APUSH Unit 4

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In part, Lincoln refrained from taking action to emancipate slaves until the Civil War had been in progress for almost 2 years because

he sought to retain loyalty of the border states

Of the following, the most threatening problem for the Union from 1861-1863 was

possible British recognition of the Confederacy

Which of the following was the major goal of the Union at the start of the war?

preserving the Union

Who were the border ruffians?

pro-slavery people moving to Kansas to force the vote on slavery in their favor

The Homestead Act, passed by Congress in 1862,

provided 160 acres of free land to settlers who agreed to improve public lands

The Crittenden Compromise

re-established the Missouri Compromise line of 36-30

The primary objective of the founders of the Know-Nothing party was the

restriction of the rights of immigrants

Leading up to the Civil War, all of the following increased tensions between the North and South EXPECT

rise of the Know-Nothing party

The incident between Senator Charles Sumner and Congressman Preston Brooks in 1856 indicated that

sectional violence over the issue of slavery in the territories had spread to the floor of Congress

The Union possessed a number of advantage over the Confederacy at the start of the Civil War. Which of these was NOT a Union Advantage?

superior military leadership

The Ostend Manifesto was an attempt to

take Cuba from Spain

The main issue of James K Polk's 1844 presidential campaign was his commitment to

territorial expansion of the US

At Fort Pillow,

Over 200 black Union soldiers were executed by Confederates

Which statement about Southern society in 1860 is most accurate?

Only about one family in 4 owned slaves

Most people traveling along the Oregon Trail

(all of the above)

The Wilmont Proviso

(all of the above)

Which period was the peak of manifest destiny?


Which of the following was not a border state during the war?


Which of the following territories was most likely to be culturally diverse?


Which of the following is NOT true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It immediately voided the provisions of the Compromise of 1850

How might Commodore Matthew Perry's expedition be considered an extension of Manifest Destiny?

It opened trade routes with Japan

"Our manifest destiny is to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." Who authored this statement?

John L O'Sullivan

The direct cause of South Carolina's secession was

Lincoln's election in November 1860

The initial migration of American settlers to Texas was encouraged by the

Mexican government

During the 1840s, President James K. Polk added territory and secured American borders through separate successful diplomatic negotiations with

Mexico and Great Britain

Of the following groups, which established a theocracy in their western settlement?

Mormons in Utah

Copperheads were

Northern Democrats who favored ending the war

Which of the following best describes John C Calhoun's argument for allowing slavery in all the new territories?

Slaves were private property, and keeping slavery out of the territories was denying men their right to property

Which southern state was the first to secede from the Union following Lincoln's election and was also the center of the 1832 Nullification Crisis?

South Carolina

Place these in order: First Battle of Bull Run, Lincoln's inauguration, South Carolina's secession, Confederate firing on Fort Sumter

South Carolina's secession, Confederate firing on Fort Sumter, Lincoln's inauguration, First Battle of Bull Run

The Crime Against Kansas speech resulted in the

Sumner-Brooks affair

In the first years of the Civil War, the Confederacy counted on British support for its fight against the Union because

The British textile mills needed Southern cotton to maintain production

"54-40 or fight!" was a campaign slogan of James K Polk and meant that

The US would go to war with Britain over Oregon if necessary

In the presidential campaign of 1860, which of the following positions was asserted by the Republican Party platform with respect to slavery?

The extension of slavery to the United States territories should be prohibited by the new federal government, but slavery should be protected in states were it already existed.

Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty"

The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decided whether or not slavery will be permitted there

What treaty ended the Mexican War?

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Which two decisive battles were fought in the same week

Vicksburg and Gettysburg

After his execution, John Brown

Was mourned in the north as a martyr and abolitionist hero

In 1840 the American Antislavery Society split into factions because

William Lloyd Garrison's advocacy of womens' rights and pacifism alienated some members

What was the Young America Movement of the 1850s

a group of Democrats that wanted to expand into Cuba and Central America

Lincoln's decision to announce the Emancipation Proclamation came immediately after

a military victory in Antietam

The terms of surrender that Robert E Lee signed at Appomattox Court House in April 1865

allowed both Confederate officers and enlisted men to return home with horses and sidearms

In the 1820s, the Mexican government expected Americans who settled in Texas to

become Mexican citizens and Catholics

Which of the following Union military objectives was the last to be achieved?

capturing the Confederate capital at Richmond

The Dred Scott vs Sanford decision stated that

congress had no power to control slavery in the territories

The 14th Amendment

defined citizenship and basic rights and prevented states from abridging those rights

John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry was significant because it

demonstrated the fierceness of anti-slavery feelings

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, which was delivered in a dedication ceremony

explained the purpose of the Civil War in a brief, eloquent statement

During Reconstruction, both Carpetbaggers and Scalawags sought to

get rich at the expense of the South

The development of the North and South differed in that the South

had fewer cities

General Sherman pursued a policy of mass destruction as he moved his army through Georgia in 1864 because

he wanted to break the South's will to fight

One important result of the Mexican War was

increased tension between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Congress

All of the following led Congress to impose Radical Reconstruction measures EXCEPT the

massive exodus of former slaves from the south

The Compromise of 1850 provided for all of the following EXPECT

no slavery in the lands acquired from Mexico in 1848

According to the Wilmont Proviso,

no slavery would be permitted in the Mexican Cession

Which of the following caused the most violent reaction in the North during the Civil War?

the draft

The chief advantage of the Confederacy during the course of the Civil War was

they were defending their own soil

Why did the US make the Gadsden Purchase in 1853?

to add land for a possible transcontinental railroad

Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan

was intended to quickly bring Southern states back into the Union

The Freesoil Party

was willing to allow slavery to remain in the South but not allow it into the new territories

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