absurd, in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island." - Common Sense, 1776 1. What is the Historical Context of the document? 2. Who is the Intended Audience of the document?

1) relationship between the British and colonists negatively changed after the French and Indian war. More Americans were calling for independence from Britain 2) American colonists - especially those on the fence about independence from Britain

2. How did the 7 Years' War impact the French?

1) removed from north America and lost a lot of their land 2) lost military threat against Britain 3) however, when France lost, British won yet they gained an enemy

12. Complete the following table below about the First Party System. Democratic Republicans and Federalists - Foreign Policy Favored This Country - View of the National Bank (BUS) - Interpretation of the Constitution - People that supported this party were likely to be - Economy should be based on

Democratic-Republicans JEFFERSON: TRUSTED THE COMMON MAN Federalists HAMILTON: DID NOT TRUST THE COMMON MAN Foreign Policy Favored This Country France DR - France - against - strict - southern, commoners - agriculture F - England favored loose northern industry, merchants

11. What were 5 parts of Alexander Hamilton's Financial Plan? Bold the part that was the most controversial.

Bank of the US, Excise Tax, funding national debt at par, enforce tariffs, and raise revenue 1) Bank of the US - Private entity. Led to strict ( Jefferson) and loose (Hamilton) interpretation of the constitution. The people feared this bank because they were afraid it wouldn't work for the people due to the privacy 2) Excise Tax - put a tax on manufactured goods like whiskey. This targeted farmers so they rebelled, allowing the government to show their power 3) funding debt - controversial in the south bc the south had little to no debt, so they didnt want the government to pay for the norths debt

4. What was the message of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

During this period, John Locke had made statements about protecting human rights. The enlightenment was under lockes teaching of basic human rights, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If the King did not follow the rules or laws, there was a way that self governments could get them repealed. Thomas Paine's common sense used enlightenment ideas, arguing to secede from Britain and gain independence. This was ultimately an attack to the the King saying you do not need a monarch.

15. How did Republican Motherhood help define the role of women after the Revolutionary War?

Gave women the prestigious well as the special keepers of the nation's conscience. It's from the idea that a citizen should be to his country as a mother is to her child. The women educate the children, therefore they instill the moral character of the citizens.

9. Describe the following compromises that are found in the Constitution. Great compromise 3/5 compromise slave trade compromise

Great Compromise - composed of NJ and VA resolutions. The NJ plan was for small states while the VA resolutions was large states. Said congress would have two houses... the senate and the house of representatives. 3/5 compromise - the northern states was majority free while the south was majority slave. This compromise allowed for 3/5 (60%) of the slave population to count for a representative. Slave Trade Compromise - one can keep the slave but cant get more. declared that slave trading would be abolished in 1808. In the south, slave numbers were growing because of natural reproduction. The south dies due to slavery bc it tied them to capitalism

3. Identify and define three examples of salutary neglect ending after the 7 Years War.

Salutary Neglect was when the colonist had certain rights and an amount of self rule from Britain if they were loyal to the crown. When salutary neglect ended,: 1) Stamp Act - used to raise revenue for the British military after the war. This act put a tax on all paper items, such as legal documents and newspapers. 2) Sugar Act - used to raise revenue. Put a tax on foreign sugar and certain luxuries. 3) Declaratory Act - went unnoticed by many colonists at the beginning. This allowed Britain to make and apply taxes and laws on the colonies

10. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights? Why were they added to the Constitution?

The purpose of the BoR is to protect the basic rights of humans. They were added to gain the support of the anti-federalists. The anti-federalists were skeptical of the ratification of the constitution because they already had state constitutions, so they already had freedoms. The state constitutions were the framework for the constitutions

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