Architecture Exam III Print
-studied architecture in a scientific manner - compared church plans similar to how cientifts studied organisms
- Piranesi's reconstrcution of Roman Antiquity. Italian illustrator who studied the foundation of Roman building - not something that inspires but focus on engineerng. - In renaissance anquity was interesting ideas to copy but in neo-classic it was scientific study of ideas and seeing how they could be used -focus on studdy brought up during archiological ideas
-Romanticism is starting to reject the neoclassical world - a lot of british houses based on Versailles were then transformed to the Romantic and Picturesque including serpentine pathways as well as blocking areas out and keep aniimals in by buildings HAHAs as these could not be seen from the viewpoint - the Haha got its name as you gallop your horse across the landscape and you dont notice the Haha all of your friends will laugh as you fall
Romantic and the Picturesque
1738 - 1748 - one of the most important discoveries with the uncovering of Pompeii and Herculanium -there is a great emphasis on studying and documenting the architect of the uncovered sights - things such as the third style painting of Pompeii is translated to wall painting such as osterly house - at this period Greece is part of the Ottoman empire so there is not a lot of crossing into Greece and thus earlier there was mroe influence from Rome than Greece - in the 1700s we see an increased interest in Greece and Winkelmann wrote an influential boo about the paintin and sculpture of the Greeks - he beleived that Greek art and architecture was superior ot Rome - instead of talking about important people there is a focus on styles and time frames and connecting these to history. -architects went to Greece to measure the buildings and sketch the buildings
1738 - 1748
there are three revolutions: the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution
Age of Revolution
-inspiraiton of ideas and inspiraiton from femme savants -advancements in mathematics, prints, information systems (encyclopedia), and innventions (steam engine) - Diderot Encyclopdia - at this point knowledge is bound u with small gorups of people and generally not accessible so this purpose of this book was to combine knowledge in one source. Things included laying a tile floor to making furniture to canons. These is ot a lot of text as they wanted the text to be international so information was displayed as visually as possible -imporant philopshers including Rousseau who had a discource on inequality - Marc-Antoine Laugier wrote an essay on archituecture. Laugier is a philisoph interested in ideas and not an architecut but a Jesuit priest. There is only one illustration of a primitive hut and the idea of the importance of engineeting. Movement of construction ot architect/dsign - Orrey: this is a model of the solar system that moves around a central candle - In previous art.architecture the Gods or the devine were central but starting in the enlightenment the scientist and people were more the center
cast iron to wrought iron to steel is the progession with each progression being better and stronger than the last
metals used in building
- the appeal of the rustic hut is simple geometry for the purpose of sturcutre and engineering which are more important than design Primitive Hut -Laugier created the idea of the primitive hut and the idea that there should be a focus on construction and engineering looked to the natural world for guidance this was a very enlightenment-y idea
the most important principle of the rustic hut per Laugier