APY348 - Lab Exam 2

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Foramen of Huschke

-near tympanic plate/ mandible accomplishment of tympanic ring -hole in tympanic plate/bone -nothing goes through it -some people have is some don't

articular eminence of temporal bone

3 in picture

foramen magnum

A large opening at the base of the skull through which the brain connects to the spinal cord.

sagittal groove

Area between the trochlea (sagittal groove) and tibial plafond. Anterior tibial lip, synovial recess, and attachment of capsule of ankle joint.

squamous suture

Between parietal and temporal bones

occipital bone

Bone that protrudes at the base of the skull

Zygomaticomaxillary suture

Connects the zygomatic to the maxilla

stylomastoid foramen of temporal bone

Continuous w/ Internal Acoustic Meatus

sigmoid sulcus

Crosses the mastoid angle of the parietal, cutting a groove on the endocranial surface

ethmoidal notch of frontal bone


labyrinths of ethmoid

F in picture

sigmoid sulcus of the temporal bone

Found under the petrous part and allows the passage of the sigmoid sinus. Also known as "groove for sigmoid sinus"

foramen cecum of frontal bone

Hole by Frontal Crest

Parietal Foramen of the Parietal Bone

Holes on inner side of parietal -located close to the sagittal suture near the lambda

dorsum sellae

Name this bony landmark of the sphenoid bone.

internal auditory meatus

Passageway for nerves and vessels that supply the ear.

frontonasal suture

Suture between the nasal and frontal bones

Frontal Squama (Frontal Bone)

The flat portion of the forehead

squamous portion of temporal bone

Thin portion of temporal bone

parietal bone of skull

a bone forming the central side and upper back part of each side of the skull.

internal occipital crest

a ridge that is important in anchoring blood vessels and membranes that stabilize the position of the brain

anterior clinoid process of the sphenoid bone

above the posterior clinoid processes

occipital condyles of occipital bone

articulate with first cervical vertebra

madibular fossa of temporal bone

articulates with the mandibular condyle of the mandible to form the temporomandibular joint

sagittal suture

between parietal bones

lambdoid suture

between parietal bones and occipital bone

temporal bone

bone that forms parts of the side of the skull and floor of the cranial activity. There is a right and left temporal bone.

Superciliary arches

brow ridges

external occipital protuberance

bump on back of head

body of sphenoid bone

central section of sphenoid

arachnoid foveae

concentrated endocranially along the anterior extent of the sagittal edge of each parietal

jugular process of the occipital bone

corners of occipital bone; bulges at each end

jugular fossa

dips that are lateral jugular foramina

cruciform eminence

divides the endocranial surface of the occipital squama into four fossae

external auditory meatus

ear hole

jugular notch of the occipital bone

excavated into anterior surface of jugular surface

external occipital crest

extends downward from the external occipital protuberance

zygomatic process of temporal bone

extension from the temporal bone that forms the posterior portion of the zygomatic arch

zygomatic process of frontal bone

extension of frontal bone that articulates with zygomatic bone at lateral border of orbit

parietal notch

formed by the posterosuperior border of the temporal where the squamosal and parietomastoid sutures meet

sphenoid bone

forms part of the base of the skull and parts of the floor and sides of the orbit

ethmoid bone

forms part of the posterior portion of the nose, the orbit, and the floor of the cranium

perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone

forms superior part of nasal septum

tympanic plate of temporal bone

forms the floor and anterior wall of the external auditory meatus

groove for medulla oblongata

hollowing on the endocranial surface of the basilar part of the occipital, the clivus

sella turcica of sphenoid bone

houses the pituitary gland

inferior temporal line of parietal


frontal crest of the frontal bone

interior of frontal bone; ridge on inside

frontal bone of skull

is the superior border of the eye orbit

jugular foramen

large hole in base of the skull, located posterior to carotid canal; can only be found when the occipital is articulated with the temporal bone

Temporal lines of frontal bone

lateral surface markers

internal occipital protuberance

lies at the center of the cruciform eminence

transverse sulci

line on inferior surface

mastoid angle of parietal bone

located at asterion -located at back of squamal suture

Occipital Angle of parietal

located at lambda -located at back of sagittal suture

sphenoidal angle of parietal

located at pterion -located at front of squamous suture

Frontal angle (of parietal bone)

located at the bregma -located at the front of sagittal suture

frontal sinuses

located in the frontal bone just above the eyebrows

petrous pyramid

massive, dense bony part that dominates the endocranial aspect of the temporal

Occipital groove of temporal bone

occipital muscle attachment here

cerebellar fossae

occupy the inferior part of the endocranial surface of the occipital squama

mastoid notch of temporal bone

origin of posterior belly of digastric

Condylar Canal (of the occipital bone)

perforate the occipital at depth of the condylar fossae

supramastoid crest of temporal

posterior extension of the suprameatal crest

meningeal grooves (frontal bone)

present on both sides of the concave surface of the frontal bone

frontal eminence (frontal bone)

prominence of the forehead

cribiform plate of ethmoid bone

roof of nasal cavity

superior nuchal line

runs horizontally from external occipital protuberance

supraorbital notches

set along the medial half of the superior orbital rim

superior nasal concha

small rounded piece of bone on ethmoid that is superior to the middle nasal concha

Tuberculum sellae of sphenoid bone

small tubercle found at midline of sphenoid between the two lesser wings and along anterior margin of sella turcica

mastoid process of temporal bone

sternocleidomastoid insertion

Superior temporal line of parietal


suprameatal crest (temporal)

superior root of zygomatic process, runs horizontally

metopic suture

suture located between the right & left frontal, normally fuses together before birth

basilar suture

suture on the bottom of the skull in front of the foramen magnum

lacrimal fossae

the depression that is home to the lacrimal gland (superior and lateral portion of the border of the orbit, part of the frontal bone)

parietal eminence

the rounded peak of the external convexity of the parietal bones; determines the widest part of the cranium

lesser wings of sphenoid

the sphenoid has two "wings" that look like an insect with wings that are near the anterior cranial fossa. these are the smaller more upper wings

supraorbital margins

the superior rim of the eye sockets.

coronal suture

the suture between the parietal and frontal bones of the skull

hypoglossal canal of occipital bone

tunnels through anterior part of base of each condyle

sagittal sulcus (frontal)

vertical groove that runs down the midline of the frontal

meningeal grooves of the parietal bone

weblike groove; grooves from protective tissue

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